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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 8

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OSHAWA9 FEBI 26, 197 OSHAWA PAGE Farmers wil do weii to cail at M. E. Mayas for boys' ready made ciothing. OSHAWA. Signs ofsprings-the schooi boys say that Little ta getîng in a large supply of fishing roda. lunes, sitnkers, etc. Miss Ruth Batemnan, Newcastle, is visiting relatives in town. Miss Maggie Desmnond, has returned from lier Pickeriiig vsat. Mr j Muiioy, Toronto, renewed old ac- quaintance last week. Miss Murphy, of Buffalo. is visiting her bsier, Mrs Sianton. Miss Bessie Mrtrks, Toronto, visited with her parents on FridaV. Miss Barclay, of Toronto, ks the guest of lier surit, Mrs. LauglIlin. Miss McCarthy, of Newcastle, visited with friends here this week. Mr and Mrs Martin, of Toronto, visited wîîh Mrs Chester over Sunday. Next WVednesday is Ash Wednesday. Lent ta later ibis year thait usual- Miss L McBrien, Butialo, is visliting ber parents, Mr and Mrs (Dr) McBrien. There is some talk of the menribers of the Masonic lodge holding a balk in the near futtu re. R A j Little ba-t given a large order for ladies' helîs, buckies, beli pins, side combs, darts, hair cunbs, cuti links. etc. Messrs. Christian, Gross, Bllings, and Allait, of WIîitby, attended the piano works' bail Frîday nighit. Messrs F and M Armstronig, Fox, Doux, anid j Simponi, Toronto, vtsited witl, their frien<is here Friday and atîeîîded the bail ai ai g hi. Mr t) O'Connior and sisier, Mliss Kate, re- turned tb .therr home ini IHamilton NMonday afternoon, alter a pleasarit viàit with thtir brother, Mr j O'Connor. R. A. J. Little bas just receaved a nicely mssorted stock of the latest fashions in ladies' hatr pins, comnbs. dants, nets, fine and coarst combs, îocket comba, etc. Marred.-At the Convent bere on Mon- day, Feb. 23rd, by Rev, M J. Jeficott, Mr Sebastin Conliri, of East Whitby, to Miss Mamie Carey, of Oshawa.-At the manse iere on Feh. 23rd, by Rev. S. H. Eastman, J. Hepburn, oftEasst Whitby, Io Mrs. Isabella Niddery, of Darlington. Those who missed bearing j R Clarkr, the 'Boot Black Orator," mis-ed a rare treat Oti Fridav night Simcoe street imeibodist churi-b waii weill liled with people, and ai; heartiv erioved hi.' lecture. The procet-ds1 arnountted to about $3o. On Sunday night the church was not large enough t- bold the crowîls who carne Io h,-ar him preach. This lecturer has the knack flot always tuund ri public speakers. of sayiîtg a wittv thirig ai the proper lime and wbere it helps to ilus- traie the lesson beirig pointed ot. He wtll a;ways fiud a warm welcomîe in Oshawa. The Vinîlîcator is at last compelled to ad- mit 0hat tls ,tacks on the ire departimeni ;a-rt soueI-lvdirecti±d to the besmircbang of% it.oun lenderson. Of course ibis is a taise, as ail will know who remember bow it pitchtd into the whole brigade alter the Demili ire. but since otîr cîîtem. admîits that is objectis sr) contemptible ihere is not much cali foi further discussion of the maîter. In thtc rtiemnimel peoi)le may (tel as.ured ibat tic)iIl bwtter fire protection can be fuund in an)~ town i Ontario tban in t>shawa, wbich shows ihat ihe efllciency of îhis departiet i -.hould neyer have been called in question. s H armony News. B Our scboa-l concert bas corne and gone,M privîig îîself Io be one of the best gîseri t bere tor years, and well deserved the atten- a tion it received and the apprectation mari- i ifested. Tbe recitatioris, songs, and dia- I logues weru well rendered. while