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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1897, p. 3

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sick. And Now 1 arn WeII Again. à lgo I t il -- irtian t- At f- I t o t4 t ILi r Il t ttcuro %15 ltî t te-sat-l a. --h iti- hâve rt itt- 1 S77 Y t 11e i- e% ît ifrîtîcts a-ht - 1t-ft f. r IIvi an M!.tii- ,a!]- t I t -i - u ]yt t' ' t-i 1-tl ti- 1 tut f - î Ttý N f t 1Yf.-n I-t, V- \ ,,i,:ewart. ,i-ltî Irî-, -- t--f hne .&r Grahîam. F' e 11-. lt tcrc>-1tii.F'ýât1 - -f Stuckiwel i Frodrwk it. ,Eq etalPe F r-îl-ruk lutr. 1- t-t-itrl ltîss Agiti.T-rt-tut-, E. li"rN irtaîtlEsj- -tLlr-îwîr Bris . I1, tco i -- t ~ îtrtncr Simiete andu St tIt-t lit airt-.- mi 10 1 ltt-a -t f itwiî i- ,~iia Wi. iItrst, Lt.t, t-î 1rt iurch sand t-tlîutv-rstlret-t-t' Anid biîdrtls ,f -t P.-' 'N tri,; t j'l-f l lit- t. , -t ,ltuti- ut i ttt i t I- r- itf -ithe s'tr11- 111 n-1i i tL Dirmtîp:y"t-tooN. . t--~~~~~~~~ ho-t mal - vi'- \r iiît-îii r t-f a letlier lto tl!ttt iltV t i. r--1 r-, u t ut th - t a*ey 11 1t bl l i l lit aP i- ltti-r are :r-îtlt- ntii-, ait1 1 ttttkt tis 5-lenttî iîtettirattun tir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~t - i. r iett ~t-f thle sainrie f-ýrt- titt t-r -n8tlttt' if tiItIe i det-tr tritii tuti il y r, ~ ~ ~ ~ - tli 1t--i. it tin t , A- firii i, v - .,n - a- i u iia, n rtttiç -ut t i i'îi îXtytt i .I-iH'tsrîrw, VV T' COPYRICHTS &C. Anyone ftndng a tqketch and descri ption May quicki> ascertan free, wbether an invention in probabiy pateTtabie. Communications stricf.iy ct)ftidentlàal. Odest aaency for secw-lng patentai lu ÂAlerica. We have a Waatbngton office Patente taken tbrouigh Muiuî & Co. recelve Spoclùnotice tu the SCIENTIFIO AMERICAN, beautifulîyirOustrated. largest circulation of any scent IIC journ, weely. ,pjJ)5yar q50six mon t h. Specimen copie@ and HAN» BOO K ON PATENTS sent free. Address MUNN & Co., 361 Broadway, New York. For Twenty-Six Years DUNN's BAKINO POWDE R THE COOCS BE$T-FRIEND LAitRGeOT SALE If CANeADA%. Jams . N">J4soon. Almost Passes Bel ief Mr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenceville, N. B, Struggles for Seven Long Years with CANCER ON THE UIP, AND IS CURrM B«Y AVERSparifla M4r. Nichnlsonn s1- fcînultctld o0- tors stiltitst c r litbut la Do purpose,- the canîcer bsgdn t-w Eat into the Flesli, sprend ta rny chin. and 1 suff ered ln ;tgo[iy t'.-r ývt' rp lotig tai%. 1-i i1) I 1 te,-an tAIi tg Ayt-î s Sarsaparilla. in 8 week or two 1 noficed a SDecided Improvement. Enrouraged by thi% req,1t. 1I pere- vered, ttt:f ln a ntonth ut se) the sure urider my chin begau t l heai. lu thre fionitis niyi~ p hegnrî ta beal. and. afier usIng the Sarsaparilla for six nu- rîths1 ttie lust trace of r.he cancer disappearru.' Ayeî 'fflySarsaparilla Admttd sX the Worid'a Pair. A YEB'S PILL.S Regulate mJe Bowcete. Reminiscenses of 1837. ii R1t' F.NF I)t-tR TH E 'CHtX-tiiN-t t 1-.- Canada as a nation Is stît. in ts inn fanv. scarcei<ly tienough ttî havea hiistorv. Stîli her -juvenile experitrntes have 'been somewhat- stiritîg. Long agît in 18t1z2 of wbîch uc hav-e il:I t)een reading. tht infant ctîltmnv -tsat, i alled upon t-o fîgbt- against the invasitr of a sister count-ry, which was flot satis- fied witth the conquest she bati made in gainîng her intiepentience. Thatîkr t,-atlhe loy-ait-y of t-be reti men anti able generals the plans of t-ht Amerîcans were frustrat-et. This was accomplîsb- cd ai t-ht expense o! the lives o! brave muen, one of thbe sat idt unavoidable coiseiîuenccs of war. Agaîn in 1837 t-be infant colony was threat-ened wît-h disastrous consequen- t es by a few restless spirits who ciaim- cl t-bat-t-be aflamrs of st-at-e were mianag- rdl by favortd ones, known a.st-be - 'Famîhy Compact. t entîrely for t-beir t -wn aggrentiîzements. regardlcss of t heir country's intterest-s. Ont tif t-b- -tati consequences of t-be degeneravv yof t-be htîman race is t-o give retul'v car t-- Suppofset wroîîgs. wbich t-be a-t utatorS knew weil how