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Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 1

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Thé Chronice. VOL. XIL. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRJDAY, MARCH 5i, 1897.'O.1 SSOLD M UNDER À Positive Guaran tee.1 .ALLIN'S BIEiG in J, j and 1 lb pa.ckages. To ntroduce thîs Hakrng Powder- a ** package o-)f S W 1N B 0RNIE'S ** AIVE FFI(y;F1-A i I;tF, 'i for- making Jeflies, will be givers with ever-y package. A. Hl. ALUIN, WHJI CFIEMISI Si DRUGGIST, ITBY. - ONTARIO. Ehtablisbed 1849. Maibla and Gîanite Woks; W H 111T « B Y._T Chas. H9. Smith, (Pormerly Wolfendea Works.) lxx porter and Dealer in MARBLE ANE GRANITE MONUMENTS. Etc., o: the latest material and de-igns. AI kinda of Cemetery work. Our vorb guaratiteed. ,00SND xFoR DESIGNS AND PRICES WINDMIL L S O if il k -oxo- SoUs the Genuine AERMOTOR, of Chicagi inîending purchasers shouisi exasi ne ibis rut1 betor-e placing their order. Do not let an agent put an imitation on you chers yî,u can get the Genuine Aeimotor, tbomoughly galvalîl7d, andi car-rantesi, for lesa rnoney. More ai these mîilîs sotd n Canada to-day risan any other make. The Aer-motor Co. claim îthey seIl osia bal! tbe number r-f cinsi- imil oullits sold I n tise vorîsi, aitishe present tisse. Mr. Wiîliarnson, of Oiangaviiie, solsi 127 outâis during the past ibrea year-a. Ail styles of Wood sud i-on Pumpa for soie. Any infor-mation iegarding these outi vihi be fr-eIy given by critîng to GEO. ALUIN, W Ht T Fats 7, 1897-6nio. fits BY. Farm for Sale or to Rent. Lut 34 in tise rear of bise 3rd con, of Whit- by township, containing roc acres of gond )sudi. highly cuitivateti. Fir-t class builsi- imga and orchard. and a goodsi arearn. Ap- pl, ta WX. BAILEY, Witby. Feb ii, îS7-tf and imUNtivM foi Addy *.wrîti aeds ar Àipasa 510111JO098 nies Ga Iua5uco a5504 ut içîoM )uatttwi'<I pemajaid ssuiujm uinid nq 'paunhaei aaueuadza s5iâaOiA1 N 4!U ¶Spn ot Pi)pJeSMJoj Sq u1 'tumsaapU m -O oij paapaa sssappe jo s m. 8uuidoz pue 3ulia îdints si qiçîOM! 8UItSiteAueu N *ao vSsauisnq imnpuSon oîaJ-ýqCLA3 WE~STERN BANK -'F CANADA. O0apita Authoruzed *140009000 10590001 DAR.D op DI.ECIoRs. JoeCO'4', sQ.,. Presidant. -arus"S. HaW, Eri s., Vîc-Pres. T. H.ilMcMl L«vNr. "' - -Cashier.1 3-erai Bankiag -Busîsesa tra.nsacied. ~f~ bpedpayaWi uala-suCn ha. , United Stata,anci on. t.onoaEng- ,,,payableliti il Ù f Europe.- 1% er cent.. allored on ,Saviaga BitnS Deposits id cremditcibaIlfyeanly. Spe ial atengoto tecollection o rà'rs'sald notea. IL J) WÂ ' EN$- flI~I arr-rrc' EOORLIS meeting tbe memberu of the Presbyterian LOCAML NEWS LETTERS@ ~. Mes. B. Moore bas returned tu her home near church pi-esenled Mi- Mrs Shaw with aan Sours, anitba.album and clock. Mr- and Mn Shaw intenti SouMCLC risF. Manîtb. VS.u H nir w sbr iving in Dakota. Sie as a great workei- OnsoîcLaOORR5Po51sUfor. ia.F. das Hewrtt V.., ianvrva the ~ ~clrh ad will be missed.1 for tewdaySibisW~.It appears ihat oui- counicil are either Ig- Mr. lom Bai-nat, of Rocklaitd. Ont.. bas beeD oatoieb-ao ictecniec spending a couple of weeksataihorne. piacesi in tîscîn is mispiaced. If by referrlng ]KACEMTIC1ELMr John Cr-aig and Miss Neilie CraiR have to R S o, section 258, of the Consolidatesi Council meeta on Mionday. jusi made a short viait cRit frienis i Scarboro Municipal Act, you viii find ihat Ilno one Mi- Ait Nicholson, who has been in Brace- The Conservtiîves of Whiîby township wiii who bas or dîsring the proceeding year, bad bridge for somne lime, la borne again. meet bei-e on Saturday to organize a township dieciy, or indirectiy, alone or incuutc Mr Geo Lyle bas biresi w1th Mes Harper. associatIon. 