i f. crowded oni . st orTPlratMd pumpe. 3 -Vil reVil0enuonteude et del fâWhat heu cott ta b. ailedh I . B na dW e -IoîbyCOteadendat eh cwado, lor. Chas. KiCng. nu day. na sn hsao, hr-"arden'es peech " et- the highland club coals iuet1ugV abauIt the Manny Lock had nc of his cusemar>'G e ~hùrt1 soelt w Ue b*»reu st Aunes drunka om Sattnrday Iset, and succeeded 90 le crowdhdoet ofytcustosme. eli that long before night he ras ns ull!sud Tha ke bi l an c et m. The Rev. Mi. Man îtnt *111 Precac on s0 Careleas of bis actions that Chef Constable ersforther pprciaiveSIuindHaayevening (rani1i.TiM. 4.13, and -.Mis*- CaiverleY cooped hM o util-ha saberce içûis ere fr ther apreciaive 1 .9Htch ni ing "I g Lave -ta '1'elIthe bit. Word@ and practical support Stor>."Mldlan Rock" Association. during the year that jesnger on the local betreen Toronto and the teames in thîs league: past. lu 1897 no effort will Belleville, la non an the route betreenWo l't pa su egW Ottawa and Parry Sound. Wo at T is'sceewich we have attained in t be relaied to unake hie stock On Thureda>' morning Jno Mood Porhte Hope il reentebet aran hac of Watches and Jewelry unloading freight St Foy'& b tel. rvas thrown Bowmanyillt 61 2 5 as samples: oihis aleigh and seriously injured. He ras Coboutg 0o 1i thorougly attractive. Th e brought to Bandel's, where be lies in a dan- Oshawa 0eoacniioCi anep2eîd 10Lde'Clt akt6 iat u teous oentdietion. Oof Mr. Chas K10iLdis'ngtf Jckts baas n taste, the quality and the Much satisfaction han been exrireassed in Hockey Notes colonsre, ilb. cloeed ont (for your prico shah nient a c~~~~x~- W Rrden of the count>'. It la exacti>' irent>' Pr oeba oravleo od> prc hl ûi o.years aince a Wt~by man bas been Warden. night 6 to 1. choice) at the absuird priCe of tinluance and an extension The honor ras long past due. Birreil and R Stewart put up a gi-Cal $2.00. Mdr. Wm. Duncle>'.1 an aid Whltby boy, defence in Monday's gamne. of the patronage go Iiberal- accompanied b>' his famil>', passed through Whiîby seniors play' Oshawa at the latter ___________________ here on Monda>' morning en route from Port place on Monda>' night next. Iy betoýwed heretofore. May Perry o oronto. They spent the last to Tbe juniors go 10 Port Perry on Tueda> Ail our MILLINERy nill b. oleared wees it rlatve i PrtPerry. nighî 4o open the season there. 1897 prove a The public library i lii hoid ita annual Bowmanviiie heat Oshawa 5 10 3 at thet oIat c051 and under. conversa ine, with a Greekr tes, an Monday former place on Friday evenlng. Pr S o io sevening. Feb. ith. in thehaliOddjrlow' Il is said that Cobourg played tro rinzers Bee our $300 Bats for$17 raser u bing. Ad uemsprovrmei ed. aron their team in the match here on Monda>' -1- 1 raned an amuement provded.night. dd 1 ý,,r-05 h& --anger's Oeiiitry van ran ai slik on te anow On Saturda>' last thatitia horse found no trouble in lrailing it at top speed, go it i-an awaky. It cha nzed ils mmd - after deciding 10 turo from &rock att-eet over to the college, and in whirling back into tht road ca paized the rig with a lot ai 'w h. iron and s bai-iel of coal ohl. No harin wa& done. An exciting incident occurred in tht vil- linge of Aurora ou1 Monda>' nighî during an entertainment in the town hall. A travel- ling showman ras giving an exhibition of shador pictures b>' means of Edison's latet mere les ving there rats an explosion and the whole of the machiner>' ras demolished, en- îailîng a Ioss of about $4oo. The ftooring caîîgbt ire but the lames mere extinguished before tht building suflered much darnage. Appruotice Wanted. To learn the printing business. AppI>' lt this office. To-Nlght'aS bmok*r. Tht higbland club's smoking concert to- night promises to be a gi-est succeia Sleigh loads are coming tram Oshawa and sur- rounding villages to areil the crord. A good night's fun ia assexred. la a strange naine for a hockey teatu but wheu the members are toid banda at the gaine and their combinatjon as difficult to break up as a pine kuot. the naine is aigmifi. cant. The! play here