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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1897, p. 4

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s .~ - III Ca~ Roly upon the Purity of our Drugs and dhemicals;- the genmine- il se of our Modicine8,. We e'ercise great care in obtain. ing the best and only the best goods in the market. Our Dispensing and Coni- pounding is always accurate and correct. FINEST NORWEGIAN COD LIVER WIL.1 50 Cents Per Pint ! J. E, WIL LIS, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK ST., WIHBY.1 WHIITI3Y, MARCII 12Y 1897 ACCOUSTS The CURONICLE starta the ycar wth a goodly increase in its liais, and so far or renewals have been saiisiactory. This weelt we send 'Out renewal notices to as many as we could manage. and hope for a prompt re- turn. It couts money ta write oui ail the-e accounta, snd we wtsh ail to understand that our object is ta secure immediate and full remitances. Each persan concerned uill pleased note ibis, as we do not do business for oui bealth. The Departmeutal Mors. Saturday Night, Toronto, ai last week analizes out what a fraud and general in. jury a dcpartmental store la, both ta city and country. Our catem. riddles thexe front every point af viev as catchpenny fakirs and chcapJacka, whose ever move la a trap set ta catch cuiatomers an lunes of groods t he stores must get rld of, and which have aIl but gone out af season before the bait is set. The tva o nt things &bout departmental stores are (t) )Utc depreciation they cause ln property ibroughout the country, pro bably; zooo.ooo, and <2) the large num- ber ai merchants and clerka vho bave been tbrown out ai trade and reudered idie. If one goets teto a de partmental store he finds perbaps one hundred mien there workiug for frote $4 ta $6 a week selling cheap and fraudulent graods vbo once vere conduct- ing an boneat business in some outaide towa, wbere they paid taxes. aupported the church, and vere very useful mecn. Niggardly people runnieg ta departteental stores ta be cbeated in quality bas ruined evcry anc ai these. and compellcd hlm ta, ton firam honest trade ta scck employment as a qoi t of fak rirlncnaio the species af cheaipjack establibhmcnt vhicb brougbt aboutt hi% downfil. livery town has -toffered maey thousand1 dollars in rentsansd asscsasmcnts, besidea having ail its clerks and some afiIts huai- nea nen forced La leave homne and became1 the slaves ai the igiant svallaver af the eity. Those who stand out against the de- partment store have a ime afitI for life, those who surrender and become their slaves work on the rdggetd edge ai poverty for a few ycars, and aftcr that God knovs wbat will be the end. Ifever legkltatic>n vere needed ta r egu- late an cvii and a destroying influence this la a case. Legitimuate mnaopoly bas no more right ta extat than any other kind ai monopoly wbicb la injurious, and if tbis la alloved ta o a n the vbole trading intereai ai thc country viil e ruined. SMort Notes. The nezi Arne rian congress vili meet at once, and it la expecîed tlhal another Mc- Kinley bill will he p&ssed and put in lorce midaummier. Insîead ai reciprociîy we look for retalîatory measurca (rom the ucxt sessgion ai the Dominion parliament. 