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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 2

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Mlr. C. Sonloy i. using bis spare time in aelling a few gooti books. Jours C. BoIT. The S. 0. E. concert Tuesday vt ok aas voîl patronizeti, but the programme vas ai a rather 1ev order. The Oshawa talent must bave *formed a rather hov estimate ai ah. tantes ni ah. peopleofa i"i valsqe. On Friday evening Faim. lOtbjis. *bout 80 people surprimeti Mr. and Id . B. Stelens andi family it Being lb. tvutioih-euuivesii'ofai heir ,1vediàg day. Aller SaU hati parlski aiOfa suoeptu o épapropared by .Iheldien#,, O Mitobeli-vas H41lledt ecar Po tr,1wprded edu m Prwaunte& joed themmseives un gemes muuie and pleasant conversation. A very enjoyable evening was spent andthie company re- tired ah. a reasonablo hour. R. H. Bunt Esq. Teronto, vau calling on f riende hore Saturday. Mr. I. L. Brownm had a meeting in the hall Saturdsy appoitmtiiîg patbmaaters, feiiee view-ers, and pound-keepers. Miss Arnour spent Sunday vith frieLnda in Bownianvitie. Cllae. meckif quit. prevalent in our .NIr. Thos. Eihott î8 able to b. out aail, was at churcli Sunday for the firat ic et.his year. Mfisa Maud Clark Oshawa, viaited ber. Sumiday.% nsr. Sid tainbhy IToronto is vL'iing fiendes in t hîs iicalîty. Rt.v. E. E. liowai-I îe stlll conductîng revival ser% iCeba tt Zin witlm good success. Mie,&"AshtoiinduJ a'tr8uu viAîted at i >hawa lut mwet k. M ns. Fisyn Calgary expeeF-ts tb ret unit hotte ii) a fow days, after a îileaaat at m wi th fnietîda bere. OREENWOOD. Misa Maggie Stewart bas gone t Hamîilton ton a v tit lier brother. The varia weatLmer hbas pilit the aI eighti ng. MnI. F. M. Cbaprnan teacher of Audley achool visir.ed our achitol out Wediiesdaiy. While atteîîdîng to bis hîrsea Mm. Johnt Wilson necived a sievere kick f roui une if îhem on ýSunday. He lias been con- tned te Lb. bouse sîice. \\'e h ope to soon aee him anouud again. Many front ber. attended the special services at Kinsale on Sunday, and had the pleasune of lhstening Lo ivo very interesting soîmous by Rer. Dm. Lambly of Brookhin. Mr1essrs Reader and Stevenson of Scugog spentr a few days vtîh fienda hast %%ee k. Being grttat sportmIneti îhey had the pleasure uf baggiiig a nuinber of fine nabhiie. Mr. W. 'S. GLreen bas given up gting to school. He nov nteuds Lu go intu fanming for a change. Gneenvood vas veil repnesented at the Kîtîsale Laa on Tuesday. They vereý mreated to the very baet of everything in the aatalle hune and als4i had an excellent prograîtu, W. ht.pe Lu see as matsy (nota h.iiialetbu unr special services lon Munday Imle 2Iat. On Feb. IOth Mn. R. E. Johnsion and Mi11sa Susan McQuay ver. united in ved- lock by Rev. A. McAuley. The happy ci-eut touk place at the. residence amf the brndes niother. After a sumptiona repasî the happy couple went on a weddîîîg trip tlnuugh Western Onitariu. On their re- turn tbey wiilmov. 0mbo the farm near Pickering lately purcba.4ed by Mr. A. Juîhiston. Bob touk a place in fout hall and vilI be gneatly issaed by the bo-ys. May tbey lead a happy and prospero-.s journey tbrougbhîfe is tb. wisb of aIl. Don't furget Lbe Anniversany services un the methodiat cburcb on Sundsy Mr'. Leggott vili b. present and preach morn îng and evening. Specui freewili offer- ings In aid o-f tbe uncb yull b. taken up at both services,. ihearty invitation is exteiided L<2 aIl. A.Lelgui. Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNGS WVhàclà Doctors Failed to Help, CURED BY TAKINO I cntratzted -% s<'ere 'Alti, whirh S11(0d n' <I j gs, ani dd l lit (11,1."n n t 'n ram' u 1nit nn.aller a t1int w i, thm. ie sligittest exertiun jumîîîied mne. 1 tien Consulted a Doctor 'min foni, on examining my limngn, tlwtt the a.orp:trt of the. lett one m~as b.tdly aile cted. 1r gve mne soreme idcte whieiî I ttok as dr't4l'ut it dhl flot seeoi to do any god. 1") ntu. alelir 1 hapiened tlu read li Aner-s A!mannc. oi the efect that Ayer'sCIry l'emtorai had on other%, and 1 deternitneîd 10 f e1ta trîi . A f tr tak tng a fi-w doi n'y îrmh 5le was reiieved. and lafore 1I l i i- lsIî"-i the. boWti.1Iwams rure-d"'-A. LC.F.A1, n'tmaeOrangeville, OtiL Aye's cherry Pectoral HRigheat Âwards at Worid'u Pair. Ager'e PJUIsCure Iundigestion. OORRESPONDENCE CA N NINOTO N. Niffs Ida Edwards, of Toronto, ta at 1)1re@eut visîtîng aI the humne of her par. vIl t b Mis Ella Whetter îeft on Wednesday fcor a two week a visît to friendsanaîd relatives in the viciinity of Port Perry, anid Manchester. The Citizen's Band have arranged to hold their annu.%l concert in the wn iial on March 2nd. The beat of talent has been secured for the occasion. Messt. J. H. amd R. W. Long whço have been guests at the residence of Mr and Mrs. W. McMaster, of thta town re- turriodi u their home, Bond Hlead, laat sveek. O>ur town hockey team visited Sunder- iand ont Wedneaday night lOrth mt anîd, according tu report are flot weil aatisfied wiLh their usage in that t.own. The ganie waa rather one of brute strength t han soientific play. It resulted 3 - 2in favor of Sunîderland. A numiber of uur town'a people atended. The politicana were active in town on Tuoaday evening and a meeting of Coni aervaî.iveahba held to dîscusa tht. situation pretiented by the resuit ef the recount Mr. Angua McLeod the Cotiservative candidate, with Major Sain Hughes and lawyer Arnold, of Bracebridge, were p reseu t. The annual statement of the Canîning ton Methodist church hâas just heet, issued, showîng the expenditure of the. year to have been $10.664.96 with a balance on hand Nov. 3th of $204. 4e. The subscriptiuns paîd in to the present tîme lia $5,381.17, which with the amouit of sale of old chtrch and other revenue will leave the debt flot over $4,000. Piao Dm10 Mise Epton bast returned to ber hume an Prince Albert. Igred Rundle and bis mister have re- turned from their trip to the south. Mr. John Howaam is laid up with rather a severe attack of la grippe. TheRe. . .aning of. brdge MUNYON A ND THE Gb/IL DREN. Tbey Have Good Reason ta Shout for Himn. IT WAS MUNYON Who Put an end to the Nastv Debilitating Medicines. IT WAS MUNYON \Vhîi iight ho Thein Quîck Act îîmg but liai-micas Reiiiede.