1 lion wiîb any other person, a abare u- ntr Hie wili take Mi Geo Whyte's place. Mes. R, B. Potis. cho is spenditig the winter test ini any contract or empioymeat with or MisaJesie ellandMissFb ichrdsofn Toronto, met wîh an accident ieently by on bebalf of the corporation, except as aud- Mxris esierellîiandgisst weeka rdThs fwbih one of ber arri-ms as bfoken, uDor, shall be appoinled an audiior." So t;xraham a Tise lve stocgand chtiels binngMrgto ibethat la plain lu see our council bave in ibis and augiter of omeiiaestate of thse laie John Banner, wil ha sold bitiCY Cioeaeps hi iia Mis Sinradduheo oela auction nexi WednesdaY afternoun. xot.h i. E- OWMANVILLM. have moved into Mi- Sandersons bouse bei-e sr.Jh P er atn otejs on Goose Avenue. rMtesses. John P. K or-, anitouatiefy, s. Mr.Chas Ward, of Barrie, who is a Mr Tos rahm bs deide toxiv upMr. Wm. }«Loutley, jr,, ta geiting resdy to goton fl-st class vioiinist, bas secured a posi- far-ming. He has rentesi bis fai-m Io Mr- jas Bnî-isb Columbia. tion in the tunîng dept. of t1he t) O & Laing of Prince Albert. The Asbburn school foot bail team expectesi P CO. Messrs Peter- Christie and Thos Gr-aham the school ieam (rom bei-e 10 playt a reiurn match A Port Hope paperi says that a cer- ver-e in WVhiiby on Saîur-day attendinir the witb them Ilsat Saturdait, but Capt 1 Scott could annual meeting of Liber-aI Conser vative As.- not gel his meni together for tbat date. tain gentleman in that town on going soclat ion of Soîsth Ontar-io. Ile annual exoduts to Manitoba viii acon to the post office on Monday received Another contesi at the Sons osge. this commence. Among ihose who întend making a a sponge with a tag attached to it which trme under the leadership of Messrs Geo stai-t for the wesî nexr we--rk are Messrs R Region, read- Wash out your nnouth. - There Lvle and W Thompson will star-t soon. WVe B Colley, j Coakes, D Bowles. and Arthur are soute parties in this town whon aa hope it may be as gi-eat a aucceas as the We&ls. la!;. in the cour-e of bis sermon hera on Sunday, hint of this kind wouid do good. The old veter-an lecîîr-er-, Prof A B Kent, Rn i1 B Mcla.r-en made a passing reference to We are pleased to note that a music- deliver-ed otne of bis eniertainimenra ber-e on tlie proposed- aniendmenis to the license iaw and ai composition by Miss Maud Fai-bairn, Mondav everrrng. The nsiendance was not characteniz d lie bill as a -cntemiprible excuse" large but the *xeimns etc, shown wr At i-st çigbt fi looks that way to ail temperauce youngest daughter of J B Fairbai-n, goocd. epe-ietstwi- eformers." Esq., P. M., was Sung at a piano i-ecit- Mr- John Wbvhte has signtfled his intenttin On Tuescav of last %week Miss Annie O'Day, ai in Toronto Tuesday nighî by Miss ot goiiîg 10 Dakota verV soon. Jack will be YOîIngesi d.sughter- ot Mr John O'Day of ibis Edith j Miller, contralto. The words ver-y much missed bere as be la well liked village, cho has lately been living in Winnipg ar-e by an Engiish writer and are