/4/Iýj ~\f~' 3 w1ê4 i I t bis abý. leademship. Tbh ýunday school and division soeial wus a grand successe The comnmitteo Lad apared no pains te make it se and Lad gatbered an excellent programme. A Great Chance To Make Money. I wanîtoebell you o! my wonderful sue- ceas. Bsing a poor' girl and neodi.ng money badly, I tried the Dish Washer business and Lave cieared 0200 every mout>. It is more moliey thau l ever had before aud I can't help telling yon about it, for ý boe,.v any peoon cau do as welas I bave if they only try. Dish Washors oeil on sigt; évery 1543 yen, aneet wants eue. Tihe MoaDd OlID" h Wasber (Jo.. St. Louis, '&1., pîiij gave yonu ail neoessary instructions, op yen eau b.- gin work at once. Te 1)ib Wsshu doos splendid work ; yen vs "asu dry the. dishs in two orýtbve. e"és, wiMegl P.nttina y'our hando lu lb.wster at ail. Try Li busines u âl.4u1M o bow yen sueoeed. -7 1AET O Resuit of a Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNGS Which Doctor, FaiIed to HsIp, CURED BY TAKINO nS Cherry AYIJ< Pectoral. 1Iceontriu'ted a so-V ere rold, whlch settledi on ioy, luliga, and I1d id wliat 13 often done Ini sucti Caases, neglected It thinkin it wouid r0zwt;, tcarn-; baîîghoiieutafter a iffe wile tht te aigheâtexertion IPJItlet Me. I tihen ConsliIted a Doctor vwlifnund. on exaniining mny lun gs, that the iJ"er Part of the lett ont- %as bad iy affccted. 1 e gitve Im soriene ediclîte whicti i took as clîrerted. but it di fot set-an to do any goou. 1< utuuately I haplî>ene.i to read lu Ayers Atmnanac, oi the effect that Ayer's Cherry IP'ecîoral had on othiers.; and 1 deternlned to f ve It a tril. After taking a few closrs iry ilruabis wais reileved, anidto-fore 1 had fln- Ishd the bottIc I wa.q eure-d -Â LEFLÂR, Wateimnaker, Orangevîlie, Ont. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Mc8heg &wmrde Lt WorM's Pair. i. r' PU Ces,.. rIn oeflom. CORRESPONDENCE MARKHAU. The writers of love letters wili do weUI to rernember, when indiLing or preeerv- ing thAse missives the moral of an acci dient which brippenêd a week or so ago. A youtbful philatist received permission froni hie (ather to seli or exobange a Dumber of old postage stan2ps ho bad discovered lu a lumber room. The frug- al minded papa iwpressed upon the son thte fact that if he ieft the starnpe on the envelopes lie would geL a botter prie f)r tîten. The boy adlbored s0 strictly to t his ride that he gave the letters Le fonind in sorne of the old envelopes in the bar- gain. Two days afterward a lady in- f nrmed the papa that the wbole towu vMaS reading, witb in4ense intereat, some ieiters hie bad vvritteikto bis preeent wifc, and ho isteua king dig;Jrate effarta to get thein back. A fariner living on the loti] cou, of Mlarkham ls'a man of! good intentions, but he faiied on one important occasion to carry thein fuliy out. Last week he sistigltered a cow of bis s-ook that had bou sufforing wîtb tumors, and because id its uolîealtbv stâte deterrnined to feod ito his hens. Unfortunately, insr.ead of doing this ai, once, tbe carcassa was loft lianging up witb others ai the boune wiiere residents of the locality came to bi *y thir meat. A day or two later a illbrew spectacle peddler named C Arent, happened along and the (armera wit'e îook a fi, cy 10 a ptir of Rold giaeses whicli lie cartied, valued at 814 For- tiinate!y for bier the Hebrew was on the lookout for beef and a bargain was finally struck, the speca