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Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1897, p. 7

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Almost a Hopeless Case. A Terrible Oonghi. No zest Nia-ht nor Day. Given isp bi Dotors. A LIFE SAVED Br TÂKING CERRY AYER'S PECTORAL -several Yomr ago, 1 caught a severe cold, aittended-wtlh a terrible cough thas, a1Iowed me nîo re3tt. suber day or night. The doe- tors, after worMing over me to the best of their abtl4ty, pronouuced iny case hapelcs and said t1bey could do no more for luc. A frlend, learnlng of rmy trouble, senL me a botte of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, wlîiih1 liegan to take, and very soon 1 wu' grently Sg rtlved. Dy the time 1 liad used the whole botle, 1 was completely cured. 1 have neyer had much tof a coughis ince that ime, and 1 iûîrnly belleve that Âyer'u Cherry Pectoral saved mny life. "-W. Il. WÂRD, 8 Quimnby A e., Lowell, Mlass. Aye's Cherry Pectoral MRIGHEST AWARDS AT VOULS FOIR. -lyer'a FU iiMeBoast amUv I'lisa. AN IMPORTANT LETTER. :Ž;IuWlNG 110W A SUFFEltEY FRIOM SCIATICA. WASCUIZED. A ,'orrespoudent of the Orillia News. Letier Witb Permission From the Author Maltes the Latter Public-IL W ill be (iiadl-y Read by Othier SutTitrers Frein this Painful Malady. rnii he Orillia News Letter. The following latter bas beau forward - us lv the Coldwater, Ont. corrospon- (ut oftLhe News-Loîîer. wbîoh we have rat pleasure in publishing : COLDWATRR,. SEPT. 27th, 1896 A uWw eme ago 1 became very unweil incuw un attack of sciatîca, and remein 1,rni that a while &go a weil kuown i,-e of mine, Mr C T Hopson, of Fe@ e1e, afei-le@ train here, had been a ýrî a t-eterer from this painful complaint, 1 0jought it would ho wel1 b consuit trjtt 2vtntletnan as to the medicine ho É es rt-t t 10 for hig rslit-f and cure, as 1 wat, aware tiaat ho waà now well and !irttv and hadl ever ince beau in steady V-rk smeng lumber-hiis regular buai- 11t-: l110 gave [ne the information r-e- i e)rt-I. and wrote ont the flioinc tes- in) iafl which lie deoirea 10 have pub- ] r-i in any way I îhink proper, hoping 1!hxt ILwill meet. the eva of Many î-uffer t t-alike nîivteof who are arîxious 10 gel i. , f 1 thtirefortt forward iî to you tu FESSERTON, Sept, 18111, 18q6. -ti@ with the greatest pbeasure that I t,-st!. Le the marvellous bout-fit and cure 1 toit 1)r Wi liamas' Pink, il). effected in mv crage, lu the vear 1892 I Wam taken v--rv bcd with sciai ica. 1 wis trested at d litrt-nit tes by two doctors bal dit'- 1 euse twîh their services as I found I 'tO. net geîuing the -bopod for relief. I tu-fl tried dîffereut remedies advertiaed- aë; a cure for aciatica, but with no better r sît. Thoen I îried strongly recoin- mndued eleçîrical appliances, but stili1 to no purpose. I dîd Dot improçe any _and tice pain wap excrisoiating, and 1 begau to i se' ail hope of evee 'getting btter.I cni nots-t ifown or niove about .WWitb Our correeponden2taddatateis lttr is from a muoh respsMied resiieùtiOf resserton, wbomo -Word in g»en0Uy c uidersd as good as hi. bond.1 , Dr. Williams' Pink Pillea" arsod OUI in boxes bearing thse rm's iuade mark and wrapper, (pr-*ued à r4 ).Bý us smnd thotDd. WiIli*rn ~ir d, gad ay de*îé.r wb ofeix~b e'I otdsboulIbo evod.4; TIb are mia autiou.d agaiom AU ta hdblood bid~ a op itai, orS lm i mye .v.They Stei Iiti w S TDOY M&y us 050 Irani ay dSUISy, or will b. sent by mail on rsceipt cf