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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 2

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Resuits Astonlsh MEN 0F SCIENCE. AYERSparilla A MEDICINE WITOUT AN EQUAL Statement of a Weil Knowu Doctor 'Ayers Sarsaparilla Is without an equal as a biood-purifier and Spring mnediclie. and cannot have pralse enough. i have watcbed itLs effects inu chronlo cases, where other 4ratmnent was of no avait, and have been astonished at tihe resuits. No other blood mne4Iicine that I bave ever used, and 1 bave tried them aIl, Isseotborough In Its action, and efforts Bo mary permanent cures as Aycr's Sarsýaparilla.'-I)r. Ht. F. NIERRILL, ,Augusta, Me. Aye's "0 Saîsa parilla Admltted et the World'a Pair. Ager'a Pilla for la'cr aa4 b&wela. CORRESPONDENCE LINDSAY. Thureday evening lat twe young lad- ies frein lenetril!e woe rrturuing frein a shopping expedition to tewn. Wben the ombenkment et tb. sonLh end cf thse Opb swing bridge va-s reaebed they met a couple cf incoining wood tesm ,9sd i1 sndesvorng te pas. these thse yonng lad les drove their cutter se far into the ditch &bat the herse was unable to reaci thse les-el road again. Duing Lb. animnais Slunges oeef h e ladies was thrown out, ut happily did net austaîn eny serious injnry. The drivers cf thse vood teamna gallantiy carne te tb. nescue, sud csrried thse cutter sud ire precieus lead out cft te dtch, being srnply repaid by Lise eveet -imitles and profuse tbanks ebowered upou thein, Cheap herses are sometiinee doai cnes in thse long ru as a resident cf tise Bol- sos-er section found out te bis sonrow the other day. He gel what b. considered a "snap" in s herse for $5, sud as es-sniug epproacbed tise animal was placed iu a shed. together vitb s sbeep sud eaf The night turned very coid, and as the shed coutaiued &bout as meny cracks ew boards the poor animal laid dovu for rost sud vermtb. lu the tuerning vhen th.evuwer came te inppeot bis priz. be foud iL dead and frozen eti f. Tise sbeep sud tb.hel vere aise dead, the noble steed baving ased them for bedding dur- iug the uight. A bers. that is wortb bnylug ebetilîlb. vorth akiug cars of snd heuaing properly. On Tassday lait Mn Wm Thueston, sou cf Mn John B Thareton cf Duu8ford, vas drswing a load of weod te Mr John Burgess, wheu ho met witb a bad aoci dent. Just as he vas driving dovu ou te the ice bis sleigb struck a s pitoh bois, vhich cansed snob aeses-are joît that the -front sud of Lb. rack broke, pitcbiug Mr Tliurstou horvand onto Lb. vbiffletreea sud lstting the Wood hallhoîvand. At &bis citical joucture the hanses sttempted te ru away, vheu Mr Tbnrstou vws ceught nuder the sleigh sud draggsd for somo distance. Fertuusteiy the slieu collided vitb aestump, vliich libei-attsd tb. young mau freinhi. pordions posi tien. A companicu Who vas vith hlm vent te bis ressue, sud fouud that oeeof hie legs vas bicon. Hoevas remeved to the resideuce af Mn Burgess, vheu mediral aid vas summonod aid the frac- turs reduced. Ou Woduneedsy evoning lest a namber ef mon verking on the canal et Kirkfield had a uarcv escape from beiug blevu loto kingdom cnie in vsry amati pieces. a seaUl portable englue, cos-ered by a rough shed, site,-or did before the ex plosion-ou theb atks of tbe can al. The ilaed, in addition ta being a protection for the engins sud enginsen, wvas oed by thi. amen asa place ini whlch te bang thei ouaesand extra lothinu wvitie t vork ,Ou tb. day shows mentioned, wvile thie smen vers bard et work