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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 3

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in 'i Il! v i t T, .4. t',.. i tr '4 Use the Head. Dairying requires constant study nd intelligent tbought. It requît-os ean in which ta build up a prottable erd of cows and ta lent-n how to feed %nd care for thern and ta hand le the Draduct The man Who ean succesa- hai ully breed and feed a dairy cow hba a fo nind above the average. le je afo« student, a keen, hrigbt Ibusiniess uuMan, and you wiil net ind this cieas of men T dissatisfied with their business. It is lh' the class of mon Who are oonstantby sir changing f rom one branch ta another - mo1n Who do net do mnuch fi'guring en and cannot tell ypu how unuclu their a cows earned individually or coilect- Il ively-who have an intense hatred for w the Bahcock test and for aIl creaeuery VE men5.f Thawing our Pumps. For thawing out pumpe that are overloakod and allowed ta f reoze up F during cobd weather Amnerican Agri- culturist advises as follaws : Take a tbree-quarter inch gas or ethor pipe 6 foot long, rot-ove the top of the u pump, push the pipe down beside theà lifting rad until it sets on the ice, E thon insert a funnel in the end of thea pipe and peur in baiing water. Th pipe will drap as the ice is melted and when a bale bas been tbawed the1 bot water sean mette the ice, and thef pump is opened. This may bo doue3 in froin 10 to 20 minutes. 40 ()EMS, 20 CENTS. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pill Cure ail Troubles Arising frets Tarpor of the Liver. Easy and QulCk-95518b lok S MLu"-I paui>'tue blood sud ersiloau Iunpartis &Meut"0 Steu. The dern s big. The pill aore1 littie. easy t» tube, pbessat resuits, ne a n. 40 win avii ud, Ad 0 ent aut 1 druggests. Seld b>' J E WUllus Expealnumfth bxe Iime ith X rsys vo?. emade urpý twQ blie>d!boysý reentl>' la Lb. orbat.t InbofttMo qY , io wiaMnc o lia.O i i b hbPt ho.maeus ltipieâWdthe, hh dti' ght1 " 4 uo.i*Ée 44 oT04 WY1O etdo eOruan tu'h1 mi ep s uedss i__ Mangemntof Bwines and a To Waning. hani wuataken il with appenda "4 -s Cure We need offer no apology for devot- wbiie att.dynfg ent wesound eiorn to, o g Cur ing considerable space in this issue to raem Hospital for treatment. He WUe L~..E"J VL .LJLv th sbjctgf the iing Cnsder 8tfaercovreftenr agauo e aleandth cteehe ofenget hdomeeW orn hme ryarann' i en eethgendA ot oo bal erande- 'rA~~Equartee occ piedwhat arm anmal Iis 50w muohbebtter but stili eonfined to fierce rus-hrdaclote W)gets, year in and year out, abetter e turn for food consurneclthan swine 1Suddo eatCda roe.wbruise or eeesrin one We believe it is also true that no an- the Tremont House, complained of no# > t ufrnchpi rr tnone ehvUt ogi eln mal requires greater judgment andfeln eywifo eea asanonX -tiféiht ett-gadbrg PiS P R L Acare in feeding. With the growth of Friday last the dootor pronounoed bis m - tc o lse md wt winter dairying n*re fail litters are complaint diphtberia, and the patientP 'T 13 1en raîsed and muore winter feedingAN wae immediately quarantined in an CP66Q u ic c r "P PROM PT huingadti sjs h esoiwin NB C C E P empty bouse on George street, and two Ac ç n C L 1 A B L Edoe nthssjutheeao nurses were installed to look alter him. AND NEVLR FAILS. liogs are tound crippled up and other- NtU Ct1ES FOPR On Sat.nrday afternoon Mr Hendesoin Pain stops instantly, cuts heal quickly, nla knfom nthe as ___ ~Wise ailîng f roui