en- bv al cho know brîn. However in bis new %%as mar-r-ed to Mr- A C Sinih ofîbhai ciiy.Th titled *1 Whiie Baby is Asieep. sphere ce wish hrm ever-y succesa. ceremonv toi-k, plice in Toronito, ai ibe resi- Afir sendng sbr- tite i bs hmedence of %I- and Mr-s 1 H- Hoar. Mi- and Mrs The fourth annuai assemnbiy, gotten ber-e Mr Jos McClintock retur-ned on Friday Bmi i eseinbs W ainng rn.I l o up by the young men of the town, waE to Trnity colî,ge, Tor-onto, to contin ue "e Ban ooklîn alasovr i asirabuaiig -ink.hetfotheld in the town hall on Friday even- parotingfougfs eliow miand we cîsb h a ce bas been secured. an-d skating and hockey ing iast and was a grand success. Nol srmbiguccsa. ndwewshhinCao now be erjoyed with natture's bealth giving ofien has thse old town hall iseid ac ev>ysuhi-.ýberre and sun5htne as an accompanimlent. A large a gathering of thse youth ant WVhat ta the matter with organizing a lot of bard cii-k was done iu banking the eni- beauty of thse country as was there as lacrosse or football club bere? We have tbe cosure and pumpîng water ta flood it. and we nmater-taI ard ail needed in the move. In ar glad ibe ve-ntuire bas provesi succesaful. sembied. Over two hundred were ir trnes gone by Manchester- boasied of the Mr-. W. H. Hewsti, G. T. R. agent bere, is sus- attendanee. guests being present fi-or bs-st football i-arn that could be found any- pended I rom drain. wbetber per-msnentty or nor Toronto, Whitby, Port Perry, Oshawa, wher-e aboutt. 0f late ver-y littie inte'rest bas is Dot ver pubi ciy known. An audit of bts books Newcastle, Port Hope and Cobourg.- been taken. Howvever- it is 01>1 100 laie 10 ba, been made and a defici is known 10 eXi5t News. tuke the mater up and we hope the bo>s1 but the anhount id said Io ha imali. So (ai- as will thiîîk the matier over. thse public fis concerned, Mi-. Hecirt bas pi-oved pi"Abr P C (;,AHAm. brmself a capable and ohliging officiaI and much Pt.eAbr MYRLEregr-etist felt ihat be bas got bîmself int Ibis Miss Alietta Stili is viiing (ri-ends in Cauning MYTEtrouble. !on. but this da, Mr! hor for Cho bea nur bel ticf siol tri ce M4r H E Derby was on the sick lisi lasi week, it was able Io be out again the early part ol s week. kirs Jas Moffritt, i.eskard, was here on Sun- y and M&ondsy lasi vrsiting ber siep mother, rs Hughes. Mr Harkneas shipped another car load of i-ses 1 rom here on Sa turd ay lasi by t le C P.R. Pr he old cou ntry. Seme few of ths fiends from bei-e, besides the ioi, werýe ai Ashburn on Sunday night -ast ta car Rev Mr Rogers. Mrs Bartlet, Poince Albert. is the efficieni r-se for Mrs A P Hodges, ciro ta con fined tu r own roonis wrîh Iung trouble. Mr- Fr-ank Otan, watchrker, Brooklin, has en calling on soîne of the peop'e of ibis sec- on distributing his business carda. Some of' ih-t (armers here have istelv heem xing ice for the summel use. whict i hey bring om the litile lake jusi north of the C-P. R. The ýhaivestim ta aout eighreen inches rhick. myrilo eBVUsiaoàPu irouaory ,rlt Cn&.Nog-Having purchased the Liv- Report of the .tanding of the pupils Of tbe junior deparîmerit of the Brooklin public achool for the month of Feb. '97. Four names from each clascs are given in order of menit. Sr. II- Lottie WIhiîeford, Nellire Cotwil, Frank Red- man, Pearl Reeson. Ir. li-Minnie Craiz, Mageîe Craig, Clara Cook, Nellire