t-o fan lot-o a lame, wbîcb soon became su bot- that t-b saftty of t-be count- seenret cutian- gereti. The principal agit-attr, Wm. Lyon NMcKenzie. succeedeil îhrougý bis paper, - The Colonial Adht)ccate,' ti convincing t-betiissat-isfied u)nes, thai t-be wrongs were of so grevtouis a chai. acter as to require immediate retiress Acting upon hîs suggestions t-bev or ganizedtthemselves into a body. T-ht considere t-he time bati come t-o takt up arîns, 'tegarding t-bis as t-he wis1 anti most effective means of regaininý their 1l'ost- rfghts. The townlsbip o' Whit-by was flot- tacking in truly loya and patriot-ic mren, who promptly ot gunized t-hemseives into t-wo companiet for drill, t-bat tbey might- be reatiy ii casel. of emiergencyý one in Whitl, tt-hen Perryts Corners) the ot-her a Hamers Corners. The companht were known as t-he ', Blazers- an( tBuIl-dogs, t one under t-be comnman( Dr. Lowe. The writ-cr ducs no 4know who t-ook the command of th ot-ber. When t-be companies realizet t-bat- their services were needed in Tc -ronto t-bey immediat-ely marcbed ti headquart-ers to fight- for and shed thei blood in their country's int-erest-si necessary. On t-heir arriva] in Toront-o t-bey Pre sented t-bemselves ready for act-ior Their services were flot needed, as th able dcslgs her most fondly cher- ished hopes might be blighted forever. Many w ill remnembr Mr j eff rey, the father of our respected and worthy citizens, Messrs Wm and Alexander Jeffrey. He was rather fond of a prac- tical joke. One day he walked into Mr Grahamn's (thén a neighbor) and found the family quietly seated at din- ner. With a look of consternation and upiifted hands he said-- Ye're sitting quietiy here. and the rebeis just in uapon ye." Without asking ariy ques- PA N- tions, Jessie, the youngest daughter, A 6 E aft-erwards Mrs Lambie, rose hastîlyTHFG, from the table andi speediiy matie her TEG exit at the nearest window. Ail en- Famiily Medicin joyeti the joke at her expense. Taken Interna Somewhere near Toronto a brew-ery Diarrhoea, Cramp,£ known as Heiiiweii's was invaded by a Stomach, 8ore Throî lawless bandi. Mr Helliweil gave 'in- Loucha, etc., etc. structions t-o t-be brewer,-- Tom Used External Faulder.- to give t-hemn ail the beer Cuts, Bruises, 8wrns, Toathache, Pain in th they coulti drink and anvything else Rhejmatism. Froste Y t-hey demandeti. The week*s baktng of breati was scarcelv cool from t-be îîy -t oven. but %, ithîiut the slightest fear of rt.'et indigestion they devoureti the whiîle. , t. tf., fl(t lcaving enough for the fam ity - 't wt- î. brea kfast-. l w m uch beer thev drank ... ... Tom did not- tell us. ma-i hIt s told that wlien Mchenzie waý. .. fiecing foîr hîs lde he met a mnan andi Idemnandeti bis monev. From the apt- pearance of the assallant no douît. the ENFIE ntan thought the quilcttcst wav out Wa- ciiit the best and handed irhî his mronev. t went-v-seven dollars in ail. As ' ,ur-favtrattlv nrtt Itîv for this \icKen7le gave hlmi a note 19 tif demand on the N ew Constituitimn.I 1 Enlt-t)chl d As the New Constitution was never 1Ugilistl i (-Il' formeti and the oId one would recog- a t ire t1ic lit\, nîze no such claim. the deht was neyer anid P011(nîa paiti. and the note is saidti - be still in The jîtacvf t. existence. w< te tînt tri --. Whether this rebeilion was justifiable \Vednesýdàav ig or flot is sirnplv a matter of opinin ire alarm va There were no douht wrongs wnich ced out i)ftI called for redress, and would dOUDtleS- thtenittr 1 have been sciled satistactorilv îin thct tli ire sa.