't w- wr ite n etler garn»ets there. Frai hee te vreut ta, Bowmanviile, ubere be strock 83o Tang. tht îanad-rman tisera. (or $185. He led tam a ase to Cabaurg and O haviaan (cIm îtattememis he ot up about ane ihing ced an- other, and flnally vas srostnd. Chiai Jarvis broughi hip ta Whlîbv. but volt cud binîa mter making sothe auquties beea =yng Wais îrlftad ta, Lamds here ha ditt op bis couniry. men tsere.a.ncd ly vwu bdged in Cobourg, jail ta avait &ria as au embxebr. Thse deoelî of thet ellov lsamstoundiug, ced ont could hardly bolieveiiit ncmaso-young, Ha villi mavbaveca terni for icftsetion. Board of Educàtas Met Wednasday might. Dr McGUBlvray reported for tis cheal maement ie lavai, of speuding $50 On tise callegisie libîrary, t on' ls, spa ucd $rs u ode ,ta mat te deands otha department. Au effort wm asad fa ha bmade ta çàahlct la all thse bocks af tise library. TiseScminlue Sanplalus tisaimo credît a ive- for mev seats le tise raceht ratJnga f=tis tfpector. T'is repart vms adcpted. , Trustee Bures rend a repart; frwks6the -Praperty capsesaee recommendieg ttiss cvrds ofdr-ywoodýbe acceptedou îbeitsder tof M tp&y-at,.y,3 per' tord, cnd tisat, tht -pu ris.se bigrain *ood stnd Oves- Ia uezx s1eIl th& tthse MI Maeogra'pjs hu usath oel sto lb. e the chriatian farces sud iselp thse Turs-k to allpti m,4aabdu tbua. l*ellg tittha hue every proper mituded mas lu the world an bis aide, tise King of Greece appeaus ta go ou -wlth the a.- - The great prize flght betveen Corbet t ad Fitsmmons takes place at Carsons, Nevada, about slxiy miles est ai Sam Francisco, 0on Wedu;esday next et ta a. m, wvics ilI ha uearly equivalet te 2 p.m. of aur tîne here. Bath the priuciplstoi thîs match are famtons figtiters, bot>,a speech and ln tise ring. Elther ai tbem ca write a columa aa day as bis training progresles, nsta bis own prowess and the dead eertaiuty ai bis vic- tory over the ather. lime vas wheîa men lu traininzg for prize fights sought a quiet p lace ta expand bis muscle, aud only came forth from privacy to, lare their autagonisis lu the raped arena. Today eacb ai the pugi- lista bas an exhibition hall wbere be doatp bis training, sud admuts spectators for a dollar apiece ta, sec hlmi punch bis bag or bis train- ers. Thon eacb ai tbem bas a newapaper bureau, wbere be bosts ta bis privat secre- lary, vho takes il down lu aborthand and seuds ilta the différent newspapers woa bave paid for so much blowing each day. Fitzsimrmous vas flot a blowbard lu former ti mes, neither vas tbere big money lu talk- ing figbt until recently. Corbeti inventcd thal style ai flghting, and ns lhe did uaL getlit copyrigbîed ai course Fitz aud the resi of ibeni have taken it up sud bave found it pro- fitable. The refèee, Gea. Saler, bas also takren ta writlng sbouitbte comning flght. H-e la nov describing boy il aboaild ha car- ried an, and ho fit muat be carricd ou and aCter the scrap wiii waite thiee or four columus cvery day for a week or tva des. cribiug boy il really vas carried ou. [t la ail îalk s0 fsr, but ou Wcdnesday tiexl Cor- heitt and Flîzqimmnonq wyul be callcd te drap figurative flghting and commence thumping eacb otber. Whltby Toun LooUi Mr. F. S. Ramnions vas ln Toronto a feu days this weck. Miss Janet McKay vas out st Sunday, the firai ime aine ber laie iliness. Mrîjna Patta'rmon, ofitbe j uction, la mav- iug iat Thos Rice's bouse nexi to the black- Smihshop Mes- ns E R Blowv ad Jna Batemnan are lu Brantford aiîendiug the gr-and ladge Sons ai Englahd. Venus wiii be visible ta the naked eye iu the day lime about the at ofaIMarci. it Dono c cupies a Position near the mnoon. A collection -as taken an the methodist taber- nacle on Sudai' ight last ta raîse lunda ta scod Io India. $30 vas realized sud imuiedaately for .'arded througb the Doianion bank agcn<-y ber- The follouing passeugers vere tickeied tbis veek tbrough by E Stephenson, Wbiîbv: Miss Palmer, Whitbv, ta Chicago, 111, via G r R ; Mr R Ridgeon, M B Callie sud Miss 'VI Calle, Brookliu ta Souris, Man ; Mr J Kerr, Mr D C Boules, Brookin ta Carmen, Man , and Wm Miller ta Alexander, Man, ail via G T R, Toronto, North Bay aud C P R;* Albert lennings, Whltby, ta Bothwell, Ont ; C F Stewart, Wbiiby, la Montreal. The annual meeting of the oraa's aux- iliary ai St John's (bay) church waa held an ltridai' eviuig March Sth lu the school sause. Ait. r