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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 3

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K'i 't mis i.ai~îng as att oui. 0f order, an] I IPerhaps one et the most melancholy MsEGiod.Bwaviean Trnt should] be donc in the committee.MP ani] fatal accidents that even occurred.Re Mr MaGier. Bcuogmavle, bend Too, Still Coun Robson insisted in t.alking a MAL Ev.in ibis section happened] on Thursday gusts cf Da PottterScgo, av been Hop long lime about it, an] then C'oun Mir R R Stevens bas been visitinîg night [ast te Mrs Thes Carter. She PorteehB.Aopeu bn. Jackson kept the talk going another fiiendls at Whitevale. was d]own ai. Mn Jos Todd's, waiting on Mrn le Lesich, M B. A Nourhoumb- ' quarter o! an hour, ai. the eni] o! whîich M iss Fdith Argue, Solina, visited Mn and] Mrs Todd, w'ho bas been very lni sitn rJA onjy . tie t ppard ha h ws ondtofrens er rcetl.ill lately. When coming dovn stairs A., ln keeping bachelors' hall. ~ s*ss oo t have somethingrputtintte repo abou]to ren] Mer r.c.. with a lamp she tripped and fell, the Mr W D Robbins, Toronto, is home thorot hekin et weu ve p 'u o k se vie ingte r p r b u eres Maud] Lenton, Osawa, is visit- amp exploding, causing the il and on the sick list.. te lli Deepunty Scteand Consc Robsnce and here. flames te completely envelope er, Mise Lottie Rogers and Mr Martin ~insa JSI Hauyard an] jcds tboutng an]. Master Leshe Cox is suffeing from Mn Todd jumped ut et be:i and wrap- Lee are visiting in Pickering. mo' clauses they ha] refused] to pass in inflammatory' reumatsm. ped ] otnrgaon 'r u t M n r JamesStionh committee, an] Coun Jackson stuck to~ Mrs M Munday bas ret.urned freom only added fresh fuel te the flames. been visit.irt friends in Scarboro su 4i#t it that such could be done; but final;y B3rid]gen, Miss Julia Rumble and Master Mrs Tcdd then vrapped, a voolen Toronto, ,"W he got vexe] an] thmew down the me- Hiaroli] Moore accompanying ber. sheet. around her, but the flames shot. M sonCurcbsbc J~i pert proper an] took his seat. it vas The Sons' oyster supper Feb 9, was eut of -the top like a living chimney. asnf hCutchs-be aa then passed- a Sne success, abundance cf well-ccoked Setberr rar eut et doosandTolled.in g s ere. Coun Smith read] a repent from the oysters, cakes, pies, etc, 'being servedi snow and thse flames were eventually Mies A Pye is visit.ing inl4ewcasle., stretscomitte rdeingpayen byeffciet witrsAn xcelet pro- quenched. She lived but ashort time. Messrs H Rogers and P Maroney g as follows: John McCarl, work, $5- 37; gmam cf readings, recitations,muiSewsbrdfigtly,þhinr.iiedredsnOha. Wm Hopper, do., $1-75; Thos Jen- etc, and] a good speech by Rev R A nally aud externally, the flesh being Our league visited Hampton Pobe unings, shovelling snow, 8oc; Gross & Burriss, very practical and pointed and burnt. off in sevemal places.' Mrs Todd r îth and speak hijghlyiQf their e Cter Granger, nope. $4,99, The committee weli seasonedi wit.h humor. Proceeds, had nearly all her hair burnt off anad tainmnent.- aIse sought power te [et contracts for $32. 50. vas othë-wlsee burnti -msThe fanerai __________ breakng stne. ook place on Tuesday last and was On motion the petition cf H. Wal- so a, on-frh;.ags .ta asbe here ters was referred te the committee on The frmera have just received a car- for along tie. a 3 ers ld" cemittee cu fine and wat.er, that o! Misa M A Wherry hs started the and was very liigh~ly tIágIzt of. Thse tuuieu.