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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 4

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bu GafiféiF upon the Purity of our Drug8 and Chemnicals ; the gequine'. ness of ýour Medi4ble. ýW exercise great care in obtain- ing the best anmd only the*best gooda in the market. Our 1ispensing and Cern- poundiug as always accurate and correct. FINESI NORWEGIAN CODL) LVE! 50 Cents Per OIL.1 Pit ! d, E.WIL LIS, CHEMIST & DRI'GCIST, MEDICAL :: HALL, BROOK ST., - WHITBY.1 ~Ehc ~ W HI T B Y JAN. 15? 1897.1 Now v; the ime ta renea your subscrip- lion Our liaI of nea ubcribers la un- usuaily large Ibis year, and rcnewals should beilIte next thing attended te. We have te tbank a large number wbo bave elreedy re- newed. not oniy for promptuess but also for the wany compliments cantained iu their leters. We cerleiuiy have tried ta give ev-rybody more titan value for theire mont-y. Athougit we couid cheat out traders with a fer cheaper paper priuled lu the cibles from ait sorts of clippiage, ae have stuck ta lccel news, snd bave offcned cheap clubs for those wba wanb generel rrading Our rate of $1.25 for the CHILON- n d eîlber the Globe or Mail bas net betci met by any oi the cheep boiter plate papers wrth one exceptaon, sud nolocal paprr in Canada publishes baîf as mucht local new>. Short Notes. Carmida rs depiv ruteresird in the tresty n)w be-mg rabrficd bctween Great Britain andthe Ut nited States, whicb stipulales iiat arbrtration tnstead aofa-ar shallbete- s.mtt-d ta n future to decide disputes upon %hich the- government-s of the two powcrs t'1ot agrec. Otr country would sureiy bc pnrt f tbe bategrouvd shouid war ever om t iht-tactn Britain and the Americans. a t aIl the- gigantic baibbles ever foisted St:the tll)li te cpresent mining craze i, t ht-)tggt-It fraud. Over 200 rining corn- pre reregistered at Spokane, Was.b ttgton State, tast year, snd the ag-regate c.opital of tht-m ail i vrobabiy $300,0o00,, six turnes asnteh "as1tirh e goid protmuced in i ýhtUnited Sales aould amocut ta lu e v~ar Amnorita ma il] bu registered in ý iirâ4ia ti' vr-aran entirmesas taucb rrrtey aii bep ut int tht- coffers of these Corupanies as dhegold output for the year %..LI iiinuounit toslick ageýnts are going thruphevery town in th- Dominion ml ittg shart-s whrch 0e a-on'd have one be- licve a-iil prove hrs fortune. Some af tht-m cda:r their cornpanicrs are good because c.pitalist' arc et the- head ai tbem ;othert, clrn eat irtue in bhc fact Ibat their umirctoratt- iF ;,or butt bonest Not anc in teea of tht-m ou nrs a muine or anytbing cisc on rt-h iiexcei a àfake. l'bey daim ta bave ý1tions and htags, but mostly ail tbey bave t- composcd of thirrgs. The newspapers aic- toorrig this mmirhty fraud for ahirt is w,), t b for thc sake uf the enormaous amouats rit( uwncrs of tht-"mines" are amp ta pay 1 '. avcrtrsmig We hope aur ýple aili - ie anmd 'teet cdear of mintuýg stock. fît-c lto do rrot will ail regret it. The Wardenahtp \%'- îenture to express thte pc ltaIMr. K iKng. of the Whitby district, may bu s- rcted as the finît Wardeu of Ontario t oitnty under the nea order of thinga. He li, tce ahîliby, experienct, tact snd gener- a', qualities whieh fully qualify hlm fon tite place. He bas aiso served in the ceunly counicil for -six years. sud ulways took e tr-ading part in ils business. Aimoat every