Spencer, Sr. Pt.1 Il-Jennie Grass, L-aura Fowlie, L-aura Law- rence. J ennie Cairns. Jr. Pt. Il- Frnk Cran. ninRhafit, Frank -Ycott, Walter Banner, Ds.rcy DeionR. For tome time there bas heen talk of a sur- O'ise party lromn here visitrng Rev. and Mrs. T. W. LegRgott. at Claremn, and on Tuesday ntizht the event camne off Upwards ot seventy- five persons atiended andi a very erjoyabie even- anî was @peti by ail, To mqrk the occasion ;raLezgoit was m4de the recipieni ot a hand sorte eas-y chair. On the wsy back accidenta happened to two of the sieighs whicb caused a consîder-able delay. The besvy r-arn tdas was faliinZ was another unp!easant (ature. But tn spite or ihese thing% ever-vone seerna to have been weilipieased with thse outing. W. A H. Busginess Direry. tura Birrieti, I ams pieparied t a accîrnuodaie deAs siir0earag iesa iraveilerm and otisera wiih ris~ at ieaooutablî lidne opposite Town Hall, Broekliu. ratesà. Cemmercial men deaît vsith hiberaily. Stabling fer borses. and good care gîveii W A XMCNERLa, D V S r&w.î fthe On- themu by relible ueo. r-be C5 cWbiiby tario Veterina.ry College. Turrti; Honori and Myrtît stage dos not i-un tin Sundtys, inecuber of thes Ontario Nedicai Society. DàVID'AsHT02Trey hs ai! !'Feaets nitise domeestcated DivinA5HTN. Mr-il Staion.anifriais by the mnost approved mnathod. AiîS P articuli-r attention tb surgicai ope-.-tIOras and dentistry. Day or nigisi c&l5s prontrptly LIN SAYatteuued to. Office aud residence Brooklin Lagt Thursday aflernoon Terence Colins Ontaric. and bis t-arn if borses bad a nar-roc escape fr-ar going under- the ice chile crossung the river near a point knooc as Ambroses' ~! AM ! Jf bridge. Tht sieigb was loaded witb coodIUM! IR X KK~I .' and cvhers a strip -of-ir-e ca-s struck that ca5 ill Mi u uamma coin particularly tbin by tise strong current it- carîted - to ai-e.suie and broke througb. These ai-p SP()T CAS:H Prîces. Tereuce applic-d the wbip vigoiously, sud Ns-)Dt'-c uni the boises respondir-e witb a cili the sleugb, minus a portion of is load, but ih tise DRESS GOODS. diriver- clinging on for- dear life, cas soon Black Velveteens, at 35c and 48c a yard. safe on fit-n ice It was aà close cali, and nio 32in Pri-mis, iseavy clotis, fast colors. one reaiized it moi-e fuiiy than Ni- Collins. inrc. Dock Suitinga, r12C Pat yd. 40-la Tise ice is becoming ratten, and drivers can- Piilow Cotton, at i2c, comtb t5c. Heavy ual be 100 care fui.. Gi-ey Cotton. worib 7c, for Sc a yard. Considerable grain bas been baulesi 10 Gingbarn a aI6c, 7c and îoc yard. Wast- the Lindsay market this cinter from tise Sieels, 7c Par set. Victoria Crochet townships bordeiing on Peierboi-o oving toi Cotton, shaded colora, 5 balla loi- 25c. tise fact tisat Lindsay brayera paisi several White shirts, unlaundi-ied, 47C. Biack cents a busisel more tissu vas offered. by Sateen Sisirta, 2 for 9,5c. Al cool brayersata Peterbora. As mucis as $3 a loasi Tweed, curtis soc, for 40C yd. Union more cas made by tise farinera ciso soisi Car-pets at 32c a yd. Colored Dresa here tissu vas reaiized by bis lesa forttiuuate Serges ai 25c y d. Black, Dresa Serges.