the cal- v isthenics and boop drill were exceptionail> Y good and sbowed careful trainiang. The tE nrderly manner in which the childrerî con- ducîed tbemselves tbroughouî the ttre evening speaka well for Miss Wilson as a b dîsciplinarian. The parts takren by Misses al Lt 'k, Drew, Everson and Wilson and a Mes-rs. Gale, Pîckel and Wirtets pleasedd ail alike and the generous applause gîven w Itach person was sufficient prro( of the veryT able mariner in whicb thedifferent selectiona Y were rendered. Miss E. Everson very ablyIl presided at the piano and Mr. L. G. Drew a ti bis usu-al zood-nâtured style kept good g tîrder, notwithst"nîa the hall being_ uin- 1omfor.bby Il.e. Poc d-5î8-.Mis and the chairman of relief will see if Hamil- ton cari be admitted. The council adjourri- cd. t Board cf Educatton Met Monday nigisi. Trustee James irougbt in bis second report on the proposeci additions to the publiceicisool accommoda. tion. He psoduced partial plans sud sketch- es, and estimated tbe cocu af the addition of tvo rooma lu Mary ai. scîtool s: 61700 aitiheý outaide, Tise rouas, be contended, vould accommodai. children la the nutueahrsupre- sent atteuding tise Sons Hall snd Disciples chus-ch scbools. visicb vers admj4ted ta h. usd11 ln maily"cespecta. for tle proporacos modstiulor ltte cltdren. Hieseie ig urcs ta 4110v tint the building et thw adZ.- ,tions *mteuid bmfooklng of tue Semis hal sud' L)mcpqhçutb vould samuit tut iaavlug>of- $7.5 ta $tà0 Per -Yèftr pedta hee oser th- 'ty yeàsms,,aiud ooehelidby*mog1y endorlig 'h.ma' me .and, recomiendinig Promt c Ion twas osidered ubat-specifi- p< The-iin'0ande«mntéibiteël tflnîteà for t4-er floa ilit tsctoil it, rôci. iaub>lca(e .tM7revenuebIih. e-, - -- -c c--. I ~ - -. .,,,, Misi M PoUattis sviiting this tvcek. Mrs G A Whsite, Trenton,1 R Williams. Whitby friends lasitn u Ladies are gettirg their stamping doibe mÉ R A J Liie'a. - .- W C n narnon, 'Toron (oi- iviwf h ' rç1a. tives last week. 1Cet the new waltx 0tWbile the beart beais yotinrg," at Little's store. Get yriur boniton braids, silka, wools, aide comba, dants etc, at Litile's, We are pleased to bave Mr Wm Hare witb us again. He bas been living for Borne urne in London. G H Pediar's new catalogue of Building Fronts ik oui, and is Iîeîîg maiied toa aI poins from Vancouver to Halifax. The Lady Truc Blues give a box social titis, Frtdaty, evening. A good programme bas been prepared for the occasion. The New York Sunday World sella in somne towns for mo cta. \'ou cari get it ai Litties cvery Tuesday for seven cents. Born.-In Osbawa, on bbe z3th mest., tbe wife of Louis Sîedhamn of a son. In Oshawa, on the i5ti ma., the wife of Geo. Walker of s suri. Died -In Clinton, Feb. îSîb, lamner Hy field, relici of the laie James Neabit, aged 87 years. The ruembers of St Gregory's club art rnakitig arrangements to give another o tbeir enriyable dances nei Monda y nighî The club is compîosed of energetic youtii men and are ap.tring no trouble or expenst to makre it as succeaieful as the onte beld îî- january. While tbe memberi; were assenîhling fot tbe board of education meeting on Mondai evening, the cry of a -cat disîurbed a mnembe:r who on inivestigatiori, found the féline in truder in the vault. Ali efforts 10 induce il to leave the chamber faied and on the sug gestion of a member the aecretary gave it ;4 good breakfast. Thîis wss an extravaganct ibat the aecretary (it Trustee Burnis mtghi criticise, anid as the cat was black and of likely appearance the iown clcrk setnt word t0 Dr. Kaiser who solon appeared. As