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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 4

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t y less <ho memubers ciii ho catît-t ta strict mc count et tho ont offtho yoaî-. Once mon-e thse newcocunt>, acheme is be- fore thse people af Osilia. Strange te cay tht- Onillia papes-s quote aur cantemporary the Wbitby CHRONICLE as an anihonity ac to tht- tesires ai <hie country in the matier -tht- poorest possible enthanit> on whici <o foundt<hie case-Beavertan Expres Wohi, if thse Express je good utborlty let it fspeak ont, ant ce wdli hait aur peace. Be- las-e ce are sbut off entinel>,, hocever, ci shouit like ta make an observation or tva in tlie fln-ctplace. <be count>, afOntano ti verv slightiy coticernet as ta tht- outcame af tht- maties-, ont- aa>oramhe other. It caste c gi-oct teslt<o bring citneeses and constables iram <the north part of <hie caun <y on criminci cases. chile jurymen cnt cotinty councithors have coliected about Sfol a yesn in mileage. Ac ta tht- nuisance tht- present cysten s jeta mon in lIse nortb havjng business in tht- cont>, towin ce are *acanceiy able <o ion-m an etcimatt-, but any pet-son cho takes up a map sod noies tIse ian-geo ut-of tht--ce>,districts chicb bave to go ta Whitby cnt Barrie ta traneaci cant>, business ciii be eble ta kuowet lt-ast <bat ît lsa egi-est nuisance. On the Wie bu On-huia le centrai,wcalthy,, beauîtilyc uatet sd oitcevenient. Bt-ides it i l dcaa bistos-ic spot. One's jntgiment toila hlm <bat i< aboult bave bot-n a count>, tocu fram thse6i, asdit iis bo 50 tht-neverv day'm< dela>, means another dayc vwroug sud incon. venience. Tbose cho appose the forma- tion ofI<hinec counîy can only do so on tselfisIs gronnds. Short Notes. The distille-e cnt bnewers atre ttying ta make local option se expensîve <bat <ho atepapena wîhl discard it. Lis<, n" Dont bu>, a steve until yau y- Jeke cee Mcin<yre. yMn-e Hoganth cas at home ta a ian-go Mci-dle aif fiends an Frits>, uigh< at. r Mn- A %V Campbell, Provincial roat in- e'ntuc<am, dll deli ver an addtsess in Oshawa 1- an Mat-ch 30. Ail intet-estet shouit boas- b itn taik an .he suhject. Messrs j B Doc, Tbeo A McGiiiivray Jno But-ns, D McKay, Jno T Mathison ancâ others ai Scotias sons viii go to Sonya <a- *nigbt ta take part in thse Scotch concert <bore. Miss Ramsay, c tabentet elocutionic< ant singer, of Toronto, gi ves an enterisinnient b-t-e an Tuesday evening. Mat-ch 2nt. 25c- tadimission ;soaserve ihu xr chetrge. .ere iiu xr Wblîhy couticil Na. 57 R. T. aI T. hait n monr>, limue a: uder rooms ou Wetneaday evening aI hi. ceek. A cantest bat been going an several ceeka pas: as ta cbicb aite could givo the best programmes, <nter lecd et-s aud mefèee chosen for <ho purpose. The conteet vaa as bot as a hockey match, aot so close ett<ho finish as te b. almoat a tic The 'osing alto badtote urnisb <lie oyters. This tie>, dit on Wednestay evening. sot funnd nrolic, cnd c gocit programme, as ceIl as coffée.unit cakes ces-c Indulitei in <o <ho ieart's content ef a wvoli filet mcm. Ta-night, Fiday, a <On cent piablie enter- taifiment cîlI b. givon n 10 <bitraoms, net a tee ce mont lonet b>,mistake luit veefr, hall <ho pnoceeds <a b. given lu ait cf tht- ack cidrens baspitalin1 To'lbnto. a most van-lb>,objoct, and abouhit -usure a ful bouse. Any pet-son ctshîng <o give more mua>,do ce. Tic atiier hall la intentet or1e the circulation of tomperance licereture. Chair ta b. taken ai 8 o'ctock. Be on haod in gandtlime. A Miut Wintei-. Mmr. Thos. Hunt, cho bas been fifi>, years in Canada.sys ti is