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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 6

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Cam. This mattet vs. u opt rprolimifary basting before fPlim MkgitmsHrUper en Frday night las I. ajor J E Pirs- veIl represeuted thecrovu, sud PMr Juc. Bail Dov s&peaWedfur PMr 6 EGros%, the. defendaut. There voro probsbly 350 people preseniteobear Lhe evideuce. Albert Jackson, the complainaut, vas thoefitt vtues. Had a rev vith Gros iu front et the latter's store on Jauuary fitb. Defendant tabbed me in thc face viti a long carving kuife havung a red handie sud a long blade. The kuifo cuL mue on the right iside ef the chin. I1vas juat outaide Grecs & Granger s store door. The door vas open about three or four t iches. 1 hsd no voapon of any kiud. 1 vas holding the door to keop Grecs in- Bide. He vas about te att.ack my brether Thornai.wit, h te kutte. 1 judged se trout hie languago sud actions. My brother and t;roes vere quarreling eut- @icle, and (;rose veuit toto thoestoe, geL the kuiife and vas coinm back as hougb to corne cutaide wvî t 1 teld my brui her tug) g away. 1 did net tell hirn that (rok4e had a k-iite for 1 euppoeed lie could soc hiin vîth iL in hie hand. I said to re that ho vwu a dirty 1ev lIved brute te pull a knife on s man. î;roee vas pulling the door te open it at thîs titne, and I1s-as holding it chut te keep hu In. 1 had ne intention et at- tackîîîg detendant betore ho etabbed me nr hetore ho vent ie the store te get the knitte. The altercation betveen Gro-~~ssiad my brother began jusL seu.th of tro( - >~&Graugere dour. i vas net thore te asett ry brother in attackiug J ac kson. 1 vas tryîng to keep themn f romn ightîng. 1 vas net noir Grosé ai aIl ou the ouiside of the store. I pus§hed iy brother te one side sud caid "W dents vaut any of this bore." At tbe ime defendant etabbed me vas net in any danger et au attack trom me. The doctor saad the kuttoe truck the borie. Wae in tbo bouse by the doctor'c erderi for five days. The vouud bled conusider- able. 1 teed pain froru tho' vound yet. Had a continuai pain for three or foui dsys. The docter put a stitcb in the vound. To Mr. Dow-l vent frern our ovi store te Grees.' Mr brother bail jusi todme of noume trouble ho had the even îug before vîit Grus. I aid'"Ho iz dovu there nov, sud 1I yul go doççp sut hear what ho is eaying.-' I vas incOucet by vhat my brother bail tolil me, bui geL a little cooleil dovu betore I came tx vhere Grees vas talking vith corne othei mon-Fred Joues, W J Luke sud coin other porson. Whou 1 valked up t( them I said " Geed morning, boys.' ('roes turued te go avay sud I asked hiu vhat vas the racket the nizht betore. vauteil Le talk the maLter cirer vîth him 1 toIt a little temper et the time. Grosi said "Who are you talking to ?'- 1 &ai( 'Bell ou. Come bore." Ho bail valk ed avay several stops, sud ruade ne reply but kept moviug avsy. He did net say .'lI dont vaut Le have auything te gay? V you ' 1 vautited talk over tbe maLte of the eveniug before He vas geiug ii the directonof etbisovu store, sud I fol loved ptetty tast as I eav my brothe comtng te moot Grou. 1 teared that1 tbey met there mgt ho a reneval et th, E revieus ught's difficulties. 