tht eau took ktndly to hum and bad be-ef knowr, bo scratch a grît member ufthe board wh- Rtîemptcd 10 pick it up, tbe docior concl-udeci lu was sound in ils politîcal faitb and as i. answered tbe specifications of thse adverîixe- ment, took it wiîb bim, tbe îwo singing i happy duet as ibey went down the atair. The Wiffiamz Bal]. Thet social event of the season bas corme and gune. 0f the seven balla the employee> of Wtilliams Piano Works have given the ont beid last Friday night far surpassed ariy o the oîbera, in fact anyîhing wbicb bas beet- hcid ini Ibis town for a àtreat rnany years. A special tiamn was run from Toronto at 7.3( and srrived bere au 8S45 Tbe party t un- bered about 300, and amnong the prominent people we noticed R S Williamns and wifr, Richard Williams and wife, Beru Williams. general manager, and wife, C H Forrester. genenal representauive, anid wife, J C Ward, general inapecttmr, T Martin, chie( accotint- suit, W j Bradley, maniages of Toron-. brancb, R S Sbaw, Mn Dean of the Tele- gram, Mr Nixon of the Star. Mr Armstrong of the Mornmtig World, Aid Shaw anid wftt j C %IcCoriniick, Alfned Thompsuri and wifr E Clancy, 1 H Stib sud wîfe, <aco Whiî,- aker, Ed Bircb, Wm Hieintzmail, Otto Nigir Il P Nasmitb, Js Rae, Ed Grahamn F Mul i-n and wife, J J Mitchell and wife, G and j Brown, J Richard, Mr Wolf, Will Bradie% and Mr Plkue. A few of the so-ci-tv peoitîlu rom Bowmativille were Allan Williamns MAavor Luscombe, Chas Blair. E Luýcom>e Eilward Page, Roy McDonald, NIr- (Dr) Hiller, MIrs D Beith and Misses Winrlt .mnd Helen Beitb, Ih îa estimated over iooc wi-re ibere anid everything went off a', smootb y as tbourb onlv hait the numbe, wene tiiere. Tht reception commibîce was Wm Parson, H Saunders. E Fusýter, joh- Brown, Fred Rover, Jamnos O'Connor, job. (;ill> ni, F Fr-cncis, F Horni and John Tucker Tise floor commitîce were : E Foater, A Fieldinig, Art Williams. Will Williams, Ber: Whecler. Glionna-Marcic.-no Italian or che-sira discuurscd beautiful music. Th- dancing room w5.5 t65x5 i feet, and wa!. r<îtid none to0 large. Au i2 o'cock Prof. .,-riRer gave an organ recitai0on tise Cem organ for Palmerston that was ready fut sbipment. Attise end pf tise recital Mr Gco Burt cailed tise vasi ;- ssembly to order an Mir and Mrs R S Williamns were invired t- the musician's platlorm when tise tollowini! addrcss was rend by Mr W J Br-adley: Em iloyecs' 8th annual bail, Oshsawa. To Mi and Mcas R S Williams our respected and be lved employer end bis wife : We have In vited you bere on this occasion ta profier you our single tributes of gratitude and es- ern, to congratulate you on thse prosperiti ý-our enterprise bas won, and ta hbonor you as becomes yowi position, and aur condition ieting prumpted in aur acts by the love and affection we bear toward you. Two score and eigbn years bave elapsed since the in- Iusirv tin wbicb you are thse executive head was firatilnaugurated in the city of Toronto. rirsu it bas prospered, that those 10 whomt you gave employrnent have succeeded. and bhat a iasting feeling of satisfaction prevades ail, is Potent. Hais many beau-ta bave you gladdened, «and ta o rnany heartbstones you have brougîit appiness Heaven allone tas registered. In you bas becit demo - %rated tbe truisrn, 'Union of employer and employee conquers ail obstacles" Evei >earing iowards those to wborn you have given employment a fatiserly feeling in con- tiderîng their vanta and necessities you have won tbem ail to maire tisa labor of love working in concord with your rnen, en- couraging tbem by word and act, stimulai.