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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 1

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s ~ VOL, XIL.. WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1897.NO8 ý nn" - 1 WHITBY, Batablished ONTARIO. 1849. Whitby Steam MaibIe and Gîaoite Wors, fl'ursAo cz t Chas. H. Smith, (Formucrly Wolfendeu Works.) lus- poter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc., of tise latest tmatenial sud designs. AUl kinds of Cemetery work. Our vork guarantetd. _MOSEND FOk DESIGNS AND FRICES. IIAYWARD'SI GREAT RETIRINO SALE -0- Having tully muade Up My mmnd to give Up busliness, I wll Offer MY Entire Stock to the people et Whitby and surrounding couantry ut Iower prîces titan over kuovu, tue ensure a quick sale, COMMENCING BAT URDAY NEXT, JAN. 9tih, 1891 liov toi unprecedonted Bargains, Price Lijsta are net in it. 1 am oeut t elo. Goode must igo nt ome prie. UEGAILDLESS 0F LOS,' ý7. at Dena't think titis in su old ehestunt or yen vil get loIft. Tis is a real, istraightu, honestu, oui sud ont sale. I in true 1 istended s»Ring eut hat yeur, but vas ptrsuaded toe vuit tilt the FaIX in hopes timon veuld be botter. Thatu asmiétuake, îbey are ome istead et botter. Tha'is pust help, nov geoda muâut go vhatu- ever tuhe sacrifice. More boss for us ueaus gain te yen. Don't dobuy, the fimait t cornewviii surely get tho Biggest PIum Wais- ing for yen.. Faim Produice takou in ouchauge for gooda Regtular Priofea. st E. R. B. flayward.1 W~ITEN BAK 0F OAIADAS »GBARD.0F DIREC'TORS. o 4 ,QWAMQ., Presldeut. » ~ztywS. HAIEIW, EeItuVcira LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, 01ONsLIcLOomuuas'oesicos. Miý visitl Mr breas Mr Milr last1 Mr ai so hope Mr ing, Isian ther -:0:-- [i" Minnie Msatbews, et Pickering, la ting friende en Scugog. r. Wm. Dunu lad the ruistoriune te k isis arm one day last week. r. Wesley Crozier sud Mis" Emma uer vert visiting frieuda in Cartvright veek. rs. jet. *Gerrnrv je eu our sick liet as is )Mr. Jno. Reader and Mrs Stone. We oc for their speedy recovery. r. sud Mrs. Jno. Stephenson, ef Picker- Saie reuewiug old frieudships ors the ind ibis veek. We are gsad to velcome M. -THE- Leading Drug Store. A. H. AILLIN -.oe wi'shes hts manv customers a -HAPPY NEW VEAR. . We don't preteud to seil you gonds at less than elsey cost us. We do Rive Our customers just as much for their money, as the most pietentiouiiad- vertiser. We dont rn a so-csalled 'Cut-Rate I)rug Store.'1 We do mccit ail competitioru in pricea. except vhere quality vould have to be sacrt fced to do it. We de't do a Detists business. We do sel Tooth Brushes that yull net shed their bristles thse flrst time they are used. We aiso seli Tooth Soapa, Wsshes aud Powders-the latter in blt, vhich is by far the most economic- aI way to buy t. A.H.0ALUIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WICK. A .juvenile party took place at Mrs Clark's on Tuesday evening when a large number of boys and girls were present and passed au enjoyable evening. Last Priday Mr. Dam Quinn had a wood- cutting bee which was quite a success, about 3o cords being eut. It was followed by a part y at uîght when it is reported a hop teok place whith lasted until au early hour. Cousiderable interest seevas te b. stirring up tu commection 'with the approachIssi parliamentary elections. Two meetings are bej g bei d iu this neighborbood this week. one at Pine Dale and the other at Sonya, anil both parties are