1 did no knov that my brother vould striki Crosa. Be hadnet stated that ho voule do sno. 1 dont knev vbero my bret.ie vas vheu 1 firat spoke te Groes, bu vheu I turucd back te follev Gros& They voe juet about meeting souti c ;ross dooç. To geL jute hie Store doft would have te pana my brother. The, OutrepestaletutsrttesdMr. Jaute Brsiey, cetHaunlion, s his otes, saKling WtImUtees.mr. Beruybsaam mbuvolbu buslnsuma us oci HarIl&IcMsfe 'vme'F= -s.dteust. %are kueunfrm RAMU aite VaeomasvMt4ud gnd MY bla UessIusi@ *Cta"i5ê1 Et. 8ryIs lm* 100 y ha" l"vhI t 4idutbgasiedvmI~o i kIn1. IfhtSD UalqmllaDt~ wiostis&biaeOUVs te pan. pmmraatma471@tWbUamIiO5 M&iO luSii te Oight Albert j golud hsr.h Alber &&Q o 6- uThos. Éli& sd hedaot f1r.M orm d pulled the door ohut. He vus holding ett Whouvien Igo th ters. Albert vas talking to dort viion1 got thore. .A bort wua' talk«Iug .doi t tieugi ihe door. I understood the trouble te b. betwoen Tics. Jackson aud defeudant. If Thos. had nes corne dowu I don't think thore vould have boom auy trouble. I think Albert Jackson vas trywng to prevent trouble. I saw dofrt close inside tb. door. Did net soc Albert Jackson vith auy weapon. Def't bad s knife in bis hand vitb a biade about 12 iuches long. 1 thought ho vws geing Le knife someone by the look& of thinga. Albert vas holding the door shut. Could net hear vhat Groes aid before the door vms opened. A good deal was said. Heard def t say Jackson vas a thief. Albert said def't. date not corne out ou the road sud say e, or somethiug cîmilar te that. 1 civ the loor open a littlie. ant say vho opeusd it. Albert had hie foot in the door anddvas talkin1 to deft. As soon as the door vas opeüed def't stuck the knite tbrough. Albert vas cut ou the face. I noticed the vouud vas bleediug. The blood rau dovn hie collar and ie and veet, and corne fell on the door step. Sav bim vipe off the blood. Did net hear vhat def't said wheu he etabbed Jackson. Did net sec Tbos. Jackson v ith a vespon. I took it that Greas geL the kuife. It vould bq about haîf a minute after he geL inte the store beforo 1 mev hîm vith the kuife. 1 To Mr. Dew-Thoe. Jackson came tdovu on the run. 1 tbeught Tho&. Jack 1son snd Gresivere making for a fight, Ebut nîy judgment vas that Albert vas Bfor peao.. If dot t had net met Thos. iJackson I tbink ho vould have gene juto e his store. Did ,xt ec Thon. Jackson puait up hie sleevot. Albert Jackson had hma foot in the door juet betore the knite - as used, suddvas sideways te the door with his body againet it. Did net see r Albert puah the door with bie shoulder ebefore the kuife vas used. There voe others present-Faquet, Lake aud ene or ntvo more. Albert vas excited atter the ýt seabbing. but not before. Heceemed 1_ cool untîl after ho vas stabbed. Dont es think Grecs tried te escape. Dont d think ho hied auy roason te foar violence d fromn Albert Jackson. If Groes bad net it gone into the store this could net have Shappenod. If 'I had been in deftte rplace I vould net have talion up a knife. * Mîght have taken a club or hammer. * To Mr. Farewel-The Jackson'&scould net have get jute the ahep if they vantedi nte, se Giroas could have geL svay ho been Ianxieus te do se. 1 dîd net cee any mca- *sou fer Crosa to take a kuito. Fron. w hat took place I ahould net *bave taken d a club or hammer. There veto many thinge ineide the door that Gres migbt have geL iuetead et a knife-hockey s. ticks, etc. Thos. Jackson vas net near ,0 the door vhen the kuife vas usod. I r did net hear Grosa varu the Jacksone nl net te corne in the store. M. J. Colline svorr-Sav soma ot the rfracas betveen Jackson sud Grs on Jait if5th. When 1 firet saw it there vas a e crovd of men in front et Gre'as store. 