Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jan 1897, p. 7

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1 N thhoeulves againat the town for the use; durmng many yem soff the water in exoosa ->fagreemnent. They have already served the. foUowing notice on the. town: Té tb. Mayor and Connoil of the. tow4 off Ubridge: Tae. n6tioe that we bereby forbid the ovWation of the Town of Uibridge or anybreon r pein for them or on tbeÉ&iibsIf from hoeaiter using aby ,wat,ôoeming from our pond fto tibe souLAi of Brook streo) for ony porpose whato evsr, e:eeps a. provîded for in tih* &«me menturnade between George Wh.ler and th» !aid .prtio0* A-2, t~ bait. nid corporation béa& » Pot nd apeeeot. Ma m Mea" mathst ve .i= * b.i d @@oi'*or ii aiy Ili N tN'. J, CI(,rh NR. 4, ITt ResuIts Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. Sarsa- AY[3R'Sparl A MEDICINE WITIIOUT AN EQUAL. Statement of a Wel Known Doctor "Àyer's Sarsaparila 14 wthout an equal a-q a blood-purl fier and Sprtng medlcie, and cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effecta Iln chronlo cases, where other 4reatment was of no avait, and have beetx ra. wnslhed at the resuIts. No other blood medicine that 1 have ever used, and I have tried thern aIt, le so thorough ln ttcs etlon, and effects s0 tflftfl permanent cures a38 Aye-rs SarsapariflaY"-Dr. H. F. MERRIULL, Augusta, Me. Ayr's "'aSaîsaparilla Â&mtted at the World'a Pair. .4ue r'a PlUl, for 1 iver and boweïs. We would coneratulate the CHRONICLE npon bavîng reacbed its fortieth year of publication, We would apologize for our negzliRene the lasi. two weeks. But now that the smoke of the municipal battie bas clear. ed away, we can see a brigbt horizon, and we wtll endeavor to do bott.er ia tbe fntnre. Thomas Baker, E@q., the county conn- eil candidate, and Mr. 1 L. Brown, the municipal candidate were the favorites et No. 4. Mr. and Mtrs Meril, Janetvîlle, Visit- ed atiUr. Frank Parr'@ recently. Messrs. J. H. Elliott and C. E, Brown returned to Toronto Monday week. The Soneo o England in this village purpoge Riving a grand entertainment some time in the near future. Mr. Wm. Aluin had a fat cow die last week. Inflammation was the cause o! ite deatb. Mr. Ed. Howard, Brampton, snent the New Yeisr at the parsona-ýe. Fred was eàlso a weok undor the parental roof. Mr. John Horn, Pickering, visited bit; parents hore recently. Mr W. Joues, Bowtnanville, viaited friends hers Sanday. Miss Rogers, Enniskillen, bas been vieiting fnonds bore for~ a few days. The township couneil took the declara. tion of office on Monday and organized for work. Mr. Herbert Short, Micb., bas been viiting friende home. Mr. A. Penninzton bas buiît a new stable and drive shed for bis tetiant, Mr. John BSmith. At the annual scbool meeting Mr. Cephug Johns waa elected trustee. Mr. T. J. Çlarke's termn baving expired. Mm. R. Burns&and son and Mr. Joseph WVard had a livoly time bunting foies Saturday. "rved wltb a wrlt. Thomas Calloway, or probably F. N. Raines in the name of Thomas Galloway, bas issuod a writ again Gould Broe. for 12.O00. This action ie a conrination of amuwauut --MW ba e uw s.ruuy. General or thie Miutdr offJustice, but we 1.11 to ses auy roson why they should b. p.rmitted te lnvolve this Lown- in Wiigation against ita wi11 with Borne off its oldest, bot% and biggest ratepayers. 5.bbe. W. Baboock, who lives wlt bhis littie boy in one@cf1Ea Jones' Lnamenta, re. ports a burglary. A few nigbts ago smre person entered hie place and went tbrongb bis clotbes. stoaling a reoeipt and twenty cents. The thief is roqueeted to return th. recipt. -Journal. LINDSAY DIed et Bieod Peisoning Mr. Isaac Henry Watson, of Reabomo , a widely known and rnuch respectt-d citi zen, dîed at bis residence at Reabomo on Saturday, Jmn. 2. Mr. Watson @pont the Christmas bolidaye witb friende in Mid land, roturning bomne on Monday pro vions. On hie rotnmn ho found one of his cowm tbad juet died, and be at once pro ceeded te ekin the animal so as te securo the hide. W bile thue engaged ho chanced to touch bis face witb one of bis