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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Feb 1897, p. 4

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upon the Pnrity of our Drugs and Chepeal.; tbegqxuine. n Ses Of -bé 'Medicini , ,s.w exercise great care in obtain- ing the best and on1l' the best, goods in the market.' m Our Dispensing and Com- pounding is always accurate and correct. FINESI NORWEGIAN COD LIL'EI OZL.1 50 Cents Per Pint! Jo E. WIL LI/S, CEMISI & DRUGGIST MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK ST., 1 WHITBY, WHITBY. FE B. 12, 1897. ACCOUNTS The CHRONICLE starts tise year wath a goodly ancrease in its lista, and 50 ar aurt renewals have been satis(actory. This week we send out reaewsl notices to as maay as we could manage, aod hope for a prompt re- turn. le cofts money ta write oui aIl tise accounits, and we wush ali ta understand that aur abject is ta secure immediste and full remniteances. E-ach persan conceraed will pleased note thts, as we do nat du business for aur healtis. Polttloal Notes. ISir Richard Cartwrighst aud Hon. L. H. Dlavies are se Wasington sounding tise Ulnited States Goveramenton tisequestion ai reciprocity.-On Thursday asat Heyd, Lis., was elected in South Brait, Benett, Con ,ti E Simca., and Grahaîn, Lis , ia Norths Ontario. This counîed tua gains for tise government.-Tse tarif! conimission is holding siîîiogs ai Winnipeg this week. --Tise Ontario legiaature usa opened on Wednesdsy iin a mosi briltiant manner, gilt and show sud fine speeches being tise order af tise day. Short Not«. Ia regard ta mioing sisare robberies Most local papers keep munt. Tiscy do aoC care whetiser tise pubbic s fleeced or flot. Sev- eral iftisent have secured arivertisements ai cheap rates and are thus rakîng in s iele ai tise spoil. Not very mauy people in this cauntry are lu love wlth prix. llgheiug. but for tise sake ai havlusg donc with tise e verbasting tabk af Corbeti sud Fît zsimmons il seema buike s re- lici'ta kunow tisai ehey are ta have it oui at Carson Nçvada, on Marcis î7îh. For tise sakre oi'je«iug tise figist arîd tise money ilu will-bîing, le state ai Nevada has passed a special açeý legalizing pugilistic matches We trust -4haCtise two men mac have it oui an t hat'ccasiîîn and ihai escis ai îiem will give the otiser aIl h. wilI ever wane un tise ine a sera pping. lu beats aIl tise tara thinga umîl tabie Now< ber. Isotîr Brother James ai tise Bow. nuanvîbe Statismatti wba bas been hanket iag aiter saune bigh office for ycars. He would b. mayor of Bowmanville, or couuîy doua- cîbor, or llcepsc irîspecear wiîis a good salai>-, or 'ammost anylhing below governar-general snd above pound-keeper. But tihe iates'will lou tisse le be sa. On tise other hand Braiser Gale ai the Bowmanville News who is too isandaomc sud modesita seek any public ai ice, lu fact he la so appased ta takîng part in public funcelons tisatiti is isitis difficultv tisai b.ecaui b.induced ta came up isiti tise ishoys lu a hotel sud have a drink. Tise fates decee tisai he sisal! be couauy scisool trustee for tise Rowmanvubleheiigis scisool. whube tise sspiring Brer. James cati have noîbu-t ing, Bringing lise matter home ta oursebves, w. migist say tisse a hope bas samnetimes8 been (e lu inur capacious and manîy cisau tisse an unaollcited honor wouinlutisis wayf came ta us sooner or Imter, but il will b. latter lfite cames naw se ail, as silver tlreada have begun ta decorate aur ocks. Now tissu Brer. Gale'a modesîv sud virtue la reward- cd, we fld ur isopes