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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 2

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i J. Jam*o ..Nh.Lo& Almnost Passes Belief U.r. Jas. B. Nicholson, Florenceville, N. B., StruiMleu for Seven Long Yee.ru with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND 18 CURED BY Â1JU~I'C~Sa rsa- AYERSparilla Mr.'%Nivholsnsayq: "I1conçui!ted ~-' tors w ho presciibed for inv, but to no purpose; the cancer begau to Eat into the Flesh, qpread to my chIn, and I sufTerpM In :igony for %even Josg yeais. 1inaJly 1 1i>egýia takîug Ayrs ýSarsaparila. in a week or two 1 noticed a Decided 1improvement. .nrotraged by thiq restilt. 1 perse- vered, until In a iiiet.h or so the sore uiudcr ry chin begau t10 heM. Iii ihrve iliotis fluy Up beg»rn to beal. and. alter Using the Sarsaparhila for six nmonths the Lu 0rc f te cancer disappeared.4 Ayeî'sIb"0 Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World'a Fair. -A FE'IS PIL.LS Béguiatthe 14BpoUcl. OORRESPONDENOE STOtTFVILLU A sleighload of people from Wb;tby to- gether with neighboring frienda assein bled on Tue8day evening at the bomne of Mr. and Mre. Albert Allan, Bethesda, to <elebrate the tenth auniversary of their weddiait. Mer partaking generously of the palatable bivalves the couipany gath. ered in the parlor when Mr. and Mrn. Allan wers presented witlî a beautiful biangiegz lamp Garnes and mnusic were indulged in during the svening and al departed wishing the bigtily esîeemed couple wany recurnis of tbe occasion. nire Insurance There is every probability that the Fire 'Underwriters Association will at once considerably incerease insurance rates in placest which have inadequate appliances for extinguisbing ire. 8touffvills 's ex actly in tbîs position and if our present high insurance rates are increased, per- haps it will uake ns Lake a keentr inter- est in the matter. W. bave had no great conflagration for yesrs, but we are in such a position that it; mrisfortnne rnrgb: corne upon us at any time. The matter of fire protection bas been discnssed and advsrsely voted npon and ail the interest in it relegated for isome tins t-o the region of forgptfulness. Low rate of taxation is very agreeahîs to ns aIl, but a rnncli hi2h tir insurance rate and a possible few fires inigbî make unu corne to the conclusion tAîat we are "paving too dear for the whistle.- Tha matter of water-worke, or what ever isysîern of ire protection isa& visable, ehoiild receive dus attention by our conil and*also by every interested ratspayer. One tbing is certain sortie thiug should b. done almeet at once te place property in a more secure pesitaun as regards irs. We undersîand that a move wao made in the equalization eornrittee of the conuny councit to increase the aBssearent cf touffville $88,000. It would ho well if Lie members of t-his cornmittee had some correct knowledge of the assesa ment of the different municipalities. W. are satisfled that property in Stouffvitle is on the averaiZe assessed as bigti as in any et-ber rnunicipality and rnucb bigher VARIED AGONIES FOR LONG YEARS. A Man of Seventy-four Years Feels Young A gain. Paine's Celery Compound Gives Him New Blood, Activity and Btrength. The Great Medicine Removea his Troubles and Burdens His Cur-e Vouched for by a, Justice of the Peace. We nnderatand the Beaver Match Co., wbc are desirous of locating their factory in our onterprising town, have boon cor responding with the conneil and asking for a $2,000 bonus, they guaranteeing to ernpioy 30 bande. Tbe connoil bave re- piied stating tbat tbey wonld grant them free taxation for 10 years and would aise sog that tbey were given a free site, bot could flot- grant thlem any bonns. W. woutd b. giad to ses tbe Boeer Mat* Vojouut ini our midst andi hope they mey se. thoir -way clear to a4oopt cf this offer.