r ThoVWa ~table mnd5 W0iftbbU*lVotf t cm sbe'Wis uieam h or od up ifi ant i ft -W. lip the following froa theiiEnter itss: *"iventure teusal few, if 85i S s OUho#*O1896 U .17et .oa eenw4 1sasof her ' il wdl- 1y- 'sprise, Muskego, MieL , and it vill bring oeiv.d gruuter beoît froixtbe weug-aietUNY 0 1fr.. 8l1~oe4 ~T ,Leben 0 ai fL.1t.midaye-clmtebheA j j habituai(itiOKtuiI u hv imbiug bar brg.s boeer. He o.,flg. , 1 o3min arue-Coluhun byo: t, isim' O'7 tbe habit&uele' bande rubb.d snd rabbed 9t he little epesin.125n. i.une .be 1RIS O Sposible in connection witb thé comploi- reOoomîâl;n sd litel, 1sufeesI hueuk eÈanid WEIE-.O adns1 hty l vitite ourle on ber forebead danoed like 1I[ar iDa. I I]tegote tieaofc 013 fite eover -estimite rh. veine tisey alto found itof Igteat tlrtue IniUU -eJanI. ~~ e b; Street ehildren. Yet the labor bad no I ar "Y fou arn o ia clnburry n ep te goveebr tesan nipet mmpin.t jli epil ffo.Te ua heelk tlPerey, and I aelait not detain youdà dyen B ee uaayfo Dc Pecpil fet h oe hn iemucis longer. You rMay tel me smre- buss T_%mspointt osee -gt, but se it did wben seh.begn toth uabout t %ug-ts Sagiraparilla mec euiTe ms tha of J. J Howen- D5e.8 demoa it. t ad hone luet h&t & ye ter Idageeinsho? im port nt-Lbis girlm - Jon diy snd the dà y before, and indeed every old"i alle ?mercalgponut19, thAunfJ. Martha."Jun day 1er 60 years. There vas a emooth le she cultivated, educated ? Corne,aCo M.hswbuen oers aquer eturhe y -----------LL, B ., ir.m 'l6 ao6 a ;.uy1 dicatlaud bael wocrn herebrPerey, tell me ail about, her." Md, Pr.ORT FiaSi -ater J. W. l3urnhBè-am, Port040Ce Cirl dlt aderubeaway met a h.bad, -ehoo. It t gbut the dtowrkafier s ARintà tyadfo amlbeiig tadspF black wood of the door Nevertholens "h ettrubtegamr c A EID L S has growu te wonderlnl proportions, so Barrister, Oourlty Crowu AttotDG, &t ep ;No. doue every mrnring ince tb. sprîng of sth t So se ceirandtepautnodor Thé Greatest of al Liver, more extensive firme engaged iu thie liseCOIfoueWbby 1888, when elle wvas ubt a bride, into the house and cook, nov tbat ber Stomach and B!ood Medicines. of business in thse saure of Michigan; and - - A Z ULD u th t o se S e wa hepr o r euben- , uth i e ad nicee tugirl anihat tbeeeau tneendr wihtibouse &henasnU d e mof Grten .htsnh.Seolbtt eal pc oFRmore competent and reliable or better Barrister, etc. Office îorner!y occnpied 14 ; Ct ;Dc 6 g llaetin ai.ki D ftt "Thas lr t h. nsbad o bold he AtBPECWO oR ndprepareil to exeoute large contracte in by Farewell & Rutledge, neat k Ikioul tel, CiçuerwereSfb~ niltn Onti atena rsycar gM.Bttlm e mag e b outbnehoeeod Remtsm otadplumbing, gas, or hot water heating, Brook St., Whitby. Jn On thistprionger rotymonul ag br.Bttl emr botbr .brvieChronlc Complaint. . than the abovp nameil flrm. Everytbung Leve e &rrte lionger than nas at ber Oft., are ber manners gentie, ijellhe ,tod k ______ra ei ep nsoc n D V D O MI T N - .B tory even to ber sharp eyeeskibe vorked est ? Deseribe ber to rne, my dear. la Th'ý,v Cleanse an' Purify the solil to dealers tliroogbout the state. A &ttorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohiucery l7, vn uti as BIoodi.tegln e s ppr ty large force of kilied w echan c e are con* onveyancer, etc. ffi e - In the Oiffice Dec, 18 jh ht&rsBakSre htbra- Perey wseouagdbeh fwBod tantly ernployed and every device aDi otioth of thse Post Office, in idcMllawe Ui.Hat Utifv te h.o eb o t cro e B n k e ytet th t e r -ai o rd s of ap p ro v al lie a i w o n . m ac in ery ko t Ue e 'rd e m ay ere B loc , ock S treet, W itby . C le r k, . s c 7 s 2 i y 1 c . 