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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 1

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Thihroicl., VOL. XIL. WJIITBY, -ONTABJO,9 FRJDAY, MARCH 19, 1897.,O.1 -a Ru UNDER A Positive Guaran tee. ALLI N'S 141111 in J, j and 1 lb packages. To introduce ibis Baking Powder a Spackage of SWINBoRNE' S CAL-vEs FEET LAI, ** for making Jelties, viii be given with every package. A. H. ALUIN, CHEMIST &DRUGGIST, WHITBY, - ONTARIO. Etablished 1849. whitby Steam Marblc and Grande Works1 Dundas St., WHITBY. Chas. H1. Smith, (Forrmerly Wolfenden Worký% lrnI- porter and D>ealer in MARBLE ANDi GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc, of the latest material and de'igzns. Ail kînds of Ceeteery work. Our work guaranteed. _»&SEND FOR DESIGNS AND PRI1C lS. WIN DM IL L S. -0---o Geo Alin . Sella the Genurne AERMOTOR, of Chicago. lntending purchasers should examine ihis Miii brfore placing their order. Do flot let ani agent put an imitation on you when you can get the Genuine Aeî'notor, thoroughly gsivanized, and warranted, for less money. More oi theçe milis sold in Canada to-das' than any other maire. The Aermotor Co. ciaim they sei one hall the number of wind- Mill outfi> sold in the world, at the present ti me.e Mr. Wiiiiamson, of Orangevilie, soid 127 outfits du ring the past three years. Ail styles of Wood and Iron Pumps for sale. *Any information regarding these outfits wvill be freely given by writing to ~47, 1897--6m0o GEO. ALLUN, W >TIraY.1 WiSTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Capital Authorized $1,000,000 Surplus 105,0001 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JOHN COvAN, Esq.,% Piesideut REUBRN S. HÂAMsLl's, EsQ., Vice-Pi-es. T. H. McMILLAN, - - - Cashier. Gauttai Bankiag Bueiaesa traasacted. 'Drafts issued, payable in ail parts oflCati- &da Uniied States, and on London, Eag. lJpayable in «Il parts aof Europe. 3% percent. mloced on Savinga Bank Depoois .nid credited half yeariy. SpeciMl attentio to collection of Farmers' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager ai Whitby Branch. -. AUfJTION SALE -A -PLEN Di DFARIM. b. offeet liee - risc gt Spublie ssoou'olf LOCAL EWS LETERS, Cmeulior 1) McDonald bas purchasedth Penhal tare. Oumowîcz.a cosaztspowsenaNcz. lu another column Mr. Jas. Watson ofieri fot sale by auctlon en Thuraday. Marcb 25 -O:- 1897, 24 heari of fine cattle. See adv. TOWN aiNESundas' vas about the most atormny day of tie The chicken-pox is prevalent. whoie winter, and as a resuit thse antendance ai MrThos Brown, Miavern. was home thse churches was rathersall. abeo ter. ' isîtinshep hish i MnU U ontaa Mr E Philp and sisters gave a croki- IMrs D W Luit., chose lite bas heen hanRing noieparv iat Fîdaynigt. Aver as it vere by a thread, for tomSé days, has taken pîce atyure as speayn . vry1%turfor the hetter, and la now in a fair way to pleaanttite wa spnt.recovery. Miss May TJavey started for New j The Epvorth League heid a social Riatheing York citv on Wednesday, to enter one inthbasement of the chîsrch on Frîday evening ]Lt The principal event was the presentatioi Of the leading hospitals there to take a o0 a 1 ne bible Io Miss E Sbire. who has acted as course of training in professional nur- .ecretsry ince the society was organized. sing. WVe wislt her success. It is proprsed ta hold a concert (or the beu- Mr Thomas Wray received verv sad efit of Mr Pedrick, a young man weil and favor- ably knowu in this lacality, baving taught the news on Saturday from Goodmnanham, junior division of aurtachool some yegrs &go. Eng., that his son, and only child, was For severai ruonîlis be bu sben ln the Toronto d ead. We assure '.