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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 5

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1* 'I Thanke bis many custom- ers for their appreciative wordB and practical support during the year that is past. In 1897 no effort-V11 be relaied to make bis stock of Watchea and Jewelry thoroughly attractive. The1 taste, the quality and the price shall menit a con- tinuance and an extension of the patronage so liberal- ]y bestowed heretofore. May 1897 prove a Pros3ptoiuS omo8aW Couaty Orgaa.-Las-g.sS Ciroula- Irâo n acm 1localpaperlan cana"a FRLDAY, JAN. 15, 1897. L100ÂL LÂOQ)NIOB. Listen 1 '1l)on't buy a stove untîl you set Jake Mcintyre. Mi. W 0 jobnston returned 10 Muakegon, Mich., on Saiurday last. Mrs. Mathas, Toronto, is home viaiting her parents, Mi. and Mis Wmn. Phillipo. Mi. Thos. Cooledge from Manitoba, la here visîting bis mother, Mis J Cooledge. Mis -ermnenia King vas in Toronto un 1Iriday evtning lasi aitendîng the athletic club's bail. O'Bren's & Stedham's Wbitb y photo gaI- I-tv will be open every Tuesday, Friday aind Sïturday. The toan band visited Reeve Pringle nîu Friday ntgbt and gave hîn a serenade. n return Mr Pt ingle asked tht boys in and gase thern a finie spie d, after which some lime was devoted to meiriment. Coramencing on Tuesday mormng the weather clerk hung oui a cold wave, whîcb h". been fine and citai. Tht probs. tried to go tht clerk ont better by predictiug ,now every day, but wthout succes 60 far. Who Ws.utî a Magazine? Tht Cosmopo)liran is ont of tht hast of tht ilutaed magazines, and unil a vear ago vass oid for $3 Per annumn We bave made an arrangement! by whîcb ve can scli t and tht CHRONICLE for $1 So. police Court. ( n Wednesday nigbt Mr G E Gros sp. peared before Police Maguisrate Harpet to aniswti a charge of cutting Mi Alhert jack-. son's face with s knife The charge is as- situit occasioning actual bodii1- harm. Tht case w-as postponed untîl 7 o'clochi this, Fri- dira, nigbî. In thtenîtanhime Mi (rc>çbas lo>dged a complaint against both T. G and Albert Jackson for astiauli. officeru 1 0 O F. The fôlloving officers of Eastern Star lodge, NO. 72, 1.0.1) F., wtre éduiy enstailed by D). D G. M. Butler and ifbicers, o! Osih- awa, asslsted by Grand Master White, o! Port Hope, and GrandC Warden J E Fart- wtll, o! Whitby. P G, P Taylo-r,; N G, j Noble ; V G, A Smith ; R S, W Robson ; P S, D R Vickers; treas.. W Wicks; chap.,- C Taylor- surgeon. C F McGiliivray; organ- tat,' 1) Wilson - R S N G, 8 MadilI L S N G, jas H-allett . R S V G, WX Aslîbv- L S V G, J Kemp; R S S, T Rice; L S S, R L, Huggaid Warden, W Hewis ; Con, J E Farewell; 1 G, S Csmpbell ; O G, James Pringle. After the business of the evening al sat down to s sumptuous repast. The Tannary Drain Biocked. The tannery drain is again tht subiect o! gîtât conceru to the civic officiais 1It la stopped up hetveen Mi. Chas. King's reai- dence and the skating rink. The saine îhiug happened tvo or îhree years ago at this season and the tule bad t0 be dug o-it and cleaned. In ail probability tbc saline th i ng wi11 ba ve 10 ha doue aitain nov. The fire englue vas used ou Friday to try sud force it by a flushing procesa. but the plan dlid nul succeed, the ouly resui being tbe fiooding o! Mi. King'a collai. On Mouday morning a force of men vas set lu vork dmgitg up the big 11e. and ihey have been s4tking ait it al voek. The tIc vwas found tc4de <ull o! bair and lime. The expertse o! overhsuling ibis drain annually le an, great as to suggest ta our tovu fathera the vuadoni of cither haviug larger sud better cesspools or else s betier systern of cleaning tbemn. We fear that the present cesspools have Dot heen veil enoug l ooked after, or ese the preseut trouble vould mot have existed. PkicotLeaue