't Sav A. Jackson at the door. Ho vas Oe holding it shut vheu I first miv Grena in- daide. Jackseon had ne veapon in bis h aud. Ater Jackson w as etabbed saw tGroes ith a kuife. Thos. Jackson vas 'behiud me on the valk, Did net see Aanyene tryîng te get into Grou' store. t. Sav Albert Jackson push hie brother 'y avay frem the door. Heard A. Jackson s ay,* "You are a lov-lived brute, sud I suwd if GeO"" lutèont 0ehé. coud ick 40 IM êYw.At., ithe slubblng A Ja.ckson doél61t a 1ev and a .hylock. There -vers.»me hockey stioks inside the ýdoor. 1 dou'btbink eitboi of thie Jackson& v"s tryrng to <get inside the store. They oould hale eutered had tlicy wanted to. To Mr Dov-"-8a Thos Jackson corne dovn the street on a run, snd raisesbis hand te strike def't Though.: ho pashed up bis siceves. Gresa vas running te- vards his deor. I followed fest, as 1 could see there vws likely te b. a fight. Groas lookod soared as though he feared there vould be ene. My impression at the st.art vas that def't had roasun to fear violence fromn both the Jacksons. Be- foere the stabbing Albert vas standing in freat of the door, and there vas sorne talk. Then Jackson openod the door with bis baud and put hie foot in the opening. Dont think Oresa vas trying to open the door. The knife vas used after Albert put hic foot in the door. Sornethiug that Grosa said after the door was opened caused Jackson to lunge for. ward, and the kuife camne out St the samne time and met him. Up to the time that Gresveut in the store Albert Jackson bad flot doue anytbing te cauBe f car. unleas the question uk cd at firet vas a cause. Albert vas following def t. on a run vbeu Thos. int.ercepted hirn. If I had been in dett'a place 1 vould have feared trouble. Dont t.bink def t caw Albert saw Albert running after hi m until after ho met Thos., but think 1 savw Albert.Jackson running tovards hirn ho- fore he vont jute the store. Albert told Tom te get eut et the vay. One eould uuderstand from his action that ho vaâ peacoinaker. t isnet likely def't. hoard Albert tel his brother to " Get eut of the vay, we don't vaut any of this here. " The deer swung shut vhon deft. vent in, aud ho remained on hie owu promises until the row was over. At thin stage the case vas adjourned to Wednesdy, Jan 2th. Murray & Lanman 's ofÇ w îiot [au tous W. E. y ARNOLD, D. L.SB., Oounty Surveyer sud Drainage Engmnser, Port Perry, Ont. Wil. CALVERLEY, HÂB4n5MIUZUI, vffl. Ha'viug moed ie eur nov promises, vo are prepsred toexetend the range et business. AUl verk ertainig te t ho harneses.anisug sud isaddlery business yl ho doue te satis- faction. Collata a specialti. C&Ua-Ind uee My shop sud stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door veat et old mhop. Dundas Street, Whii by W. A DAMS, GeNDENTI ST. Rooms ever John Fergusefl'5 Clothing store Reidence-No. i, The Terrace, Byron St . Wihsv iJan. setk. e8o. j.: H a ir , VIGOR IL W., Penwick, cf Dtgby, N. S.. sa"s: «'A littie more than two years ago culr ad easd fl n d Mt A Gte thet ufsHaif "ight asrcgo. I bad its -rie-a clodand cs my ali. whoutp.eAi ah variy opreparation."tMth- on. beF.Fmic, igrei, tli.Ibgnt f ih yeaar I soul be errantety ajd. Ab id, n ot ha ago myhusbandvi ought homquie a bont-If Aye ouHaeii§ iar, nd begais1 at n eto fS it. i shond a shor nenew hbait Abogantsi onpear, and he Il R evry prt opet o stbick aygrow of ait igrand bee my ine." us i. na hrt Pelymn tNew h (eans, a.paadteei q BIL J. C. AuE & CO.,LBw[LLm,UASS. .A. Al#er'. PUnis eu"e Siek HUeadm" 0à - Tà emSPOPE OLC M We ceulil hear eccb other bettet aft the door vas opened a little. Before th st.abbiug I callod bim s dirty lov.live brute. Ater the stabbiug 1 called bim .Jev sud a Shylock. 