to-inorrow, Saturday afternoon, at .1.30. Our Neighboea Soclally Eutert"end The great and unusual aucces fthe bail here this 5-ear bas awnkened society ini the neîghboring towna. Bowmanville ia to have a fac dress bail probablv on Feb. 191h. Port Perry, wbere most delightful affaira of this kind were formerly held, is revlvinig ils old time hospitali,î by a bail on the 121h ef Feb. It la unforturnate that this last date is the one on which Whithy on ils home rink hop"- to regain the hockey laurels which in the Midand leazue matches have temporar. ilv 'e-en lent to Port Hope. The annîal bail t the R S. Williams' Co'a in the factor>', ( shawa, is said t1(1 he on the 121h also. An tagenious reg-iuster. Mes.srs. Gross & Granger have placed ini their hardware store a mnodel or îngenuity in the formn of a cash register. It wili register a saie or an v a mounit (rom one cent 10 S$8o gives date in ever% instance, and the initial or the salesman. Besides recording every- thing for reference il produces a receipt like a siot machine. which goes to the customer. It ai"o distifiguishes correctIv between amounts paid for crial. wood, lumber,' couniter sale-, or hook accounits. The ma-t chiner>' of this tesister is the best and mn ingentous pieces of mechanism re ever saw in motion, and without the sllghtest diffi- cuIt v enables a bu -iieCs man to keep a cash accounit of bis business without an>' specialr figuring. The Temple of Faine Invaded An amhass., r of the CHRONICLR, whose credentials were honored hy the lady who is charRed with that autbority, was permit- red to invade the sacred precincts of the Temple of Farne the cther Àfternoon at one if the rehearsqals The great acope, in a literary and hiqtorical way, of the famous personages who wiII contest for the crown of famne to be awarded by the goddess was a startling revelation. When to this is added the art istic effect or the many varied and beautiful costume« tb be worn by the sixîy or more characters that are to take part in the conteat, the spectacle will be a apiendid one as welI as a delightfully pleasing one fmom the elocutionary eflorts of the partici- pants. The entertainment, wbich là under the auspices ni the W. C. T. U. and the pro- ceeds in aid of a worthy object-the free reading room maintained by the union-le la the music hall Friday evening neit. Whitby et Waagtou A recent issue of the Washington, D. C., Star tells of an enjoyable re-union of newa paper makers at a banquet given in the hotel Raleigh by the' Ad Wniters Club of the capital clty af the United States. Tbe speeches were full of pith and point so this account saaIs. Amongal the guests enter- tained was Mr. F. James Gibson of A. A. Vantine & Ca.. New York, a Whitby boy wbo bas made hie mark in Gothsm as ad- vertising manager of the greatest oriental goods house in the world. Mr. Gibs.on was present at this notable afiair in a represen- lative character. He ia the secretsry of the Spini club, whlch la the arganizatfon af the ad writers af New Yo, kr. established througb the individuel efforts af Mr. Giheon. The ClHRONicLE, extends an expression of ils picasure et the recognition comnng lu this instance ta a young Canadien and a native of Wbitby wboee future is brlght witb prqhi- Ise of succees in a profession that le themon arduone and exactiniz, as ta mrit n those subo practice it, of any et this end of the century age. The Towa Sca-le inspector Thous. Todd was here laet week, and muade the usus! Inspection ait round. He found the town scale aut ari kilts,,and condemned it. He dîd thee sme two yearq aga, and reporte that it bas neyer becs right - ince. [t bas been lu use thhlty or iôrty1 years, and is 4n aut-of-date concern. No' two corners of it could be muade to scalei alike. Caretaker Hopper le lunon way at fsuIt, the machin. betng lu as good Ijtom as lt could be made *lthont going througbIl tc hands Mfa machinist. Besides being rn lu mont other respecte the platform, is 00 short for Rauywagon halvlg -a lht reacb.0 W. bave perionatly seen cases whte bath - ed* oM:£a omg,1usd oMhay cauld iiot b. got, onto the cle ;t anc Urne. What OUi. townil p5nt* la-.