injqudictous feeding. died, the cause ot bie deatb being heart IAil druggists seil Quickcure in White GlasPosa I T UtIA IASe',eral of our experienced readers are I L I f I falure. He was buried privately 8unday j Or write direct to 5.So.r$. VAW IrL outrîi utng on this subject; breeders mornng in Pickering. Immediately âZL J6Caof Berkshre, Yorkshires, Chester after Mr Hendersons remoal trom the THEK QUICKCURE OMPANY,Ly.QEeGC. ,V UVi-efeer n x eimntlWt Tretnont Hanse, Mr Pitte had hie room A As yurDrggstorDeie fr t eing represented, and others will fol- t terog uld be d and disinfetd, so NE-------CK-CUR lu orDugito ele o t I this conneet ion we would remind $i " t p the guesta of the bouse. f the r tht for ~3T~ 'S ARSAARILA. the proper authorities of thened or W Quite a clever theft of wheat wau pepr- Another Bmart Woman. nD Tb g. keepiug a sharp eye upori cotgiu petratd early Wednesday morning froui s uedîseAses. The Iowa lioneitead VIMr James Arodie's elevator at G T R My hnsband is poor but proud and be Idntiksaemaar'adth puts the bass in that one state for station, Markham. Mr John Monk doe8 Dot want me te work ; as I have soubret euaty 'eaawy nk choiera last vear at the enornious su ni bouses, who had charge of the elevator nothing te do I get restlese, and after ing 1slussm e ppia o'. Brock Cou.ncil.of $15,000,600. Other swine-raising Ding the Year I89M during Mr Brodie'. ilînes, came dowu te r.eading ini vour paper Mrs. Bnssell'aexe- "htof4a?"a6dth1ietcre states have heen devastat.ed in like For full particulasmeeavrieins rupyoIo (e hnaaotegtocoki perience selling self hesting flatirons 1 dian. Matlr ndthe auhrte ther are 'YE" BU, 08. i23 SCOTT ST.,rOMoerr the rnorning and was surprised to find a onclnded 1 woud yitI wrote oJ blet et Sunderbaud on Feb. l5th. rjane au au,,Orde rey""'of wheat sastered about on the n eo oi r i.I t . "h"aseedtesurte Ibt Mr. Wtherb carÎe~lthrouh a ylsasurnpv attheirwit.' endat te ap __'__F._qCanety & . Lo.,, MS*.ad the a msMwhopoteon semasyairs Tr ehrl are hruhah- aing of tei it'en tthe a treehly f9le e ow. Asother look re- tremted me en sioely tht1 felt very much TabrJmiGOl O3S ie appointing townshp officers: Clerk. m :ligIagnitude of te as ofcourties veaied the tracheofo a ose bers aleigh wflh encooraged. As sean as I got my sample Cs ieu tegorphclbud H. Walshe; treasurer, J. S. Brabazon; aipn out" before them. Let us Mr John Essery, Centralia, is visit- twO inch shoot. Thi.s et Mr Monk- irn1eatdotadsl rn h re assessor, Mo.4es Chambers; coector-tae ari. With infinite care in ,gfin '.... uW oute bouse cooitating and further examinatiofl firet day, clearing $12. 1 have sot eobdJm e-omam.Yocntctc Thonapson; medical offcer, Thos. M. breedirig for the past ten vears, Can- and children, Brandon. Man., have re- revelt tacdherthe mes laden odyss a 1ei.b1 nobda ims, aud00~eo u nbgieata.Snebe Andrew Lowes s'out.h halt, F. Doble'; abroad anu an înuustry bias utefl ue- relatives here ......f ,us Mr atiug Mr Monkhonse found a plug I have been working', but 1 arn afraid he te caretaker of township property, T. H veloped which must not bejleopardiz*id ily, Markham, is visiting here L hrough the floor of the elevater into a l emdwe el u> aeI Mngr-Vrtfgstfrta %Vlh.through b axity ither o the part A J Gay, Miss Ethel and Miss E a t adbok arranged te bang a doue right or sbonld 1 quit work and farmyr ioe A large deputation rame before the of Government, feeder or breeder.