1 said il ho von! lay dovu the kutte I could lick 40 lik bîm. Probably that vas an oxaggcrste estimate. Atter ho struck me vith th kutte I triel te oen the dont vith m sheuldet. My face vas net close te th beor vbeu the knife cuL me. 1 dont b lieve defendaut geL the kuife te keep m sud my brother eut ofthLe stoe. I thîr my brother eaid atter 1Iu vas lbbe *"Corne avay, - but do net remnem ber Lb, anybody isaid I vas bleuding. The kuil drovo my head back. 1 hck Lb, ho ealled me s tiief a dozen timee. shoved my brotlser eut et the vsy e kee him from the door, sud kept iu fronti him te keep hiru avay. My appetil vas somovbat afected for%& day. To Mr Fateel-I do't rememb that defendaut said vhat ho vas going1 do vith te kuite. He vas pullingj the door. Do't ibink ho made ar tbreaie beo e ho tabbed me. Fred. Joues svon- I1env Albe Jackson and Grose in frctont et harneus sope on moruing of Jan. 5t] Deft. vas hro fisi, and vaa talkim about viat iad boon sad lu the hall t proviens nighi. Ho vas ilking et Tio Jackson. He said ho told Jackson thi ho vas a d-d thiof frein bis tathi dovýn. 'AIboriJackon ne edovna W this tut a eordînàry4i-fate-Oedi mot join ut ,the cenversateon Ua Graissturnd avay -Tien,'iacl'scm sa ",-ey, Gros., vhWi ait odu id la migit 1 " He repeated ih ai tiesan time. Did flotbIesmros my amythln but noticcd that lho aked- on towari his store; Jackson fcllcving hehid vould Dot talte it, bt ho, wu vaohasiji 0rt1s. I Dnôilcd Teee aksnta ni" g dovu as", I 4.Lhughftoteinite« Grmes, eoro the latter Venld golte etore., -Abert saMd "ev iialene 1 Tiers vasa s vof oufle belveon Tio DENTIS T. Wm Thompsou sworu-Witnesa de- ecribod vhat teck place the.sane au id ethers had doue, with the exception t.hai keho vould net say Thon. Jackson tan to d meet Grecs before they had the brush in hotront et the barber sbop betorc Gresu vy ent juto his store. Did net beave mny h hp av Albert Jackson go up tk MaGo'dont. Next beard hem sy ho ]kWeJ waatabe svoru-Descrjbotlthe par- ed ticulars about À Jackson valking dovn su ad joiuiug tho group ai Joncs, te vhenm te Gren avas described the events cf the ai proviens night. Groas vaîked avay. I Jackson spoke te hlm, as te whst hatd epbeen said the proviens night. Goven et started to valk says, & i ' Iam titO it talkiug te yen, Mr'Jaeksaon." Jackson tollovod. Thce. Jackson ÏÏet d.r t and emch struok ai the. other.. Dont t.ga1 >o either euoceoded. Thorava s mrnefur- t' ther spravling aronnd, but by the-tiuuu at AIbr Jackson got te thom iGrasshaM 'Y euteted hie store. Diii net boit Albert Jackson say suything. The. ivo Jack- nr sons follcved Grosa ôte sdccv, sud tics ni Albert etepped in toe peveAt us brotboî h. tolloviug Gmcsl in.Sa., binpe ;h iq' mg brother bock. Tioe Jackson muved bac) ,ho until there vote otbeis m vilt betw.es ms. hlm and thc doo6r. Sa Aibeit bave iol( tao e b.dont. 1Thete'vas netig to, pvo etr vent cîther cf thie Jachuona ftfr og in. ibut they <1IDot, j 6,&IbeWWba lid boîd ot tic do'or misa Jî» -UkSvabehind ad the, front end of tihenticeunter bsa id I got thora. H. , brgit sOb; lte brd Mt bahind tiec cerk lth4 *blWo ne about 12 nce ng DIw"at stu Lthpisidc cf 'the oloseéd ioot'and."9 i ihov erheasteded to op .io&but th. sgAlbert Jacks o vî"u Mtte 1'- r éotbut. -Thelie' pi. but obl o tî