-,Fm ]Proi. Ples Cureti iii83te 8 Nightuo-ItOb'mgo, Burning Skin Diseeus BoHuveiaiiiO D&Y. . r DWUù, à, * ',1 creml mUNYON 1Woebegone." as the boys have named it, received a quota of new set- t-lessrom bere last week, Alex Skene and family and bis nepbew, Robent Skene. There is no better clm sot mon than the Messrs Skene for a new country. The>' are not only practical and industnieus farmers, but are first- ciass citizeus in* ever>' respect and will be a credit te any commun it-y. Wabi- goon bas been fertunate in t-be men it bas drawn frem bei-e and we hope our fermer residents will aIl be abundantly rewarded for t-hein enterprise in that- new sectibn. X raya la Court. A verdict for $8oo was given last week in t-be suit- 0f a boy named Den- nis Cali against the Toronto Street Railway Company. Mr. Laidlaw, Q C, acted for the company. Mr V Mc- Rr2tdy, one et Tor&nt-o's cleverest young lawyers, conducted the prose. cution for the boy. Dr Amyot. t-be plaint-uT's attending physician, gave minute evidence as te the injuries te the boy's foot, and a photo of the foot 1w the Roentgen ravs was produced t-o prove the injury.'.the defence object- ed t-o the photo as - a new t-hing in court." Judge Robertson said it was but il was also com mon sense and he would allow It. The defence then wanted tiie ct-o secure some photos. but the Iudge said t-bey should bave been prepared, like the other side.- journal. BROUGHAM M rs W Wilson is ill again. A load from bore at-îended t-ho social at- Joseph Laughins ftheoet-hon evoning. Mrs 1D Dafoe bas rot-urne 1 trem spend.1 ing a few nontha with Meaford trionda.1 A large part-y took place et Mn W Mattbew s residonce on Frida>' nigbt, et whic t-bei-o wero pi-osent about- fifty couple. A spleddid night was spnt. Mrs A Wilson, et Columbus, ne. Mits Annie Stephonson, died ver>' sndde-ily the et-hon day fro nmre torrn et inflam- mation Deceased was well knowu ber. in ber maiden days. Henr>' Elmon, an aged and respaoted resident eft thie townsbip. died ut-t-be residence of Jo.i Burk on Sunda>'. Hi. remains were inr.errod aIt-bhe Christ-ian cornetciiy on Monday s(t.rneon. Miss Annme Harzrave, who bas been in Toiront-o for asotie m, died suddenly on MNonday et pueurnenia. The. funei-al took place on WedneRday, wben t-be in- ici-ment wis made at-t-he Christ-ian cerne- tsi-y bore. The bereaved mot-ber and frienda have much sympathy in t-heir nda and sudden,beresvernent.à A Trio of Afflctions. llood, On Wednesdy afternoba uet at 3.80, Kims. osu0. MoQuty, as unit-et in wedloek te 1fr. Robt, B. Johnston, of Glreenwood, b>' t-b. ev. A. MuAnte>', B. A., cf Pickering. Mi. W. 