mrember of tht- ncw counicil bas becna sso- ciatcd altO im u ncounty business, and those wbo know Mr King best would meut delrgbit tu banor him. There eppeara ta be smre deubts as la whetber tOe Wande's terni lu future mitait ire une year or twa. lThe Municipal Worid, a'hicb la usualiy goed anlbarity on tuunici - pal affairu, gives it eut as its opinion that the terni is fan tao years ; but ae do net be- ltreve Ibis vica wili be sustained upon fuît investigation of the malter, as the Counly Cýouncils Act speciflea that the Municipal Act shahl be foliowed in att cases whene ne change bas been made, sud the Couuty Councils Act cenlaiffly mekes ne nefereuce ta thc length cf the- Wardea's terni. The absence cf auy unecessery provision ta the County Councilà Act mcrcly refera eue te the Municipal Act fon the information de- sired. Whether bbc terni be twe yeans or eue, Mr. King is a tried, ate man, «sud fnlly t-quai te al the equiremnits etflte situa. tiou. Il la nea many a ýean ince either Wbitby town or Wiitby townuhip bas been houored wiit the Wardcuship, but cvcry- tbing indicates that our turn bas agair carne round. I t r' yend ail doubt lat'e greateat succèssA 1 ur wortby English confrere could tdreamed et fliy yeans ago for its gi wcddiug of 1896. The Choral Society. The rnerberuhip ot tbc society la over eue huudncd. There is utili pieu troorn for suother httndred. Mnr Han the condaîctor, cau attain Rrester artiati suits witb the langer numtber and theç une te each Individual member teli b jhenccd. The rootu iu the Oddfel building wbene the soclcty meets every nesday cveniug eamily accommoedâtes huudned people. There ought te be ii beau and tbe surronnding country mauy people witb musical teste sud s ote tex te their utmost capeclty the vcry fertahie quartera secured b y Uicnm The coat in ridiculously loe uben tise efitu te bu derlved from a scason 91 Ytweuty reheermals lu consldere. Tisei -bermhip (ce is only Si, sud wbcre am"r oeefrom a femiiy joins but fty cents- S ditional anembers. The course of ln -tien lu the rudiments of music, alih t ng, etc., ablcb ues ben £« Wedne meeting sud uili bôOilned for ti hall bePr (rom 7.30 tol each eveitlg,' epportuaslty the, value cf wlcb tabegi of t be properly appreciate&. Seron1 * fmagulficcut pesulbîliies teeediàet le amongut thc new membera this -teec-. -y beautiful situation on . te sitire 0 10 great iuland sem a q OpeC4tailo, j ignauticitestes of tise 'oumuaoty * Sdellcatciy rccognized In thse'; re diolé e of itw p-00=dce tsoSx.rqa"' J.ong of tbe se-th tud,-o4y$wu4tio- by gain .Wdcgaitno iit l oleebi la ibis couatywou 1 tq~I pondiîg decreaile ln the rate cf thse mi "?e Otaro goverrneait bas ln a la mense acknowledged snd aasu ed Its sum of il4$4 t y D0 bishmetit cf - nme or IeMOTr,1 vlded the eounty attend four urnes smi This ia very libersi, sud i. made more ai lte loçal governineligV further offer te pleutent by i23 p« eeèItany sanitler aoc than 116,ooo wblch a county anight sec fi spend in this way. Au the muiner mtatdcipallbles have te up the counity's buis lu the end ne fur attmck need be made on thetu than la pro ed for by law. Our suggestion Is that the incemlng et ty council of Ibis county do prepare a ni oriai te tbe Dominion goverriment shoî what its responsibilities are in the mei and asking tbat ih ubeli eut s liberai sur the maintenance of the pour. The Dor ion draws $7,000,000 fremn