priese. Dr. Williams" Pink PUil may b. b.d of aul drugestm or direct by mail froin Dr. Williamm' Medicine C6&npany tram oither address. The prise at which thé p"ll aresold make-a coursesof treat- ment comparatîvely inerpensive as oooepared with other remadies or mnedlios treatment Carsa John Semeils has filled a car on th. C.PR. witir pr-essed hay. Weaiey Beacock and vife are vsiting fr-euds in Western Ontario. Brusee Ferguson pasF.ed through bere last Mon- day ta visirt rieuds in Valentia. Fishung for bas hsa commenced. rhough tbe fth do not sein 10oticplentiful. David Dracons men are busy .ikidrliig cedar lagS an the bank ai Carsarea, for Lindsay. Mr. aud Mrs. Wullisim Burr tnied Ia locle for the present in the bouse of David Martin. It îs said that a number ao ur promising Young men iumcnd enigratingt' the - northwestIibis sprrLg. The ice on ScuRog ta-l is good aînd abeut 20 inches thck and the ice harvesi wîll commence ibis week. Mr. and Mrs William Ferguso, ofThrmn near Barre, were the guests oailier brother lasi Monday. it is said 'hat (Geo. Nesbimi, who has renied his larm 10 t>eo MSt-IUwu iniendi io remove tu Torontlu, We hear that Wm Jan. Beacock and some of the family were guestsatanthe wedding ai Cme on, last week. A number of young peopte fro i hs village ai- tentded tht- carival ini Blackstock lasi week, and cari ied cff sorne of the prir-es. 13AIPTON MýI-tu Mowhray princip)al Tyrone SchooI visited Miss@tGertrude MBrown Codar vallt-y tarin, Saturday and Sunday. M rs SId dams by and datngie r has been visiting fruenda in this Iocality for a tua daNts. MeosasBort aird HlStevens enbertain- i d a number of youîîg triends on Friday eceniniz lasi. Mr Thos Dav-id Whitby bas rented a entai1 fartn here snd viiisus-e Ioto ibi s-illage in Lire iear future. Mir S Haricock- vho had bis arn frac- tured aix)ut a inonth ago is impruving rapid:y - Mrsi Il Ellîott r taok a weak spoîl une day lasàt wtt-k and toîl on the steve humn- iig ber tacr quiie badly. M r Stîllinan Herrington, . Belleville visited trîoîîda htre iasî week. Miss MI J Elliutt visîted at Mrs at Mrti Fred BranLons Ocshawa for a tua tisys lait week. Mr W Eltord bas returnes Lu bisbhorne at Carman alter a pleaaut visit vith triends here for îisree months. Wt- bave enjoyed a beaitiful winter's mleigbing ait hough tht-re hia& not bat-n but a lighî 8110w fali. Mr W J Roiy ex pecta ta finish ases- i mg thet-otwnîship iu about ivo at-tkm. OBEEIN RELR z lieu. Earîrrery whu bas bot-n sick for sonie- mue, died Wednesday night. \Ve are giad tu bear N. Bîce, who has beeu iliiifur some ime là able to i up aîthough he us stili confiued to hîs rouin, Mr. Cowie s mos'tng pasasd througb hure iast week sccoanipaniuai by a splen- dîd luot ot dairy cuvas. Ht- bas rented thse ttld Aîmuistreîug homeatead, Markham, aîljuînîng the fuir gruunsabuthe e usa. O)ur band furnîshiîo the music at Clare nmont skating rirk No 2 la,4i week and gave sonie sery hute selections. Illvas a vtry eîijtyableouuling 10 ail. A lusd ut iret claséiakattieaiso weîst and tht-y claiti that they îued the- mark. Wt- noticet Mr Leonard paasing and rit passing duîîsg chnineB arouud and fixing for muvîng tu hia oewîy rented tarin on tht -Markbam aide of the Luan lina, bu- lomging te Wm But.,on. On Tmesday eveninu hast thse oyster supper ini ilover's Hall, under the auis- pices cf the Whitevale A O U W iodgo, was a grand ucceas. Aftor doîng ample justice te thse excellent upper