1 ofbrbn& ethrwëi ietd u lAnsesa euta' -A1 D ug ss sd fond. The firtu ave machiery for -~Dec19 cfber andoa. nsetion oaf t herted Lu "What do yon Bay-& what ?" cuttiDg pipe as large as eight luches in G. YOUNG SIMITU. LL. B..,.FAEEZ' bore' knookers. Tbeirs glisteneil likc 1,1 mean se's a besuty. 8he'. go: General Dealers. diameter, whio cannnt b. found outaide Barrieter, etc.-MoneY to Loan. Issue? bers, and, besides, evsry ime abs looked bine syes and blonde liair and the niceat. lfÉhrDtri rCi a rge Thosk, BlockSouMari of Maret, B'Offce-St.mWitby Ot up br eee urnd t butonedoo, taï,bilzget, reideRt, reidegt cheek. Ske piigbuecrisavr ag icBok ot 1MreB c t,'ht o p lerboyse it fond oo but one oortto a nt bat von would Coilquiet; ee', . hicb em braces ail essentil supplies amnd oftbed bouse lu frontrofuc tod W more lively like. YVuonoglit te hear hber Keeping a cro la. novelties, aud viti a reputation ever sue Dow & cGILLIV RAY, Pet ontedo pndad laugrl wheu ve're dovu ou the docks L ikomOen ained for superior workmaneliip, tise in BiitrSlctv uChancery, stc. NW Lvr dSi tbe Prtt sonte oo oend and' niglitg witb the reet of the crowd. Ilî--siumn a an oSol iy anp rfisiateSoios&Bain ' e l young man ina carters blouse came out îbet you muidUer lier arrostUe river ini To keep asckroom cdean viere te L uie ort. s Rnde Do nlCtry dstate Brock Sa.. hitb, outh of OentMiow blok lie saw the olil lady acroas the Street, Hooke. und>0i, A uSpoertp, uO cno .~uepapris but an omtsidecutyadsaeBokS. ibsuho nai & rhough be pretendeil not to. He bnsied d I Tt k acrptdtio cno b wet poe patronaga. Neerly ail buildings of any himnhelf otentatiouely about the homses,' mug a- je too freekiaele can jolly inii ional nurse wyl go over the carpet vitli note in Muekegon have bad tilseir plomb- atlong to beat thle bandl. But oeseoùý a cloth wruug out of werni weter inn oeb hscoeu U ooe 1heade for a moment andl tbsn turned the level tno. SU.o dose the square thing which bas been put a litt!e ammonia. U p of thîs bsisMrco deu, ise uns ole bîck Lo the truck. Mire Leveens lad by bier old man every clip. The bous- holstered furniture is treateil the smre oUe itybstnost pr. ominent, e nte ofn seeu biln. Sbe bent berseif earmestly 1torkbst edu eore theee n foywayif tat s e prt o thefurumblua an relabl the kuooker and n a few trobes fioished ok'"teb oebf le@inflwa f hth. Pr ftefungosan eibebusiness men, la aiso trense - s W itof. he se acdtoward the ereetth game. And sUe slaves for lier little [ntMarly nev bouses a sickroom isienlu rer a nd soperintendent of he Murkegon ors Warren & Moore an i e f. the sukie aed br y s îtli steresud brothers, Just Slaves for theni. cludeil in the architecte plan' Thiesnia) <3s Liglit Co., andl divides lus attentioL l ixe l t okwa tilirsyetiiand yet the doeset as wilhing. But then Us used for another purposwhite the btveen the two enterpnîss.e. l sIo b 1J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. -Good mornmng. Auînt Martha,- be "lies good to everybody; alwaye reail> family is unafflicteil, but ln cases