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Whitby Chronicle, 22 Jan 1897, p. 8

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OBHiAWV, JAN. 22, 1897. OSIAWAPAGE Farmers vil1 do ivell tb Cali ai M.E. Miay's for boys' eady made clothing. S;ee LittlC5s pocket pass books ut 2 for 5c. itles nobby new haiid sleighs are beaul its. Set Litltîts e-nvelopes at St. and paper t Sca quire, Geli the Bonnie Briar Bush and other books ai Litles for i5c. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hamlin spent Sunday in Bownmanvilît. Miss R. White, Bowmanvillt. îs the guesi of Mr%. R James. Ltlde bas a number of skeiîtt of silk nt 2 foir sc.. regîilar 4c. skeins. Mr. NI. D. Canmpbell was in liantlilton last week shootîîg in tht gtîît club matthes. Li ttît is stil stllitig 2ýc. noveit for 10c, 3 for 15c, and detectises ai 2t. or 3 for Sc. M rs. J. Thomnoson is siiîing withhelti parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barker, Maple Grose R. A Jý Little has a wîndow ut handsonit briar pipes whîch art stlling cheap and fast - Hon John Dryden WR, the guest o! Mr R Mcl-atighliri during bis stay in town on baturday last. Misses Mabel Coucb snd Mabel Barland, o! Bwmanville, wcre tht guests of Mrs. F. Guy last wetk. Miss Sherin, whn bas been spending the winter with Mrs. O'Ragan, reiurned homne this week to Hamilton- Mr. Michael, of Toronto, spent last week in town renewing ld acquaintantes. Hi- many friendi isere glad lo celcume him back. Don Spidal vil1 sever lis connection with tht Oshawa R- R Co. this month and taire charge of tht MicLsughlin carniage works sbippîng departmertt. Mr. J. Lentes, wbo bas been manager of tht poultry on the Bltmore es-att of Georgt Vanderbilt, lias resigned and will &pend bbc remainieder of tht winttr ai home. Mr. Fred janes. clerk in Porter & Cos foi the last tbree years. bas given up bis posit ion and will leave shortly for Buffalo, N..Y wbere be intenda rcsiding. We wisbhumin ail auttess. Jas. Broddy bad bis hand caught in sort machinery ai the south t tnncry last wt-k, svben a finger was broken and almosl tont (rom his hand. Dr. McKav st-ced il oîi agaîn and there is hope thal it wiIl be ssved Tht ladies of the Medcalt street aux iliar, to the W. MS will hold a social meeting frottn half-past three to bal! pasl fise, in tht schoolroom, on Tuesday, January -26th. AI members o! tht difitient auxîliaries in thr town are invite-c. A quiet wedding was celebrated at the re,idence of Mi. Jno. Erridge oin WednesdA% Jan. i 31h, it being the marriage of hisdcauRh ter Lizzie to Mr. Thos. Knox. The cere mnony was performed by tht Rev. G. V. Mc o Call in the presence of the near relatives and tht bride was the recipient of a number of valu ible and useful presents. On Wednesday, Jan. 131;h, the offictrs of Court H earts ot Oak A 0 F. NO. 5772 for the ensuInZ.lerm were duly installed hy W H Bennett, 1P C D R.,asssed by W J Francis, 1) C R, as follows ý-C R. Hl B Samelis,; S C R. P S Rombough,; treas, A Scott ; sec, J A \i son : Ser W W, j as H-taslîings ;J ur W W, A lDewar; Ser B, R Prîngle ; J B, E T Ben- nettl Med 0, Dr W Coburri ; trustees. R Pringle, Dr W Coburn, P S Rombough aud itors, R Pringle, A D war, TJ Sherdan; ur6,inist, E T 1Bennctt.