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Whitby Chronicle, 29 Jan 1897, p. 8

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get to have this thlng donc la strilng. but Ombêk I*.Usdmeead fveeai n u bres n oes ch tI ng ws c o n s d e f d p ss b e d r S e ig h in g b u c o rn e a t la s , a l ttle 7 A q u ie t w e d d in g to o k p la c e a t th e il w i al o Ï 4 4 sbt ' ,w R sfo re- noheei sof Mpo r v.den s ud al o e t oo m hiRomtla e.methodit parsonage on W edn sday tmosita-I he iatkin t gPJ , ÙM the preselit elle, no__ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ ud bu l o fs up oe ndnciloi l thb is jlo wen t unc n s m la e i h , J n 20 h h n M d B igt d ift ei oî e w ba m ve h e o m e et lus ei te kep asr n a~gere of figbtisg chcIÎ1m r Philip A Stone v.iU seli s fh arOtm thei E uB igtd Wltêutce taCC t tn "dW b t< i.b u e lii ned widow lemoethatomi th bJoietsokaialmnt s>T edyUcand Miss Évelena. Harper were lt' à.Thilu sim -lY »t cofiec.M:MLRose nextwindw iotha fro whih boestin the holy bonds of matrirnony by the tuas neyer in favî of a new site. -He great* OSIIAWA, JA.N. 29e 1897. B e way. speaking of these id poker wsvr yope h rum plaeôddIp~ lt th des newud ups thatibs uiane r tepard stili continues to elV off tastelily attired, and vas assisted by achocri bouse la the ieu ace b Iatt --and curse would be allowed to existIin ive bis stock by auction. Neit Saturday ber cousin, Miss Harper, of Prince AI- h inted te sh pind beie oppstlng part or six places in as many different Carna. te evening wîll probably be the last sale. bert. The groom was ably attended 'ad w t khep li ald meestig) oppôaving rbr r reed trouble for the fÇiithful and efficient b i rt (selyBigt ay'tin a i th e nua etngth evingW nITIlIJI Malloryan Marks. We bave watched the Quite a number f rom here attended bytsbohr elyBih. Mn ti l rsn location onhest. e ~MfllII~ U II~ 4 V th chef poksma ofthetheDisric Diisin SO Thel atcongratulations were tendered the fel saîisfied that the piesent board will not oU L II 1ndicator, tecifsoemno h h ititDvso eda go. agalust the majoriiy cri he ratepavef5 in IL. iIbard, talernthsethng were to be Port Perry on Friday. Mr G Miller happy couple. settling this question. We aueo (ccl satimfied PAGE qilckly aholîshed, but there is no word of of our division had the honor of being Wm Guy, thiid son of Mr W B Guy, that we voice the sentiments of the whole _____________________________ fes donflthcrne within ihearovince oft-eetdDsrc cie met with a very painful accident on section in savlng ihat it isa greai pity ibat --dctrt omn um nesI et the evening of Jan 2otb. While in the one patiy who now wlahes 10 bave noth- Farmerer he lambastinsttanybodymre todowiothemabee sodbasetouas Freswill do well to cal1 at M. E. Vindiataor 0 c ometiiunl e sbs e 1a eebesh ares nsiuethe act of runnincr some lead into bul- seg moe 10 o iea aît, ebflot ibu Maya f or boys, ready made clotbîng. 10 report a public danizer or robbery to ametn in the hall on Mna next, let mouîds a do of pespraio fllt e tw yedanceo toe they ' nelg oBH3AWL newspaper e<ltor. and ask hlm ta write a afternoon and evening. An excellent into tha melted fiuid. causing it to fly expense which roels up teoth.- bundreda. line or îwo about it. Surelv ai eauhor- delegatiofi is announced to conductthe into his face and eyes, causing him _________________ A smal stock of fancy gooda, well assort- lues f Oshawa, In bath police* and heal meigindheyfrersol r ed. No opposition, inspection invited. To ldepçtrinients, know that sick houses ) eetitng. ad vey aersould no oayn h great pain. Dr Moore, of Hrooklin, i lie sold at rate on dollar. lUnquire of Wi, flot been plskcarded and that a lot of black- to atn.I ol o oayn h removed the pieces frôm bis eycea, 1 n.