- proper time. These wrîîngs wtert ex- The fbarri that aggerat-ed andi agîîated Pv McKenziî, ac rt-s if \Mr A', hv hîs inflamrmable articles, which wert-1 lîmir i t- to( o eagerly listeneti to hy hiF svrnî- ;th'r- tglli the r path izers. and cost IL(îiflt an(] Mat- izained siit I -theLvs theirIlives, which îs 10 he re- ýIi v etd - W' v gretted Ble th 1-as it rmas. wthave uwatt fîtng ý. outliîvtd t. and are fast tltv doping into otd house, a nat io'n w hiteh hîds fatir to ii li no sectt- 1 tor (,f t!t-. ond plact amîîng the nations of thc plat et- \%"e arec onçýcIout5 of ou r superiioritv %i i h sa- - as a people. and we helieve 1- ugland i, thi, t-- *prtîud ofus and 3ustl si. \Vie S'unl- f1t1 e t '.' ctrelN trust she may neyer have Dccas- I1\Vhoevc r ion tii bot Lis in less estecm. let u- tended t he tisaI anti truc to ou r coituntry. tc i tii tr'- t ourselves. to eatîî other, anti, uit in- pîtrt1- - ftcI *îttgreater impo)rtance. to aur G(t bi urnit t- lierein lies our onlv safetv. In t'on-he clusion let us add the wordstof kev 1)rt- ,r'- eMcëaul': -Let us ask that we mnav trac e t- live in the fear ofACGod, in dutiful allt-g- t i an ce to the y>ueen, in brotherlv lov- R 1 and charitv each toward the other." - '-i ; t -( . îtn, Nlr h5 tI]é D". C SE cUp 9ES G 0Yn. rHC ~LD Mr. e fe f Erti a~i<4 v ,-Ith Ecrema Nlr. o i oÇa very troul-'CSDM,2 tyPO N 1 S arict curf-sd n -arertmar.ýab1y Pr, in >. shor-*z whiàe by Dr. Ch.ýazes -day. att d id o- e- if Loyaiest-s bad discovered t-be plan o! t-he re-bels, and had set- fire t-o -Mont-- -gomery's Tavern," their headquart-ers, wbicb scatt-ered them and complet-ely broke the back of t-be rebellion. Had the services of thbe Whit-by coin.. panies been required there is every reason to believe t-bey would have ac- quitted themselves snost- nobly, and witbout a doubt- would have been an impor=at factor in crusbmng t-be rebel- -t- lion. whlch 'wa believlby every loyal- t slt to be mout'jfquItous.' The.chqwger on which %>r tlatherrode to -fght for lus ccunry-W,Fith oovor4 by bis O4- Ibr -yny Y#= 5on the old home- _steià.'Whctber -sue would bave t- c ed boldly u4p w the -mout-h of the non W,-nçvf-r -lww as she was - . ZMta ts ý- tlw-ie tcsLWe -Àd Dt.ý i Wheiýi %r- akr Norwood, Oni2" BECAVERTON. Mr. Robt. IBoss, of Duluth, Minn-,- reached home on Friday co viait hie fat-- .*, Mr. Robt. Ross, who is at-il lying in a dangerons condition. We are pleaeed to lear» of the appoint- ment of Mr. Geo. F. Bruce, as retnrning- offleer, iii the approachizîg election in Nortth Ontario. Owing to dufluess of business the G. T. R. is reducing the number of its cnt. ployees ini every direction. Assistants att stations wheoe business doses nt reaoh a certain figure have been dispenoed wît h and in some places men have been dis- ohs.rgcd owing to their age. According to Dr. B. N. Grant, of Drillas, wbor we have no donbt knowa of - wbat h. apeaks, sbould Daniel' or bther cf tih* fumons Hebrew politieana of bibrîIel amne cone baek te life they ,Would nos b. in it wl±h- thome oloeodern siwik - There aïe -s»y'rltig he Wculd lesd tctisri I&. lse dotbtfu1 if Danelwoild ,beco- japarty to tihe itt the, PxýM*»t .t uand il is 001 -nioj', ù'-ticllUs ot'eai nder exzsbm.,g con. CAMPBELL'à QUININE Wi oreppetitw, pdisfW ldkau1dô marIMen 2.f o 4rrt b tweyta il -A T nefof tlily, It anîd P >t, S y, Fo Y Fét PABÂNYSIS ct mm . aet .Mr Ont,. swears that ber af Paralysie w. entirely uele,.. t 3f ber oser recov deâerted her, but-i ho; friends how 1B ter fle and hap, belore J. W. Seyn fflOILN TAT Loufas WhIté, Ecrema mInce her 'ter generai srsi.en 2ture." The &bott tient moade by ber ;tunson 8t.,Hami tore J. F. Monck, OhrL. Newm.-, ,-atizm, severe Lt iVelrequczsiuy diatu'iu imd waas vei7 siiil - conad Smtipatiè' tyckomn't UKootena .tmmtamuiSte s sow Agn jJOHNSTON 'rinters in Canada, Drings, and gives an account 2 Jaws of Death. i .î i ariter'n1 vt rt-rite-ci \îr tii- ralwx rite tir-, btut utit n. )w tii ra c . î-u i i-t it rt ccit C ivtht Cli tf, lakst in t-li iîshiip of Ux- aci tran wîtb tel tiamages i whbîub f be t-Pc iigliway r. ( )Ur local t,, as solicit-or g ativiseti the i bis opinion mi foir t-iem Ne- may say ti isithin the i lrîige anti bitiame t-be ,)Ii t-bey have t tngratulate r sudeS.- iresden. Ont, zetirsa bad for M ller'. coin- t in one year id she bus fot V A. H. Allia, tk et OrtiUla on well, @&ya: "I aà nubr of on Pille curod nond thon for P&llis dwulmL

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