going to tLe delightfnl tîustresB of the- bouse and the tumored carcams to the Jew. It wae removed at once to a shed not far ofi and the new owner opened np sbop for the passer by. Evtryone who came in, bowevor, to look at the rosat said that eitber something wafs wrong wîtb the sbopkeepers sniffinR powers or else lie was putting up a job on thein Areot at first denied boîh si nutiy, but honally Came b ibhe conclus ion that it was te beef tbat was affected and started to Toronto ta pnt the maLter Ki mmmm-~ STI Break Up a CoId jin lime sV USING Tlie Quicit Cure for CoJUGH_% COLDS, CltOup, iION- Cul-ris, HOAILIENEss, etc. Muta. - lsrFro NorIvu-iu, of 6t Scrau. Ln Ave.,Turuiito, wrieut: " rnvPert,eî bis nv,re-udtotecar* MY .iiIr,,n orf "m ,.oi- a ,w dmes. il cori y.d uâýI. ..nof u..tnasu afft.«r gprra roibuer rt: atfU-t a aI4o ;aovs'rlan exa'tuisnt usugtx curefam t A!y.1r.ef-r t r'. ,*i',hr maDtat fur couiha, tavup or boaraoems H. 0. SARB-UR, of Multe Rocher, N.B., wriîes: As a c rt-r rt-,cn-g, Pe-ctoratl l turwnrwii l bve lie oSier." Large Botte, 955Ote. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO, Lru. Pretors, MONTax.L Umm Mr. aud thee Misses Lawnen, cf Cherry- vood, vere visiting at Hly Hepkina' last voek. Tis cold suap hbu about stralgbtond up aIl oui- sick feika excop Ge. Vanier, aud ho is getting in shape. Ho wilIno Le hiinself again. Our brusb fhrnlshing faetony, a few rode uomîh on the river, belougîug te, Wm. (G. Bai-nos is reuing evory beur oftimre, viti ext4 bands to eep. with endors for spning trade. Our two sturd>', bnsvny-armod "Vul- oins"',are prou>' busy duce thorsin on sonda>' lasi *altding te saup. ors. sboes. Our old hors.bo.ry opiu9 V. S., s licttl. otit. orth bas nos4i gei. use ef bis aru fi*r sboeilig au stut Ibê W., nov a drble-Ut*fhbta Thé initeiîn0ny eofU.ier restb«er êW vuated agvoit msam Çroaw 4ig U vIuil ~ak ~?*~uts Genalüuiok vas, tu to«à on Tu.,day msd tuoid.n"iy tol a look bmogw thé,Odrit offlo.. 'A*bosi other Lhlags ho bs ked Psusa Goffatto - kep î 1iaok t4th.dm ltm for on. montb sud e 0's1 .," uien umlor are mle tq PAythe salWy ofsa louter Carrier we , a* toibave aStsret detivery. of 'Ouimse thaopostage onu drop letters wiUl %ben b. laoreaeed te two Cents per lester, as in the. City, audit Is intended that the extra cent ýwi11 pay the. oarrier'a salary. The. numiber of letters dropped duriug the paît two daysbas been over three band red ech dey so that the ineressed re- venue would be over tbré:é dollars a day or in the neighborhood of a bundred dol. lare a montb-a Suin more than sufficient to pay thbe salaries of two latter carriers. The Postumastor General characterlz-d the post office building as a botch job. It is to b. boped that he wiil make snoh improvomenus as will give tbe public a little more room in front. If the drop letter box wore moved feu feet farther nortub it would give mach Irreater space at the generai delivery wieket. Just as yet,-Mr. Mulock, we don't know whetbar we want a postman or not at a coat of$88 per day. AU Iai.sb.6 at the BEveru The blaRtiug operations on the esst brancb of thbe Severn river on both qides of Rstlesnake island, were finîshed on Monday, and what seemA 10 bo a very Ratisfaetory job donc. Stop loRe have bocu placed in position at both chute, ail in readinesu to be raised wben tha spring floode necessitate snoh action, tLes. loge are about 18 foot long and when they are raised the aurplus water will