of sick- Canadien by birîli, bot bas reauded ii Sî ekndt i t oet e. ire bebid or ick or bave company, andi eunny oxposure, an openu repls.ce andl or cîryB most important traie factors. Office hours 9. a. M. office hoursiIl am . .T NE P T, rpioO Sbe beokornintoerey,"oscon oere ebs stieks up for homees andl cats and ail ptubing directly in the room. It opent.t 2PM 'Good mornas inge rocy.' eran rdlîke tht. You vouido't believe iabs vas unto an entry in vbicl isjea windov and t lam plaatya i prabdUr e nthet way, th ougi, to ses ber et a baIl ot from lia lto tise matin ball of tb. honse,.i iae7lpot omnctn baud. *Corne mn a moment. I viSli tO dancing on excursion boat& up the river tins însnring protection in cases of con @eak vith U"Sesa good looker and a a god dresser. tgosdiseaisse. TUe floor is bard wPhyD.sIc.n SuRgeon md Acouce? t. _____ab]___________ Teinterview ho bai dreaded for veeka andl hen ahe'e ont in full rig-vell, ay. witb only abuble rugi for purpose oi O N SgotndAcuhrec wae, upoOffice sud. He dnf fcomnexe an Ailsicia, Su va pnbn o.Beke rm U be's a is'gbt. The other fllowe don't de' silence. The w&118 are peinted; su art fc n esdee ett i an- finet it wias inovîmable, but day after day uohmabqvr n -teeiig;tsr i nednta ohLney Pilla fi-at proved $0 tise people Crc' ,Dudas Street, Whitby. N. B.- r' 't cC~C h. iadput15 ffonitts h. uuelcal e Prey sroppeil short, Mrs Leveen bai of surface tbat niay Dot de wasbied ni tisat Kidney diseuse le curable. Being the Oontal Snrgeiy liitsbanhsp ritIy 4../- .L on bis aunt and avoi ing Uer siuit and isen endîenîy. and abos sicd ereet be- that oaa hold germe. No upiolsteroul original idlney remedy in pill toirn, sts. attended to, E TIT sommons. Nov that shle bai cauglit hîrn tore bum, Sali andl white and prond. furniture stands in it, enuilions covereu cures they bave made, and tihe fume tisey ho vas giad. As he foloveil tUs oid ".Çby, Aunt Maraba 1 " bo excl.aumsd uvth linen slip covere affDnding ease il, have attained have peed ts way foci fj!m n Ilf lady into ber prim. conifortable Sittinig "That is enougli, Perey, Tbank yon tUe retau chairs and Couches. One sOC1'bot f eiaton ubtthe ,bu roomlie a pîîfu figre f hunihty.I cee 1 have beso vroog, ail vrong it buuît in a country bouse than tie psicturer aevs ae enordo but in the nisekesas of hiesosul there wabt tis matter from the firts Yoo sUai Ilelt ite vail under glass, imilar tu e sobv bmcre fo thse cbeerfuluema cf flnality. have youir vey, for it le right. I con. scherne often spplied to a nursey. In D N I T a s e t to e d vo i e h o lo v ed . . D ENu T I S T . 98e c ie dcep-lulold 010.t ed w itou t m d silv ery i >ftlli.ug. t Htook tie chair cie indicated anoi "Oaun t Mzigbe art h cied *1m, eegng u rtined vithout net te e l e e a te d :a rsL7 t in b e r o ld r O k r. B-t lier---e---ibor . K I Do p en . ery S a tu n < e .~ W e u t s e l i u e c r e "Pecy der, as bga, "a hi Sinengabout Uer. Andi, say, aun, you How te make Prune Jefly. Complainte through th. use oft this won.- - igadTneBsTrno iranto ?