and the engineer lookiug' after hie datiesa s udiien sud ayst.erionu explosion tok place that blew the shed iuto fragments and the. conte ditte. O! the. tveuty-fls-e soste tvent.y vere .oattered te the foui wlods of boas-eu in sob au effective vqy thatoveen tbe battons ooild'i b. founi; uluile he b aluce voes t.iipped eh thir liniig as uetly andi effeegively sif doue 1» "s t"lr sbop, but oIierwlse the garaýoquI voie uniioued. The ongineer u'~ 01001usl uaped uhut, b is esotaut loche aie uow àsU dte ho tigedVith 9Mpts Dy~s*salt 0%»M aupp RSa4 «.,ahuoz J o 'I _____________ ______loi__1 Friends and Relatives With , Remore. Filed1 Paine's Celery Comnpound Could Have Saved the Majoriliy IT SAVES LIFE WREN ALL OT HER MEDIGINES FAIL. The wint.en menthe bas-s bîougbt ho- reavornent sud dark elends oh sorrov Le mny home. in Canada. Fathsers mothens, sisters and brother. bae been rezuoved by the. grise reapon dsatb, the ussjority oh vhom night have been sss-ed, had thoir frisude gis-en these Paines Celsry Compound iustead oh the wonthîssu sud, in meny eus, a ih. de- stnoying inedicines thacthLe sick ones vers hvroed te sss-llev. Lun many familles s toe sasisb obsd ieuce te inedical dictation kept the tino agent of lhIe from Lb. siek sud dying cnes. Paet records of sictory acbievsd by Psiue's Celery Comnpound vere set1 aside; it vas unprohessional te introduce, the life.sving Cooepouad in auy vay. &hb iBetuerse is uo'w doing it.. quiet sud effective vork, aud those ment clasely intenested are snfferîng for tisir Duaect. Will yon, ieader, allov ous. dssr re- lative or friend ,Lo pass from e ie itiont rneking au effort te sav-e thoporiabiug eue by* Pain's Celery Compeund ? Tbe chances for hhfe-saving by Paines. Celery Compound are great sud nigbty. Es-en thongb your frieudi have suffsred lon, sud ueared thet point viien 'the femily physician enu do more, es-en thon there is hope if 1kan's Oelory Cornpound b. used. Tii. lite sa-ring work, the d,>.,r~ate cuesa os-enrne un th ieu in = 7t. bi snd living proof "ht Paino!a Celery Cern. peund mukee siek people wllt. The tiuly oues$yÉetehf thie day are quietly zud. asasu»g" Î' amned ngPamne. Cedlt y <orpoun"tho boat .sp0ing a ioie thst ialhiag men , ity basimdnbodtoineê ta bring -out ioaihw dions t t are vie -end,.ýw (h1ss&See tiseSyen gRot" ena.with the etaikol céery au die 4tûe la e1î d, ohitw»bpn. UMÙwYON CJURE? p /V RAYE YOU CATA1RRH?1 But Ou* Surs Rtem.Sy-Obtaiu It for 23 Coruts.io Ino IUnIdeiS sud b. cured. Cstarrh ie s disagreeshte and iof- fenils-e disesse. It usuaIly nesult emon a colt!asd otteou ends un consuxuptien ssnd deuti.. The, ane effective remedy s. far dissoveret! for 15 lu Dr. Cis.e's Caterris Cui. PhysWtolun faled te cure A6eo. Bel! rcy. toîl-gate keeper. Rolland Landieug rond. Cbaue's Catais-h Cure dèdiiit. 01. box curet! William Kneeus a ad twa boxes James T. Stediierd. bath of Wsst Gviiliuboey. Di vision Court Clous Joei Rogers. Rob- ent J. Hoover sed(e. Taylor. AUl of BeeSous. s-oltaTy certif to tis esf11- es.cy o! ChLue&sCatsnnh Ors. j. W. Zeueison. of Gilfond, spent usarly $M0 on doctoms but fouun o permanent relie!ountil h. triet! a 25.eet box of UmIssDvyen. e!fAliston. got rld of a saisi in tihe hcad la 12 bours Ueury R. Nicie. U176 Rectory street., London. trisui a box vith oreile-t et- et. Dr-. Chae's Ostrrh Otitele fgr sale by afty deatelt, or b dsno. at Co., Taranto.e.ies 26 eoÏtaiieludlng Oougl. ,oldg besIsi Ri'au0i trebise ent çn w 8I't. toke. *ots. i Tlo tom .the uev county iof Goi. ohing Win i ilirbbi4,~!e s eW.act to e b.ps.e tarlo Legisiaturo. t ceantii ou et thiesesin otiset, tbhýoonmrna- Lion seoclevoutly viched for b«q noat everybody is'delited'for B YO r.