provided by the comnittee of management and ladies of the lodga, Grand organizu.r, J B Nizutn, of Toronto., gave an excellent ad- Tise vidtis of drivewayu on the ma.jor- ity of roade bas already beenfixedby mhar-p, open ditceos4 and4wer&om roui baa bot-n coated vilh gravel it viii uânaIhy be feuad iinpraetsacable.t ho t-aw A gr-avelled istrip, however, -of eight test in thse centre isofflient to aceommodate thse trsffic on thse greMter u«uuberýet rouis, and a crester width -, et que#<y four foot belvss iobs'wI tiiitU b. fomnd nesly expenùve to .mm* tain. If roada ver-eproperl7 undeudiaùan shaflov, a lesu idth tbarru tty.fouw fset wouîd geuersply b. pet onlÏ lteaper but bottier, A les widtb ltait ighteen loct ia rarely adaisabe. 11f. fading oui cf Ide wile's <ose, her -W rest ebjoyým of l«i silm l.tlrsa aoor eeôiOe- hfa »e .A. f bi, Mrm. Cocbenour returned ta ber bomne in the city on Monday. Messrs Clark and Hams, Pickering, spent Suaday with their f riend Mr. Wru Clark. We rsoticed Mr J Harris, Uxbridge, in our midst on Suadny. Mesure M Brignail and J Salton at- terîded divine service bers Sunday. We are pleased to learn that Mrs Wm Tait has recovered frain her re- cent ilînesa. Mr Sain Stewart bast a valuahie cow on Saturday last, niilk fev-er We ing cause of deatîs. Messrs C Rogers, J Gibson and T Richardson har-sted a large quantity of ice last week. The juvenile missionary collectors are going their rounds begging for the funds that are necesaary to keep up the numerous muissions throughout the worid. Dominos s are ali the rage here now. Arîyone tbiriking tht-v cati play and wonîd like to have a good ganre would do well to give sonie of our crack pl avers a tu ru at t hein. The nissionary ser-vice on Sunday niorning was weIl attendpd. Rev Dr Lambîy, Brookîin, delivered a very appreciativ'e and iitructi'.e sermon 1,0 bis listeners. Messrs Emerson and Paîlister visit- eci the cit7 with a Joad of apples Iast wleek and found a ready rnarket for thern at a fuir price. Mr 8 H Adanison has engaged with MIr James Miadili for a trumber of îîsonths. Weathcr Iteing favorahle a nuiher trot- heu-e expett to attend the con- concert in Piukpritig coîîegte on Tues- day night. Thanka to the ladies' aid for the ef- fort they are putting forth to niake the church more conifortable. They have bad the old puipit remodeled and three easy chairs pl-aced behind it for thuse of the oinisters. A hyann rack now decoructes the walls. This is sometlsing chat has loni, been rreeded, and the mienîbers of the ahove society are to Ite congratuîated on the succes they are making of IL. LITTLE- BRAVES! Oid Umre a quarter a box "Purgera" are quitting the field In wheie battalions. Dr Agnoie aLIver Pilla a t 90o- a vial are drtvtag Ibser ont at all points. Recause tiey act gently. more effeot- ively, never pain, andi are easy t. t.ake. Sick Headache succurnista one dose, Chromae Cunt;lipatiun dispeibed witb one vial, aod Sto"rch Disorders of yeare; stanrding absoiutelv cured, 40) dotes 20 cet.Sî.d by 3 E Willis. Applying Gravel to the Roadway- The gravol placed on the county roade bas in muet cases bt-en mnereîy dismped in ihe centre withtu~t any further treatmesnt. Tht- firbt effect ut this is to drive vo- bidles w the aide ofthtie road. Thesu aide tranks are uaed tracks are usod uniil late in the fal, vhun tht-y bave bt-on cut up Llrsseed and Txperltine i1Mx qua eyPOPjRil rcrndy. but the besi kuov te medrçal çrenct fSr1h teatrni cf neru umlxas y o3 oua. ;hIf -1 swtire rrinsC= linsed.