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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1897, p. 7

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Anyone seeinq thé robust bealth sud active forrm of Mr. Jack MoDonoirb, Wha tn anaging Mr. A. Gilcbrist'e haruess irarsners during hie absence lu Seotland, wuid he considerably surprised ta learu thlit ouly twa years ago hé waa a cou- trrri învalid and unable ta walk wi&h- fut ir> aid af crutches. But sucir is tihe an~,sd bearing of bis remarkablé cure rrrthe ezeruciating agony af infiatu îrrreutnatism by the usé af Dr. \Vriiams' Pink Pille, a representative of t',Watchman calied upan him ta learu ii;- particulare- Mr. McDorragh wae rrniworking at the harnesa bencb, as Nv.ýilani active a8 auy youngR man in thé r,'ýrntr «v. fad in reply ta a question about i1r. cure said :-Ye@, mine was quite a rerrrrrkable case. Twa yesrma go ilut err.,while ai home in. Wingham, 1 MIL S 4arrdenly takien -awn with rheuma- in, rny feet sud ankies ewellin san that 1 could not even put on au overshae. 1 waâ iu bed for three weeks under thé care ef the' dooror, aud had Wa use crucohes for r> long time after that. Thé next spriug 11)r1 rheumnatisoe came baok a.gain, worse tisu ever, attaokinR ail may joints, but irinctr&lly my ankies, huées, hips, el- l'ows and vwrista. Thé doater Rave nme verv lirtie eénoonragement, aud said hé Wae afraid oai k goinq ta rny béart aud killiug me. I bad read a greas deal ai ont Dr. Wiiliam8' Pink Piins, and the cures they bail wrought, and 1 doermini- <.1 to try tbém. At firat 1 did nat natice ehchange, but bétaro I1lied takén s Sd ozeu baxes I was so mach im provéd ibat I bad givén a way my crutch- es and havé neyer requiréd their usé Finoce. I Stijlitoak thé Pink Pilla for samé t; ae longer and I bave neyer had a toucb (,',rleomatiem eînoé, sud hope I neyer iriay. 1Ia easy that k- ink Pillae ured mue ùt a bad case of rheumatiism sud 1 chéér- C.lly recomrnend tbein to othéres aufféring as I dId. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are eoid ouly in boxes beanng the firmes trade mark aud wrapper, (priut.ed ru red ink). Bear n mid that Dr. Williams' Pink Pille are limvor sold in bulk or hi' the do7en or ,i nnrred, and any dealer who offers euh- erites ru tis (onrs 19tr.yng to deframrd y )u sud slrould be avoîded. Thre public aire sien cautîoned aizainet ail other So cailed blond buiîders sund nerve toutes, [uIt u[) rn irlllar form rutended ta de- co-rve. Tirey are ail irntatMnus wlrose rinkers irope tg) reap a pecuurary advau- ta!!, from tire wo)rîderiui reput.atror aciireved [v Dr. Wliiatrns Pirrk P.lis ,Ask your dealer for thein These Pille are naniactoredl[y tire1 Dr Wr lame sMedicine (Comparir*v PrOck- ville, Onîtario, suri Schenectady, N. Y. ati are snld onlv ru boxes beanng tire firmeo traoe mark aud wrapper, fit 50' cents a box, or six Iboxeo for 8'2 50. Tirey may ha ira(i trohisoi- déaier, or wil be sent. by mailou recerpt of prrîce. Dr. Wiliarns' Prnk Pills nrav Ibe lrad of ail d1rugLrsta or direct l'y raili <ntm Dr. Willias'eMedicie C (ompany romi <itier addness. Tire price at whrcl tire pile are sold make a couirse of treat- mueut oomparativeiy ruexpe-nsrve as eomnpaned wrîh other remed ras or medioal tre sImiet Ou Thursday last thie rpmnins of NMrs Aldridge of Seugog Imiaud, wpre lard ru tre lurvrng ground of thre tinatlrniiet ci uircir, at Nestieton. Mre. Aldrrdge irrai!en name wae MarLared Anu Mluirbead, darruilter ni Mr Solomon M rîireasi.onue ocf thie finit settdere of thîs township, sud at nrosenî. a resîdsni.of llalimnock On Saturday last tire remaine of Mn. Alexander Hooey. formerli«v a résident of Biacks8tock, but for s numher of years' IaNt a nesîdeut of 8cugog Island, were irrrnd r ir