Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 4

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upon the ?wty of uDre and Chemicale ; the genuine- flese of our MedicineB. We exercise great care in cbtain- ing the begt -and ouly the best goods in the market. Our Dispensing and Com- pounding ia alwaye accurate and correct. FINESI NORWEGIAN COD LIJ"ER OIL. 50 Cents ]Pgr Pint J. E, WILLIS, CHEMIST & DRUGOIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK ST., WHIITBY, -WHITBY.1 JAN. 22) 1897.1 SUBSOSIPTIOxa Nov is thec tue te renew your subacrip- tion. Our lis: of nev subacnibers la un- c usuaily large tbis year, and renevals sheuidp be tic nez-t thing ateuded te. We bave 'te à thauk s large nomber vie bave aircady re-a r.eved, net ouiy for promptuesa but aise fer s tic mamy complimenta containcd iu ibeir f letters. We certaiuly bave tried to give I everybody more tian value fer their0 money. Altbougi ve could cheat Our t readers viii a tar ciAaper paper prited lu b tic cties from ail vrts of clippinga. ve s bave stuck te local news, sud bave offered C cieap clubs (or those who want general readiug Our rate of Si.25 for the CHRON- ICLE and cihier tic Globe or Mail bas not bcen met by auy of the cheap bolier plaie papers viti ene exception, sud no localE paper lu Canada publisies hait as muci local uevs. t Pelittosi U.t. South Brant, North Ontario and E. Su- cee elections viii be hetd Feb. '011. The, candidates lu Bran: are Henry snd lloyd N. Ontario, McLeod and Graham - E. Sim coe. Bennett sud Cook, tic latter beiug tic 1-iherali n each case. Rlobb.ry. t)e-. anybody, suppose for a moment that the hundreds of miuiug companies now beiug for med in Toronto aud elseviere miean anythlng cisc but robbcny ? Weil, wio is te be robl>ed ? la tiere anybody te rob besides tie parties wio buy tudr vorti- 1,-s ,shares? O'ur leading newspapers proclaini theni- sekes the champion% of tic pooples inter- escas. 't for tie sake or the mouev they get (rom these -mlning companies" they aie tcooming themi as nothing vas ever boomt-d in Canada before. They have striven for months to set the people crîzy< on the miuing question, ail for the sake of the dz vide tiey will gel (rom tic ptoceeds. Af fer a lime thc sanie papers wili fil thcir columrns with long articles sieving up bey the public ha- been duped. O)ne find-, diffculty in sufficien:iy expies. sing the conde-naiion earued by the pres of Toronto for its share lu this plunder. Wlîcn dts mining boom started some of tic Tobronto Ps pers aunounced tha: ihey vere going tesasf egu ar d public inter ests by seud- ing representatives to the vesite report tic rue stateeoft tings. This led msny to sup- pose tics: any attempt a: public robbcry would bc exposed. Nothing ot the kind has heeîc donc, sud tic pledge te publiai tic rue state of aflairs faded eut belore tic jîrospec: of a rici harvest frem sdverîisiug bubbics. There is hardly a man et any preminence in Toronto or elsewhere in ibis province vie s net to-day the presîden: et a mining syndi- cate. Where are ail their mines? To pre- vent theniselves rom hein g afierverds clharged nîi t raud thi oi ttheni gel lu corporated as -MNining. [eveIopment sud lneI,'I'companies. Tic investmeni part ef t c:s what is te ho served up slter- wards as redeeming ticep ldge. We again express ticehope thal uo persen around here will be carried avsy foolishly hy this miuang craze. Let our people kcep their money lu ticbir pockcts. snd tbey vil have tic beat rining shares. We do ciet believe tiat one in a îhousaud of the invealors vill ever sec a cent ethils mouey back. There is a hundred times more money lu premotiug " mines than in actual imining. the 1oa res #becourt O t Quihe sci- . a fvIb hVn should ue o heatamcy vhatever. The cuIl requasite to becoenà,, Mnrewber of thc soctîs he lueihiation tbose *ho have a voice capable e- cultivation and au car for tuaic. The f«-of$gor euly hal( that viere tite la alreadây one membter lu