- ing their energies, prom pting their assis- ance. Ctn it be wondered ait that fortune bas folded ber gilt-edged mantde about vou. Little do you know tise eflonma that your gen- ai ways and kindiy smile bave won as you passed arnonst your men, but genial wsys conjiîncd with manCjeîm talents have brought token of aur sa vltb ibis ils.i iWbo bas ihace L't-CoL Otter lnspeted the armory, of Na. 3Co'y bere on FridÏay isu and accomipanied by Sergtt- Major Lawrenrce fisited the other armories i Wbltby, Greéenwood andColuml- bus.. He found the aecotntrernenw h er. in *pple pie order .aud a model for-thse lattaRotm ri)î (çjlow. Rey l1ather Jeott was q mBufralp, îbis week assisting ini the service of tihe conse- cra-tion of the Rcv Father Quigiey. Fatber Quîgley la now bishop of Buffalo, and is a son of James Quigley, formeriy of Oshawa. His mariy frietîds here art: exceediîîgly well plessed In bear of the bigh at'd responsible position be now occupies. The Osbawa club is holding up the record the CHRONICRE predicted for li six weeks ago. On Monday tbe Bowmanvilles came bere and were deeated b>' a score of 6 10 o. The play was ves-y good lImm stant to finish, and a good many people tbougbt the Bow- mativille team sbould have taken goals, but their combination dîd flot hold good on tht Osbawa defence. The followibg are the officers of the Grand Council R T of T, as elec:ed bere lasi wee'c: G H Lee«, Hamiltori, Grand Councillor; Mrs R C Gorsîtie, Bioomfield, Grand Vice Couricilor;- Rev W Kettlewe!l, Gaît, Pa-t Granîd Counciior ; Rev H S Matihews, New. market, Grand Chaplaîn; C V Emory, M D Hamilton, Grand Secretary ; Geo M Baird. Bienheim, Grand Treasurer; D Robertson, 'i 1), Milton, Grand Medical Reterce; P H- Stewart. Barrie, Grand Auditor ; C E Heard, St Thomas, Grand Herald; Miss NI A Hill, Hamilton, Grand Dcputy Herald W A Holhday, Brooklin, (3 years); Hughes, Toronito, (2 ycars); D J Ferguson, Toronto, (a vear) ; Grand Trustees; j A Austin, Toronto, Grand Guard; JMîlîs, Galt, Grand Sentinei. Wc copy tise followaug (rom tise Times. ,;uardian, Truro, N.S., about one of oui Oshawa hîgis scisool boys : "On January iti t8g,.Mn Thiomas Wallace leli a wbulcsalt taîîcy goods concernini Toronto 10 corne t( rruro as Nova Scotia agent for tise papei mnilîs of J C Wilson & Co., Monîrcal. Thai vear be sccured more business than eitbet i)f the sixteen other traveliers employed b: tbis firrn ibrouigisut Canada. Agairi im 80 6his sasies totaled up cigist p-en cent bigbh tn thari any salemari on tise staff. Mr Wai lace is con-tantly on the ving beiveen Yar rnoutb anid Cbeticarnp and bas evidentlu made a close study of tIhe requtremnenu of bi> itre huridred customens, in tbe vrapping! paper and bag lin-e. Tise uown bas a new constable in tise per iont of one A. Hoover, of Ernery, and a!- .sually happens iri ibis town over neti tings, tisis appointmenti5isal tise alk, I would appear (rom the talk tisat Hoovcr iý aeariy 7 te-et bigis, weigbs upwards of baif; quarter of a ton, mecasures 48 incises rount. he cht-st, cari raise 900 lbs. to arm's lengt sistibtter hand, cari eau a barret of oyaner- mi a ed, çuakes a track 2 feit long by iS ini cbes wide, takes bis exercise wiib railwaî -nons as dumbelîs, swaliows a mari until h( t.s tîme to takre him to the cooler, drowný .fending doga by spewing a deluge of to riacco juice over t hemn, etc. Tbis prodigy i o reccîve $4oo a year and $35 extra to, buimr a uniforrn. Wbetiser sucis a giant cal -e veneened nespectabty for sucis a sum i not knowr, and probably