- neigihor wiso solsi ai home, to say iiotiig andi Henriettas at 25c, 4Qt', 5C and 9oc. about chat ~ 1~ved on tise price ot the Black, wisite andi grey Factary Yart4 ai goodshe<5 .ui purchases ira otr stores, 45C a pouasi. as5t l 5 a We.!)k nocu faci that 'L.indsay merchants can and do unsiersell ahi cumpet- BOOTS itoîs. A certain amount of the grain froin Men's iseavy' Buskins at $r. distant easte-x pointa tisat cornstis ay Men's Kip Grangems ai *1.25. is soisi ai Reaborci, but the great bulk comsesj Woinen's India Kid, buttopediat $2 ta thse Lindsay markset. Women's Sisoas, paten6,tipped, at 7,5c. An-accident tisat might have ended itu GROCER1ES,-i very seriotii coasequences teck place Satur- day evening at tIse Opasving bridge. A Tiso's Rolied <tata, si ibse for 2s cents trio of Omernee ladies, ene of wisoiii as 3 Ibn mlxed sweet Biscuita- for 25 cents. Mis (Dr) Thomplion, vere drlving home PATETNT EDICINES frou tiown, anti visea tisahigis esbankment LvtPlsic ilas ii i jusi south of thse bridge vas reacisedth ie LvtPll oWlla1"ik il hsorse took frigisi afd lunngd over thé west Dodd's Pilla 35c, Sarsaparilla 3.ýc, Beef," side, taking cuiter an occupants vith hlm. Iton and Wine So cents. Thse ladies fortunnteiy escapeti serions in jury, but mimerons parcels, tise proceeds et tise 4ay's shopping, vere -spread avery!- MT D L ID II visera. A sbopping baWg contaiaing a sum ofimouey'was-alo ost. Througis thtkinti- nasa of Massas Byrne andi Adama the ladies came enabled ta rýechlio .me, terhraantidEs~t rig isaviag preceadts .-a7 hai. Otur carnivai hçre on Friday,,iit was Mm asiMa, amr av alagepaty hasl The vooci bee for, ýrs R MUaisoi, vwas Wedaesday ngbMOLatede1 a-jail A=*asiue tts eueae a MM1Med ýat,--f> Mr. Allau IissoigotM5 .IOIWi faru, knova as '"M*ylekLd" - miss Lea spe»t s,stiirday, and, SUPMdcTat Kl sale viaitb I0d, Miss to cs-s. A M.W. 5S anti Mes. at tetsted tino- w v-esaone ai t C QJIÇ. P e - Sorsle cap doIreW e: la, bejhsj4+! htôc "à~~ la ih fEbsb Miss Mable Wright la visiting friends ira Aurora. Mi-. Josephs Ward spen t lasi ce-k vitis bis daugister ina Toronto. A number from bera atiendes tisa carnival ait Port Perry Friday evening. Misses Fîaldiug sud Ward are apauding a fac days vith Mrs. Collins, Scugog. Mr. and Mes. Brinaît have beau spending a tev days vush friands mn Darlington. We understansi Mr. Alhin Hayes la laaving bis residenca Sereand reiuruing tb bis (ari-mluDam- linglon. A naumber of tise girls bei-e are bnsy preparing fnt Mes. J. Hesi-d's recital. visicis lato ho hels ini Manchsester soute rime ln tise near futai-e. Mr. Wilsou. oua estevpsisitg commercial msan. wbo for soea imie'bas beau traveling la Detroit and otiser American eides bas mturneti home. Thursday of lasi veek Miss L Hiscox gave a social ini baneit cd mmnisterial f(s=d, chich vas weil attendeti, andi ahivere much pleasd cis tise eveung's enjoyisnt - Laîi Friday Mi-. A. Clegisorsà, tisa metbodist Sunclay szhool supernlendeut. celehmated bis six- iy-fifih hii-hday. A numbai- of bis many fiends to spend the evening ditiste mncis respecled gentlemen. H andi D Adamns attenciesitise assumbîy la Bovînanville last Friday cîgisi Mi-s Scott, visa bas been la Port Hope for soute yacks, returnedt tetown hastSatui-day. Mr Louis Luire, ciso bas been visitlag frÃŽenda ln Port Pari-y ansi vicinity, returneti an Tuesday ta laiteiis posation insune of tise big stores is the city. lise PortPei-r division of tise Sens of TTam- perauce purpo-e- holding a gi-sud concert in tise towu bail tise tisird veek lu MaircS. Fulpr ficulassneai veek lu