- Courtice visited Tyrone friends recent- bag underneath. On going in"de he lbave hirn te struggle alose ? Poet rlnEeyh1l u counicil in favor of refusing a beer and Farinera' Advocate. ly.. .. Mr Everett and Miss Mabel \Val diseavered about 20 bambouz of Wibd A xr-sWr. bi wîne lbossue at the Blaokwater restuat-ant. ter are enjoyîng a very pleasant visit Gooae Wheat missing. Tbe sleigh traoks Yen are doing jusL right, your hnsband Onemrteeerafeinead Mosan. Waddebl, Sonbey, Brabazon, Mc- with friends in Keene .. .. Mu O R Hall woro folowsd te a hanse Os Chut-ch t, abold bo prond of you, go rigbt aead exigeoe frnes eet uecn Cullougb and John Rundie addreased the is unwel .... Mu Blake Courtice is re- wbsre they evidently carne frein, to the mad show tb. world wbat as energotie fluit council on behaîf of the deputation, and covering froin recent injuries received elevator, and frets thoe eevator down the womun cau do. Thut self beating irn TeGdy ong hn-baue lumitng th liceses t be gantedin th in bin~ trown roma sieigh ... . Mr rond a short distance where they were mut-t b. a wonderfal seller, as we heur of _htpoer bu ther eniemr T Gale: contracter and builder. is also lait umong other traoks. Tebegr m0 nany thut are snoceeding seUling it. t>îgi evn doingang Teo Chroni toBbechrloe-Fin th rushg is toîwnship to two, and not providirig for do ... rbsns nlmbradsigeaer ett ootnd otber points teOry anyconinunceofthebee an wMr H Gay has taken tue contract apprebend the sgspeotodl parties. Hlad ceuse n quetion. fterwrds M.Blackof remodeling the farm buildings of Mr net iefehfalstO itao Visiters :Mns and Mis N Martinweeage fa e~-~ âtnthe restuararit keeper. came unt.< -i McMillan. base line ... Mr Fc L Van- tracks ci the eigb and the wbont the TeNwMsse-i er'sepi the couticii and urged a reconideration of f Nest bas remnoved to town. tliieves migbt have stoben soveral mors Port Port-y ; Misses L and A Hogarthb, enehfoanrnn the natmo tion o f u . w r e h otb o dis befors the whe t was m issed, and Solina ; M essrs R and E A shton, Hlay- T e Ab ned fd d D nc s G d Anmto fM.Ewad h lr h LVONA ne dlue would have been left us te the don; Mn J F Ilurlbut at Oshawa ; graluiYudst ruhu oga wa istute t ntfyarpoaconclMua. Thon. Paisley, of Chur-chill, wu guilty parties. -Econom et, Mns S Bray at Salinsaun Bowmnen- wadoyn thut no further grants wilb be made to od sr t -«----- ville ; Mir and Mns B Powell at Port "lu aeyn nvrieyn Mn. M"ýDiînald, an indigent. unles Mari-o d ssUC viaititig f riends bore luat week. Bat n lat oVi oe er.v psa f ulfils iu gremntabout her. Someof eut ct ngare sutnmoned to B&t fdHaIht arWmnPrY advleso s'lzbta'Te Mous. C. Hl. Wilson and Il S. Yerex. do hiavoc - r"- Pickering village on Friduy ta the Local Mr J Gallaghe'r and fauiily intend didthv nbtig nta g. the audit-ors for accounits of 1896. handed ,ç i ly, .J. Option trial. Miss Annie Paterson, of Saovkillo, N B, rnoving to Burketon shortly as e sebavegtsiegil nxo in their report, which wua thoroughly in-fl .L'Oe- The special meetings are still continued Once the Victim of Nervoumnosasd rented his farmts t Mr Ferguson. issei hoble. ipected and adopted. 0111 in the Uu:,on Churcb andl may be next e Ealy eii ars.n h Ba Last week the Dame of eue of the Accounts were passed as fol1ows Do- is week. o al er.dsml cmait h okpr minon ld$5 D.R unCe. ra46;îMni-'- oru Our young people held a party ut John Saine remedios are inothing more thaudsrbeaopniewetok atH. S O T dia o! -$ D unlgravelflL' Sthe y White's Tuesday oveninig. a temporar'! stimulant, and* the t-onctin at Enfield band concert was ouitted, $260; Jas. Braden, repairinR bridg n 'e.