* The officers for the year were instalied at No. 9,. A.0 UW., ai their lasi meeting. Thev are as follows PMW, 1) Kane ; M \V, Gen Rice , Foreman. W H Ford .Over seer, J J McDonal ,Financier, WrtT Dickie Recorder. W James , Receiver, j Pope ., WV. R Hare '0 . ~j aanning , Representa tives to Grand Lodge. Wm McGill alternate WV j Hare , rustet, W l)umpr, W J i-are, W ýVhite business coni, S May, W Ford, W Durmer audit com , W White, D J Kant and Wm Miller. The last programme contest in the Son-s of Temperance was of such an exciting and inleresting nature that the officers have de- cided lu have another ont. The captaîns is lime beîng two of tht brothers, Bro Win Rundle anid Bro Ernest Morris. We would adivise ail the youiîg people wishng tospend s pleasant and profitable evening every week to,go and Join them. Tht goal is get- ting rather old and feeble, therefore it dots no( require as much courage nais to become a meniber as il used tu in the first years oi its existence. On Feb. î6ih the Grand Council of tht Royal Temptars of Temperance of Ontario ssill hold its annual session htrt. This iq one of the largest and mnoat influental tem- perance organizations in the Dominion. From 150 10 300 delegates from ail points or Otnario will be here. Some of the most bril- !iart speakers on thetlemperance platform will be in attendante. This will be thet mou important temrperance gathering ever held in Oshawa. Will the temperance peof Oshawa utilize Ibis opportunily of gving an irupetus to their causes such as it has nert re- cei ved in this town in a quarter et a century. At the last annual session ef tht grand cous- cil held mn Guelph in Febr'uary last the city counicil presented it an address et welcomte, and we hope ihat our town cousicil viii do likewi e. The Toronto Worid et Tuesday said: There was a sociable littît gathtrisg ai the Lakeview hotel lait night to bid good-bye te Mr. Tracy Hollatnd, who leaves today for the Pacific toast in the (nierest of the Demis- ion Building and Loan Ass'n. -Tht guesti jý le intimate friends of Mr. Hollasd, 911fere there ai tht invitation of Mr. Jobi fAyre. Those present in addition te tht boai Mir. Helland were blesa. Frask Rat, Osti ava; L A Spaldirig, D Garrow, Al Rubbra W Lauder, E L. Mddleton, H H Warre,!ý L Jones, Nip 'Hanning, Bert Hollasd, Tucà Holiand, jack Holland and Albert Muushaw Afier partaking cf a geod disser a very pIea sanit vtnlng vas spesi, everyoat presti conîributlsg te tht enjoyabie programme. The epverth league cf tht Simcoc stree methedist churcli pald a return visit te ihel sister league at BowsiasviUo on Monda, evesing. Tht veatiior vas vcry cold hu the Young people tmmcd ent ta tht untub o! about scirntY-fiue. Thtenscetlng-opeuc vihb a hyms followed up p rayer frin Rei Caleb Parker, pastxo! t echurcl i. joblin Wl. then calied spon sud âvored il audience vltb oun addres. i" qE LICI gave a sont, MrSpidel aredingthe Mim~ lkice, Luke, andiCeddiestri, iss S Sa s recltâtion& iaMELk assR~ Wil»uon 5 ddeth ls ans duet, *- rHeaalood arung, Juafdelti Tribptes te Crist;*,Miss E Ricoasa, I Ater the regitlar meeting o( Victoria iodge, L Tý B , on Mlonday evening île ladies, of Grace Darling lodge laid the tables and a pleasanr social evenitiig ivas spent. The memrîcrs of St. Gregory'a club hold their "At Homne" this esening. A large numnber of invitations have becs sent oui and à pleasant lime is ooktd torivard te bi, aIl. Tht R. Sý Williams Piano Company ha> had OBrien & Stedbam take a photograp1t of each roomn in their factory, and photo- gravures o! datli will lie ustd te embellish their catalogues for 1897. S-) many authors lave been going intr- tiewspaper woik lately that there would seem to be a first-rat chante for a tes% newapaper men to raise tht standard et Nieatuesdav, an 6t ttht laiesotth lîea tuesyJing itt hoshe aisof met in bIc asement yo thtechurch, com medcalintaxlasry no! the W.M.S. ivil snencing at 33 p. m. The mnembers of tlitt dîfferent auxîliaries et the town art invited ir nq tc t- si 9l st nt