bande, where hbo bad eligbtly eut himelf while shaving at Midland a day or two pro vione and goL a little of the blood fmom the cow inte the cut. Blood poisoning set in at once, and ho died ini tbmee or four days. While at the fanerai Sunday itome parties noticed a cat eating the bide of this 00w and iL wae enddenly eeized witb violerit isxkneee, but bas since recovored, thus proving it a case for for investigation by ex porta. Mr Watson wae one of the mont rospected mon in the neigbbombood, a mnember of the church o! England, a staunch oonsorvative, being chairman cf tho conservativo association, a prominent orangeman and forester. The funeral waa a verv large one, ovor a mile and a balf long -Warder. AProvidential Rescue. rrom a Lité Burdeaed With Pýain and Langour, BevAre Hsadacbes and Pains in the Region cf the Kidneye Made the Life of Mra. MeCeuce Miserable- Dr. Williams' Pink Mlle Cured After Other Medicinea Failed. ill Druggists Gciieral and Dealers. SUNDERLAN D. Our town is very free from the begin- ning of the year. Our town can afford a chimney swoop, but the sweep can't afford a song. Miss Barker a! Toronto was tb. guost cf the Misses Switzem during the hu days. Mr Chas Barker wau in town on Satur- day. Ho retnmned home witb bis daugh tom on the same day. Moesurs Chas Bott, Thoe Evans, T H Glondinning. N MePhaden and othema weme at Boaverton attending th. Roform convention on Wedneaday week. Mr Charles Pluminer, o! Orillia, wbo ws theguest o! bis brotber.in law, Mr J Robinson during the. Christmas and New Yeam helidays have returned home. Thore was a foroign soldior in town on Friday luet, dressed in bine. He aaid ho would feel thank!ul if the good people of Sunderland would o-nly widen tb. side- walka. Mr Woods from tbh. 7th con, of Geor- gins was in town lust we.k the guest of his son-in law, Mm W Bennettt, and wbilo on the streot a few days ago was taken witb a stroke of patalysis opposite the Brook Hous.. Messrs W Robinson and R K Bryant picked bim up and took him into Lb. Brock House, and sent for his aon-in-law who took him home. IL is reported that Mr Woods will net recever fmom tho shock. The entertaiument given by St Mary'e cburch in Lb. Lown bail on the ovening cf New Year's Day proved a grand suc- ceas. Miss Elda IcI., of Toronto, wa8 enthuaiastically eceiv.d. 8h. po8ssses. a splendid voice and a cbarmirig stage appeamanco. H em sing; ng o! Lb. Strecato Polka sbowed ability cf a vemy bigb order. Bler natural sw.etness o! voice is v.my apparent in Lb. pm.Lty Irish aong Bamney O Hay. W. tmuât net forget the newly organized orchestra, wbich at this concert playod excellently. Altogethm,,Lhe com- mitteo proved a musical treat, seldotu equalled outaide o! car largo cil ies. Brook had an oloction ail round, ex- cept for second d.puiy-meevo, with tbr.e candidates for tb. eevesbîp and four for councilors. The following is Lb. esut: 0.0OUNTY COUNCILORS. (District of Brock and C anningtou.) Cannington No 1i......... 149 î 0 Cannington No 2......... 102 90 Pinedaie.................. 41 125 Sunderland ............... 57 111 Vroonaanton .............. 23 88 Derryville ................ 122 52 Ellis' Sohool .............. 59 63 Wilfrid.................... 28 46 Ruddy'a Schcol............ 8 29 Manilla ................... 17 120 Total.................. 606 744 FOR REEVE or BaeCK. a Pin dae ................ 2 2 Pinedanoe................212 21 Derryville ................ 46 86 Ellis' School ............ 28 19 Wilfrid ................... 12 25 Ruddy's Schcol .......... 10 il Manille ................... 