ti kuiebyGosJàokézi ILmntpIt e. a Liesot afieril theb 4 býî ii M Over OTOsu £1 GTngM. LWhitby. - tiýe Open every SaturdaY nigit. . FLORI DA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDU RING 0F ALL PERFUMES FOR THIE IANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH. ALL BRUGISIS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. UXRELIDGE. Mn. J. B. Geuld, ex-mayer sud ex- reove eft Lii tovu bas tated bis inten- tion oftremoviug to bis largo tarin in Markbamn. MAr. Wax. Bunme left rilch cowe at Leaskdale rccumly vas mot fiuancially encoeetul. The animals vere goed selectsd Âyreeshires, but ont armets veto afrail te buy, sud iberein vs think tiey made a misiako. Afier a namber of animale had boom sol Mr. Butas oIdt obliged, tooeil ti. sale off, tic prices being se 1ev (#14 te $22). Mr. ILa*ronce, et the North West, ia visiiing MAr. James Wý..kcr, Uibriilge, MAr. John Ben, Greenbsuk, sud otiet friende boe. Mr. Lavrence is engagol in ranching noarthLe Oypteus HiIls,200 milds frorn Calgary anI 600 Miles vont cf Winnipeg. Ho livel in ibis part et tOntario many. ysams mgo and ha. promis- ad uï au article on thc subjeot cf cauIe ra-ncbiag in tic North West. Mr. Lavrem.e bas is covboy suit witih um te show te curions friends. -Ing »CeMPAJO Mr. J. A. MoGill irY, hasbeen s p- pointel presideni of a nov mluing Comn- pany calel Lhe Easterand su ataipresent un Biritish Columbia. Car miembor for West OauloLie Hon. J. D. Edgart la eresdmtcnotitfi oibmaysimdualbr 1I0:1 of Torontoiei.prasideut cf plI aote . p<bocs sa#6 tiere -aus noir beligr dôaie a dgelm tc nako money, anmd ceeMay mot. Yen psy yeur mqO*y pd - take shaS..ÀA e local mmm ppe te 'bore saheIn tn Quaker HMliamd startammulmcmpumy. Is worAld aoit ake mue-Ume -..or mkauiey* Le dig a 80 ft. tunnel &M dma j4ev tc.es The local mn ma. e on. fident tualtieosa u st as pmemhsi a"rspot, ad d ometlI" Ifîe da eaumgI. 'Tbe eempZay, 1à, n ar unsevsc m -yà 'û--Pid- sed uon-àassssabe," ithéfipi ýallomnt t. be maskeid ut 101 ul5e.-Tur"Li. ail Disases of thé Kidneys tid Urlnary OQrgans, Ki*dney- *Bright9's0Disease, Diabetes -»â, Parailai, and ail for-=$ 01 Blood Poisoning. boxes*aon60 cents. oi yamDugssnd Deaierm---never by cont or ln buiS, and neyer under any OUi.,- naineLia DODG'6 KIDNEY PILL8. tii.. Dod.d'a Medcline Co., Toronto. Gentlemen-A nev niedîcine cafled Ded7 Kiduvy PlUs bhm been recommenil- cd te me by my phy4'ician, and, by bis e.dvice, I rend eue dîIl1ar,the _priceo f wo boxe&. Plea&e send the i v Liut delay. Yeurs truly, ANDREW FILKINS .ntou, MePhermiou Ce., Kanae Saudcmrd. Mr. Themas Kydd lied Lie mistorune et geLting hie foot mieL last Saturday. Mr. Joshua Moore bas become ne uoe eut citizens. Mrs. NrlIson, et Nevmarket, is the guest et triondahebre. Mr. snd Mme. F. A. Dales, etDunubar- ton, are visittug at Mr. Jacob Lemon's. Dr. L. Beat, V. S , et Valloy City, Nerth Dakota, speut Lb.he ldays viti bis parente bore. Ja -J .rAà9»WZi3 , 1 4- Cet auibte vouaty Orova Attoru masu OousWKEou»a, Wbhby. JAMas RUTLBI>UEt Barriater, etc. MOfce formerly ocoulpted by Fareveli & Rutledgs, neut Royal Hotel, Brook B8., Whitby. DAVID OIRNJSTON, Be A., Âttorney-at-LBw, Solicitor in Chaucery, Oonveyander, etc. Office Zi the Office senti of the Fost office, mn uMolan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer ef Marriage Licenoies. Office - Smith'ls B lock, South of Market, B,'ock St., Whitby. DOW & McGILL1VIiAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brook St., 'Whitby, south of Ontario bank. Ors. Warren & Moore, J. J. Moore, M. D., Brooklin. F.Warren, M. D. Whitby. 