renewed sud streugtb-t Tise irai sitting aifîthe scrutinyai tise bocal option vote took place on Mouday, a report aof wiicis iili be iound lu hia issue. Tise main part ai tise case iinges upon tise at- empi aiftise iqnom mena Ca dîsiranchise teint- ers' sans. 104 ai tisent vatd, sud Mi. Du- vernei argued hat they issd no sncb rigise. Messr-s. Farewsell and Dais made a succesa- iuLargument agiunsutishis position, andil is vgydouaui liftiseir voles isili be struck off. But if tisis sisauld be doue it wîll end tise miatter, for Mi. Duvcue's dlaim seemu es- aimable ihal, fno ai uer haw tisey vated, if 104 or mare bad votes isere put il h houbd casiby kilt s mmjorily ai 0. We ascertaiucd fiant ide liqulies tisse a large înmber of tiese saine farmers' sons sud ai nau-resid- enta and otisers wiso are said Ca have voied llegshbv isere placed on tise lises by appeal of tise liquor men. Therefore lis e recent voue isere annulled te. iotel men would Feinl saisorse position for tbe camning fate tissu tbey isere for tise last. Ilu ta ta b. ioped, boisever, hat fia inana isilI b. fouud ai up- settiug tise preseai vote, as tise township bas long cnough been isarassed by law set lu mno- flon by breisersansd -distillera. Itla t inte tbeir mney influence lu burking lais by bur- iug akihfi lawyers was put an end Ca.Ile la aiso wîortby of suggestion Ch ai depnîy reiun - ing officersasbould b. better schooled inta their dutles befare being cntruste±d istis a pelling booth. They mean ta do well, but are nat sufficlently posted. Lateï.--Weé learued before going ta press1hsat Cie judge had given bis decision on the question of votes poled by farmera' sons, -,boldig -tuî votes goôd.' TiseCHRONICLE'S articles- waruûi eb pic agàiuàt buylng stocka lave been cçplg by 4,Xtst many local uoWPPaPM, as bae ôw not. The. public lu Iookd pna belng no gullable that le make no dtf.~c mg ques 1 .J rm~laun~ and, *Tv - t t be SUyaprarigbt aud leKt As a resuit tbey are writing articles in tlef.~o1the qinug Craze wbtcl~Ybv sa towvorljhY çiuad t Itius votpobject'ý th*e lp ~il. ulninl alang. One of te. eadlng papeai asays It wlll refuse no minlng ady-ertisement which appeara legitimate. Ott. mlgbt boom gy&.v- poJeçt 10 ie count* --Mf ,'n-( iv~e e¶ every'fake ln the,orlft, on these two as- sumptions. The fact lu plain that the big dailies aie coinlng ail the money possible out of thia '< boom, " regardiesa of results. 1f ( bey wished to b. bonest they could. like the Miner, show that nearly ail of it la iraudlulent. One leading daily «akthis late day advises people not ta anveat money ini mines that they cannot affod to In". This s the tule laid clown for betting, and is good- but why could not that leading jour- nal give auch advice long ago, and not walt till it was forced ta speakr, after many months of robbery ? To turni round nuw and adviae people aiter helping to rob thcm s rather cool. or 10Juy -athi eraoua-of tuas. bSom r dÏen&u fiorwbons li e àmiIqd that t ai rom tbtàý< Irouwtire con dfib it i. nDot to xuyl1king. 1 demand the rlght of maklng a defence, and-thii ~ght of being trled by 0yý ers. 4f ? ectorl' wifl bis ild~'la fer bis "é* he camè L weru public before men, I1aam williug and mixions to be tried upon uuch charges, with the electors ýof PickerinItow hip for a Jury and by -hirVedt(tm> lint to stn or f811; anid if-perèhance the council and the soicit or uhould with me b. "fouud wautiug," and "<Au Blector" la found to b. as clever1 and as learued and profouud lu law aud in ali other things apertiningta municipal gov- crument, as