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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 5

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Electro + Plat Ware. 4B AR GAINS Spoons, For and Knives, -T- bed 1 N ks JS. Barnard', Ome"l outy Orm.-Larguuscire Lion et" a m cepapur la cana"a FRIDÂY, FEB. 26, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. Is1 just received, 30 cases new apring goodi at w G Waters'. Mis Mitchell in the guettOf ber brother la, 1 Davidson, Ashburn. Miss Eva Jones, Motnt Zjan, is the guesi of be-r cousini, Miss Bertha jones. Wbitby R. T. of T. ten cent entertain. tuent in their rooms tn-night Fridsy. Mr aind Mrs Fred Warren of Toronto .ulicioi, were the gues-ts of Mrs Burnbani tt,i8 week. àMiss Alexandrins Ramsay appears in fier cusfume recital aî the music hall, Tuesday tvening, March 2nd. 1897. Mss Edîîb Gros.%, after vi'iiting for îwo monilhs wîîh relatives in Guelph, returned htme ou Monday evening. Miss L Blow and Mrs Geo Ham were in litemanvilie last weelk stîending the funeral of the infant cbild of Mr snd idrs Souîch. In Toronto laist week the Dominion <-'ange of Pickeriniz was represented by Me-,srs E Philp, R R Mowbray, R Rogers and W Oak. Mr and idrs W Anderson, Miss Rice and Mr and Mr& Jno Caoper wert St Enhield asat week atteudîng tht weddingo( Miss E Cimp- btll of Enfieid lu Mr. Gea Milîson of Lolina. Mr. WV.G. Walters bas had carpenters and paper hatgers in hi-, store ai! week putting ;n new shelving sand moderuixfrîg on general lîrinuiples. Hîs ahop wiIl naw present a nobby appearance. An enthusiastic meeting of the teachers of St John's Sunday school suis held at the rt-sidence of the suîîerintendenî, Mr Blow. Own otercn change in the limne of thte Sunday i4chool service, (romn morinlg to afternoon, important changes were discussed anld made. Upon the resî gnatnon of the present librarian Mi A Howden WasSSp pointed to that office and Mr W Arnold, %,retàlry. At the close of the evening s >i'ijcîal hour was speuit with the genial host. B urih At Whitby on Tutsday Feb, 23rd. ti s-île or A. Treebell ai a sotn. Scotch Sont$ he Miss Ramsays-ho gives the elocutianary eciial an Tuesd.îY evening nexr,, s also a fLit- f-med scotch siniger. Sests reseîved aI \Vllis,. Plan opens Ibis, Friday, mornîrîg a%( 10 o'clock. 25 cents toataîy 7eat in tht bouse. At tht William'$sBail. Tisat rom Whiîbv s-hoatatended the Williamaq hall, in Osis-sa Friday uight, say it wais tht litioftht s-hale stries, sud this sas tht eigbhti. ofîbese allait-s. Tht Wbitby pnriy comprised Mi A H sud Miss Lucy Aluin, Mi F Howard sud Miss Ma'sd Aunes. Mr W F Billinga, Mr A H Chiristian sud Mr Thea King. Congregatson Tea There wtt-e as manY ai the methodisi con- gregation tes on Tuesday night ais couic find coînfortable aeatiug in tht lecture romn Tht ladies bad made abundant preparatiox for s sumptuaus tes, or rather coffée, andu for tva hauri; exerted themstîves ta place ii 1 empting utru before the compsuiv, and< ? ' e it disposed of. Then camne a bt-e f hui apiai programme. Misa Haîch sang îwc umbers lu s fult, meiodious sud s-tII cul- tured voice. Miss Smith, Oshawa, toak tu-c isumbers on tht violIin. aud displayed a touch sud skitl quite ssrprising Misses Housser sud Stevenson, of Ont. Ladies' Col- lege, gave recitalions in fine style. Tht chair filled in tht gapa wiîh saine veil sel- ectd pieces, aud wheu Rev Mr Manniitg as chairman called for tht iugiug ai 'God Save tht Quen!" ail bad coîîciuded that tht tes hsd been a Rrand success. Mort About Sunsunr Trips. EDITOR CiasaNueLs: SiR,-Having rrad iu your valuabte paper the remnat-ka<if " Ou- baoker, -,1 would lîke to repty. The gulI- able fat-mers, ais Mr Orilooker chose ta usine thein, taire their produce, wiith t exci-piion W grstiu, ta your bawn for %ait. snd ask the met-chant if he s-sots ta buy. Hisassser ila"Yea. I1s-îlI Rive vout rade." "Caunoî yau psy cash? 1 als-sys pavyoyu cash for your gonds." "Oh no, s-e neyer psy cash. We eau gel aIl s-e s-soino irade." 