-Gev. to tihe finance commit- Homo Departmnenta cf the. Sabbath school community 'deeply sympathize *iitb vith goodi prospects. . Mr Ca4er, who is .almost frantic in~ his ' do.un. Scott gave notice ef by-law te We claim to have the. most sueshf!t drrible bereaverseen appit a nightwatchman, and Coun, woman fariner in the pròvince< - - - Jkon gave notice of one to define We are looking hopefully fo esil sf th0 n___ tire town's fire la*nits. .mail -î On mnotion the nightvatchman vas Mn D A Traie oui na es alføwecd hie salary for Jaauary, 1897. euppiied rte oystero for th~ ~ hes council then adjourned, per at Enfieldi Mondey ight c CeOla.te toon, Syraense, N.Y., writes tehre ew memkmaz a W~sI could thot ear may kinds of fogt h hi-M r pesadiolag e bar aereclatingpa CWeyadga gosb. I took araeleo's Pilla mc- Somne of our to idireetiane under th. head of 'pra Zsdiguuton.' On. box entirely cnrd teru reg .o~es anythfI cboe vho,î-~ oer griphag and esould be nzeed ty le requsd M R y EyIt o R Wn y o tla s a i s r M a c o l i g v e a g r a n d h o p a t h i s W i k M W m a nv i t n f r i e n d s a t cwnre oh Scuogmslnd. a have devere The congregation f the methodist •Mr Wm HiRyar has been attending hie sent any publications previous to this chr hasndeiedr t achg the date mother foera atrk's Fals.ejoe oronrnighork nder my hae ofye chr hanndiedr to chage the date Rter fmoraeta Bareat as 4 e Ioncrink i t his wor sa d er c ag. and 8th. There wiii be three services on Erld4~ evenin~ by thos vh iis e AI i~~ rray & ha toin s a hsd owning when a mnon Sunday and music by three different to Mr J Royu seleuoa ri an thas casedthere bing no hoffnor but to choirs. On Monday evening there will Ma.cLaren's moet touching and vivid m ar s me, ad apprentlyn the peonle duei t a grand literary and musical enter- ce aractLer portrayal-Dr. McClure. g FLORIDA W TE adisance nrom thele ving at tainment. They haveç secured Miss .Mrs (Rev) Wm Kenner, Prince Albert oe FL O RI D A W A T E R wrong cnce ptonm the colnd hi ng a Jessie Alexander, and the committee is expected to occupy te p lpit of T ron ~ .'the oncion o thispae condilton of have spared no pains to make it a grand church morning and evening on Sabah o MS HSWEETute ork th peple, h haee stot in success. Admission 25 and 35 cents. next, o MOS i <lf h.r:ù oyally by the cause of God and the N Chapman was arranged before .Tyrone Epworth League intende isit. 5 AND 1 NilRING 0F A: L methodist church, I amn under obli.- Magistrate Hoover last week on a ing Enniskaien Feb. 26th. Q PE RFL.MS FOR TI-IE gation to present a true state of the charge of wife beating. He was fined The Ladies' Aid wiii hold a social Fri- H A K E R EF, T OILE T O R BA TH. wor k'here on the Island. I came here $2 and costs or 6 months. day night. on t he 4t h of D)ece mber, r896, and be- M r T heo H agerman hbas so far recov- Mis A C Wilson is home from Toronto alLORUCG!9TS, PER FUME RS A ND foearrivedh ere nws wast efpeopg an en rom h isthrece nt severe attak of HialI were she has had the best medi. - - n tc helsland the meanest class that I be out. We are pleased to hear of the Miss S S Werrp. Solina, is the gust ~[NEPL P~LPS. ad < ver met. Now, I amn glad to say' sarne. of Mrs J H Werry and other relative