%r Wray that he bas boapital, and il appeara it bas been loundlin- the svmpathy af his many friends In posible to duanythiugfW bien; soiill>e ec- essary ta remnove hum as the bospiai authorities his sorrow. will ual keep a patient afier tbey are found ta be The concert came off last Thursday .1tn-urabie. bts long illuessansd ather urisfor- t unes have exhausted bis mesus, and be la now night and was no daubt the best ever lu veT strallzhtened circumstances. ()ne of his given here. There was a large audi- frienda brouglit the matter ta the attention of ence and everybody seemed to enjov Sons of Temperance î of which he was a warthy themselves thoroughly. Everything mnomber) at tbeii meeting an Saiurday eveuing. cvhen it vas unauîmausly resolved ta give a pub. passed off verv nicely and Teacher lic concert, the proceeds ta go entirely ta the West can feel satîsfied the people were benefit aI the sadly afliicted man. Au active ail glad for the treat he was the means commit tee has been mppuiuted ta carr-y oui tht of gvin the. Pincpal aug ofresoution sud they appeal ta the public ta as. of giing tem. Pincipl Wauh. 0 in m"iking it a grand succesa. Particulars the W C 1, acted as chairman, and by neli veek. his address he won the hearts of the ORPUIY pupils and their parents and there like- Mr . OaneRsThiP eek ttndgth l llb oeetaefforts put M.E.Rinsi ti we ttnîu h 1y wll b soe exra frthSupreine Grand Lodge of Home Cii-cIe at ait the next entrance examination. The Eranîlord. following programme was given :-Mr Messrs. A. Carnegie and R. G. Shier left Waugh introduced and gave an ad- Toronto lest Priday marniug for the Rass- dress; orchestra; an address of wel lantd distr:ct.. corne. Master Russell Coakwell tria, Messrs Ayres, Brown and Henry, *'There's a meeting here to-night"; recitatton, Master Arthur Wilson; sang. Mr Geo Hoiiidav, -The British Queen" encore, 'Chicago Exhibi- tion': dialogue. The happy family; remarks by Mr Aunes; solo, Miss Rowe, -'If you love me, darling, tell me with your eves"; recitation, Master Edgar Austin; duett, Messrs Paul and Clifforden; club swinging, Miss Alice Coakwell; solo, Miss Davey, -The Ktckapoo)s'; sang, Mr Gea Holliday, "The shîp that carried me over." The programme was înterspersed with fine rmusic by the orchestra. ASIBUEN Miss Lillie Balfour is impraving slowlv. but stili unable to retumai ho-me. Mr Crouid, a WVhuîbv cattie buver. was through this ioc-lity this week making purcha'ýes. Mr Christy \'alentine and Wmn Brasb have VngageM their men for the som- mner, Mr WVm Swinson going to Mr \dl1ent rue, an.d Mr Geo Swvinson to Mr llrash's. Mr Wmr Stev'ens. sr, whose fall vas noticed in last week's issue. remains in very inuch the same condition; verv littie change eitber way. Mrs Kitchen is wating on him, and kînd friends are doing aIl in their power to alieviate the paip of the sufferer. The meeting of the C E socîeîy vas led Wednesday evening by Rev Rad- fard. The àttendance vas not very encouraging. Thet opic vas ais 'The Lifc of John Knox." Monihly meet- ings of ibis nature are heid ta acquaint our yaung people with the characters and doctrines prominent amoug