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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1897, p. 5

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re BAR G AINS IN Spoons, Forks and Knives, -T- JS. Barnard's, OSola È.at Ogm-aztCronia- FIIIDAY, MARCH 12, 1897. LOCAL LAAONICS. Il loaks spriugy. There vas fully six luches of mud on tbe roads yesienday. Mis. Wrn. Aynes vas at home ta ber nany lady fiends Manday and Tuesday a te mous. tY'Brien & Stedharn's photo gailery is open for business eveny Tuesday, Frîdav and Saturday. Mn J P.Vichert. ai Brookln, viii accupy lte pulpt of the baptist chut-ch nexi Sab- bath morning aud evening. Drý C. F. McGillivt-sy von à silver medal aàs s medical student at Tot-onto univtrsity n tggo, and neyer received it uliil l at Sat tînday. Howeven, lie neyer needtd il. Humphrry vbo ln vauted bere for forgery and a lot tuart thinga, bas been sentenced at Woodstock ta serve tht-ce yenrs iu peni- ienîiary for crimes of tht saine class he o,-rnritted there since skipping from Oshawa at fl. The ladia Famine Fund. lTe follo'vîng additional subacriptions to tbis tund are acknowledged by the Domiîn- on bank litre : metho4iaitabernacle $30, CC WV.Snmith Si, Wns. Hall, Town Lîne, Sa, Batoku Maissing. Ilpon investigation il bas been fond thit a number of valuable books are ri'singl frorn lit collegiate institute Iibt-ary Il is r-quested that these books bc returned ::îxniediately, an otherwise stepa 'viii be iltrn for thein recoveny. At-rident ta RabI Wbllis. lThe mauy frieuds of Mn. Robt Wiilis i vii irgrrt to hear af a very simple accident whicit befll hlm on Tuesday eveniug " hi-h ny resuit very setiou.sly Ht went into tht kitchen ta get something, aud was n the acl of stoopiug dovît for it, vhen his ý-yr carne in contact vith the bandIt ou a d!ipper. and vas 50 damaged thal it ta leared h- wil base th. thotîgh ve hope flot. Beiting the Great Eastern. Tht- new Whie Star patace stearnsbiî Oc- r;-lcan-, ov eing biiilt ai Belast, inelaud, -il t10e704 feet long, about- 25 feet long-r t'ar, was the farnous G;reat Eatstern, and 65 1-et linger tItan ans' otîtti vessel now adliat -'h.- wîll i e aunrheilnext Januaîy. Tlit \'. it- Star Uine is rnîitng a great bid for lhe h- passenger traffic on the AlIatitîc Nir t- Stephenîson, Whitby ta thein agent. Siooe to Mns C E Fairbanks iii Pt-b i.".pý Mr and Mrs C E Fait-bAtiks. .%yuimer, the fit-mner a son of Mr L Fair- t .înks, oh dtîs to'vn, syere upset by s sno'v- pi1 O the Michigan Clentrai Raiînoad nieur Aý1rif-t, Ont Nirs Fairbanks received a tiartjîte of the shoulden which 'viii anounit t. ipermanenit injury. An action lu tht rouur*,à secUrird lier s judgment for Stooo andl tasagiis the ms. C. Raîlwav andl tht tivtîship of Yarmnouth. The case vas ai- peaird bv both of the defendanis, escis tak- ng tht- grourid thiat ihey vtetnot lhable for i1a mages for flot rernavinj snow lt-rn tht t al'ay crossiflî. Bots the appeais vert dismîisseil, and Mrs Fairbanks vili receive hier Stoeîo and casts. W,- regret bo have to state that Mir. H. Met-n met wtth a vcm-y serions aud painful ýAccident on Aiinsday hast wbich yull lay hlm p for a long tirne. Hia dsugbter Kate had 'gout- to Prescotb s week pteviausly. and as rino itter had been teceved iu tht mean- lime Mr. Meeu feit very anxiou about her. Ht vas in tht barn ou Thut-sday visen ane of bis sous called over front tht bouse that a letr had been receivect Mr. Metu ntaried but-riedhy aut of tht barn daor, aud. forgettiug about the glanre ice vhich itad coateil eventhiug, he had a terrible tail ou the corner af the sihi, bteaking tht-te oh bis ribf. Ht vas con vcyed te tht bouse aud la under tht dactors care, but nething eau bnsng hum out of the boiuse a.uide a mouth or tva. Tht vhole lavis regrets lte acci dent vb icbe shuta geuisi Hanny up for se long s periodl. LegisIation W1lh Force Il Tht fohia'ving is ltrn the repart af Dr Citamrberland, Provincial iuspector of pt-taons - Many o( tise j ails continue te be ui',e as houses ai rel.