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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 2

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s !'h.saa . .Thmc A Common Affliction PemasictIýCurd by Taklng .Sarsa- AVERSpail 041 was afflicted for efght years wtth iSat Rheuxn. During that time, 1 tried a great1 inany medline% which were highiy rec- omnsended, but none gave nme relief. 1 was at last advtad to try A yer's Sarsa- parilla. by a friend who told me UIst 1 miust purchase six bottles, and use tbem accord ing to directions. 1I yielded to lis Uruasion. bougbt the six botties, and4 00okuthe contents of ihree of tbese bot-. ties vwithout noticing an y direct benefit. Before 1 bad ftuisbed th. fourt.h botUe, miy banda wure as1 Free f ronm Eruptions 1 as ever tbey were. My business, which 1 is that of a cab-driver, requires nie to be out tu cold and wet weatber often withouiýgoes and the trouble ha& never returned.'-THOX, A. Jomis, âtratiord, Ont. Ayer's " STahril A.dmnitted aut h World'a 1%r. .4uer'e aie laeau.. the BOweL* CORREKSPONDENQE WHIVA.LE. Quite a number of the young folk@ from boe.atte nded a social on Thursday last a& Cedar Grove given by Miss Lapp. They spen& a most enjoyable evening and returned home in good time. Mr. Stafford, of «roronto, was bere on Wedneeday lait. Mr. Green Wilkint;on, Chicago, is with bis. father-in 1ev, Mr. lorsel Burton. Mr. Wikinson te a Ureat free silver man. A. great many froni ber. attended the oyster supper at Brougbam last week. Ten plates for a quarter waa the bill of lare. Quito a number attended Mr. Dryden'o meotings at Pickering and Claremont and were highly pleased. The Lueetings were of a non-political character. A great mnany vent lait Bnnday to Locust1Hil1 aun4versary services as wel, as to the concert on the following Mon- day niglht. The concert was ail that could be desired. There bas been a man from Highland Creek traping skunks around here lately. Hie bas secured about sixty for whic bhe geta from 50c. to 83 per skin, se iL is a profitable pastime if flot a profitable one. A. walking iron mine that wae killed in New Jersey not long ago, in the shape of a cwd Lb. folio wing in her atomacb: one boit two incbes long, one padlook and key, one smali file, tbirty-t'wo nails of Varions izes, îbirty-nine piecea of nail from three ixhes down to a quarter of an incb in lengtb, two two-incb screws, two half -inch scre we, tbree pieces of vire, tbree tones as large as a walînut, one hou ring, and on. tbreshing spike bye and on. haif juches long. 4Uie 00W WBs in good health wben killedt and wonld probably have added considerable to ber hardware store bad she not been killed. The Soutb Ontario Fanmert' Institute meeting viii b. beld at Whitevale on Feb. 4tn, in Wiloon'. hall. The foUlow ing subjects wil be di8cuased by tbe following delegation :Meura. Wm. Itennie of Guelph, W. J. Palmer ef Tor- onto, nd AT.ilC WAAtley of Blackwell. Over a million veinen ow1m copies anc thousande et thein have vnitten testifyjai te its grreat value. A nev edition ia readj and viii be given avay PazIL For paper covened copy, send 31 anc-cent sta=Mubt Icover tie cpst et customusud mailinç only te Wenld'-; Di-.nsary Medical Association & ~Iiao, NY 'or clatit bigdig, P> stampe .1 e h Lt s5TOurrvILLZ. Weddisg Bs. A. pieseant and intereeting event trans. pired aI tb. home ef Mn. Jas. Laughlin, 2nd con., Pickering, on Wednesday, Jeu. lat, 1897, vhicb terminated. tbe court- ebip of Mn. M. -Kigbtly Tamr, et Mon - golia, with Miese Mary E.