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Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 6

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--I I - -i C ATARRIl Mdra. Dobelli, of London, Ont., cured for 25 Cente ]octors Cour)d Help, but Couldn't Cur- Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure Relcased the Prisoner, and To-day Shc 15 as Weil as Ever-She Says it Is a Great Remedy -Ves. 1 arn Mrs. Dobl, saîd a comeiY, pleasanitace't wonian ai ber home on HorIon %ireri iiio a Nt.%% s reportier to-dav. -and 1 wili vrrv gladi il sllNou %a aivon %%ant lu know. About tire vrar-, ago n% hustîaLnd was very Mi. andl 1 haitl re,1îîeflv oca'.ion tb nse in the rîîghi and go toir'à i ator or Io the druggist. In nuy hîrrv I >ft(nn ngrt todIo' properly il, the and wf 0< îîîi i&rs exral heavy colds Afi ,ihi'rncil ai lasi ltoi.c ctarTh.. I trir'ld dorons luh(Iii rl me, but did not cure nie. and (rîcra1 s}ý-çial çat.rh nicdiçinms I was rrlirved but flot cured. 1 was suffering iil'riîv ahen Nr. Shuif recnmri)tnde-d me to qtv CHASES CATARRH CURE, and ii began at Uzn, i io hrip andi n abo-ut tino nîoniths liai eni iiiI v cerr-d me. I carinot .;'îak 00hîghly ofIu, , srîiiark.îl le mtrrlîî ne, and lchecrfully Y, iii nrr)i I i i. al] sitrrers fiîin co.ttarrh." "b tc iiie nAucls r c.p u sufierers Town Council. Tlii- t l I \unc i fI ý7Illci.t'tth ciiuni il cibrîîr for îirgaîîiz/liiif on Nlonîlav ait i i a ni. Thei ti riar t ,k thlic iha i ranidTownr lishbdail al sui'.i bl ti tbeci !tLira- ti so! offu ec andibîi' liation. i s worsli i thc-riailîresed thb court(niil. liec saiii lie hb prîl ithfat evvîrol îîîeîilicr of Ciuil i îîîll o- l is,,bcs ctlortstii thbe t ransiî-ti - i l i _I met v. iii b the uiiinv il bas lîccn elcted t( i .rnv out. lie truste1 thit iv feel- i ig wb îî bad been eîig-endiîlîlwou hj Il, laid aside now, andtiht i)ii membei a lailow pc rs mnal ftcl i g to inter- lire withb thb ~e r ii sy fi.rge o!f i i dutitîe-. Ibis w.iu!il liean iipu-xrtdni 'i car,,andîl ie hii1îîd !ir .a unîteil elori to serve t lic town, ii'1i() i ntcd ou, tlîat a new chairmnan -n si reets wviuli be ne essary. anti hepeilfl'wouiltib( selecteti wbu would I1' able 'o> give th( necessary anîourîî oh rue ii) the wiirk .Onlmotion uofli.\ irig.le a corni mittee o!f i , îîhîitelfor it -trike the standîingii i iiitC" resiilt rig in tFt'c lomwig uA iin >nl Noble.BcIlciîl.il The reeve read the n-pi n of th speciai ctinimmttee tb ;trikutle stand i ng ei)Iii littce-S as fîmlois. Financ e anîd Assessîievnt Ipringlt ciot. Robson. PBewell, Sîl ilh, '-trcets antid îiiocmci n t Noble. Luke. Vire attl Water- lackson, liavwýirml ko bsoîî. rngie. Scoîtt. Ti an a i ad MIarket I>iAry Ho tr îsboi, lewlI. ringie, it counicîl met to-day, andl tbat we a nowx onivl ratîlvi ng tbe selections o! tI reeve wbo bas been running arounti f a week making bargains as to t] (bai r man sbi Ps. The reeve passeti some insinuatii --remarks abotut Deputy Scotts calliý as stage-driver, anti remarked sarci tîcaliy that this engrossing occupati, kept the tieputys mmnd SO OCcupi that be was unabie te, take up ardue duties n connection with the toi council. He f Pringle> hati sougbt consuit Deputy Scott as to what coui at woulti be