b. quiekiy mun ont of the lakes. The bluinît plant and the 16 mon who worked at tho 5ev ern wers transfarred on Monday tu Me- Donsld's chute on the river boiow Spar. ow Lake, whese oporations are iu Pro- grels ho open up a wider Channel to pro. vent the flooding of the. lands about Spar- row lakts in the spring, wben the. Stop loge at Washago are rai.edl to prevout the raising of lakes Couchichingz and Simcoo. This vork uill b. finisbed in tbree montbs. Mr. Sam Graham bas charge of the camp st McDonald's. Sterlea cf Onifla A certain Orillis gentleman whosa fine business ability bas brouigbt hum bis ne- ward, wss once importuned by the lato Mrs. Mellon, to give some thougbute b i@ soul amidat bis money getuine. Ho treated thbe old lady witbhah politena characteniatie of Lizu, outil bis patience became oxbaseted. Mn.. Mellon, saxi oue to do good, tnespasisted on hie timo, nutil tien. vers baîf s dozen people Maiting to sée.the gentleman in questtion. She bsd asked him to tbink of bis dyiug day. IlWhat will your property and your muoney be to you thon ; o! wbat urne wili il &Il be on your dying day? " IMadam, yull yon kindly excuse me just now, as this is not my dving day," Le replied, and tbe J doz had a chance to taik over mattera that ho them. alpo. wouid be o! no particular profit on thair dyingz days The lata Justice o! the Poace Foloy, o! Mars, iad a mighty Lard customdr 10 deal with one turne. Mr. Foley Lad lent him some money and the repsyment was long past due. Frequent requeste for tLe monay had borne no resait. One day Mr. Foley faeed the situation. ",Mm Smith. wben can you psy me tixat money ?" Well, I can't aay." Iluna montb ?" -"Don't knov." Ilun ix month ?" Smith sbifted uneagily to the other foot sud continupd obdurate. "I raally cannot tell," h. roplied." "Weili thon, in a yoar P "IlI 0oold't promise." Il WolI, @av. Smuith conld von let me bave it on Jndement Day?2" "1B'&gad, I don't knov. That'e gzoing so Eminent Citizen, TestIf, T Positive aCose, Sy Hia Im- THIE TIRUTHI FROM HON- EST PEOPLE, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dyspepsia And The Most Obstinate Dis- eases Cured By These Won- derful Little Pellets. Aak Your Druggist for Munyon'a Guide to Healtb, Select a 25-Cent Remedy aud Cure Yourselt.' MR. JOHN KIRKLAND, 82 WYATT AVENUE, TORON TO, says: 'For 19 menthe I suffered from dyspepsie, sud liv- Pr complaint of so SERIOUS A NAT- URE as W b. considered INCURABLE by both gzeucral sud speciatl physicians, huéd MY CASE WAS GIVEN UP AS HOPELESS. After a sbort troatmout by M'unyon's Rsm-dies I found myscîf ENTIRELY FREE FROM PAIN AND VOMITING, aud am able toe al weil, witb tLe oeeption o! a litthe weakneas. I FEEL AS WELL ase before my troubles began, sud eau confidentiy sud vith gm-ceal pleasure RECOMMEND Munyon's Remodies to ail vho are simiarnly affect- Munyou's Rhaumaîiem Cure seldom fails te relies. in one Wo three boure, sud cures lu a few days. Price 25a. Mauyou's ' Dyspep@ia Cure positively cures ail forma of Indigestion aud stom aeL trouble. Price, 25a. Muuyou s Cold Cure proveut.. pneu. menu sund breaks up a cold in a few boium.i. Prie, 25c. Muuyou's CouRb Cure stops coughs, niglit seats, allays ecreuesa, sud speed ily Leals the lange. Price, 250. Muuyon'e Kidney Cure speedily curs pains in tie back, loins or groins snd ail forma of kidney disesse. Pries, 25c. Munyou's Headache Cure stop@ head. ache in three minutes. Pries, 25c. Muuyou's