displaying considerabît activity in the conteet. Sonse et cur items lait veek vere imuti- lated, eue sentence being changeri se as t make it vonvey a vroug rneauingr. We said that thse truste dlc iitherto was toretuost lu talkiug againat thse preseni site, visile et electien day lie promised te use his inSun ece tt have the scisool left visere it is. We vere made te sny tisat lis oppoucuts eccupiedth iis position. A special acisool meeting vil! b. held en Saturdny to elect a trustee te fil tise vacancy caused by tIc resignatien et Mr. Jas. Mc- Creigisi. Since tise firai decisien bas been given in tle difficulty tise eue panty visheg te have uotîiig more te de in thse matter, as la cLhwn by tise resignatien et Mr. Me- Creiisi, se that an election by acclamatier vill ikely take place. Trustees are gettmng csenp isere nov. A quiet vedding toc> place on Wedues day last ut the resideuce et Mrs. MeCuIlI here vîtu ber daugisttr, Miss jane MeCuli] vus united in marriage te Mr. Peter Auder sou, n presperous (armer et OakvoodL Tis ceremony vas peitormeti hy Rev J. M Cameron lu tise preseuce of n numbero immediate frieuds. Tise bride sud groot vere supporte inlutise ordeal hy Mis. ant Mr. A. Cameron, cf Oakveod. After th, ceremony ail partook et a daluty repas after vbiel an enjoyable eveulug vas spe by thse guesia. Thse bride vue tht recipien et mauy hautsisee and costly gifia. Nez moruung the hsappy couple let toi a tript be absent several days. TOSWN LinEU IMOOKLKN MANCEBSTIM Tuesday wae the celdest day of tise wlntei, t14 Mr. Asel Day, of Seabrlght. vas litre lest wet below zero, at eight oclock lu tise morning. on business. The special services in the methodist cburch Miss Tisempeon, of Scott, 15 vlsting et Mr. have been continued hits week with increasng 1 as. Parkins'. intcrest. Birth-On Weduesday, i3th inst., tisevite of Mrs. lames Bligts iltuesa isad a fatal ternu- Mr. R. M. Hosîby of a pair cf twius (girls.) luatinuonu Thurmday ef lasi week. She vas au> Mr and Mrs W M Thorudike. cf Oakvood, old resideut here and bsd msuy warm frienda. spent a few days witb reirtives and frýmieudhbre She had reached ber 8zst year. this veek. On Stinday last Mr. W. 0. Medland reoeived Master Wiam Gthson is confineri te bis bed a telegraru annuncitig the sudden desth ot his 1aith typîoid foyer. We hope hie may soom li infant ion in Toronto, wbere the child aud bis arouud alzain. ruotiser bad heen for a ev veeks. The funerai Mr Arcisie Ewera lott on Saturday lait <or the took place t rom the home here on Tuesday. Mr. and rs edind aveoursineresympatby in general hospital, Teronto, Io underge au, opera- he sud r edamnd ae , su tien ehich ha, heen so mucis dreaded. We thei sadberevemet. Ihope ho may returu te ns soon vlsh reuewed Thie specmal service in counection with tise h5P- eaith. tist church on Sunday sud Moudsy preved v uacun fttdititdiiis t ieSn euecesaful and enjoyable. The sermons b Rv.IO IT nto h dsrc'iii ofteSn J. F. Barker on Sundav were much enjoyed.of Tempennce et South Outarse tz bh beld on v iayof ihis veek, our divisn il!laeld ou The platform meeting on Mouday eveniug wa5 tiaturdaey evening. Remebrbeouatsd largely attended sud a very brigbt interesttng he rsetebe hectst n programme vas presented. Rev. Messrs. Har- ris, Barker and McLaren dellvered brief address- Mr and Mns W F Debson essorite-a a num- Ms Very enjoyable and apprepriate music vas ber ef tbeir friendsata their'reaid'zce here ou renderi-d by the choir. Messrs. Holliday