- lu the meantimo the arrangement cen bel perfected. The mayor had a tel with Mr À Miscempboll, M.P.P., about the maLter on Tuesday nigbt, snd vas toid that the Midland mean would do everythiug in bis power te haver the projoot. Ho vas of the opinion that it vouid ho ueceasary to introduce a pris-ste bill, sud thet Lb. gos-ornaent would not offor any opposition te this. Iu fect, the prospects for the cerrying out of the project are of the most hopeful character. Arrangements are to ho et once made for e deputation Le vait on the gos-ernent, and for this Purpose the inayor viii cal1 a ueeting oh the citizens' corneitLee iu a hev Z&Y urne te Driia The rornoval of the train despetch- ene' staff from Lindsay to Orillia or Allandalo is again mooted. It is ciaimed that one staff would suffice for the Midland and Northern divisions, the result being a large saving. We understand the ides wes discussed et the tim&eof the reinosal of the staff te Lindsay, but thgt the expense neces- sary to fit up the systese deterred the management from nsaking the change. The cost was 'then plaood et about $20, 000. Ms- Dlckens aten Mr M C Dickson, district passengor agent et Toronto cf the G.T.R, lu an interview gave one cf the resens for the recent change et to commutation tickets. -Do you know," ho said, "that we are only getting complaints from one end, where formerly we get it et the other. For years our cern- pa.ny have received bitter complainte, f rom the mnerchants in sutaller places aLgainst granting cf cheap tickets te the city. And there bas been practic- aiiy no money in the business for us.. We have carried the people for almost cost, and bave brougbt with them n great qnantitv cf stuff botb ways.with- eut getting a cent for freight or ex- prose. Tbcy brougbt ils their produce f ree ansd carried out milliuery and clothin"'." "But the country people wiil flot use the railway at all wheît they e-tu drive te their own towns 1" -Yes, we have considered the matter for a lonsg time, snd anytbing we shali lose in that way we will miake up Iii increased freîghts. "-News-Letter. 80 MANY GONE! PlofessionaI EtiqieR Bspoo ible ta 1 1 r That SeoiS - Like- a Voly Un- tmly and absurd Qusa- tien After ALL THE IESTIMONY, Ail the tests, and the Thousande of Ab8olute and Unques- tioned Cure8 that have Been Made bjy Munyon in Canada. Mn John D Wray, propnietor of Lb. Britannia Houa., Wellington St., Lou don, Ont., says: "Fer ths past nine mentis I bave saffered hnequently vits rboumaiism eof the hip. After usine Muuyou's Rheumatismn Cure fer aseboru Lime I vas relieved, and deai-e te higbiy recoinmend that medicine." Munyon's Rbeumatisma Cure seidose halls te relies-e iu one th tbrseeheurs, sud cures in a hev days. Prie. 25c. Muuyeu's Dyspepfie Cnre positivelý- cunes ail ferma cf Indigestion sud slow &Cb trouble. Pnice, 250. Munyou s Cobd Cure prevente pneu- moniesuad breaks up a cold in a heR boues. Pria., 26C. MuuyncusCoulb Cure stopa conZîe. nigbt sweats, elisys soremess, and apeed ily beaestLb lunge. Price, 25e. Munyon's Kidney Core apeediiy cure' pains in the back, hotus or zroins sud al foirmasof kiduey disease. Price, 25c. Munyou't; Hes.dacbe Cture stops bead sais. in tbree minutes., Prie, 25c. Munvenas Pile Ointrnent poreitirelN curesaml forme ch Piles. Price, 25ec* Munycusa Blood Cuire eradicates ail) impurities cf lb. blood. Pricp, 25c Munycusa Feinale Itomedies ancm a boor) te all vomen Mnnyon's Asthme, Remedies relieve ii) 3 minutes sud curs permauiently. Price. sb. Mnnyen'@ Catarris Rempéies nover heil. TIse Catarnb Cu ce-prie 25c.