thse daddys mad, ,i inistake hy riot iakîig tenders, for prob ably thse thing cou!d have been doue for $3 Mns Kenner, of Prince Albert. W.C.T.U .rganizen for Ontario county, was in towt r'uesday organizitig'a brancis of tise order i >sh.twa. Anîtounâcerents were ruade in tih. v-uîious churches that tise organizers woulî ikie to meet the ladies intcresied iri the let une room of Medcalf at. cburch and betwee, 4o and So ladies from tbe congrt-gaiions o- tte several chunches aitended. Mrs. Kenne, edd the constitution and by-laws of the su ciety maid gave an outline of the work to bt d.,ne anid asked for an election of officen' whicb resuiîed as follows: Pre-sidént, kfrraj F Tamblyn ; cornesponding sec., Mis Wake- y - necording sec., Miss Editb Rogers - -reasuner, Misa Ediih Kirby, Vice presi -lents were chosen (nom the several churcb ta as (ollows :-Simcoe st. meibodist chunctu, qlrs H King, Mrs j S kes ; t4edcalf streei 'netbodist cburcb, Mrs Kirby, Mrs F Arni strong ; Christian cbunch, Mis B J Rogers;- teaptiat, Mnrs Roberts; 'preabyterian, Mn,. Easstman ; St. Geoiges, Miss Williamns and Mrs Rose. Mrs. Kenner then asked tisose niso intendcd 10 join 10 stand up wben 17 0t tise ladies present arose. -:000:- Osawa Buminem Ieee» M L. VICKSBY. barbes-. Simace mis-set. BROOKS' LrVBJRY, WUncae-treet, norih. 4'M. BOLPK. harneau maker. Simca. afreet. r. B. MOTHMBEILLà, butohor, King Et., West. DEL. PAI-LUESO, Dentet; ofice oves- Bove's store. k. J. S-Arz'a-Domlnion pianassmand osgans, Slmaoae street. W. B. DYM14 Generai Agent Ontarioa mutual Lite AmusmupeCa. &Soute watted. Wnjx Ju~.. Dwrs.4 Dom'nion and OntiWct Land $us-v.yos- Civil Engineer, Box 57, Omit- mvl.- Ooummaown JIas'sz-J. C. Woon. praprietas- Modern hostels-y. nest aud cumlortabl> equipped. 0. M. Toi>. -Caie-es for Balla, Assemblies, Wed- dinga. Suppers, etc., etc. Aima a&U kinda af Ias. HouLIuN - Whitby-Oshava stope lino. legaves Oshawa KmI s a n ud p m, and Whitb'y &t 10 am"4 p M. lomEra CaeA, maufactrraofine. cars-les. ca-tvaosad m&B kinis of cuttera and lelohm, iparng pecimty. 1o1M 'Banwm, psittr maid daces-stor. Demier- in ,S' )canYZ> L.deofflaUe, pints, taxas PM61.ov, de"e-r ies, tn rnse. lin- vwas-o, de. Large stock kepta oonauantly on haud. Jobbing a qmeltyi Sinses S-reet ti. K. MeURasN,B.A- Barristesr- g>lwtos-. Nas-.y PublIe, Oonvoysuieq, ho. Moui ta lu.OMfeea oves- Domninion Baak,, Mmoe * Breet, Obava. Crockes-y, Tinvre, sMd PaPure Tosmand CoguseBoyem4yrma"ulimIa mpcaty-y1-y clioap. U'ELT Bios - w ;bq ud wues DeAm- l atches, lokp $WaIay. u- ass pcales, Ste. Egavu,-a4~u 1 CMMt, Ol anmud lWsles-Y gbpslggtg* Visitas-s: Mr Jobs ýson'ThonuasCnric their unauy tiaiugi WiII Gourd and' Mastc BowmiauVille,; Mîss làri.--2 I E-- Mr Dalton Wilson has returned to bis home iri Elmnvale4 , - - SMr Mille, the teachef-, visited fniends- ici Janetville aïd vicinlty. - Mrtés ott is able tObe ~on week... The MLise -, Reynolds - and xWoods are visitlng with Mr and -drs Tom Wood-.,Dr McKibbon and ,daughter Phyllis visitecf friends r -- tonto. . .. Mrs C Hodden is stili ver -sick. A successful wood be was held in the 1 Under fais pretons woods of James Gordon last week. Miss Peel, of Bethany, and Albett Sanderson, of Cavan, are visiting at Mr WmJ Ber£,ock's. Mr Stilîman, who will operate the cheese factory in Blackstock this year, has been visiting the patrons here. We were lileased to cee Mrs P jobb, able to attend church last Sabbath, after a severe attack of erysipelas. We are pleased to hear that John Forder, who bas been unwell, je again able to attebd 10 bis