a traffic wl %erves ne other purpese except ta n Luaupers aud criminels. The goverrir keeps h1 criminels, and sbould ai Ieast1 te mainin ispaupers. Ouir cpuiy couricil migbt aise forwva cepy yoftheir memorial te t ach other cot councif, wîth the requeut that it bu big and forwarded te tbe Secretary of State the Dominion. We believe that la would bu pet fectly sonab e to takre thias &ep, and that if thei ter were (ully agitated thioughout tbe c( try the Dominion goverument would aoci induced te (ather ils responsibillty an me 1er. Witby Town Locale. The tawn council meete next Mouday Mr. W. W. Tamblyn spent lait week v ing bis mother at Newcastle, sud cailinâ lrieuds et Bowmeuville. Hou. Jno. Dryden will hold meetings wiU discuma the work of the prescrit legi ture ut Port Perrv on Friday evening, J î5th, and et Wbitby on Friday eveni Jan. 22u1d. One of the leading ptblic men of the cc ty wrltes tbe CHRONICLE: -1 enclose $ for CHRONIcLE eand Witnesu fon* i Wbiiut doing se let me give yen s ueri encouragement te go right on lu denounc evii in every (erm. 1, sas weli as in others think the CHRONICLE the best li pamper published in tbis section of tbe1 vinceI The foloewing are the officers elec Wbitby division Sons of Tempermnce for ensuing quarter :-W P. Bro G Mowat A, Sis G Hallet; R S, Bro G Bewech,j S, Bro H Bewell; F S, Bro T E Hougbi treas, Bro W H Bewcli; cbep. Bro R Jc %tan; Con, Bro A Wilson ; A C, Sis Montgomery;, I S, Sis M Mowat ; Bmo Bewel; Supt V P W, Bro J Halct; P, Bro F*S Emmena. M r. Aràt'but Eltis, [r., New York. bas si ciently recavered (rom bis injuries lu D York ta returu home. He feul witb a a fold 5o (cet bigb breakang both arma a the wrists, but la alreedv able te feed b self. H is bip was bedly jammcd, sud it at first feered that be would bu permnanel ime, but he ailmoon be as right as a1 âltbaugh he will net returu te New Ye until spring. st Johns Church. Rev. Prof. Du Vernet, B.D.,uill effic in this churcb on Sunday next, Jan. i The hoiy communion ahi be admanistc after merniug service. Port Perry Races Thç annuel race meeting on lte li Lake Scugog, et Port Perry, will take pý an Tuesday and Weduesday, Jau. ntb 281h. We have net seen the prog-ran yet, but presume it will be as good as us Two days of fast naciug may be looked Applylng for a Scrutiny. Mes*rs James Gordon of Pickering, Gerow, Broughtam, sud M Gleeson, Gnc wood, wei:e here ycsterday sud made plicatian tu His Houer Judge Datueli scrutiny of the vote on local option.' clairned titat net ail whe have munie votes eau vote on a by-law efthis kind, that many uuquaiified votera did sosm their ballots. Titere anc other mat which wili be brougitt up for consièlera, %-e-litIjut e-6 articl -s U-ianded 't- i5tuttfi n -t' - -, tock-akin 1 garalS For Inov Idyffu g re-end of t ê Ibe noney ~, t~~~LoUly ta, con- s accommode- pro. tics but ôi~ ftsii familles, nch. whlcb doe *0 ait te.Iut vestige of o by hope of anithe quarter of a mil- mup- If-lit, k . haod The whole >unét eooeeft li 41a1w sed to runa atrain it te From Liuda1,:h4 ffly ougb azle grenue tzed te qalia -'un > of tbemail and express foot subuidies. '-W ?