et ly lut er ed if. be Ck -ad rit on ýn the î6th of February the Ontario grand ntil o! tht royal tempiars have been ýd te nieet in Oshawva. Tventy-fivt ing members wili rtpresent Toronto dis ,including these-rt5y oftthe Demis alliance. A very pleasant trne vas spent by thtetL r-B st Mosday evening. Atter tht bu.si tass vas over tht Grace Darling lodge in ibed theni and their friends te a supper, ai zr whitti a fine programme vas giveti. The 34th batt. band had their annual elec Lon o! officers on Monday niglit : Pres-, Vý JBurns , vice pres., j Pyt ; sec., W Mc 1an ; reas., jas Boddy ; serg., R David on ;torp, H Fostei ; tirades and band inaster, S S Trcw. Tht Ladies' Aid et Sýpicoe st. methodisi -hurt-h wvl give a pie and creaun social ai he residente o! Mrs j Sykea, Centre st., ori an. z9tb admission i5c. A good pro gramme wilI be given and ail the populal gaines wilI be ai tht disposaI of ail. Rev. A. R. Mlarshaîl preachcd tive extced ngly fine sermons in the baptist cdurch las- Sunday. He leavestewn thîs vetk te trave fcir hi. health. Wt hope when he reiurn- tic iilI have fully recevered bis strengtb anc healtb. A smail stock et tant-y goods, vel assot- cd. No opposition inspection învited- Tc be soid at rate on cloilar. Enquire of Wîn Dit-kit, King st., Oshawa. Tht Oshawa curiers arc in Lindsay tIti eek, and rm-reports it would appear thai thty bave their usuai lucIt. They reach tht tasb. runig et tht ladder et lamne and theri flu. Tbcy vert drawn againat Whitby most of the timue, which act-vunts in part for their easy esc-tnt ofithe hill af sut-cess. One et oui rinks had the pleasure cf a short game with ene of the lamous Winnaipeg ninka. The Oshawa hockey club visittd Por- Hope on Tutsday nîglit. Having ne vtr% good organizatios tiîey did net expect tu vin against s0 sbreng a club, and especiaMî su afttr Whitby vas downed on Friday b% Port Hope by a score of 6 te i.- Tht gamt proved a hoai cre-for Qsbava-beisg an ad verse scqrtetf 6 te t, strouigly stiggestlve ai tht American silver pelicy et defeaL Tht Oshawa Amateur Minstreis gave one of tht best shows the town bas had for mas) years aet Friday night. There vas a Ceod audience, anud a rousing programme, which lasted until i i.3e p.m. The boys had gotier' themseîves up tremendousîy, sud vhen tht cuntain raised tht effecct of the sblning aira> vas paralizing. O! course il vas ail non stnse, but at tht same time tht artistitc f tedt was vell vorili serlaui study. Tht younit men have certainly tht faculiy et en- tertaining, and thet esuli cf their eflorts shows wbat study an>d practice vilI do. Tht show vas good enougli ba travel, vith os the prefessianal stage. Rev. Elliot S. Rave. of Toronte. viIi de- liver bis peptalar lecture "My Brother and I V in tht Simcetst. methodiet chiaich Fi [day evening. 22d There vIl -be s goec musical programme. Miss Hateli, leadini .soprano af Central mcthodit churcli, Toi. ente, aasisted by a promisent Whiîby solo tsis and Misa Mabel Thomas, ivili renuler se ilections and Prof. Geiger will give an argar recital tram 7.30 te 8 o'cbOck.. Silver collec rtien ; everylxsdy come. d i- d rg e- Ln c- :000:- ( 9 L. VICKEBY. barber. fimooos sruet. BROOKS' LIV&RY, Bimoos sesS4,orth. WI. BOLPII. hameau mmaker. mom eatreet. r. B. IIOTHPiROILI, butcher, King t, West. Du. PàTTaeAon, Dstlst; ornes ove: B~vui atore. A. J. 5.wm,â.u-Deomifll1P"0an nd organa, Simoos stresS. W. E. 1)-rua. GenauralApM nlOtario Muteal Lfe AuguaraiaeGe. Agnts . anted. - WuiAuX J. Dzaisa, Dominion and OnIiWo LandSurver, Civil Buglnei, Box a, Osb- CoOXX5mL HoTU-4- C. Woen, Jropltior. Modern boetelry. néaI mud rtoUbl equtpp&.