farmîng duties. John ie a successful farmer. A nuniber of young people went to Little Brit.ain last Friday nigbt to hear Fax, tbe comic singer from Toronto. They were weil pleased. It je said that a wedding je soon to nake place, one of the contracting par- .ties being a resident of this townsbip and the lady a resident of Victoria cou nty. The missionary services in the metbodist churcb in this place, were held on Sabbatb morning last, by the Rev Chas Fish, of Toronto. The meet- ing was good and the missionar>- ofler- îng larger than last year. The. tows Corners. The tollowing is a report of the standing of thse pupils in Union S. S. No. 5, Est Wiitby fan tise ciontis of January : iîîClass -I. Langinaid, P Aunis, H Cooper, M Mor ris, S Dinkie, James Hamailton, L Lnke and L White. Sr. III Class-M Mkorpby, Y Luke, Ml Mastain, A Mowbs-ay. Ir. 111 Class-B Orton, AMaidens, I Mowisray, W Langmaid, M Murphy. Sr.i.iîî lass--F. %towbray, P. Gars-ad, S. Maidens, R Luke, F. Hamnilton, C. Morris. Jr. ti Clas M. Cooper, L. Baily, C. Baiiey, E. Hamilton. X. Platten, W. tlos-phy. Pt..fi F. Hariock. N. Martin, A. Cocherisan, H. Stevenson, UJ. Notbey. Sr. II Clas- G. Hamilton, D Plintoif, Q. Balkwill, G. Smsiths, R. Morpisy. No. on roll 52 Aver-age atendauce 41 H-ighest attendance 4&. Promotion cxam- ination.-IV mbt entrante Ciass-H. Cooper 64 per cent L. Langxnaid s2, L. Wbite, S. Drinkle, F. Annis, M. Morris. Ir. III to Sr. 111-T. Mowbs-ay 66 pes- cent, K. Banner 62, W. Langxad %9 A. Maideus 56, U. Short 54, B. Orlon &3, M. Morpby 52, R. Flintoif, J. Norteey. Sr. II tojr. III -F. Mowisray .5 per cent, F Garrad 53, S. %Maidens, J. Broyan, E. Stephens, C. Morris [r. II to Sr.Ilb-B&. Cooper, L. Bailey, C. Bailiy. B. Starcey, M. Platten, W. Morpby. F. Gans-ard, B. Hamilton. Sr. I-to part II --Q. Balkwell, G. Hamnilton, D. Plintoif, G Smith, R. Morpby.-W. W. McLaren, t'eacher. Cous-ce Maple Gnrove league visited Ebenezer leagut -bis week. NLs., Bannie Richards was visiting -relatives in ý>ckcrnng lest week. Mn lats Wilcox bad one of bts horst-s kicked 4u b.îdiy ihat the set. bad 10 put in aine atitches Mnraand Mrs Eiwsrds, of Whitby, vere visi- ng at Mn Luis Barberas lasu week. Misa Mary Stacy gave a panty on thist5-h inst. to a number of ber fiends and schoî,l- maies. Mr W m Countice eerauined a number of bis nends onte eening ibis wcek. A number of .Zamneâ were îndalged ini. Mn S Pckle. wbo bas bren visiting bis maths-r nDd broîhe-rs here for tht asat couple of monîba, -viti rcîturued t0 bis boune ti Morcien, Manitotia, ibis week. Mn Fcaîberingbsrn, Brantford, bas been en- .(aged by the LD UC. (aictons- as ciseese maker ,or the season of 1897. He cornes bere weii re- corendcd. Messrs R F Richards, W R Cous-ce and F Gay went to O!isawa 1 sec a gaine of hockey piayed beiveen Osaawa and Boytnanvitîe. 0Oýhawa taiy outplayed Bovinauville, by a score of 6 to i. The contest wicb bas bren raging at Mount Carswal division for thse last tour weeks la enid - ed and thse judge gave bis decision in favor of Friank Gayva aide, The iosing aide bas nu set Up the rcfresbments. Mr Louia VanNest, our assistant cheese maker, bas moved to Bowmanvtlle, visee h.ex- pecus w g-et a situation wais Mr- WoeCana, coal and wood merchant. We are sorsy tu Jase sucb s good and kiîud neigisbor. BOWM&NVIIL Mr John Jobtîni, of Oshawa, vas -i a on Son- day. Mr Samuel Bray-. Enfieid. visitcd friends in tovo at week. Died. in Bosimanuile. on Feb 23s-d, Patrick McCaffes-y, aged 84 s-cars. The Misses Dingin ar se in Toronto attend- ing the miulînes-y