--orad icate> tise disease frein Lb. systemn, sud the Ca taris Tablets-pnoe 25c.-cîeeanse an1 iseal tise parts. Munyon's Nerve <'nre is a vonderfu' nervo tonue. Price, 25C. Munyonus Vitelîzer restoe..lest vigor Prire, b. Perî;ona1 letters te Prof Munyon, i sud 13 Albert et., Toconte, answece'i witb free niedical advice for any disease. Auction sales have been the principal attraction in the town tîtis veeka. B. Lepard hrougbt the balance cf bis stock bore and sold the samo by public auctien. realizing, ho says 80 centa on thé dollar. R CurI bas geL settled in bis nov quar- ter&an idnl already mxaking thinge hum. He bas tvo good men in the persona cf Wm Knigbt sud George Lanson. WVe are glad tbhieFr T A Wilson in getting scound again. His seven weeks' ajekuess bave taeoîà agood deal ocf les off hlm. We are sorny te bear of Mn Thomasa Pickering felling on Monday luat, Lbrough slipping on the ice. Ho remained un- conacicus souse Lime aftor the feU. W. are senry te hear that our geuil implement agent, W. O. Law i. tbinking oh leavieig us sud geing to Lb. goid fields vitb the crovds that seem te ho striking fer British Columbia. 8mw sud griot mills are bath runuiug fulil blait, pnffing ont the steasesud mek- iug Lie Lovu look quite 11k. s maufuact- nuring centre. àgr Wm idàfatiI.jr o» et ourboys Who 'nake boe lu the. Nort*veis,1 liait hors foir ",ooontry on Wednuiday luit., MiusaKate Molntyre 1sf t on Wednesdy morning for Xiagmara sto attend the bedeide g4 ber slutbr Who in lying sonr- ously iII ut chat place. A sîsigo load froiu bore ittended the ~n Ion social et the residence of Mr Robt korrison, Tborab, ou Tuesday evsning and report a pleuant ime. In the hockey match played et Cen- nington lut vssk the home team boat Our boys by 7 goals to 4. The amalines. of the rink being greatly egeinst our boys. Mr James Stoddurt oh Roand, Man. itoba, ef t on *esday laut for bis borne iu the prairie province after speaading a couple of montbs vitb bis brother, Mr Hugli Stoddant, of Thorab. À sather ismall crowd attsuded the Mecaw*cs Institution cuncert in Aloi endra 7H&11 on Mouday eveni ug last. Miss Birchard sud Mr D M Smith rend-u ered tseveral selections in capital style and the "Point Mars Dramatie Club" gavs s rendition of the -Floving BovI" in a manner tbat would do credit te a professiïonel Comnpany. Mesurs John Miller & son, breedesr, purchased Mr TC Hodérkinson's "-Thorah Laddie." Mr John Lovellette of Sutton; alao purcbased s half bnotbor of "Thonah Laddie' from the same gentleman. Mr Hbdgkinsou bas soins of the finest ttioroughbred cattle in Canada; also s nuluber of clydesdale borses. It iâ vortb any persons wbile te riait hie ferai tnd see the stock. BEAGRAVE.' Mr-s F Otie, accompanied by ber littie grandson, Lewis Beatty, are vis- iting relatives.in this comxmunity. Me and Mrs lroriy Jobnston cele- bravd the 25tb anniversary of their weddtng on Monday last. A number of their f riends were present and an eiîjoyable timie wa.s spent by al. The fuiseral of Mr Josepb Steven- son took place on Tbursday, March 11lth. Religious services were con- ducted is the methodist churcb of this villatge by the Rev Mr McLeod of Sonya, absisted by the Rev Mr Elliott >iter which the body was iteered in the Presbyt.erian cetnetery. Mr Stev- enson was a