best for the latter to pi %ne, but had founti bim bard to mc toeiliscliarge bis tiuty. Deputy Scot.t asketi what right t reeve hadtiet lecture him about' duty He (Scott) bati been hound ail last week to join Pingies ni anti ail sorts o! offers hati been nixati he woulti go in with the clique to cg trof the counicil. Ibis reportN notbing but the work o! a ring. committees having been struck bel, the council met. Mt. Pingle had first c*le to this council as the ponient o! rings, but had already shc himself the most accomplisbed ring that had ever heid a seat in coun Because he (Scott) refused to join clique which is in control here to>- he is shut out. Cqin. Robson biack-listed for th;e samne reason. hopeti the council ,wQuld iupMt whole îbing. Reevê 'ringle said it woufii be 1 ter to allow the reper of ýte cômm tee to pass. Hic hao conriidered whéle mat.ter ca~rtu11y and %had selg ed the best men for the different ch~ inanships. Côunt. Robson said theh~?> Pringle was apparent In, theeu out of the ýo1 tiu fcbnMIèlttû )4t. Pningle' wantê4 chpitfor CQmmittces Who ould Ubitt dictation, gnd with the exception of Mr. Smith had flot given a chairman- shîp to any experienced member of the council. The cbairrnen for ibis ycar are ail boys or novices in councit work. There is no quarrel between him and Coun. Smith as to who wili be chair- mari on Streets. The mnatter is purely one for the council to dispose of as it pleases. Coun. Smith agreed with Coun. Robson that personally there is no rivalry between them. ht is a pity Mr. I)evereil withdrew from the counicil. andi feels sure he wili not be able to dcvote anvthîn g like as much time to the streets, nor wiii he be abie to turn out hIs, horse and wagon whenever wvaned, as MIr. Devereli dîd. If the cotincil sees fit to name him as chair- man he wIil do bis best to discharge lus duties fuily and fairiv. The motion to substitute Coun. Rotlçson>% narne for that of Coun. Smith was defeateti. yeas-Scott, nays -i>rlnglc. I3iox, Luke and Bewell. The others did flot vote. The-n the clause was passed with Coun.Smb as chairman oin streets. i.'iter ()n Deputy Seott stated that lie haîl declineti the cbairmanship of the fire andi water committee. lie (eit that tho reeve had oniy offcreti it to hitm for the sake of aking i. awav fromn GLun. lakson, on whom the reeve de- sî re(i to vert bis spjite. Reeve Pringie repiied that he hati cîýnsîicrcîl the matter-vers' carefully andi bail oped to sce Mr Scott take a (lmniitice, but coulti fot induce hîîn tu (1o so. Wben the clause came Up appoint- ing ('iun. Robson chairman of railways andi manîîfacturers. that gentleman kîcked. lie saiti the reeve bad ap- pointed inexperienceti men wbere tbere was any service to be perforrned, but bad reserved for him this tseless function. He ,Robson) %&ould not take the place. He moved that Deputy Scott's name be substîtuteti for Coiîn. Jackson said there was no use n standing out against the report. lie helieveti the committee migbt be use- fui If it were in the hantis of a chair- mani who wouid do something. For t wo vears past Mr. Pringie had been -chairman. but bad never as much as caiied the committee together-at least r he had neyer reported anything to -counicil. MIr. Pringle bati boasted his intention to consuit B. B. Osier anti others about this town's rights in iaii- wav matters, but nothing came of it ai Coun.