21 29 Total........26-210 Vrooman'a majerity ovçr Brethour, TIRSDEPUTY -EEEV Cb% 14 49 172' 190~ 76 8 951 94 10 726 c 48 52 80 44 23 45 20 357 132. From the Gravenhurst Banner. Poor boaith is an affliction that droaded by every one, and tbe firat *jî of approacbing disease in usualit' m4 with an attempt on the part o! th patient te çhock and killiti. FreqnentlI however, oven the mont ekilled physiciar fait. qnd tb. sufferer ondures a woar round of agony sncb as tho8e wbo ae in the ful onjoymoent of healtb can h al no conception cf. But when at laut medicine in !ound that will cure utn wort cannot boe etimatpd in dollars and cent It in witbout price.. Sncb je Lbe opinio cf Mm. and Mre. Hug.b MeCance,4 A'ihdown, Ont. Mr. MoCanco telle th etory o! hi. wifees ilînees and curei folIo ws: '-For tbmeo or four years pei my wife had been constantly failingi bealth. The firit symptems of bh trouble weme langour and loasacf appetit4 accompaniod by beariniz down pains ai headaches, wbicb affect.ed her poiodii aîîy. As ime Izrew on sho cas attacke witb pains in tbe rogzion cf ber kidno3 tbat became alm3st nnboarable owingt their severity. Home rernedios ai different medirines wero tried, but wit no izood rt-suIte. Lust winter se. rei 80 weak and helplese that I cas oblige to stlek rnedical aid for ber, and aceorc inely sent ber ou& te Barrie, wbero sh receive<l the hpst rmedical attention, th resît of whicb cas only ligbhtly benefi ial. On ber return, owing no doubtt the ediounasofo!thb. ourney, oe.suf ered from a relapse and ber trouble cam back in a forai more aggravated than bi fome. 1 noticed in a paper whioh 1 ws reatdinR one day a testimonial !rom on wbo had beon cumed of a Fimilar troubit and sîthougli knowing that othor re ies hadl ftîed in my poor sufeéring wife' case, themo cas yet a ray cf hope. therefore procnred ý few boxes of Di Williamns' Pink Pille ýnd on rny reLt homo administerod th. firat dose tLe n, wife. IL je perbape needloe t e rai that before the firet supply was ex hansi ed ah. bud great relief. My wife nei oommenced toeonjoy a bnoyanycy spirite and kept on taking the Pink Pi]l witb inoreasing gond reenîts. By th ime sbe bad used six boxes ber oonditic, bad se irnproved that hem neigbbors wer a]lmont tnnpropared Lo bliev. Lb. evidenc off thoir own eyes chen seeing the obang in ber appearanco. Befomo taking t] pille it was a sevore tank even te drea horseif, rnncb bosstu do any heueworl wbile nec, althougb net haviugose any o! the pille for more than a coupl o! menthe, oe.attende te ail ber houe hold duties withont the slightest imcc venience. Taking ail thinge into cer sideration, I foel it a duty I cwo te oUie eniferere te recommend these little pin meesengors o! healtb wbiob stood be tween my well nigh distmaoted wile ai, tho jacso of a lingeri6g but certain death Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are soid oul in boxes beaing th. firm's trado mai and wrapper, (printed in red imb). Bea in imid that Dr. Williams' Pink Fille az nover sold 'in bulk or by the. dezenc hendred, and sny dealoerciii> effers sul stitutes lun "sfor a intryiug te dlefrai yeu n aboula ho aïoided. The. pnbl are alse oautioned agaînet ail othora ocalled biood. huilders and uere tenie put np lu similar form întended te di oeive. They are ail imitations whoi malter. hope te reap a, peouuiary advai tage frein thq woniderfful reputaiao achieved by Dr. Wiiiiams' Pink PUb Ask your dealer for ths'm. Tiiose Pslareiý manufatured by ib DrWilm' Medipine Company Broc) ville, Ontario, aud -Soheneotadi, N. Y aad are Soldeuon inbox" beariug ù £rm's lreds Rr aXJti-wrRpppi, ;L lents a Iex o sam wfo Tbey iàbela ~-~~ nir wydl b. senti by m114 on ze.ip4t o , JI BRISTOL'S I Sarsapari lia a"d eeOUkYE% P I 0LS Thé Greatest of ail Liver, Stomach and Biood Medicines. A SPEOIFIO FOR Rheumatlsm,. Gout and Chronlc Complalnts. Thcy Cleanse an' Purify the Biood. Sole Agent at Whitby, M. W. Collins5. 1Mu[tton More Oheaply Produoed Thau Beef According te Lb. extensive and care- fnlly ceunotod experiluts at Kansas Experiment ml-atcen,_ Len 1,000-pouud abeers in five menthe required 25.00. pounde of corn meal and 5,400 pounde off cns cern fodder te, fatten themx. t the Miohigan station iL vas fouud filaL 120 8eep, weighing 80 pounds eaeb, con- eumed in five mocthe 25,072 peunds off corn and 18,006 pounda of clover hay. The gain clurng that ime on the msaie amouni <if grain vas given, a 2, pounde on Lb.etou, steem and 5.472 pounds on tAie120. lamAis. Th.ec&nt of corn was 6gured in esacaseue L85 ofis pe r handred Pound$, foder at 15,cents, and cloyen hayat 25 cents. The cool off tb. steers was#8885 per lmdre-didg Iambe, 83 50. RotAi Iambe m »4, '* were sld atrfou anti-one -hall een1ppr Pound. The ton eat"lkbirouhl*t * over ant abo'. the>; own and *ieirfée.w coeat, ehule Lb. Iambe -brcqgbt *rTw Ummrethan flhey adher66,à W. believefiAi. aove cé, laa*r, range off o blenbeef W , than Sol i e Msdii ~Isa des, yefl how ,W ts mSO$*p had a goodLOÜ bbot ,' Rec nany peop.e asaoeéd to go into-. coîpauy ounaccoua cf ther foul-gaeltiuà breatb, eaused frein eatsrrhor oold uhd If tbey Ionld atudy tbsir cen ueelt. would &%ocuhave sceet bieat ltho1,rhle* i.