é ur.m rnreetorl winiy9ai Oghawa. legs have ijens right in speakiflg distance of least harni to hear what is said. which caused great pain. It iS erd1 lllyCàal-Hvn ucae b - -- ---, I aisinAuerocently carrted 0o2 by the lt Ni TQr' on m her m weg tloe hvet m t ai fer da) i .ven the Wisest t * 1- ;~ I 'i thee ~ i sIi e m ain crossing o f the r et i. SureIYs n at on 0 b s s h "'7 b d m e .b r Or E Morris spent Sunday in Whitby witli Vindicator knows ail these things. Since il There va odrpeettono i ¶myo a ..Ku- Wm rt, I amn peparco ta mod nds. kicks so nbout being askted tri protect the mem bers at the Conrlitegational iet- 214<15=jjj3.travellers and others withdrg t rlsîîble irs F Philips is vsiling wth relatives n public in the malter of lit brad, we tAke ing in the Presbyterhan church on Wed- rate. cemmerclal menat i lbrly duty ven'n o~ nst w ek. he dî- L.îzlC y111g~,a5 retur ed fomaLde gond Soonlon adm re gltter rut.I hti si osrespoe asad forrMishow the Milta asWa.-. rom Siand Myrtl sag o eti u o 12dtS.i Or S lKive Il, n Bowmanville, was in town the public weal. Apritrefltly the Vinsdu) nesday a pleasant * ee. Te if them b eibemn h ,bwWib F rida only reaches to the extent of keeviirg silent erent repars so tecongregation tapesn ista saa.ad MvID Astag Me s tation Ter nye wa bttr im tar tisO K ao oono s vsîn : h nabot everythiniz but Court. lendersofle be in a sound condition. The tresurer Rev R M Phaleti 1U A. on W ednes- àm A To ,MrleSain dis0 nxo Trntisvsiig ihpublic acis. which it holds are alwavs evil rpo. e small balance on t'rghaat -ai20h i bTrsdec orh 1rents. n herepod, Jn oha tt eddnc fah Or McCaffery and sister, of Boa mativille, poi<l ischwdrr the br d ofthe pulic an side of the leciger. The retiring man-i- tjide's fathet and. in the presence of a AUDLMY. nwt neti rilso eer of Porwnla t erry, îa visiting her ir dtirsIo th Mussc Pricers, .rM.RealowerR Mthanid everTornefPree 'James,~Ette than the Vii. and Reformer fll their agrJ .Ra u .Mchie wer< , elect number of relatives and friends, Ms Esher Dennie and friendvstdTonO ther, sur Reynold. r-elected for another termn R T }4bu irly niedi the on Saiurday las. Jaumes Body hitd to have bis fingers ampu- rington and E Bewel ecose". tua- bonds o! matimony Mr Geo Simpson, Or j_. May. of Rochester, was iin towil thist tted on Tuesday. itors, and G Miller and John Soier- the genial and popular saio get a nd Mri ad In this îocal ty. a rep ese ted. Our tor isfea ,ek visiting wîth relatives. T emany friends tI Mr F 1L owke wiîî ville. ushers. It was u aitfsyr -Burketon, and Miss Mattie, eldest Mr RiabartePth e un l a ged ti of bis. Pi fquartrin ti a to h at qlss s Gullock blas gone tî l-,sex te pend be pleased te knaw ibat lie has o far recover- solved ta adopt the env lopoe systert daughter of Mr Alex Ruggs. The rsraasByeisrcvlgfotbrfr ' AIG 1N inW ch, winter wtth Dr Pascoe c ro recent severe ilness as 0b fraising funds for the, year 19 wedding presents were of a high clas, laie illness. an attack of inflammation we beliave. ely MccKaid y rntd he '>r audr~~sapile basurin th açt f e impro ewilA very happy lime was spent b aI Mrs A'ex Brown bas not been in very robust loa eerSlewr n ely ~ ~ ~ ~ s ut yc b Dbaierrpil asedurin tes e avs bewî A eorrespôtidî'.t ofte Uxbridze presenit. The bridaI party left for bealtb since ber attack of weakness in the cbfrcb Spectcls air Csses etune hoe uedayCrit hotlybesen onousthv ure agaifi. JIlover due