- Corvortt, et the village et Slauffville. The manniage oeremeny vas pcrtermed by the lieu. J. H. Oke, ef Wbît.vale. The veathcr vas deligitîful'sud frieude abondant. Sont. 50 gueste vire pisent sud pneseated mauny oastly sud unetul proteuts, wbich speak oft bbc 1estbeem in wbich lte bride is beld. T;ore wer. frieuds front Pont Penny, Olanenueul, (lierywoea ti, boi ville, Wbitby, lineumilOnlfisansd Meni- tobs, vbo biti Inu-wblhiugMrnsd Mita. Tare ail1tte amfozts viici t db ven eau afford. Tbiy,w41 latke op stiei niaidence ast gli.PrîPrie. Mllls" m pousd Ieu Pillé curs IL Vabu' Dancs. 0domuslen5osata'SoldbyÂÀ.M.I Allo, drngglss. PICEERINO. Collecter Hutoitisaa bas been instruot- ed by the connoil -te proeeed ac, once againut Ibese vho have ual paid their taxes. He doe. nual visb la ie harsi, but -tbe tnoney muet be collected at ooee even ai seizunes bave te, be nesoted to. Tueeday Mns. (Bey.> Mc&ulc 'reolved the sud neye b>' telegrain t at ber math. er bad just dled at Wolfe Isand.- The daeeased lady vas 56 years of age, and, bas suffeetimueb for menths. Mns. McAsley loft Wedueeday morning ta iattend ttc tunenal. Mn. Finie bas ual yet returueti frous Toronto, vbeneehasecesounli sudeit- vent an operatipn fe.r.lte ben. tfh eyes. One eye itle horemcWesl ai a- itether, and since ltaS vas dose bter been a manketi changé fer the, botr hon condition. 'Whils aerry that severe measure 'hd.l aaetl rejeice ta kuow that ah, vil secs ho 10o neturn borne, Inspecter .r#1105. f Whtby, Greenwood i an effiotsit 6on buteid not tbeoairor4O* 5. afur tai ugd e l #< l weisbe& teé 'u r Saemme- expSio voe ib010 ypa* cîw si il M1INYON.-' URINOTHE 810K.l A.Stoff.% .wbo bhbbun diMmg ta Icauboro duriagd». pot. mammm, lu ist bmlaboebon i~u - rlihtdenAs hk» lutmai wk. poer Huioblon, of (arement, vau hoion ur nmidetlalst woek. The soholairs camne c*n< ont ef the seboci bonus Isi naynight. Tbey seemed te have been woll pieaaed witb their ,qcv besoher. Our yenng fn' ende paid Granville For- Bytb, et Gla@gav, a vieil Baturdar even- ing. lie left for ChioagoýMeiday mora- ing, vbmre he ba s.ecnred a position as clerk. Altona gave a majority of 29 for lo"a option. If tbère badn't been no mnucb nain and mnd lb wonld have beun con siderably larger. W. are geing te kill Ibis vhiskey demon if il bau as many liveî as a caL. On the Mt list., lb. vife ofJames Fovier, ot a son. Fred Hoover, ef Toronto, bas been visiting bis parents. 1Mr and Mu-a D Barkey bas gone te Tiisonbnrg for the winter. Miss Fraudeg Hoover bau retnrned home atter epending a fev 'weeksata Jor- don. Mie Hattie Hutchison bas retnrned home from a vieiLtet Toronto and Ui bridge, Oue et the old pioneers, lu the persan of Nelson Bic., vbo bas been ailing for some time, ie improving very uiovly. Mn Ellie, of Malven, father of our general merehant, Thos Ellia, je visiling tbe latter and calliug ou old fniende. P R Hoover vas taken suddenly ili the latter part etfilut veek and bas been con- fined ta bis rooco. Up te lime of vnit- ing Mns Hoover je net impreving as speedy se ber friends vonld 11ke tese ber. We congratulate the young member et Pickering council, W G Bannes. W. have ne denbt that he vill fill the bll weil, in looking atter matters iu the in tereet of thie side et the township. W. believe the ratepayers made a good ohoie. A party vwu beld at B Wilson'a eonei dence Tuesday evening lust. Ail the young people ef lb. village were there sud bad a first-cisa lime. Diffenent kinde et games vers induiuedin by ail] presenî. The heet and hostese in their nsuai good style previded an excellent repast. Ail vent home wisbing another sncb party vonld soon fellow. A heelthy w- man i viiialways find Lave. Health an sd Beauty are twins that do net have to seek fer - or long te find ICupid. It is the fera frein ill-health I - as a result ofvweak- I et the distinctly I \ > ~ femiuuine ergan- isin, vho leade a lovelessand child- les lite. It is pover te be healthy and conseqnently at- tractive. The anst n o oa' a ture ta in ber distinctly vomanly -self. Wbeu she suiffgns in thet part