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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 4

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bévhee are many things.. to bc bought in FOR IINSTANCE CoId Cream, Camphor Ice, Camphor and Moth Camphôsr. Thes" and a number of Toilet prepara- tiotîs are right in aeason now aud then there are a host of things that dlaim ail seasons for their own snd which we can supply better than any other store inu town. We uiight mention aing these Hair, Tooth, Nail and 8Bath Brunhes, Tooth Powders, Oombs, Sponges, Etc. J. E. WIL LIS, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY. WHITBY, MARCHI 19, 1897 ACOOUT<TS The CHRoNICLE stars the year with a goodiy increase in its lis, and so far our renewais have been satisfactory. This week we send oui re;aewal notices t0 as many as we cou Id manage. and hope for a prompt te- tun. Ih costs money to write out ah! these accounîts, and we wîsb ail to understand that our abject is to secure imniediate and fuîl remittances. Each persan concerued will pleased note this, as we do net do business for our beaihh New bicKtlIey Bm. The Amnencan Congress met on Monday, and simuttaueously the new McKinley tariff measure was made public. It wilh be kuown as the I)iugley bill, sud as tar as Canada is coucerried is worse tbau the original McKintev act. The reciprocity ides bas turned out exacttv as the CHRON ICLE bas atways predicted ihat it woutd. The Yankees are se bard up for revenue, aud se selfisb and tinfnîendly thit kind words or peacefut efforts are wa-zted on them. Short Notes. Canadian farmers have enjoyed a goodt thîng since the quarantine regulations were recenthy changed so as 10 admtit Canadian c iiein the United States without delay.t This leaves a 2o per cent. duty as tbe onlyc re.striction. During the month afier tbe e-c rrovaI of quarantine 325 car ioads of Can-2 aloî.n cattle weme sold in Bufiato. Thes Breeders' Gazette, Chicago, of Marcb 3rd, s bas beetn eiîqtlurig nto the import sud ez-s port of cattie, aud finds that Canada is i ju..î now making a great rubh of cattle intoa Btimfalo. There has been aiso a large im- part of Mexicari cattle into the tUnited St ates for a year hack. Mexican cattie sei «Ir $b 83 per head, sud Canadian catie ai 817 per hiead Mexîcan catte selI for $14 te li6 per head iii the southwesîtern stes, wl-île Canadinicattie sel] for $3; te e35v p"-mht-ad in northwesiemn states. Thus the i breeder gets alý,uut half of the money fromv the- final sale «,f bis animal, ihe other hall 1 being eaten up in duties, feigts and pro- ' fits. This will be made far worse now hy the new McKinley law which wiii imposec rnorethau double as much duty. Mr. Wmn. Smith ex-%I. P. stated recentlv that thme position of registrar hsd been bart- ered for funds to use in the Dominion elec- tion; and the Oshawa Reformer feels thatt ane of the proprietors ai the CHRONICLE whose name was mentioucd for registrar, should bave ai once assun-~d that tbe cbarget affected him, sud should bave publicly de- nîed it. Mir. Henderson bas no hesitationr in denying lImat auy sucb charge is truc so fer asble is concerued or knows or believes but wby should he be called upon to say a.ythitîg about sucb a charge uuless bis name was meutioîîed in tbe allegation. For instance, Mr. Mundy ai the Reformer was also mentionesi as an applicaut for the me- gistrarship, and why sliould not he have fit- ed the charge upor 'lil-if and deelared it false ? For th.......wby should nat each applicaut s-the p- tion have issued a public denial? Nouse of the applicants could do so for the simple rc,%son that which- ever did would be assuming a certalnty of being sppoiuted, as Mr. Smlth's charge was that some persan waa ta recelve the appoint- muent in refuru for a sum ai money. We mnay mention lorthte information af the Re- former and others that when a story was dir- culated santé monthsa ga ta the eficct tbat Mr. Smith had stated bis abillty ta prove such a charge, upon Mr. Henderson, thse lat- jer intantly drove ta Mr. Smith's farm and requested hlm ta elther deny or confirm the statement, botb ai which Mir. Smitb declined ta do. The Reformer ass why the CHaO.n- tci.x bas uothing in explanation of Mir. Smit's char-gea. Whit bas the Reformer. don@ iu ex ,lanation but show (between the -I gtcMionccualy adbtbln i ~ectator co$%) have lb fy hpe lta- intu esL IÇttb bs tügedicine, as,<Ibe by& Say and' n6ver lfncbed, until fnaly Corbett left -.