Presby- terians. The almosi blindiug snow storm of Sunday prevenîed many tram attetsding service, yeî we had quite a good ai- tendance ai bath the znorning and eveniug service. Rev Radford wenî back ta Utica in tht afternoon and found a few aitishe church there. This shows not only a good desire ta attend worship. but also make plain the baud af good yull existiug beî*een paster and people. Unless action is taken ai- most imm)ediately tva Suadays more wiii temminate Rev Radford's stay amongst us. Let there be good at- tendance at the remnaiaiag services under his pastorate, while acaiting ac- tion of the session. The concert ia theý echool this Fi-1 day evenirsg promises to net a treat. Tise mauaging commitre have prepar- ed a splendid program, and sbould tht nuighî be fine, a large crocut iS *sured. Those who have attended theweivekiy I itemamy society meetings Which have been held know somethiag of thse abi-- iîy ai those taliag paut,, aud th e price., silver collection, is cithan tise reach of ail. The commituco wili try uvd ,Ar- range seating gaccoîmodation 'fora21t but those cho wcish t'UY me -sure-ot thein seat should cmo1 e c<ly. - 2Thé progracu wiî l bc gveas 'by utcbetSof the society, assisted by ouuitidé ialeùut.ý- Concert ciii conMM S Uce 1Q Mr j. j. Smaeruls lu Torouto, th in wccM on biues. Thse rev4in atiiseIR. Ceuse te s4close. -. -i-- Kis im Ulte Saadèegs veek - airs. Scott and Messrs. Briabin sud Soper verethte delegates fiom this tovui who attcuded thetemiperauce couvention iu Toronto iast veek. Died, on Scug'ag an Maaday tise i5th i, Alexander McHoll, lu bis s7tis pear. The dectased vas a yaung man of pi-omiqe snd vas cut dowa un tarly manhood by a disease of short duratian. Ht cas a gentral favai-. ite witis ail. Tise large fanerai cortege on Wednesday testifled ta the esteem la witich thse deceased sud family vert held ou Scagog and vicinity. se Merciful At tise assizes ta 6e beld at Whitby an lte 2ot i mt. no doubt tht case oftite yauag lad Ewers, from titis bava. vihi came before tht court. Froin eceut eveatft that bave itap- peued iî la very clear ltaittis lad ia nat thse guilîy ont by any meaus : tise isree guilty ones bave skipped and titis boy is lefita bear bis avis trouble. I vauld especialfy rtcatamezsd ta the cravu attorney to deal tnercifnlly and lenienîly witb titis lad. Since the trouble he lias been talken in band bs' anuatand cousin, tva ai aur best citizet', suad it is a pleasare ta write it. that titey bave dont veil witithtie boy. He is learniug a trade snd is keeping very close snd is atteuding to bIs work, sud bis con- ductsince being lunttteir care itas been ex- emiplarv. Ht lias joined tht Sons«fTemp- erance division here and' is a regular attend- ant ;,itis street behavioa r is ail titat could be d.'vired. Titere is trot the least doubt but chat te severe lesson kit bas isad wihl do im good. sud if tise crovu will allow hiti out on defei-red sentence or even acquit bii with a reprimuand it vilI do itim fatrnmai- good sud lastin ttan to punisis by irt- prisoamnent. h verily believe Ibis is ont ai tisose cases vitere if titis lad vert imnpruson. cd it would itarden im. Some wili aay,t aud ti-atifuhly too, tisat snch coaduct on tht par, of youîîg lads Fhouhd be puuisised. Granted that sucitis corr-ect, tht ringleaderst iu this case have cleared tht country, titry are years aIder titan this boy, tht-y have easily coaxed bitnainsd the poar fettov has