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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1897, p. 4

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4~i Noethe Folwn ' Children's H eavy ÂiI -o o 5~ls> pIr. Ladies' 2 et per pair. Children's Underwear.at 15 cents and 20 centsees. Ladies' 20 cents and 25 cents euch. Gents' 25e, 80e, 85e, 450e eah. Best Quality Wide Width Flannelette, only 7 cents per yard. AIl Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5c. and 7e. per yard. Good Heavy Factory Cotton, 84-im. wide, ouly 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Bleached Cotton, à6-in. wide, only 9e, and 10e. per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Children's Plush Caps, a few Ieft, 10 cents eaeb. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 35c. eaeh. Men's Unlaundred Shirte, to clear, 40 et.each. Men's Cambrie Shirts, to elear, 50 cents eseh. Chenille Table §preads, good size, only 75 et.. eacb. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 18 cts. eacb. Floor Oil-cloth, good quality, ehoice patterns, 25e. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies', Mantles and, Gents' Ulsters. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. 'oring Department is under the management of a firat-olagé cutter, and good Suit, and fit gnaranteed, is 810 and upwards: and we will convinoe you are pnices are niglit. DREW ncy M. HO S-S. Chinâ*. Stock of %"q Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, ,ine of Fresh Groceries. eliabie. lai 1896. ,Yield. Uter. ta ait persoas subgerîbing at once. -ent. SENLD Fou 'SAPLE Copy. WM. d.WELDG. he words cor- f4 ting .8 diction- MTEL.IIQl5JLt Jensor, acety- to_%r.pa~~aa teut, practise4 4 Mdicntyre,,sg.4fed e~ es that a CNP ju,- PÇaw, -6 r wriat l cWIled #;Ortt Adebo 'rut0fëitLeim init obtalu s" un- pugInanu, aCu.45,»tJ& te eIectIom or ouatons-Au the . I T GIBSON'S. lE BEST? -ete is now, and has been for some dte and niost practical ogrieultural. -ovice. -GlecoeTranscripi. COMES EVERY 2 WEEKS -[N A- io "GOLD TINT"89COMM. 1Con- nv en- 0nly $1 peryear. -S- - CR&IrR Ml W DoN'T miss an issue fOr-!97. No fariner or breeder San aBiord to do withont it. Oar handsomne and our Prie« for a Give us a oail Tg 811 IS 10 -SEUEYE I can -e..- WM. TILL sd be covinced that lm-EegafUn ie of FURNITURE UPHOL8TERED $0008 is being sld a uaydo-u uc, ee in touca i wth taie lIr e IMwS Antique Oak Leather Seat Cobler' Rocker - - - $* 25 Antique Oak Plush Rocker- - 3- wo Gents large upholatered Rury Chaïr 50 Parlor Sets, Oak, Plumai & Tapeair> r00o Sîdeboards, Plate Mirro - 60on Bed room Set, 3 pieces . - -100on D in g Table, 4leav es - - 0 Children'a Docker& - ~ . .5 Ail other gmode pro- portionaUly cbeap! Sverythiug suttab1e, usefal and oruanw.a Rea*U bolster- - zQ f ui< uaLUn4sardng. WM emtr. pyT(LLdf, Pupil of K:..4w7, lie, -,ITesin t a iu.4. Pia~ 4% '44 ht7 tfefth Thanksh is, clovany eustoorm. s m esIetk MMnuurnit11 presd*o er, for their s e ti* S dy eVeng ~ ~ IdMs words anid practîe uppr 107"_ atilin t4 -year tst . ogerl;. 1 1 f. M. y express, mes- dUnn th yer tat S ~nge outb~JedI W btween.. Toronto and Pa". in 1897 no effort wflî -f', OWOuth rut'btwe bbt relaxd toimake làis'stok on Thutrdiy niornlng mo Moody, uhile Of Watchles and tmoaeweflfgr e o'hotel, wusghrown 'thoughly attractive.The bogtt Bne',wbcrO e len in-& dan. te-u odition. taste, the quality and -th 6 Mach satisfaction bas been expremsed in town olves- the election of Air. Chas Kilng as price shal Merit a SU-Wardeu Of the counIty. It Is exactly twenty Yearf sInce a Whitby nmblas been Warden. tinuanCe and ~n extension The, honor wus long Pust due. of te Mr. W. Daocley, au old Whitby boy, Oftepatronage se iberal. a-cpae by bis family. passed through bers on &odY morulug en route frein port Iy bestowed heretofore. May ry te T«OrntÃ"6 They spent the lest tua 1897 prove a weeks wth relatives lu Port Pery. The Public lhbnry ulil hold ha annai converbazl.,ne, *ith a Greek tea, on Mouday eveniag, Feb, IzSth. in thh lBl-..Oddfellowla building. A good Programme la being ar- ranged and anJuSefflut provided. ~N w YGros. Giranges"s dellvery van rauno slck on the mnow on Saturday lust thatibe horft found no trouble in tralling it at top Speéo »lt n âaY.It chancred its mmnd after declding to tus-n from »rock Street *Ver to tii. college, and in whirlîng backt 'Anuexctiug Incident occrred i n the vil- laite of An9ois, Monday niglit during an entertaiumeut -lu the town hall A travel- ling shonua giving aun exhibition of Vîd Pctus-es by menus of Edlaon's latest weve. lenviug taies-e wu an explosion and the uhole of the. machiuexy wn'as demolishegj, en- tallla& loisof about Ueo. The Ooorlng canght ire but the Lames were extiuguished befoÏre the. building sufiered much damage. ApprmallesWaatsd. To learu the ps-lntIng businiess. Apply la ti ofce. The blghland club's smûoking- concer t t- nigit promisestobes gret succesSleigh lo am reomlug front Oshawa and sur- roundln villages io sweil'tiec cs-wd. A. toodui f unle.