ltheicmiltest wdoter for tic hait century. Tic eniter of <lie Mon- treal lettons <o tic Nec Yos-k Sun mcenîl>, aseerlei th<at Canada bas eight mots ofl danter cnt leur oflsurnirier. Changes lu oar count-'s climate bave cibin rt-cent y-nt mare <bsn revorset bis figures. The urne appoas ta bc cornog ithin a foc years chou thec doter cf Ontario viii bc ver>, mutd, as oee ouit suppose It ougit Ie bc amang mc mati>,lakes. Institute Notes A lîterar>, prograin cas iven last Frits>,att ernoon aeth<le collegiete instîtute. imusteat off the usuel extension lotturc. Thse prograin vas most efficienil>, renderet, the felowing teking pat: Misses Atm Richarsosn, jean Galbr.aith. [ottie Wcstiske mut Winnie Meidram, Instrumnental a salas , Mr. A. H. Adams nd u Mr. J. H. Madili. vocal slas ; Missesa J eaie Rollidav, jeuffio De- i long mut Me-uans Pied Rogers ait W. F. Be'rel I eadings ; andt e chorus b>, the giee club. Mir.j Walter H Shaw' vas elettdclîiramnoff meet. tus- cuitpresilet mot stiafactorily. The na- tienal antbem closedthti pregrasa;5 Mr Cee, principal eft tie public uchool,c viii severt bisconnection wlth Fort MeLeodtt on April rat, mucb <o <e treî tof- <heoinos 9 muniîy, as ecl à a cÏefficient sad 'rt- c spected beëpdmaster, ansd fltwIU lbfidicutt te filhie place Hcgôesttêocupy amore r iumraivej.ction iii li-.-Calgary 'bigis .Paftb reë Press, Ms 0*. teiý< au ex pupil cftihe ourkfte igstliute, sud bis fel evatudents i*111 W p roid~tell*rof c bis succesa la the<Norths Wet, wewle bc lie vent a short <lmino g carv.-t D l et 4mucer <osçtiral wto g*a tapmgytiegy liê*ecobave &kk, ý--ýuy ---, ue.nanas o m t.saurer or coi ,ectrr or the auulitor rnay author-is, <ho vank ta '<e doue by morne porson to ho approveit b> the ieurenant Rovernar in counciL The auditor i- o bave (uli poer o aumons wituosces. Sermon te Young Peopwe On Suntay nigbt Rev. Thos. Manning, 1-A , preachedtot young people in the 'nethodiat tabernacle, from John 8:12: «'I amn <ho ligbt of the vorit, etc." The mnçt -<rions thing life ta ihat it contucta us to the jadgmnent. Yet if doctb endeit ail bile voult not ho Worth living. Ail intem-est in the future would cease. I< is the tact <bat -vo are ta live again <bat gives inte,-est <o lieé. [t i a mosi cet-loua îbing ta live What conditions conduco ta bappinesc in life? ant chat in <ho lfie ta corne? Thase Who believe <bat tie rosi pîcasurea of <hb ,vorlt are sutbcm cas ruid cootemn us aiter -bath bave an celuil ate to look lorcard ta. Lufe wcl prove ca day of glomy enit lonor ta t-hase Wie flot pleasure in making ibis hile consistent cii ti at to corne. Those things l-ie plainl>, set belote us in the acrîpînres. Our reaponaihility nover laguisies, ant aur day la short. Tiere as-o two classe of peo, pie, viz: Tho"o baving s definite put-pose ior life cnd oternit>,, andt<hase Wbo are 'nercly dril<lng &long. Tic latter live fot tbis corît atone, and trift on e a at-tous course lunîber loto life'a Oea. Tic doctrine of Christ cnt lis sai vatton la applicable te al classes. Those vie lolloc Hl ie fa istic ight of the venid ahah not culk in darnocs. He openodthe gates of Heaven te al mon. Somnetinses yout>g people live reckhesaly, neitier reckoning erthie pai, preceot. Dor latute. The>, somnetîmes speak igighly cf salvetion. If <o baye Iellowshlp Wth Christ realy_ jacant <c taire away pleuures cf thia file,'tien <be let-ther fItmGod the botter. 