e prestryterran boryîug grouud, Cadmus, Mn. Geo. Malcolin, Barrie, is at prés. ,eut visir.mng hie brother, Audréw Malciolmi of Nettiéton. Mreq. Richa~rd Iiowan sud lber brother, Newtou Sovmour, of Dakota, bave visrted f rieude iu Mauvens. Mn. Samuel Bruce lires been engalzéd tire, pastn week, cutlmug chaiffsud thnesh- rrrg claver. Ther a large rft in thé ice on Scu ~ mexteading from thé asat end of (rsraiha>', narth for a mile, then west erly to Senuog Island, thon it tnunedeur.h wesereny iuto thé ahane of thé Island. ERECERIN. Wé are glad ta see Mr. John Ovéréud out again.4 Thé Farmens' Instatté ad a fine meetitig la8L Mouds>'. Mr. Harvey Cooper bas retnrned from Beaverton, whére lhé bas &peut thé luit 3ear. A very énjoyabie timé was apent at thé résidence of Mr. John Mair ou Tuesdy nigbî, whéu Mies Muir wass rarried ina M r. MoTaggart. Yoiur corroespondent joins witb thé mauy friénds af thé Young couple îu wishing them much joy. ConnunolMeeting. Mr. F. J. Giliespiie, county tXliilcillor, sud eutréeve, Mn. John Adams, weré appointcd as a depotatian to ask Mr. Chappeli, otir local inenibé, ta accom. r qy toraCowait ou the Ministet of u'bic -Workot. Toronto, apsaing him fa gta,»t sprue aid on aur raide sud bridges in ite, townabip cf Ranis. Thé reeve aud clark were sppointed toa sceriain the0 wd hO f thé différent bridge in township, Y teb give a description cf thse iavel on Ilse roads ta 1urpeh bar connty counssolIoi with information 'ré gavdiDg saine. Thse clark wua instructed te "itt bridge bouldersansd got priee fer ateoi bridges. Tise aceanute of W.0. ,Giloluet, modiésil heaI4 ofer, Word pail, for attondsuce to »an IL MoDon- aida céhiLi, B.sbrgbt, tbr«e vista, $15; al»o ibres vIl te Lomber& fawlyo #Bgo'î,$., CeUncil djaurnéd ta mne nB&WUdSy, Feb 18 bezt. Csoks Cotes ot Cmpoad Manufactured b y The~ monthly medicine ou which ladies cari depend in "the hour and time of fteed." Every lady who reads this is requested ta inclose two post- age staxnps, with her address, for and fu particulars, which we will send by returu mail ini plain. seaAed envelape. An aid Physician, 35 years con- tinued practice treating diseases cf women, has char ge of the office. anud cari bc conuulted by letter or in person. Address aur main office TH4E 000K COMPANY, Boom 3 -No 2 5 3 Woodward A"s. Detroit, M.il 1' Caak's Cotton Root Compound is sold by al respousible wholesale aud retail druggists in the Domninion of Canada a.rd United States for One Dollar pur box. -~ f GAVE AWAY- IGRTHS THE STORY O? 5111. j. )MoDONOQH, 0F TIVERTON, ONT. Suftered From Two B3evffl &ttacek8 of Rheuoaim-Dotri Fearsd thé Trouble Was GQing t aRis Hjer- Pink Pille Cured Bis ansd be Gave Away His Oruiobes. mu the Tiverton WatcbmaLn. About four years ngo Mt. A. Sinclair, brother of Mr. D. SjnClif, town, who- worked aW farcni n-âr ýSe- a M7-I& ôs township, moved wîth ris family to Hamilton, Pembifa Ctk, North Da- kota., a short distance froM the -Cana.- dian border, where hetook up a b'alf section of land, and has Prospered well. Two years ago be harvested jI ioa bushels of grain, and last ye,r over 5,000. In addition' ta this bis own health as well as the bealth of his wîfe (who is a sister of Mr. Joseph Maunder, town,) has been wonderfully benefitted. When Mr. Sinclair left here his daugh- ter had been given up by local ph.ysi- cians, but to-day is a healthy and vig- orous specimen of womnanhood, thanks to the diry western climate. Mrs. Sin- clair bas been in this section for some time past on a visit with telatives, and returned home a few days ago. Mr. Wm Xoôd, of North Harvev, is having his share of affliction. Fo)ur weeks ago, says the Independent, his wife died under distressing circum- stances, and on Sunday his daughter Martha Jane, aged 