Bros., TuesdaY evenling. Ail present lad a very pIea- Mr. Mcklpine sud Miss Ella Holliday. wbile saut ime. Miss Stella Cohoe. et Torento, delighted ev My AIthte meeting of tise patrons of thse cheese eue witl ber rectatieus. Miss Cohoe is a recetit factr beld on Tuesday, thtre wai a good ai graduate et the National Cellege ef Oratory, tendance. llise old officers with Mr J M Burns Philadelphia, sud is teachiug and giving recitals ai presideut. vere re-elected, and ne uew plans vith mncb suceas lu Toronto and Western On- have leen adopted for tise future management et tario. Those wbo heard lier on Monday uight the tactory. will. be very glari ot su epportunity te hear ier The Rev R H Leiteis, of Greeubank, occpied agalu. the pulpit bere ou Suuday moruiug. sud deliver- TeSuth Ontario district counicil, R, T. ef cd s grand missieuary sermon. ou account oi Tmher on Tuesday. Tise as tendance. the rainy weather tisere was a amaîl attendauce. thongb amaller than usual owiug te the very cohd Rev Mr Weatheaul assumed Mr L.eitcb's duties wetewa ersettvUteceuntils in at Greeubank.iL GA iniz was a very peasant re-union for the mem- P .GtHU bers, sud oeefroin vhich the isestc5esults aie UO sure te follese. Arrangefiseuts voie madle for helping one et the connis vhicis vas reporteri Mr Tbos Chambers, of Wilfrid, speut ait to la lun ord cf ik, sud plans devised ffr "S- week reuewiug eld acqualntauces. aive temperance work fer the purpose et arousiug Mr Wm Sltinner, Toronto, la apendlug a public sentiment in favor of prbiilon in view ev tisys amoug triends su aud areund isere. ef the expected plehiscite ou Ibis great questionl. Mr Gus Fairiield bas returneri te bis posi- A cemmitîe vas appoiuted te arrange for a joint tien ut the mlll, after a few veekts bolidays meeting of rettreseutatives from aIl thte rgan'za iu Toronto. tions su the riding iuterested in the cause of tem- perance, for the purpose of forming an indepeud- Tito et our boys, Messrs Fairfielti and eut alliance of verkers, te look atter tbe coming Webster, are engaged ins S. S. No. 5, Geor- campaign. A resoîntion was passeci assuring gina, for ibis year. We wish tbem every the licen...e inspector of hearty sympatise.an suSc"Os.- urging hlm ro sSa the provisions ef the Crook's Ant epidemiecof soie eyes la prevalent In Act fulty entorced. Tne treasarers report show- ibis viciulty et late. Tht complaint dota net ed a nice balance to the credit of the district appeâr serions in ils effecis, but it w of s council in the hank. The councils vere ail urged disaqieeable nature. te la as fully represented as possible ai tht It le with pleasu te ve announce tise mai- grand council et tht order which meets lu Osh- rnage ot Mr Robt L Taylor, of Georgius. tc >awa on Feb. ir6tl. The members et the pro-. ietaCnoo Vrn iiMc. viocial hody will ho giveu s varm velcome te hicýtta pcnoe t teVoerof Mieîsbride. this district. Tise election et eficers resulteri as 'w te laeah breu ts rd Isileve -Dust Councilor. Rev D N McCamus. Con;iatulations. Port Perry ; Disi P C. J F f'irie, Breeklin; Disi y mxwrxTL.. V C, Miss L M ]Rail. Othawa; Dist Chanlu Dr Lambly. Brookliu, Dist Sec, B- N dill, Co#tage prayer meetings aie beiug leld eacl r Wistby, Dtst Treas, W Heuderson, Pickering; week1ýat tise nortb village and are fairly weIliut. Dist Herald, W Ciquse, jr. Asîburu. Dist repro- tn~ sentative to grand counicil. 