signature !"at-CataOga, Tehnessee, ta spend their a few weeks ego. r visit w ith relatives in T o ro n to . S v r l r a w sys bavelt ith y euoc oce p o n h o e v m o n.eceitilge S E PceigSu-OneSaturda;y last Mr Ortuiston, of Raglan e l5futwt or orso-hnvon The bride is a very Mr and Mrs Frank T Smith ,iSiteUbldeSEU TA KWIH U ti r a d M m r e H bI , linnt F sa in i ar r po t fst evneerelatshak T eingOTI "tup.i ya t Mr and Mr red Hobbscei. Sn.ctîp -t on Sîmcoe et and it wsa etfi aig narrpr ftecharrning young lady. very affable, ge libn nta eln yad~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~e wihti td r Hbbufrifert hrilyhe had susnd erfouis n- pubthe, ahool meei 'that the chronic pleasant in ber manner, and very high- Miles Cbapman spent Saurday iu the Cty. Rev Fathet jefienUe makitig arrang e?y u-apuvb nvudrwttarte ruxmblers were conspcuOUs for their v esteemed by a large circle of friends He bas secured anoîber stuatioi beueb ente tu gvIP a Gtklrqéabsenceb and for that reason. onthee qeet- àlgiM comc eundt too The Oshawa amatenr minstrels propoese ncadfrta.rao h et and acquaintances. She was an en- was ai becoming vacant ovin« ta, the depression BOYÉh Tuesday, after a pleasatit visit uiih lier appeariflg on' the boards of the opera bouse în envr geebe aeae husiastîc worker in ail departmnents in un trade. ster. at Bowmanville. Theti were about $75 atiPears to bave t.aken it to himself very the presbyleriatl church and an excel- spvea aended Greenwood E L cf C E oINpT.W SToSInA A ashort aCe i xpne ncnnectioti with ady and uses il as a text for a lecture lent music -teacher. She wiîî be very uersry and musical programme on Wensa Mr Jas O'Connlor, or Port Arthuar, spenta' their laie show hdbe adadwl r as ta the accommodation in the jun- mucb omissed byTis ail.aretube ou w davs his el witb his uothet, Mrs J to maire up the deficit by visititg neighbor- jrs' room of our school, and a most mc isdb i.zauae ntersces )Cno.ing towns. Mr Simon Puckerin, wbo speat a montb vieit- The Oshawa stretet railve y bas added to bitter~ and uncalled fou attack on the NECW NAVEU uang frieads inanad around Cliaton. Ontario, re- ts aied ehcen evieahadonebg :ooo:- CHRONICLE scribe. We have a pretty Mrs S Wood bas been indisposed. turned lesat werk, lookinc the pictare of heaitb- age cr Oshawea Busis Dirffoo'?. good idea as to who Ratepayel' 15. and Ms eliaSev-sba envji- e missed aur olM friend durlng his absence, ela Afier Fred Warren MisaslldispSeveneda oCn bist tockit la tahis intention to go to Rosslan(t. E L. IERY, r~Simocew ue »nl tinhat we fbad nteigsisMciln Ve opehe 1t1maie agoo pue wileBitOKS LIEBYSica.siSet.nrt, lan intentiona putrtng bis feeins.a Miss Nancy VaCamp is visiting Our E L cf C E bas planned for an enter md put OPI.banssmke.SiOerelatives hn Cartwright. Ourmprogramlfiai ae soluite la abape aand-wiçehm The young ladies of the flower mission are r. B. MOTHERSILIi, butcher. Li.ng St,,. Weel. trille amusing. ' As ta bis reference ta prepariflg the operetta *'Cinderilla." They Da. PÂmft5LoPi, Dentist; office ovex Rowsem the school accommodation we beartily MrJhnd eee hiedor u-petagodsnsno 19.Wemnio h wl perbefore the public sortie line store.edreeer odh ays. It is flot day schoal an Sunday witb Rev R D social ta give yoenlime ta tiiaiofaitbe treat that appear 1î.a ATR-UUiO lne n rfledrs vrywr c cFasr sbelore yau.WrgtSel Mrx ('bas STÂLTua5tDvnd homeSatpianos ..nd, organe. wbaî it should be. and if part of theFasr&il tbE cuiters la store were gaot ut lt weeb, Mftr Chas hape aied eksinTato Wy . E. DyX<'enerai Agent Ontario Mutual section cati build a $6oao cburch, sure- C E meeting Friday evening was led dusued and rohed, ready for use. Sbortl afier : allerabi tho irt en iseekoson Toronto tLe Assurauce C..