taIhave found the people here as A number in this locality are en- here. vs ando as i ever expecta to mea Rhebes.raigie.h ult so Thursday right was a nmoat peasant afairy. th itif Heaven. The spiritual con. Mr Owan. head of the arnado home ~Vro tei ofthepefpleis arvllos, on-in orotosay tht tereare7,oo0Mut ero Miîering what they have had to pass Rarnado waifs in C anada andi that there Miss Eva Soueh is visiting at Whit- roe.Ipto date no one has with- is but one per cent. turned out had. b.Vs an from the- methodist. church Hle surely rnust have meant the re- Mr anVr rolBoki ia Ton Cuniue. aî tew members but very few arc verse. were guests of Mr S Souch. 'Fletch Town Cuncil.ni> attending the methodist church. Mr W ill Jol1 has recovered Mr and Mrs Goo and Katrina Aru but's 1 >tare now' going- to the christian Mr Hlugh Pugha was in the city Sat- visited at Bethany recently Mrgu A il Met Mîîn<lar night lhir h. andl while these have gone utday and Sunday. He claimned to Mr S Souch isSSs•rnedn Mr TAl A leterw a red fom ie i to >t ershave comre in, blacksliders have have qurite a tall time. place of Mc sSSsprnedn n Te .înt (verniir of ( intarîo asking a grant beeno re<aimned and the work of God] The revival services in the baptist. MGeo Argue, resigned. Friend t' lthe fannine tund Imu bas mnoved on. and although t.hey have church are being continued this week. - upr Ason rmtebadohelhr-aj.pp<înted] their Sabbath school at the There is a big load goes from thi ce--as, t drnthtHatbpetor (an ericy same hour as our own and the enigvale nglyto the Locust Hîil meet- ca - i res, t b>e paîid $: tir bis servito thatb s ervece also yet they affect our congre- intgs. e. b Loard] duîring t î> galions but very little. As their's is M r Wm Michbell bad] a very' disagree- traaplaude MrGo The aurlitoîrs, L Fairbaînks and ( ol muade up principally ut those who for- able experienrce in the city' last week. A8nreand Sa esd lurGao ( iDonva, lidther rpot fr nerly leaned to the Christian church. Ne hasing to wade knee deep through antdeveryktndor Bowe <co audien un the table, and it vas finsalys adopte] 'our congregations generally are about |water and also upset his load. D Mr Ce (oun Illow brought in a report fromt al that we can accommodate, and i Mr andi Mrs Roach, of Cherrywood, k ..~ u u u el.' thbe commnirttee on tiown property as irrmly believe that the triai hog awt redshr nSna e. .luows granting orders to Gmross A. which the church has been cornpelîced Mr and] Mrs Annis, ot Port Union. metostrnoroemi mhed Granger, c oal. $20 92: Joio l3low 14. _o pass wil, under the blessing of God. was with friends at "Penna llank" on ftls sipeae n rlkcuefrW i T he com niitt.ce hbad t enders for < work out for her members a far 'mnore Sun day. Campe, Coafe anduktcre fo e r iords of dry wvood M ('oiley 4 7. y exceeding and eternai weight of glory. Mr Wm A nnis, of Scarboro, accom- -Cralpe, Colsg, Reuai, mc lrhr<>n 84$ ;Gos& ne 4 I vas also informed when J firstam panied by a layfred was vistin at Dirhoa Ccouds, Nerhagha, bame o he cn t urai t was ai ard ei to (,k here t hat t bere were but very few stand.. Mr W S M ajor's on Sunday. TWO SIZ. 2 e Shach. nit a hie rer'int further t'mfpowered the en- ing by the methodist church. who were Miss Laing, of Toront.o. was visiting - Sh. v 'uiren in what hest can be rione wit able to di) anything toward my support