the rending ai the reports ai seceîary and iroasorer sud the couveners af the different committees the officers ai the preceding year were unamiuiously re elci- ed, Thia brancb ai the vork la lu a flourislb- ng condition showing a latgc increase lu -nembcrship. At the conclusion ai the bsiness meeting relreshments wcre aer-vcd after wbicb a musical aud lîterari' pro- gramme vas renered. :oming avents Lecture ai college on Thackeray, ta-nigbt. St Patrlck's Day On Wedncsdsy nigbt, Match I7ih, Rev. t-ather jeffcoti usîl mpeak lu tht Catholic churcb here ou Irelaud's Patron Saint sud kindied sob. is. A Zood crowd wul tna doaabt attend, as auytbieg Fa ther Jeficoti Says on Ireland and i:5 religion viii bc instructive sud enlertaining. Bicycle for Scia Hagb crade HYSIop. 72 inch geai, 24 inch rame, 96 modol Thas wbeel was puicbased lte lstSieason. sud vas ridden not mare than 5o mies. [ lanfirai clasm ordcr, and will be ,)Id che.ap. Âppiy atitus office. At Maple Grave Far-as, Myrtie, on Thurs- lay, March 4tb, 1897, David Briggs, aged 81 years- îbey eau, aed Ihat atis calîs upon thon, b use as muciscaecand bonesi effort te tise- mect business foi a maili section lire tisai le tise potition as (or thse viale touts. Il ane mîlI tan ha struck fram thse taxes ai tise business menerftise lave by caauhlninig the offices of constable and nlgist petrol, tise oatb ai tacis touateibai esls spots im ta do se, provlded efficleuey cf servlce-acan ha main- tained. osis, sud lcoked cuissmng. Maàter Arthsur Katchen' gallantly Savaete bride cwey. Mis Emusa Semltb ptyed Memdelusalsifs woddlng màrcis as» thep parties enteréd tise room. After thsa caramnomy c "very epjoyable tinte vhs spant ct tise wddlgbi"bwts Very congratulatas-y cnd feliitous speeches voie mai' Rev Mi Cameron. Rev Mr. Radiord, Rev Mr Abrahamt, Mr Orasistos,, Mr Alex Ketceu, Mr John Tisompuan and Master Kotchen. The bride vas-tisa racap- lent uais large number ai beautifual rreeents, visîcis ere bath costly and oseful. Tht happy coupla laitn'amid congratulations aud aboyer. ai rice, an the 8 p m train for the vest. We offer aur varmest congratulations to ibis extremeli' popular aed charmlng yenng coupla, ubase nuptiale bave been tlookad farvardtoLa htse tovspeaple viti sa much pleaiureanatd anticipation. Miss Ketchen valha mlmsed by alarge circle ai friands, amoug visan she vwu vary popular. rA LaugWst Want. Whby is about the ouI' tavu on oarth that nover had s bicycle club. It bas aver 5o vbeelmen and vbeelvomnen, mastly ail atble ta ride alone vhere the streeîs are vi (e aed smaotb, sud onte a( thom ride viîh a bicycle lace sud do other Lipgs more or lesa le 'keepiug uiîb vhecling ethica and eth- quotte. Up ta date thero bas hotu no organ- ization, and ailte ridiug bas been doue haphazard, one stra ggling off oua way and fanotber tho othor vay. This exposes the .tovu bicyclista ta the danger ofigeîîing los:, >Cor their names arc uat enrolled auyuhore. Rud uben 0:10 af them rides out ai tovo there laun persan ta kcap tRb on hlm or ber ta ste ihat ha or sho ever cames back. There la cao the dançeg o ai ling over crn. haukrmenis et top speed and gcîîing iujured or killed. [n case ai the former happening ibere vould ho no strape or buttan ou the lu- jored vayfarer ta outiLle hlmi or ber ta be iifted bi' the nexi passing uheelman ; lu case ai deaîb vithout ibe means ai idcntafictiian I uouhd mean that anc vauid ha laid saay n moanie potter's field. fîom ubence on the judgmnenî day ho or she uould corme lcrth ai Gabriel's caîl. Wc could picîurc oui lar tmare numnerous and terrible ihinga te vhich oui cyclisîs are txpoaacd, but vo icar it nigisî iîigbten îhem ail irom the business. Suffice litae ii' Ibat ail the worid is wan- deriug hou ou ea-th Whiiby geis along Yvithout a ubeel club. We