et ber organ- jeni, site suifera in eve~ nenve sud fiber et hen body, sud ber suiVcring je ictured in hen face, sud reflected in ber diepostiew sud temper. _1 - - Brook Qonncil. Met on Monday, Iîth mest. Reeve James Vrooman ; lut depnty Jno Wetb enal , second deputy J T Edvau-ds; cotan- cilons Oea Turner sud E T Williaxus. Accounts of netnnning efficers at mmui- cipal electiona ondered ta b. paid. ao e nuniber af amali aoonuts. Mn Wiliaams gave notice et a by-law ta dispense vith the appoinbmeut et collectera etf taxes, and to, requine the paymeut of the saune te lb. treasuner or-sente otiien anbhonizsd perses. T H Walshe vas appoiuted cierk aI a saiary et $425 ; JnoS8Bra- bezon reasuren; Moues Chambers as sesor aI a salary ot 8115; U 6 Yerez and C W Wilsonb audtitorsata 812 eaah ; R K Bryant aanitsy inupector ; Glover St John member of the board et helth; Dra MloDermot and Jardine healt.b ofi cers. B Flevel vas allawed 84 fer a sheep killed by doge. Six copies of lte Municipal Wonld yene ordered for lte use of the cenucil. The following vent pIsses on tb, indigent liet for 1897, for tb. ameut Iper mentit set opposite temr respective Dames: Susi. Bryson 86 ; Mns Moone $2.50; Mra George Switzer 82; Mn O'Grady $4 ; Mns Jane Smitb- $3; Yeoman Burke 86 ; Chas Whit.side $3 50; MU David Irvine $2 ; Misa Mary McDougal $3 ; and Mre Kelly t. A by- law vas psasd tiienable the recve sud tressurer le borrev mon.y fon tosasli? uses entil lb. taxes cotoe inueuct fair The conneil adjournued unlil lthemouid Saburdey in February. Q?~e1cf for STouzbles î Thomia miler là stili in avYM critlc- al conditié l.- Mm. Banard has «an. ta Yarker, Ont, where the wilI reaide with her son. 114 Improved Homoepathic Rem-Si 10 edies Endorsed by AUl who a Have Usaed Them. t One Han'. Qiseat Work. Prof. Munyon Has Placed Within the Beach of Ail a Cure for Each Disease-Rich and Poor Alike May Doc- tor Themselves. Get Munyons Guide to Health froni Your Nearest Druggist-lt Will Tell You Wbaîte Use and Youf Can Buy the Remedies From Any Druggist at 25 cents a Boutle. You Can be You Own Docter. Mr. Jas. Brown, *514 Dufferin street,t Toronto, Catb, says:--'For uS years I was racked with rheumatisun. Dur- ing ail that ime the numerous physi- eians 1 consulted only gave me tem- porary reliet, and the money 1 upent, wvhich was considerable, vas wasted. 1 recently began using Munyons Rheu- matic Cure, and have experienced the greatest relief. 1 certainly have great faith in Munyon's Remedies." Mnnyon's libeumatisus Cure seldom fails la relieve iu one la Ibree heurs, and cures in a few day.. Prie. 25c. Mnnyon'. Dysipepoie Cure positively cures ail forme et Indigestion and etom acb trouble. Prie., 250. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu. mania and break. np a cold la a few heurs. Prie., 25c.t Mnnyon's Cougb Cure stops eonghis,( nighî seea, alisys sreness, and speedj il7 beaulb.th mage. Pnice, 25a. Munyons Rida.y Cure speedily cureF pains in th. back, loins or groins and al! forme of kidney disease. Price, 25c. Mnnyon's Headache Cure stop. bead ache in tbree minutes. Price, 25c. Munyon's Pile Ointment popitively cures ail forme et piles. Prie., 25c. Munyon's Biood Cure enadicatea all impurities eof the blood. Prie., 25c. Munyon's Femnale Remedies ane a boon) t'O ailwomen. Munyon's Asthma Remedies relieve inu 8 minutes and cure permanentiy. Price, $1. Munvon's Catarrh Remedies neyer fail. The Catarrh Cure-price 25e.-eradicat... the disea8e from the systein, and the Ca t.arnh Tablets-pr.te 25c.