'Mukvoy ot-et ms the bridogroorn's suporter vii. Miss Lillian Bray' helped t-ho bride tttaouu tbe cereniony. Oailitetho unediamla.i- taves vers piosent. The bsy ,couple etonthoe e.ning train for Pris, bero tbeY spenti their hounsmoN.We son- grat.uate -Mr.Jcbnmton upon hebo ad wisb botutbnbo=l4 j- - W. envy bila in bis ooe* lfs ou> being aide ifuturt-ie on- thir ru'rdr É %Lj OrugIsts Ersryvhsro Spsak ài Ibo HIghêst Prlse of Bis Curés DOOTOR YOURSELF. Facta of Actual Cures Have 0/s- pelled ait Doubt8 of Mun- Y017nPs Treatment. Munyon cures. Hia romedies-to b. baid of ail drnggists-oure. Thousande of people bave found iL go. Tbouaands Of People have tound it go. Thousanda et suffonens have taken Mun- yen s impneved reruedies; sud been cured. Mdunyouso Improved Hornoeopatbia Rom- edios bave a world-wide reputation. Why ? Becanse tbey ai-e cured. Bo- cause t-ho bave relieved sud pesitivel>' oui-sp thousands of suiffers when ever>' t-bing oe.f bas failed. Canadien people have nover endorsed, neyer welcorned, neyer gi-asped snob a grand opportunit>'aB Muuyou offera. Tbey manitest these tacts in man>' ways: in t-heat-or-s, on t-be cars aud in t-be st--ets yen bea-tho sme signifloant wordo-M UNYON CU RED ME 1 Mn. S L Baldw-in, Buckingham, On- tarie, ase*'.:1'Iwas a groat suiffer from ceta-ih sud blood dises.. ton oven îwo yemre. 1 could net do any work. Was mon te otime confined te My b.d. Had terrible pains ever> day. Runuing uloors hi-ok. ont sud were nuit healed fer usan>' montbs. The t-rouble was accompanied b>' more Lbroat, and even nny nsoutb became full of ulcers. lu tact I wus a confirned invalid. The village docton gave mo medicine sud gar- glas. wbicb did me ne good. Ho thon ad- viped me te go te hoapitsi wbore I wau t-ieated b>' five doctors, but wben 1 get house I was woi-se &-han over, snd cou- fiued to my b.d. No appetite and cous plotel>' prost-rated. I tuil>' began the nse et Mun2vonsa Cures, sud twvo bot-îles et .acb bave msade me a well womuan, and oh 1 bo grateful 1 arn." Manyon's Bbeumatism Curo seldorn <ails te nehieve in eue to throeebonis, and cures in a few days. Pries 25a. Munyou'a Dyspeppia. Cure peafitivel>' cures ail foi-ms ot Indigestion sud st-om acb trouble. Prico, 25c. Mtsnyous Celd Cure provente Pneu- monie sud breaks rip a cold lu a tew tueurs. Prie*, 250. Munyou's Ooagb Cure st-opa eougba, night sw-s, alla>'. surenoas, and speed il>' houle t-be lungs. Price, 25c. Munven'. Vutalizer restoros lestviger. Prie, 8l. A separate cure for each dieaso. At aIl druggists, most>' 25C. a vial. TREAs-MENT BY MAIL. Write Prof. Munycun Il and 13 Albert St., Toi-onto, for advice, wbîch in abso- lutel> fi-ee. The moat obstinate cases -uccesefulIIyt-reated in strict-est confi dence. "Guide to Hoalth," FREE. AUDLEYI (Too late for lasi issue.) Some et oui- tai-mets attended O'Leary'e sale lu Piokernag on Set-nids'. Mn. sud Mrs. Neal, et KinRele, called on Mr-. sud Mr.. Bray' hors recent>'. Mfr. W... Go. sud Miss Etta Go. vith ber tniend, Miss Pairet. spent Sunda>' at the borne of thbe former's parenta bore. North Outalo V"ta The. following in the vote polled Kt the reent bye.electiowin l'y g-otros aDnoanced by Returuiv-OffiW. Buô at l3sverton. This giis. 1r Graham a m*âjori*y eof, but the Coniervativee ýappliod for aere-.ont, which commenced bore on Monday luat before tia Honor f Mr. John 0 uSA e. M .P o Wet Victoria, paesd the. seventioth mile etoncof hi existence on Friday lest. AI- IMb*ugh heh-ivoIvd tii. ellored three -Senre and-teg, he seems bol. and beatty enough to lestçfèr meny yer yet. Ro ham been a resideu-t cf Mariposa for a littie 0oMr slxty yeek eng a boy scarcely ton yearàopld when h o eckhie parents par- enta by thbe band down in Ohio and led them ' Linden Valley, wbore ho le. On Saturday' Engineer Sweet's train, w1bicb ruas between Blaekwater and Midiand, mot with :& slight rnishap at Coldwater, during wbîob Einrman May be'siog vas crusbed betwoen t-be engin. aud tender, several ernali boues being breken and t-be linb