Pile Oitmeut pooitivoly curas ail forma cf piles. Pries, 25c. Muuyou's Blood Cure enadioatea ail impuritios et the blond. Prie., 25o Munyonus Fomale Remedies ane a boon Wo ail women Muuyou's Asthma Remodies relieve in 3 minutes sud cure pormaneuîly. Price, si. Munvon'o Cstarrh Remedies nover fail. The Catarrb Cure--prie 25ec-emadicates the dieease froin Lie systein, sud the Ca- tan-b Tablais-prie. 25e-cieause sud heal tie parts. Munyou's Narve Cure is a wonderful nerve tonie. Prie, 25c. Munyon's Vitalizer restoros boat vigon Price, $1. A separate cure for each disoaae. At ail dugiasa, mosîly 25C. a vial. Personal Jettera ho Prof. Munyon, 11 and 18 Albert -at., Toronuto, answered with froc medical adviee for any disesse. Beed Distribution. The Ottawa Experimenual Farm Dir- ector is now prepared to distribute samples of seeds for testing. H is com- munication reads thus: Ed. CHRONINLE, Wbitby, Ont.- During tube past nine years, samples of those varièties o! grain which bave suc- ceeded best en the Experimental Farina bave been distribuîued on application iio 3 lb. bags to farmers in ail parts of tLe Dominion, free tbrougrh the mail. ' The braincb of the womk o! the Experimeut- ai Farms. The distribution now in pro- gmess consista of some o! the most promising sorts, Qats, Barley,-Springi Wheat, Pease, Field Cern and Pota- uoes. Requesr.s for sampies may Le sent to the Central Experimeutal Farin. Ottawa, at any time before the itiof March. but aituer that date the lista wili be closed, so that the applications then on baud nia> be filled beforeseed-j ing begins. Ail commwsicatîons eant Le sent free of postage. XI is desirable that each appyan#t sbould name the variet>' wbich lie desires to test, ao one or two alternative sortsin, cm e stock of- the som cnoeu sbould Le ex-, hausted, and whdo 0promise eau Le made that thbe tvadei askedfor wile: sent thbe wisheeof corremponde,,a, will be attended to as far a psible -hO sainples ef grain wfil .Le *se- aly.ho potatesesaunot Le distibuted nl, thbe danger of înjury ii trns t 4X is'ovem-. WM. SAUNDERS, 1)cot Experiinal Farrms. Ottawa. bol, mad4 L2e&sï tÈsu,-e*o*ý6k seihing the'Perfeet*on' Xstâe[TïIituLsaP. wlk. érdered, " 11115 *at t I conaider myscîf perfecîl>' cumed and feel strong and well. My weight wben I vua ancaked vas 108 poumîds. Afler the oporatuions I vas edueed to 130. 1 veig h nowv 1(1. B>' carefuIly walching the action o! Doatm's Pilleansd Laxas Liver lPilsaI1 an positive liat 10 lhem al>mme je due the waudorful cure vhicm lias taken place in my> case. I &-i a Piinter b>' irade and bave held positionsaiu thbe offices o! Thte Uobe, Mail, à 1eibodist Booýk boom, etc., sa eli as mn Ohio and Detroit, Micb., sud have been an enmpoying printer since 1877. Althougb iL nia>' seem incredible, every vord I 'have stated ta the lrutb, and I am prepared to back it b> the evidence of bundreds o! cilizene and triendis wbo k nov me betore I vas sick aud af tervarda, whie I wu near death's dooam- nd wbo îîuw, to iLeir surprise, ses ime restored ho complete health b> thbe usqe o! Doanea Kid- ney l>lls, "asited hy L-ixa Liver Pille, I shal le glad to anever iiiqu;ries f roi suffurers froin kidney or liver troubles at any turne, snd refer to the foil'wing gen- tlemuen who hiave knovledge o! the (act8, samd eau verify ever>' vord 1 say. Many of bbese gentlemen knev me befome my sickes, duriug mn> terble sufferimuge, sud aince I was reatuorcd ho