- Jackson. wound up by urging Coun. Robson to allow the clause to go. eTbe reeve said that bis reason for never -eporting on raiway matters was t bat the ferry scheme loometi Up just as lie was go ing to make a move, -anc - le thouglit that if that scheme went tbrougb the town miglit secure some sîîecîal Advantages from the Grand Trunk Raiway in seulement of coui dlaims. Tbis opportunity hati not icome round, and he had not thouglit it 1- Wise to act. Coun. Robson's motion was with- edrawn anti the whoie report adopted. %IR. F.iRVWFLL RE-APPOINTED. Coun. Beweii introduced and carnied tbrough a by-iaw re-appointing Mr. J. F. Farewell as trustee of the Whitby *coilegiate institute. Cotin. Beweii next introtiuced and carrîed tbrougb a bylaw apitn o~ .I WbV labor in vain ? Wby do yon tl 1.s to dye cotton or mixed goo4s with oom ýsi-mon yesthat the makers prepe.red f 1eail wool good ? re Weil, yori are not altogether te blame be the dealer who sold yen the dye, an4 for who told yon it was good for e'îther cottoi he or wool, je the une wbo is direofîly n @ponsible foz your los and tailure. H ng sold yen worthles dyes becaupe the- ng gave bimn a large return of profit. t-If you bad bonght the Diamaond Dye on matie specially for Cotton and Mixf% ed Goods yonr work would have been we :us and truly done. These special cotte, «n colore of the I)iamnond Dyee are tà to la est discoveries of the best obemnists ýrse the world, and are far suponior te ea our- other dyee for the eoloring of cotte C)egos Fait Diamond Dye for Cottortaia the quitE faot to light, and if yon use te his yotir carpete and rugi wîll bc ae brigl ddafter years of wemr aestthe mont expenetl edcarpete yen ean bny. For dpeinu Gotti ,ng, or Mixed Gobo, a»k for Faut Diâmoi ýe f Dyes for Cotton; take no oabers. E.MuIsi,20 Km nvaIuabIe,.If YMu aM ?ie1t I5 a food as WOU a Tihe D. & L. Emulsion ,WI ohidyn upif Yome suei lI I< SThe D. &La. Vnulsio The D'a L., Ernut#Iii -. T-h, . ~ElW Big ads. are needed to boom bad medicines. 'Man Iey's CeleryNerve Compound hàis merit alone to conmend it. Dean Sire: 1 caset pralsNan- ley'a Celer-Nerve Cempons tot bishly, and I thlnk tu tonte an4 reatontive qualities cassot be sur- psaael. I vas feeling pooxty for some tisse throngh overvork and before 1 had taken one bottie of your med.cLae, I feit ccmpletely better. Touna trui, 247 Tonge St.. Toi-onto. I. Mczabb. For Sale by J. E. WILLIS, WHIITBY. Words of Farm Wisdom. Mîstakes on the farm rnay be attri- buteti to carelessness, sbîiftiessness. want of system, working without me- tii)oo caiculation, keeping no account of business maters or transactions, do- ing business on the credit plan, want o! propcr care of faim machiner-y or tie tiomestic animais anti not doing the nîgbt thing at the proper time. are prinie factors o! ii-success on the farnui. Lack o! observation or attention to lit- tic dJetails foiiows in the wake o! bas(e. To iiiustrate: A boit ti1ghteneti or put in place, a rail or bar laid up, a doon or gate cioseti properiy rnay sas'e entiless tri ubie or perhaps tise ife o! mo ne animai. (.ooti intentions wiii not atone for iack o! systemn. Systematic habits once formeti become tise rule o! action anti make it casier te do the right tbing at the rîght time.