-cleanae and1 beal the parts. Munyon's Nerve Cure is a wondertul nerve tonie. Price, 25c. Munyon'e Vitalizen reeteres lest vigor Priee, $1. A. separate cure for eacb disease. Au ail druazgiste, mostly 25c. a vial. Personal letters ta Prof. Munyon, Il and 18 Albert st., Toronto, ansvered with free medicai advioe for any diseasie. The Qusun bas costnlbutsd £M04 for h. e-w lief eftlb. famine-ufferers ia India. Ray decaus blut ltes me.etaf àsingle spleen wert viii nuzaber aM least 1,00000. ,Agtaios ll te vonl.! et bomopatbio et>dl cinésau asbus lu ve ul ft ina asdîin&sdvidoalty of mon bave boumpansat t e mendlag uem aby vlhite sa ofr e tanbodies bave bue lvatod. 8e .itb sllustbcset tci t tubl mtad b. orm- abis lin gouIoarog cents tpsfy lfy V0 dt4laxl. siteu aiera as plni 09 Wl,.a.. Iantmeamus.iEm i R. Wiîîer sud wife, of Brack Roail, spent Sunday with F. Wright and vife. George Gilray le indisposed vith an Lbcess on the knee. It yull bc some time befane he is hirneelf again. Rev. Leggou is conducting special services at Glasgov just nov. H je efforts, ve uuderstand, are meeting with success. Mattbev Beelby ie rapidly improv- ng and je nov able ta be abont hbis evu premises. He vilI soon be çntirely re- stored te health. Miss Johnsten, vho resided for se rnany yeau-s vith Mu-s. Pilkey, bas re- :urned here and wilI nov take up hen permanent abode vith Mu-s. Sharrard. Mu-s. Thomas Gibbons bas been sut- fering extu-emely for some days vitb a ou-m et beau-t trouble, but ve are pleased te say that she is much im- pioved. Mu-s. William Middleton, vbe vas taken te the Toronto hospitai some weeks age, is still in a critical state. H-er people have some notion et buing- ing heu- home. Miss Mary Coxworth, Cherryvood. and Ketley Tar-, et Mongolia, vere rnarnied on Wednesday et this veek. May they long live te enjey each others company. The South Ontario Sabbath Schoel Association vilI hold a convention in the presby-terian chuu-ch here on the 27th and 28th et this moutb. The pregrame are nov in circulation. The Claremont public library is nov well stocked vith literature, there being some 1300 volumes upon the shelves besides periodicais et a current nature. The digrectors are very auxieus te have the membership number over one hun- dred, as oniy in that case cari the gov.ern ment graunt bc secured. If yeu au-e net a member nov, becoune se, even if yen do net read much. James L.avson and vite, af Elia, Yor-k township, have been spending a tev days vith their daughte-. Mu-s. P. Wright, and ether old fuiends, pu-evieus to the departure et Mu-. Laveon for the old countr-y. The late Albert Beoker, ef Stouif- ville, vas a member et the Home Circle here and in consequence is videv wilI receive $3.000. As deceased bas beeru ilI for considerable time this pecunia-y assistance yul bc very tirnely. Misses Hood & Linton have dissolv- ed partnership andl Miss Linton bas gene te Toronto to spend the winter. Miss Hoed bas engaged the reom in N. Burton's block, formerly occupied by Miss Bushby, wheu-e she will bie pleased te attend te the vante et the ladies in the du-ess-making line. REMARKABLE CASES Chronie Inveltda Raied trous Thoin Siek Bede After Giving Up Hlope. London, ont.-Henry B. Nlehells, 176 Rectory street, catarrb recovered. Dr. Chese's catarrb cure 254. Markdule-Geo. Crove's chiid, itching eczemna; cnred. Chase's eOliment. Truro, N.S.-H. H. Suther-laund, tu-ave1' 1er. Piles-very buud case; eured; Chaser' Oiutic-nt. 60C. Luea-Wm. Brauton, gau-deug' pin Worms; aligene. Chase'. Pilla. M L*Amable-Pete- Vau Allan. ec-ema for thu-ee yeara. Ctu-ed. Ciaseai .t)Lij.t c. Gover Point-Rebano Ba.rtard, dread- fuI itchinir piles, 80 vu-ars. Well again; Chas&u Ointmeut. 