1 thiuk tht fat-mer s-ha selîs bis produce that way is not only gullabte but a fit-st clasa (ual. Ht can Send bis produce to tht city sud get bis nionty. aud igo s-hert belikea ta bîîy bis gonds. Itemtmbî-r goiug ta a store ta buy .a suit ai ciothes. I had baugrht of tht saine me-chant for vears, 1 said " Votaart dear, are you ual ?'" He replied "VYen, v o lame so mucb vith bod dehîs, vo have t e soî1 hlgher than s-e others-ise vauld." JI aad. 1 als-mys pay voit cash.1" He ansvertd, "1 #now, but s-e have ta put so much cn_ o1ir. *ode ta caver lasses."1I1made up m wý Min% %vwauld nai huy from a mativhere 1 had te Iaeîep psy other peoplq'eidebte. ltatil my pràdî'ce for cash, sud' par ibb Wb" bnuy.As long es thte redtbsselt, l'sço tinued van vili Sud peoplegong wbeto"u ceao sel for cash; for t? ugii.11 the1,q nr are guilahie they are Iretting ilred cf -«l- jack knives. You vill'have te dea m i cash. Thn.yt JI be n0 much Tm onatceN that iiitctml Toroto bad MM Î. bought *»W *ad b~ thougýbtI he tJnn>â« -44, Misn Batidel apent the past week Witt relatives ln Toronto. 'during the.ta 1 Û. 1 Mr James Mitchell, Winnipeg, of the big grain eitvator company. a son of Mis Thouipson, Du»îd&*s sreet,, is h~ome for a shbrî tuse, 1 .1 Tht proceedà-of tht R. T. of T. go to the childrtns hoapital in Toronto and for the distribution of Tenipei-anpq. literature. î% sure to go;- ade.labu zro nts. -r Ote Tht College closing or conversaxione this Frida"y evenlng wlll far- surpass any of the formner efforts of the faculty. Be sure and avail yourself of your invitation ta attend and enjoy the treat of thet atisn. We extend aur sympaîby ta Mr. and Mrs. Tuas Harris in the untimely death af their beloved daugbter Florence, who was borne ta tht grave on Tuesday asat followed by s large number of sorrawing frienda. We note from the Belleville Intelligencer that Rev Dr Cade bas been unanimousîy asked by the board of tht Belleville metho. dist chut-ch to temaiin another year at an in creased salary. Dr Cade is the moat popular pastor that cburcb bas ever had, and we cangratulate him upon the fact that bis lots continue ta be cas( in pleasant places. Improvemnents stili continua ta ha in- t roduccd upon the G. T. R. systemn. The laîest order issued by tht general mnanagei dispense with tht verbal anid hand signais hitherto used by conductora in starting trains. In future tht enginter's cab of each train will be furnisbed -witb a whistie con- nected by s pipe witb each passenger car af the train. Instesd of calling "Ail aboard' and making tht hand signal ta the driver, the canductor can blow tht whistle wlt haut leavlng the cars, and fi will then be a signal ta passengers and tht engineer that the train s about ta St.art. ni ci Bt kr ni en Ar Hockey Notes. Oshawa defta&ad Bowmanvllle on Monday migbt by 6 ta o. H-fubert Chisbolm, an aid Wbitby boy, is lIaying an tht foru-ard fine af the Winghamu -tub. W-b i-i--Oh, wtll, ssy nothing about it. 3Ut ils every muan for his awn country, you 00ow. Whitby runs a special car to Cobourg ta ight. far ii (are. Go, snd have a nigbt's flioyinent. Wtîitby cannat be beaten at home, sucer- ngly says tht Oshawa Reformner. Just so nd it dots ual require a spiflicated referet oenaure Ibis. Ont Friday night Claremnont beat Stoufi- Appeal in Queea s- Brou- ville 8 ta 2, Brookiin 'bit Bowmanvîlîe 8 to 3 Judge Datlt sat at Part Periy on Fri- and Part Perry juniors gai away witb Osý: day asat on anoîher appeau tram a conv-cî,on ;awa juniors by 9 to o. shere ai hotelikeeper was iîied for seilîng Lets abake banda with Oshawa Over tht liquor loas drunk main. It is tht case of the chasm, sud have s homne and homne ae ain Mc Donald wbo tbree monîbs ago hacd s 'aeonfl (w drirkks at Brown's botel, Seagrave, and triendiy terms. Two lowns sýo closely con- wasbarîly afterwards (ound dead. Wit- necîed cannot afford ta quarrel over notbing. w-15 sor bt -onl assbe i The Paît Hope Guide says Whitby, is trying one o'clock on that dav, but (rom bhis ac- ta break up tht Midland hockey association lions one four s(îer they declared hlmi n order to avoid an avalanche of defeats drunk. Il was proved tbat no liquor was awsy (ram hom -. The Part Hope club had gîven the man arier ont p.m., and therefore better takre a little of this latter itstîf. there was no affence againsi tht sct. Il Whoever wroîe up the Oshawa-Whitbý, may bt added, bowever, that on hearing be- match for tht Os;hawa R"-fornmer shouid laire fore tht judge somne of tht witnesses, who out a copyright for hua vocabulary of bard had swarn before tht magistrale that they names. Ruffin. tough. etc, are onlv mild considered McDonald drunk, modified their iexpressions whtn aippiitd by him ta Wbitby testimny on learning that he sas pst-ti-, people. deaf. Ind habit ually spake quite ioud. Whitby bas not yeî succeeded (or sure in Humphrey taras np s&gain winuing the Midlaind shinny league, but if Chairles Humphrey, a yaung fellaw wbo reportq be true our '<hitby men have wonu ast (aIl forged (armera n2 mes ta orders on tht ClAremouit -Stou R vie-U xubridge com- stores ai Pickering, and whoa aftrw r'ds oh- bination. Ont bas very uitile idea what îained gooda in Whiiby and Oshaiwa on ail 1lakes place betwixt eve sud daylighî these sorts of lies, pretences. sud (argentes, has tdays. been locared at O:terville, near Woodstock. We vould stiggest that the bad feeling he snd on Monday High Constable Caiverley, tween W~htby aind Oshaiwa clubs be dis- wc-nt there ta art-est him. Wben be arrived 1pelled by s homte and home Rame, wtth there he fournd Htimphirey in j dl an charges neutral referet and umnpires, if necessar.) af baving stolen everyîhing araund there. 1Unsalisfactory games have been played Ht hais a brother in tht gaine with him there, both aI Whiuby and Oshawa between thesr and they bave been doipg up tvtrybody. clubs, and the best way ta selîle a dispute is Constable Calverley s-tnt ta tht jail ta iden- ta have it ouI 51 once. Surely thtre aire tify Humphrey, tht latier asked what lies enough sporîîng men in these îwa clubs ta people wtt-e telling about him at Whitby. bandIt a i Iltie malter aflibis âortt. H-e appears ta bhave an unlimittd amount ai Postone-îh nîetiu< o exeutieoa nerve. After bis trial there he wili be othMilned-hcey meaettof sas ta ve brougbt ber-e and put through a course of tae indaceey at aîurdta did ntu came aprouts. Tht suit af ciotbî-s ssindîed (rom take plce ereLas Saurdy dd nt CrneSimnionda, the tailor. Oshawa., vas secured oit, it having been postponed by President by Constable Calverîey and brought back Heudersan tîli next Friday eveoing. We here.' s-ou Id like b koow whaî il ail meaus as ti-e ret frAdcin several disputes in tht league should b rete o bdcin seltled aI once. Woîîîd tht president liket o About tu-tîve vears aga Mr and Mrs James set tht league - bust up ", ta save Wbitby Anderson, near Glen Major. had a daughter fram tht ci clone of defeats which are iin hart ta theen, but being of unsettled life îhey store for them s-hen they go abroad.-Port lflade a present of it ta Mr. sud Mis. A Day, Hope Guide Fetb. 221id,1897. Tht president af that neighborhaod. Anderson is a horst s-as calted up bv Port Hope on Thursday trainer in and around Toruntoansd Mis. i7lh and asked to postpane meeting as the Anderson sometimes gats mbt service s-heu serretaly could not bt preseul an tht 2cth. îhey are bard up. Tht child gres- up witb It was suggi-sted by Port Hope to postpont tht Days and thes- became as mnch atached to Tuesdav 22nd but as Whiîby bad ta ga ta ta it as if il wera their owu. Somne manîba Cobourg an Friday tht president naîuraîîy ago tht girl disappeared, snd it vas sus- suggested tht latter dat at Cobourg when pected that a Mms Silver, near Glen Major, tht whole execulive might vitntas a game had entictd lier away. After patiently as éveIl as attend a meeting. So much for waiting lot- mautha ta learo aomnething about tht above.