iealtb. My besîimny is given voluutm-ily aud with- ouI au>' consideration of any kiud, either dîrectl>' or indirecîl>'. I give it solel>' for the Lenefit of mu>' febbow Leincgs wbo inay be affl 'cted vituh Drope>' or Kidney troubles of au>' kind, viz. : R. J. Fleming, Esq., Mayor o! Toronto. E. F. Clarke, Efiq., M.P., ex-Mayor. Rev. H. G. Dixon, o! Gillespie, An- sley & Dixon. J. W. St. John, Eq., M.PP. Patrmick Boyle, Eaq., o! the Gatholic Regter. Dr. PLillips. J. B. Cook, Esq., pholographer. W. (,. Murdock, Esq., batrisîer.r T. C. bobinette, Esaq, harrister. John MoGregor, EmIq, har-istor. Chas. McDouald, Esq., bai-nistuen. M .1. Qunn. Esq., Larnesten, etc. John Kenit, Eaq., of Govania, Kent & Company. Geo. 0Owalkin, Esq., o! G watkin & Son. J. Gordon Mowal, Esq. J. J. McCaffery, Esq. IR. G. MIcbemt,E Chas. B. Duberiuy,Eq Wia. Venner, Esq. John Shormont, Esq. J. G. Ranisey, Esq. Geo. Verrat, Esq. Ex-Ald. W. T. Stewart, G. T. Pendimui, Eeq .John Immie, Esq., csfl)xie & Graham. Wm. fla'venden, Esq. Win. Threlkeld, Esq. W. S. Jobnstou, Esq. .1. J. Ryau, Esq. Jlas. E. Hendernon, Esq., o! Stockvefl & Hendereuin. Frederick Diver, Esq., Central Pres Agene>'. Torontoe. Harry Broyn, Esq., o! Bnown Bmos.& Go., Toronto. Nicholas Murphy, E&q., Q-. Thon. Park inson, Feq., oeturiis. Poveil & Parkinson. .1-obu Browu, Eeq., corner Sinico. sud Adelaide streets. S. T. Brimten, Esq., of Britten& Bradishav. Chas. Field, Esq., Queen street sast. Wmn. Hiret, Esq., corner Churcb and Si uter alreets. And hundreds o! otuhera. You-s IraI>', vAXELLJornSr. Mr-. Joinston sppeared before Mm. C. Hendertion, Gomniissioner in tLe High Court o! Justice, sud gave lte fo11hrviug declai-ation as regards the. absolute tnruh o! the statemnents made in bis lettuer DoMiNi-,oN qor C&NAD,, Province o! Omntario, Gount>' o! York. To WIT :-In tbe matter o! a letton te Muera. T. Milburn & Go., daled 3rd De- cember, 1896, 1, maxvelJohuston, cf., the Gity of Tronto, in the Cout>'oe York, do solemni>' declare thRi the statue mente coutained in tbe siove letton are true, sud I mnake Ibis solemux declaration comscientioualy believing it tc e te I, and knoviîîg Ihat it in Of lie same force and effect as if mautndon osti sund b>' virtue of the Canada evidence set, 1893, declared before mne at Toronto, in the C. aunty o! Yor-k, Ibis 3rd day o! Dccciv,- ler, 1896, b>' Chas. Henderson, a Gem- nasioner in Il. C. J. Courts.' (Signed), MAXWELL JOHYNST01S, o! Maxwell Joinston & Go., .72 Bs>' sîreet, Torontoe, Ont, UXBRI1GEC. A lamil>' froni Columbus invend moving bei-e te ceuduct an asher>'. We uudersî.and tube>' have rented Mr- Joncs' long-sheds near tube railvqýy. They'have been vomkingtube seutieru part of the couuty for sorn. years, but ther. is ueo much ceai burnt nov te mnale tubai territory profitable. A- frletod telephoned -to a bouse in ,Toronto thbe otuher day for a Maseni apron for Mr H j Ç9Pgd and said-6. ssend ato H Oul. There must have been a but-ring soond,,on, the Iine. for t~h, article coming.addressed to, "rSen.