-And it Ps Munyon ari1lis l{emedies i Whit-l tCures Tueur Little Painb anti 1>îseames. Mnnyon's reniedies are a verttable boon to botb vomen smmd ebtîdren. Their delicate orgatiumsm e ni calcuhated to stand tbe sîrain of the sîmnng and poîsennue druga wlîtch combine ta (onm the nid sebool, anti 50 ibey welcome a systeiu vbicb recognizes tbe tact ihat mnedicinea vhich a horse mnight stand if ho vas strong are flot tbe îbîng for women anti cbildren. WEAT MRS. WATSON SiYS. Mre. Mary Watson, 16 Mutual street, Toronto, Cen., sa ss: -" My ittie boy a-a very ilI viLb a severe attack nf bib- ionuanesa anti choiera moi-bus. Ho co-il' ni k.ep auyîbing o-nbis st.omach, and a-as in, a bîgb fever, Hiea-as an bati in fact i hoennt niraine bisehîead from the ptllow. Hoe began usin2 Mnnyon's Fever' Cure an&l Chiera Renuoty, the vomuîing stopped ai once anti in tvo tisys Lthe chilti vas entirehy velI." Muuyou'e Rbc>uma.tmm Cure soidoni (ails in relier. in onue tmuîbnee heure, aud cures iu a fea- days. Pnice 25c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures ail fcorme ni Indigestion anti stom acb trouble. Price, 2150. Munyon s Gold Cure lîreventa pneu- monia and breaks up a cold in a few bours. Price. 5e Munyonna GeuRliCure stops eougba, nigbt swaete, allays streneas, anti epeeti iiy beaha the lunga. Pnice, 25c. Mnnyan'e Vitaluzer restorea luet vigor Price, SI. A separate cure for eaeb disease. At ail drnggis, umoatly 25c. a vial. TREATNMNT BY MAIL. .Write Prof. Munyon Il anti I3' Atbert St., Toronto, f or advice, vhuch is abso- lutell free. The musiai obatinate cases succesufuliy treated i n strictest confi tence. "Gruide to Healtb, FRM& Mr. Wm2. Scott bati rather a peouliar expen#uce last wvele, He vas away ou a fighieg tour uortb ni Tborah lela-ut, .and had a fieh hous bilt in Lb. ordinary shape, anti beated hy tihe usual littie -sheet-irw B tovo. Oms day lie veut ont s ',sit tn a neîghhening fias bouse, leasing bis overcoat in bis na-n hanse and a tire in- the steve. Wlîen hie returneti b. foun nut îy tbe tiyiniz embers ai a fOre wbic b bnd consumeti hie Ish bouse anti owercoat. The a-orsi ofet ii as that the caa con tainoti anme paper money viis «aso s-burnt. The faumer cf the outhemi portion ef Tisoiraliame o! be entexprieing kinti, as ibeir laLeut move attesta. Tbey are start. ing a creamemy in that secetion to cnet ho. ineen #Z%anti 8,0Oinebutiing build- ing anti maeinery. It is te lie situateil on t-ho fa&re oi Mr. D)onald Grant, and a-ill dou biles. hoa beau ta the lai-mers cof t- t section. Thsq noarosa creomery le et The oi-on' gameof ni ring bas taken ont bore ai laIet, andti ho mars are beard (rom moim tili ove of tbe-enthnsasts a-ho are anions oI. ern tbe inticaeies ni the "ont tam'" anti "in toms'" and haw te 11aoop her op " A matoIs aas phayeti Mentiay e-aing-Memssr. A. Dabon anti P. MaMiklaît vsafDr-Gatbovay sud Mr. A. Murray. the latteroiing off besi by 89< te 27. This in onkIy ahe bezinuiug. Mr. A. Jaunieson anti son, af Glenarm, "remoin Laow n nTiuesay hast. Bre ah yougseresun K4%vh Oaiae Fpor Grlam Sa won the.vietôry-.. Hfaa von it a'irw .ht ud an.. Aa *vorq:itoetjyfl arwym' ie Ï,an Skating e,nivala ahi, ek tSi-nmer- ou& te mnentà-on. Miss Minaie McNeuiy, of Torouto, is visiting fineh er.. MiasaNellie Ba'rton risitedti ileMm . O P. Ferrier ever Sunday. Miss Maria Hopdimu a-as vieiting ai Mn. Jas. BMNealy"a Buuday afternoon la"t. Mr. and Mi-a. Kerr-, af Brooklin, vere visiting ai Ihias Bic.' coeday hast voek. Alilbande que bSy bei-e tii week as farinera, dairies andi creameries, are being fillet itus te. The spocial meeting at the Lieenat i