Hockey Match. The firsi gun of ihe Mldlaud Hockey Les- gue vas fired bore on Monday nigbt. when the Bovmsanvlille aggregation came bere for a gaine. Ir the play lu tise league vinda up in as bot a manner as ht stairted, there vI he a vînter'a fun along the Kingaton Road sucli as nover vas heard of before, There vas ouly one regretable incident lu the gamte, belng a bit of a scrap vhlcb Oriltuated because the boys bave CoM yet got their tetu- pers eufficiently under cntrol for sn1Cb1 bot vori. Two o! the. contestants collded, sud very thoughtlessy Jald do"u tbelm stlk I Lu igbt about the tunisie. MU*1Y otiiers Irau U pou the Icç tg sapai-aIe tii. hot beada. aud the trouble vas stopped t otites»d play re* suamed as if nothing h6d e~-r appeued, tbe lvii priseiles sbawklganda everift., The Bowuaanvll0e stregatlojela trong one, anmd foi thbe.-ira% bao! lb g*ýaine held tIt Wbitby club dnma tlgbt, but alter mosa lthe. -visitai (.11hbltad, ottl"hei.as ptbs- bet a defence gaine before tiihe -Wv - ----,-..t fil Mrs. Dsney wdl visit Thornbury for the wnter.' M1r.RV(>4!.àfiI re severe le c' ~lqfr M Ile, Port Perry, vasintw Saturday. He has settled down as a per- manent resideut of Port Pery ôo tf nllifroi"tL ,came here 0'ontu sk~<lasm~wU grip fu of scentsanad siailonery. He got aloug wel euough utllfrlday mornlug, wheu Chief Constable Calrverley tqçk him in charge for. peddling witbonît ioenie. The chap waa. well dressed, and appeared to be telling thé truth wben he sald he did not know lie was tiolating the law, so0 the chiet let him go wtth a warning. The New Baill It ia announced that Mr. B. P. Campbell, Brookljn is to be the next bailiff for the Whitby division court. He certainly pos. sesses every requisite qualification for the place, and no mnan coul d bave been named wbo would carry as xnuch goodwill into the position. We congratulate Mr Camnpbell, and heartily endorse bis appointment- Ps.rmers' Institute Meetings. The South Ontario Farmiers' Institute will hold afternoon and evening meetings as follows: Oshawa, Jan. 27th; Whitby, Jan. 28th Colunmbus, Jan. 29th Myrtie, Jan. 3oth; Greenbank, Feb. iti Epsom, Feb 2nd Claremont, Feb. 3rd; Whitevale, Feb 4th. The delegation will be Messrs. Wm Rennie, faim superijutendent of the 0. A. C.. Guelph ; W. J. Palmer, of Toronto: and T. C. Wheatly, of Blackwell. It is to be hoped the meetings will ha Iargely attended. The Collage Fortifications. Two ordnance guns of several toua weight andi 24 pound calibre are being mouicd ai Ontario LadIe-s' College this week. With thîce cannon pointiug death ai thein un- welcome visitors will steer shy of the college. In these days of pence it is a grand sigbî to see the cannon of former warlike periods used for ornamental purposes aud as relics of barbarîsm.-r ha enterprise of the college iu secutîng cvervthing wbich tends to archi- tectural and lanidacape attraction deservos hîgh commendation. Daughter of England Princess May lodge elected the following officersi for 1897. Past president, Sister Mary Cooledge ; preaident, Sis Leda Stan- lick ; vice presldent, Sis E Heard ; secretary, Sis C F Smithb; treasurer, Sis A Warkup ; chaplin, Sis M Cresswell; managing coin- mittee-Sisteis A Cooledge, M A Cresswell. A Smith, M BealI ; inside guard, Sis H- Slater ; outer guard, Sis D Cresswell ; trus- tees-Sisters M Robson and M Draper ; audtors-Bro Rowlaiqd, Sis A Kelly, Bro J Hallett. This lodge ia making great pro- gress, having initiaîcd 8 duriug the test quarter sud bave six propositions on hand. Disligurlngt theFacts. The Gazette axercises considerable in. genuity in trying to make it appear that tht CHRONICLE got the worst of it in the East- wood libel suit. It tried to give oui the im- press ion ai the tirai of the trial that we were to be worsted, and n0w it does ita