& new "clé. ýTbc ané a pres5eutin, , ù cn-eexcbasgd (gra 'ww audbJil ii about. te boat mnev ndded.,- moI oa Omt $60or 7 o e, tipis tJoager 'Md" Aeý« idttôii;'11 FRIDAY, JAN. 29, 1897. LOCAL LACONIGS. The thermometer registti-ed 15 belon Mfonda>' morning. Banjo and guitar mtusse hy Oshawa "pci- aîists at the amokter lo-night. Tbere are complaînts of light bread belng - i-udn Oshawa. Il is a long lime sînceany- th.îîg of the kind bas been reporîed here. The ladies' aid societ>' of St. Andrew's church intend gîving un "At Homec" on tht, e%.eniîîg of Friday, Feb. i9îb. Full particu- lirs later. lack Froa)t paid a viit 10 many cellars in tomo on Sunday nîghit. He -ioucbed" a giN4d many thîngs but ont need not neces- s.irlil inter that he carrîed them of] Mrs. Rogers, Toronto, mbo bas be-en nursing te sicit ones li Mr. R R Brd's farnîil> for somne lime past, bas reiurne-d 10 the cîîy, aIl beitîg nom able to care for tm- Principal Waugh lias accepted tht invita- ilin Io dli ver aitsîldrtsinirepli- îo ihe -Memory of utBrnas'- ai tht highland cluibs m siceri 11) niKbî. An excellent speech nia' tt Io 'kedl for Mr. W.IL. Crosby suflered a ligbt stroke ofl Apoplez>' on Monday. lie was shovelîng q00w, and appears 10 bave be-en stîzed sud- denIi and was tound lvîng in the snow He qu ,c , ý revived, and iÉ, now almost as well Mr [tent's lecture on -Curious tacts in the flic of Plants" at tht colleglate institute,t lias bien îîîstponed 1111 one week fronithIis afternoon, Friday, Feh. 5th, aI 3 u'clock. A most înîeresîîng address can be expe-cted and a cordial invitation ia extended ii all I ndei- tbe bi-ovisions of tht laie-st chaîipe ruiade 9Itfftie Assessment Act, the tax co l-c- tor ina ý-bcome the la ndlord of pr opertiet Ili omn on'-ffltjh taxes are not paid within tht legal timt. Formeri>' the larw as te seize on tht landlord's gonds and after that kdisirain on thse letanî's eflecta. But the later ras seldorn dont, as it wa4 manift1sily Uin 'ust t0 do so. Now, horever, if the ten- ant fails te psy over the rent 10 thetlax coi- lector, oî rhen ordered te do so, the col ledt- or ina> and wIll probablv disîrain. The effert of tht amendme-nt In short, is 10 mats tht tax collectai- a collector or rent from the tenant uil tht taxea are paid. The resui i,, tht same te thetowm and the landiord la sa ved the cost of legal proces. The Groa-Jacksoo Trial The case came up for hesning on Wednes- dav nighî. Mi-. Farewell bcing in attend- ;,ýrce at tht cotint>' counicil tht prosecution was not ready te go on with the case and it was adjoutned until Tunsday nighî next aI 0' ocloc k. Piuntig and decoratlag Mr. Chas. F. .4iilet- painter and decorater iabout t0 ope-n out s shop in tht Smith t>îock, whert he will be pltased te do ail k inds of carniage painting, sign mriting etc. Htise painting and decorating donc on the 'ihortest notice. He miii also give instruc- tionsin landacape painting, etc. Sýuameus Seed Catalogue. We bave ieceived a copu af tht aeed cata- S(g u e of J. A. S immer*, Toronto. W. are hardly expert enough lu this Uine ta be able in gîve an opinion on seeda until they have reached the proportions oftipened vegetabies or tiîil-blnmn flomers, but Simmers' cata- î.srz ikes us a âne publication, andthose hwant one mlght drap hîm à postai card. Czoiag the best Whipý Wm. Forester, mho bas becu wonk&ing et Mcf;eary's stable until lately, drave a 1usd of young people ta Osisawa on Jan. Sth ta at- tend a dance ai hi-s. Hoig's, and Walter Canden ment along ta ride an tht front seat tar compan>'. Tht>' put in the horsts at the Commercial, as did aiea tht Beithe aI Bor- rnanvîlle, mho alsoatateuded the dance. \Vhen tht Beithi mere read>' ta stant for home tht>' found their 82.,50 nhip gone and a ten cent one stood in the sacket of their carriage. Forestes- and Cauden are nor siammoned te appear before Police Magis- trale Murtuin, of Oshsawa, fortlkngthe$2.4p whip, rhich la said ta have been bound in Foresteras possession