muai have one. To ibis end a meetinig ai the taun cycliats la. ta be cailed soan, aud ail uho expect te keep n line should be there. Tha Choral Society'. Anather happy hit lu the selection ofistud- les hi' the canductar, Mr. J. W. F. Harrison, îs the uew four-part sang. '«Hetihat bath a Pleasaut Face. " tht practice ai uhichwus beiztin ai Wcdnesday uighi's rebearsai. Ih la af a ricbly bumorous nature as ta the varda by C H Bellamv. and the fun af it fairiy bubbies up lu the sparkliug music composed hi' j t. ation. To open tht con- cert ai April 22nd, for ibatisl the puipose Mr Har-rison maîed, decided the choice af tht merri' madrigal, sud ias appropriatencas is admirable. The îlnts are so good as ta var- rant reproduciug someofa them Ho thai bath a ploasani lace, Aud viii join iu catch or gîte, Ht shalh hava a volcomte place 'Mid this goodly compauy. If lie cannaI ing or play Why, then, puty oaiel heart Noîwiîbstanding let hlm say ; Hoe au do the list'ner's part. If hae canuat plai' or sing, And he ouI' corues te a Lai, Then ibatas quite anoîher tlsing, Ho may take bis bat and valk! No description couid do Justice ta the mirth sud îollity ai the score-tht music la simpli' tiquisite. There vas again in spite aficounter attractions an attendance neariy up te the century mark. F. HWR ANNES, President. Tha Petition for a NlghL Patrol. A gaad mani' ai the business men uho signed a pelition ta tht toun caunicil for the -ppolntmneut af a paîral, are anuse takuow wbether or net seine t4 ai tht 83 Petitianca s can nov legalli' tuin round and say uho shall ha appoirtcd, tht aihers bcbng voîce- ýes lu the malter. We have ascetained liant ibiet thingsarse necessari' ta a petitiait for s nighî paîrol: (il that il shahl ask lar tht sppoinimeut ofas igbî patrol, (2) ihat 1: shail state the dimensions ai the section oi tht toun to ha patroied, <3) ihai the pelition be aigued bit tua-tirds ai the ratepavers is said lurit. if tht petition state less or maie than Ibis il las illegal, uneless-, and couldnot W h/te and Oream Be Lace Curtainfl. Sure and See Our Range Before Purchasing. ANDREW Fancy China, A Large Stock of-%% Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line Always of Fresh Groceries. Ieliab le. AT GIBSON'S. The Great Wonder, me ROSSO Tu S[E IS J0 8[LI[Vl Cali On .Od WM. TILL sumd ha coevleced tisi au Blegant lina af FURNITURE -As""- UPHOLSTERED 80008 la haing sald et cvay dawnpriestake lu toucis vus thseHAL>TMS Antique Oak Leather S-P4t Cahier Rocker - - - $1 25 Antique Oak Pluss Rocker -3 O0 Geeus lange upholstered ]a$Y Chair 4 50 PalrSets, OkPluss & apestry î8 oo Sideboa-da, Plate Murrau - - 6 oa Bcdroom Seita, 3 pleces - - - te0oo Dinlng able, 4 lbaves - - -5 00 Chlrna Rockers 5 0 Ail etier goode pro- porianalli' chesp ! Xverythiag suitasle, unefal-and oruateutal. Repairingi Upisalâtez- ing and Uadtdotakieg. - WMa TILL9 WRITRY. m 1 UJNRESERVED, GIVING Ur BUSINESS SALE 0F ENTIRE STOCK"0F Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Sboes, Fancy. Goods, Etc., Going- On. 'Here 18 a Good Thing. Variety thse Largesi! Qualïty t/he Choicestl Prces -t/se Lowest are the three points whioh lead the FURNITTRE trade. BA RGAI1 N S Electro + - Plate( Ware. JETCÂAu,T ION-...,. May be neoessary when yen are dealing with peojeIe irhOm you cérot trust, but we have entitled ourselves to, your utmost ý oidonoe, and if yon camne te us with your Eyes Shut wG would trealt you juast the same as thojgh they were Wide Open. It 18 this knowledge which makes us believe that you litill have Strong faith in out ability to please you. The House-oleanîng Eeason is now near at hand and with-.that objeet in view WO have pu!43h9.Bd 1 ~an excellent assortment of UNION CARPETS, ranging in price from 30c. per yard. Also a fine range of ALL WOQL CARPETS, ini both 2 ply and 3 ply. We are showing a new assortment of TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS CARPETS, with Borders to Match, and claim to have the best assortment of these goode in the county. We also show CARPET BOIRDERING and CARPET LININGa. 