éilev* tbON a malter in ther wbich ibis tW*W~gtb d bave smrerights, vld and, besidest Wee ae tes such an ar- rangement as0Is!opned would be of any »un- service toipeeplq We rnight better have a nern- stage coacb wiblcb wouid go as far as Black- wing waer and retura lu a dey, tban put up with ater, sucb rallway *ecommodation as tbis ides m to suggests. W. hoàpe our town council may min- look lnto thse matterit Once. It seerna to us hich that we could agpee ote cancellation of nake the other traie bu tIsia road. It as not aud rent neyer bas been any great accommodation to help the people heme. but one couid go anywhere nortb as far as Peterboro or Midiand and rd a return the smre day by McMlian's train ,unty whé.ta aitm cancellation would ïnvolve a gned three day trip to do business at any point for north, as ene would arrive there too late to find sny business man that night, and would rea have to leave too, eurly if returning next muat- tnorning. The very sali passenger traffiic ýoun- cn ail our rallwey Unes la one effect or the Pn be outrageousiy higb rates charged. People ibis simply cannot pay sucb rates, and have to elther drive, write, telephone or teiegraph. Every telegrapb sud telephone line in the country as a success because they charge low rates. The railway Unes are starvlng out on hlgh (ares which people cannot and will flot psy. g on KINsAL. and Wrn Newton's cider miii is et present ia frozen up. Jan.' Mr. Albert Jackson and sister visited the lmg, Lewis famnily on Sabbath. J W Stevenson aud E W Wice atteaided the hay market in Toronto this week. oun Mr. Orvis la steedily djspeaing of bis a; 6,o generat stock preparstory to bis removal to 897. Aigomna. d! of Tommy Richardson and Mr Rodd are stili cng broing their rounds and sttending Toronto any inerkets.. ýocal Mr. aud Mrm. Joseph Herbron have re- Pro turned from the United States aud are com- Iortabiy setuled li their borne. :1 cf Alfred Salton and Wm Newton visited the Toronto market on Tuesday witb a ioad of ;W pork etc. They report a fairiy gond mrrket A R accompanied with a cooling trip but excel- on; lent roads. obn- M Rev McDoneii officiated here on Sabbatb, H good attendauce was present.Techi P W did excellent service. Sauce their member- ibap bave been augmented good mnusac bas ýuf-been lu store for tlie congregation. New In the stead of the old time public scaî- prayer service in the bail Sunday evenings near cottage prayer meetings bave been initiated, him- the firat taking place lest Sunday evening et was Mr Wagoner's. A very encouraging meeting .ntiy is reported. Next Sabbatb eveutng aIl inter- top, ested in churcb work are lnvited to Mr. ork Orvis' tu attend the prayer meeting tbere. Several irom here attended Mr. Delongs sale of cattie. Arnong the purchaset s (romn caehere were Mr. Msckay, E W Wice, C J :ite Stevenson, the latter buyîng a yolk of steers 7tbd '-lsing four yeers old and seîd to be unsur- er assable for ugliness, but as these cattle came (rom the far est they may, stfter re- ceiving a finie cure, bave a presentable ýe of 4 ppearauce ucît spring. XMuny of thetu be- lace long to, tbe (amous Holstein persuasion and and are net generally admired for their appear- urne ance. fuai. Annuel îeacbers meeting in conuccilon fo.with the Sabbatb scbooi took place bere one JM eveuing lest week. Re-appointmeut of JM teachers and officers was the firut ordef or Cen- business Most ail the teachers were re 1IP- appeiuted witb some additional changes. A for a statemient of the finances of the achool was it i given by tbe aecretary. C J Stevenson. More suda funds being necessary to defray current ex- workr pense-, of the uchool