nov to hear tht bruni af a trial. Those itîlova tisa' have skipped vert tht means of d ingr a gi-est deai ai banu amaag young lads. Since tbey Ieft flot ont sinie act Sasc been cas sitted tisai voulut cast disci-edit on ay ai aur boys un tovis, cltai-iy shoving tisat te ringleadess erethtie cause af all tise past troubles and thai boys have been blamed for crangs tisaithey neyer did I repeat, b enient itusthtemriag oue, it cull be tht beat in tht endt. Worth Knoigg That ont prices are 25 to 40 per cent. cheap- er than 'any other undertaker in tbis dis- trict. That we have the Best Hearse, and the fin- et Cshts Wagon and Casket Sleigh i hscounty. That we conduct funerals wîtb decomun. Tbat weoaske more pains witb our, work than do the miajority of UndertakÏrs, That we use kid and Hale &loves stea<d ot cheap cotton gloves. That we use appropriate door and atm drapes. fine fioor rugs, beautital pede,- tala ansd draperies In black or whlve. That we deivera IIICaketa sand Coffnb las our Cooket Wagon or Caslc"t SIélgh. That we give every order out perso nalsd prompt attention. JeB8op Furni.tapeC ort Perry, z Ont -1 -' mis Pnak Bla idi 11on lber dot step lai Wednsdsy mand eveWey îjjured bersoif-but ta noavable tebpe apagala. Mr O)bas WilsMti sud familyrteabout -to mve te Ridgetova, K-94W counyeTb" eeff o Tue Meibot Ladies' Aid soew etyheA.soe- eosstbl to cntMwal aet the resdldeno tX. JD; bei-e lookiug 'fÜor iss las: hur$4y'r.a- ber vertoffered lbmi th*"bongt-a.iÏytir*.,;,.A ve"is sath Ue tîmaser' wiel4iý-tJa4yIf Mis -A Ketchenl a~.s tt dn a "ioe blir brtber,), '-sëvuo ýI baia, ciso as aeueey ijùe ya b înâ- 6 3y. lý ÏD 1 buried on Mauday in the baptist cemetary. At a ccli attended meeting of tht Royal Tem-Khsi 3eDeeeatddvas a bachelalf and lived in this neigh- pi;tra held on Mondity evenîng il cas decîded te M Geo Ayers la mach boer wov are pleased t borhood nearly ail bis lite. iHe came to Ibis change the nigbta of meeting front the firiat d Couutry eariy iu the î9th century with bis par thrrd Monday in the irai aud third Tuesday o ari s POUh Md the athers af the famlly. Seting on each monîli. An invitation ta visit Oshawa Mr D'unis bas taicen possession af the Gold ~the atm whicb now îs owned by bis brother counil on the 23rd ina: was accceptesi. esiate west ut the village. Alaxandersd anwtis whom he msade bis home Rev R D Fraser af Bawmanviile gave his lec- Several lu this viclmty are lc.oking for bîred ieuntîl a Year aga chru Mr A Maddeli maved to ture an "John Knox sud hi@ tintes" hefore tise hl.ohr r ul upi ai Stouffviite. lie bas tieen many changes in thia memisets of thse Y P S O E and athers in tise Mr Thos Beer of Brotsghom bas engaged part of Ontario. H-e vas a presbvterrlau in Presbyte ri"n cburcb on Weduesday evenlng. At citis Mr Sadiar fer the sumiser. faaiti and a Liberal in potîtims This section wiii jthe conclusion of the lecture NMr. Fraser was Cottage prayer service cas conducted at Mr N Sfel deeýply the loss of such a quiet yet sound teudereul a very bearty vote of tbanks by thse Lawrene Sunday eveuing lazit. kprInaipieui Man as lie vas, audience. Mr Holiday aur pedagogîse is giving excellent ýgPrince Aiber Masier John Vip:ond who bas had a atiff kute. satisfaction lu aur acdemny of instrrc:ion. n M Rcad ils dfmyhaejoint for several mouths as the resuit of a cut re- rSMakybs ensuéigwth n M Rihrd ilsand aiy aeceivad last siammer, ha nov in the hisapitai at To,- aMrs Sofa gipeofba be uffeing ctis aue Sleft their residence here and gone ta re- ronto chers ha underwent an operation îast attak otagip flaebt. om etrw side near Myrtle. wetk. We are giad ta knov tisaI le is getting netad 9 isMbeWih eiMna o on niceiy sud titat tht iujured kute la iikely ta Re-v Thom officlattd berç au Sahhatb Morts. 