ot-honwise bruised. Mn. Maybee will b. laid up ton a while as a consoquonce. Whilo cut-ting sausage meat on Tues- day Then. Campbell, son et Mr. James Carnpbell ofet teuot ward, who werks for Mnr. Goo. Calvort, hu'cher, by smre means drove thbe sharp knife he wasun- ing itoL hie thigb. inflict-ing a deep and painful wound, from which t-ho blood flowe.d prof usely, an arter>' having been servered. Dr. Clarke wa@ prornpt-ly sum.u rnoned and t-ho wound baudaged, att-en whîch the yonng man was removed te bis home. A good stony cornes frorn Goose lake camp, on the ii-st concession of Eldon, where a numbor et mon are get-ting out wood, each man working on hie own ac- count. A short ime ugo enseoftheb.men had s dispute ovor smre ýrifling mat-t-ens, wbicb endod in a more serious now. Ris companiens, deeming punishrnent neces- mai-y in t-be intereots eftht-e law and order, decided t-o doal out justice on t-be spot. A jury wus accendingi>' ompanolled, a Imagistrat. appointed pro tom, aud the "court" oponed in due toi-m. Able coun- 'el detended tbe prisonen. and a learned Q. 0. iooked aft-r t-ho interests et t-ho crown. The angumen~ on bot-h aides s4ould bave don. cre it te the most enudite disciple et BI otne. However, the evidence againstht-e prisoner wue ef tho most cenvincing charactor, and the jury" teuud him guilty wit-heut leevirg t-hein seat-a. The "*magistrate" in doliven. ing jufigmeut read tb. pnisonor quite a' lecture on the onormit>' et hie offenco,1 sud eentenced him to ton days et bard 1 labon cntting wood fer t-be man be bad1 assaultedl, t-be wonk t-n ho performen1 fortbwith. Ho ioemediatoly set about1 perfonming his tank. tbankful it wasn't1 seven years at- Kingst-on, and as we go t-e1 pross the job ta about iniahed Unies.1 he reads this item bhe wiii never know but1 that ho was triod and sentenced b>' a1 court et cempotent jurisdict-iou. Gold la the North oeuntry. Thero in evident-ly a god-sizod mining boom in store ton t-ho nonth country, whieh only awaite the corning et spring te devolop. Leut weetk t-be Watchrnan montioned tho pi-ogres. t-bat i. being mrade at Sootheran-B radshaw gold mines In Glamorgan township, Haliburton county, and now we learn that gold has heen discoverod on thbe adjoiuing pro- Perty, and aise a ricb vein ef copper ini an adjacent lake, net fer tnom tho shore Mining experts rtrat-be euet have visited 'ho localit> and have opeued np severai 66ahewing." Thoy have locat-ed what t-bey beleive to e btheb.mre ricli voin as that which runs tbrough thbe Seot-beran- Bradahaw propert-y. Workrnen are now srnployed in driiling, and dynamite in bo- îng used te open thbe Iodes on the island neferred te above. The indicationsQ, we are told, are ver>' prnmiuig indeo<- Watchman. Semeot-hiug Dn th l.Jino of auto- mobile voices in to b. foond in a pimt aty bet-tety olectrio-earzage, bhut furtht-e Queen cf Spain byea firat of English coach builders. The ptimery battery emnploy- ed is &&id t-o consis t e ànomber cf colle et a new type, e description cf wbich Là withbeld, owing te poudinir patent ap- plications. The cou ià cf t-h. style knovn as e dre.attory, the total weight t-o run t-he carriago being 200pounda. It will suppi>' suffloient enetgy t-o run tb. canniage at a speed et 10 miles an boni. The advantage claimod l.an important one if substantiated, nauely, tbat tho. batteries carn b. recliargod b> t-be driver, wit-hont going t-o an electric station, sa in the case witb st-orage batteries auto- cars. Graham 1-Cannington---------....104 2-Beaveton-----------...70 3-Tbenrab, Oshornos-...60 4-Thoriah, Galloway's ... 