quiet industrious man rnucb respected by everyone. He leavts a wîfe and byve childien to tiourn bis loss. Tise entire conuuun- ity syuipathize witb the bereaved fami- Ily. CassiS of Sciattca Lef iHp Atfected-Sui4pected Kîdney rronble -tolitevd and Perfectiy Cured by Duddas Kîdoey Pilla. Toronio Juonction,. Mer l5th, (Special)-Mr IL. Pisyter. is nol e diffiicuit me u tofini as mverybî>dy here kuevatat bo ta foremnan ai No. 1 Ftre Hall. He watt the picture uf beaitis wbeu calied upon by your correspondent and t-oid his %tory thtl*: "In April 1896 I suffersd from a severe et teck ut Scieticit affecting u.y lef t hip ind the ieg to ttise tip of thse toe%. iisjpecte'1 it came f rom soino f urm of kiduey trouble and as they heul heon recowaiended I procured a box of Dodd m Kiduey Pills." At thse end of tbe tourtis day I vaa entireiy reiieved but desiring e permanent cure I con tinued t,, use that andd muCher box sud arn a ow perfecti>' cured and Powvell as over in my Ille, A brother éni mine l ui et Pino Oecb ard bas been cured by Dodd'a Ktdntey Pis. rtsr's sae wich t s1lthinstvas qui Il wàoioty move -off Tweedie viii m gdsponding a Oibwa 1 - - - - 1 a 1irAý A - Mré Fuank Menti, je very mach jadis, Mr. Kuight, of Brooklin, «Us vith Ro' Leggott and vif, over 8juday. Barry Foqneg-,tvq boys have beex' il for nome ime but are nov muoh bettor. Bd W Evans ham so far rsoovered us to b. ablo to go about with the asuistufice of a cane. Mr sud Mir@ R J8 Allan, of Toronto, vers bers ovr iSuadsy vith Duncan Harry Thompeon i. able to rosue work again. His speody rscovery i. the source of nsucb joy. Miss Rogers and Mi.s Graham, of Mariposa, are here vitb Mrs. Hyfield for a fev day.. Mr@ Thos Gibbons in mach improvsd dnring the pat oek. 8h. i. nov able to b. ou& for a short time each day. Robert Bowes. vii vacete the W. J. Miobeil farm on the finît pA the month and temove to the bundy residence et North Claremont. Robert Graham shipped a carload of horse. from bers on Tussday svsning to Mlontreel, Thon vwers seventeen in tbe bar.eb and a splendid lot they vers in- dsed. The presideot of the curling club took the colts and defsated the big four on Saturdey for the oysters. The latter gave the greenies ton shôts te start with, but vben the game vas ended the colts had eleven abuta to the good. The nsembors of the A 0 U- W lodge and their friends intend to hold an oyster aupper in their hatil on Friday eveuing March l9th. Other years theae suppers have heen of a public nature, but an ex- ception viii be made this yeer. About eighty of their frienda frozn Brook lin viaited Rev and Mrs Leggott on Thursday evening, givî:sg that couple a grand surprise, A. very pleasant even- ing vas spent by all. Before leeving for home the friendo presented Mr Legott with an arm chair. JT Bundy bas had the paintere, carpen- tara, and deDoratora at work curing the paut week gotting hiesbsop in shape for D W Kennedy, vbo toole 1,oq&esion on Wtvdiiesday. We velcoxue the new mnn to our midat sud trust that ho and bis esteemable vile may find the pteople of this place a pleasans and f riendly gener- ation, R P Hlopper, Mes Hopper and David Hopper loft Ciaremont for Toronto te de- fend an action entered by Miss Paterson to set aside a second mortgage amounting to $1400 on a property at Brown'a Cor- nera, Markham, on the ground that Miss Paterson was a miner et the time of isigning the firet mortgage, and that she had nt, knowledge of what tbe document contained whon as ratified the mortgage hy Bigning for