bis communication would lead us ta su ppose, bis services should tien be secured our the municipality, -for in i the electora would have council, solicitor and clerk, euibodying in ane great mind aIl the wisdom and profundity of the goda. It is very evident that this mnan in biding bas an axe ta grind, or a revenge ta taire. if he be sincere and honcat in bis opinions and criticisin be would not fear to corne out openly and write over bis own truc naine. af bis writing, and bis b aste lun attacking at The Privy Council of England bas render- a tixne wben conimon deceucy and good ed judgment in the nppeal of the hrewers taste forbade, leads anc ta suppose, that he and malsters of Ontario againat being feared delsy, tbraugh the reanît ai the scrutiny, might make the attack impossible charged license fées by the Province af On- at any later date. Truseingr Mr. Editor, tario Judgment being given in favor ai the that you will fiud space for My aonewhst Province. The brewers clalmed that they leiigthy epiatle. I amn, air, yaura, etc., wvere under the supervision ai the Dominion DONALD P. BE&ArON. Government aloeesad nat under any obli Wbitevale. Pcb, 6th, 1897.' zations te the Ontario gaverninent. Only nominal fées have been levied by the Pro- Litorary Notes vincial government sao ar, and ais there arc nearlv a hundred brewertes in the Province A new and deserviug candidate. in pei-iod- a big revenue muay be raised on their pro- ical literature la the Puntsun-a magazine dluct by the imposition af a goad stran.g ta for worn as published by Frank A Mun- Thîs Province has been verv lucky in issy e ok hesuepiea h lawsuits, but far marc so ln the stake it won e, ewYr.Tesiepceath on each occasion. celebrsted cbeap but artistic monithly _______________which bears Chia publisher's naine, the Puritan promises ta be a wsrm coin petitor municipaIusumean. f or favor in thec field naw held by Che Ladies' Home journal. The diflculties experienced by towns lu Will Carleton la dcservedly anc ai tbe dealing wiih the ire insurance companties moat popular poeta af aur ag-e. '<Every- are broughîta a head in the case ai Oshawa, wherc" is thse naineOfa monthly pssblistx. which la threatened with increaaed rates on cd lu Braoklyu, NY., which publishes ex - March rat because ai its neglect ta cornî clusively the work ai bis rifted peu. The .PyJanuary nuber coutains s charmiug pocru, with the demnanda ai the under-ariters "In tbe Laft" unpathctic intereat ai which Things have reached the stage where a town appeals ta everyane. hat. ta pravide whatever dosa aif ire appli. ances the underwriters msy dcmand, or cIsc Hsc2&0&" il suifer heavy penalties. One may as wcll sa), that the uitderwriîers have taken charge Met ou Monday 8th tuai. AIl the members of the ire protection ai towns, and have de- werep'esent. ReevcJ H Beal in the chan. cided ta rua h ai( theerpense af the towns Communicatîions. io evleo It is even possible ta go a sîep iurther sil i ad aertwsipo.C re val TU af and say hat the towns are beinq iorced ta 'roronto sobîciting aid. !rrom G T R Scugog çurrender contraI ai these mattert, and that larue Prescîve Ca, re action taken at lassimeet- aur couuciba have no ides where the ehing iqing in connsebîîug leases ai roadway. t0 stop. Resounions. Mrs Stephens moves thai the If good management eould b. assured we tender ai Mr R Crazier for $5.5 (or oedar for cor- helieve the towna could save a deal ai poration teacaepted. Mr McDonald moved muoney by running their own insurance. eave 0a iniroduce s bp lIaw ta