#J» brst expomed for 6 monieat, 'A4d wàs lftdlear fromt iscet by a l>owfoaFti ns left hand.1 T, s aqsed Cet btt te wrathe lu agonry upon the floor for balla miÏgste, and it was several minutes before he wiaa fully conselwa of bts mutrrwuscings. Wîth the eham~ionsh .1F-tzshiàa on a purse of sS,ooo and a side wager ol 85-M0 with Cor- bett. Besides thls, each of the figbters waa paid a large sumto allow a kinetoacope ta take quickly repeating vlews of the battle. Each of the principals bas been psid prob abiv $_soo per day (or weeks for dictating a dispatch each mnorning to a news agency proclaiming their condition and prowess. Thia figbt bas disposed of the notion that a man'a physical capacity declines during the pertod of life between 30 and 40 years of age. Fitzsimmons 15 38 years old, and will no doubt be a atili better figbter nt forty or forty-five. Tbougb oniy a mliddieweigbt hé has reacbed sucb a high position as a cham- pion over ail, that hia conqueror. if there be sucb a man, wiii have to be a phenomenal fighter, such a one as bas not yet been heard of or seen. Wbttby Town Locale Listen! Don't buy a atove until you sec Jake Mclntyre. Mr. 1. M. Kennedy, ediior of the COaNîCLE inl 1885, bas been eiecîed speaker in the Hous. of repreaantatives in Montlana. The papers out ihere spcak of the systematic and able manner in whicb be is discharging the dunies of bis impori- sot position. We tender our felicitations ta Mr. Chas. Mackcy, Kinsale, ex *pupil of ourcollegiate instîtute, upon bis marriage to Miss Pascoe, of Enfield. Charley is a manly, clever Young fellow, and the young woman wbo marries bim can reiy upon a liue of conjugal bliss. We are looking in every mail for a slice of the bride's cake ta dream upon. Wanted. A good servant girl witbin three weeks or a mocnth. Apply at this office. The Wabash Ra.iroad. If you are contemplating a trip ta the Gold Mining Country, please consider tbe merits of the Wahash Railroad, the short- and tnlie route via Detroit, Chicago and St Paul, to all points in the Kootenay District Pas- sengers Ieaving Whitby, snd points west by earlv morning train, reacb St Paul neit day at noon, where direct connections is made for ail points in tbe Gold Fields- Quickest and best route to Hot Springs, Ark., Old N4exico, California and ail western points. Tiîckets snd trme tables of this great rsilway fromn an)' R. R. agent, or 1. A. Richardson, Canadian Passenger Agent, N. E corner King snd Vonge atreets, Toronto. A~ R&re Treat in Store. Au enterrainmcunt wbicb promises ta be one of the besi of its kind ever given iu Whitby wihl be the ane given an Mouday, ýlarch 29, wheenMr J Wi:liams Macy, wha mlas long been New Yomk's favorite brimonisi aud buffo basso, wlll appear ht-me in Francis Hall in tht- Ontario Ladies' College. Hns popolaritv îsattested by the fact thât be bas appeamed 262 limnes in New N'omk city, s-id equally as msuy in Brookl vn, Boston, Phîla- delphia, aud other great chties in the es. lt- is only bu appt-ar in Montreal, Kingston, aud ont- or two other C inadian centres dur- tmg tht- bis irai tour of tht- Domîinion. Tht- enierprîse of tht- college i-n eugagiug su briltiant an eîiiertaimem is commeudable. WVhiîhy is ta bave a rare treat. lu onder ilmat tht- musical numbýers af this versatile .rtist may he given under the mosi