Mbihotiieî churcb ls evei attended froin bore evory evening. A large number from bore attendedth ie funeral oi Mme. Thomas Carter, oi White- raie, on Tuesday hast. -Miss Gertie Petch tooh a un outi froni Markbatn vilhaue for fear aif frgetting boy many "turne is on the rad. Wilhie Farmery, oi Toronto, vho hie been ill for anme lthtue is ai presont atring hiaxeoif arounti the river here. Miss Liton vho hasbeen doiug mill- inery anti dresumaking at the, reidence of her sauti, las. U. Young, bas eIoaur vale. Bsnj J. Blopkins, aofPaiuley, ceIled on some olti acquatutanoos ber. Wedneadsy aftersîoeu of laut veek.HRevas on a viait te bis parents. A. Canner, of Brougham, fill.d th. ap, poiutment aitihe baptist ohurcla Suudsyý Tlleuouggatiûon a-as about sasuscaaisad I -Thamà s eek it beosme kewnav tha (*o5 srm.ry we kzpwa;udroi, eTOUTTVliLE. On Tuesday a boy oi Joseph MoMul- len's wai s i iip IBrown s abooting sparrows st the barn, sand Ira Brown was inside in the hay mev. Tva of the abat. wenîtbrongb a crack between the boards antd lodged deophy in the Lhittk part of Ira's tbugb. Mfedical aid vas summoned, but it vaa iound impossible ta locato the Obots. The Trade Bulletin regards the nom- mercial pohicy of the United States as ona of a atudied bossility ta ibis country, and says th. sonner we reahise il, and re taliate duty for duty in kînd, tbe better iL will be for the Dominion at large. Canada lias fair more to gain by foilowing the proteetive policy of the 19nited states, than by any reciprocity achieme tilat niigimt ho patcbed up betwPen the two countrlea for a ime. The more Canada is indepeudent ta a commuercial -ena. Of the United States the better, anîd as th-3 restoration of the McKinley law will exciude Canada from participation mn a large portion of tbe traIe ah. is now -boing with the United States, nur aîm ~hould he t.) seek an output for our pro- luct.s in uther countries, the saine asa in the paat. Thé, îowurslip of Whitchurch bat; b8en placed under qitirantine by the. Donuin ion Veterinary Inspector. No sheep can le takin out of or mbutthe saîdt owabip. o<r renioyed fnow oue portion of the town- ship Lu anothier, witbout firai obuaininR permission froua the Veteninary Inspecter for West Ontario ;aise ail sbeep are pro- hîbited (rom being oIaugbted or dispoed f in way without said permission. Major Lloyd, V S, Newmarket, bas been appoinîed Veterinary Inapector for the West Biding of Ontario by the Dominion Governmnent, ta wbom &Dhi atters con nected with Sbeep Scab muet be report- ed. Owners of sbeep are at no expense for inîipeelion or obuaining permutéa, but notice of infection muet bo given Lu in- Fpector ai anoe, ander penalty of 6200 for neRleet. The symptome of oheep Acah are so easily recognîzed that n owner can he excnsed on the plea of ig- norance. Tbe ftcbing causes the animat to bite at the wool, scrtch witb the feet, an u b against poste, fences, rails, &c. Fbe wool fahla ont in patches andLthe 4kmn i8 fonnd thickeneti and covered by -;cabs, more or lesm tbick, according to the Rtape and degree of friction to whieb it bais been exposed.