apcning. Bey C Pas-heu pieached an excellent sermon on 'Prayo?' lasu Sanday mos-ning. Ms- snd Mra W Bant, of Osawaa, were guess af Ms- Ricb Trenaugis an Sondas-, Miss Eva Souch ai Mount Ver-non, vas guest ef Ms-s Dr Tilles- 1mai Sabbatb. Mrs J C Weekm is conulned tohber-bedyib orysîpelas ini er laue andad ca Mr Lis. Hamley, wiso vas repos-te bettes- last weet, w againcoufined ta ber bcd. Mr John F 0ke, cf St Thsomas, la viiting Mr R Hi kIarney, and athers-ciatves linlasun. Mt Tisas Hea m asgane oni a trip ta taitor- nia, New Orlema, Texatsud Victoria,4 B, MumsNetÃŽUe BuSimin yancees ham nte as AU= raDtuuai d Huas- bave e=uze&tiu - Tereiulsoe Mr -Ja» -"i-off Tomote, 0 *osumnvîijcctoy. ermit moçussuesoves- the,-, gave o et lte About two years ago, a Mr Fincb, organizer for the Canadian Order of Foreeters, came to Uxbrîdge and in- augurated a Court of that Order in town. Mr Finch was accompanied by a young man named Ross, who posed as a lacrosse player and tried to work on the sympathies of local enthusiasts in that way. A week or so after their arrival in town Mr Finch was called away to Lindsay and leit Ross 10 look atter affairs here. This Ross did with a gusto. He visited several members of the new Court and borrowed money fomn them on the pretext that Finch bad sent for him to go to Lindsay, but 'lived high' for a few days. On Mr Finch's returri he discovered what had been done and at once issued a warrant for Rose for securing money under (aIse pretences. Constable Frankish went to Toronto, but could get no trace of Rose, and so the warrant has Deen standing ever since. A few days ago Ross was arrested in Toronto on a sim- ilar charge, but this was settled.« Con- stable Frankish was telephoned by De- tective Black to corne and get the pri- sorier, and on Monday went to Toronto and brought Rocs back to town, and Monday evening he was arraigned oe- fore W H Hamilton, j P Thecamne evening Rose' mother sent money to seutle the affair, and as no one appear- ed against hîm the case was dropped. -Times. Ealsm Mn. Frank jones is able 10 hoe about again. Mn. and Mrs. W. P. Joncs are siiiting Mrs, J ones,' brother Mr. Uniati Joncs bas engaged witb Mr. T. C. McAvoy for the summer. Miss Ada Roltby is sîaying wtiîb Mi Lena Jones wbîlotise latuer's pants are away. Rev. Mn. Leggott, of Carerpont, pieacbcd at Mount Zion Mat Sundav ai lernoon Io a (air sized cong'-egaiion. A amali number froin bere went ta, Kinsale tea s week ago tast Tucadas- evening. Other3 went Ia tise aysucr supper su Myie. Mr and Mn. Doriey, of Gorrnley, were gui aithue parsonage recentîs-. Mra los Towin bas be-en aisas vtsiting daugisier and mans- old friedds ai Saintfieid, At the quanuenîs- board meeting of tise Eps circuit tise Rmrv W H &..earoyd was cordlaly Tbe meetings atBethesda bave resulted ini the deepirig of the spiritual life of the memberabip of the cburcb and the conversion of quise a nuinher of souls. Wood bees have beeri ail tbe rage i. and &round oitr neighborbood of laie. anid those wbo have not had thein are surely oui of the fashion for ibis winter. The lecture of the celehrated bempersnoe lec narer, Mr Edward Carswelt of Oshawa, was very paorly atîended, but those wbo were tortuntate to aear bim were deligbted. HER MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JUBILEE carnies "Qucen Victoria: Her Lite and Rign " into every borne. Persans wbo bave never sold books take orders fast. Pre- face the moat eloquent of Lord Dufferints achievements. No book so hlghby praiaed. We need more canvassers. Easy ta make $15 to $,3o a