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reesor, cf Lacust e-ligrvagate the diee. Whore the it being that of Mise M Heatlie.P M M KR HTY Mthelnd. fa; m i g, suppliewete bers last Saturday. ystem bas become rus down, and ner A barge sbeigbbead of eut- people ut- juln amlidjgeuita, 17 MrHilwr e lsSaudy vous debility inslits worst forme bave tenned Columbus Sunduy evesing.(S«so eH2tm.o) Loing. cutting hrualh on con. 9, $5 ; C. - -ll the ofily Mm. R.uymer and ber. son Daniol, of ,bown thernelves. South Amoricar At th -ocýt ed yteS fE 8witzer, error in istatute labor $1 50. 1IlC ~ Markhau were in ont- midat Wednosday Net-vine wibl cure- It strikes ut the set hecnert hl yheS fE Several uattrs were laid over . ig tHmtnls usa i ,-n ____ ~~Thos. Bu anenw in Scott, having movin e i real cause of trouble. Miss field sens were weIltlerah ffcer(ctr>eu Mt.Nebey' VII1S, acuro a jb thre.&n-nîerp. ae- af Fiankv.~ille. N. B-, a hneo rckSeetbeuh e up Some of ont- fat-mers are teaming ap-ld slkonnthMaimeP- Test for Oanned GooUa manufactured su l uP Ou-. 1m$ pIeu te Toronto these dayî. Vinces, sufféed terribly trom indigestion - Fit-st clasm materlal used and ïworki',aft aud servoaus, and ber ecase semed Tî a eti f andfo s e d Wells dug or cleaacd-,eut-.'0ders _________________________ -~incurable. 8he areopted Soutbi Amer- est or net, smye an emiuient nnalyit, is te o BeT &ULV.~"~'"'"'j ian iNéete wtot hopedthatbut bas notice thbe eausbefore iL in opeed. Feb. 14,1895. Whltby snd Obhuva. Chr ronwo~crrspndntarile aisnistfT he D e & La rddffretare I ad Lakenrmdsonly ose botdte iedented shoeld noverabe htued.Of conne 'o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a wek g eSertln pauugwe yuee bgn* ueo ue ndea.aed oama> ont hounfit for use, ro ltersaor oveirlnt ore. h e ealth of eutlier yeana nd after tsking tnuit mn>' have been indeated b>' ucident, J. H. Bei and F. M. Obapman spent__________ a.udyon social sud business put-poses. la nva'uai>'s, if you ar " mm TEDOOR TO Gbas rLE ene hed t. hoolds eimsie toe a- ', Pn hey reportu baving found thbs cîty as d0w U it s afooêaswfla fi>'hfoee,«#gn-vmpl slUO s!C14 re> seeperbape a little more 50, , mbIk.Wb.na oa je halge4 Lb.econteuntemu ueo the Legielaturs met tI . &LEmIIOl le Th oehthe Kidneys-iO WUsbould net ho uasaille emditioi> T.4Ue ' OSà.& , I ThB.&Lurnlln P Snitar>'Sytm They Keep L.tt sh;Tta irbs soh-Lbaa No muinister uppeared on Susday te o- Wuii huie-d y= u pdifom e enral 10 htehe oyHms elb-nOe t in su eeompoitairabs sethe i npy ut- pulpit.. The choir wuau at and btoepred.h oyRmnRaýyIneeb ieaddcmosto mstiwih fait- congregate-oi assembled, but after The D. &L. EmuISlsg85r' om nbe.bd$ eaused gaiesto ho erted. Te' prayer service *smissed. What vas la the boit and moit pail p"" ono h kdeshaevi pprepriatel>' eseLbua forueod..bave fnred thetht 0 m in &.sis's Fron weWondr ?Cod Liver OflagreaC icg wtbeutlio li- ieeu desSo4lb th e Ùaumtu7 ry t.m o -.ý rang we vonder? etoeachs.___ The D. & LeEmuffl the huuma>b '.Litea eoael- o pi 1a4"oi~i.tn~o* Ont- longue ensertaunon pWd"f et-y wellAust wek, the chut-eh being E~ y ~ ~ o operuting-ad diise viii quiokly follew, Md frt masu meib area »W eatîa led. Two jolI>' lande frets Whitby asd tnd.teabeiehdidtci olnu insale attedod. Misses B. MoBries of ToO . mlin death vi o be te uiL-,Mr,>DJ Locke, caua f îtshaould il»t1e0ous. ýinaalo and May' Dava>' of Almend's ta a t-rvos flesh pruducera.nd WrM» i eof Sherbrooke, P Q, suffered for years keeper.. jonttibuted te thbe proramme vory ne- yoan. appethe-u. 0W compliietd kld.uey trouble.