- bora. Thereleaeueeamme ointfor 0atAèrb iss thst le Dr. Cblim.'ik Catarrh cure .-iv.eu bloc Lhreugh Lice blocer andi yen pgreilu- auedistol. Prias, lncluding blocèr, 29 -coula. Expeet aold mmd bard ,-l.fi s*rellar in gret suppliesod onie.» -"My oblîdren bave b.«' tredbdith BOotta Smidsion f ramomim usjllsai. yc., Iour y- siclsu Birut remoeip enad -now wbe1âves aewid tak~o4m lelueitl ot go thid r ,W î &ale.eff"ta& cure If th byraU>autumP r amne the."tgm Pm *e Gare AU u Dsa. 'tBwima Oxw s liii lae W. have thLe Pineefi Solee- tion in town off those BEAUTIFLIL AMERICAN WA LL PA PERS,~ Borders to Match «CIGARETTES W. S. Kimbali d& Go,, ROCHESTER, N. Y. Retail Everywhere 5C. Per, Package. 17 First Prize Medals. -:PRICESU. Corne early and qat firaî -choie. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old stand, Brook St., Whitbg DOMINION BANK. Oapital Pald up, - $1,500,000 1Sampu,- - $l'WC 000 Wbitby A gencye Generâl Banking Buminem Transated. SAVINODEPARTMENT. Iteet aiowsd et htgbest aorent rsm- Bouottoeof withdravalmrequired E. J. THROINTOK,. usant*e FAI RBAN K'S 11 Real Estate Colum. POR SALE.-A uic. stomy and a haif house wich 2-5 of au acre cf land, corner cf Dund.as and Garden sftreeta, Whitby, witib fine lot cf. choice fruit trees, goed stabie, well and cisteru.- Ail in firat dlais order. Will ho seld cheap. SmaUl Frame House sd Lot, corner of John and Byron streets, Whitby. Will be sold very cheap. Faimbank's real estate columnn LOrS-To b. sold, lots 324 and 258, ncrth ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, north ward, will be muId cheap. FOR SALE. Cheap. A fine two stomy brick bouse, witb brick stables. Situsted on Hymen ig Z, Whitby' the fineet eeldeutial streeI t he town, within three minutes ýw»aIrof the post eObice. There are thmee lots of lthtd euh au e ntrance on twe streets. Hfoose"In perfect epair. Foir particulames ppItr te L FAIRBMUCS, Real Estate Aget,4 Whitby, Ont. Apply te 1Oct 28, 189&. L.FAIRBANKS, Anctieneer, Whitby. VigoM, IOORand -VITALITY RESTORED IN 30 DA&YB. GOODePIECTB AT-ONCE. OÂTON' B VIT&LIZBI. or -OU, -~rsent al- !Or e oUR 5QLEAT KEUH /Y Parisian "YShap)e. tapers frotu average tread to long9 peinted, and stiffly boxed toc. Handsonie perforated lea- * - t -ther ornamentation at seanis, facingt , and toe caps, double stit- ched, and very dmsy. Laced or Oxford oniy. Elack-Tan-Seal IBrcw-Carmnne--or Wine. Sizes, 5 te i i. Widths, " A. Lu E. Goodyear WVelt. $3, $4p $5. Stamped cn sole. CATLOUE The SIater Shoe" Fait LOWEST or ib- id Pinedalo................... ... li' Sunderland ................ mi Derpil....... leBle eooli28 se Wilfrid......... n-Rdo ' ooo.....,. ïDei1a....... )rletcir ril Ir t ci t t Ào c(îm- ER, IrES KTOOD. 'ý, ETC o2i- f )NER H ERt ong s Bltnda, tt-savtng. on can be V, Itundas Aý C. WWI 1 sci5e LUPl* r0 Y> ath. Pat.en ~tr ANNIFF Cea. comîmission sêhat do you are known go anauda, giving an-vassers ait NIONTîIEAl. 4 It is "ne cender that rub- (iranby bers, wbicb are net the saine ,-,'G ra nby shape as the boot, should be uncotufortable. It costs mo- ney toe erploy skilled pattern 1? ubbers mf - fibt.the rsl ah akrs ut ft.he resuit is new patterns are added, te fit ail the latest sboe-shapes, and Granby Rubbers are always " 'up-to)-date."9 They are bonestly maade of pure Don't Draw the Feet rubber, thin, light, elastic, durable, extra thick at bal =cd heeL They Fit the Boot M mua. I fiaiw Mm 0w ' h.. kthA& Ià 6

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