week, Books on trne. Pros- pectus free to canvasser. A trialwlll cost nothing and it may 611 your empty pocket. THs BRADLEY-GARRtitSON Co, Ltd. Grand Trunk Ry. Colonlat 8pecial Trains to Cana- dian Northweat via North Bay. Commencing MARCH 2nd and each Tues- day hheceafier -durlng tire-manths af MARCH and APRIL. SPECIAL TRAINS viii h. l'un ta the Cana. dian Norîbvest via Nos-tiiBay. Colo niaiSleeping cars viii h. s-un an thic train, Besths où whic yul h. fs-ee. Train basves Toronto at 9 P. in. Tbcough Tickets can h.ciiad'f-on Oshsawa ta al points in tihe Norths- west. Baggage checked uhsougb (rom Oshsava station. Foa Ilinformaton cal ou os- vrieta t %teriire* Even4 theé is8 VOL. XIJL. <SQBDI UNDER AI Positive Like grest So1OnÃœÃ"n, admire g&itter- ing gold, and sparkiing jewéls. There neyer was a better time thari now to invest in articles of Je'welry. Prices rule lower than ever before, yet the goods are guaranteed to bé. as represented. Our store is head- quarters in this part of the earth for Cýr B&RGAINS in Watohee, Clooks, Jewelry, Silverware and spectacles. SEE US! TRLKWITH [US! TRY US ! BOYD, The deniler, KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSITE CENTRAL HOTF L. 1Call at PELLOWSY and sec hie Wrought Steel ber RJ -&lý G-MIS om - T in-- T Mlso bie COAL QIL and GAS STOYES -FROM- $5.50 to $25.0O. 1 Wmnter Sho. muet prateet the foot or thse veas-er vill suifer serions hares. It muat realize thbo utms-at limiia af varusthahnd comfoct. Anything botter adapted ta vola, cold and stormy woather lahan aur Winter Shoos can'a b. imaginod. W. know juct vhat'a wanted ta moud the cmasend carry the best shoos hinltho marketa for the seagon. You can find nolahing botter, because nothing botter exista. Shoos like ours might reaaanably bo high priced,- but they'ro not. Witunem the figures : Mo'P elt Gaiters, a good sulid mole extra fine foIs, reg. *160 ......... 81.2& Mon'. Extra Hoavy Grain Boots, hoavy folla limung and insolos, reg. $1.75 .,...................81.50) Mon'. Fine Calf Gaitors, noodle toe, 1sovu solos, reg. 11.75........ 1.2& ai"es' Extrsa Fine Felt Juliot, turui .sole«, worth 41.25............... Ljadies' Fine Bulaton Boots, rivited Bolés, M 0 1-256..............7 Girls Sebool Laed Bootsr..... 7 Boys' Fine Led Boots, sizes il to 13, rivitedsolëN erg o. ..65 MonmCre lppr......40> Ladies' Casp t 8 ippers.. .. . ..< Girl s sdBoy' s- pet Silippes . Glt Ede Droasng, large boUlàes... .1 Glilt' Edge Deng. mibotla... Sut JOHN Sho. 1&anuf~o1 r RC. GutaA ALIN'l in 1, j and 1 lb pq To introduce tbks Bakîri ** package of * CA I.VEs FE.E- -for making je Sgiven with eV A. eAL CHEMIST &DRV WHITBY, - Eh"ablished 1849. Whitby SIeam MarbIe and Granite Waîks; Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. S (Pos-mes-ly Wolfeuide W orerand fleales- i GRAITE MONUMI thse latest mates-l hinda af Cesnete-y w guarantecd. _.'SND RasDESJGYZS WJNDM Geo. -oxo-- SeUs the Gen AERMOTOR, lntendiug -pus-chasers sho mMi before placing tiscir or an agent put an imitation o cari'get tise Genuine Aeî galvaiiized, and wanranted More- ou tiese mille sold i iban any otisen make.T clains tbcy sel> one isalf the mil outfits soid in tise vor time.. Mr-. Wiliiamson, of Ors emusi during tise past dur Att styles'or- Wood an "le- Auy information rega wi -be freely given by vs-i Feb 7. 18g7-6ma. Farm for 8aie or t t byIOwO eip,'containiu<g )and, highly cultivated. bmi and os-chard, and as MI m i paetaîclo Il Mmo-poaiuoj sq pc;eïï qtuxs î' Crg>usij~, ~ ~ii fs-rende Billi

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