51 5-Thorab, Egypt-.....75 6-Brock, Pinedalo-.....96 7-Brook, Sundsrland-...55 8-Brook, Vi-oomranton ... 43 9-Brook, Derrv-ville-....76 10-Brock, Ellis'---------...96 Il-Brook, Wilfrid-.....38 12-Brook, Ruddy'e-....33 13-Scott, Town Hall-....80 14-Scoit, Leaskdaie-....83 15-Scott, Udora---------...19 16-Scott, Zephyr-......103 17--ScntL, Sand ford-.....99 18-Ma-a, Brechin-.....168 19-Mars, Town Hall-...162 20 -Ma-a, Atherly-------....134 21-Ma-a, Fair-valley-....56 22-Ma-a, Lawrenco s-....40 23-Rama, Loni-ford-....62 24-Ramna, Rat-hburn-....57 25-Rama, Cronki-......66 26-Rama, Mormson-....88 27-Bracebridge, town hall 49 28-Brcebridge, Dodd's... 64 29-McCauly, Town Hall... 49 -30-MoCaul>', Faukenburg 25 31-MeLean-------------....40 82-Ridout--------------.....26 38-D-apon-------------.....119 34-Oakley--------------.....28 85-Ryde---------------......40 )er of PaaIYsisWh4 ndre ;f beryvar n.eovenegii. seof ber i"h&b. Bel Ieseried ber, but -eday siuelm wsikiganouuuneteflug -ier frienda how iy*O'~Kcia~Curew~gi ier kle sUd b qppi %, BiOU t- iy10.1e of-eJ. W. Useynour omesy 'barP1b3, MVOUS STATEErrr.*Op A'à ATJ ýc2ema shuce bar birti, besenià , iW40 uue ne ter geuerai i-santbullt-pb Fekm7a Koe Jure." The. "o»e MM &Mgta u u-nsU. gent 1usd. bY her uoshenra. George whlt., 139 Jion Stt- HaMI]nfi't Cit; dateel JuIy a. Iwo. efr .F. MNcoa7Puilg -tatieun. e n diY t anlesd conetipanomu iad'frOquens4y disturbe4i lbd oaibsaput -ad wus hirtl aruaiffuwlu s ieýhycondlitionr, hlm5PPtâ t nooStepuea. unb an cOn"apti=ýrs ~ b rekms"Keouedsy Cr. w.mu dm su-o ~stuintt- tqs Ovum bsig J.wemo «151, Julv 10, 1800 Murra~ FLORIDA TMF' McLeod 138 108 76 63 75 re8 122 117 81 41 56 69 51 41 61 84 76 72 33 89 28 5 58 22 38 95 97 147 55 38 68 50 84 42 t-boa paict Conmith-rea&a-r as f ollows: -johnw McCari Wm Hoewc, d-ý:5 SIL 7 alse $,ô ht » o r to _lti il "-'Ais. la s s-ery remarkabliïedy, both fat lIff- TERNAL and 3XTUIMAl e,uiad w- deru In aits qulekàotidblo e "3i v distrees PAIN-KILLER maà% Chu 111 s. I3wurboa. Dse CS.i <W C h s -r r a . u» d & U h a v e ! C G Ip IuIIu IPAIN-KILLER u~rr Iileka"ex dm. Rus e und ta" PAIN-KILLE1R lésa USA %DE. Itfl rni W XTAND FIMKNt iKt Kuxv ln ail Camesoff raise, Cge4s, Eruins, oveme Bu ens. etr. Uferebanie. tUer?, PiamLer. SalilD. a&Mdon ft tai! homi-macsvsaI5ga Bmecme a aSt band. 8-1itye 1-r Uvite nu re4ràl i m tanty r IrtYltamiL Te enom. but 1the giune 1. JaJ-V.v.* oit .ver7aidwea., - .. bu L- - v.«, largebi. utS ' ve The only food Baby that will build: Baby up a weck cons- A* 8 tiution gradu- :wl Calnceally but surely is Martin's ,Cardinal Food: a simple, scientific and highly *nutritive preparation for infants V delicate children and invalds. *KRVWATSON & Go.. mpy., 2403 (28U Majority ton Grahar ......89. Rejected ballots, 59 ;spoiied balots, 26. THE VOTE 0Fr 1896. Graham McCrillivray Cannington, naj ................... 21 Beatent-en..... .................. 3 Tborab ............ ............... 15 Brook ......... ................... 167 Scott ......... ...... 18........... Marsa.................357 ........... Rami%.............. ............... 13 Morrimon ......................... 25 Bi-scebr-idge ....................... 3 McCauly........... ............... 7 MeLean-----------------------......14 Ridout ............................ 22 Draper .............. 38 ........... Oakley ............................ 15 Ryde .............................. 45. 