16. who had sufer- ed for somne urne from infiammatory rheumatism, dropped suddenly dead. She had been about ail day as usual. and was sitting on the side of the bed when it is supposed the rhteumatism af- fected the heart, and the voung girl's life in this sphere was snuifed out like the light of a candle. She was buried on Tuesday at the Nogev's Creek cerne- tery, beside her mother. The Rev. J. W. Shier conducted the service. An- other child is now sufering with the same affliction, and is scarcely able to survive the attack. On Monday Mr. James Kent, carter, was driving down the river, and when about haîf a mile below Parkin's milI his horse went through an airhole in the ice. Mr. Kent also went in, but managed to scramble aut again. Proý- curing some rails from a fence near hv, he succeeded, after considerable diffi- culty. in placing one under the horse. and then started back to procure furth- er help. Fortunately he met the Tetro boys, and with their assistance the ani- mal was izot out of the water. Then two large fires of fence rails, etc., were buiît on the ice. and between these the shivering heast-which had been in the icv water for over an hour-was plared to thaw out and dry. It was a narrow escape for both driver and horse. "'e understand there are many airholes in the ice on the lower river, and drivers cannot be toc, rareful, but the recent heavy frosts has no doubt remnoved this dlanger to a considerable degree.- WVatch man. ~rn In reporting the proceedlngs of Our schçQQ-meeting, the- Grçenbank corres- pondent -ta the Whitby CHROzilCLE took occasion ta remark -"that the conegrumblers were conspicuons for theit absence, and for that reason the meeting was very agreeable and lovel)." but when the facts are known the public will not bu surprised that there are grumblers and even chronic grumblers. Is it a wonder people find fault when - frorn 40 ta 5o children are huddled together in a rooM 20 feet square and no light or ventilation, ex- cept two windows, both an the south side of the room. and that little girls are obliged to sit ail day within two or three feet of a hot stove. and when the liie is nearly wilted out of them, go home in the cold. Some were dis- posed to find fault with our Iast junior teacher, but what teacher cari do jus- tice to their pupils or how can pupils do justice to themselves under such tincomfortable anid unsr-nitery condi- tions. The question of remodelling the schoolhouse cornes up every year. and the plea for leaving the matier stand each vear is '-hard times.- but if one part o f the section can build a $6.ooo church and SUbScribe $2o0 more than the cost. surely the whble section couil aiford one twentieth o& $6.ooo to fix the scbool bouse. One more griev- ance is that the water in the well is un- fit to drink everv sommer. The C7HRn>,I.EI, scribe knows thebe griev- ances exist as well as any one. but he bas no interest in the sehool and takes the opportunitv Io vent a little private spite. and perbaps please some of bis friends bt' calling people hard namnes. -journal. 01 17 *CIGARETTES Co, ROCH ESTER N. Y. Retail Everywhere C.Per Package. First Prize Medals. No Man Knows... the petturbationosprtawm uf *fers inkii gwt adsoe u cnosatam a been ta, furnish the best article possible for the uueintended. The "REGÂL PERFECTION" eWG es fo cosi or woad, fulils ever require-: * ment. The design and arnamentation * *of this range are in advance of anything e~ prviously attempted. '1 he avens are 1ge and provided with draw-out rack, *e vided with genuine duplex grae and lt la a perect and sur. baker. Fully: equipped with aven sh elf, tea pot shelf,e fooven dorriped with t ne xtpro- large hroiling or toasting deor with mica .1 fra ., e, made with four or six cooking elel hales. Send for descriptive catalogue. : TH JMEOIB ARTMP. C ..LrD.,. 