&gent, waated. ly the whole section cati afford ta make by Mr D Moflat. Mrs T Power and Mrs the snewfall. everybody bad bat! a joyous sleigh- logeral optl. ehp i o self humn WILLIAM J. DRmsNa, Dominion and Ontario a <ecent schoal room for the small W ecns id.Tefn Tlgtihswr o uh lookng aain.Land îurveyor, Civil Engineer, Box 57, Oeh- innungsprie.ofthe ie ol igto kp ere oys aRch, A sleigh load of young peaple paid Bow- ata. children, which is more than cant be Mir Bert Goode bas received a fine uirng urai h cad. a eve ar boSdys I bone manvilte rn ii dyeeig h omtti& oFLJ .woP arietO<" said a! it now. As for the water in specimen of seed oaîs f rom the experi- The debate beld ia No. 5 on P'nSY last. Romnvle os r lwy ga t eete Moderni bostery, neat and cam ortabiy the welbeing unfit ta drink every mental farm, Ottawa. -hIe"soiv exptonar'te b! ibe rab.letedt Oishawa girls and "o ail bad a good lime. $50 0'Od The mploees f the Pano ,oks.wl.M ToD. -Caterer for Balle, &s= ble, wed- sum mner, we are infrmed tat the RGA ie"wsal xone ytersn.tlne Theemloveso ~~ idl' Vors i' dinge, Suppere, etc., etc. Aima 5.u kiuds Of water was tesîed not long ago by ai doc- AILNyauug debaters. It was surpnsing the wmy theY obiCOL01 giv tei aulalbal n heizh i eb fo1 rs tor and pronouticed ail right. Further ev Mr Butiner is holding revival services brougbi farwaîd their argumentsad atce The music will be thie sa e as in Cor ier Joa. ounL nz - Whitby-Osh a stage lineohn bot i du. i aplc.ffip uh odM y ý h rmie ed i agpakersasins b ofA W Bra yearsnd o xandeisbnog perdpuetisea isaw at8 bmemdng risnared th t tonowLohie a outel dOe.priaw al t pei %. Wia W steyandth maire ia gadsuccess eyst-0a nd4pm- as is aI FROa- g ande of Meic10fa masudlaRalepayer The cRo is Epîte DvdToaso iigfin and WlIhapmaa. B 'McBra'ly ledibe nega- WMSgaeascaIcth iérn uibe cartt. wagons, and &Il kl.nds ofcutrian ive witb W McQuay and F T Brown. Ater W MSgav asocalto heduternt uxl- selzea. opalring a apeciauty. knw hese grievances exist an well as harles of the town in their school roam Tues- g owt ur uew teacher, Miss Nickel, bas, we adding tbe paois tagether they atacd 42-43 In ~~ ~ '.0 day aflernoon. A very enjoy.ble and profit- Touw BnauvEn. painter and decorator. Dealer any one, but he bas na interest in the helieve, the school in Cfu control sud is do- lavoir af tbe negative. " able tim was spnt by al preset. in Wll papes, ceiag The divisions hae stilll annta proheperOotusicono ihouseoooldok.ad0 itsu way 0ahapp nda thewen yr ne abr W niH wa pet by Ilrme ntiisplc aol, vartishines, brushes, winaow shades, etc. vent a little private spite and perbaps TedivisiTeommes seexa tn a bse taug ou-homses ad i endh. itswad bmonq he wret wrecLagstc etconatantly o please sm red by calling 'active part and everythiug goes off lively. aoebe iigbr bsveb ethl butden nos' un Indiana î,5 hasnas, w iian aret. Lngarge taty.kepi on. samliinge o! bis fnendscrtan ebldrnfalenber t $, 00 n as, ad bn.JbbtrathSt. IfmOOO etreet people bard names. This is a pretty The folawiug officers vere elected for the would bave hneatbed a more fervent peesu onA. W itr ho remainder, to corne aller a hite iime, of$ i' ou hr caace, uabrra e, preseut quarter: WP. Bro T Staton, WA, bsyaswaiteam koniatu ooo additional. Thesehuma camne froin L. K. lMunwn, B. A. - Barister. Solictr, hr haarrbtbada e Bro Netberton FS. Bro GMaya ;me sTe dw ora hiag i sc R- C Church, Peon- Natary Publie, Ooavey5Tncer, &0. Money ta Ratepayer admits that be have a few SGOmit ;RBr Mrat n; RS, S e îig mnongaiu theWb-tCvale vas nicd utpoto h fe rtevs faiIfy relatves in Massachusets. tend. Office aven Dominion Bankr, SI.IoO frnd.iisaesso fri suelcb ; ap, Sisoffat ; con, BaMr aSisnmnyt n I u aratgrs i5 ijufe ein hr.1 ue9els D uring îthe nex thre r vee kis M isses G rant B re t. O b va re . Thnk ul st won e i n -f w caned l AC . ha Sis tau o t t ; coBro ui re; o r, M r Jo n ar în o i ae sui MAT.