it wes decided to give a Itere tea and entertairiment early next moutb. ito Furtber particulars may bu looked for as DON'T miss an issue for '97. No fermer or breeder ia= aflord to-doî alahougt Il. Ouir baggdmorbet- sud- vaingeleXmas umber wlUsai Suwn FOR SAMXELS, Cccv. WM. WED lot WELIITD LO300N, ONT. ý0"P'l te s caa. ctiti Offic andResidepýe NOsth go ,d -of The TURE2AQ5 YO Offie Hou",s 1êq.m.u to 3 p..., -ad.'8 toq1O P.M Aller NeteYvrB,'idsdlodgjngfor tise. Rocïwusî lot oultibl feIr autits. Quiet houte. Apply at Ibisoffice. - WhltIy. IIAI&k.& Yrmd Thj(46. - À-: MrBarl Al. 'Note the Following Low Prices: Children's Heavy 'Ail Woo . Hose, 15 cents per pair. Ladies8' 6 o "l 20 cents per pair. Gente' f d d 15 cents per pair. Children's Underwear at 15 cents and 20 cents eaeh. Ladies' ii0M cents and 25 cents each. Gents' id 25c, 30c, 35c, 45o each. Beet Quality Wide Width Flannelette, only 7 cents per yard. Ail Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5c. and 7c. per yard. Good Heavy Faetory Cotton, 84-in. wide, only 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Bleached Cotton, 36-in. wide, only 9c, and 10c. per yard. Gooâ HeavyTweed Pants, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Cbildren's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents each. Men's Plush Caps, all sizes, 25e. and 35c. eaeh. Men's Unlaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 ets. each. Men's Cambrie Shirts, to clear, 50 cents eaeh. Chenille Table Spreads, good size,'only 75 ets. each. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 18 ets. each. Floor Oil-cloth, good quality, choice patterns, 25c. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies' ',Mantles and Gents' Ulsters. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our )Tailoring Depart ment is under the management of a first-olass cutter, and good Suit, and fit guaranteed, 18 $10 and upwards. and we will convince you are prices are right. ANDREW Fancy China, A Large Stock of-%W Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Always Reliab le. G roce ries. AT GIBSON'S. WHY NOTTH BE? The Farmer's Advocate is 10w, and lias 'been for som'e time, the favorite and most practical agrioultu.rai journal in the province. "-Gencoe Tratsscript. A FEW 0F THE JANUARY It CONTENTS: Agricuitural and Expérimental Union Annuel Report. Ontario Fruit Growery' Annuel Con- vention Report. Outario Beekeepers' Annual Conven- tion Report. The Fermera' lnsect Peseinu 189. The Poor Man's Ice House. Wînterlng Sheep. How to Obtain Greatest Egg Yieid. Points li Dairy Practice. Packing and Marketing Butter. M4ilk Fat and'Cbeese Yield. Cow Culture (Breeds Contrasted> A Prosperous Country. Butter that Scored zoo pet cent. Cure of Poasa, Round Silos Questons Asked aud Answered. The Tuberculosis Test Pigeansd Pirîo Produce. House P1uuýs. Feedisg WorMilk. Meacptboo e - asa4t ticW in twkb MOi=9= COKES EVZRY 2 WEEKB -IN A- ««GOLD TINT " COVERR. our prices fora Give us a oa1Il m. ROs s. 1u SE[ 510 BELIEVE Cali Oinui WM. TILL snd be conviuced tbat au Elegant uine af FURNI TURE -ANDJ-- UPHOLSTERED 00008 lu being seld et aaay dean prices te keep in toach aida tthe HARD TIMIES. Antique Oak Lestiser Seat Cebler Rocker . - $2 25 Antique Oak Plusb Rocker - - 3 00 Geats large upbolstered BeasChsair 4 50 Parler Sets, Oak, Plasis & Tapestry 18 oe Sideboards, Plate Mimeor . 