-ED. CH. Mrs Silver's whereaush,î,, i.1i tob. lu needed a very plessanî game ta iully recancile aur people ta hockey aller tht fizzle with Oshaw-a, sud such au exhibition took place ai Bat-uts' riuk on Saturday afiernoon asat. Tht ladies had a free admit, but, sîrsuge ta gay, nat quite as many or(them at- tended as usual. ThteFk-spect Parka came upon tht Ice Ai 3.20, and the game started at 3 4,5. Fromn tht cross-off it becamne apparent that thetraes were weili natched as ta akill, and wheu tht visitera shortly took tva goals uinte themselves mauy Wbltby people frit cônstraiued ta say that aur boys had at last found their match. Soan. hawever, Whitby penetrated the Prospect goal thrice, and tht people frellgo weil ibai rîqany a lung vas s-cil nîgb buat. By balf urne tht score stood 4 te 3 lu laver ai Whitby, sud atill saine doubts remnained vitb the dubiaus ones as ta tht probable outeome. Son alter bal1 ime a change came o'er tht spirit of tht gamne sud hiturued out that Whiîbyi vas able ta bang ui with gîet speed untit tht end, whereas the Park feilows 9could net keep up their pace. But tht play weuî onq furiausly, and occaslonally vas smitsbat1 rough, thaugh neot ilusaturad. At tht close1 tht score book gave Whithy tht gaine by 9j goals ta 6. Tht visiiors proved ireinselves1 strang and gentlemanly opponients, andc siaîed befure they veut avay that no inter-s mediate tearn wauld stand mach chance of1 de(eatiug Whitby. -I IWeduesday's Globe auuounced thtat a Ipicked teain vould visit Whitbv tisat i ugi, ta play tht match 'arranged betwton the IVictorias aud tht home club. Tbis vas good uts-s here, for Whîby leais neSfber club nor combination, sud the enthusasats teain. Tht visitons shoved up weJilou the ice, sud looked. as if the plckhsg bad- béot s-tii doue, When tbty f5ev srod liithe preliminary practice thty gave etili groaeter promise, as comparcd vîit the ffaY shufilug- artour boyfb lu thelr fumerack -1and pwhitet. The graie opeued vtry fasM, each' t"m bouud to have advaitsge. -For ej mlintes the puck vAs Ef.g lit.1*9utro@stooake .19 ballet. Witby-totc* S. fUê.4 It .4 e4 tb<Onssevéd tu. Sevarn'» aid betUe çy ilsisnîouis. butt soft - Uluç-tn7ln '*'5q** Stbl Calverley vas sent ta Brampton on Friday last, arresttd ber sud broughî -ber here ta jaiL She staied ta bim that she did got take avay the girl, but merely that uhe told ber she could go ta ber parents if tht so desired. aud that ahe (MIrs Silver) would go vlth her. 0 0 0 Mrs. Si]lvers case came up before Police Msgistrat Harper on Tisursday main. ing, sud sufficieni evidence taken to commit ber for trial for abduction. Quet a sMr@Bflerby Mis Ellerby, af Myrtlt. vho bas been iu jail here sinco uev vears ou a charge aof lunacy, bas been ordeîed to ha released b, Hîs Houai judge Dartnell. Tht folloving is the judgmeuî handed out by Hlm Houai : Mms Ellerby vas committed ta tht gaol nt Whitby, as an aiitged lunatic, on the a9th of December st. She bas been examiued by Dr Warren, the gaol susrgeou. sud Dr Gutin, wbo both report their heilef thai she la flot. insaue' altisough sht bad at a former perfiod hotu coýnfiued for fourteen months iu tht Provincial asyluns, Toronto. lu- cousequence ai pntrperai isanity. 1 havt had several Interviews with ber myseli sud have under tht act caustd further enquirles ta ho made sud witnesses examidtd before me. 1I Sud that tht voman la of an-exceuuivcly Irritable disposition and in fits, cf passion uses Ian. oeuage sud exhIbits canduct very uufittiug. 1 aima Sud thar ber htusband 19 uM muets bet- ter. 'I have bouud over the busbaiîd-sud vite ta keep the pesta tevards oet cher sud 1 agret witb thetwo eettlfvlug physié. lana ibat sho I.fl ot fusat. I-, edigi diroot ber discbrge,'the daughier, wh ap. -poars .te have hotu the canaé.