-r tsouglit to ses ber one. ion couid' derlnl meducine, those visose lame back iash...sa*d IYs utMrh.Iwsgii belp but like ber ani admire ber. Evsry ofrerm pain. tiiose who nov have L LU I» ________________ tel o, btAnu Mi-tha I v rea goint body in the yard does. Wby, do yon Wash the prunes tborougbly, cover nov fi-aes romu ose who have escapedl- _______ tehiyonbutkaowng a yo ver ag n kscw vhat t,,v calliber, tise men down wjtli coid water and place on the hack - ~ ~ it-knoving thet you vooli not like to ut tUe Graeviie ? Tb. wîiy you îooked of the stove ini a granite vessel or bymth e t r oUaetesOand W.'y,.syH. W A il D.tuila' bave me do s-I vas afraidtio corne to then maie me tbink of it. Tliey cal1) atie rc. o M san f rigtsdsseb h s fDa' Don't twirl your cap, niy ier. Gen-le i;pueoGrevc vlae everal hours, and, wîen swelied uniîl E.sne ort Ferry, Ont. tieMnen dont 419 ihat, YOn know.' bir-e and plunp, place thet where r m~DRÂE Ho stuck bis cap betveen bis kuéseu. tbey yl sinimer gently until tender. P L SWU.- CA L'VERLE Y,OAL "1 arn sorry, Perey, you fî t that-fway. Drain ofl tie juice, and, when cold luÂa-'EBS KÂrn, Wli'rBrY...L IL ie my intention alvays to be kini and enugreoe hb onsf omthe Isvn oe noornwpoie, sypahei. rircud ae ee at enrngis, rutnil etoeathonerm heare thi. cnes isose opinion le valuable. ai.ng med ito o? n oraneom uiss.v tM E' ywathotie.1 wu ebouli heaveyu soyWh hersoinc epl oe owr Ail vork pertaining to tise haress.Makiflg thrughwit unertaning N telfit-e after measu ring and allow baîf a and l 11pnblioly that Doan's Hidisey Pill a md addiery business wii be doue ta saSse- me everythuniz. SUes lathe dangbter, 1 Ibox of gelatin andi sa rilicupfnl of cureil themafmter other means failed, à is efaction. Collare &a peciaity. Cali and 50(, esre na oreeyqato rns n eo ia u ni yno nlsok amntluof aGeran in Huà sou Qret. sgarfogeer qurtofprnesan M a ETndstc. "TUats ight, mnt. Rer father basu cjuice. The gelatin, of course, munst be vdn"theol W. CALVERLEY, the biggest corner grocory over tbere, Seon donvet f idsh and Us bas maie bh.ils-I meen ha& Is there a ti k1'in Inthe pevioaly oahStrfrehtfanheurin Tta littie cou vwater.A _____ Fr thf EOPLE' maie money ince lbes8enthere;* throa.t? Do you jiecrug¶ail. fltun ic sanCR "Goiug on 25 ysars. OU, lies aîmost Il DUndSreWib GEN "Yumght bave heen a judge like hes.5wi tý »migtiW te.yiv.e 1w, yôur father or a senator like your grand- IBook about ft froc, Esc. nd hoe ixtre eq* ally ~overthie biscit 1 ova.l ressoman vtr father. I vanied you to enter politicai For skbyaldrgitea t.ms f h mxue qalyoe tebscis laya," ecyrmakd."t i'tvs LaLy 3 alirimps on each one and serve.d ia e bt~ It)tUCt T K O TIW "Politicisi.preSt e 1 hs SOI BW~ .Eîgboe nthe Tying te Get Cure4- X tbRad'." ýýtý1 front MiPerey atara, hlI [nt h. d --c aed lu DOdd's ý e? -po* d ligai 5 He3 va.Boudes, I tried te ggt au oflice IT V WH A DF O .Ii il.* m pgt. L..I..o.L '8pelal)- as soum s etbe pys. AnutOiawu' S pWa-AeDse c& gi-et $.S Baba rPO$av a ib.l -wouldn't do imq auy coffice tibere the pay Dairy and <reamIlry. HnyG (a-h . o aor nrbvJenl hto 4.jixue h ..fpbli> ' 4 l~ do "t- i-b' w asm m 0t etrucking p y . A d 'vet eP ass fD .Iu jk , W !Ib l nemm Lbat's about ma",4.' niecespPeI au olW: "~'~ Thse lutSsentence vas oheerfnlly Teeae1,00DamteéndAe'~tib~ P*it 1100aie umtan i~ spoken. Mme. Leveen locked et ber 25,000 cmamn separte .Oera...n- t ill a ûte, by hof wh bavnffgh m6"IîýîÀw I *'IV c iet ed*itWi. M?$uB é uomi, a O' i.14.1udbç~' uaephev's rdy cheeks and sighed. lu the United States. - aètn-é tetmoaedy fothat tb.y re tho ' ilm a a" u I ýf;bsa tretm. à l..In p~A'sti !!