ber.. Constable Hai- nlan sei-ved the surnommes on Moudar; Fowestti- and Canden appeaied before Police Magistrate Murton af Oshawa on Weduer- da y, and tht formier ras fined $,5 sud caus, while the latter ras dîscisargsd ritis a w atni ng. New Stadard Tisse. On Salut-day last the C. P. R. pt ltot operalion thel- uer standard ýtinse over tise whoie of their sysem, th tise ime bcng take i iroin the Dominion Observatory et Toayouto.1 Everv employet riso by bre s trtctoià it1 rrquined te carry a "Standard" wstcisMuet,1 If appoitunity o0&e", comrpare biswstcb et - lesst once a day -rîtisthestathieclek.s-1 Conducbors snd englune.,, of bisucisu mark trains nIli, faopportnttutaelords&, COM - Pare th&r ratches wnlà b Uic dok et sicbis Point, à W cooctoim u« al»-,>5Oi startin&4 '0udsba r10, '1 matches ndth the. rutchus ibi- Conductois sndeuIip.< IP work traînse nu, if opWIttOO~S5 pare tiseir retces et :10* 4i the ratches of thec adubtoiiM,4S of other trains. Ail .i*pliffl WhIo.ttde these lnsts-uctiaes stoSt rjl !t9 <T7 a standard wati, wOt. q ai least ocne. a dar, o.is nitis andreuseh0 * 01O __ Roaand sdbrî'ldgé à oem _ nith tise rateï < ~ ~ ,w Whitby's formards play too much indi- viduai las> as the resuit of lack of practice toget her. t Half of the Irames played in the Midiand zleAgue, bave been proîested on one ground for another. 1 Hsrry Frances, an old Whitbv boy, bas been elected vice pre3ident of the Grand Valley teami. 1 The Bowmanvitle aggZregsîtion took our .juniors into camp on Wednesday night b>' a rscore Of 4 10 3- "Dobin" Thompaon rattled man>' against the anatomny of the goal Jee tht Cobourg team. Old Orchard club, Toronto, send~ its -crack teain 10 Whitby tomnorrow Satu rday afternoon. Game calied at 3.30. Frank Brant, the goal keeper for the juniors, will have to do sîmilar duîy for the seniors if he keeps up his nerve. Ken and Dave Campbell, of Whitby's crack leçm 0o'9. , cplaying hockey rith the Wanderera, the heat îeam in Chicago. Smnith, as usuaI, invariably got the ad- vantagu- in tht fac-off and did some excel- lent stick rork, partictiiarly in the ii-st hall. G Barnes, despite the injury to his ankle sustained during the lacrosse season on( '96 ' is silîl in the ring and made some brilliant rushes in Monday's game. Baoth Part Hope and Cobourg have ai least two fast forward players who will no doubt c-arry their respective tearsa mll 10 the front In the league contesta. There are the makings of several good hockey playersata tht ba>'. A change in the style of skating Irom the long swetp 10 the short quick sîroke wili soon aut îhem in tht front rank. The Toronto Telegram aays Ibat OId Or. chard has tht oldest and strotigest hnckey playera in thet dlv league. That îeam comnes liere to-morow, Saturdiy afti-rnoon. Game called aI 3.30. Paquet ia a faat skaîer and a gond stick handk-r, but was unfortunate in man>' ofhts shots on goal in tht last gamne or the score would have been much bigher. He, how- It las sid tltat McMillan, the fast forrard of tht Port Hope îeam, la coniderat enough, alter carrving tht puck to bie op- ponents goal, 10 ask tht goal keeper on which aide he would prefer tht puck 10 be shot home. Robî Stewart is considered the star goal keeiper of the league. Boh is a star in an>' position, cunseuently it ia almays a ques- tion for the managing commîtteeto1 decide at every game wlîîch position shall be weak- ened for tht respective matches. The regular ream practice ilii begin at 8 o'clock and continue for ntebour on the nights tht hockey club bas tht rink. Tht hou; before and tht hour after miii be given up 10 others mho hold tickets but do not play G Dartneîl, of tht Dominions, is ont of the steadjesî and aurest ot the rushe s on that team. He la not biililant or show>', and-never plays 10 tht gallti->, and fur that reason bis mot-k is ail tht more effective.