-io t hw.eatrn lu-rocenBesiFane tohave Ut.utoont ofuit of wrmth &gdrlsfoMW and Lew us, of the ( itawa de .coraiig art u- ea e t a k u . Ju t w e w cein ;A ,S s S a to . TaL e;O , cit , il git lss ls n a t e d e o k M- E- . -L se nG o e is a e M a o h v any interest in G reenba ik Bro M offat ; PNP, Bro A Grose. tîephn. r T i O'Leany. Aitte f u en te i Ciî,vl ielsos u r ede wr, rockery, Tinware, .nd Fancy ( . P r iie.M ioh 'er. A rtecte under ihe auspices of the aaciety, in the Te&@ and Coffeem. Boys' rmady madie suite a school is samething of a puzzler ta your Ofried fM ned Mr neic bt ai i oher r ase ecformie dding blreakasedt bibthe s ete hn u ifs he rooma over the Reformer office. The les- speeia.ty-vSI'y cheap. sfie nfcwewr a ut w riensdrcs o ransurprs ulmtetpaty.AfeIi wsdnserasolthucb cang bsrekfstWe r a' b tsièd .koe utws sons are fi(u c 10ail. Classes wil be held siie nfcw een tq iea ae rsdn ea upie pry fe e a evda nysc a esre. W t irm9~tlI noon and roit 2 to 5 pin. Ail r Bo - Watchmrnke and 30eas that sucb was the case. Wbat little vas provided by the ladies Mn E Martin vcry mrry ta hase au tahented yanng fricnd rm stdt ettecsadcr h arces dcs.jwelenysilvr- ldcaion we passess wan receiveda calleti the compîny ta orden, when Misash egbrod u sko btvl e bo nU.mre o b esS ElizeHe9z30ood eaDeaaaedrss an Missraja. Ouu cangatulaions re toMn Lakins areaerete asp sectaces. etc. En* ving, goa de t Eialezew o eda d rs nd M s h dhrod u e ko htvl The lecture iebveriin Simcoest nmethoîjisi .iiveniulating. and gold n@ a ven. Greenbank public school, and wben we Tbompsonanmd Mise Edith Hezzlewood pre, vettus acconratain renttoi M rec teTosca iu ot gbotrbces oineToroenro onepheh'g b lect theyaIBscbaolrfrandeShas time asseateti Mrs Squelcb witb a handsome lbang- borne an bis farmna anhat place.-ohn otreise ho ieor spelaty -a pupil aur inîcrest did not cease. We iag lamp and acebiua fruit amd porridge set. ,"was wel aitended. The rev genbaveanaid aur sare o! the scbool uax Irs Squelch made a feeling reply, thatir. ushlraotbY obihpidbt handled hs ubec o amainr hih av p ng the finds for thein apprecUatontoflh'ent.Wt*Utfius uhoeed careful study- Misses i{aich and and neyer grumnbhed tbat the teachers kminess The remainder of the eveniug Toagaesolos wbich were enjoyed bN Wedditig bels are riitgitig. were overpaid. or at any necessary iru- vas spent lu musi, sangs- andi other amuse - MnePi alnago slsl Theorgn rcial or aICan Drovers are' buying up ail the hogs provemetits to the schooî house, and mette tili the entali boums of the mamnlng, eg 17........ hour by Prof Geiger added very mucb o n ibi Ioaiity. e bav na oher wsh bu thoseeth theffen rned y fthe T mpa rf,iwr r M sienWa e- hme on c iiaor a c ull( e k . cniti h v o Rt eper s b to , e n they I r« av eI lnfl . d nî oll The six contestants for the silver medal, Miss Christie and J ua 1ooper are schooî in an fficient and prosperous BurrdbyteT mla ee iesW ke- h meonaDm i. ora c upe f eue Ooniti n. Gaiterto th cstryniteeledie tth utdet ly, C Harvey, O Gasb'v Mark, L Bre Mr. Robi ýKy v ile o D-nowitbstauditg. As to pritrate spite Mr Davidi Piikey ard