-Trabnne. THE " BIG" YOUTL A tatrmrttt.et Remmed i.. that are Effae Dr. Cltaàe'so ur great rerued;es are: Dr. Chaise'. Kidnc-y-L. ve.r Pille, Dr. Chaises, initmertt, Dir. Cnase'a ('itttarrb Cune, and Drn. Utame'«S yrup o! I.musiead and Tur- ',entine. ie tateett ad rn-ttest discovery for al tbroat and bing afectioîîs. .I a-as sirk-fon thrce y(-ami",' ays lames utîmpeon, of Newconmo Milla. -I trted vanlous aiieged patent nures and ïevenal boxes of a certain pili whi'h bas >en gneatly crackt'd up. i 1-0* no ne- Ae. 'inn1Itnied Dr. Cba.s'& Kîdney- Lmn'ar Pilla. Rince. 1 have been atble Io vank evc-ry dav aud fi-el tike a new inan. Vomir pilLa ainne cured nime at a coet of 27)r." I, 1have been stibject t1 ee-i ' oldaq i-vera-fal l td sr.r:m" vm Miss flAttie Dîel au'-v, v-t174 t'nawford retrPe. 1o-o:i- to. -t u-ed m-tnv coug-m:i b.Ài-,iut nloue c [~une ie nll at a cn-t (of 2ceints i trjed tir tm esSvnui; o! Linsee-d and .Mym;:ib wns troulled' witli the cmoral kîîtd on i pina, 'write H3i-ta. Jane listof Xitmenah i-s. . ee o-fl in rible to mn, s . nu- uir v-iur Te& ijnttnent ht- eeti-it;vcued t i8 t-riv worth ta v,-iLrbt in go( ldlit"ati (if the prire" 'i-n c r.oî'y 6t7) eit3t.e .. ùbo-uzr't a bo-z o!fmoun Cft;iîrrh ('txne Fo -> ea' en2 nnyr. Ninhollw o! 17( A Report frhm Mr. Douglas Hixon, of Beaimsrille, Ont. A great number of men ant& vomen, cured mnonthesud years &go by Painesa Ceiery Compound, have takeu ithe trouble tri assure tii. propnietors of tbat famous medicine that their cures are permanent. This noble and briglit record nf per nianent cares, sbnwn cui.y by Paiue'a Celery Cnmpouund, je wnrtmy of epecial notice, asit la the grandesi record af the kmd in thé world. IL ahould aloo noîed tbat, ail the pernianently cureti people are residents nf our ovu Canada. ï'lhere are some niedicine. iliat par- tiahiy relieve pain anti enfferiaug, that as- sist in buildig up vain bopes of a naw h fe ; b nt af ter a 1ev d aye or weeke the terrible agonies corne back again in more alarming forma, and hope andi faitb are mait foi'ever Thie neyer happons wben Pasne's Col- ery Compouantis te e as a banisher of disease. The first botle ostabhiabes a jnyntîs feeling nf security, anti <ooa a per- fect cure is effectet ibcb il permanent and lasbing. Mn. Hixon saye: -"To day r- tbink more of Paine'à. Celery Coamposnd LIan» ever before. Since I was cured-over ta-o yneum g-[ bhave neyer ba", a bail day or loat a day's womk, ne ver bavin'g lhad a returun o the rbemnatiem froni whicb 1 once enifered sso rerribly. 'Througb may influence imany havo usedl Paine's Colery Compound andi bave been owaeti. 1 visb ta affirm once more litai it vas Peine's Ceiery Compoundi that took the rheumatiom iroro my sys- tomn. 1 strongly recommend is tea ah ibeunmatic andi siek people." A Ch=rnTh&t Chum-nsbt ~One Minute. I bave beun i the dairy buoinoea ahi my ile antiba"e many times cbuaned for an boei' iefore botter voulti appear, an vhen 1 heard ci a ohuru -that would eburn in a minute. 