tise noresi cow case of Phosenix vs Noti, s nuraîber of experts vent te view tis anaimal eu Tuesday, sud a decision fram ifis H oner Jusige Dartneil ci Il ne doubi isoon ho givtnè Tise Nation. of Nec York, ia ils Issu of Fais xfth, contastîs tlsis noticéat -"A new edition o! sartor Rasarinit, aditat by Professeir Aricisialti rMc fecisau. of Dalhotusie Collage, Sas just isean issuesi by Ginu & Co., Boston. This work la intendasi not for mare pleasure, but for sîudy, te clear up tise daiS places, andti b cmpare "ibtis spiaitual biogi-apisy, anti tise acuallifa of Carlyhe," accoriingly the falrîýy Ope teXt Of 271 pages is supplçnsemat by an introduction et 6o, andti so cf otçs. wchUe Oaryle'sindex îla ai. îeadad'isyan index Igo tise'-n-tes, md inti-oduie tien, , sZa. vrtboroîsgb anti pslnstakiu co-. ni li ha sûre of ganeral appreelaîlon." -ProfMclieiaf is a son of cor reipecteti ci zen. Rev J1 MeMedisan, ofrise oltiManse <Tisrtay> ansi expec t suWin as usa.-' senior in iiplae ihe tUxwtdge -lea îng. ii- muiîin la t tova next TTuessia l"; OJxhuitge tha t usi- teas n sur e u in--th if ont hoys lat the=n Weil ms. W)s*u puai s la fcetigwvç'hi 4 tisera" A vord'te -playars oS both tesa :.tiseraseetas to e a à uivaisy b hedatesaýs, k t-ii s iaiclibe, of pare ands sîrsg's: ockey Mtidc »e aliO biî ik ar m- gbtosçtsot ié gans*adti eaibn, iucaut in.--Tbeyonng l eaýof této" fommeti a hockey teta ad!w ba1ýn- t ngta a vek anti arcearo.gidfý9c on ia tise chutoies 5tùci msseak h# m gmygoat rolsbe* -1 r T1 1 IbanS <omli bfaorobe > oh tue strog u~~iS watsMh. esha his sYmpalbY wiîh tis e n and said it was a mean acî. Tise guilty ones arc isaing watched very ciobeiy. Ihwill ho to their advantage 10 keep away trom îbaî pari of Lake Sougog for thse future, as rio mercy yl ha shewn 1tose men who vere meait enough te do such a das- tardly tick te innocent men. Tisa anusver-y serviees of tIse uetisodist churcs at Scugog centre vera held isiSunday aod Monday. Ou Sabbatts Pasior Fiarusworth delivered suitable sermons visicb were veilli-e- ceived. On Mooday tise ladies served one et those appeizing teas in tisa tovo bell for vici1 they &ra noted to a large number. Atter supper ail repairad to the churcis to listen to tise excel-1 lent programme pmovided. Tbe churcs vas tas- ed 10 ils utmost to bold tise large audience pre. sent. Tise chah- cas occupied hy tise pastor;i addresses were delivered hy Rev. Mi-. Elliott on "Union o! lahorers" ; Rev. D N. McCsmus on "'Ohurch co-k and duty"; Rev. J. Wîiillocit ou *'Unity". Readnngs -and recitations hy Miss Redman, Cilai-a Broad sud J. A. Miller. It vas a peasue10 irten 1tisaheselections renderesi by tise churcs choir, vbicb cere bighly creditaie, to tbem. Tise proceeda amoutsted ta aeariy $5o-to aid in eniargiug tise churcs, Tise anniversary Jservices cera successful hayond expsectationa and aIl preseut seemed to enjoy ibemselvea. Ilcas wvus feelings of soi-i-evtisai ou tovas- people beard tisa report circuiated in tovu on Wednesday lorenoon tisai Gordon Williams was d-vsng. It could bardly be i-elized tisai ibît Imanly Litile felhoc vas atteiiding scisool only a faw day. ago. ansi looked to eh ie pictura of bealtb, cits bis ruddy and bi-igisi couritenance; but too soon fi piovesi toe a tact tisai Gordon Williams vas calied borne, sud isa spirit isad gone to the God who gave it. Many