1 F Pirie; alteruate. Our-, respected trleud, Mr. RIchard Ptekerlng las Henry, Whitby. Port Perry was chosen as and t*de, ef Audiey, vert bore tise early part ci the place et next regular meeting, inlu Jli. In this w*k visitiug frseuds. the evenlng afier tle businessiofthtie session lad Mràjsd is. Thorudike, cf Oakwoed, ver heen disposîed ofeth<e meeting vas madie a public the guýls et Mr. sud Mia. Themas Dovney or oeeand tisenal thon lhad been ne pievieus su-, Suda 1î gnoucemeut of tis, .anummiei of visitois camoein *à i bePuncis Mre hèmed bo 6on Mo r e eâse ise uvcogeam unilie uBdlii mof drîy of ibis week trousBarkeien and Bluebsiocl e Rev. W P Fletciser. et Oshawav h a. ve __ siu&sbebt be saenicga few days disoseu chairmezi. Tisere vas a splendid a%4- Ms avd pigsaote meg s o dress from ibe nev District Councilor. Rev D N Ms.DvdBigsuoteam beat s eMeCamus, recitatioins by Mis E R Eddy ansd famnily aîtended tise inueral et ber sisier, Mu Mr A Mills, a readinz bv M F Pilut, sud -cos MrEntire. et Oshsava, eus Saturday of las? eek. ba Miss Geuld. ef Uibridge. Miss El!a Holli- Haikness Bras. ahipped a car load cf goni day, Mr Geo Wilson, and Mr Qe Holliday. workîug boises rosu bore ast veok. Mr. Saudi Atter votes et tlanks bad been passed te tisose Johnson veut vustiste leuses andi vas te booa sr ho lad assisteri in the programme laiudte tise after theru until they reacised Essglaud. membm-rs et Brookliu counicil for tistir ostertaiu Tht tootbal match played bore on Saturde meus heh visitors tise proceedings t'on brouzt lest beiveen Ashburu sud Myrtle resulted lu toea1Wse, bv siuging the parting bymu. "<Godfer Myrtilesud i for Asshursi. litre seemed tq be ho u yoii" la coneiderable issierestinlathe gam !n e jugi BEA&LL. I. - Issuer of KarriageLicenees R.esidence oppoulie Town Ral, Brooklin. W A McNEELy, D V S.-Grsduate e1thO t>.O tarote trlnary Colle Toronto; Banomn meniber o et t. Otro medjoal Society. Treats ail 'Isease of the domestlcated - animais by thse most approved Math"d. Alec particlilai attention te surgies! operailout and dantiotry. Day or nighi calls rmPI atteudod to. -OfIce sud residence rOklil Ontario. Te reduce stock as mucis as possible be- foie aiock-takiug, ve viii gave Special Frices on ail Heevy Goods, sut>h as OVERCOATS. ULSTERS, UNDER- WEAR, BLANKETS, etc, [rom ibis date te Feb. i. OABH BUYERS vill find Gessuine Bargains iu al ibese lUnes. We have full range of sizes in Feit Boots, Overehees Lineil Rubbers, CM GROCERIES as cheap as ever. Standard Granulateil Sugar, 23 Ibs. loi $i, Cash; Biit Yeflow Sugar;, 27 Ibs. for $î "Csh. Mm Clurkrylir bus *ntd04 tram Bue. ut 1ohn Pour. -Toso.,là vwstSo4f are Wilg at DuclsuV [Pant, Lake SI.M Dr Maslive. d iddcnly tp ý1 b4Geo wlàt4UyP ou tu.,~~ ig y ýr- d. of a te Pt nt te Mi. Wm. Hal, sold six of his fat cat- lie fer $42 eacb. Mr. W. S. Gold attended a shooting mat.ch at Hamilton last veek. Remember the speciai scitool meet- ing next Weduesday t îe ar. Almond's Suuday sclool la going to have an ent.ertaiument. Look eut fou the date. Colonel Duulap accompanied tise Whie.by hockey club to Port Hope lest Frîday night. Mr. Thos. Padget and faily have been spending a few days with friends at Columbus. - A nuentber from here attended the china wedding at Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. morcombe's on Monday night. Mr. S. Vanttoneý while bauling bis englue along the, Kin'goton reuu, haLl the misfortune to break one of the axIes. Mr. Milton 1Broya took a load of basIey and Mr. Geo Le. a Ioad of cats to the &YIastwqek. 