-Farm anti Home. WilOarr the Scars to Her Grave. Spent Thousande fer Health, but did not Obtain tise Greate8t of aIl Biessings- Until She used tise Great South Arienr ican Rhnrumatic Cure. Suffitned In. taneely for 12 years. Mi'. F Brawiey o! Tottenham, Ont., states : -1 suffered almoBt contînually fer 12 years with nbeumatism, thse effecîs o! whîch 1 wiil carry to my grave, anti while thse joints at my eibowe and wristè are yet etiff I am entirely freet f rom pain in tise use o! Scutis American Rheumatic Cure. Lt ha& indeed' pnoved a wonderfu cure in my case. 1 have epent thousanda o! dollars in doctors bille and medicînai without avail. Five botties o! this won- der-worker has cured ail pain. 1 arr better in' health generally than 1 hRe been for ton years. " Sold by J E WiI- lis. ITHESE BRISK LITTLE PILLS AAE t £AeLy WM14*tea AI.*vS M»»O ALL cAscs or CONSTIpATON, 88Crt HE-ADACHE, 8Bsuous ATTACItS %No DyspepSIA. SOLO EEUywHeng Av 25C. A Box. OODIOS MEDICINE COMPANY, Worth its Weight in Gold. le the Testioeony of Frank S Emerickc Alvinston, Ont-Baya South America Kidney Cure Saved hie life-It RE lieves in Six Houri. "For two years 1 vau greatly trouble, vith kidney disease. 1 suffered ir tense pain, and frequently was unab: te work. I doctored mii intervals, hu got littie -or ne, relief. 1 began to gro, worse, and te pains vere frequent pe intense. About this Line I saw Bout Amenican Kidney Cure adverised as speedy relief for a&l kidney troubles. purchased a houlte, und it gave me wol derful relief in a few houri. I improve stadily, and afe takîng four hottles ama compl.etely cured. I conaider worth its weightin gel&, for it asare<I saved mylile.P Sý qld by J ZWili. 4efl cri Eîgbteen Pets lrpNg te 4istOued-Had the Béat Docror-Hle Fouad visai R. Wmnisd in Dodd's lKi"" W ila Ooder4is, J»s.-1<8peci4>.A, e of grat intetesi bers jsist »Wov tit cf Mn, »s-nder J. sbsrksv, visefer -m c 'bubou -- tem ner freaxi l4uoeaii ~ 4p Rheuaatlsm Mmd acuing tise ebof grot was irylng evsry mes"s t e e kt in.U esionos 1i.tfaitit £bd pg!ioeoî? 1-gttvdat liai f 1 -Ifouad Ibo-tise k vmv of t" isekdesdm reeeislrned d , tobom s o hoo -pustbed.l cm an~Ind md ou t CaeMisa movi Mr Townley, cf Button West, la te guest of Mn À bbey at present. Mn Jas Benham has heen appointed caretaker of the scheol for tii year. Meuars W J and Frank Gibbs of Brock, vers in town on Tueaday. Meurns Arch Campbell, M McGowan and Duncan MeBae, of Woodsrîlie, and H Wilson, of Canuington. wens bers on Monday last. Our local hockey team vent over to Sutton oni New Years day and did up thse Sutton boys by two goals. Mr Jas Miller, who has been spendiniz thse Xmss holidaye witb relatives in Pickering township, neturneti home on Mondaiy. Mn and Mm-a H Francis, of Brock, spent New Yenas' day in town, the guests îof Mn andi Mr@ à Shien. Mn John Camernî, of Ema8dale, je in towîî at present. Miss Roacb, o! Toronto, was in town last week vîsitîng ber mor.ber, M H Roacli. Musgrà H Thompgin and A WV Talbot, of Toronto, are spending aé few days in this neigliborbooti buyimîg up fat