1SROCKVILLE, ONT. E'0RSA TL 8Y3- WI.LLIAM BRYÂN & SONI Dundas Street, Whitby. On your feet this weathier ? *There is style in footwear as there is in bats. Bach year the Granby *Rubbers and Overshoes are modelled to fit all the fashionable shapes *of boots. They are thin so as ta, prevent clumsy appearance ande *feeling and ta inake them so necoSsitates the use of the finest quality of. *rubber. While Granby Rubbers and Overshoes are Up to dite in Giranby Rubbers wear lke 1Jron. BOWMAI4VILLEC About seventy five citizens of Osh- awa came to town on Fridav .night last to witness the hockey match between Oshawa and Bowmanviiie. The game resulted in favor of our home t.ean-i by 5 goals to 3. Editor and Mrs James took advant- age of the good sleighing and drove to Solina to see frîends on Sabbath alter- noon. Trie social held ait Dr Tiiley's resi- dence last week was weli attended. AIl enjoyed a goo-d rime. Mr and Mrs Worth gave a party on Frîday night last to a number of rela- tives and friends. A ver>' enjoyable tîme was spent by' ail present. Edîtor Jamnes, president of the far- mers* rustitute. attended the meetings held at Biackstock, Haydon and Solina last week. The engine, boiler and some other machinery has arrived for the rubber fact orv. Miss Ida Gilbert visited friends at Enniskiiien last week. Mr and Mrs Chas <;on-et. of Sparta. who bas been visiting at Mrs Richard Hiamlev's. returned home on Wednes- day week. On Monday evening, prior to' their return home, Mrs Hamlev gave a party to about twenty-five of their relatives and frrends in bonor of Mirs Gorvet's birthday. Mrs 'W B Bickel, who bas been under the doctors care for three weeks witb a ver>' severe attack of inflamma- tion of the eyes, is ver>' little better. Rev C Parker preached a ver>' in- teresting -sermon on -'Gambling," on Sunday evenrng last. Miss L Staulter. of Oshawa, is visit- ing relatives in town. The themometer registered 16 below zero on Mondav morning. Miss A Nichols is very ilI with nen- vous prostration. The are two petitions being handed to the public just now, to decide whether or not the cows are to be let non ait large on our streets. We hope it wili be for the cow's liberty, for a great number of poor people, if the>' bad to pay for their cows keep th rough the summer.*would have to dispose of their family's best friend, for a poor familys best friend rs the caw. A GROS S FRlA UD. How ta avoid Deception and Losa. Borne dealers in Cairada buy package dyes that are oa poor sud weak that it réquires fully trhreé packages to give tbe depth af calor trAt is obtained from one single package af thé Diamnd Dyes. Thèse weak dyés. worth from four to fie cents, are sold tao oriaumers a% ton cents per package, naesiépria. as thé full strengtb Diaoeond Dye. Any womnan wbo la urged by a dealer to buy thèse adulterated snd weak *dye sbould refuse at once tu be àiwirded. Snob dytse are ouly s stource cf profit to thé maerchant who happens ta s11 thoro; they are certainly seeeasad déeptins to thé womsu wbo baye lhemn. Loaaï troublé sud fraud eau bo svoided by aaking for tbe Diaruond Dym Bramine éacb package, sud hé sure yenu eo the nane ilDiamoud." Working výith the IDismond," you are sure of good, faut, brifilaunt and lu.ting colora. Usnd Eisrbtsen Bores af Dodd'u Ridus Pilla- The Ston. Dissolved sud Reonve-Knew of Others Curod. Rheiburne, Jan. 25 (83pecil>-Mr. John-Me.l dill, known loésly as eIl as far snd Dma,»a physcl grant sud eloryiuglu Inea treugth camne ta ho a gret sufférsr sud tella o!bis ur as foliova :- '0 «'I do oui besitate ta apek of Dodd's Kid- ney Pilla or an.tbing eh.e exsctly as 1 llnd thein. Ifs. iéle ure emandif 1t ilt wi'l cue otaemr pwhy