-or P, I tbwë cause of afrtutùate ýdisaromout int . . .- .. 'rie- Winter Sale làCouiiu avents. OWflO4s4(Knday. Choral Society every Wednesday evening. Conservative association here Saturdsy aftrnoon. Miss Ramsay's elocation and Scotch re- citai next Tuesday. The Paiaa Fund turned thirty-five thusand dollars (83sooo). An average o($î.700 a day for twenty days, the largest food fund ini the history of Can- ada. The churches and schools by the lhundred are contributing to ti St.ar Fund. Dropped 40 aett On Friday last Mr. Sid. Coxworth, of the Alex. Tharnpçoi farm, hsd a narrow escape from death. He was taking down tht wind- mnili recentlv erected there, wbîch has been scid ta air. J. D. i-owden, and feil 23 feet onto the roof ofthe barn from which ht rail- ed off and (cll ?o feet ta the graund. Strange ta say he did not break a bone. Ht was waiking araund tawn yesterday. Oh for Msnitoba and Gold Plaida B. C. March 2nd, and every Tuiecday during March and April, (sufficient business fier- ing.) a speciai colonist train for Canadian Northwest vin North Bay and C P R, wili eave TorontoaiS 9 p. in Colonists with or- dinary baggage can aiso leave Toronto daily (except Surnday) ai î2zo (noon.) Colonist sleeping cars en esch train free to ticket holders. For through tickets reading from Myrtle, Brooklin, Whitbv, Pickering or To- ronto and every information apply ta E. Stephenson, telegraph, express, general rsilway and oceau ticket office (oppoaile H-atch Bras) Whitby. is Montha, and 3o@ Lains John Stewart, the ruffian who on Tuesday week coaxed the Blanchard child behind a business block and sought to assault ber, was brought berore Police Magistrate Harper on Satu rday for trial. Stewart admitîed tht crime, but pleaded that he was drunk and dild not know what he was dning. County Attorney Farewell had looktd him up in the meantime, aud fniund tbat he had been in tht entral prison twice, baving been sent (rom here once be( re for robbery at Ux- bridge, and once from Bellevilie. The mag. istrale appeared ta be unmavtd by Stew- st-t'a appeis (or leniencv, and sentenced hini ta î1 months in the central prison with ,o tashes added, fifteen ai thteud ofthree mnontha, and fi(teen at tht expiration of a 100 Ladies' Cloth Jacket., blache aud colora, will be cloued out (for your choice) at tb. abmurd price of $2.00. AU our MILLINERy vil be cleared out st cost and uxider. Bee our $3.00 ]Rats for $1.75. 8eOur $2.00 Rata for $1.00. We itemime belowonly a few special bargainsa Ail our Ladies' UNDERCLOTHING1 tbe veîy bust gooda st very loweat prices. e aur Ladies' Veut. at 25c., worth 50a. Dreu Gooda, Remnanta in Dreu Gooda, Flannela, Prints, Sateeu, Linens, etc., ait Lo b. oleared out st very cloue ptces W. have the best and cheapeut Dresu Good. in tcwn. ', y ou vaut a nice PLAID BLOUSE Plada at 25o and 50c. Faucy Blouse Em STE fWARUT5 wu Go 30 OF WA L Nov in the Cime to get a SUIT or aM OVERCOAT tmade ta order. (MWr prices sud style. are right. Be sure te eall and see our goods. No one cau ho. aurprie. Qenta TIES, SOCKS, SHIRTS, UNI DEROLOTHING, etc, at rigbt priee. AUl gooda marked at Lowest CAHI S. 7~HITBY~ TERSe CASES NEW GOODS :RRI 'EID TuS 4WEEKID Watch for announcement next week wo G. s. WALTER flie Prudent Housewife ww wil ere her NOew Yoers callers with a Pure Java and Mocha Coffee,- Hllads -of Fmle &tudy ::Eoonomy wili find l.,tetothéoe- and thua obtain the maximum qnslity at muiimUu oOt. .38 OTS. PEIRi..B. [e Ç. *nuai cm«ade Il il Fre8h gro Reliable goode at positive Bargains have been the attractive features of this annifal success whicb we bave attained ini the past is directly due to our VERY LOW PRICES. 1- 1 1 r 1- d 1. in d it d It 0 a e 1 . 1 J9 wil, putifuW 51tu nst argain chances of the entire Bea8on. 1 1 Go 1 Se. 1 . Salé event and the This great "

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