best to bide thie tact that the CH RONICLES case was susasined ai every point, even bo securing a big judgment for cosis. The resuit of ibis trial la thpt instead of oui baving to psy Dr W. F. Eastwood damagos for libel, he bas îo psy us a big bill o! coats. We coudoIe witb the Gazette and saine others of oui confire; who wroîc such articles as they thougtit s-ould prejudice us badly ai the trial. and wbo pis yed continus lly and fervently tbat we might gel ao-iked by Eastwood. In ail probabtlîîy Dr. E4stwood brought the action to secure a testimonial from the court as to bis proies. louaI character, and we do flot grudgc hiu the predicamnent ha finds hîmselilin. Tht CHRONI<CL.E sought by every meansro avoid the ight, but could fnd no aenue of e!icape, the courts beîng so constructed that ihere ta no way o! stop- ping such cases. The saine statement of facts th<îî won the cise before the Chief jus- tice vas presented by our counsel belore 1h'- master ai Tuiotito- in making an application for securlty for cosîs. The master relused to protect us in a matter wheîe the chief justace decides that there vas no case ai ail. This gives one an idea of te inconsisterucies of law and practice, and shows boy ont wbo dots flot desire a suit ail may be placed in the crucîble o! in- justice sud kepi there for almosi any lengtb of time wîîhoui succesafal recourse. Con- silerirîg ail ihese thinga one mnight bave looked for the svmpathy and support uf every flevapai in the cuuniy ; but those vhose boller pflate circulatio ist curiailed by the widespread poptilarity opihe CuaRONICLE arising from i is oulspoken charopionship of right no miatter ai what rosi. vould sufler .iny curtilnent of the power of the pres provided tht CH RoNICLE were to ha the firi suflerer, The New Town Coundil A report (il Mondays meeting yull be found elsewbcre. The counicil for 1897 did flot set oui in s blaze of glory, bickering, serfisbness, insui and bad teruper being rampait froin ibe start. Mi. Pringle, as reeve, bas flov reached the point long lioped for where hýs star vould be lu the ascendant. He i5 lu full control, and of course bis firai business is t0 so fix things tbat bis cout.rol will be secure, sud uext tc trimn those vho opposed bis election. Tneie vas love betveen hii s nd Mi Jackson ltaM yeai, and theybunted in couples peddliug off the commitlee chairmaushîpa to sudh meinhars as would join ihem in a secret division o! thinga beforehand. This year tbev are on the outs, sud Mi. Pringle vas so mucb more expert r-t the iinging in of mecm bers that ha even ropecd in Mesars Smith and Blow froin Mr. Jacksou's owu yard. Mi. J ackaou says acyeu meuibera of thboe rcouacil shook hands witbhlm on a pledge that ibey would casi ballots to naine hum es one of fivo to strike the standing commit- tees, but he only got fire votes, sud of course the reeve and bis littie ring sougbt tî tsirip hlm of everytbiug vorth baving. 1-tii position as chaiman o! fic sund vater varà veîy relu ctantlY offered Mi. Scott, for Mr. Scott would mot joiMi. Pringle's clique, «hbut the latter party couid nol take twO ichaimmausblps each. Mi. Jackon's pÃ"M1 Silon ou the streets sud finance coniumitte" 1 r.McGillivray wrote Messrs. Dackson & john. a ston in a friendly way asking thein lu favoi eus witb saine suggestions as to wbat moit r» tbey wauted. The auswer to this was à t-wîiî for Sro,ooo damages. We thon publisb. >f eCi a furiber article withdrawiug that a » Marcb 24tb, and the plaiuîiff's solicitori in wrote Kesars. Dow & McGillivray stsths1 m that they weî e now satisid and would witlî r. draw the case if the CmaoNicLu would pal e, ail costs incurred. Oui soliciiors refused tc ,pay «ay cosus, and further warned diu i- plaintigrffs .sûlitors that we would res s payment of ail couts iucurred lu future 1- Froin this point thse case becaine a tegal bal ka tle' between the lawyers.