a fasilly, sienld be ne bar. Tht ter re nato the end of May, asakingthe cost rldiculonuly loy. Thuce grand voices, tvo tenons snd a magnificeut base, ere amonuathei nev recruits Wcdnesday nigbt. F. HDwARD 4NmE, Presideut. Wbtb TOWa LiOsIs Mins Addic Martin bas gone to New York to take a thrce years course at tic School of Expression. Mfr O' Briesnviilbe ln thc Whitby Photo Gallery every Tuesday, Fnriday and ftlar. lay of caci veek. We gurantee a larger circulation than any five papers lu Uie county. and insert amou advearentsata:25 cents per veek. 44pr easoans made on veil improved ra. Wr E th atamp enclosed or cail ou Reynolds. ta & Co., ia4 Victoria St., Toronto.1 Jus: thluk of it, ladies' jackets that vo hiave been aeiling for 8.5,s6, 57.50. 88 and ;zo ve offer them ou Saturday-bargaiu day -for 83.9s, a: W G Walters'. Last Sunday's nain probably savcd us (rom waltowing tirougi two feet of anow for he balance oflthe vinter. Imagine ail that iquid turned iuto snew. The flrst uew year anev came on the saine date both ti year and st, Jan. x8th. Tic only differeuce vas tus: the fail this ycar vas not sufficlent, for sleighing. Tic Ice atonni ef last year vii ho due nez: Miouday By tic repor't ef the tovu ceuncti on Mon- day ulgbt, vbich yull b. found ou another page. it viii b. accu tiat tic council Rot aiong a little better than at its organization mieeting. As might b. expectcd vien Con Smmith's appoiutmneut vas made to non the streeta, It vill b. accu that be bas made the rulîcat provision :0 ix np the senti yard sud the farmnt-s' belt, vhici for street outlays1i outside the central or tax-paying part t thc town. As te thc business portion of tic towu the chainman ou atreets ays he viii buy euough atone a:tiche lail to kcep its streets rcpaired. Cheap Prnting and Onibing. Tic CHRONICLE doeB tic cheapest priae. ing sud offers tie hiveet clubbing prces of any paper iu Canada. Cail a: tins office wien you vaut uevspapens or prntiug. Burns' Anufversary. Tie Highland Club are making arrange- muents for a grand smoking concert in Uic munsic hall on Friday evening 2st:i mut.A frit cimes progranme o instrumental music, songa. dance&, speeches. etc., viilbe given. Thene villi-ais e hic us"algames a-ud amusemnents. 'AdurIsaion ouly 15 cents. Lindiasys Great Bouspiel. Two rlnks et our Wbitby ules ent te ' Lindaay's big bouapiel cmonioday., Tues - day sud Weducsqda-y. Tiey did mot expect te viu anythiug, sud as a muter et tact did net, beiug untortunate enougi te ho drawn agaiust Oshawa iu ever couteat but oeeou vilci occasion tiey béat a Lindsay niai. Tic Lindsay people gave tiec contre a royal bouspiel. the arrangements beiug suci lb.: ne matter viere a club vas dravu te play, the men had oly te goe tiere ut thc a ppo nt-1 cd heur sud found their stones sud br-oomua ou thi ce Our Whitiy entiers vere de-0 ligh ted vith tir trip, vic in ticir esti -1 mation greatiy enianced tie aiready goed mre et the Lindsay curiers. ConSirmlug Tis Carouicle. Speaklng ef tic measure fet eenomyi hiable to ho adopt&l by tie Grand Trnk1 Ralvay, tic Lindsay Watciman says: -* Oving te duU tisses ou tic G. T. P. tic officiais are cuttlng expeuses devu ote i flues: point. On Satorday thc Terontoe vay reîgbt vas caucelied, sud w remain se util baies pieks up. Tic Torente vay fi-igit.vhilci rnsnaopposite, ouly1 cornes as fat as Blackvater sud rotures. Tic Midiand vay freigit vas cauceileti ou Momday merning. Ticeuly vay freigit thaa is- runulng reguiar la tic Belleville vay freigit. Tireugi lhe cancefliug et tic above trains ton smen are tirwou et of vonk. Tien'git aviteissas has becs lad off su Y r Bsa J. Meilyre takes is place. XI is aise rumered tiaIt te Whitby jCinmlxcd, running from Whilty te MunilRa Jzciouta able to e b.stoppjed onaccount et scarcity et truffe onm liai Ue. This vii omiy leave one train runung ou.tial divis- ion cennecting vit the main Uine at Whitby, namely, tice ue leasing Lindsay ai 6.2o a. m-., retorniu at c)a. m." SaanPotatoct W. fail te sec eyUicthepublie cau b. ln- intenested lu tic matter, but as the Gazette sees- fi to make a big noim f e i.psymeul et our bill for prntiug fW the-eeilcgiate le- sîitutc'a receut concert ve <ccl that lu is enly preper toexepiain matters. Our billvas $7.75 ferri ntugzoo vole sicet posters 250 bristlebor four-page programmes, i5q papo«r do., o tickets, and about a iundrcd hunes of oa. Beides tuis Our office vas turued iotoa stage carpcstering ronufra veck or se, asud oui materiai cnt sud bock- cd to maie evenylhig.