îge aud haspitala. Old people. destiluf e af home and lrteuds, sa-ec cnstantly bring committd ta jali by justices of tise peace sud policé magistrates under the vagrancy act lu order ta save sorme litle ezpense ta uhe municipaliies in vbich those unfyrtunate people bave been resldlng. lu somne placetbth sick isavq been committeil to iail for medical tresîmeut for thetamre reason. This state af tisg, tise inspectar aya, is a disgrace ta a christian BARGAI NS+ Electro + P1ated Ware. Seniors j utIiors Won Lost Dnav Goals von 8 1 t 73 5 0t4a Goals lest 38 21 Tht Cabou-rg Stan condemuis professianal- i9rm nt the- Cobaourg hockey club, but partIs rexcu5ssit hy manufacturing a falae-od'to tht- eflect that Whitby piayed a rînger there. No such thing vas donc by tht Wbitby club. Eveny plaier on tht Whitby team hban playrd vîthil ttsînce it vas first organized bout- years ago Tht Oshawa Reformer sys . "The Whit- by tearn, vî understaud. have vîîhdrs'vu frorn tht league. We do flot kuov vhaî their reasotis are ion se daing. but it cer- tainir is a cowandly trickr, and yet Whtbys style all the saîme. 0 * Thev dlaim il ai thes' cou Id ai il have von tht champion sfîlp. but all others knav dffieeently, and they ktît'vil themrselves, cousequeittiy ibeir cowardly act." All ve have ta say iu repiy o thîs ta that a d'rty spev aivays cornes frorn a flthy mouth. Tht Reformer veilI te- presents the Cnrktovn gang vhicb folows tht (l-ha'va hockey club. No club that ever visited Whitby was able to ssy that an im- propî.r word vas printed about itlu tht ýVhitby papers. On Saturday atternoon aur jtiniors had an engagement with t "pptr Canada CoIIeKC 1l, Torointo.The visîtors bail telephoned su-cal word het-e that they vert onîs- uniors, anid tht tiîey vert not to be put agaînsi seniors , but vîhen thty got hert il %vas tond that tht-v tîsi everv bantam star Who coul fie (itidi in thse city. If their teRni haila s utile practice together they coul hippodromne îLe country as litte prodigies. M'hiýby juniors wtt-e in good înîm, ail but Nicholson,.vîho %ail on agnicul- tural skates.iThe garne set ofi like light- ninîg. the visitons being htrtsud thene and ail over ltke a iaà.It i t a speedy exhibi- tion î.î hockey vlien tht Whitby juniors gel itît, but on Salut-day tht expnessed opinion aI tht- openîng of thse game 'vas tbat thie clubs 'vert- S trid et-ens. The vi-hors scort-il first, and i il welh. A lev minutes ister Whttby liaIt a goal. At haiftime il 'vas 3 ail Then conimencea a vondenful struggle. Escit aide warked as if for lite Up andi dowti te ice. rushes, combiuations, &htuas, stops-to ste tht la!-it hall ai that game 'vas vorth thet rney. Bath goaîkeepers 'vert pelteil lime antd again, and tach ai tht-r saved bis club from muauy opposite scores. Tht endl came ai hast, sud ond Whîîby 5 ta 4 in tht lead. There 'vas a dis- puted goal, claimed lu mistake by the visit- ors' umpire, but ul allowed as it vas s dlean case ai mlsjudgrnent, tbe refere.. bav- tng seen tht nesui ai tht stiot. Tht Whitby teamn lined up as follows : GOpl, F. Brant, poiî't, J Brant ; c point, A Taylor ; larvards. Wm Bannes (cap(,.), Eddie Nicholson and tht Paqueite Bras. Tht managers oi the Whilby sud Oshawa [clubs have decided that before tise season clased tht bad relations existiug beween the tvo clubs shaulil bi bealed, sud