9 Me alWrgtlf odyfrsoon be ai] rigist. ing. lu tht absence af aur choir J W Salton n Penetanguish-ene where she intends Mr E d J Hoiliday arrved hame fram Toronto, did the siuging. *taking up the millinery business. We vbere be lias been attending Triuity Madcai The inspecer cho calied an us a few days ago are sorry ta lose Miss Wright as she Coliege, on Tuesday evening. Ou Monday of oxpressed birnatif agreeabiy *atsifled caisth t wasan arnst orkr i chrchandlast veck ho met vitb a painful accident, whicb standing o1 the achool. was n ernes woker n curchand preveuleui bis vrlting on bis second ytar examin Truîy a nortis western blizzard struck* uM on eleague affairs. ationa. He vas riding bis bicycle Op Yange St. Sunday mortslug but îbanks bte hestiser clerk Co Haskeîî delivered a temperance visen 6e cas rulog by a pedestrian who wai lot fine weather silice. lecture last Friday evening on Dr rusising across the sareet in frontofai car, and Mr Rodd bas the store and promises thorougis- kuocked froin bis vhtei, sîrikiug tise pvmn ycendu vr hn rsuigan Kee1l 1; cure, under the auspices of the culs bis kate, visicis as severely injured. R iy grcle and up every aetisng rteut a W C T U. A large number attended vas kept la bed ail las: week and stili bas te gealesdceny peaue and were well pleased ta hear such a kcep as quiet as possible. We are pleased ta report the sale arrivai of lee rpure and simple lecture so well render- Tht parler social undar the auspices of the orvis lamiîy at Waaonadlrutyae ladies' atd of the methodis: charch ai hts,- quise ccli pieased wils tir surraundlugs. 5ed. deuce a! Mr sud Mr@ D Holiîday was s proe J W Saltan bas vo are inforused decided te * As the season is on the move so nuuced-success. Tise spacions bouse cas coins- ork tise uodel fdim SoautsOf the vuflag about moertpepe ub stecaei lteiy illed vith a happy thtaug ai youug sud ane mile We visbhlm an abudant bai-st, aidepepe An excellent pmrramm vas fur-- Mr Jamses Routely itas leased for a teins of our iciiîyibi wek. Ms EJous ~utsed.Tise recitat<os of Mes Eddy sud Misa years tusMitîchell estate nov occupied hy Mm leaviug her residence here and going ta Lambiy vert cell iendered, and celi received. Nice sud ciii take possession about tht firt ai reside on ber farm west of Utica; Mr V Deligstfal instrumental music vas given by an the mons. Balfour and family moving in thetes: orchsestra composed of Messrs Milis, Arnold ansd MiWsFilorente \Mackey bas mtaraed bouse Skinner. Misses E Halllday aud L Maoenii- &msedca-vrlmntswt rinsi h 5dence lately accu pied by Mis Jones; deresi choie piano sclectons. Misses L sud E - Wethap machg soea untber math frieds h Mr Wilson and famiiy maving in Mr Hoiliday sang a pleaslng duet, and Miss Coak-* -eicu'ebi a Balfours residence, and Mr Edwamd ccli antd Dr Lausbly sang appraprlate solos. ecmbrbak Mauyipeasaut gauses vert enjoyed, and 83t2 Mr H W McBrL-n bas erectcd a viud mili for Williams moving in the hanse which "yPl bc.pmigwtrilnihoead l esgd Mr Wilson has jusi moved out of. We ch Ddc thldesad1s.ping atebbr, ane ad e m carrnt R.er O P