ai. "Maple Avenue last week. andse i hue toîwn scales.. ani] report ai. next N ow. Sîr. I amn pleased to' be abie to Miss Annie Hlardgrave. of Torontoas n leut i ng if cnil ('oun Blow -ani state that thi-s fl ot truc. As far as but formerly of this place. died on thc Punn Thinga. classes the s< ales are old] and ba<i been ion the tinaniaai part is concerned it never 8th inst.. and wsas burîid at Hrougham -----Whtisyuidsi ge termenoe dieumned fîor syears hv the inspecto e stoodl better. ()>ur official board met on last week. Bes-hti o dai etn hwd nîghts amin<ie esure~ Sînce readîng Natuirday. I ebru.ary 6th, an the Centre Mr Selwood Geach gai. a severe kick vaccînated on your rheunmatic arm garded h'i in the C Ha sl i-i peu>ple badl re- i huiirîh, anid thie reurns were the larg- trom a horse while shoeing it, but is makelerEconom ofs pan iL dosen' bei. sian uised lu sell their produce on ils weig'h- est user made at any one olffwial meet- now about over the worst effects of the edy.h r ur os hn tde l sypat nîg Tbe coîmmittee had learnedl thai in. wi ihout spiecri effort uver $ i0<0 re- in jury. ray a r .i p>ret t good deal c ould be muade to teiserd. ani] the methodtist church is M r and Mirs Siple is completely laid "They say early rising is very unheai- large ce gel rnd of thte old scale amd repiait iîPPorntr to-day by the people who up withb the grip. thy. ' u- wîth a new une. D)eputy Scott adideis ac supîported the cause of God on Mr Con ners, o! Brougharn occupied 0Of course ;many s woman bas broken Ruribut thiat the present scl stoshort toi the Isln fo ears, and what pleases the baptist pulpit on Sumnday. down her ontiuior breat."ghrhs-wls allowv somne wagons with long reaches rne mure is that I believe I can truth- Mr Alexander Armstrong spent Sat.- badu ntm o rafst tyo ;ssedibot ends on ut. The report . t that there is no feeling o! env urd]a nte cton buess.hhra oe to-Iwl e itrt o (oun Jac-kson broughit in a repoirt "tficials toward the other church. We an] vhooptng cough in this section, iCholty Hardupp--Aw ! thanks--that is * N lrom the tire an] water committee re- wuld not lay a strav in their way, but but so far there hase been no serious quite suficient-but have you spoken to ommîending that the comnmittee en- wîsh them God speed and] pray that cases reporte]. your father aboutît i v unire rnto the cost o! rno feet o! hose G >d's blessing mnay rest upon them and Judge Dartnell has decide] that far- Ethel Gotrox--About what ?sr four the lre cnmany albatd toats mas beon for Christ. E mers' sons ha legal vote on the re- Cbolrdueptabdoht adourin me. y repars b don to he tre hll. EverThere vas a small loai] et Oshawa bandl distinguished himiself at the banquet Iid y aree tothereprt.butstpeople spent Sund]ay at Tranquility. st evening. t'oun Jackson kto talkrngt abut titi It is i]oubtful if modern history re- Mrs. Tumnly-Poesibly ; but it was anti when ut vas exhausted he' rasved cotri]s any previous case in which our nmore than he could do when he reached I g tmintrato talk abut hb t it b'--cristian antane henacted achr etn- homoe.