- Dr. East'iro ki pshed the ease as bard as rosible. and i ef was agreed to dispense wltgSa jurat tii e-assises snd lesve thse whole matter ta ti r. decision of1 Chief JubIle, Amour. île bu la nov -award da«u ftbe tsqp thoti ù Cime the i w »lt as ssad,'say &ÃŽ& *in( » the costaof the rornaindot of thic ncl is probably 40,to ho ' id t>y Dtý. *O"Wo<l The cblewJsti loeol:th twhoiD. u Dt wood becarne satisfeds with tise -Caoit of iCals',witbdrtwal o(thé ptic = Wn lea of h. shoitldhave nmoved 1li- -ham 14a o vind -up Uic tait, Ddbavi pcbiW$>'ade4ti i bina; u o cr-bebalfl(4ra Gvi #- me. in"la A Ut ta - Fàwinaimi IÉ" Wki~f V~V.' J&J J~n- ~ntaC t 1.,111rynU al-- 2-;'-. z m âl.e-~~ ,1 il' botes. The speetators as well as the local teain missed Birrelilu Monday's gaine The lgi at Monday nlght's gaine was much bte than at the Victoria game. Skaters will have the rlnk on Monday night instead of Tuevday night of next week. ,Cobôuîrg pigys bere on konday, s5th mat., lnstead of the a2nd owing to the -on. john Dryden's meeting lu town on the latter date. Whitby izoes to Port Hope to.ulgbt, Fr1- day, Members of the club wishing to ne- company the team may procure ticketsai club rates. There was very little team work in Mou- day's gaine. Combination bas to be got down finer if victory la to continue-on the tiide of the local teami. The second seven of Bowmanviile wil play the juniors bere on Tuesday evening the a9th inat, when a rattling fine gaine may be looked for. The juniors have neyer been beate-n, sud give good promise of sus- taining their reputation. The youngsters should be given a good bouse The Oshawa-Cobourg gaine did not come off on Mouday as scbeduled, as there is a hitch bel ween the iink management and the club. Until the difficulty is overcome ail scheduled matches with Oshawa wiIl be cancelled on going to press we hear that the dîfficult% has been amicably qrranged, and so far as possible the old achedule will t>e carried out. Pickering Division Court, This court was held in the town hall, Brougham, on Tuesday. The docket was a prettv heavy one. Barristers present were Nir. Montgomery, of Mulock & Co., Toronto, J. McCullouizh. of Stouflville, J. R. Fitch, or McDonald & Fitch, Stoufiville, F. Denton, of Denton & Duds, Toronto, and T. A. Mc- Gillivray, of Dow & McGiilivray. Whitby H-onors among thein were fairly well Zi. vided. Robson vs Found-Judgt. for pIff.; Matbewr, vs Hood-Adjourned until March court; Green vs Philp and E. Gleeson- Garnishee judgment for the plaintifl; Harîy and Van Norman vs Philp and E Gletson- Garnishee judgi. for p1IS.; McColl Bros. & Co. va Philp and E. Gleeson-Garnisbee judgt. for pi5l.; Mathews vs Gibson-Adjd. timl Marcb court; Wilson vs Hamilton and N. L. Stevt'nson-Garnishee judgt for piE. -; Dolphine vs Cooper-Settled out of court; Stevenson vs Madill-Settled out of court; several judgment debtors were examined. About Dnnning. We do o like duning oui subscribers for small amounts, and s good many people ob- ject to being duntied ; but oui experience bas been that when times are bard people Jet their newspapers run along unpaid for. They say to thernselves that it is ouly a dol- lai or two, and they will let it stand for a mont h or so, quite forgetting that the pub- lisher's business'is ail made up of very sinaîl amo.unts. Other publishers say their cx- perience is similar to ours in ibis respect. So many subscribers are delinquent that every publisher is becomiug more or lessi disgusted with the business, and newspaper cullecting agericies wbich collect with costs are thriving in every city. People who will înot pay the publisher, no matter what efforts he may make to collect, will hasten to psy the hardened collector with costs