1 Office heuts 9. a. m. Office heurs Il a&m to 11a&.m. to 2 p.m. pW Prir'aie Telep/iote Commufnica5iw. 0. P. BOGAKT, M.D.,L.D.S. Physicaû, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office sud Residence n ext te Ail gaits Church, Dundas Street, Wbitby. N. B.- Dental Snrgery iu ail us branches promîtly aitendedti t. WumyD. O Madenf, WhuIby Club Jm.8 eb. 8; Maccb3; Aprfil2; Ï.y is; Jne 2: juJy 7Bop. 2; Oct. 9; NLYS; Dec. 2. OsJuw-]D. 0. Macdonell, Whltby, OIýrk; Jan. 4; Peb. 4;a Msxc4; AprU3; May4; junme ; July 8; sep., Oct. a; Nov. 4, Dec. 8, BUl - K. Gleescu, 6y..ilwood, Clrk.-JaBfl6; Mséroh56; MaY ; JuIy 9; sep. 4 ; ov.- 5. Foi? Fmi» - J. W. Bnrnham, Port I'crr, CIerk-3siL 29; Mardi 9,;1May 15, JUIy 20; scp. 28; Nov. 38. - ux»IDGI-Jo ep B. Gould, Uxbridge, Clerk-J&fl. 30; Msrch 24; May 19tb; Jrdy 14;oct14 ; DeO. 16. CANNIN GTOXWGeorge Simith, Canniigtefl, Jan. 81; March 2b; May 20; July 15; Oct. 15; Dcc. 17. Bz,Âvuwron-Geo. F. ýBruce, Beeverton, Clerk-MLrCh 26; MKay 21; July 16 ; Oct. 16; Dec. 18. Ums"oov»-fl'<. P. Hart, Upteigrove, Clerk,-March 27; May 22; laJy 17; Oct 17 Dec 19. By order. Octebet 7th 1895. J.B. FAREWELL, ùlerk of thc Peace. WOMEN H ES/T TAL-KF But it is Nota Yet Some Suffer 1i-1 Even Speak on Physîcîan--- A HEALTH AND New Liiory and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whltby, 4 J. T. IIEWPORT, Proprietoe. Comnmercialmon libez-ally dosî t viti Teamlng doueeat reasonable prices. Frelgit simd Baggage hauled aitessuon- able prices. AÀcaIl mliclted. ]aL JEIC3IQ&E. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yon-go St. Toronto. For tic noit tirce e nthm I arn giving special attentioni to , tients Ircen a dis- tance. Am tsIl making plates lu tubiez, $8, ceihîloidi $10. Golf sud silver fillng 'vor cro-vning by firit-clasa operators ai, Lhe momi reasonable rates in the city. Whou n uthcCity caîl in and lot me exam- lue yeme teeti. I make ne extra charge. C. J. RIGOS, Dentist, senti euat corner King sud Yovne Ste., Toronto. Wu H. WARNER, - ORDWODI SLABB, ETO LIFEL INSURANCE. AGENT -:1: For the PEOPLE'S ManutaOturera' Life & Accidenit Ineuranco Go., Toronto- Largest Capital Stock Lif e Insurace o. on the continent. Nunety pet cent. 0 aul acomunlationet surplus in returned t., the poliey holders.AUil aimrs are paid vithout delay or discount ou pmcot uf deatb or matutlty celyrnweut J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 98. . Agent. Whitby. WLýitbg Ioudt el pet anManun lu ga&vse tmvs $1.50 8ubs*riptiou5 mlvaYs aabea t& ig oficeetpublicatIOU. 'Thépblsh de Dot undetake te dailver t* pàper a goiy Ot oUeo but Wiitby. ;4M u bepf wbi?"U r eacýIts destinaton l b %eLaed 1ioetifistlc a s a atierc 0ourWey. Advertlslug rt«s jojoesbZ cou-1 tract.-10 cents petlino, uclipsiil, ftiftla-ý nartion, mmd à cexts Par limoeussQsbqO,ý 1ueniInsortionLoa.1cetpeli. ÂiM I 11changes for yerly a&vetseUt amtibe brengi t u B"motetr thm iTnsay- momnig. JOHN STANTON, Poreusa. Esilway Time Ta GRAND TRtJWK AN» ~ tnaaxuseoiU* vusuval [ai! .. C Uwtcak flaflv i e Sranduy 54 -..iJ. 511v. bis II»LAI mu. y~.xc#p4 Iran - *~ 4* St - - su ha GOAL GO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptow;q Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONER -FOR- SPARTICA, MM 191&w WRITIbTGAmr' TAKE NOOTIR CHAS. r T:. UCTIQNERRJ uadus~a*1 SGOTT, malin- Net tb. lesi amoug the minu)? able service Dr. Williams' Pink bave rends-ted te anGfferxng voien. irq et tiding them eover the critosî p' commoncing at middlle age, Comm kuevu as the change ef !Ife. It ce c happens that at ibis clii 'nactoric vu relapse into a stageofe chrinic mviii. 