- We viii forfait tic amoont et eut charges If any nuprejotilceti pritor, lu Canada -vili ssy ve ver. sny- tbing like paid. For tic last previous con- ccrt icid for thc celieglato piano fond ve neyer recelved a cent for the pinting sud advertising. Tic Gazette ciargod te cents pertline ton adver:ialng both, aud itis tie on euevi made thoe exorbitant Charges. Wist a cieck 1: ha te parade befor. thc -pubhic as ourt utieral, a cmaseire it vaa-at (soiut. $x. Te Wcekly Sus, (Fruers' Sus'i. 8 pages. effly coutrolt.d and edit.d byJ Pro. Goldwls Smilth, sud TiIKCinoozNiCL, $1.2,5. Tic Weekiy Globe, 16 pagea of reneral neye vcekly, sud Tim CHRONICLIC, 5 cae f l"cal mvi vekly, tojan. t, zSg6, for 01.25. U .Thec Saturday bMai-Eusplre, 24 pages liiustrated, the Weekly ]Mail-Empire, aud Tuit CneRaMCLE for $2 a Yeur(thc price Of the Saturday maiÏ alome.) $2.75. The Toronto daily Werid sud Tuit CusewîIcLBsSs75 per annua. These are neot btiler plate sheets pintcd in Toronto type foundries sud palmed off on thc public as uewspapers. c d a si h tl li d 0 ~Ztook-takixrg Sale. (SBargain Note the Following Low Prices : Chif-dren's Heavy Ail Wool Hose, 15 cent&. per pair. Ladies' For Aile fi i 0~0cent per pair. Gente' 15 cents per pair. Children's Underwear at 15 cents and 20 cents each. Ladies' Gents' 20 cents and 25 cents each. ci .25c, 80c, 35c, 45ceach. Best Quality Wide Width Flannelette, only 7 conts per yard. All Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5c. and 7c. per yard. Good Heavy Factory Cotton, 34-im. wide, only 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Bleached Cotton, 86-in. wide, only 9c, and 10c. per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Cbildren's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents eaeh. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. sud 85c. each. Men's Unlaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 ets. each. Men's Cambrie Shirts, to clear, 50 cents eacb. Chenille Table Spreads, good size, only 75 dte. eacb. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 18 ets. each. Floor Oil-cloth, good quality, choice patterns, 25c. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies' ,Mantles sud Gents' Ulsters. Also Men's sud Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our Tailoring Department is under the managemen good Suit, and fit guarani and we wilI convince you ANDREW t of a firet-css outter, and our prices for a beed, is $10 and upwards. Give us a cal Lare prices are right. &- 1 me ROSSO Tbe Boulot i Other Pool m»v Ou Friday lest the hotel keepers et Pick- ering, through Lavycra Duverset, of Toron- to, made on application te His Honon Judgc )artnell for a scrntiny of tic votes iu the rceu: piebiscîte for and againat tic nepeal of local option. Mfr. John Bail Dow uppear- ed ou behaif of the Pickering temperauce ai- lance sud these --opposed te thc nepeal of local option. It seema tua: If sncb a serut. Iny as thiaisle .ng heid 1: becomes the duty of thc reeve te appoint men te neprescu: Uic diffenent vlngs o et tigb:, sud l Ic me ean- time Mr Dow represents aU tic elements opposed t e neal. Of course a acrutiuy can bc hbad easily enough, but tic question * as te boy a majonityof 5 eau b. affected, or cisc to show that tic races: vote vas se greatly lu errer iu otier respects that anoth- er pieblacite shonld b. takes. The botel. keepers, 1: laesaid, viU cos:end tiat many who anc