1 exiont you tu s fuît observance of the teachiniga of ChrIst. Pbilotope-s May, tell us tic great t-utbs cf bile, but thc cn>, <muths ebici dili gave as Item petishiag ln tic cnd are tiose recos-ded by <ho saints- maUhec, Mark. Luke, sait John. jeas Christ exhorta <ta ai te be religious, <o pray, and ta bave falti ins erving God,-and both Christiatiansoi fidel admit tuai <ne sncb Te <cher ever lved. Hfe is s maie guide in hite sot in death. 1< la ne ventas-e fer one to b. guideit by RitaHe lan<the liglefth le centd. One tees net knoc bow goodt'are Hiacaa wa mai11 bhm asbd capes-lotus off IL Wlf Wbitby iMark: the. iamon eaiJbice* Eau roi CcsmONîCLI: SiR.-While 1 ap- Preciete thorougbby your ksadly references ta mysehf lunsregard te tihe formiation cf ibe choral acciet>,, no amaîl part of tise credit cf s0 cacceaafly establiehîng <bis umusical<e-' tes-prise la dite <cthl ibe>,ai way tise CHieN. ICLE bias Co*tribuentof ilavaltsslsle spaSe It tie promotion ait coomSt.dation ibereof. Oue ef the part songs vbiçb t<he soclety Io studylog aster Mr. Hsrlon's zeirWIenced' disection la a grand sturrtu!Mg patsioic :crus, ', lCtOfl5.Our -neen," emp e b*y ïOC e cgreatest Britih u lang Writteu cîti apecial applkcaties <o tte 6tb <nntversarj>f er Mm -Graions Ualfles commec*Welt. toreig, thse slnalng or tls siendid san bas been: <o matt aconstant cause -«. spéculaticon wbat Wh.bm> ceald-du tg mart li sens.lthta-ysthes.tyJesr ofthe otlid Diisatoceublr. 'And tt, appl j of, het:<lefine surpus over cxpe uss, Full Line of Fresh Always AT GIBSON )se Groceries. a .- f r. be let w t èllLnfn.d4I< rmsdh h untna <.ào tfi 1110 tow inc eep iiaâut baid v"tes Mare sau be hvebeen at agalm zoo cord of atone on band and maire eacb local option. Itmay aem like a ver 4ot httIr0af '3'tIeie4bt-h<btan êeli can b. ups i bu Uaù Rely One frbeta t b %e on ch gp.uda. but lta*nr rlu fore bel n g Nele 0%1%f i~q~lo~fIesd I sJae (lie lfuture la whatt M ddo'itltb aIera who> a"ov o mu YeulfoeTe«. uPon the Purity of oixr Druge passlng la sucb numbers tbrough the couin- 1:1111Yoff Pedlera as oftfeu and as mueli ast pot and Chernicais ; tegrun ~c~d<4 4~~~i~taJtherpr.e si4e 5 P?~ko bWgoa aey n se of ou Mdcns W tien off lac commercial travelers or other 6o out to b. a ver>, lia@ place and tellil exerlier ever>, chance yen gel Kniîle"evr>mnan whi exriegreat care in obtain. pe gen bavnge vocation calllng them away daageo wilh you in b"tnesa and theb bes inlg the best and onIy the best from home can have j.rp "qn1I yteýmeho Llci tbus'naa Refuse to un good inthemar~t. r <ode ~sri~ecirun~taaes.E~Aho~anai interesta ef the people. Keep every cent yox Whitevsle, maires bis haome wlth bie lather gr-t and don't do enythlng cf a public natun Our Dispensing and Com- there whenever ho malles it enywhere. He unlesa you eaa makte comething out off 4< dir taesfraToronto firmn. Hic vote waa mel>,. Tell veur, merchant yon cant buy cheap. î<ounding is aiways accurate struck off because ha did not recite at borne or. amy Il in sucb l a va, at 1l wilill ave thoetnm and correct. cntnaly o Bamnth ba<efore ;lecio. pestitbà4 you <oae nio faith ilubhlm. ifg whicb be left there svhilbt be cent s'est du r- evertbing la oetrdone. andt predict e genere - ing the busay seeaon last summer to finitcr=hin the nemi future. Patronize eneaide FINESI NORWEGIAN work. He dit flot gel home a month before CspM erstohle exclusion off your ocu, and <bei the election, andt bis vole was cut off. The denounce them for cet being as large as cmzy COD LIfVER OZL .camne men who vote nt the municipal elec- papeMa.If Yeun are a met-chant don( edverdise lion are aiao eligible ta vote on local option, in YOUr home papers : buT a rubber stamp anc 50 ents Per Pii se want af residence for a fll month belote tise Ilf. 19 Meysate yen a few dîmes and make 5<> the