cattie. Q uite an intenesting event occurreti in town on .Jan 6, when) Misq Frances King andi Mn Sam Maill were united mn the holv bonds of matniînorîy. The bride ant i room are weii andt favorabiy known in this locaiity 1-low nn îcisbusinescari A mari do who'e system is in a istate of di,oid ýr? Heaufache 111 'îDly a smrpinn. It in Dut A il-sae. Tht pain in the head is the pigII otfrbeliion. There have beau mistuikes in diet arid other abuses, Dr. Piarce's Pleasaut Petitt are a gent'e. effective rennvator and invigorator of siimacb. laver and bowels. 1 bey assis!t nature Witht-U' terestenîng to tea- the body piace meal. Thaie are no gi-iping paiue, no nausea. One in e laxative. A bnýok rif 1008 pages, prof neeiv illustraieà, wriiien hy Dr. R V. Pieo'ce. calied "The l'en. ple's Ciîmmn n as.Medicai Ad viselr." will be s ent frefree tor 31 (me-cent stansete covri cnet of mailing only. Wnrid'u Dispengary Medical Asslociation, No. 663, Main Street Buff alo. N Y. BREAD AND BAKINGU The StaW fiorLife and the Igen * ~Who Make ite HOT WORK AND LONC HOURS. Practical baicers are so exposcd tb extrernes of tcxnperature that it ms net surprîsîng that they often suifer from kudncy and other trou- bles. In many cases thein work at nîght con- fines them in a heated atmosphcre for heurs, from whîch they sally forth through the cold night air te thein weli-earnied rest. Mr. George Robents, baker for Mms Ranahan, 257 Dundas street, gives us the following facts: ' I have suffened se misch for the past fourteen years with kidney dîsease that it guves me plcasure te tell of my changcd condition for Uic better. I hall fearfi.l pain an t'be back an~d rghi aide; the urine was red in colon with a reddish sticky sediment, wth brick dnst deposit. At times sevene pain in the negion o! the bladder. causing me great suffering and discomfort- Appetute vcny poor, and mucb troubleef with slcepiessncss at ni ght. I feltttined and worn out aillUie lime, Work became a drudgery;- it was an effort to do any- thing. I was low spirntcd and discouraged. l-taring o! Doan's Pil i went te Mr. W. T. Strengs drug store, London, Ont., and got one box. Frens Uie finst dose I cons menccd te improve, and now my back anc side are ail night; the urine is natural in' coton; Uic- edient bam disappeareti; I bave no pain ad M- )le at a- Ie *EAVEaO%. NOT A QUARTER But just2m cents. md 45 doses la a «Ma of jr àgnew% Liver Pilla. No pain, ne bad aftei' effeces, plessuro in oveny dose-little, but awfully good.. Cure sick bieadacite, constipation, bil- loueneis, naus al alowneue. Titey are purely VeRetahle. ~ big demand and ail druggists soell tbla. More granules in si". Sold by J. B. Wils. Agiaton in tise vend cf homamathie modi- aines, han bees Its vey seul cf prerest. ai in pollfioe mmd rellgion--iho dîfioulti of opion, »md tise lndividmiality cf îmem.baiva bou met i tae dWsmemousbruwiotice tms4d of tissasbodeshaveie o uloyatoOL So vflh moe ontQuifasesprepsrxtteIli-sfsI@t. in i1fiiutdftl pof visîichtmuth stands tse Wctl4- 'ýffnonaimsdl tI g iGiaO x# juliri . F&ILBWELL, Q- C., Barrieter Oounty Crrc*n Attorney, sa County Aoliitor. Office- South Wing of Court Bouse, Whitby. JADMES IUTLEDUGE, Barrister, etc. Office formnerl occupied by Farewell & Ratiedge, next Boyal Hote, Brock St.. Whitby. DAVID OKIMISTON, B. A., Attorney-ai-Law, Solicitor in' ChanoerY, tJonveyancer, etc. Office - In thse Office South of the Post Office, in' McUiIIMt's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG 83MITH. LL. B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issiier of Manriage Licenîtea. Office - Srnit<h'D Block, South et Market, B .ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc(ILLIVItAY, Rarrieteri. Solicitors in Chaincery, etc. Office in Mathuson & liawken'a new block Bnock St., W hitby, South of Ontario ban.k. Drs. Warren & Moore. J. 3. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Office houri 9. a. ms. office boune il a.nî LA On.m. te Il &.M. " PZU ;g Privaie TeleP hone Ceinmu'Cn"ca" . P. BO(ART, w .LDS Phya.icafl, Suirgeon nd Accoucher, etc. office and Regidence next te Att Saint's Cbhircli, Dundu. Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgeri &Ixal its branches promitly attended te. Dr. H. Wightmaii DENTIS T. »ver Graoss & Qranger'L Whitby- 9:ýýe Open every Satnrday nigitt. W. B. Y ARNOLD, D. L. S.. iJounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Fort Ferry, Ont. WU. CALVERLET, BÂL'qga U AKEI%, vEITS?. Having moved into our new premiaes, ve are prepared te extend thc range of business. &Hl work pertaxuing to thse harnessmakisg and saddlery business will be done te msatin- faction. Coltare a specil.ty. Cail and ose rny shop and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second dean veet af aid ahop. Dundas Street, Whiiby W. A DAMS, C3ýNDENTIST. Roome over John Fenguson's ciathtng store Resideuice-No. i, The Terrace, Byronl St Whitby. Jan. 29th, 1&)6. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- ManufacttuVrr' Life & Accident Inaurance Go., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Li! e Ineurance Co. on tise continent. Ninety par cent. o aIl accnmIaLiOns of surplus ie retmed te the plicy oldies. All ciais are paid vthet delaY or discount on proof of deatit or matnnity af endovmeiit J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 98. Agent, Whltby. E98tablishOd 1856. 01 parsanu5m in adiasco, otherwlse Il %0 Subooiptions idavys payabe i thIc offie publicationi. Tii.publaheri do net undentake. te deliver the papen ai amy pont offie but Wbitby. Anmpaum whieb f ails to reaob ie destinaion vii b repIaoed spcn notigeation se abmatmr el ecnntsey. Adv.ntisiiII rates unicea by 1tract, 10 cents par lins, nompaniel, firiti. metion, sd 5 ôcents per liso eh b»b quent InsertpinL00089,10 oints pu lino §0"ÂiI changes for yeanliy abentseucflti muet be broisght isnet iater -th= 5Tumuda morning. JOHN STÂNT-ON, Pream. GBAKDTBUI¶E AR IKIDLANqD %Manis SoemeW5WA No$apns5Dignyl. No LislttRpié , s*.........9est in No. . 7.Lol xetSudy.. : X- 4 II o~ sW 9HBp. u Iae1, - ê9Pm tin. Oitng f The uîv'uou jgoumw- 0OOTJT OF OBTÂBIO i18e. ,wmi-D. C. lEsedOflelIWhitbY Cierk Jan 8 lFeb. 8; ]&&Th&;ïpil 2; ka Le. june 2: Jtily 7 sep. 2; Oct. 2; ]Nuy. 8; Dec. 2. 055.AWA-D). C. Miaedonell, Whitby, Clerk ; Jan. 4; Feis. 4; Mareb 4 ; A pWiJ 3;-bday 4 ; jnne 3; July S Sep. 8; Ocet. 8 ; N ov. 4 ; Dec. 8. BaotlEAx - M. Gleeson, Greenwood, Clerk.