6COo Bcdroomn Setts, 3 pieces - - - w100 Dinsng Table, 4 leavea - - 5 00 Citildren's Rockers - - 50 Ahl other gootis pro- portionsliy cheap! Everytbing sunitabie, useful snd emusmental. -Repairlug, Upheister- lng sud Underlaing. WM. Ti LL9 WHITBY. Miss8 Bqatrioe R Docker, A. T. C.M. --GRÂDUATE 0F- TORZONTO CONSBRVATOUY 0F MUSIC. Pupil of Mr. Edward Pisheir. Tceebew Safw.- For terni, etc-, apply at residence, Whitby, Aug. 27, '99. CouSrY BUILDiNGs. Qoron .ldumImmD, L R. ÏC P. EDINRURGH, ThImaks Iil erb for ti m-ordii and Pa s . 1I1 I be rFlaxed of Watclm.' tante, th, r-eslmaa tinuancei of the patni Iy bestom-i-] Prospero OmfçwalCounty or"e ticm of &Dy local FRIDAY, JA LOCAL Listecu!! Don't b sec Jake Mclntyre. Mm. W 0 Jehnstoni Mich., ou Saturday la Mms. Mathiais, Tor< ber parents, Mr. andi Mm. Thos. Cooledg here visitiug bas mathý Miss Hermnenia Kin Friday eveuizrg last club's hall. O'Brien's & Sledha lery ai be open el and Saturday. The town baud on Friday nigbt and la eturu Mn. Pringle gave them a fine spre time was dcvoted te Commcncing on 1 wcatitcr clcrk hung o bas bucu flue and ci te go the clerk oe suow every day, but Who Wants a Magazan lTe Cosmopolitan y: illustrated magazineýs was soid for &,3 per an an arrangement by ai tbc CHRONICLE for s POU=ic ourt. On Wednesday uig peered befome Police enswem s charge et cu uon's face witb a kuif sault occasianiug uctu case was postpened u dys, uight. lu thert lodgeà a complainta a Albert Jackson for as Officers I1O O F. The following ahfi lodge, NO. 72, 10.0] by D. D. G. M. But eus, assisted by Gre Port Hope, aud Gray acil, of Wbitby. P Noble; V G, A Smni S, D R Vickers; trest G, jas Hal.iett; R S' G, J Kemp; R S S, 'Huggard'- Warden, Farewell-; I G, S C Pringie. Aftcm thet ail sut dean te, a sut The Tannery DieulB The tennery drain greut concemu te i atopped up butwcen dence sud the ski thing happened tue titis season and the il and clcaucd. Iu ai thing ai have te bu ire engine usas used force it byea fiushing did net saccccd, the 'boodiug of Mr. Kin -mtorning a force cf -digging np ise big IL wking et il altew fut~ al et bai n c olierbsuling ibla dr asie suggest te cur ofeeither hsving la~ or cieesabeitr ýW. feer tIsaithse n becs dienogsi 'r, prisent troublevo PimiLegeoke be laas btes mauu u~taebeig a bt~ -lhr. e boysb SUnSCRIBE NOW, Only $1 per year. Pyiln Ù~o cocé' 1 1 aie thlug thet cculd reamouably, and peitiiaps 1 be- ainreasonebly, be dont by the antis ýwam whicb executed te the letter, but alilto ne avait. bave The ceuse cf rigbt, the ceuse of temperence, ulden the ceuse cf save our riais g generation at euat ln Pickering townshlp from the cae ofthe old meeting system, bas been stamped Snow eut for a et m becyears.Our people ty and conequcuti le em .wlped oui. We congrâtu oucr townslup for thc un- pleas. diudnchîg a91weti eurd rcord bur ieuap- beceu- ýean~e wbave, nad". Plckmlug lew's 'townsbip e u à; mtu eW&Yayud do bot ln- We-tend lo in açvxsvretreet but vii stand by tbree iheir colorae vtng spdacitve -exampie tb in bis outolde muu pileàiio estil I ealise ibi ,that wcntofetlevlls dWMIiat'eapec., ability tien of c oar sobemr'a"ndustloàgts tow com. ýsblp asdudsk othm erstofoli)o« ou odiv w ccalti. n IL luuem- ofte p tho OOx'- ,WANTED ameuc A Cookor Ketchen ,.Gl vated ~su-Arumrn Uouse. Apply 10 KR& , - 2day', WQ0DEVFS i5aÉtu Wbit4y, Jeu 3tb, 1897., ïýt el

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