voting dlafanchises tbe voter. A great the poper look 1k. a one herse ton-n. If von mrinv good peints of law coui! be learneit are a farmer curse the towu chere yen traite as from tudvlng the arguments in <hic scrutiny titis'meaeitPlace 0on oarth. s awat constitutes a municipal moer. A Whatby Bey Lesds the Way tersons assesseit as owners in order to what a Whitby boy est doing in Washington as J. E W L Lt0,uhoir abor ut whe:il oe ttheA esaie ofTan C:botcLk <aisClu O votitmg the sons cantiot take tbe oatb as whîcbh lieus the fouader. rueday'a Globe bas CHIEMIST & DRUGGIST, owners,co the law achocs <hem tatake the thtc te sey vith reference te the mre younz nath as fermnera' cons, or any oatb tbey cen Man'& aclivit>, ia another sand from a Canadian MEDICAL HALL, taire conacienti uaby. In the case of a tien point ef viee. very petniotin direction : "A meet- ant, G-eo Rodd, who rosdes on the tewn line ing off Canadiens vas held in Necw'York on ]BROOK S3T.,1 HIB .wost of bore, it cas ahocn tbat bic bouse la f'huraduY eVenlng off Imit veek for the purpose WIHTB . inWbitby township, but hall f flie fart-mh, ie f organliag a Cansian orglnazarlon for. social rente ia in Pickering township and hall in PurPomse. a it it4 h Ides off bringing together Wbitby township. On the score of non- Lanudiatis residiag la Neew'Yot-k.lrrespocie ar o residence be vas struck où. Poiities Or religion. Thse Meeting coouveaod at ________________the residence cf Mr. F. James Gibsonan old ro,.ontonlen. itb ehoni the ides firit originuteit. T ILD ij Q.U.n. Replies cet-o recotved fretn about 75 Canadiens. ncfuding sorie ladies, vio erte highly enthusi- (Toronto Telegrain.) a"tic OVe the ides of bringinag fellee &aa lnt _______ln holding e re-count oflthe ballots cmi in togfether. The ides 1 understandi f net te have ___ thle North Ontario elecùon Judge Dertnell 4 ortaisation vblcb vould rival la extont the f Whtbyloo theriss wich re uppsedformer Canadian Club, but ane te cbicb ail Ce WHITBY, FE .2919.of Wuhitby oe ter nisokeyshcanire upct i adians ef r«epctabillty could b. elizible for rzi~B. 6, 897 <ocusb b oever diagobteycan iCourct ofnlcebersbîP on tho paymient of a nominal foc _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _j u s uti ye y j d g I hH g C u t f > mc e m itte e w u % p p o in te c i te o f q u i re i l o t h e - ___ - ustie,-ode of condncting alier institutlons or a likg. ACCOUNTS An injuniction ia an edlct wbicli abould net nature in <ho clty, snd <be, cet-e asked te report 4 le hltly isuet or llghtly disobeyet. at 2 meeting. te e h boi neirt Priuta7. suer vhich The CHRONICLEC starts the yesr witb a rhere bave been times in tbe United States % ReveraI meeting Off Canadians cl be belit in goodly increase in ils lista, and sa far otr when the cry a that -injunctian don't saome hall in <bat city" renewals bave been sntisfsctory. This veek to 'Il is to ho bopedth<at Canada ia fot golng to soc sucb limes, but tie fac< <bat an Municipal Audits we send out renewal notices to as many as injuriction iesued in due form by anc of Her Hon Mr Hardy bas introduced an sot ofr great vie cou Id manage, and hope for a Prompt re. M.jety'c justices aof<lie Higb Court a( 'uterest and importance ehîch maires botter tut-n Il coats money ta write out ai! <hease Ontario cas disoboyed by anybo>dy is a arovision for the keeping and auditing off muni acouit, ndwewihai t udestndthlcirc umstance woicb cail for notice. - anisd scbool beard accounits. auu'ionzee the accunt, mt e csb il<o ndestnd h It1<wiî lo t do ta decite off liant that ineetevro te appoint an officer to be