-aa do green apples alwaysm g'he Eis ommittee to agree to au proach - nton, a law so narrow and offensive give a boy a pain i e i leEectric Light compans luto' tr fr a ~ n uts provisions as the alien or anti Bingo-I believe se. Whby ? nîghtaservice trli2 'clock imstead o! -- Immigration law which the United I vas wondering inulhswsgigt e i r a] e oui]lie litoi a the States is enforcing so rigid]ly against an exception to the rl ouncîl take the matter upu and <h]cuss Canadians. The latest instance which AezagenoucsonL.dth Fo ~ ut. Hie had approached thre 'ornîpany A COMBINATIONM e, e notice in the papers is that of a of a dye"hatg absounes onft thae death f tak he uestion an] ai]foundi tat by RARE, SEARCH ING Canadian woman who as been en- ifer husband, sd died inc rfdnthp iag -s o 27 nights in rhi year gaged by a gentleman in onte of the of a better life.' instead] of 300 the t.own couh] atdd three AND POTENT border cities o! the other side to take _______ nore light.s to the present nuit.>r ani] EssErrIAL. DISyILLavIONS cat e of an infant. In all good faith omte off withtout increase- • tse Fon IMFLAMMATION the voman had crossed the line and ON n TOSNS 'Ihe company woul] nmaku ih evas proceeding te thse bouse o! ber • changes prov'ided its present cintrait. EXTER NA LLY employer, when she vas arrested by ---Dear which bas twi esto- nu s es tede] For all Pains, Ache, Sor the commissioner and compelled te ne- - vssmrrt.iasu formu the ri~d 10tîeyersfro ate. We now~ have (Jointe, BSprans, Bruse, turn with the information that, being headacheeue eouawuu Let~ a a dispute] account o! $87.0 Sowith Scalds, Burns, Stns a Canadian, she would not be allowed Unshfor but., a an avrg eLoss, Vs wouedcompany about lighting an] it Bite and! Chilbaina. te take cae f a free born citizen of day. per week. Somepsu.ta d of yothiu vuibe t>etter for the commit- INthe t'nited States, hovever young. in bat Dr. A..ew,,,,w,,,o, P,,, Se,,a4 lncXa.sle tee to busy it.self finding out our legal NTER NA LLY vain it vas urged that the infants lite vis mae . Z'hISl. my ow.eei.g bn umbu rîghts about that than t·'aiking about For' C'lds, Gore Thtrost, vas at stake. The lav must be en- mon an it's a thet. Nov I ne" bye quaks ext.end]ing their contract. We agree Croup, A.hatl Colc, foreced, and] thîs is the great. republic, miSe a mea, ave f, to take iîght 300 nîights eacb year, but DirrhÅ", Pleurisy, etc. the freest and] the grandest nation on Thisa jse b.itten testimnony of e voll mnedictin b he tnds ha whe t e co pan's a- g auDaueesTsass Deaeas earth, and as many of its citizens knowD Toronto ;ournalist.-yoa can have fro any be hi s tha e c tar e ro3 panuts ma-,*v a s . Dl SS ee.,n . . m . would] m aintain, the m ost enlightened ie r Pam if yea dr u i, D agnew' tWy h same. On the other ban] when t.hey THE o0008 MEDICINE 0. M r and] Mrs Turner were here this 20 cente. Sold by J E Willis. vice. COsis Aan 312 night.s they collecte] for the 70ssTOUN,0sIT. v eek, attending the funeral cf Mrs deso 12 n ig hits ext ra. Cou n H aywa rd sa i]d ' - ·-- Cart er.EN nw.am dtalyn A Generous Ofe. moqantes ofan SoftC eafrs Eor -Wina ou kindly - purpose,) Threshing cadaisoryou vlualepaper that Celebrated "Morris Run ysend FREE te any sabrer frorn ghood, Nervuse Deblity Ig Particular care ina creen Oalparicaiar et a stme rand Opîm'cE-Oppostyg <-aens cf self.c.,e which .