413 414 t' i k.-,W i'k t t 1'W Are you aI Publice Speak er? If se yen rannot Sud aaywheré a preparation te equa DLORUENS8 SYRUP 0F UNSEED ARO TIPKNTM Efer t-be tirti-eand respi-atoy or- gane. We have bundreds of- testimonials froua public speakers, singers, ministers aad et-bers. One ni-v. gentleman says: «' 1 niver think of entening my pulpit without Chases Syi-up of- Linseed and Turpentine au myside." Snchfla- dorsaions from the minutry shouid give con- fidence lu Dr. Chase'b Medicine. If you are troubled #ith that tickhing more thicat-, se common azaong spçakers and siagers, yen will fiud DL. OMWS 8YRIIP 0F UN8UD AND TURPUTINI a positive sud per- manent cure. Teaspoontil dose, pnce 25 cents. Edmnaon, Bates & Ce., sole umnuturer for Canada. 45 Lombard strect, Toronto. Loeis the natural heritae oftinan>' an at- wcntan, tem doomed te love less spinster. hýoo d b>' MI health. No wo- man,-sbould en- ter upon te du- t-les of wifehood who, isenotfitte4 b>' good hoaltit foi t-bat pwt-ion sud for t-ho- zesponsibili- tics of motherbood. If a woman sufferi f rom weakuosas d disease oftht-e ogn t-bat meke wÎfehood sud motherhood- pos sible, site shoulti remne>' these conditiont beforesmuig the responsibilities of s wifé. Otherwise, she gtands litt-le chane of proving a hpy and capable wife, and motlzerhooed yul slways menace r itb thbe terr.rsof death. A Sure and quick cure for ail vmik ness andti dusease t-bat unfits a vein foi mnat-rimony ant i ter-nitv is fçuud ln Dr. Plesce's Favorite Prcsclptbo*.. IL ets directt>' sd oui> on t-ho-o0 luvolveti, It znaktes titem »etoig Zàn1elby' 'il, cure sU weakness- uddisesea&- t.PS-, pars flo'"wifebood. x4mot1t~h*, aurin#ýg te, oxpect=nt ptsriod ii1 tii-el > W11 t~ nues -ehl , tueusnd oiULUBt f vometi. have testlfie 1 bts mnt-WU, b i L Town C Met NMnIav ngh A cttcr it d' rc.«i<j f .tn <juvernor of fOnt,, to the lamine fund r,' Aiso one from thc t dering that Heàiith 1; be paid $25 for hi- board during 1896d. The auditors, L F (~)Donovan, laid the on thbe table, and ti l e- Coun Blow broughi thbe cemmittee oni follows: granting or( Granger, coai. $29.92 13. The committee cords et dry wood-\, I-aibren $4.70; Grossý The contracî 'vas ai The report further ci qui-e into what best the îown' scales. anc meeting of counicil.i the scales are old an, dernned for years bv weights and measureý t-bis in t-be CHRO.\î& 1] fused te seil thei'r pi-oc ing. The committee a pret-ty good deal c get iid et the old sca with a new one. Dep that t-be present scale allow some wagons v te get bot-h ends on passed. Coun Jackson brou from the fi-e and wateî cemmending t-bat t-hi qui-e into t-be cost of for the fire cempany, a chemical extinguishers, repairs be doue t-o t-be body agreed t-o the r Coun Jackson kept oni and wben it was exha permission t-o taIk ab light centract. 1He sa get bis commit-tee t-o ag the Electric Ligbt comr nigbt service tili 12 o* iîi, and he weuld li council t-ake t-be mdt-ter it. He bad a-pproacht ou tbe question a nd bac t-aking light-s fer 275 nig iustead Of 30o t-be town moi-e iigbts t-o thbe pi-esc corne off without lue The cempan>' wouldI changes provided its pi-a whicb bas t-wo years t-o i te five years from dat-e. a disput-ed accounit of t-be cempany about. h1 wouid. be ott-en for tee te busy it-seit finding nigbts about t-bat t-ban extending t-hein contrac t-o take ligbt 300 nigbts he finds t-bat wben t-bei chiner>' would oniy euab 272 nig- t-ey chagef, 1

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