fambly, pailtor of t eth isbyrFporton b!"yte hie d saa toscirn cannct say for cer-tain what will be the churcli, Braoklin. preached a poverlul sermon repots aclkey bstogivogd t staecton. vin reen thing ta move uniess it is the won- on chat be designatoil the gi-eat teasperauce 5 C t7bsjidth bodcs, avg derfu uewy ciy ttelî.crisis nov hefore the people oi the Dominion, he otu atud lutise ioly boas olfusatrîusouy te der ul ews cty tsef.H t based bs reusarits o n I Sam ueati h chapter. Misa Pascoe of Enfld a 1ew days mgo. W o XXVII6Dgth verse. And David said: "Is tisaie net a vith bis many fiends jasa in congratulations. cause?** Tht rtvtread gentleman claiuseui hst A Jackson visa vas lu thteusmploy ofiC Stevtn- On Tbursday hast Messrs W Humpage, F T the people ai this great Dominion vert at tise son for tco seasan bas Roant e Manitoba. Albert Ashton, and L Bradley tank the train te Portage crossroads, and tbast il hehooed ail cho loved vas a your.g matn of stlrllng ahbty aud coastant la Prairie, Man , ta seek tiseir fortune lu thet tieir ~auu:ry talookitet God loirhtp, sud ta atraight larvardness, maklug many frientis and prajrie pi-avince. We dis Itheus ail succeas xmcisetheir franchise fom tse rigisî, iurespectivo earuithlie admiration and respect of ail. We Tisry wil ho missed very mach in tise differeut of party, After uisoving tisai tiseliquar trafic wls hihm saccesa. socsetits. Il seema as il more areteto ollow thoir (legaliied thaughil It as) vas the ptonounced Mesurs Silver and Richsardson are usalnng example. entany ai health., uorality. religion, and ail tisat extensive praparahîons for ttirdeperture te the Tht social sud lecture tisa: vas aiven ln tise tends te tise upbuilding ai bumanity, tht speaker Wabagacn district. Eacis of theus wil losti a car churcis on Sunday moming las! cas ceii attend- ailuded to the proposed ameudusents ta tise il1 ai Brookliu ucît Mondsày anti bîi farecilte ed Rt, Mm Routite delivered a lecture on bis cense act nov hefore tise Legisistive Asstmhiy. Kinsale and old liiends on Tnesday usoralng. iravels lu tht Haly Land, cisicis cas very ln. and claimtd that the Governusent of Ontarlo We visb thens abuidaut saccess. teresting sud deeply editying Tht pracetuislied not gant no far as its promises regardiug vere used lu aid af thse superannuation fuad. temperance iegisiatiou. The veil kowandrioh- Rt, R McDotsald gave an excellent lecture Ou Tunesday las: attise parsonaga oi tise Rev qutd pietige ai Sir Oliver Mowat whea PrtD- haie on Wedueaeâv eveniug ounasethodisus. Ris Mr katitke Mr Wm Avery sud Misa K Oormîa- ter of tisis province. vas introducedt s sov that taIt lasttd ont haur aud cas quite intorestiug ton, yoaugtest daugister af Mr Jobuston, were Ctise temperance people isau a riglsi to expeci sub- and instructive, tise attendante vas rat as large united bthte boly bondasrni maurimany. We ail siantial advaucemeuî aiong tempe-aise bines. as il sboald have been a 1ev ai Wosleys choit. wisb tieýmc joy snd a happy' andi proaperotu Tht speaker atattd tisatishe pi-staa govornumeut hymns e;nt esang by tise ltctarer and vet lige. TbItey wcl settie dovu ou tise faim awned isad oaly grauted :vo out of tceuty tbree sug. aPPreciaaed bY tht congrtgatioss by Mir McCuliougb. gestions of the" Alliance l or tht furtiser i-e- Mr- R W Mdowbray oui towashlp assossor uses siriction of tht liquoir uraffie. His chole argu- a isot reception viai attendiag Le daty over ta