1 concludeti to l'y iii. Every day for a v.ek I useti it, sud sot enly colti 1eburu in a minute, but I gai mare andi botter butter than witb the common aburu. This is very imaportant informnatian to butter ùiakera. Thi- ehuru works eaeiy anti wil churu an ordinary eburning in lesas thau isixty seconds. I bave solti two dozen of those ehurno ini t.he past month. Every butter maker that bae seau me ahurn iulesthan a. minut.e b.ught one. Yen eau obiajo ail desireti information regardiug thse ahuru by addresing J. F. Oasey & Co., St. Louis, Mo,, and they a-lU -give yon, prompt and courteous attention. A DAIBYKAN. Oooking Withoit ZBas. At this ' sosn <of ithe year, wheu eggs are.a Scarity, it become thse study o! the housewife boy ta nueUafev am possble -iu cooldng, and couvert ai auy sa 1 practicab)e imb cash. 8h. lis i î4S thisaIil 5055imp.rav<i "a, "oa , s tbsatisa-pie*,la~d pqaddqlpsof conta t ii. tivnmber,-oiugssfed for, in, tiseoi>.Ool-w b.m1e 1~ Examine Uni Beed Pollatoos. The earlier the pot~a toes can be started the better, as it is the hot, dry weather that diamages thenm. It is now cust.otnary to, aprout the small potatoe8 hefore planting, handling thern carefully, in order ta secure ait early start. lKow i8 the tirne to look over the seeci potatoesl, throwing out every one thatt shows the slightegt signa of rot, and every potato, used for seed should be carefully exanîined. D)o not use seed that carne f rom land where rot has- occurred. Better pro- cure sound feed from elsewhere, eveaq ifthe cost is increased hy so doing. LINDIAy. Qiiatbaus for Parmers. The litiie controversy between Mr.' George Matthevs and Mr. D. Howkins regarding the buti breed of hoga vwas of mucb praetioal interenta te farmers. But it seema taous that- the writers moveti along on parallel lines. Mr. Matthewa is undoubtiy ight in advising farmers Lo raine the partilcular breed of hoga that wdl make Lb. best bacon for the Engiish marke&. Experience bas &bovn tubai a long, bean pig, not ton heavy, not ton fat, is the kini desiired, andi the Taînworih aînd Yorkshire breeda muaI nearly fill the bill on thîs kiîîd of bacont. Tiiere is ne question that if Canadian packena vish tu suppiy Lb. Engliali market tbey mut make the rigbt article, andi it w-iI hoe to the interest of Canadian farmere to co- operate with Canadian packerq ini raiing the beat kîud o! 'raw iaîeial" fin theît.. The market ia large andltme deîmîand isa steady anti growiiig. Tb. consunmen'a taste muet be gratîfied. Ile dues not waît thtck, heavy fat potrk sncb &A the lurnbermen in the backwooda prefen, but a ntce, lean, daiîîty article. Thei Canîa- dian ' packen and (armier can aupply this partunLiar kind; if they do iiot. Lb. Danes and uther progressive peiople Aill have t the rade. Mm. Howkina may b. quite correct ir sayîng that bis favorite Berk- sbires viii reach a certain wiigbt in hesa r.ime and at lese coat o!fuod tban the Tamvorths or Yorksbimea, andi he viii consequentiy gel more andi make more. It doae noL appear that Lb. Canadian packer Rives or can yeî z«ive a bigbenprîce on the Tanmworth or Yorkshire where bacon command a bigher price iiithe. Etiilisb market; but that bigber price viii undoubtedly comne in course of ime. 'T/S JOYOUS NEWS. PAINE'S CEL[R! COMPOONB CUIRES ARE ALWA!S PERMANENT. UNI. Mgl IKsu ~RdeartS.Toront£4 .', sears that Ryeknmnis Kootenp!i,,' t-"ciii'd *er ef Paralysia whb* rimided om " of etar h0-1 7 tnzirelyunasas..Physh*iaid tbm'e vano chnce 0 ber eve, reoeverinsaa.eunaeof ber Imba -p *4aertad har, but te-day dM b waingareîînÉd teiling ker friends bew y Ramwne «I Keetany CL:re " sLVO 'ier Lie and bap<anam Ruernto, Juiy lu, 1M96. tiefoje J. W. Seymeour Oeeiaey, NotarPubie. !tweOUN BTATUU.WT* Oi A <RATEFIJL 1Laids. Wht., ine 7mai'. od, wba mDersd with i.czenMa aince.hb rth, bM beseuttrely oured Sud tier garnerai asatexe issit lp by Ryckas ,Kootensy Cue'The abovebe ffl masvmaina swor nue-i. 