- D.. ýTon.-Cat«merfor Rails, Ambllea, Wed dinS1. upperu. sti.. etc. Aie 6ail oud f Jls. IKoUr4nm- Whtty-O"hwb staisalias. Lasves Oubuva at i a imand B2 in»sd Whhiby atllO a"4dp um. Iou OE mahtS, m u51rmr et Ssoomu o&r§ý- Md a-kisu o vare as Lmrs ioek a$.ostaaU7 inbau obltiag a speeIilty.I t,. c8p K. XvurU, B. glssum, e ob mut uotà1î-,yh5 1~ r.- D. Riardon lmasmoud bis pro- y on Temporance et. to *.Wm. fin. ht detnimc of Ms. 1H. -Cunningiham wcme froin our midst an old and re- ,ted resident Jarger nuinher of Vacant boumes nov' be scen in Cedar Dale than cears paat. ute stately form of Mr Thos Canant gais familiar os out streets, alter ilocnce during bis tour around the Id. r Wm Henry accompanied severai ,ads of apples te Portland for Mr. ). Henry, returning on Wedscsday his week. tbi <euh be tbis <ller se và o Thteinembers ef Sluscoe-st. inethodîst chaîch elpworth league pmld their Beviss- ville breibren a visît till *eek.' Mr. T. M. Like bas besen oflsed tohie bouse fer a 1ev davi but vwe ati te kuev thai he h improvisE.--1 There ivas qtiite a beÉvy cdmp of tliutilIit berc Sungay nigbt about 8 o'clock folloved by a isharp flahof lightinsg. Mr John Paul Idf this week for Chicago, cliere be ivilI live for tht future. We are sorry ta Joe hMr Paul as lie le ose of oui old resJdenia. Mr. F L. F'ovlre la reperted sosie better afber a very 5erioua relapse. He lias now becs conflntd te liii roem for &omne the mont ha. Dicd-In Oshawa, os Saturday, Jas î6th, 1897, Marga rt Anderson, relitt of tbe late Hugl Cîtnningham, aged 71 years, 5 montha and 16 days- Mr. Paul Mias, son ofthîe late snperinbend- ent o! the Williams & Sons Ce organ works. bas gene t0 Belleville Business Callege to bake a commercial course- Father Jeficott announted Iast Sunday that he ivilI preach on Sunday on matrimonv as a sacrament and ilI also refer to divorct troin a Caiholi t Andpoini. ianadian life. ve would be led te be- it-ve, in the dry season. the rainy sea- son and the solid snow-bound seasons of the year. Last Sunday and Monda> ced us througli experiences of ail these Lsd if published alose wouid give others a queer estimate et winteî Cla mate.1 The season for meetings of the fan- mners' institute are at hand and as this is a good season and roads passable. tvould it sot be a word in due seasoui te rernind ail our fartner friends. whether tenant or owner, te attend at least ont of these meetings and listen or engage in the discussion ? join the institute and, thus secure aIl tht valu- able reports fret If iliere were mort attention to lutile things our farmn would improve more rapidly. Among a few items we might mention that John Elliott has goie to Orange- ville to reside; Thos Puckerin has just treated himself and some of bis neigh- ,>ors to a fine beef; Miss Puckerin has returned from lier northern tour;, E.L. of C. E. had an essay meeting on Tues- day last; single blessedness with sever- i dames is near an end; our school at- tendance is averagiflg near 55, 50 we ire told; Simon Puckerin is stili wan- lering away somewhere in Western 'Dntario; our r-'d people do cliores, cut atood. and eat. Again we hear. rumors of discontent with the local option vote. and alread3 rneasures are ini progress to centest the vote. 0f course ibis is by the liquor party. for mnoney and nothing elsc. We ail want money though. but it is- the means employed in its gctting that makes money-getting a synonymn of so, mucli evil. We heard it spoken that the liquor interests only asked for a vote and then after it had becs pre- sentcd thus to the township they wouid abide, as they expected of the temnper- ance party. by the