iseartfeît expressions of sympatisy vere tende-ed lu lMr and Mes Madison Williams ln tis ad and sudden hareavement. TIsa decessed vas a hrrgbî, intelligent boy, gentlemnaniy lu bis de- nporîment and a favorite among bis scisoolmates. LE He a s uonecitisose lads visose place R lais ard 1- 10 611. h tender my sincere sympaiisy te Mr >tand Mrs William, in thair affliction., hisla eten tise case tisai it is rmnly thosa Libers aud nietiees ý0 vbo have bast a ' oyesi child tisai cau tru!y symp i- d thize vith tisosa in an affliction like visat Mr and SMes Williams ara nov passing:through. in CommOuaHOnesiy nLast Srxndaày evening Rev D N MeCautus de- liverrn an ifiteretting discourse on "'Commen isoneaîy.*" te a large congragation. The taxt - was in Romans,. i3rh chap., 13tb verse ; tise spase ouinpovte sdcomercipaleslofe tis i astrin hatavedrecomterpo i e:u tbrouisl homeratons e avditorue trtheint hanvaspeakin ho. Ha hs ad'i ouldthe rtpsy te ws pe aiand of.es c i nes ount.p a mîoongfatsa cise t udfrnda of stye presendytire mv.th ghenlemand gava a os te res ythecven ha gendtisaman v oufraud ni d ubienashes cf iis tae areotuh faraudslandse mny ei of whsag e buy go bs csap, ise ap. idatieopre sunigt htuy comerca ctce ap, m e r- edl t faudnoecalsudsbody esemnablenteu te seil eap. Mm. McC amn sidihoegrle Vandeli rceape foi- a millon a: 'thevge buyvai yois recup tpfor;milinyer s: e vs's mot hossoa uear sai ai y;nve euwhtsnot psssa' ardn "Tise secrewt o doaIl t et min a out **rsoretofTseaspakesrde il lon sty te ha ho principe sehaser men vihuouiesis ef inadig oipeth st mrgltant ;he out ean o fitiingou- i-asi ! livn ou e vist la ns wth seurmon wof liengti vryattestvej. The srmna eveng tiseeron vniii isé "4christian hisesty." Worth Knowiùg That oui- prices are 25 to 40 ,Per cent. cbeap- er than any other undertakeT in this dis- trict. That we have the Best Hearse, and die fin- est Casket Wagon and Casket Slegb in ibis county. That we conducit funerais wib decorme That we take more pains with our work than do the majority of Undertakers. That we use kid and iste gloves iastead -of cbeap coîton gloves. That we use appropriate door. and Arm drapes, S"e Bfourmga, beautifral' p,&s tais and draperies in .black or wh't.ý That we deliver ail Caskets and to.fns lai our Casket Wagon or Csket Sleiglï. Thai ve give.every order out personal andi prompt atéalion. Jossop -Furniture Ca.L Port .Perry, - nt.. NOTICE TO C&ýREDITORBa' I, eie matte f ISAAC, LITTLE- ~cb nstwCows(.Of Otsbjrfif4rub a'usl 1 )i 1 - 1 1 ý 1 1 b tl d à h fi 1 1 1 Wbftby Town LOnBZa .isten!H Dotnt buy a slove until You eJake Mclntyre. W A M urray & C&s store, Toronto, was imaged by fi-e ta thse extent of $75,ooo on aurday morning last. Pîdjt. Malîby and Lieut. King are expected lhoid a special meeting la S. A. barracks re on Friday, Mareb 5ib. A subseriber at ]Rnfield writes: Iharn ,eii pieaaed vutiste CuRONICLz. I vould lonesume vitsout ih. 1 think ilt is e ait local paper printed to-day. It la repories tisai Posimnaster Logan of ickering bas been dismissed and Mr R A mnting appointeci ia biestead. This 'lastise ilcorpe of thse recent investigation belci iere as to tise afleged irregularlties in thse oti office. Mr Chappie, M.P.P., bas a bill before tise cal bouse sa amending tise consoiidatad armiage act as to render h. unnecessa-y for he prospective