80e. Meyeu-burg-,Nelsen Simmans, itching -ilu uu-d.. haed GitaUe.., t. The New Hook Spoon Pree to AIL 1 nead lu the Christian Standard that Mise A M Fritz, Station A.., St. Louis, Mo., vould give an elegaus plated book spoon to anyone sending hkm ten 2-cent stampe. I sent fan ene andi tound il le useful that 1 eiaoved it to my friends, and madle SI3 in twa hours% taking or- ders for tht spoon. Tht hook spoon is a household necessity. It cancot slip into the dish or cooking vessel, be- ing held in the place by a book on tht back. The upoon is souethig that houisekeepers have needed tuer since, spoons were firot .inveûbed, Anyoce cari get a sample spoan by- sendlig tun 2o-ceat stem ps ta Miss Fritz ' Ihiý« !a splendid way la malte money around home. - Very tnuly, jz*Em IETS. A Dandy WindmülUMke It Your- self: I have a neighbor that made one of the People's Windmills, and 1 nave been watching iL closely;- it is the best mili 1 have ever seen and anyone can make one for less than *îo. i amn go- ing ta make two immediately and don't see wby every farmer cannet have a windmill when he can make it himself for 3o littie money. The rnili is dur- able. powerful and runs easily. Any person can get diagrams and complete directions by sending i8 tvo-cent stamps to Francis Casey. St. Louis, Mo., and any active man can undoubt- edly make money anywbere puttin these rnills up for others, and I &_ee n use of paying $5o or$6o fora milI wben you can make just as good for $i o. A BROTHER FARmER. ,jqt * Chronic Derangementa of the Stooeach, Liver and Bleod, are epeedilT removed by tb. active pinciple at the ingredients ente-ring into lb. comnposition et Pamula'm Vegetable Pille. Thesu Pilla net apedfciflaly on thu deranged o<- gans. tinulating 10 action the dormant suer- glu. ot the .yutsm, tbrruby removing diee and renewing lite snd vitaiity le the affliieed. lu Ibis lies tb. great secrt o et bpopulansty ot Panmelee'u Vegetable Pilla. Mauy amaîl plants float tu the air and flour- tub wherever they may midetly Ughl and take root. Cuemoberu and melon, are "ferbidden fruit"t' u oany peros @o 50cotitituted lt t the lesatindulgence in foilowed by attackue oboi. ura, disenterv, gfipinîw, &c. Tbeue persans are not avare ihai thsy cau indnlge to them hearts content iltbey have on band a bottie of Dr. J. D Kellegg'd Dyseutery Cv.rdial, s medicine that will give immediate relief. and ia a sure cure for aisummer complainte. Orchi-Ju are ail true parasites, grovlng enly on limbe or bark ef ouher plants or in ulmdla position&. Chrèni 0 Denatilementa of the Slomaeh. Liver and Blond, are speedily -reinoved by lb. active ;,rincipie et the lugredienta entering mueo the com positimn et Parmelee'u Vfgetable Pille. Tbese Pilla &et specifically on tbe deranged or- gane, setimnulating te actio> th. dormant ener- gies eft he system, lberrby removing li&esue and renev>ng lite aud vitaity te the sfflicted. la Ibis lies the greal secret oethIe populanity et Parnelee'à Vegetable Pilla. BUNDEKLA.ND. Mr. Wend, of Orillia, brother-in-law of Mr. J. L. Tipp and M. C. Tuoker is in town.4 Mr. Moore, Beaverton, ie expected to start painting tbe methodiet churoh tbis week. It ie reported tbal the village of Bald- win bau offered the G. T. R. oompany land freec b ereot a station on. Mr. J*»Potter je making considerable improvemnent in the skating rink for the accommodation of spectatoris. Mns. R. Charter won tbe china tea set offered by the W. W. Workers concert aoompany on Batnrday evening. It je reporbed &bat the station at Zephyr bas been romoved owing f0 tbe Zephyr people billing tb. raiiway com- pany for $800 for the station yard. The week nioebl services of tb. metbod- lut obnrc'h will be beid in Tbompuon's hall, and the Sunday services in tb. town hall duning the repairing of tbe cbnrcb. Mr. sud Mns. David Fair returned home on Friday from a boneymoon trip. Tbey were met at the station by the band and eucortea te tbe home of tb. bride'a parents. OilyOne- Standard You and wc mnay diffkr as te mionCy st andards and1 out of aur vcry diffcrences good may corne. But we won't differ as ta, the merits af ane standard emulsion of cod-liver ail. SCOTT'S