tisailise tva tavus should Pave thé satisfa.ctiou ai knoviug which han the better club. To this endi il as arrauged tisat a home sud home ganse should b. played betveen tht tva clubs, vith Mr E Perey Brovn, af Upper Canada Cailege, a veilikuowu Toronto heckeylte, for releree. Tne lest game vaF calhed to camne off bere onu Mouday nigisi. sud flhy 00 people vere at the rink te set il. Thtý Oshawa club vas reinforced hy Glil of Braoklin, vise put op a fine ganse. The excitement vas intense as the refere d býerateil sud lectured the players. When t uck vas crassed aI a terrific slanhiug n.Eaci club apptared dctermitned ta wnthe gaie ne làsminute. Witliy gai Use first piece af it lu four minutes. Oshava helped ist I thesecond asceintu to min- uâtes. That *es tht ouly taue tise visitcf had lu thse 'lesgt bai ltiehitby bustltd al Use visile and a aternrnsslaubd ralstd Ia end ta 4 li,1-By tiMtis mne Frenchs, aitise Osisaua, vas ppd cul, sud oties ofltas Clt <lieq sd ftise ten minutes resi ThounpsOMu Wa 4 Ii&et <c make il oves for French isT econd bAlf siavod tise saine scoM, e tiseOra&L lu*isak the resuit 8 tw 2 lu Wbitby'sfari. 'Anl- Mîent ai Use gaine WMa sittlÇ bickedinbe- iveen Sminsd Hicton iWhoôctousedqr c Whitby sud (Osawa espeCtlveii'.Tht feud rcv, antd teth ga!0 "ri "fo overstepptd tise sockI mg retato»nsud consequeutly vwer*t -4Wh ïeiegpted ta positions ïgtuog tis b4teé-7yI tine ibere vtrt ouly t forrWids on eseli side, and Uis - nablrd t OftJft010 ti 'ce tai have àb diôt llCO éLIO00 lion, WhUt>g uuSupili* af it bcforetbpe wcls Mit Henry Billingu, of Molson's bank, Toronto, han been apending a fortnlght at home. -Tihis sunimer weatber emue u - so auddenly that we diii ,t gçt our maple trees tapped. If people wonld seetot It at once ta let o69 surplus water and clear up rubblsb every.- where there wonld not be se mauy place for disease to lîUrk lu. Mr R D Robbius, Toronto, foriuerly o Port Perry, was here on Tuesday pusblng the sale of town lots in Wabigoon. Algom, which la a prospective iovn site eight miles from Dryden, where Hon John Dryden bas establlshed a colony of setUers. Hockey It brotght onan'awful thaw, didu'î it? Wli5shsk*. Osh*v, and çcouo for the meoud round, WiII the Reformer kIndiy **gain note that 700 ýCa' beat Wbltby on Ite own lme VÎ'Geo Newbery, an oid Whltby boy, bas beeui playing goal ior the Lakefid hockey team titis sesson. After ail Oshawa bad pretty good pluck to tackle Whitby ai ail. Some of tbem reaily thought they couid vin. We 'viii vager a pal of soat sosp against a 2s cent plug of tobacker that Whitby ahuts Oshawa out in the return match. "Blood on the Moon" han been hall wiped out between Whitby and Oshawa, and viii be completely erased the next garne. Died-At Whitby, on Monday night, the Oshawa hockey club. Nothiîîg left of it for a funerai. Oshawa Reformer please copy. Notwithstanding tbe boasting of the visit- ors, Whiby sports had to bet on two goals more than Oshxawa in order to get even muone y. Referee Brown of Toronto doesn't suit Oshawa. They 'vi1l have to &gain faau back on Tub Syke%, He can makreil a tie, even if he can't vin. 0While good policy is restored between the two clubq, Oshawa is also relieved of carrying arotind the notion ail summer that it eau beat Whitby at hockey. Whitby was ouly beaten twice during the winter. once in the dark ait Port Hope, and once ai Cobourg by the ignorance of the referee as to the rules of the game. We hope the ice 'vili keep good for s re- turn gamne with Oshawa, and our club 'vili niale the thlng still more binding on their consciences by another hlte touch -up. Little Charley Mundy 'viii now be able to print O-hawn's death notilceIn the Reformer. He might add that ihree days after the Reformer 'vas printed Whitby 'vas resurrected, accordtng to Bblicai regula- t ions. Whitby hockey club died March ist.