an extent ion of time vhen ahe was of age. The judge ruled that as Misa Paterson was in ber 2Oth year at the time she signed the mortgage, that the monies had been either apent upon ber education or on ber property to in- crease its value, aud as sho vas being educated for an instrucuor of others and knew the value of a mortgege after she CaeeOf age, th.at there could ho no ground upon wbich to void the umortgage as ahe hsd neyer repudiated *iL but acknowledged, by both word an set, ber indebtedness. Frank Denton, of Denton & Doda, most ably defended the suit. for Mr Hopper, sud condescted the examin ation in a way creditable te himéelf and the profession. The suit vas a non jury ceeard hy Judge Rose, D'&4lton McCarthy Q. C,, and Leigbton McCartby vers retained by Miss Praterson.-News. TERN&L aund EXTEXL u..and won- derlul in ts qute OU=ctio arouee d'atm. PAIN-KILLER h t os il 111 *II. arrbCB ap U50V7ft, Csta tisoat-rea. ami aulisowuI Opia-ts. - PAIN-KILER t ME glckneus I leiate ain t; PAIN-KILLIER TLIaU" . ail cagEe of Bu6el. S pnii, evere Na"â, etc. pAIN-KILLER&rutd icndo ti >.rxntf. ?aJUlC. Pl'anter. setier. n-' tatat nt ~iUIga medicifle ,l"aa, aL& and @AsCa T- ugz ileerunalU or exftreii8iiwth c4u1iat7 of relie. f'-;r' 't tratatton. T'k.. no. 5.1 :.c g 5.11 VcS i'ld1.-v hmtt igDtta : Give The onlyfod :Chance auy but surely is Martin's ,Cardinal Food: a simple, scientific and highly :nutritive preparation for infants, delicate children and invalids.* Ont., aesîs tisaS w'%eotan ui> of boes-si M timseus et ber 11mb. Rops dfwt tilhiag butors J. W. &Y fiosIqZ» êq nh Ou-» .The aboietas ., Mm .avu bs Pilmee B.,Esssa,014i..dase July 8RMi. belnsJLMnbN1u.ut. A oemNAl.% UtT~~ swolw 2 ROOM wud anoU i ne lm0(< h thi. voek. Mr Gordon, Pickering, vu e Mm-Ko day. Frank Hoover rïd a dring vWsi te Codai Grove Saturday. Mr and lru Benj Staver, of Markhan, vere viaiting bore luessveek. The apple'paokers *or# haosluit vuk. Only 50 conte a barrol via p.id. Raiph Forsyth je prepsftflg te pet a roof over hia bar&& yard usat inommerO. Mis. Mary&ofoh hebe j Scarboro of lateo, in nov at, ber home l Mr. Evans, of Claromont., vue as ing wind -mili ini this vwoinity luit eeh.- Chas Macdonald, ý. oeoopanlud by W Reeuor, speat Sonudyai t hie home in Dunbarton. EERYSýomtMmILY Our Sunderland sick is improviug. Mnr ugg us moviiug on Lie Blackvll farux. Roi Mr Brldgsnuau i. iuoving beck te Sunderland. Mn Allen Turner left for Manitoba on Tuesday the 9tb. Rer Mn Mckays hatbor-iu-law 'at Beîhaven is dead. Mn Jobuny Campbell sud vifs are risitiug bis mother in Sunderland, they wili likely stay a few deys. W McPherson, oh Cennintzton sud Mr Breen oh Uxbridîte, vers in Sunderland et the re-epeuing oh the chuncb, and' at the concert on Moudsy. The Methodisto took in $63.00. Wo undsrstaud Mi E Wright sold, hie fanaste Mn Fair. Mn Mosher vau in Sunderland oni business, ou Satundey. li Mn R Brabezon vie hors du Saturdsy, ais Mr Wm Baird. The Asuossor, Mr Mose Cham4>r't ie moviug into Ssinder14nd. J Campbelsud vif. are sisiting the former'. parents. Ms-s Luie Svitusr r.ceivod an n*gIy gash on thearm vithea bred knife ;-exÏ Wdeday lait ,Mise LiUie Brethicur sud.Mies Floua-ie Oliveraie lu Tes-ente takapg in- tihe-,Mil iueny opeuingi. Mis. Leua ES'vitior bai nelurued.ho -me frein Toronto, ufter 9speu.ug a aoth?'I riait.Ourti relatives A.godyomb«,orfoitvu epl UiUOsi h * thP i aptist ît te hoe ofzi 'aîný'iub mesdy-gt 15 n,~a eir rWSWt i a i ng of niglut WC - men arm caiefaul te ~ ~ bar the doons of their