- 11 y=the DoctoW i -~ ltm remcdy. oudiduporo of ji is sId iii i àtiwoibn~iie ore AÀ akrsEpene S SWEET CAPORALI «.CIGARETTES 10C. Per Package Standard of the World. KINNqEY lBFOS. It is no wonder that mub- bers, sthich are flot the same G -ranbV shape as the boot, should be uncomnfortIable. It costs-uo- ney to emplov skilled pattern R uoersrnakers liut the resuit is a satisfactory fit. Each year new patterns are added, to fit aIl thse latest shue-shapes, and Granby Rubbers are always " 1up-to-date. " They are honestly made of pure Don't Draw the Feet r-nbber, thin, lighî, elastic, durable,ThyFtheB t extra thick at ball and heel. hyFtheBo The Siater SIipIcss Shoe!. s' 'Sole of rabber, vuicanized on, with -- insûle of l)olge feUL-neyer slip- E taugh, and abysorbent. 'l'lie ipper of water-proofed, tan colored, Harvard caîf, or biack Alumnina caif Goodye-ar 'Nuit - Light-weight, stylish anrd warm. Springy, ehastie and easy to the foot. Rubbers or oversboes neediess. X*frte Siater Slipless Shoe. I 'N Mme. Nor-dica bas th. distinction cf l beiag thse firat prima donna bara ia tire United State. She teatifies t. thse onderfai healtir- giving eftelothe b grestest produet of medical siuePiesCelery Cota. pound. -Not siace Chritie Nilla u stirer-e besn a Marguerite, te be conspared ta Nordica'e splenuffimperuomtian. .MAU er -ashiaved, suecesseube.d for a fouadation t"e moèt uraaxin mîdy and effort. Ne patét-knovi -boter than thre spphairde&- Prima loýinm wbat sncb sacere vork n'auna ota henerres s-ad, atreogth. is-, Join tttfrônâ ,LU .- lian nordiosto Wel! ls iehardoq Co- muet - >b grhefnlyred Jthumt 9p "Iî9Mrwlny lAves me «rsat pleàsa.tO Ifthe winterbseieft 7"yPs. rentor m"-»lit We have tihe Flueat Boise- tion ia Lowa of thos BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PAPER&, Borders to Match LOWEST -:PRICES. Corne ea7ly and goi fie-at co. P. B. WARAM, Br-yan's old gtamfr. P;ook St.? Wi DOMINION BANK. Capital Pald up, $1,500,000 $1,500000 Wbitby A genoy. General Tranaced. Banking Buoiness SAVINOB DEPAETKENT. TteTesmi alowed at higheet eussent raiee. No aotice of wfthdrawal required E. J. THOINTON, manage FAIRBANK'S Real E8tate Columtn. Smial Prame House avd Lot Corner of John and Byron streets, W-hftby. WiU bc sold ver-y cheap. LO TS-To bc sold, lots,324 and 258, nor-th ward.& ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street. north ward, w111 bc soîd cheap. Cheap. A fine îwo story brick houte, with brick stables.- SituQted on Byron et.. Whitby, thre finest residential street ln tbe town. witbmu îhree minutes walk cf the post office. Ther-. are three lots of land witb au ensîrance on two streets. Houa. ln perfect repair. Fox particulars appîy te L. FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Wbitby, Ont. VIM, VIOSOR, and VITALITY RESTORED IN 930 DAYB. GOOD EFFBOt AT O0NCk. CÂTON'S VIZýAL12MR. emilamofl o q»wi 4wow BOI14fesgmu7orïbe1 4Mid"' 5t-Sp atmec ,lstuu tee, seaa se Orlà maUs ify the "blood and _rn auyomwil. ashow irervous d.biii&y le o . ,wurmfg fron' dyqlppi, itrvO i ache snd - eleepîamneu. GUArd âgé tirai4 tiredî phayeoti fealig tiit,o. ragasd rbealt-<swléù--fusaO.mi tmet b. ouesd it -I -i i M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. LILLIAN NO/W/CA TO WOMEN. Health-giving Paine's Celery, Compound the Best Spring Remedy.

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