33çC- f« baalcY and 21î>.f0oBS. Mi. idron1Browvn bad i isdog li up in the baMn when it accidentally lif. la ru valuable c MMina Mb1 Hardesan~d Mr Miton Brown ie. ppolutc6 '4ëlegates f rojxi M~tn'S. S. tuû -=lend thé. çW)9 J H Bravo; uerna., J C Crowfl auditefS. W Du~Arn~rnw Keunedy, 3 L Foruam; thtrectors, E j wheeler, C C Kellett, E B Purdy. W M R.eal, 8 JeffreY. W Crozier, O Graham, R Holtby, Wm Gra- ham ; bon directors Hou Ina Dryden, Win Smith, L Borsoit, kAP, R Miller, T Cirbamu Maucheser, W Pearson, J Parr, G Reas i kWts, P Christie, 1 Carnegie.0 hee iilseus cf Port Perry do flot lok wftb favor on the report tisat Conductor McMillaît's train may be canoelled in tise near future. Il practicalty vwill sinount te ibis : tsa:tishe G. T. R. office bore will only amount te a way station, where very little Jinsiness vill b. doue. wisere n»w a very large business is donc, requiring the time of two in the station ana ene ouesiiio.. If the order la camred jute effeet it l wl hothe tucans of turniog a large trade loto the banda of the C.P.R. ai M yrte. Already there is talk of a&'bus )ite beibg started if the G. T. R. carry eut their mduidal policy ef cancellhng those trains. The municiphîlties concerued should, take prompt action and try and prevent sncb au order being carried out. Whitby, Port Perry sud Reach township bave pald toe mcch moues' te that railway te be treated in sncb a way by the Grand Trunlî. i 3. k. >d v )k 2 rg ulyrue giuam n iry Lrmu7y Cuuon-Having purohaeed lb. Liv- ery Businosa reoently oarrled on by tb0 laie Kim Barreti, 1 amn PlépWred bte eommoete travellers and otbers vth rigs ati reasouable rates. Cesucial mon deaIt wtt> liberally. Biabling for hoisesasd guod curs given thon> by reliai>!. mon. ib 0e aWlhtby &ad Myrtle stage dom. not rua onu uays. DAVU> A5sà%ON, Kyrile Station. RevjeWsb hlloekisliMwlîh lagrppe. Divisncourt bhreon Tusday, tb fut. Alben Obrstàe, of Zephyr, vas bom e ovor sunday visaung bis nicberandud uer. Sermt of oui pountfoiki autended lb. eu- nivea aiUxbrldgeimsi Frlay-oee- -- -- Tnebis are out for tbe w uge c f l.fr mers, inititute ln Columbus, MJdyniGrombauk' and EpeS on Jan agi>. 301h ad Pu xmsu 2nd. The H[on Juo Dtydeu's meetig lutFudYO eveoing vau nei atnded and ciisl4derabein. tercetu uas a bis addteu, «P008ully mu h wau non-poudltsI The aun«O .!res ou ibe W MhI Taiseu Wedneday sud Tbara'y of-sat 1~ ,i S inSplcudldou tioU" eànsom ei-Ed suay b. looked for as severl goori boe S.otest forth. prises. me partW iesIplloed- lu thbêoe e&u are out on bai4 iConts.iug a fôdm, Ï mo" > trc!.t; Jnso G Ha«U1nid Jimp MW -W lb4ay fS Umlnae boie ' old-ýTi HrO sueur y nr,.i i eàS -uo-,t" Measiey Cuis Nov day. kt seeaus almost impmsille te drive luta tise counutry a fov miles without tuconuur- ing a loi et measiy doge vhscî viI mn atter a ig sud in mauy cases trighton birses. OuIy re- oently su instance eccuered vItre eoeeoft bcat canines rau ent at s yaung herse aud almosi cansed a runnvay. lu le a plty tis sevore mensures couid net ho entorced by tovnasip ceuncila and have sued gocd-for-ucbiug brutes desîroyed. Haifthtie dega lu tise country ougit te ho &bot sud tise otiser issit cbalned op Whet seems very straugo le, tînt theo vse ovuw doga thsi run atter rige yl net try snd keep tbier doge tled op vistu tbey knov tise risk iisey tun by alioviug their doga to rin ooso, Tht annual meetiug et the abareholdeas of thet Plut Grave Cemetery Ce vas hod ut the tovu ball ou Monday. lu spiie cf the inclemeut veather there vas a largo nutendance. Tise re- ports