àWmd. OU Orcbard la a atuge »ame for a lmckrey -teant but ubeataie niembers are told hauds at thie gante sud their combination as difficnuito ureak &IL vine. mot, taie ame in siguifi- t% pabere to-Inorro, Saturday wtMm t3.30. Thi reat sud unusual sucegas ofthe, hall lier t6iý ym rbua aakened society in the nùeighbor1ug townas. Bownville la te have a fancy dres. bail probabl U Feai. -igth. Port Pery br ont deiigt laffirs of sbfr klnd hr ou~j hJiiellg s o44d tnebstulty by a-b tO 1i2,ttiof Feb. It leuarn atntbt tisîstdate la the oue ou n'bich Wlih o ts- hotu. riuk liopes to regaintht hockey lal he ObqNfldlaud -bogue matches bave .teawprar. tlyéen ieut te Port-uôpe. Tht ammualbalt ohô the R. S. -WIhIanOsý- Co'.la-the (actes-y, Oshawa, is sud te aie ontlr t alaso.ý A&à lngmual e oir; __ 1.Mlesnru. Grass & Grangerý- bave placed ia thek, srtdwraW «tore a nio4el of iugeuulty Iu tbe fcrmota cash rgse.I hrasa Tise thenmogneter« gsee jbln Mionday m6rýnlng. eo Banjo sud gultas-mumit WObsa pey s11M et thie satokert-at Tiiere -e opair<gtb-dben eaid la Oshucaw. It fg alÃ"ogi tinte sineeau- th'-cg of t6. klud bas beenrsted hue Thse ladies' aid soeety of St. AndreWs! cburib lnteudgiving asu %Ut M ,on th ae Jac~s-st aldlsùomaÉnyceiin i ton'u ou; S ldyug ie 1rtoc4 a gond m0auy tblugu basoftn nednetnee sairlly sies- that 6. ecarred tiiem c«. norunig tht uicton« lé, «rNs- R.,R. ird'. ttcie, igbl hig tou aliet uefrte Prlidp*ILWaugfris scçepted eluviwa daois to Aeffier an iadtr~ em i .plyso t pqeutes-yof Bnrnp»at théhîgtwd clubi' be lojked for. Kr. W. H. Cro=sba nfered a ilbt stroke Of apoplezjvou maidy; o-n 6~I atre <wOf -4 I I v t I e I Il b w .1 i of 1-6 cents per pair. Gente' h ýdeiver uba haicoins " Was-dent 8 speech"IlAst1 concert to-inlght. MaDuY Loch had ome idruake on Sâturday lst n'eu that long before night 3so caredess P( bis avtios tih Mliad ockey Association. The foIl*inç table shou 1the teams lu tis league Wou P-Ã"rt Hope 0 Wbltby 2 Bowmanoville et Cobourg - o Oshawa 0 *'On, gaine protested. Hockey Notes Port Hope beat Bowiman night 6 ta r. Birrell and R Stewart defence in Monday's gamne. Wbrtby seniors play 0sF place on Monda! night nex 1Tbe juniors go ta port pe night to open tbe season thi Bowmanvilie beat Oshai former place on Friday eve It la said that Cobourg pli on their team In the match nigbt. Whitby's forwards play vidual play as the resuit o together. Halfafrthe iraines played leAgue, have been protesteý Or anotiier. Harry Frances, au old been elected vice -presideu Vslley team. The Bowmnanvîîîe aggreg juniors into camp on Wedni score Of 4 to 3. 1 "Debin" Thompson ratt, against the angtorny of thi the Cobourg teain. Old Orchard club, Tor crack teau t t Whitby tom, aftermnoo. *Gaine calied et, Frank Brant,. the goal juniors, uîll have te, do simi seniors if lhe keeps up bis ne Ken and Dave Cambo crack tepm orf'g4. are plâsi the Wanderers, the best te., SMltb, as'nuai,ivari vantaxe in the face-off audg lent stick work, particUuly G Ranm, despite the inj sus3tained during the lacross, le sMill in the ring and ruade rushes in lMonday's gaine. -Botb Port Hotpe and Coboi tn'o fast forward players eh carry their respective tea& front la the4eagne contests., There are the. makings -hbckey players at the bay. style of skating iront the loti short quiçk stroke w#1 soon &rOnt rak. Tbe Toronto Telegrarn sa, -d:ba h.the oldest and sit tlayers ia thie city league. T here to-Imiorrn, !Saturday aft Paquet-is a fast skater an, 'hander, but wais anfontunatt hoS" on goal [n.the iast gan would-bave been xuuch big ever, tallied three turnes. .It ie said that -McMillam, ti Of the Port Hope teaut, enough, after csrring the pi pounfat goal, to ask thie j whichside b iiold>preW rt rso homëine i Robt Stewart is comiidere keeper ofthe ieatue. Bob i IpBgioO, ,tâêsequently it las ton $Ã"s the nmâigiugcomm teepgante nhich-position edfrthie respective matcb i thêftm 1 arteam. me 4. Il PL s.s a

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