ouf. object is to secure immediate antd(tuli Judge Dartneli cas %%rang. But if tie 4nown as the Provincial municipal anditor, and femittances. Escli peuson cancr-rned wili itjunction was rigbîfulty diaobeyied il -ferpavern t at officer ta framne mes pleesed note <is, as we do net do business mnust have been wrongtrully tesueci. Il .ith the approvai of <ha ifuenunt governorn ta for aur health.s I 0 course unnecessary ta state tiat egulate the ferm i books of mceounts ta ha he use of the word wrongfully tc lont Ikept by treasureet-and thte syrstein of bookkeep- apply to <ho motive ai tbe judge wbo isaued. ng ta ho adopted. andt<ho minner in wbicb Connty Notea. <'e injuniction, but refera spe-cificlliy ta bis -chool boad Mareo hof epi, atms diîn ci. Jutge Dettneillwas rather dst-ing in cbotlebmuids e ionts beeadthaudti ha The conduct of the Reacb caunicil is in deciding <bat <ho injunctian ai <he high proane tse f bcockis ;for uste b> <ho vr s sait cont-ast with that at Brack in the- mat- court was cortbless, but if he wms iglit lie lasses a uîiaiteecpoîte.adce ter- ai grantiag taeorn licences. Last year's shoult hoe pplautet for tesisting an unjus approveticiptb litenanxct vrnin cstadouncil ifiable atsck an bis officiel treedom. Poc hoo bockstae letenahorrin ududii l{eacb caunicil limitet the issue ai t.avez-n suhly Jutge Dat-tnt-ll tisohoyet the injunc base municipalities Ylie audimr Maye aie, if It-ýenses ta twa, but ibis yean'a council look tion issued in the Nor-tb Ontario case an tbolitrected b>, the lieutenant -govornan in council bhe shameful retrograde sto arising the grount thet it was no injunictian et ailt.m-tpare books of accanut for <ho use off schmol numuber ta four. On tht- other band Brock t-is conduct, 1f1ilhe justifled, may t-aise the -bards- Tne auditcr me, et any time on bis council et its laSt meeting cut off ai but question in tbe public mind as ta whetber -nv motion, chou requesteit hy e memben af two licences, belîng as far us <ho law allows <he Higb Courts in Ontario are in the habit the municipal council. if directed b-y <ho tienten- hemta akeredctins.We do flot te- of issuing injunctions cbich go heondth<bit <ft-gavertior n ouncil. or if requined by requisu -ail e ingle instance in thse histot-y ai aur pcr n bc nofr ibmter inm rtn ludb bryrtyyr.mk county chen a counicil so fer disgraced il. overs andclicharti rèest als ini rtn sge ytit aeaes al self as ta taire sucb a course as <bat putsuedoerwt ariment bas given <hem noaq fll audit end inspection of <ho books and hy thse ut-sent counicil ai Reach . ang d,<,,. uthority. mons ia n te ha h nf. - . - -_ Al. Cbildren's lleavy Ail Wool ilose, 15 cents per pair. Ladies' 1. 9 "fi 20 cents per pair. G ents' id dé" , 4 1làcents per pair. Childre dé U2e0erat1 cents and-20 cents each. Ladies' BestQuaityWid WitljFlannelette, only 7 cents per yard. Ail Linen Checked Glass Towelling, at 5c. and 7c. per yard. Good lleavy F'actory Cotton, 84-mn. wide, only 5c. per yard. Good Heavy Bleacbed Cotton, 86-mn. wide, only 9c, and lOc.,per yard. Good Heavy Tweed Pants, ail sizes, $ 1.25 per pair. Chilren' Pluh Cas, afew eft.10 eoa AfiPh Men's Plush Caps, ail sizes, 25c. and 85c. each. M e n ' s J n l a u d r e d h i r t s t o c e a r ,0 0 .' a e o ,iSu Men's Cambric Shirts, to clear, 50 cents each. Chenille Table Spreads, g00d size, only 75 cts. eacb. Large Roll Cotton-batten, good quality, only 18 cts. each. Floor Oil-eloth, good quality, choice patterns, 25c. per square yard. Good assortment Ladies' Mantles and Gents' lJsters. Also Men's and Boys' Ready-made Suits at Lowest Prices. Our Tailo ring Department is under the management of a first-olass cutter, and our prioes for a good Suit, and fit guaranteed, is *10 and upwards. Give us a cal and we will convince you are prices are riglit. ANDREW China. M. ROSS. 10 SI[IS 10 81LIEV[ Cail On «.od WM. TILL cuit be canvincedth<at anuRiegat line ef LIPHOLSTERED 800D8 ie boing soid t aiawa>, dcv prices te kecp ln toucl i ci hoheHARD TIMRS. Antique Oak Leather Seat Cobler Rocker .. 