resoît thereof. Now, were these words duplicity ? We hope that the object of the party may sot be attained and that they mnay save their money and theinselves from further We like to sec men of Our fellows rising te positions et hosor and dis- tinction in old Ontarie or the broad Dominion, and flot have to go te America to distinguish a talent form- ing on its cultivated lines. Frein our humble academy of science have gene forth youths vho are already aiding in the direction ef our country's influence. Lawyer L V. McBrady. of Toronto. yet a youth, is earnisg a reputation as a debater in the young liberal club, of Toronto, and St. Basil's Cathoiic union. Then again, Mr. F. C. Brown, B. A., of the Guardian staff. Toronto, appears ini the January issue of the Canailian Magazine - in -Canadians Abroad. " Ws early training was al got at No. 5 here, and he is rapidly adt vancisg in the iterary art. ma, M uaU.àm Mrs Musgreve has returncd f roin the city aftcr a paolonged visit. Robt Brooks vas here on a visit this wetk-. H-e ta famnîg up in York Tp. Our -hotne circle friends bad -a big turne -lm Tuesday cvcuing at their oyster- supper here, anil- no woodcr vhen Price vas at# beail of it rae Heodlli efyfha ic Irpa ~a e sae.erai pouds hatley. s m ot th svdl ovaundilate mmd vhat1the ar abdout s nWillam i quit eY bit Robt Beatte is more hnt the folksaaro<d herm tôlt s 1 kufing and seUUS, out some ot thce seat beef tiant bas beenonl»ï srketlatcly, Bob iskokngaltebuheuo, The rent-have to go tothe itr# dis.. pose of tIroir old swo.f Te eIearotiotiherp-wnJr 1 t*,knový-if four <W, ive bèhteU k---" -Urs Thos Stepheuso, ubo bas beeu con.4 6used te bis homo -4rfor 80 any veeks, in, j tgertai oklmby bettsy ,. AJaxen, *holiaborcd Ivo ucasons iriit C r< Stevenson, le attending scisoffi bortad liv- ing wlth bis -eld employer. Ht anticipates c emitratlng te Aigoma lu the ipig. R W MeAvoy an-dMisa Bella McBsfesai have bots .duly uppolntod delegattu te at- tend tht S S ceniy ovention In Clare- f mont on 2liand "a8tb. A ucli botter sel- eCtionu otoibave bots Made. d Mi HoIlday jà tettitti ilotig ulcely lu ont'r scbeei. If li vo bear lu correct succeu s will folîov hie efforts. A large atttndascé le under bls luetion at preseat. We hope thinga may move eîeadily and succsfully aleeg in our academy of instructlets. d Tt A cans for y, Tt la ag an al wori MI carIc J- 0 of th M Mr 1 h tre tlieii M engi duri ina the Pl won, is a the road pa Te rciud way nigot st ad a vtht sed iîsapcard nameet lastiandya'. heaspro ducape- Ailmagrt tasqihlsbasbeenwaofaro an ecepîiAUnaly muldand thiasabentvinter. -ite exetae cekiid grnd aily ob inte u Theul letber isdeneuillglit l igeha shld f sno sufit-lent la mo ae usignin.ré calofpaned vfiiaentin ae cf th ine coeahe ihacniuac ftefn OId Misienary Mat et Kingston notoriety tias becs tbrough litre dealing in cattit r-le still claims bis influence for good is as1 tioticeable as in daim ot pore. Mat is ose of tht oldest and meut prominent cattie deal ers in ibis province. Hie profllic vision forses better prices fer staîl ted cattît nexi .tpring. His advice is net to mcli betore he lias as opportuniy of visiting and Icaving bis beai reapecta. Mut-h regret vas teit litre a fev daysaRag on receipt of the said intelligence that Mr Geo Mutch of BaLsani, vbo la velI knowr tiere, had been very badly lnburtd in tht ciîy while delivering a Iead cf bay. Hi came in contact witb an iro ebamn, vhich knocked hbu senseles.Hia vounda vert iressed in St. Michael'a hospital. and lie re- turned by train te bis home. We are pleas- ed te bear of bis getting quite better. Rev Thom offlclated barre