- Globe. Guy' is a son of His Honor Judge Hockey. Tht Cobourg club played a gaine in tht Midland Hockey Association bei-t on Mon- day night. Tht>' came up irood and strong a int aîhletic lot of fellora, sud if tht>' haci been in proper training rould have given tht home teain a bard gsime. The pl>' comu- mnenced promptly at eight o'clock, ta enable tht visitans ta get ara>' on the zo.o7 p.m. train. One could set froin tht fit-st saund af tht reteree's rhistlt that a bot gaine ras on. Tht Whitby boys made a rush lnom 1h. tart, sud soon put in a couple ai goals. '[heu Cobourg braced ap sud made tht game a pull for lie. B>' bal lime tht visitais had taken unte, themselves 2 goals. Tht score then stood 5 ta 2 rith ail bauds stemiuge bard that tht crord tokl advantags af lbe recess ta get warm aoù theru. The second hall ai tht match was (aster sU!!l, the boys fairl>' fiying back snd (osraid. Tht pack had a bard lime oflit, being sometimes the subject ai a rood-chopplng bee, semetlnses devoted ta ehint>', andtiseu agalu hus-ltd ta and froin good cîcan hockey. Durîng the last halitisour Whitby scOnet> 3 limes, the vWs îlot-s failing ta count after many gallant à nd well-planued attAcks on goal, mich kepi aur boys busy. There ras saine klclug about Refèee Brant's decisiaus, owlug largeiy to the course oftise Cabans- man- ager, misa staod outslde the fence sud mau-. factured all sorts of raies for tise benefit Mf hie men as tise game progrese&d. orever, tise crord ras goud-natured, sud gooteat- ure prevsîled ta tise end, risen the Cobanrr ers rere entertahed ta cçae sud sud es, sud took their train east. Ttie f"",nes le lise Whltby tearu :--43Os, F. Brun; oit R. Stewart; c point, -R. Birell; forrsds G. Barnes, C. Smith, 1. Paqqt,G. Thoanp- sou. Refert-). Biset. The Witby junior bockeyteM Visited7- Bormanvglle om Wednesday eight and. wJeîe doroed b>' a score Mof 3. IT.he persoul of tise teem ras precisele tisesaucWà usca tise Bormaavllle boys rere ber.. Thse 0' Manille tem rws cnstdebly treoglbeu- cd, havIug ou Ir alnor mmts 6 o at.e played Ira leaguezamstbiu~e er.The ýfo-. Ialng camposed the Whitbr (as-vairs-d. A a e C'3e"xrtENI end JF. Bality. tc<ere- W-ý rt. honme tests,fswed a diféi * ie tiaê wmo -é w en anaWad la~4aig.,.i - ', ... at I I I s b9e our $.00 Esta for $.O i Si EWAR-T'aU Lt Annual argains bave been the -attractive features of this aennual avent, and the the past ia direetly due to our VERY LOW PRICES. This great sale s of the entire season. We itemize below only a few special bargains '~T * ti.,~' Zi' -~ WInterSoI AU aur Ladies' UNDERCLOTHING the very' best gooda at very lorest pnicea. See our Ladies' Veste at 28c, worth 50c. Dreas Gondis, Bemnanta in Dreas Gonds, Flanuele, Prints, Satns, jLinons, etc., ail t1o be cieared out at very close pi ices We haie lthe beand cheapest Dresa Goode in tomn. If you want a nice PLAID BLOUSE!I or DRESS b. sure to see ours. See aurý Plaids aI 25C a.nd 50c. Fancy Blouse Silice aI 25c, 5o and 05c.j E- STIT W.&R=T, BARGAI N DMA AL Nor la 1h. ime ta get a UT a OVEIRCOAT muade ta ordr. v4r prices and stYles are right. Be aur te caîl sud sme aur gonds. No anecmcab our prions. Gent.Tie. SOCK.S, 8HIRT8,ý;iN- DEROLOTH&jG, etc, at right Prises AM goodsa aked sit Lownt GB IIOU-. W~IT]3y~ 0F JŽL I~EALE Saturday, I'RIOE Jan,, 3Oth, 1897* I 2 Don't fail (o attend this Bargain Day Sale* Corne 'earli' C( LI DI RI L2 si REMNANTS ;DTIONS. JN ENS, RESS GOODS, 'IBBONS, ILKS, FLANNELS, TO WELL1NGS, SUITS, 5]AN'ILE CLOTHSII SHAWLS, FRILLINGS, »RAIDS, DRESS TRIM3IINGS, ETC. -MUETS, GAUNTLETS, a, fj~flfJ~. v ODD ULSTERS, OVERCOATs, HgATS, DRESS LENGTRS FUIR COLLAR8, W9 G. WALTERS. edsof Fa mïiles- WHO Study : cn m wilI find it to their intiest Wbuy GroCerw8 ~Provi8~of w -FROIt- W.B1 C. ~LAM p robicre týi ,r on Omew aiCouaty Os-gais.-Largat Cireula.' M.a aofa"Y local pap«asseCanad 1 ;,- 'J i We will offer Remnants from our différent departments on urday, Jan. 30, only, at one Haif Regular Prîce. Sat- The Prildent ffollsewife. will 8erve lier New Yr'cae.vtl oup of our Special Blend Pure Java and Mooha Ço&~e, and thus obtain themaiu qta1ity, at miuùnum coat. Fre8h ground while.,,ou- wait. ~3 CS.PEuRLOS ýo e p 1 1 1 - f 1 TIES, "ILTRTAINS, ETC. Go ýlý DAY SALE WALT R-*Sé