autboa-iz reeve Ia Not hat any monev cou Id be qsved bv hav- bor-row rnoney front western tank. to mcci cur- ing aiîv but the best fire appliances;- but rent expenses af thse year. Mr Lamb moved that if the rates were paid in taxes at rates ruiai the caunicil donai. ta thse Wouesu Christ- praportionate with thé actual danger sud ian TemperSuc Union ai Toronto the sunt of valuation ai the property there would h. a $ [o. Mr Weir moved tisai the cletik be instiucteti big saving as compared with the i ates now to uotify Messrs Whie sud Fitchettibai corn- levied (or insurance. plaint bas becu umade ta ibis counicit, îbey baviug There could be a ire insurance inspecter bsructed thse water courue ou No'.quon Creek, appointed in each îawn whose business Lots i9 aud 2o, îoth con, sud ta remove saine ait would be ta see that thse proper amnount oi once. Mr Stephens moved thai an aider be insurance were allowed each piece ai pro- *rawu in lavai ai F M Raines for $8 25 foi perîy, and ta ix the yearly rate ta be paid vrectiug 66 rods wirc fence on con 7, OPP- SUr- Tise premiums could be callected with the lit i& Mr McDuîua!ds movrd Chat W E Yaî tqxes, and we believe wou!d not be very nold, township engineer. be iustructed ta pie hîgis, except occasiona!ly when there is a hig pare a plan ai Priuce Albert for use ai thse cor- osa. Tf every rslepnver knew tisai a fire poation. NMr \S*eir roved ihan an order be oteant monev oui af his pocket, there would drawn in favai af David Reese for $5, for cdean- he greater eflorts put forth ta save property, ig oui hall, aud repairîîg. The auditais re- and mare trouble taken te convict firebigs part was presenied. Mr Wetr maved thai. the This plan would work ia townahips even ccounts uow set forth in thse auditors' ierort b.- hetter tissa in towns, (or there are nat sa àdopied, and the cheik procure the necessar> many classes ai oroperty ta Fie deali wth. iunmer of sheets for distribution, sud the suai A township like Pickering eould handlc this if $15 cacis b. taid the auditors. A petitiot. matter splr-ndidly. Sucli an arrangement ceaded by R Blîg hi sud îsenty.aux othe5.was would place s whohe township or town uit oîcsentcd, askiug sud for Miss Anna M-usa, thse back ai an insurance nisk. and would honsekeeper ai laie Solomon Soîheti. She was rnak itperecty sfé.Thetaxforthis crmerly s resideni aoftthe township, but uow af purpose woîtid fluctuaie, but tise law might hty bLaermsiplyhaageda provide for this by enahling muaicipalities trvepartial aid. 'ne &mount ai $2 50 peti to carry over a floatinz halane frit,,a ha.A non us was grauted. Council then adj,.utued. ,ear, and i evy for ut (n tise (ollowingz year, ofor two years If tise amaount wcre large. Tisere are seven caunîv concil districts n thîs cauity, sud cacis migis e b.mode an onsuirance district. Or s whale county aigisi Fe made into a single insurance dis- ric-t and tise saadling ofibie business given o tise Cou nty council. whicis bas ual enaneis us (Io now. Under tise presettliRssa number ai doubi- fuI local insurace concerna are being or- ganized isy amateurs, and..with ver-y litte respa)nsibutily gr inspection.