'ment made by bur maths,, Mm wge White, 139 'Linon 8t., Hamflsen, Ont., dated JuIy 3,.1898, ,,ore J. Fe Mouck, Solas. Publir. iCOXINMN DJh BTgED5 - aWORx &TATUMIr MAIS CiutrleIL Newman. I&Muloooghb t.. Toronto Jnt., bail a compfiaMaofetbbeod trouble%, Rbeu- nattims evere Kidnsy heublé ànd eenutipum 'Naa troquentiy dlasurted am aichis. lm hi* appeàte %ad W« warf1 " kum- % HI, Alyare mev ln a = cedjutipetasappstitu a oleeep udo andcoitiatoncur; i liwuv don. by 'tykmmt "oott»YOum".Fie Mmkat ru 4.ticz iiaa e'the abers fuosibon .. W. @ So e'----- 351 Mr.mdva, To Cure RHEUMVATIc- 7 -A. ÏK Mr mLWILL TOUVJTEL. PAIN -KILIER TEGREAT Famlly Medicine of the Age. Takon Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Crnp and Pain ln the Stomach, 80re hroat, 8udden Cold, Cou gha, etc., etc. Used Externally, It Cures Cuta, Bruises, Burns, 8calda, 8prains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neuraigia, Rheumatism, Frosted FeeL. IÇa article .""ev ttainsd 1.0 uaeh anbounded papubla- Iti S. - u Mie an ld-i7lie-to any te thi.effeMey ao'the. Fain. Ki.r M aea, ou Insmari,efficu <n .ootiaisg the ._r-t p..in. anid know i It t .b a good arttnia.-2uics na.tewalh. h" s pt tmvrwuaa.d the Pain-Kitier.wlIchIo i thi. 7ot riat.ble tamill e..oue. enow ln se,.-Traa*sse. It han rosi mAri;ua a nsnofaromoolng pain. no mad'i»M bsha$ &qaîiýdr" .rpuiatn equi ta Frm Davis, t'aieý it,r -N,-trýr# News. yqlIevare 4ImitationsBeoel bgsn.Pai DAviii d n' wemywliev; large bti.2e V-1irgUe 'K . bo, e. of Redi For Couglis, Slice SColds, Bron- r throat, etc. flUM K ER RY, WATSON à COPo pava A rising fi-oui Torpor Puri& the bleci md impurm tISfeinil TIse -demand isbig- - liiIeeas'ta tesplg Brôckoôu.ncil. Met st Sundeniani ,n Ffb. 1 Mr. \Vetheral caritel îhrouî.': appointing toiwnship flicene H. \lualahe; trea-gunen. .. S. L assesr, Muses C'hambers - cý n'rb baîf, W<. Waiker .an4u0i Thômpaun ; medtcal officer, " Dernîott ;cu-)mi8sioteta-n(,r SAndrea- Lowes ; south bah!, i -canetaker of township pni per*" \Valshe. A lange de-putation crme cbuncil in favor o! refueing :i- wine license at the Blackvater r Messrs. Waddeil, Sonhey, Brat t'uilougb and John Runîdie adil Councîl on bebaîf o! the deput Mr. Wetheral carried througt lîmniting the. icenses to be grai township te Ivo, anîd nol i- any continuanee o! the beer a cense in question. Aftervarda atone, the reatuarartit eeper, the cou ucil andtiungeti a reconbt the 'natter, but was refuseti. '-)n motion o! Mr. Edward waa inatructedti 10notify Mari p that no furtiier grants wiul i Mr@. Mu-Do)nald, an indigent.u posa fulfiha ils agreement abnu Messrs. C. H-. Wthaonand T' the auditors for accounits o! If in theur report, which a-as thc' apecteti andi adopted. Accounts vere passeti as 1< mini5n Bhaîk Form Co.,$3 cipal Worid, $5; D. Rondit: $2.60 ; Jas. Bnaden, r&pairir dth son . $2 ; Wm. Vîîiphrey. Mediand famiiv, indigents. Long. cutting h.ruehm on conî Sa-mîzer, ermor in statute Isb- Sevenal maLtera vere laidi Use the Head Dairying requires con, anti intelligent thougt. years in wbich to builti up herti of cows anti to learn and care for them and t(, protiuct