famihy have ntoved .e nd M Wiltion. The coniest vas held tinicay w ey that there was any sncb thing intoanur midst. ~Ri the Simcoe-s etoisi church Monday kola, are visiîing feiends in this vicin- lute e Thise veki we are called upon ta reportaY W Lrel Bleand FeI -1cîea tnx eveniilg antI drev a large crowd. The iv. the death of a very aid aud respected resi slvrb*12... names of those enterîng the coniest were nat Miss .Phoebe rhnpo fTrnoCUTÇ et.o hsPIi h persan o1john made public tilI Mondity nlgbt. The medil Toooio oot OWIEWilliamus, vho died ai bis honte oun'Ihursj'tj3- tteBotnniie was 10 go to tbe best reciler, the tapie to bc spent a few days witb her sistes, Mrs, Mr. A. Wyborn han purchsd a new day, Jan 21set The peaple of this place haJ C L I~ r~ M ~ 12 Retvpranc t.tuan, O Hezzle- Marshal amt.Bl man a hrîa. aidmn, 'one sho attende temperandc ise. çckewretejugsta hiseau-n piite affaire. Deceasfd vasa wod tanydecdd Miss a ke erethe jthes Owîng ta the stormy weather Mr. Mr. T. Courtice and S. Pickel were bachelal' sud lid reaehed tce good age of Itd heyehd oit e at M iss WakeIY hd pihe Ka's and Mr. Burns' sale of rnilcb visiting friends in Uibridge ibis week. 69 yeare. sas rendred, Lhc aloinJg akig cows was a compete sucsi Mr. J. Stone and wife, of Sainfield. ne public chool litera'? ociety beld its -Rn p a t ituelorePof g u es; U rt tt ,ts o ! M r. G eo . R ey n o d s l s i at m eig lasbouse, A lu t he ahool ) * ' s p t B i p r . . . . . . Mises Lck, Wetkely, and Messrs Hi and Fwr u osIALwec ntecar fe Luke; piano sao Lorni Moore ; duet, Rev Mr. Robert i hselitdan ek the secnetatle' report had been renad d*imOmelSpo...... Fleicher and H Luire; uretMse rveln eea n itb Sylvester Mr. John Buckly and bis two daugbt- ie:CarA' address; mouaili orj« M Luke and W Scoît, and Mesrs Jblin Vaud Boys' OatpruuSlippoteQ î le25' -.-nd emt. i as vi'yinerttiig ndBras.., tidsay. On Monday be Ieft ers, of OroaO. were guestS of R. F., so l vaus Ward ; reading, Arture ~ itdODe'»,1w o~ cxcittig rogrmme. e co grat hiie isa or S rnia, la w icb ocaliy be wilIbe R chard recntzi. Avo ; ; 2910 be, dwar s; rsdlur Ger ; j Scig Pre siCget-, Ourtayo vere defeaied et Sov vîecornes welrecommned,andw ati--à~N oFridiy ight luth liva score Ofe 3 Wc undenstaiid titat thegsme vw protestcd sc otesàTrne4ï itwiezit«n, bui tbat te neceosary &MOt o fttotey vus WinMm. J. Love gave up ts divisipn ibuI dynllt val enimoedtt e t crtar'of tIe asocda- bLacksrnith business, hc SMldthe ShOP tien.~~~ ~~~ w r nhrFru .Li Tues- nêt No bord f mealtb n he ulC thse Pld I A StaSr ifira' da FtorgusoIt e434à '- >~ thte nesufsp5pamxD* dm" biasthe, odiclioî Al c1 we1 ut> v--. boar lBhiYr carte MIorywS$ thm, Whctia sip Wgs made, and te ng n Appointed sswrW 11. Winra ino Uc d s rsa-11-b. utiS Iort twLo, andii Med*et euc ~ o tns 1049à il0~en ood ct« er L'ah1 onI -VOL. XL ~A. f i. M iI Headqartes for Pu.r Chemicals and ail Paten ci n e. Fresh Stock SPONGES fi to $1. Tooth Brushes, Nail B' Combs, and ail Toilet A. H. ALL« CHEMIST & DRUGGIS WHITBYP ON 0 Btablighed 184é. Whitby SIteam Maîble and Granite Work; Dundas St., WHLT B Y. Chas. HE. Smi~ (Pormerly Wolfenden Wci porter and Dealer ini MAI GRANITE MONUMENT, the latest material and de! kinds of Cemetery -work- guarafftéed. -SOSND FoR DESGN;s &Ni HAYWAR 1SALE upbuiesI-0l-ferm Entire ltté People of Whitby and si Seuntry ah laver peices thau el toe emmure a quiek maie, CJOMMENCING SATURDÂY XI JAN% 9ti IN S~iblsuk -Iis l u anol U *str5s#l 1 heest, ut - Y»*j, ---lm apersuadea mi-~~pàldOf bet pmst>1tf Mm. iollm m

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