added. We notice that almost eveîy newspaperin the country is threaiening the use of law in collecting its accounts, and we intend this year to have oui money or know the reason why. Let everybody bear thlese things in mmid, and Piot have us dunning and threat- ening ail yent. Chairama McCleilan's Dinner. Mi. Chairman McClellan of the board of education, at the conclusion of the year's fbusiness on Wednesday eveuing, inviied the .inembers of the board, the staff of the col- cleglate, the principals of the public s hools iand tbe editoîs 10 bis rosidence, wbere a giand apread awaited îbem. About twentv- rfi ve st ai the ta bles, a nd cnjoyed a splend id cbill of fare, at the conclusion of whicb Mr. LSe-cretary Ormiston made a speech suitable to the occasion, paying Mi. and Mis. Mc- Clellan sa. bigh compliment as entertainers, and wishing theni on bebsif of ail preseul àlong life and full enjoyment. At the conclu- .sion be proposed the bealth, bappineassuad epiosperity of Mi. and Mrs. McClellan and ,ftheir excellent familv. Ail bauds joined en- w Td-DAY~ Reliable goode at positive 3argainér have been the attractive Meatures of this'annuel event, and the succeas which we have attained in the'past is directly due teour VERY LOW PRICE S. This great sale will present the best bargain chances of the ent.ire season. We itemize below only a few special bargains as samples : 100 Liadies' Cloth Jackets, blach8ansd colora, wiilb. closed out' (for your choice) at the, absurd price of $2.00. ou AIl oui MILLINERY wiilbe cleared IL at coisudd nuder. See our $3.00 Hate for $1.75.! Bee our $2.00 Hats for $1.0. AU our Ladies' UNDEBCLOTHJNG the. very best goodeata very loweet prices. Seour Ladies' Vestas at 25o., worth 50c. Dreas Goode, Remuants in Dreas Goods, Flannels, Prints, Sateens, Linons, etc., al 10 be cleared out ai very close prices We have the best and cheapesi Dieu Goode in town. If you vaut a nice PLAID BLOUSEI or DRESS b. sure Lu see ours. §ee ouil Plaideaiat 25c and 50a. Fancy Blouse Silks ai 25c, 50ocand 65c. E. STE WART, BARGAI N DAY* 1' No, in the time to get a SUIT or au OVERCOAT made to order. Ourw prices aud styles are right. Be sure te> cail sud see our goode. No one eau beat oui prices.0 Gents TIES, SOCKS, SHIRTS, UNS- DEROLOTHING, oe, £1 rigit prices. Ail gooda mark.ed -at'Lowest CASE PBIGE8. WITEYr. SALE 0-F R MN A N TS ArT FR1 Saturday, Jan, I6th, e. We will offer Remnants from our different departnieî urday, Jan. 16, only, at one Haif Regular P REMNANTS COTTONS, LINENS, DRESS GOODS, LACES, SILKSI FLANNELS, TOWELLINGS, SUITS,1 JACKETS, MÂNTLE CLOTHSII SHÂWLS, FRILLINGS, BRAIDS, SHIEETINGS, DRESS TRIMMINOS, ETC. TIES, 'MUFFS, GAUNTLETS, LACE CI ODD ULSTERS, OVERCOATS, TABLE COVERS, DRESS LEINGTHS 0 FUR COLLÂRS, DURTAINS, ETC. 1* Don't fait to attend this Bar gain Day Sale. Corn e early. wi G. WALTERS.é The PruldenltfHolsowf will serve her New' Y.ar's oallorwfth & cap of ou.r Special Blond Miction 8/ AvCruON ! ,[ fvaluibie Under sud b : rte o!tue contalned lu a certain registi vbieb vIlibhopioducedatý sud upon wbicb defauti'ps. made, tuer. viii b. o9fiec auction aI the Royal botel,, Wbltbu, ina. the «coty cf Oe d&Y - te twleift dY -o! J!an tvciv; e àlck, eoon, the. -fo la"dansd picualses, l:- acre1cfletuni1her 1 ity twenty acres efot nunihr lu i.asni nemsic farm piopmry. Spower eofsaie med; mcirtgae, hi tine see- al Pare Java and 'Mocha Coffee, ana thus obtaiu the maximum ult tte minimum oost. Fr81 ground u>1iIe you wait. Ç -PE'R B~ M 'i e a .~ ~ . )h ol<te r- It F ia k 1ug. 1.- T. C. M. F music. id Fisher. V il INiS. 'oucher. th End of 1 St. ;P. ni., witb office. lotlging for 1notice. t by. nie in Oc- ,, cao bimve od paylng -,> )t4 CU , i CoMMErfr«YEJs~ c7r :, 1 ti, , : 0 - jp:au.

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