et the carttakei snd bouse and grounds comuatte vert presenttd sud accepted. A cousîderabie tint vas takten up in dîscuSsng1 the expenditure lu building the bouse and isav ing au outrance sud roadvay on tht eaus ide. A motion vas psssed iustructing the comumittet se buy ]and sud open up s readvey. The main tenture of the discussion vas 1vw mong. maîters so tisaisuitabit acomimodation von d ho provldcd taortylg bise s ite fueaul vert et the censeteiy. As 1 often bave .ciarge of fun- ermIs euterlng tise Pin. Grave cemeiery, 1 have noeiced tint tisese viso attend on antis occasions are placed ai a disarivautago vi t ieir bomses. 1 vii meke a fev suggestions viic. if caruled ont vili iseip te makpa ihisîgmore couveniont. Iu tise fit place. Luet tht bouse sud grounda commiitee put np ene buudred sud «tt feet of railing anitse nert acing thse soWh J Yibegaie;1 secondly, put in about tbsriy petatilng frein rie vest gare, pleciug tht posalatemnteiyco' encis aide ohftise roadv4y Iotis. turn cd tise bine, aud siso a té ou es&=ptth oethtie caetaher' bouse ; thiidly. bu ylansd enougb on -tht case aide te maIre a raadvay nfity or slxiy feet vide, place s raing on osto aide oui y sud, huild the- sidcvaik înalde thse railing. 1 [h ooloing di- reetera vert elected bt ballot teethe tmn Tea, vis: Mos".Chistit,. W -gbh, MOe ef tise meeting toonat the olddhotutrb reeson it van isard te Suid out, as 0blad doue iho enir v,èli sud faititgy. and wbiie Ivo gond men voere eted Io tala their. piasc Messus Grabaand Craudelildoserved bettas' ai tihe bauds cf these asreoldçrs , as ihey ver f3itisttl umeu as di=recor. Mr Bonbon Boud. the caretaker, vas bigisi cosupîimeitod on uhe tasty vav be las kepi the grountIs, Si vonid le isard to fid a inute 511 tise positioncatoter iSsu Mr Bond dae. [HeIsa courteos sud obiiging te aIl sud lsagood voubsua. F Rovland us apoudiS a ttv days ut home. Mis a .nuie Ehîtuar, tht nèv techer ai Brovn's achool, la boarding at J Heand's. Miss Lisait Broansd Ethot Scott. Orono, vert guesta etfies m uha Rama Sunday veek MnJ Ailing.tou Coolre. Oshsava. delivered e lecture lu tise music hall Muuday ulgbt under the auspices et theoR 'r of T on the sujurci, "*Hondsansd Faces vo meet." Rov G W McColl, B D. Oslsw'a, prearhed misaray sermnons in tise methodiat churcli Stsuday wtt>, andi Rev B Taylor suppllod ai Oshava, where ve Itaru tht people vert much ploased vush bis sermons, *Piesideut McPberson sud Smc Noble, of the Nortl QOutario Lihonsi Association, acompsitd by Xr. G. W. Davson, of Plevn, ex-M.P., fr Addiugmoeze la tows on Piidsy. ,Mr. m a nt i. Gises. Gould, veke in ~oelh over Suday retauing 'Meouday cveig ib tise coipm eïr aeudopttd dansbe5 ils dao etf n s a fi t tour .10"Uin,~OCIf pany -are cuswsg dovut *sutseýiug trA. tW ks bu S oràu of Tempemane. i. b -b àIn ov ih. past 1ev tisys, sud ýov oomplehng ar- rangeents for eîb e n~l~U tof à dlcisionU 'yu e~g~d e Keadlycouoty et Grey, a&W*no(autn ersstsn tbettltuhr s Mustard sr ofe$.'Senti, ïsosPro ýW.Od i thami eco"oay hbe> bolnuitcitlfd bybIler 'àaoytreàds.> I i 0'sie b d deidet temuto Wabi. go a Fn bçdbsns e tM Worth Knowtng Ã" ou«bct t T['at oui piou are 25 tO 40 Per ce!M4. Cbeap I 1 er tissu any other undelftaker lWthis dis- Cdva trie. 'inle That we bave the Beat Hesre.