EMULSION lu won and hcld its way fo- nearly 25 years in th world of tncdicine until ta-day it is al- most as much the standard li ail cases of lung trouble, and every condition af wasting whether in cbild or adult as quuin in n umla.rial fevers Differ on the nmny ques- tion if you wrill, bit when It cornrzstoa aquestion oflîcalth, perbaps of life and death, get the standard. Morduggt sellascotpaw~i Two mises, 50 ca. ma"d$Lw. sc 9r OWNF.. DD.VVM8, 0>. vus enough ta pot lMre. lwena ber féeet, beu site vas very1. tentai. cominmn, combined vitb jlý74î h is exemple in vievi, wh3 Iff'ere lie a single voman in CaM tering an thei brtnk of lte grave,1 about ber work dragged dowa, d despandeut, and dlsconraged ? Kidney diseases are fatal Thb slow deuthe if nos cured.' But tb cnrs, sud it i. lte purpose -of lb te detoDiuetrat l Here len testimoial:- Gentl>me,-I'bave been Ireu s cmpaint ealled wonten'e sud Kidney trouble-. I read oet]t srsDODD'S RIDNEY PII doue. I ceus.ated $a try theni. »sd one bo sud Xamliiom ed Noplu~rbiabeehave ev - ljsk. osahighlyrcnm d &il VOUeS.2 Youmay Bub t ImRB : ADY Walkertoi aDODD'8 F ~,.laa akaul allie Fl neglect of even a slight injuY. What tO put on the wound and how tc> do it,. is told in the littie bookiet accornpaflyifl every -pot of the great reay reuiedy "Quikcure O Itis quick, andit lasreandaafe-a perléet[q & ntiseptc-soothing and healing in1t1 s 'r andeffect-ffly in it's application. With 25c.Soc.and i.oopotscometotton and lint. With goc. andiz,oo pta corne also dental pickups for applying iQufckcure" wo aching tth. AUl druggist oeili it, or Irrite direct to THE QuicKeung COM PANY, Lys. outaio, à.. Gi4JveI The only food$ te that will build! Baby ni> a weak cons- a titution gradu- Cha nce aîîy but surel y is Martin's ~Cardinal Food a simple, scientilic and highly *nutritive preparation for infants, *delicate cbildren and invalids.. 4 ~RY A1SO &CO. ue00 s. Bunketon division S. et T. visite Hampton Nionday veek. Rusing visited Tyrene last week and ueçx good ime. Miss Jennie Ward has reuu-ned Toronto. Rev. E. E. Hoard is condu, revival servees at Zuen. NI rs. G. 01iver,. c.4.ho frif t jr- last fai], us improvcng ntc -l anc. -,on t)c ale k> d ru rcd Mr, R. Avery lcr-; t.~ c(rut( h jr. s1bnovu uî i l i. c. tc. ,jt in.v, xt ra aid. % îr. W1' . 1 -'. '1,111 ( .cr;,ci N t <lj) au lt takor) t.c< <r thrai-,.. y ccr'c .tîc i. v tc-i l1< re t - ir fii(,,kng1c \r <las ,rl l-t:i-. ; f dc r '~ tch.:-tc A u fnii-pc f rhe frrr.-r-. r. -*:' Seighinà, ,woulcl he ver%'(i [)cesare huvîng arc al i th, Mr. A. Taylor is wou-kcng up ring in this vicinity. Mr. Wesley Johns and.- Mrs. Frayor have returned to \Ianutub.- Mr. joseph H. Devaney. repr ing the weii-known flrm oft)%-. ,& Co., calied on our merchari Thuu-sday. Mr. Devanev is verv <au- in our burg. A meeting et our hase bal] ci' held ia their u-eoms en Friday e-The club bas been feutu nate in ung Mike Ceuutney as pîtcher f c-oming season; John McCuai again weau- the mask. Mike hv.d fer te twuu-l feu- the Gamebrdgus but declined, Ouu- pepular heteikeeper. 1,1r, Oveu-end, bas had a siight attà rheumatism. We are pleaared t that he has almeet entiu-ely reco Mu-. Thomas Murphy wast tuustee here last veek. NIu-. \j will make a veu-y econemicalc The public echeol vilI be und guidance et Mu-. Ramsay, wý proved te be a very efficient tc Mir. Gaughan ie aise engaged th, ing yeau- for the separate school. A fure bu-oke eut in the resid( A. Cudahee about eleven o.'cl,_ on Fuiday, the 8th mest.. and cen dweliing, furniture and clothun cept what was ven by Mu-. aný Cudahet. The bouse was si near Schepler station and vav. by J. Boyle. Notvithstanding "bhard time considerabie number au-e puepar build as soon as the spu-ing epc WOMEN'8 WEA KN

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