> tiHj G>l. The T.wus u i. -jýc« :-*ae ws gvi h he i' . , r -W» ~t WOII. WhIio i was Sîoke And NowI arn WeItA MR. MVAXWE LL J.OHNSTON Onleof the Best Known Printers Un Canada, TeiNs9 the story of hie terrible sufferings, and gives an account of hie rescue from the Jaws of Deathe - ~ ist treoelotm oiuwhach ?urfthilel * t, t, s, "o JamesaEa Almost Passes Mr Jas. E.Nicholsc: CANCER 0O1 AND 18 CuI AYEI- no purç UtC tileca Eat intotheF sprPld i My chut. i\ tr 5Il,:., 1i c an 1 t ;_A y- u a wcr.k or two 1I foti yDecided lImpri Encouraged by th; verpd ti tAi in a nil urrtrer my chia bega illontlis nîy tmp b- using the Sarsapar the las t trace of lMec Ayesfl Admitted ut the À YER'N PILLS Bel ReminiscensE 1 k 1TT F SFR iE Canada as a naîîC fancy, scarcelv oid h istorv. Stti her lu' have been somnewbu ago In 18 12, o! whi been readîng, the calied upon to fight of a sister cou ntrv. w fied wir.h the conquý in gajning her indep to the ioyaiîy of the generals thbe plans were frustrated. Tr ed at the expense of men, one o! the sac consequences 'o! Againinl S37 threatened w t h ces by a few res ed that the aff ai ed by favored * Famiiv Coro own aggrendu E their countrys i sad consequen the humait ra suppoted wro knew well h which soon safety of the gered. The Lyon .1McKe bis paper, n convincmn the wrongs acter as to Acting upoù ýbis si ganized îhemseqlvesi considered the lime up arma, eg-rding and riost effective in their lost i4gbîs. Wbitby was flot lack and patiotic Pnien. gunized themnse1vcý for drill, that they r case: o! emergency çthem Perry's Coi Hamer's Corners. j qgem> 0& Probahly no eue is boîter knowu bo the pm-înting I-ado of Canada tuhail Max- well Johneron, et Maxwefrbl Johnston & Go., 72 Bsay sîreet, 'Toronto. His many yesrs of exponience have se- quaiuted biznwilb almuost ever>' per- »on in the entire trade. To many ot Maiifriendsitil as been knovîx tubaihe las suffdred dui-ing ver>' severe iilnes thbe past year, sud in regard ho the s&.%ne Mr. 'lohuiston writes tuhe follow- ing btter : ToRozs'r, Dec. S, 1896. Mitass. T. MiLaturRiî & Co. : D&Aa Sit,-For ovon ton montba I suffened froin dropa>', csused b>' kidney trouble whicb followed an attack of la grippe. The symptuoma najidly Levante sersous aud medical aid was called in. Amnong others wbo vere oonsulî.ed were Dr. Wallace, )r. Normnu Allen, Dr. WVeir and Dr. Glass, ail of tuhiz city, and I oaa lruly statue that they made every effouit tubat medical safin could pronide. Seven operatione vere pemformed witbin six montîme, during whicb tirne I visited at different periods for the purpose of these operations tLe followinq, hospitals, viz: The Toronto General Hor1uitab, St. Michael's Hospital and Orace Hsirl Altbougb ail that could Le doue for me was faihhfully snd skillfully performed, 1 received oui>' tomporar>' relief, thbe operations only aerving te remove the enormous quantities of water wbich con- st.antly accumulaîted. As a malter of faet, 17 gallons o! vater we-e neroved durimmg te last lwo operations. After te Isat operation I was given up to die suddvas g-iven orly six to lwelve daye 10 live. In additiomn t) bbeLest medicai akill wbieb nmoney couid procure, I uaed al kitidi; o! patent medicines wbicb ro mis.et relief, but without effect. AIl the, fitnilly remedies sutrgested, sncb as Milk- wec.d Tes, Puimpkiu Seed Tes, Mublein L-atf Tea, Sîssnish Onion Ttas Sweet Nitre sud Buchu, etc., wore faitldfubly trmi.sd but gave uohtuthe slightest relief, so that I hsd baut al bope, vien I vas per- suýtded to tur>'Do)au's Kidne> Pis, te- gerber witb Laxa Liver Pilla. Tocusy surprise I received almnst imniediate re-- lief. o,,At Iis timne I vas unable telie dow-n snd for threaud a baîf menths îrevionsly was tomced to sleep in a cbair. My waist mesuro vas thon 49 inches; il is nov 33 inches since the wonderful cure made b>' these pilla qw - lvý 9