municipal voters are not legaiiy qualificd te vote u ths by-iav, vhereas ail such vene alloved te do se lu tie recent rot. Atiother contention la tiat the ballot ras misunderstbod, a tig quit. possible, but an argument vhich ooid have ne force prevlded thc ballet vas preperly vordcd. The exact grounds tic vlskey party yull take viii net b. kuovu untîl tic atatement of partieulars le put lu, vici muet b. ut lest ten days before the scrntlny takes place Iu the meantime tic frlends ot local option may maire ticir minds easy. For bhroc years they have heliessiy iooked ou ile unlicensed whiakey Sloodéd the town- ship. Nov tic boot la on thc other foot. This tume they can look ou sud laugi vhiIe the taveru keepers struggle te get their ban- rooms opened np, viich viii b. the next -alender day after donsday. Amy ecacet this scrutiuy cou have on peeple's nigit te vote viii eut verse against -tichetWeikeep- ers than Uic temperauce people, even should It lead to anether vote, and ne deuit the mnuicipal council vonld deiay calliug au- other vote util Uiere vonld b. a mcv list. The bareoms et Pickering are ciSet for- ever. and other munidipaiies viii soon sec the wiadosa of the big tovmsiip's example. ASad Cama Mary Smitb, a domestic lu tic home of Prncuipal Waugh, of the colleglate institute. lied ou Snnday lest,ne the resuît of takiug drug te produce abortion. Sic vas a Rye zdri. lu ber a2ud jear, a native of Gosaport, England, sud had becu in Mis Waugh's service ince Jan. 3rd, t&6. She vas en- gaged to eue David Robinson, et Bradford, where Principal Wangh formerly resided. It vas kuovu te Mn. Waugh's family that tho deceascd vas engaged te b. manried te Robinson. tic prnucipai's tamly moved icre iu September, sud previeus te tiat thc honsehold had net been lu an erganlzed state owiug te the meviug. Abotibis tume M4iss Smith vent tw tic Teronte exhibitiou witi Mrs. Thon. Morris, Bradford. sud it aflervarda tnrued ont that one Einest Rogers, Bradford, vas eue et tic party. Tic condition of deccased vas net obaerved hay envbody util lst vek. When tic deccssed retuned -treni a visit te Bradford on Jan. Sth shecbacd a very bad cold aud ap- peared te b. iu veny poor spirits. Until hast Wcducaday aie vas lu a fit state te b. about. Thon sic iad a bad bead ache sud took wo ber bcd. Tiursday aie came dovn 'ualr, but was ne houter, sud veut bnck te bcd. Sic took te vomiding on Tiursday and kept 1: up ail day Friday. a:tich sanie tine compiaiuing et a bad beadacie sud biliousness. Ou Saturday moruing Dr. Mc- Giiiivray vas calicd in, and then ber condi- tien became clear. Tic girl cameedown staira again that attersoon but vas veny slck, and vas taken back w bcd. Thc doc- tor vas agin sent for a: 7 p.n., aud ber condition grcw verse vcny fiat, util hi be- came evideut sic vonld not recovcr AI- thougi sic et first dcnicd ber condition te the doctor, sic vas compelcd te admit, aod aise tiat sic b.ad taken sme dirng. Sic stated tiat ber condition vastic resuît et Iutimacy viii David Robinson. UJpon learu- ing tiat siec ceîld mot live sic couscnted te aiu a ate-mortenu et atentent , but vicu :ech a document vas drâvu up accusimg Robinson ot tic crime sice cfused te aigu ItL Sic tics asserted tuat her condition vas changeable te Ernest Rogers. of Bradford. and cm oe Roinuson. Asoter statement va* dravu up by the doctoes nd 1Mr. Waugh dtclanlng tiat Rogers vas thecmin lu the case, sud tis sic signe. Sic stated tiat sic had ssed a droig rocsmnmzed byMr$- Tises. Morris, Bradford, sud .vwici sils bong i(mrem Wi. Camupbelt, druggist. Brad- ford. Aiet:a o'clock Sumday morniug Dr. Eastwood vaes called In.; but tic case vas à4188 Beatrice R Doker, A.T.C.f.- -GRADUATE 0F- tORONTO CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC. Pupil of Mr. Edward Fisher. Teacher or P1aam6.oeteA:ý' For ternis, etc., 4pply a: resideuce, Whitby, Ang. 27, '99. CouNwr v utýDaNGs. Gordon IMeldrum, RD. j L. R. C. P. EDIN.BVRGH, q Fancy China, A Large Stock o~ Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full LUne of Fresh Alway8 G roce ries. Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. WHY NOT T~ E T The Farmex's Advooate je IIOW, anid has been for some time, the favorite and most practical agrionitural journal in the prov'ince. "-Ge-zco e Transcri5I. A FEW 0F THIE JANUARY 1t CONTENTS, Agricultural and Expenimental Union Annuel Report. Ontario Fruit Growéy~' Annual Con- vection Report. Outanlo Beekeepers' Annual Conven- tion Report. The Farsiers' Itscct Pestaeiln 1896. Tii. Poor Man's Ice Houae. Winterlng Shecp. »Loy te Obtais Greateat Egg Yieid. Points in Dairy Practice. Packlng and Marketing Butter. Mftk Faet and Cheese Yield. Cov Culture (Breeds Costraated). A Poprona tnry. B te ht S= te inp et Care of Foals 0 ptcn Round Sites. metoaAked aud Ansvered. Pip "d 1%r= Produce iluEsse Pants. P.cding for Miik. COKES EVERY 2 WEE -IN A- "GOLD TINT"» COVER. SUBSCRIB~E NOW. DON'T miss an issue fer '97. No (armer or breoder cas aflord 10 do vithot tIL.Our baudsomc andi valuable Xmas Nomber viii. be sent le ail persenasicubscribing at once. SEND FeR SAMILS CerY. Office and Résidence North End of Th& TFJEROU, 1 BYEON et. Ofii oHurs: 10 anu. te p.M., I.Barnard Thanka bis ma.ny culý, ers for their apprec 1 ,words and practical su1 during the year tha patit. In 1897 Do effor be relazed to make his1 of Watches and j tboroughly attractive. taste, the quality aný price shall menit a,~ tinuance and au (-xt- of the patronage soi, ly bestowed heretoforu 1897 prove a Pz'ospei'ous um Cfa "y local paper tImam 4FBIDÂY, JAN. 22, 1KU LOCAL LÂCONïIOS Listen! Don't buy a stove ur se Jake Mclntyre. Mliss Florence Dartnell Ieft on W«. to spend a month with Guelph frien' Mr T H Grefflvood, B-A., has N~ pointed à Fellow of the Imperiat Ir London, Eng. Ladies, Jackets reduced to less price, for i day oniy; your choice fn at W G Walters'. Dud. Allovay la to spend six nm Toronto >ail for bhkting the man at H Creek vwith a boulie of vhiskey. Miss Sarah Griffin, for years ot tht TUS 1.0135e, sud Mr. Robt. Gormnley. ing, vere married on Wednesdav. Remnants of dresa goods. flarn shirinlg, toweiings,' etc.,- a: hait Satsnrday, bargaiÏ day, Jan 24rd, Walter$'. A. 0- U. W., Mondav evening. J; A full attendance je eairnestly reque- mnatters of great importance w ill c fore the meeting. Brother you a soualy Interested, b. presen:. Mfr. and Mns. Wm. Morcombe, b Pickering, ceiebrated thuir china ou Mouday night. About zoo relat friends were there, and united in pr the happy pair two easy chairs and ful hsnging Lamp A very compli address vas read;. A most agreeabi evening vas spent. Aýpprestîce Wanted. To lears the prw:ting business. this office. Smoking concert. Burns' anniversary wiil be celeb Friday evening 2qth in@t.. by a - S inrthe music haIl A good night's be loked for. Mr Drydess Meeting To-aigbh. We vould again eail a: entior, John Drjaeu's meeting. which w ili in the music hall- to-nîght. The* re the h on. gcenlms's speec- es el throughonî the ridiug show themn to partizan, and most practiicai. Su( pariiamentary duties should b# pe by every meniben, as Ù'ohing eIse sý iy tends to educate people in their -a New Epress Offices and Chcap Ticke T'he Camadias Express Ce. nov Only $1 per year. Physicln, Surgeon & Accoucher. 10 SUE IS 10 D81101 Cali On «Oob- WM. TILL aud be comviuced tual su EleganthUe ef FURNI TURE UPHOLSTERED 000D8 is being soid aI avay down pices tekp lu touci vith tic HARDTIiS Antique Oak Leatier Seat Cebler Rocker - .$2 25 Antique Oak Pînai Rocker . -3 00 Gents large upholsterod Pasy Chair 4 50 Parler Sets, Oak, Piush & Tapeatry î180o Sideboards, Plate Mirrer . 6 oo Bodreezu Seta, 3 Pietes . . 10 0.0 Diuing Table, 4 leaves . -5 oo Childrcu's Rockers - - - - 50 Al ether geetis pro- portioually cbeap! Everytiing snitable, useful sud orsamental. Repaing, Uphelster- ing sudtUndertakiug. WM, Ti LL9 WHITBY.

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