1&180 a Fie Âssortment of-mmdbm- 1 l Spoons, Fork, and Enives-, -A T- J.S. Barllard's, 4 -., OMetcaI Conaty Organ-Largcat Circula- non of any local per tu Can"a FLUDAY, MARCH 12, 18-9-. LOCAL LAGONIOS. It looks springy.- There was fully six inches of mud on th( rosds yesterday. Mrs. Wm. Ayres vas at homne to bc mnty lady iriends Mouday and Tuesdav aiternoons. O'Brien & Stcdhamns photo Za4lrv ; open for business every Tut-s.ddv. Friday and Saturday. Mr J. P. Vicbert, ai Braoklin, will occupy the pulpit af the bapti-at churcb uext Sab- bath morr.ing aud cveuing. Dr'. C. F. McGallivray won a silver mnedal as a medical student ai -Toronto urnvtcrsitl in t8go, and neyer received it until last Saî1 urday. However, he neyer needed it. Humphrey vho la vaeted hcre for larger and a lot more ihings, bas been sentenceý ai Woodstock ta serve tbree years in pent tentlar for crimes ai the sanie class hi committed there since skipping fran Oshava 1»t atl. The Indila Famine Pond. The following additional subscriptioris t4 this iund are acknowiedged by the Domn. ion bank bere: methodisi tabernacle $3o, C W. Smith Si, Wmn. Hall, Town Line, $2- Books me-s;ng. Upon:ivestigation it bas been found thi :a 2% br ai vaînable books are missir.~ fromt he collegfitte in!nitute library. 1, -reqeested thal these books be retuut4' immedately, as otberwise ateps viii bi taken for their recovery. Ateideut ta Robt Willis. The maey frienda ai Mr. Robt Willis wi regret ta hear af a very simple acciden whlch befeil hlm on Tuesdayeveniol which may reseit very seriousl y He wtzn into the kitchen ta get something, aud'vai in the act of stooping davia for iL, vbeu bi i eye came le contact vitb the baud le oai dipper, and vas sa damaged tbat it is eaie( ha vil bac it. though ve hope nor. Bating te Great Estern. The new White Star palace ste-imaýhin Oc e*nic, nov being buiît ai Belfast, lreland wiii be,7o4 leed long, about 25 feet long- titan vas the famous Great Easteîn, aud 6~ (cet longer iban ans- otiteT vesse1 uow i-a Sbevwlllbe launchcd nexi jsnuaiy. Thi White Star Line as makmng s gîcax Lid fo thse best passeuger traffic on the A-lantic Mr. E. Stephenson, Whitby is their agtent- *zso.ýo Un C E Fairbanks la Pcb. 1895 Mr and Mrs C E Fairbaunk Aylmer, the former a son ai Mir L Fai, bauks, ot ibis toue, vere upsci hy a snou .plleon tise Michigan Central Railroad ne Ayimer, Ont. birs Fairbanks received fracure of thse shoulder which vili amaui to -permanent unjory. .An action lu t Courts secuired ber a judgmeut for Staoo an <05<8 agaanst the M. C. Raîlwsv aud t towmslip of Yarmouth. The case was a pe1dby bot aofthse defendants, eacb ta .mng I rund ibat tbey ?vere not lhablef damages- for not rcmaovipng snov froin tt saflloy crossing. Bath the appeals el -dlspled, and- Mrs Fairbanks vili recel bier Sq epsudcasts. We regrt to have ta State that li.1 .,]een met wltlt a very serions and painf neiet oTuesday last vhicb vii lsy hi f ; 8, 1r Song urne, '5His daeghter Kate t Ireto Prescotua veek prevzouslY, and ÀWletterlsad been rece:,ed- inth ea t NuIL KsftM-eit very auxians about hL Waà iS tse bstonu hudy vheu o ,of hk OUS Cail dover ftout the bouse 4. ý laterb -batsreceived. Mr'M *«Mt*sg bouttise glanSe -ice vhich AeoSoid'Ve17MD* e bad a terrible tsuR Ilt t=if ~uqott h, «pbreaking three oi ZIo * tCu Ytvçedtô the houmeamd ime Ise:doctes' tar, but uathaugc j«iurid,p.± oftle boaue jside aimou .-tW-.-Tb-*hletwdregrets the a Harfy Up for BARGAINS Ïýr 07,tronitl t*

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