- Port Hope G'uide. Not, bowever, util it had Port Hope's scalp hung up in jts col- lection, Beside%, a hockey club is like rhuba1t. it springs Up tht next yeat in the same place without cultîvation. The folowinz is the record of the Whitby senior and junior hockey clubs for the sea- son ý usiue MsuraF HAimes J H Long, -Dr Adamis, Postîmser Hovdes, jMiss Rt», issn Logan. Misn Howdeu, Mis 0Douovau, Mgise Baudol, Mms,,Galbraith, Mrs Barnard, Principal Waugh aO' Use coulgIt Isit sud Rev Dr Rare, Princigal., ai iseontarlo Ladies' COUiee.Thse pias aofd-tisio i to be cents for ad is, uidxot o bys g ris te £lailutsoftise bail. Tie adescftise coumitear rugg for s thorouals cauvaus Cf thse. ovM.ý liter. i be nà resqrvation -e Mmu*but a retr~dui#fspleendd w» artofit plulprov amneo(fI C0--- -Fe Blrtb Ai Whitby, the wife 0f Mr jas Fegan, of a son. At Wbitby, on the 2nd inaL, the vile af Mr Wm Browvn, station master, of a daughter. Curling On Friday nlght tva rinka af Oshawa's junior curar came ovr ere and were sigualiy deféated by Skips Willis aud King by ri shots. ]Rqual Rlghters At Home Hon J H Long ha-_ anno9nced an At Home ai his office for Satsrday nighe. Everyone who attends 'vîli be made to feeI ait home. Oh for M4aultoba &ad Getd Fields B. C. March 2nd, atnd every Tuesday during March and April, (sufficient business ofier- ing,) a apecial colonist train for Canadman Northwest via North Bay and C P R.,'vili leave Toronto ai 9 p. m. Colonisîs wiîh or- dinary baggtge can also leave Toronto daiiy (except Sunday) at 12.20 (n0o11.) Colonîst sleeping cars on each train free 10 ticket holders. For throuRh tickets readlng from Myrtie, Brooklin, Whitby, Pickering or To- ronto and every information apply ta E Stephenson, ielegraph, express. general raillay and ocean ticket office (opposite Flatch Bros) Wlhitby. Ainst Asphyxiated. Mis. Wtn. lohnston, Pet-ty Street, vas nearly killed by coal gas on Tuesday night. Miss Carrne Johnston, Hamers corners, takes dinner vith Mrs. Johnton whilst atten ding school, and on Wednea«day when she went there at noon she found the milk pitcher sittinig outside with mnilk in it She irot a neighbor ta corne and force the door open, when Mms. Johnstan vas found on the floot- uuconscious. She had a pparently tried ta leave ber bed but bad fallen ex. hausted ou the floor. A physician vas called, but it took a long limne to restore Mis. Johnston 10 consciousness. It la t-e- pot-ted that Mis. Jobuston's main trouble vas paralysis. A Tnlffing Matter of Business. We wvish ta say a word about concerts, teas, etc. There have been so înany laiely thai 've fancy no particular body will féed specially aimed at when we mention that a habit is growing upon this iown of flling tht local papers wiîh free announcements af en- tertainments, and then even charging the reportt rs an admissiun fee for the pri vîlege nf reportlng tht-se affairs. How on earth they suppose a newspaper tan lîve on fret advertîing and pav admission fées in every case for the prîvitege of reporring 've do not know. Onet thing 've do know, however. If those who run shows do not know when îhey are more than veli used 've shall ahut off on them iu future and advertise nothing without psy. and report naîhing ta which 've are not adrnittc-d free. This ta tht way in every other town but Whithy. Tht peo- ple have been îoo weil used here, and are mnean enaugh 10 taire advantage of it îo tht lasi possible itioh. Mrs Silvers Abduction Charge. Tht charge of abduction againat Mrs. Sul- ver. of