*- Tbey are more or cass dangerous, as are aIl sncb arganizs- tuons, but are honestly aiiempeinR la aupply s public isant. Tiss. nsuriug lu tisem would gladlv go inta a strauger arrange- ment under public inspection. Local Option. RD. CHRONiCLE, Sis :-Iu the hast issue ai yonî vahuable journal appeara aver Che coguainen ai "Au Ehector, t a communica- tion condemuing tise municipal council, the solicitor sud tue cherk ai Che townaiip ai Pickering, for haviug allowed, advised sud funisbed ishat be sîheges ta have been an luxproper lise ai votera for Ch. recent vote ou by-haw ta repeal the local option by-haw, nawisnl farce lu Chia municipality. I tbink, Mi. Editor, chat lt la lu veiy queatianable taste for the writer ta tins discuas matters which are pending belote tic courts. Il. shauîd have iad thse decency toawait tise result ai Cie acrutlny uaw being iehd befare bis Hanar Judge Dartueli before leetiug loosa.ieumalignaut ucreed. Tiche l tof votera referred ta, has noe as yet been con- dexuned by eltier jnudgc or jury. Truc 'An Ehector, " iitis great %elf-anfficeucy and as- sumption af legal acumen, asserto Chat '<ac- cordîng ta the municipal iaw il is clea-hy evident chat farinera' sons, votîag as sncb, have no rigieta cast a bablot upon a munici- ,pal by-Iaw. " Sncb assrtion, bowes'er, doea not neceasarily make it so. but, for reasona noat obvions, 1 do not propose dlscussig th. point at the preseult Iu any case.ý it seems to b. moatnfair ta, coudemu coun- cil, solicitor or cherk for thse liat cf votera used at thse poliing referrcd to, unlema it cau be ahoisu Chat Cbey, or suy af tiem, iMfully and for a purpose, countenanSed, advls.d or frniabed au incorrect sud improper liaI. When -emin eut jnudgeosad ia.*ycXrasufid mat- ter for difference of opinion tise points of law, would it be anrprislug if ordinary mar- teis sù-tb oa tic officiai stiau 'ed simald f611 to interpret thc 1ev at al Ims-clo-in o the standard of Blackst4Me?1_ It La really amueog to note tlie -oralar nanuier lu whic1 Che mater -reerre4 ta de- cides, knotty hep! questiozis, bring tise seajsy ta a funs. adlJdge4 the =ota, aud condemus tie, "guilIy pris"Tisesent- uncewich he would. prouupe tapon Ch. members of tic coucli sd agpota ont learu- ed sud respectcd sonieîtor 5povciy Isalis. )ur wortisy recve and bs'cuupegues voiCi 9rhsapaspieviva lis inflictUoim, sciwsg- t"i ak<meut la nôt added to the-t-den>rivatlssn. ti ci ai te tc IL Wht tby Town Loosis. Listen!! Don't buy s stave until you Jake sce MclItyrc. Mu-s Albert Singer sud iamiiy are visiîiuîg ai Mr Jantes Joisuston's. Barizain day sales ai youths' and child- ren'a ready made tweed suÎtsats W G Wab- ters, Saeurday Feb 13. Remember tise Greek tea, ta be bcbd Pcb 151h, lasu ai ftise public ibrary, A mnusic- aI and lieerary programme wil h. reudered. Reireshinenus served duriug tise evening. Mr Jos Devereli, Daîrymple, bas becu visitiug bis brother Thomas here for a week, bciug calhed isere by tise suckncss ai Mm Robu Deverebi, Pickering, who la improvîng after s very close caîli Mu A S Johnson advertisca for ent bis firai class dairy (ariama ofoSacres six miles uorth oi Toronto. Tise place la aituated on Vonge St., sud la lu a higis state oficultiva tion. His address la 6o8 Churcb St., To- routa, Tise public library board intenda cdc- bîatiug tise loth anuivcraary ai tise forma- tion ai tise library by a conversazione in te hall- Oddiebiows' building - an Mondoy evcuiug, Feb i5th. at 8 o'clock. Admission 15e. We bave very compllmneneary sud cheer- fub letters (rom twa ex-Whitby boys ibis week, Messrs W C Michebl, BA.. ai Biahop Rldley coîbege, Se Catharines, and Chas Suow, Pari dale. Bath send their best wlasbCa ali l ad frieuda. St Audrew's Ciureb. Do't misa tic social in th. baseent Fr1- day evening, i9tis, Anmission î5c. Auslt tie La"te. 0 f tise Public Library Board ln ticir baud- able efforts ta, maintalu tise public Library by atendiug their cutertalument Ilatee