WICKr ment cent ta show tisat tht Preswnt governstut, Wilievale alfew days ago, WJsie asesn a. Mr* John Imrie, Toronto, will lec-tisougts of ptoatced ttmpe'rae-PlrOevstles, blacksml it Is ai villae these Whaste geie tur i te huchhee ria cad sarreudetd 0tiste liqiior inttrests. Hemanastuek MrUovrayc itabar o càý Me turein te chrch ere ridY ee- amed tbat tht country was ripe fou prohibition, being a tman ssaucely fledougIs < theli i ng. March a gîh, on -The Scotat ati d aat ce cauid bave it sonon il tise temperauce alrtady eomtmenced conflii tcs 1jaisied b it Home and Abroad." The gentleman vote cas divonced frocs party. sud ail wba ioved assistant smithl. HasI, R W aioctd bis'aogs as alectrer usd eî,God. truli sud tise rigist cauid cast their votes$ aso te arise ratbor Usan-his heîterjadgeaient is well known asa eaccorndpot,« ding te their convictions. His statement ce<tlsui-e tise sco susthys voul* -mot have and shouid have a large audience. Jtisai in thse pas: tht temperance people isad atteadedte toty for soute.'timtta te eut U Mr Ed %ard Ferg uson, who has car- basehy sisrreudered tiseir pisciples te fui-tiser the voulut be found deallag ia thse iat n mass ried the mail (rom Lavton ta Black-' interests ai parîy met vîtis genera assent. renocatt&Ri ailbciig oiain.ts. water for the pasi îwelve yeams, -aud W ..H. Ourchor bevi4ently -dlsorgui cmaogb&e given universai satisfaction, has e- nainoiusdlaceduring tise hm, t tveor ceived notice to quit. No reasons are Bustee«s DIr.oses-. itsefrubays. hi toM s ocf _Bt given for bis dismissal, but it is sup_ BSIALL, O. -Imerof arag Lcese family troaubles they Wto'oIson eue e up la a posed hat anther ariy wnts t tenldenot oppooite Town ERaU, Brookitu. mutial.ag-eea=t te disgrot. Our, aboli-bere pose tha anoherpart wans tliahs been ene ofainau e tiocagreeabsie assure job. and as broughî influence enogh WA lMNEELTl D V S.--Grduate a01lie O.an9a bs anlsoae tun or teiv t tnia Voterisary Collage, Toronto; Rooaîs doxug uMost excellent Wervit. t-for the chaieh. ta bear on the P. 0. depariment tai- aseabet of the Oniario Mediloal Suiciety. isMBmb'mdetteS duce them ta take the step ihey have Treata il' esa ts otsaetdMs dluq a'%eaetmteogi o taken in ibe maîter. sulaias by tise muai sppro-ved meibod. Alse sud gîave geatralstaacis.Hai Iti taken n the atter.particular attenion tw usu-gioai operatlons dîfferences etW oinon 've suppcise - cuiuuso and dentlsty. Day or afgisi oïsSpr tly pei-bape ta umont choies have of- laie':-O steu te S&INTPIELD. att«edd te. Ofl an sd residence traookib cciespcaauino,.dimede athe Ontario. disisandoeetsat fthe colrnba,. We erne'te Look oui fat wedding belîs.slu Our çiorseawtsu cçpied7and"riy ru hope Miss Bila is illi vuS quinsy ai preseai. 'isrt-eoilatgsp ossil a~uzao SMi. na, Natpaid us a flying visit lasi t fl twifaS DLtb ose ssuu cuch m ,do achlie Satur sy. ULI li Wtgobd siagiag. Ltouà Î1 e P ET DAT c iiili3l, lit, bet nteressoftaire, a isst besrt ë d Mi-. John McKay had a successful cod noai"pcmunminy persnor aXWM ot bec Saîui-day last. These are SPOT CASH Prices. -temrt itecs ýýt Mi-. Jas. Horn leaves for Malniaoba next No Dîsco=it. foelbmotstèroiitseëIsats<g0 toàie week. .,May succesgo wvus hins. harWoa i gla wrreswno paiitt e- Mr. G L Asling is lsaviug a public auciion DRESS GOODS. doub t es isoe t grtk sale Manday nexi. He bias dold bis fats BakVleenatm a4e ad

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