î.id' " "Lto vola ~>rc,",i~qiidg~ly' Skimjl l es,, ~füe1e cbtaaneu h uuo.Umedy hare . V#Vr" ;Wb;w.eileieruU bUkP~ "tist yn culdLav foud eme'uê u f><>L ft~ nfoce, f tu mi. pevU~ielii hu~rDoiuiu, boeuh-it tltd- ic di - Henhibe b4h fir2peqr-uszl4e f«yia«sajo1nbl S a u 1 I~ ~ *4uet9 ho utkins ilage et bOle ha vi beial t. $1 p-t ur 0 iu ian Atsu, i.l ft .qar, tis o4ff1 1Warts ha tttiOt uteýct,'- . lb, >ogvis# aiii oîi e rniue ni 1 nd at s mcb pice 11 ilrs-.etieem oiDr uwswtara 14d u t b , t'du.I1n5OIa. 4P"qw~ - m,, mll k 2 ~ "-. tht il ed equal th otht.m, -ton~ -e '-'-. lieo W H . W sd Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Oough. No R.est Night ' noir Day. Given up by DoctorB. A LIFE SAVED B Y TÂKING CHERRY AYERSPECTORAL **$everal yearrago, 1 caught a severe col , attended with a terrible caugh that allowed nie no reer., elther day or niglit. TLe duw- tors, after worklng over mie to the best of their abillty, pronounceed my case hopeless, and said they cotà d do no mioi-ý for uie. A frlend, learulng uf mny troubVse.tm aWttie of Ayei-s qerry Pertnri-* whir', 1 1-egan to take, aid try soon 1 was greatly r Tciicved. ]By the Urne I had Iused the abhoie ,liotie, I vas cornplet-Iy cured. 1I lve Devtcr liad much of a- cough sinee that tirne. and I1 Prrnly believe tisat Ayer's Cherry Pectoral save< rny lfe."-W. Il. WA.RD, 8 QuiMl Y Ave., Loweil, M1%ass. Aye's cheuîy Pectoral f$IGNEST AWAROS AT WORL'S FAIR. *Ycr'g PFUla the Dest Family PJhysto.r -AN IMdPUTANT LETTER. SlO WING HOW A SUFFEPRER FROM SCIATICA WAS CUUED. A Correspondent of tbe Orilima News. Letter Wilh Permission From tbe' Author Makes the Letter Publi-lt WiU beo Giadly Read hy Other Sufferers Frooe this .Pain fui Malady. From thse Oilia News Letter. The following letter bas beenforward ed us by the Coldwatrà r, Ont. correspon-1 dent of the News-Letter, which we have great pleaaure in pnblisbmng COi.nWÂTEIt, SEPT. 127thr, 1896.î A few weeks ago I became vi-ry unweil from au attack of sciatica, and remem iieied it a while ago a wetI knowo friend of mine, Mr C T Hopson, of Fie erton, a fe'w miles from boire, had been a great sufeérer froin this painfui complaint, I 1 thoisght it would be well to consuit thaÎ gentleman as te the inedicine he stiveecredit to for bis relie.f and cure, as h.arty aud ua ever since been in rsteady j work among lumbr-his reRiliar busi- -00". IR. gave mie the information re- quired, and wrote ont the tllIos&inL tes-J timonial whiob he detsirieto bavo- pub-ý lished in azy way I îhink proper, hopn zhat it will meet the eye of rm.y bufler erslike. myseif who are anxions to get relief. I tberefore forward',it to you te FESSEBTON, Sept, 181 Ji, 1896. 461t je witb the grearest pleasure that I *e.tify te the. marvellous benefit and cure tbat Dr Williams' Pink i i111s effected ini z - eue. In the yoar 1892 1 wae talion lu ybad with eciatice- I wis treated at c~~~ drfrutimes by two doctors but dif- 5ehed with their services as I found1 -wu -,!lt getung the hoped for relief.I tbewtried différent remedies advertised 80m re nfer'mstica, but witb no better 'OUiiù. Thon I tried' strongly recom- meuâed eleCrical appliances. but stili to ispUtp@ee. I did- nt unprose &DY )sud the pain waa exeruoiating, and 1 beffn te J1058*11 ,hep.eof over? gettiug botter.I