ot ay $0o?1 "h ltric""lhad bsms,'mRferng foaer me- time -wth Bladdertobie sud learpié, et a, cure mnade in a smlr t, Doddt Kdiey Pilla I1oammsncej Ummug toÏur." la u ai1 bave u@ýîà eiglftseu boxes sud they bave distovod tis siaa-and bvse etirely cored nie of auy suriof os, fl dMeulty. I4 pet hésitaitepea k of Dodd'a Kliney pillala the hugenti ternis ot prals-for 1 kmov of n"y persaca visabave boum enred- by tissa. Rev nibr.e Saliof, ai KwPeter Sisal cf ti i sidled st i. fih'. rile l sssu dsyniarng. Tbz dmaoon$sls'Eooto. as pee io ts=1uywe W. have the Finset Bolc- tion iu town of those BEAUTIFUL 4HERICAN Borders to Match LowEs, -:PRICES. Corne earlv anrd gecfiras choke.. P. B. WARAM, Brysn'à aid Stand Brook St., Whitby DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,ôOOOO Ssurplus, $1,5l000 Wbitby A genoy. General Bankring Busnm Transated. SAVINOS DEPAETXENT. luteresê afowed st hlghestîourrent taie. Wo cottos of vlthdrswal r.quired E. J. THRNTOE, FAI RBANKS8 Real E8tate Column. "FPOR SAL.-A nice stary and a half bouse Wiub 2-5 of an acre of land, carner of Dundas and Garden streetq, Whitby, with fine lat af chaice fruit trees , good stable, well and cisteru. Ail in firat clas order. Will be sold cheap. Small Frami! House and Lot, corner of John and Byran streets, Whitby. Will be sold very cheap. Fairbank's real estate column LO TS-To be s.ld, lots 324 and 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, narth ward, will be sold cheap. FOR 8ALE. Cheap. A fine twq story brick hauset, with brick stables. Situated on Byron nt., Whitby, the finest residential street in the town. within three minutes wslk af the post - office. There are three lots of land with àa. entrance on twa streets. Hanse ini perfet:ý repair. For particulars apply ta L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Wbitby, Ont. Apply ta, L. FAIRBANKS, Oct. 28, 1896. Auctioneer- Wbitby. VIM, VIOGOR, and VITALITY4 RESTORED IN 30 DÂYS. GOOD EFFROTS AT ONCE. OATON'S VITAIJ4ZER. cure a ruIor.1,.otaI 4bWiaIIçw. nom., ape matornbeea, euniseoueimp.- tenu. peseo. Corrects almestia dnmesiere, omusd by e rren ra seeee, Skly rostorina lest uzhm»d in lu oi ' ,j givug VIS« «setroxgM, wbere for- mu15 wsskassapr.valloi Canvenleai paokaff* siMPle, efeotl, s»d legl!ilmots. CURE Io QUICE AYD TEOBOUON. DOnaï be déaeVe- by Imitations, lkmlt ou Cbem*e Vîtallaers. Sent seaied iff qh"drug- r'a dose net have 15. Pries 61 Po1pg.,a afeta.Bond us ttment oo s'usa. ec eel ér& ia trW nmet Ohly oïe: sent ta ssoeh persa. CATOS X.' D, ., o.# NMAS A1ar WALL j4 4 Mr. Distin MoDouiald àha.6tumeod thei 5W5557bal home. aftean absence cf serai veek. i si ysfijemtse r. 4. Smitls cf Meafrd la 8viaiigAit ne Ba 0es oltwgsbuilingat Mr. (3 mt',vusdestréjef by ime ne 1o I I MMwWmw2mtýý PA PER8 ýGOLD LD Oo.dwoud Miss Dowswéll, af Claréimant, is viait- ing et Mr. Win. Whittleton's. Misa Long, af Mount Albert, is thé guet af Mrs. Elliot. Mr. Wmi.. Wagg bad a wood-bee on Tuesday sud gaI quite a nicc pile of wood cut. Goodwood seéme ta bé quit. a sparting town, as thé local sports deéeted Stouif- ville by a margin af 8 in a shoeting mnatch at dlay pigeons. A sweepotrake match wus won by Mr. J. Collins, of Goodwaod. Mar. Marshall Gléndénning, or switob- rman, bas been reooed ta Huntsville. Mash bas lived in aur town. quite a long The ladies' aid social ai Mr. Johpl Smitb's was a decided sucmeoi xcpi thst thé uight was very etomy. Every- aine apparently enjoyed uhentsulves and the proceede asmouuted te over $7. Misa V. WVagg is viating st Robert Wagg's, Ut. Albert,. Mr. J.8S. Todd, our eniérpriaing afrpn merobant, ioaed two cars of stock ou Tbqnrday, oue hère and eue ai lare- mont. 1 ~1 il j 4 ý Kimball yrmmp,4 -

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