os Sabbatb. Owing te tht inclemeni veather very few were in attendance. ht secmas a littît pecul- 'ar te aur mmnd thai se insîgrnificant a tbing as a littie aboyer ef rain seems aufficient rea- %on to afford people tht liberty of remaining -t home on the Lord's day. We cas boasi ot t ew chriçtian people wbo cassai be kepi home froni Sabbath observance by a sbover oir any similar excuse, but cas alwaya be tound is tht sanrtuarv. I feti safe in stat- ing Kînsale lias is share ofet aruet church going people. R Wso bra7 bs ee a ie irne ts uess asore'97a othsers a lite suld geteh uspoastent yasr ler hy ear wb e ut tas cepeitent me makte applaio hns as n sideabl len salarapplicaon son-k referenceto sibsaLt. e onîy w bave e seène tenytohisr attepaoyskicisaearns se salî.y gofen cr aseser fromyar nto the ar oy es ou sd anv fauro eardt. ingthtwor N o ohsur rsnt as aus regbatrth pr tevsilinof oprrresstalus assod mu te will do just as good work for less meney. almeat al i bysar ern cfteamsg ern lmsty.Da lbavoe befsthees holing con- sultati os bveretmernisn.hodigtcon- surtmttes t dfférets o iesdometi qs (rompes have bfee lofied o tht eises of difleet barier ee the te nthe us. h weuof apptern arm ift theare asfora triesl et peal aseic es ad e a dgn orse s ofey be allostervirividege <if nt, hoirper igen aoa1e ed t hp viii f in lpr- gaiybe a etables be srign . Wepob weld aderise tals upthe s<leg a th firsi lss is laaways the cheapest. t0 Whitby te take charge of tht rernaisof the old foundry. Sheuld Mr Wagoner leave Kissale we wiil ac asa excellent citizen. a goed workrman, and as honorable deaiing un is as the sies ever about upon. He bas mn excellent patronage hem' and we trustlie viii consider Weil before taking a sttp, into tht dark. "'Enough isaes good sua (tait, " and undouhtedly Ben d--e9 a good business, covering ground frein Kissale te Mariçham village vest and east te Enniskilles, nortb te Port Perry. and south te the lake. Sure- ly Il lic vanta more business lie muet be a posseor of a deire te mubdue the carili b> bis latest hinds ef machinery. i accula a littie strange te a goe4 mauy vise thisklsg people in Our fair towship tbat out botel keepers are so, iesirous of carrying os their whîskey busietas. even agtaist thc Voice ef the people. It actai these gentleman now purpose thet-*ver- tfirowal of this lait vote, clalmnssgme il- legal practices on the pant of tht teuiperance promoetrs took place duuisg th.cam7eigs. Sureiy IfIbene men carry their cvu iies- imt èècl uanathel' rote be crbtr the wblskey business «UtIbesonoved se de under that the wy viieer have tho Sadsit te askWfors c4bçy 8,ecjoe for years, Vii:Pthering twothidathe i crims e pur.td'in our aidstat; niï ga groet percentage of!-the huumsfamly, net .nyfrrme, eut eternely. Nov vs dû. xiot iiitq pis auy bard snd uncalied Wo . relua ksIl po M thè e nbuttlet theis te- apomer ut o~phip> ba decIde4 ,titi ai#ttgwaale ie s uaiwliautdu comderalliS ittr m sdAtht oom r Misn Eles i LWMd. - ae lsild Eye frindsin V"ati. M&u Couina, of Sm".oqbus bm u Pcdn a fi & dap i thm hme àslias. auge l ira. NeIIU bsl We aie pkeasd te report that lira. Kenner islàJ abiC W bueout &aiafi er s meere aprin ef ber fot. Specil revival services are beinig htîd in tb. methodlat church here. May mach good J? Thd udy iainansricsl htmto liae ehucl i ote cend e ie Iyth e .M i. ___ Mit r P. B. Enu ut-ec tin hepR,.butr. Leach, ci Greeinbak.jln Mr P.t Bet nslev herectingsbotbuta ry oo or jewelg e stablistent. Emtu- 7ef Il vin Il nig Moi ne@ lias Lîztle Milis IS visiing lu Oahavft, ffsa [da Gilbert, Bovinville, la iitn Ors T Elferd bas genetu %tugog for the )er. lteestisg miWsoeum programeme nStFi- Fuiight. hk W A Rle-haldn, Bethany, le gutet of Mr a Williamsi. IMéeestng deliate at E- L. C. E. Frnday rh "'Resolved that Motssbad accomnpliabe re tor the world titan Paul.' Affirmative, surs RevR orke, W Ber". Misa M Rogers ; gative. Mesura W Noble, H j Werry nd mry VMrue, Boîli aides did exceediugly veil, but b-guva *-o-i JPiua thi e Wise8t Like great Solomon, ýdmire glitter- ing gold, and sparkling jeweli. There neyer was a better time tham now to invest in articles of Jewelry. Prices ruie lower than ever before, yet the goods are guaranteed Vo le Eau Witby Coua5t tiens rea'i frein tht Provincial board of health, bc limes Municipal Pub- Ce., of Peterboro, and (roui J E Farewell, ip. soliciior. Mesar Scott and Roberts wert appointed auditori, Geo E Mowbray, assesor and jas Stocks merober of lit board of health. Mr Henry gave notice of -lie introduction of a by-lav toi appoint overseers of highwaya; fente vievers and pouudhoeAn fur 1,8q7. Tbt remve udcltrk vert sppointtd a mmitteetio receive tenders for prinig. No- tice vas given of tht introduction of a by-lav t«, empower tht reeve anid treasurer te, borrow mnouey for township purposes. Rebate in taxes were mmadc as foliows:. Mis Farewell8. 5.Mrs Crandeil $1.79, and Win Davis $t.94. Tht clerk was înstructed te notify the trustee of school sccmions Nos .5 and j, of the proposed change lu boundarles of same. Tht rai o! Pcb cas.date set for returu of colleosr'slml. The following vas erdertd te bc perd:-Mis Cratndel $S 56, Mr@ Burgeyne $6, las Hobbs e6 Mary McCarty $6. John Abramn $7. Win Davis $3.68, eltttion expeusta $5033, iiinsréiie $4.2o. vood and cutting Se o. Tae council then adjourntd te met the firai Mouday lu Match at 2 p. Grand. Trunk Railway.1 OrhiIutmas Nofw Teais. OHEITUM.1 SINGLE FARE-at one wayit clas iare. ood gobag b any train Thuraday, Dec. 24th, or PMIda Dec.a"th, 1806, ro"to retum lcavlli destisatlofinet Lwt»Saturdy, Dmc.s6th, u14& FARE AND ONE-TIIIRD. - Good goiuig iy tanWed»ee&4., Dec. r Th udY, 241h,orrIa 5h goulto rtturn leaviag. destnatio coîlatertbaa Mouday, Jis 4tk' 9897. SINGLE FARE->ec.315t- 1896, Or l a u t, x g y. o e e ti u z n v lg d ti- tinaiou otiaer ta aud, z8Wy. FARE AND ONE-THIRD. - Dcc. k l, 18g9; relta- 1ýÏio Aa. J"4th.1897. r'Boy a yor Tickets o aime fot EEIIXJW OsiavaRy.co'a -sgecy, R.CeCre, gI i Aise hie COAL OIIâ and GÂS STOVES- -PROM- $>5.50 to $25-00. A Wiu1fer Shoe muRt pro"eo the feet or the vourer -will suifer s.ries.harmp. It must rush.. the. utnost lirnit of warwnth and comfoit. Anything botter adapted te vol, eold Mad stormy westhor than our Wintor Shees can't benmod. Woknov utlvhsu wanted .te meet the case, u carry the best sheo. in the.market for thei. me. Yeu cmii flnd nothîng botter, becauso nothing botter exista. Shee like ours uiight; resaonably b. bigh priced, buIt they're net. Witness the. figures : extra fille foit, reg. $160. .. L Men's Extra Heavy Grain Boots, heavy tit lining and inseos, reg. #1.75.................... . 50- Mens FiDeOCu81fGaters, noodi. toe, uevn soles, reg! *1.75 . 2& I*dios' Extra i'me Foui, Junoet, lira solos, verth 61.25 ............ ladie' ine otton Boots, rivitoed soles, reg 81.26 .............. . 97 Girl. Shoolliaeâ Bboos...........7. Bc î in Ioo Bots, i"ii. l le 13, rivitod soles, reg me ........ A -.N'owa rpot fhp a.. ..... Ladimes'Orpem Upi s. ~ 3 Girls'asd Boysffl.2 Sicoe -St "et- Ml, enld <v*"Drugg' 1Ic'adqtiarters for Pure- Ubecmicals anid all Patent to $ 1. Tooth Brushes, Naîl Bi Gomabis and ail Toîlet A ~A. H. AILL] CHENISI & DRUGGIS 4 Zestablished 184É). Whitbl Steam MâleI and- Granite Waîks, Dundas St., WHITBY. Chas. H. Sili (Pormttiy Wolfenden W£ porter and Dealer in MIAE GRA&NITE MRNUMENT tht latest material and deý kinda of Cemettry work. guarantetd. "OR DESIGNS ANL HAYWAR G REAT RETIRINO SALE Raving fully macle up my m Up business, 1 viii offer my -Entiîre t te the people of Whitby and g country aIt lover prices tliw o te ensure a qumck saIs, COMMENCING SATUjRDÂY NI JAN. 9t1 Nqowý for unprecedented Be ]Pric. ista ae ot in it. lam»eut to mll. Gooda Ssous price PREGÂRDLESS1 Don't tbunk- thieis an old je ii et lcft. Thii arihhonoat, eut a& lit is-true I intended -»Rl yoar, but vms pcrsuaded thbe. Fe in hepes tine botter. That VUs a m are werse înatesd of bot «ver -thsarifice. More lomsfor unenoansgain 1 DoWb tdl&y, the firut surely- get \-the Biggoi& ikgor yen." -Pdce&~4iç -in th torni. WRITBY? VOL. XIL. 1 - - 1 . 1 1 1 Il 1 1 1 Johen Lawboe tademrie nduhn hnia morne cf ht se ho. rt daJos.hn. gule eute ofth e vont horst heas nd uHetrns vutb wcthebortersenimalenod rens wia ac ad eteanimal.ke noaber, ve Misa Loîbie Horiop, Fred Rogers, Misses Bella Rogers and Bentice Adamson are ai- iending tht W C 1. Tbey are l excellent sindents and se doubi wlll gîve an excellent recard of ibeir several abilities as tbe oppor- tunity presents iseif. We visb bliernithe succesai our Kinsale young people alv&yt, sectire. We hear tht Sabbath achool Intend hold- ing ils tes and entertaisment ently sert month. Tvo atersons wili bu preachtd or Sabbat h. Special collections at eacb, fol Ioved by a tes and enîertalnmenî the foliotv- ing evenisg, or perbaps later. We wili ir> and gîtas full partltulars fer nexi Issue We just mention tbese tacts sô as te keep) the people in expectancy of au excellent treat. A. HI. Aluln, 1 1 SU ýl Ir. J. Cunningham, Mentreai. and H- Cunningham, of Toronto, were ibtis week attending the fuseraI of ir mother. Ir. P. J. Rielly is attending te the jne at Coryell Seed Co's elevater ng Engineer Goodmnan's absence, additioni te his duty as foreman of elevater staff. rof. Kent exhibited his electricai 4(crs i the Sons' hall. Prof. Kent bye word in the minds of many ef old residents. He has been on the I !or years. 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 .. -.. . tnuary thaw on Sunday iast. l - 1 - Il Godwe.d as represented. O)ur store i8 heo4d- Mir. R. H- Davis vas vstisg trienda in Green- quarters in thua part of the eau-tI biank Suuday. for er BARGAINS in Watehoo, eletin u aseq Clocks' Jewelry, Silverware and Miss Fieweday, of Toronto, îa vluîtinc aI pct1 NIS. M. Watson'a.Spcals Mr. Charles lohoen is around again after be- SEE US! TA.LK WITH U S inir laid up for a few days. We congratulate oui Pickering frieds n s- TRY U S 'amnisg tht local option by.law and idsl it vas in force herut. SSSof aur local abots had a match ai Clay B D h e ir pieotat %day. J. Collins and T. Came 0Y , T e J w lr Tbre eoau yung men drove over 4 Miiles KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ,or a skate 1ai thursday. Why don't someoe itsrt a rink ? i behieve t veuld lie sell patron- OPPOSITEr CEN]TRAL HOi-KL. zed. Messts. Vauboru and Adamns had a succesaful bee zuttinx vood last Friday, and irot about 3o cord cnt and pîled. Mr. E Forsytb had tbe n inisortune ta have îhmee of bis fingers crused. C a a He anidaneiher man bad saawed iheir eul offand tic bail his band ps.rty in the cut when a cut vas sawed oùi farther up and caosed iltot but agalusi ( heoune bis band vas in, taius catching bis fin- PEL0WS> po ou had butter get your sava ready for a race. and sec his Wrt"g1 .bn-1 1 SPONGES fri - ONJ

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