225 Antique Oak Plueli Rocker 3 00 Gents large uphclsîered Eaay Chair 4,50 Pariar Sets, Oak, Pluali & Tapeatry 18 oa Sideboais, Plate Mirrior . .6 eo Bedroom Seita, 5 pieces - . - 0o0 Dining Table, 4 beaves 00Q Chidron's Rockers - - 50 Ail other goôda ps-o- portionally cheap! Everytbing sultable, useful and ornanental. Replrig, Upbolates- ing snd Undertmking. WM. TILL9 WHITBY. Her /8a Good Thing'. Variety the Largesi! Quality Ike Choicei! rPré ces t»< Lowest. are the three pointe, whieh Iead Wonder. tsusssmsmsssssmusssumssssass IIAY~W~ARD'S The- Great UNRESERVED, GIVING UP BUSINESS . SALE Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc., Going On. 1 BARGAI NSI Electr- i-BAR( 0 + 1>1 ~ WTare 3AoINS F apn , Fo an T-ie J.S.Barllar~ Offil C@uaty O gsm.-Largess C U«e of aMW loc a«leta Cama LOCAL LACONIOS - j ust recei ved, 30 cases netw sprî ng a: W G Waltons'.- Mis. Mitchell le <ho gues< of bet- b jas 1 Davitson, Asliburn. Mite Eva Jones, Miount Zion, is týre o( ber cousin, Miss Ber-tha jon,-s. Wbitby R. T. pi T. ten cent et-t ment in <hein rems nc<-nigbt Fnidayr Ms- and- Mrs Fret Warren af Tý Jurictiolt, vere thse guesis ai Mr's Bui thia ceek. Miss Alexandrins Ramsay appt-at- costume recitl at tbe music hall, Tt eveoing, Mat-ch 2Tit, 1897. Miss Etîth Grass, aften vi-iting &ý mon<bs vith relatives in Guelph, n-ct home an Montcy evenîng. Miss L Bloc cnt Mrs Geo Ham w Bacmanviiîe last week attentinig the- f o! <ho infant child af Mr nn n-s Sout In Toronto lest weekt-<he Donr Giange ai Picken-inz was rt-pt-tsenti Messrs E Pbîlp, R R Mowbt-ay, R R ant W Oak. Mn and Mns W Anterson, Miss Rît- Mi- and Mme Jno Cooper 'en-e et En fit-i cock atending the ceditingof Mmcs E (_ bell ai Enfieldt<o Mn-. Gea Mlîson of L Mr. W. G. Wahtems bas bat cat-oen'ter pape-r bargemc in bisclst-eai! sek pt in nec shelving- and modennizi-ng on g principles. Hie shap wcul nov pt-t-si nobby appearance. An eotbuaiastic meeting ai <ho teacht St. John's Suota>, school s'as ht-lt a i-t-ident-e ai tie cuPerintentent, Mr Oving <tIste recent change in the tir the Sunday sichool service, from mar ni afternoon, important changes cet-e tisci and mate. Upon. thic resignation (, present librerian Mr A Hacten s'a pointedto ta at 'office ant Mm W Ar secs-e<any. At the close of <he eveni social boum cas spcn: with the- genial b( Blzth At Whi<by on Tuesday Feb, z23mt elfe ai A. Treebeil ai a son. -ScotliSoS Misa Ramsay, cie gives the elocuti< recital an Tuceda>, evening nexr, isi far-larnet scotch -singer. Secte roser v Wiilie', Plan opensth<is, Fnita>,, moi at se, o'clock. 25 cents te auy :'eat i bouse. .At thse WIliaw. Bull Those Iront Whitby cie attenter! Williamns baIl, ln Oshava Frida>, night vt as<hh eat of tho choIe soies, sot vas thc eîitb<hof <bote affairs. Ti Wl part>, cemprisei Ms- A H and ?Miss Ablin, Mr F Howard sait Miss Meut Ar Ms- W F Billings, Mt A H Christian n Tliec King. ,- - For i s.' i ickm-takng Note-'thle - F~Iwn ow Priées: Fancy A Large Stbock of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, 1 Whitby Towm Locale OF ENTIRE STOCK OF For m'O R s'O Beliable. The - Great Wonder,

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