homes agis tise intrusion o robiiers and assas- sins. Thene arn is oire dangerous Senemies than either the burgian igaint vhich - few vo. mentss taise proper precau.t tiens. A venin -may ow-Cvithe mast munifi- cent jevels and thse Mt-S itSplate,,buit aller ail lp sau sudndenc, her healt is laber mS thé, dantess of veaktuemansd o t distinctly vomantly organss. Ntalyevery complalut frok viscis vomesen rer bais--. incetion int roules of thlo-7nat'r1and. l emtun allravated by thon.. - Auwfallisg nesedy f6 .1 eus.andi diseasýe of thseerais dustikitinle, aud-'themiultittnde oh UlUsthea eIahl train le fennd min-Dr. Pientce Evogltae. ecnptioz.L tsots dlreetly on tRieue;eues and tuakestis t rouB«Qg 'sud beîItR It prepafts fbl happy, iseaihy vifelioêeui ûs'er ,9%om veesbave -tl6q4te *tsý "see i us lue, s, t~s1 eu&tl.,i WHi'I ECVALE. The prccoeds cf the methodist a niversary vas about seventy dollars About two weeks ago two large sa, in the hactory were broken by sawu frozen henilock loge. At the tii there were about twelve mon in t miii but in less time than it takes tell it thoro was net -a mean te be sEc as the pieces cf the saws were flyi -Merchante al] over the cotinty York are complaining thààt they beiug swindled by sharks, vho are c culatiug bogus fifty sud twenty-h cent pieces. It is believed that i bogue coin is manufactured in cou nty, and officers are trying to, loct the counterfeitere. Thomas Todd after a very -pain snd long ilînese died on Tue~s morning, sud was buried on Thursd at the "cenieterv east oh the villa He bas been suffering for nearly t years witb a complication ef diseas and hie deatb vas net altegetheri expected. Ho was 29 years old a leaves a young wife sud cbild. Nv 'Todd bas the symnpathy cf the c4e munity in ber sad bereavement. Mre A E Major is witb ber paret in the city thie week. - Miss Mouissa 'Palmer bas retur ta ber home in Pickering, after et ing witb f rieude bore for a few da Mr.and Mrs A Tbompson is in 1 eity vitb friende. Mr Norton oh Scarboro, vhe bou,. the Alger harrn, bas uioved there d ing the Iast week. Inspector Lloyd of Aurore bas b4 lu this section during the pasL vE inspectiug soin shseep that the farusý have sold te outoide places. Oh cou tbere ià 'ne sceb bere or in Pickeri townislip either. It le eaid that s phur is a sure preveutetive oh the d ease. Mr and Mrs John Sleigh entertu ed e nuniber oh - their neighbors Tneeday eveuing lest. Those preet enjoyed thensselvos immensel'y. v Mr Mason and Mr Jerry Annis Scanhro are et Mr Walter Major's. Mrs O Hezzlevood, of Oshaw-a visiting ber sister et "Tranqu'ihty. Ili. Cooper of Buffelo, la spendin f.w deys hon. vith ber relatives. Kr Chas Hzadgius nsoved quit laigbuidinug on a sleigb last w Heis proparing to anove. on bis fez vhich ho vill vork bereafter. - Bore of tho fermons vho send in iuto the, ciscy are very indignffntab the new 1ev rogarding the inspecti of deiry cttke For the inspection anecocw it costa $2.50.' On Wednesday evening MnrI Major vent eut te ueoe bis stock a injont upiutothegbarmte trow do, 5eohy, evigte lànteru et . ý~ji loe e mnos. But by se :ueanq-,o rothoniît àsupposed ithell and insttlyerything was abla and bofore help came the barn ç doond -rM Major hienself.had vor n8rrw ecop -from thoeflai 1u&Shot#mebout 50 or 60 ma vod en b>hee efforts sa1 tise [age n»w boi. Thon voe _rLtte - el euelargmevo thrshodpos. holosi'a Murray & La"..m 2"s FLORIDA WATER 7 AM0) F \IuI PJ\G OF A: 1. f>2 FLa~ -R T tf

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