àudlb.fin- n5 est Cauket Wagon sd aie 1.gb aa b va ibis unty-W ifset dia e î t -ë4cdiedo ud'ai tMss ta black orwblt 70 84»ersonal su #é the aim 1 ýoee stë»el)eL Joesp Fuiit<-etV , 'W' I port perry, ont~ Tht Blackvatti giet mil li doing au extensive business lu cbeppinq. Peter Hamiltcu's genenil agent vas lu tovu a couple of days rocotly. ' Mr. Moore, oetBeuverton, leoxpected la stait painting tise methedîsi churcbi, Mns. R. Charter von tht china tee set offered by tise W. W. Workers concert companv. Mi. Wend, et Onillia, brother-iu-law et Mr. J, L, Tlpp sud M. C. Tucher vas lu tovu4ise other day. Mr.J Potter je makiug coniderât le imprOve- ment in thse skating rmk for tise acetmmodation ot apectatore. It la reported that tle station ni Zephyr bas hotu removed eving te île Ze-phyr people billing the railvay comnpauy for $300 for the station yard. Tise veek ulgît services efthie metîndist churcis yl l beield iu Tisoipsou's hall, and the Snndsy services la the tovus hall durlug thse ne- paitng et the churcis. H3ATDOq. Miexss te Jaieenf laisipe. uTrno Miss Mlaud Trevin is ia St Cathariues, at demilI college. -John- Siemon bail had turiscys stolen B.aturday evenlug. Aý very pltasaut tinît vas speat et the resideuceet Mi. and Mia. Geo. Avery ou Prlday eveniug lest visen their famlly sud neai relatives, about -qo in ail, completely surprised thesu by taking poqsession cf tiseïr home. Au addiess wai rend by thir son, John Avery, sud tiscy vere preseuted vith' a beautiful bedroons suite. M. sud Mms Avery fittingly ucsponded thaukiugç the kind frieuds for teir present. Speeches fiem several of the guests fclloved snd afier .aisifylng the inuer mn allsUdepurted feelig veil repaid for their efforts. lbrme eh. p epivonè oy M rno oSmuur. A Tompsoè la al-bis luimntlo 4 JoinlnIthtmg otos va bI rno 'lun-. be ,ueeotouoiWbugoO Nov.U Li1W~4W~ climat. et ce" ~ afre. baver.. IrT ubn .Cgom-e lb F *.- 1 Il I-JUI uaý ýDLI W H 1 1 T 5 B Y ýj Laqt veek vas vbat migbt b. termed a veek eofluerais on Scugog. A veek ago lasi Suuday littie Russell, the ileaut son cf Mr. Harry McKinley, vas taken avav. The funeral service vas beld eu Tuesdsy ef lasi week, Rev. J. H. Mallet efflciatsngz. Service vas beld lu tht christian cburcb vItre a sermon on infant salvation vas preachedti tea large cougiegatien. We desire te express our sympatby te tle be- reaved. On Tuesday ofiat veek Margaret Aidreti. beloved vite of Philip Aidreri, deparsed ibis lite, dyingr a triumphau.t deatb in christ. She vas 111 fer net quit. a week, ber deathbebinir untxpected sud a greai shock te the commuuitv. The funerai vas ou Thursday. couducted by Rev. Jrso H. Mallett, under vIes. miuistry tIe deceased vas brought imb îte cîurre. Tht body vas tolowed by s large proeeasien te Nestle- ton vIert it vas interred lu accordauce yul bher wishes. On Sabbatl uert the ueral sermon viii be preacbed Iy tMr. Maliett in tIechci istîsu church snd ve be- spesk a large cougregatien. Our departed sister vas a most incere servant of Cod sud vas greatiy beloveri by ail wlo knew 1er. She leaveas aerrowing husband and four eidren te mcurn ber Ions. Mr. Alex Hoeey las been aillug fo somne tue vitb severe stomnach trouble snd ou Tîursdav meruirtg et lest week le passed quietiy avay. His deaîh vas net unexpected sud ve believe proved to be a velcome visiter te the de- ceased ns lis sufferlugs vere very severe. The luerai service vas conducted ai the house Itst Saturdav by Rev. Mr. Wbiteman. et Port Ferry. The bodv vas takeu te Adamas' 1cr bunial. We exteud to the be- reaved vile our tendtrest sympatby lu ber present sorrev. l (rom the goodly number prment -to sS ibe-fui 1 NOTT.

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