The man whoi fstily bret anti feeti a damr mmnd above tbe averags etindent, a keen, hnight ht anti yan ylnot inti this dissatiafieti with their bus the ciass of men who ar changing from o-ne branc -mnen wbo do not do mt and cannot tell ypu bow cava cearneti individuail3 ively-who have an inteni the Bahcock test anti for mes.. Thawing our Pl For thaa-ing out puri overicoketi and alloweti during coiti veather Au cultuniat adrises as folIo' three-uarter inch gas i 6 foot long, remnove t -pump, pnsh the pipe day lifting rod until it set df thon insert a futinel in t] pipe anti pour in boilingy pipe vDIf drap as the and vhen a hale bas bee hot water soon eits th( pemp is openeti. This in. from 10 te 20 minute 40 GEMS, 20 - D. gue'sLivrJ The Happy Cure8 That Afflicted Desire. the Thonsands of men in erery waik of life ait over lime world are ptaying a despersie rame with Dealli for ait opponeut. They are playing wibh an opponent wbo lias every admantage, and Lthe outcome of lime gante as certain as-Death. The man in any walk of life, vimo i. too hard-wom-ked, ton busy, te balte care of his health b»s only hixeself bui blame wheu lthe final lbreak-down contes. It ta easy te keep health a-hile one bias lb, but uphill wprk to a-lu it back a-heu it is loat. A man negiects a sligbt indigestion. Then hie appetite gets poor. Thai's a trifle sud he payesnatteution t» it. Then lie complains of headaches sud it je liard tu wonk or thiuk. Hiesieep becomes resilesta and he oniy gela rnubled splla of it. He Zets nervous and irriable. Everything goca wrong bobli at home and at business. He ersisba in psying n attention to his ~ealth. Then anme day lie breaks dowu. The doctor says etervona prostration or con- sutuption as bhe case may lac. He lias been playing a game witli death and bas been checkmated at the weakest point Dm. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery je au unfailing cure for all disordese of lime di- gestion. snd lime deadly maladies that folow ini iheir train. It ie the great blond-malter, fiesi-buildem, and nerve bnnic. It cures 98 per cent. of ail cases of consumption. ht is an unfailing remed y for nervous prostration sud exhaustion. Thousands of men bave testified to their recovery under its use, after aIl other rensedies bad failed. Al druggists sell it. Do not deai aitli a drug- gist who offers yon ý substitute for leie j not ouly dialioneat but sîillin% ta sacrifice your bealtia and possibiy vou life fer a fea- added pennies of profit A clear complexion. Any oue can have it wbo keepe lime blood pure. Dr. Pierce'a Pleasaut Pelleta cure constipation. On. is a ientla laxative, andt to a mfid cathar- tic- Druggintas si thein. Value of Good Roada. ht basbeau estiaiteti hy eapert authmir- ities 1tbati a uniforin systein of goot roas voulti atit 25 per cent ta the taxable value af rural properlîy tbroughout New York. The tendency toward thse &band anment of farmin not eonftn.d te Nov' EngLanti, but-aie infecta thie -great cOin monveahl, as aWellas lit* Jersey a&04 Pençtsyvania. It la moât le at-t -a turn the. it. thée ather way ise pros perity of the far« r list tise bütom'- the wbole natinal furi. heïs 'in would fe oqf« i a0dsiin rero- 0reegÃ"!r tes4/' va* to eu

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