bride ta be presant wben a- iense la being taken eut. He talla a path- tic çtorv about a maiden of Uxbi-idge ciso leclitsed to wed a rap she dearly loved be- sute ase couici not face thse ordeal of mak- ng àffidavits te mecure a liceisse. Tise bill viii pasa, aps ie viii be happy by tiseulie ) tise Qucen*s jubilee. Mr Cisapple Isac inoliser bill before thse ouse dispensing rush tise audit now required ai Dec î,5tb, as :eing bec expebsive- burt as ibis chang-e vould prevent tbe aepayers fmom krowing il about iheir financial affairs before tise sunicipàl electiona, the bill vas found lu ise opopular in tise bouse, and 'Mr Ciapple wltisdre it. Stons for tise Roads Tise succesaful tenderers- for atone 10 ha broken for tise main sireeta, are takinz ad- vantage of tbe sieighing ibis week 10 draw the atone imb tvum. comlng. Tise eminent optbaimic optican M. Meck- lenberg yul be attse Royal Hotel, Wbitby, os Fridav and Saiurday. Mat. 5th and fuis. visera h i ii attend Io ail Ibose raquiring spectacles. Literary Notes. Tise International, an iilustrated magazine pubiistsed aitishe popuitar dollar price by tise LJniÃ"u Quolît CO-, 358 Deamborn et;, Chicago, mairea tisetranslation of notable contribu- tions le foreign perlodicai liierainre an at- tractive feature. Town Lina Our teaclser, Mr West, is giving a unique entertraloment on Tisursday next, Mar. i ish. htis called a Basket Social, but a Ai-at class programme wiii be run oùl. Principal Waughs, of tise Wbitby Collegiate Institute, viii be cisaimman, anad eiecotionists and singera are expecied from botir Wbitby aod Brookia. The indin Famine Fnd Manager Tisoruton requeas us te an- nounce that a subacaiption liat te the Indiau famine fuxsd isto ha fennd aitishe Domin- ion bank liera. It la fartiser vorthy of noe that immediateiy upon thre subecripti»s ba- ing openeci Princasa May iodge Daughtere cf Engiand antareci a donoition . IÈvery person vho gives a sasail sutu-to tis frand usay reiy upon it that smrn famishini' creature viii be relieved. 1iý',, landic plenty we knownot wia± famussé .1.. Sosie Big Hasts Scisene Somebôdy bas strted" au agitation . in- tova te do avway ib a,'chieéf -coasble andi have a nigisIvathiasa aàtt6o sie-as con. stable as weIl, whieb would -um ýUt atthe. businesplcesth ie tow. would be,*.taad- for thse woetova's Protect:ion. Tbiw great schseme must have otiated withl sme taxpayer vie fa not 'à- busin>"is mans, an il we vilii i ve 1our ead itira ptunkl f f he in not opposti te seoosa la ta paying for' keplng *oder Soma ,meua dwval la n:iëtalg'bar ariama ilst en oyiiig to thse fnll 41tise be*sefits cf civlatoui, Lawity LoSey "IL The céhurch cfoira of BowniassIlJe saited inn.Retting - p a big concert for tii lndla Famaine faand acceeded in -a.lsing'.$î4. 'Our tovùn oncl bsplaScethé me -atter in thse Mayr's endlà ta treand bring about a siauiler enter- a:'.a-n- bere, and wedoùbt ot thu¶a large anmas-eu e reahmIe1very- oaý s In ta make the.tling -a ibess.. It "iS befar casier to -r .aise a :éwu-'of-%7.5 te.: $oo tiss ay thýan'b~y- in -- -ti i 1a If isi lseî-oaeundt ibe asspiceoftbe, tevn, then - tise vPsnrLil baveIo fpIow- tiie e zàîe . f tl e fi t.* w n s a tn d riu û n à rat 1rorn the tresri7 ,- - T"e Lectures t*fC1e~; This P'riday .,eveting Pro A dý p di tg t t p wuUuf

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