Oddfeblowa building ou Monday Evenlng z5th. Admission ta cents. Sa Trial Trip. For 5o cents : The CîixoNic Ln and Week- ly Globe 3 montis, audlsrge 2i28a picture opf Mr. Lanrier'à minustera hi 3 cobora.The- ýpicture alane la warti a dobIr. being tsken irons special pliatagrapha. t7 yearly sib- acribers tu ch. Weekiy Globe sud CHatoN- ICLE w. ailI add tic picture a at sc-iýp- Clan price of $1.50. - Temple o autae. -At their meeting on Weduesdayhe of tic W C T U decldcd owug , t', p chiaient iseather on Saturday IlsI, Prev -tý log many (rom Seeing t luexcclles: t teir- talumesat, ta, repeat. tbise saun ediatjy- after Lent. Tlsey aso voted - very Iscarwy tias k tb Misa Moore -of l'seladies' colleie sud lu al - othersWhso *0 gcasronsly- aîiod tbien aputtlng tlspir etaluiueut.on tbe the r' If~ arçjai Iý4cte he 'ollowing Low Pri s sFor Al. Cbfldren'i3 Heavy Ail Wool Hose, 15 cents per pair. Children's Underwear at 15 cents and 20 cents each. Ladies' Best Quality Wide Width Flannelette, only 7 cents per yard. Ail Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5c. and 7c. per yard. Good Heavy Factory Cotton, 34-im. wide, only 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Bloached Cotton, 36-mn. wide, only 9e, and 10C. per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, ail sizes, $1.25 per pair. Children's Plush Caps, a few left, 10 cents each. Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 36c. each. Men's Unlaundred Shirts, to clear, 40 cts. each.» Men's Cambric Shirts, to clear,'50 cents each. Chenille Table Spreuds, good size, only 75 ets. each. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 13 cts. each. Floor Oil-cloth, good quality, choice patterns, 25c. per square yard. ci 20 cents and 25 cents each. Good assortment Ladies' ,Mantles and Gents' tJlstèes. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our Tailoring Department is under the management of a first-class cutter, and good Suit, and fit guaranteed, is $10 and upwards. and we wil convince you are prices are right. ANDREW M. RO Fancy China, A Large Stock of -%w Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Groceries. Always JIeliab le. AT GIBSON'S,,. The Great Wonder. UNRESERVED AUCUION SALE 0F Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Fancy Good, Etc., at E. ReLB, HA YWAIWD'S, -ON- TEUIIcSD1AIr at 1.30 in afternoon and 8 in evening: 50 Men's and Boys' Ulsters. 35 cc" tg Overcoats. 75 pr "- g" tg Pants. 25 " " id is.' Bufi o Robes, Blankets,- Carpets, Underwear, and General- Dry Gooda. Shoes,1 m WHI TB Y,1 our prices for a Give us a oe.ll ss. 10 SUF 151u OFLIFYF -e--- WM. TILL sud be couviuccd Chat an Elegaut lin ai FURNI TURE UPHOLSTERED 80008 is being sold at sway dowu pricea ta keep in touci with the HARD TIMIES. Antique Oak Leather Seat Cobler Rocker $- - a2 2 Antique Oak Plusi Rocker - -3 00 Gents large upbolstered Etasy Chair4 50 Parhor Sets, Oak, Pînai & Tapeary ig o Sideboards, Plate Mirror - 6 oo Bedroom Setta, 3 pieces -. -. -.ta00o Dining Table, 4 leaves - 5 0o Children's Rockers - - 50 Ail aCier goods pro- portionally cheap 1 Leverythiug aitable, useful sud aruameutal. ýRepairiug, Upiolater. ing sud Uudertakiug. WM. Ti LL WHITBY. Gordon Meldirum, MD. L. R. C. P. ED INRUR GH, Phy8ician, 8urgeon d- Accoucher. Office and Residence North End of The TERRÂCE, 0.BYRN St. Office Houre: 10 s.ru. to 3 p.ru., snd 8 to 10 p.mà. -2*Teephase Communication with office. 