-Sed. eptabl>' witb their wel traiued voices. soc0. &$1 per' Bottie spent over #100 in effort& te seoure relief;, Be L sutn.reie cm ati le juo&6oete Dyspepsia aria igsion, Lynde Bt-os. eicelled with the violine. et B<VU j DAVIS & L, L.......-eicn ie ure. ie th , gestion, EW F. MoQua>' gave a reâdinq and Messrs. h enie MN"g6 ..... - ea inY Cr.Hattm I Ohapman and Gntbrie gave essaye aues e layfuréoties cint ienourmn ofcomînon diseases, bùt bardt- ' î 'Thinkors" sund "Silence" respective!>ly.edyhoi b nojfeto Mimess Orvis and Bt-ay'recited in their yra sue healtb. In the. mosîtu lbrulugcuewîhoriar emces TET AL r si$ asual style. Bey. Thoms, of Picker-ing M ohn Noble's team tookfigttcaeibsrieygvorlef yed edly o Mnly ,q--'- appeared in a livel>' speech. Mr. W. H. a snow mane while going down King st.. bouse." odb'JRWli.. , Gnthrie acted as chairman te bbc nccept hrd> sta long distance andr Nev niomd *iU suce of ail. The memberu are highly smnashed things up genezaýly>. Nobody Mnoney i Kake it toms.Lu tt tratified at the finunciai succeses, soe hurt. - - A pare-tyogpepewr W.i.oIkpaeShEt 08 NUPOt-! iSi 86 or 87 beiug received. peasantly entertaiued by Mr Samuel 1 bave aever Be snytbiaan tbeir i.ut..ont,? ""Y» tI .P55 Mr. Ames Orvis leaves neit week for Hooper and familly Thurs4ay - The pffle s&boutu Lb. Poople's eWW dMil o ~ s ft 4E5 5 Raine>' River,. eae otY absour ladies' adscalFa 1, twa e> cl ub Po Io' ecu te .iuvesiW- l4gsfI!er &a ffl ttm-o' ..i ,4f,.p$ ï- frieud and bis famil>' frets our corsers, successf ul in ever>' way. As usual Lb. 'Irn~ev" tttbi- but îeveiyboçdy ._reso. taSfu,, th7 yot~~~~~~~~ wowe ht aypoprs aeladies uobby did thei atina providiiig u. 1kfree.- Au -fCTeaurci ûamii M ais5ir'"5"~ in auigan.an>d serving refreshments. In ant-e l- bimaolWsd.hh etfa emlt ,hc .,î, u 'au John Puckrhos bus bos nder thbe ectual wav the best 'obtainable honte viii uo noscit oôVerliG. h le splenid WSK10 t" Ill15pte"r weatbpr for a week or so, butS vo ute giad and ferce> talent co.ntributed MIrs W uidi, ii pth. eeot vle a tu hartht o asgo uond ugain. It Keuner, Prince Albet ndRvM vlliiongertbon su'or,&ebe. Saà,L wen't do for tube fereman te be sick. ei, rthgaebip drs e bAi>poonuaidsmus e*' FI' r-- Mns. Richard Pokerin bas returnaed te latter on sSad ." Ua Sabbatli MrspeSdretosfeaIddb.uig -wm'j:x. toTraon t geCabyramt. L1auis e e.;, z--. Clises S gelberftanud te peaeKenuet - .reacbed carneet sermons., in 18 uQCnstapiepi'tougO5O-________ M.r ndM..E.olsahaebs-be eveuing fro nde6il 3, an -ved ii gmngvoldb. 1 Itêei viing ronda ixtheo rdyfrm boraprt fcY c dga ln tsed'etlbseee pm f c ee k tM. tandsMi B.t B.urnJber uSn uwibbcgo adés :e1 . ifr& pjo5 o48~ i1iur oîltgf t r ennrtties onedPauofday --- .Mastr on Hittest 4 Sautet-o 10. bD . ivnnug estcbrke thserm.ond -iolrlain-h>me460utuu thm buf Oowret's eeeplsek asche i > e h uemdn 10mb. Th ro tioeust s-n. reWs -tt ou* ce1M$ ve. pl:ntVle aanedea fe*ceeds' sud itr. ây, C#lc; MisDawso2a he, oo aï SaWSI 5dem #l ùwi>v the .Ms. sd Mis Ett Ms~ Bn#1 vi~t,>gwtb ~1'..- t of te Ydungrltv eneso*py .... M-ste.. ""'ù ' we - '; I Ia ~lmae pt"- v i re s .run in .n Ob -- tcrlis- 'Ilu, bySt ke* @SorL V eedwtt. MARKS, IS &c. o -) n may laijoil La .0 d ls; Lb RND lsey, sudI no a y e 1~ f T rl

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