Chaik Lake, for taking tht z2 year old girl avay from Mr. and Mms. Day, was hear d befo)re H is Honior JudRe Datell on Frîday aflernoon asat There were a loi of .an1drats from around ;Ilen Major down bore as ,itiîîesses, and a pretty lough iooking crowd they 'vere. It wauld appear ftorn tht evidence that Mrs. Anderson did not ini tht tirst place gise the child to Mis. Day for good., but only left il there for a time.' She after'vards decided to give ii 10 themn, aud tohd thein it 'vas iflegitimate. On t'va occa- -;ions they arranged with her to make writ- irigs settling ail future disputes about the chîld, but somehow tht arrangements ail leil througfi, and site neyer signed anytbing. Anderson, tht man she married, gave away lis children at the same Urne. During the tuielve years the- child Lily lived at Day's there 'vas no evidence that Mrs. Anderson ever exhibited any motherly, feeling for ber offspring, but in court on Friday site vent irîto paruxyiams ai grief, and appeared as if ..he vould go mail if the chid vert taken lrnm her nov. The juilge assured her that, these proceedings had ne such abject ln vie'v, the question under review beiug s t whether !drs. Silver vert guilty ai seduction in accompanyir.g tht girl from Chalk Lake ta Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Silver had acted as a sort ai go-beiveen for Mrs. Auderson vbo 'vas writing letters ta Lily and receiving anavers from thern. Mes. Silver vas the bearer bath vays. After a lime Lily became soxiaus ta go ta ber mother, andh ieft the public schooi with Mms Silver, the twa going ta Toronto together. The judge beid ihai ST-EWART.~.., Annual Winter, Sale MOMEIWI** jS TO-IDAYM. Reliable goods at positive Bargains have been the attractive features of this annuat event, and the stIccese wbich iye bave attained in the past le directly due toeoeur VERY LOW PRICES. This great Bale }JLOOCIJIa auu e Ssi argain chlances of the entire seaeon. We iteinize below only a few spocialbargainst 1ats ks ai .,., 100 Ladies' Cloth Jackets, blachsansd colora, viii b. closed out for your; 'choice) at thc'kbud price of $2.00. AU Aiour MILLINERY vii.l b. cieared out at cost and under. Bee our $3.00 Bats for $1.75.1 Bee our $2.00 Bats for $1.00. AUl aur Ladies' UNDERCLOTHINO the very bout gooda mii very lovest prices. Se. aur Ladies' Veutsa ml25c., worth 50c.1 Dreas Goods, Remuants in Dres Gooda, Flannels, Print,,, Sateensp1 Linens, etc., ail te b. cleared out ati very close ptices We have te hast aud' cheapeat Dreu, G"oda in tevu. If you vaut a nice PLAID BLOUSEI or DRESS be sure te see ours. See aurl Plaida at 25e and 50c. Fancy Biaisel Silka at 25e, 50o and 65c. Nov is te lime ta get a SUIT or au- OVERCOAT mnade te order. ur prices and styles are rigbt. Be sure to call and tee aur goodu. No one can boa aur prices. Gent, TIES, SOCK.S, SHIRTS, UN DERCLOTRINO, oIe, aI rigbt prices. Ail gooda marked at Lowest CASE PRIOEB- mW ITBYLr WA LTER Sy i -y 1$ g 1 -i M i 4E-I -t Ge NEW Gý-00D8 30 CASES RECEl VED. Our shipment of Sprng Novelties from EUROPE ai riving daily. Already some 30 cases have been ceîved and the goods placed into stock. Our aim tre arriv- ire- is to supply the latest and best in ail uine-s at the Lowest Prices Possible. ~~C11and Se 0urNew <flportaUons.* e w. Go ODDFELLOWS' BLOCK, FJSII. CLOSIE PRICES -FoRi- Lente n M. 8ea8on# Ci$ WALTERS.O WHITBY. WHITEFISH, SALMON TROUT, PIOKEREL, PiKE OODe SMELTSP LAMB HIBBIMNGi, HAIFAX USIQ YAUMRUTHBATSR H[eads o'f Famle WHO Study BEeouomy wil I find it hi Grocerw8 4- T A~7~'r of this 1q tisai op«ery où r.0. Great, -F. STE WA", RTc t-i1 -l 1 wu li m

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