8oarders I'anted Aller 'New Ycars. Board sud Jodglug for two. Roons to Jet suleable for -stutIenta. Quict borne. Apply set tus office. Whîtby, 1887, j E very grtiole put up will be sold. Mr. Hayward is retiring froi business. Auotion bargains every day nntit'took is sold. $6,000.00 worth of Goode to.,ho Saorioede ]E. R.Bé, HÂMYWÂRDI, - WITi Here la a Good 'Thing., Variety the Largest i Qualy i& eChoiest I/ Prùes - t/se,'Lowat, the 'UmNITURE trtde. ýQV uuutiri Fui pull. id di id 15 cents per pair. a record buetise tof a Circassian Chine abea of nycarbier rebearsal-the ste cominedation wasluadequate for tic prc pLacing of tic volces. The fiast roîl-cal mnade by thse sccrctary, Mr WilI Riciardi 'Tise lang ini sght-r.ading advanced ta - stndy of hall-toues. New beantes were - .veloped lu esci of tbe four part sang. that have so happily been selected by c'- Harrlso,--uiidr thc akilfual dirctgion of CsOU du > , There la b ginnig ta bi Ssi mo sud,<1aiabotit the chorus Chat i, comiso càâe btight tigs witli contin 2praCticeTies was a considert 'àt Iý n g h w c of th ea lto s trto e a mn s t * ssw- volceatcamin ii Iis week. Ti a-re stll son. otiertaiud and accompi -e 1 vocalists wo'e-coming in, son tiat tota tt'.pgtbof.tbeoclcty lu activen 'bers wiU- ie beyoid tie century mark. M tWdmiiday pight- Ths cloolre fi*', hé mtilh is wire rcad, also ar.o- .ý-«ptt àas tà publiesdsools.. - ecpounts:. wS R, "Iféivmp tllay .Who Som. otaianl > v .ebae, 1 Gents' N.Barilard Thanks bis many cus ers for their apjîrecu: word, and practical su during the year tl;1 past. 111 1897 rio effort. bu relaxe(] to ruake lilss of Watcbes anîd Jew thorouu,,hly attraetive. taste, the qutîlitv awi price sha1l menit a tinuance and an uxtc-ni Of tbe patronage so llbý lv bestowed herc-tofore. 1897 prove a ProspeisouS omew cia onty orgaZ.-Larges cire, glou of a»Y local paper Ctu Canada FRIDÂY, FEB. 12, 1897. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Mr Thos Grahamt, Mancisester, wac town Saturday. - Mr Robi Holden, Toronto, spene thse pare ai the weck at homne. Bargain day on Saturday ai Tc) Cream Caify anly 9 cts per pouad Iin 4 flav Mr Frank Hatch, wha receoîly vis Barrie, reports that Mr John Wilbîs la dý wehb. lu bis hardware business tiser. The salvation army wlll hol a spe meeting in tiseir barracks an Satur n:ght, conducted by Captuan S. Finney. Mesars Wm., Albert and Miss Rai JarPett, Daîrymple, are speîîding s 1 nmgist vîsîîîng irucuds in anid around W by. Our Saturday bargains ad vertised at price. We will be pîeased ta show ti whether yon want ta isuy or noC. Feb 13 W G Walters. Tise Oshawa Amateur Minstrela lut, giving a night'.u pertormance isire-in a w or two. They won grese 1aureba in Ossm and Bowmanvilbe, and shoubd have a but er bouse ln aur music hall, whicis afti stage roomn for Cheir whole campany ai people. There ia talk af organizing a whist clut the rootu knowu as thse Oddfelbows' hall. good mauy young men around tawn find cangenial amusements for about hall il eveuingsansd are auaxions ta organize sc sort oais society where they dan enjay a Cle harmless pleasure two or Chree nig eacis week. Watchmau McCourt bîcard s boutle aeraied water -go où' sa baud in %Vo, rufs bsrroom about t a.m. an Satur( marniug bast, as he wss passing, Chat cuucluded le was s pistaI abaot. Hua 1mae ation suggesîed ta him Chat saine ah ot was going on luside, and as he cou Id h no further sounids, be concbuded tisa, utigis e b a case ai suicide. He woke Woodruff, wiso searched in vain for carpse wbicis would be uedessary ta mi the captaiu'o suspicions good. Help th. Needy. 1 1 1 ieti,ý lm

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