4amnd tbo actual danger te life whtc!, tends the change in 80 great thait a m cmne wblch can be rolied upen te c the syotem ovor tLiiidangerous in nothing leu. than a life.eaving muvent Whas Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla vi! for vomnuat ibis change et lite e i in' a case reporte1 in the Devait -n.)Chronicle. IL je that of Benjamin Smith, vho lives at Han streot, Devsbur. The change of had left ber veak sud miserable, constant pains, dizzjneee sud short et broatb on the eigbt exertion. toee wxtb chronie rheumatism in the and oyez. The pain in ber head too aoute for vorde. She gltne a éther by day -or nigbt, sud ber sa, vas at imes ne groat that iL took people te hold ber in bed. A ekilful tor vas caîled in but did ne gocil. cheeka vould oeol up as big an sanc said Mrs. Smith, 'my -oyes vere ai' a ire and t.hero vas ne gettiug rîd o pains in the heal. I aufierel aise t a sluggieh liver and veak boait, an lines my eyesight vacse bad -tha jecte betoro mne scemed but dim ehad aud tiers vas noeofetmy friendi lookel for my testoration ý'o heaîîhi eav su accountin aa nevapapet ef a sirnilar te mine îhrongb Lhe use cf 'Williamse' Pink Pille, aud my husi nrged me te try thons. Beforo 2 b1 were need thc pains began te disap as if by magie, sud the ceutinned ns tie pilla for a little more than s mo~ bas lott me onjoying as good heal: t ever I iad in my hie. I consiler Wilüams' Piuk Pille a bleesing. and kuov tioro are ihousands et vomen suifer iu silence from troublos having same enigin as mine, I amn grar enongb for vbat ihey bave donc for te, tell My sbory in thc hope that s~ suiferiug smuter may be similiarly bel aud yen have full permission te pub wbat I have tel yen, vhich statem~ tau b. verifiol by any et my neigbboî PAre. Frank Murray, vbo residesn 4gdensburg. N.Y-, says,<'I an,& 46 yo cit age sud for mauy years tesidedn Proscoti, Out. We Movel overi 4srne ime ago sud have worÉed latm istuc.. My busbuud is vorkîu,, Ogdenaburg atis trade, tbat cf a e Manou. vhile uy children sud my «arryon the farm. 11I have bocu a great sufferez frein headacho, wbich wonl generally ce on -&bout cveuing, sud I voul ho pléely prostratod, net even able te my iesd or iclp myself lu auy vw Thesc spdils wonhd last for about i.*c feur heurs, amI wouid bave me . weak a condition that for a fov day could searceîy drag about tic hous. have alec had cousiderable . ap tropbîe. Lie sharp, daniiug tongues pbeimg Most sovere, following ad nou ad to tic bac of Myhb lv doctéïed muci, but iitieut deéired roit. The docter tolrm vaslue te tic appmoccing change 11..T esM1oi$Dr. Wilhlms FInk for l.Pa~eoplad aise Inter heard the cures tbsy bal effcid in a uum cf porsons .p-er1mUy- kuown t. mfe, is vaa ticfr atones tiat decidel me ai àm hen- wGoMre of us pille. *ftorI1had takeUsa.'Ow boxes I hsd more e en eýfas séersi mon"is a mmerz1head-begim tô have a-h nul *mg anma _I vas quit. 4ro bat e pins~OO>*iiëhbe t r. - have ore illasud houg1I v ouly a fe I "Asi weamn. I--aà mai f As: a e 1~ -I tie o AYER'S Dr,. H. Wightmanl vira ne ~ w1'aa.o~~v ~ ~ çeffioevh*Ua4ÇiPID4b5 ~Vblsby~ ~ lum fi>rn Ipait , JNO; $Q~ -. ~ f .-alNALN ~*II0 -k X, Y - -1 1 1 ftopd#Wn. . .-ft-- imwméi" Dell# l

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