*e e, waIvaY, sged and imapomsd upon for ye.rs and! patent medicine shark, cured!,~j VwCweks. I have nothing to sell or ufferer andlos go nsd aoegfreJal o i case s N EW' BUS inothing toearnu whaiîsdut oalea te fatd out. Ad. cons WMEETS ALL d! enclose stamp Hfceoeeet il G.OE Ont. RvrJe FirSrciaSsaccommiiddtin e os u t L ve c atenI d se, Callsat haâtel v.re dsmaged by55ri lef-a Ne5wport'aisr or -Post post oçice WM, J rorh~k Lu.u'o. ~e tptro. puietor, l d i ?zs m m e ae I' n a ite w ibnysr9. ày Dq o l i n i n . ' sis s o ' u u U . " > ~ ' beais b thenjfti GA TO . TitssWaluabs-p4 Jn Ihh4a m . ,,..eta .. a A 41 .. Souvenir - - Forget-me-not," "There is no better Anthracite Coai mined than this." Never haad and neyr ce .ae a superior among An- GRATE, EGG, m es Tlea ,r ght, gnick, batr s. 'oal (rer omestic. Cool, an!the î" Smithing Coal sn anu d4 rcy, ,UNE. TRAIS tI-A~ ~a~m.mp..QUCKGURE B os , dosnt come fromu the flins as many suppose, and reuire to be "drawn out" " e by pinful .olcng, etc A bosi isaqj microbe li . skin and can be removedp ~ ~ . without pain, withiout lancing or poulit- icing, bysaimple little plastermade with 4 .COLcN nsawsL- M. D, En.,Dy. <> ~ Srg a. Geni.iR. c. A. Qieb.c, C whic eleos te microbe-eoothes the pain-reduces the inflammation- vSold by drugisseverywhere in little white glass pots, with nicke hisortonuoroudruggist hias run out of it, insist on THE QUICKCURE COMPANY, Lt. OUEsc, can. ENFIEED i. S O T tora :--Mr and Mrs Groat, Brok. tMr T Bradley's • Mise Wfnnie P M MAKR HT Y er, Cedar Daie, at Mr J F Huri. P M M K R HTY ;Mr J McCullough, Prince Albert, (Suctessor to H.T/osn. brother's, Mr Donald McCullough.;hmpo. len Hayes at Mr Wm Hayes.' TeSsrbebaagnoenduses membhers of the order of Choshnhe Suscrbier has begaiE op.e bosins s treated themseelves to an oyster telegraph oce willore at Er. R.wBeow's on Monday night last. house on Brock Street, soutM.Newbery'sa band concert was a decided sue m anufactured and old Pumnps repamps he p ame bing ellrener.Fi rst class material used and work warrant- Mr B four was vociferously ap- solici eld ugolae u.Odr d s lhe appeared on thie platform.H. CTT ard, of Bowmanville, delighted the Feb.r14, 1895. Whtby n CO,a ce with his melodious tenor voie. y___ _an___ _O__ _hawa.__ __ _ W Souch excelled himef. Mr nxie je quite an orchestra in him- Far'm for 8a/e. T'hoelocutionary part of the prto- .h oi r o ,crceSo ,Ea a vas fine. The hall was filled to Whtby, Clasing 15 e or e or Ism cliddug about 1s or i8 icres bush, mostly beec erttchoncl the death of a snd maple. This tarin is known'as one of th oved and respected person, in the s'tuaed the tonshei of EastWib, and ies f Mrs R H Campbell. She had north of Oshawa.e o mbugs coand 6f aie iling for about sixteen monthe x x storey framne bouse with extension. large onsumption and heart disease, barn with stone cellars, horse stable, hay barn, a nv ce e oio k r in the hurch d v g sb d e tc A ou orchard of o tees. t te c iin begreatly missed, or by etter. . N esnn inthe seacbang scoote dfferent DR. GREIG, itha slagely attood. Her in- r3: 8herbourne St. Toronto. with what respect as waw rc by the community. MrCarep Ð d his famiîly have the heartfel t hy of ail. The funeral sermon * ached by the Rev Mr Rorke to a * e ncourse of friends and mouarners.g hoir, unlder theleadershpocf Prof SE ti nresn nmembers, as * l0" Patrnumalu great i mproving. fr~ kt' e.4nu 0<iL pplaî.- il.Càa anaemic, low-piritednnerne or4 side, oral uaslls, there is no pie a- .A *PrteDvsLw.n es,* tem put rightby < s tihe unfailing remaedy fcr aill inainn !. Mn es asi ' 8a/e byJ .WILLI8

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