-JAU 6; Warglhb; May 5; Juty 9;Y sep. 4; Nov. 6. W un&,Pr PORT PZKRU - J. iiiî.iPn Pe"ry, Cierk-Jan. 29; Marnt 9; May 15 jnIy 20; S3ep. 23; Nov. 18. 'U"IarweEJoephE. Gouid, Uxbridge. Clerk-Jan- 80; Marcis 24; Msy 19t±m; July 14; O)ct 14 ; Dec. 16. CAXi 14 GOX-GeogeSm'ith, Cannington, jan. 81; Marc.h 2b; M"y 20; July 1.5; ()et. 15; Dec. 17. BzAvzltTO:M-Geo. F. Bruce, Deavertoli, Clerk.Mi.Ich 26; May 21;- JuIy 16; Ocet. 16i; Dec, 18. UpZsaeoVE-Thos. P. Hart, Ulptergrnve, Cierk,-March 27; May 22; ly 17 j (ct. 17 Dcc 19. - Cierk of the Pesc. 1Otober 7th 1895. New Livery and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men tib.rally dlealt with Teang dons ut neasonable Pi-ices. Freight and Baggagse hauied at ras-son- s-be prices. À cag ci@iiotcd. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For tise next ibm.. montha I amn givirg p e c i a t a t t e n t i o n e a t i e i t s f r e i n a i - tance. Am siii»making plte in' rnbbr, $8, cellulid 810. GolfId nduIýIèverfillixg work crowling by firet-casa opemrs eat tie met reasonabe rates in' the city. Wbsn in tise city cmilinix'and let me exams- in eeh. I mnake ne extra change. 0 . rIGte Dentisi, sonili eai corner King and Yonge ts., Toronto. Nov. th. 1892. Wu He WARNER. COAL, LATRe LUMBER5 SHINGLE9s9 OORDWOOD, BLABB, EZTC. AGENT For the PEOPLE'S CO&L CO., TORONTO. Office and Yaird just East of Uptown Station. Whithy, Oct. 25th, 1804. A8K YOUR STATIONER -FOR- gPÂRTICÂ,. TÂKE NO OTHEN Anguat 3"st 1899. CHAS., $CO Tt AUCTrioNEER; WHMI c"ON. luii unGemiM . bog tanocé bati e basw e* u Ot àa lsoeM-',for conel*ea 'Wbgt: by.1. , 94 > iJNO NOBî7 Dr. H. F . , Resuits As MEN 0F SCI AVER A MEDICI WIlTHOUT AN Stateinent of a Well N "Ayens Sarsaparilla 1l; 1 a ablood-purifier and Sprý, cannot have pra îse ncuonl.. it.s etlet- l ein onie ras~ 4r-atrnent Was of ne ava. r..stonIihed at the, resuits rnetlcine that I have es-r tried thens al.l iseothoror; and effecta se,0m.any penn. .Ayfýn's SarsapariUa.'-D)r A&uguxta, Me. Ayeî- -The S O0y S à mltted at the W, .&er's PUIs for livei HAIPTOI We vould conuzratulaLp npon having reached ît.s publhcation, W. would apologize Bo soeof thse municipal1 ed away, we canti 8e a and vs viii endeavor tî'j fnture. Thomas Baker, Eîq.4 eil candidate, and Mn. municipal candidate veri No. 4. ed at Mr. Frank Pari-e ri Meurs. J. H. Eliiott a retunned te Toronto Moni Tise Sons of Englant pnrpose givîng s grand some ime in tise near fiai Mn. Wm. Allun iad a weok. Inflammation va iLs death. Mr. Ed. Howard, Bran New Year at the parson also a week nnder the POL .Mn. John Hern, Piake parente bers recently. Mri W. Joues, Bovn friende here Sunday. Mies Rogers. Ennieki visiting friends bers for a cf tse ratepayors of&he te -.notvithetandlng that tb. 1DePistiSlily discounge( allows tilepriviledgfe to ratepayer, no maLien ho, snay bé. Thte unit funtit elaim is for the raturn intereel for money bel corporation i llegaliy speén anti' haie dunlnag î8M5. It is nothing ni rs con LE domo questin upon vit aseleeied mayor Iaty Baàinue by an overwhel As -a resit cf thiusMi "on Idboisf the ~t Bres. Ill prewsente a eda e JlumhNWV agaiflit the . .*wiag wu U O f thse on.-Thçy h ré ie M!ko e. o i - - mme- - ]By ordo 1 EALEB IN 9-e-im dlà%mwba 1

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