avor- -1t- conditions, ut waa decided ta bave tht- entertainmeuî in Frances; Hall, where, in addition lu tht- tletr ic tight, steamn heat, and ample seaîing acc.)ooatton, advan- tage cou Id be taken of tht- utw pipe ongan aud grand pianos in accompaniments, as wehl also i-s cuablîug contmibutary numbens hy the gîfted young ladies ai the college ta be given under the mosi favorable con- dit;ous. Arrangements have bt-en ruade ta carry over sud back between the college sud tbe town, those who with attend, in bus- ses, which wihI non fmom tht- corner drue store. Tht-se 'aili he free-. The plan of set-as in Francis Hall will be at Allen', on Monday next, the 22rid. Although this is an expeusive engagement, the pnice of ad- mission bas. the CHROeî1CLB believes wise- lv, bteun put at the popuhar price-25 cents. The press notices ai Mm Macy anc flattering- ly eulçbgistic. Mis bumor 15 said ta be in- fectiaus, bis recitals are given in inimitable style, sud accnmpanied by facial, changes whiclî nender thern side-splittnî, 'awhile be ta the possesffor of a fine, large, musical bass voice, and hi.sangs are geaai tise buffo Town Concl Met Mauday night. The tovn praperty cammittce reported au acc. ofai6.i&6 fram John Blow for payîrpeut. sud lb passed. Reeve Pnirigle read ea report tram a joint meeting ai the finance and applications ta oiffice cammittees, setting forth thet tise ciemk's saiary he reduced fr-ani $5c0 ta $400 ; that the services ai a seleried solicitor ho dispeused with sud a lavyer paid bis fees, when required; that tise salary af tise rare- taker of tise towu hall ho meduceal from $300 ta $24o; that Wm Calverley lie eppolnted nighî paîmol et a saiemy ai Si8o, bis duties ta commence an April tat next ; that a repre- seutation ho made ta the hoard ai education satiug that il is deairable for that board ta cul dowu its expenses. The councl vent into cammittee'ai thme vhole an the repart, but as some ai the memhors fettliat sncb a radical measume should ho siept Upon, fur- ther cansidemation vas laid over ubtl mert meeting ai canncit. The councit thon me- sumed commtee af the 'ahale ou tho report of tbe committee ou applications ta office, as laid over1fa-rn lasb ,meeting., Thse report re- commendcd Wm McConrt for nlght pattai- mais at a salamy af $36o. Reeve Pringlo. moved that Wm Calverley's name ho Insert. ed insîead at a salary ai SîBa. Coun Noble maved s furtber ameudment tisat W H New- hery's namne ho insertea a a salary aif $=. Con Jackson moved theC Wm UcCourtis namne ho put lu et $295 per asuntu.Coun Blow, chaimman ai coinlttee, ruiod that tise Calvemley motion sbould ho voted on fitst, and it vas carmied, Yeas.-Priugle, Beuseit, Haywamd, Luke sud the mayo-5 ; ney-, Jackson, Blow, Crosby, Robson-4. lu councl Caun Jackson moved for Mir News- hory's appaintment, and thse motion vas hast. Yea-Jacksoït. Blow, Nobl. Rabe -on, Croeby- -, usys-Pringié, BDeot ,Luke, HTY ad Smsith-- Tise report vab tison adopted.Theoiyor stmetehat lie vçlid ho absent from toevbe thonii e nt msneing MeCourt w»asorUdalto e b.psld 13 bis salary for lb. usonth of Fbrar. ie cudil Uthon sdja*rpiedi, The Tove LiÏ. 6mi-8hsow. Tacher West bastbatde a f9lifi wvat '111 r luthe vay oe. achoqi .stertslnmeui,.- -LestThurs4ay ui*,bt,lter the iad4s ofpoo fie (ran ous ôthorï amtt s4tie ê.to jgai. list he pçb O--bée#. tug1E he an au orgin that*tve.d- epurpaaaQ ,.Mis otbrIe. lis llltai-.R*d4e and -M)ssè Iar Dv a VI 19àm5s cetblâMtr Pau1 and Cilfforden, af Oshatwsa "ng a dixet. Miss Alice Coakweil swung clubso Ia livlcY pmusic ou-thse argan, with, mouth-organ obligato by Mrt Taylor. Thse Messrs Lon and Geo Taylor, as two Kickapoos, created no end ai fun wlth their Irish farce The iter, respondin,ýg ta a cali, spoke ai the artistic chalk drawlngs an tise blackboarda, and wishied that drawiug was taugbî in the public sclsools, as it le uow, when he iwasaa boy. Thse basket social is a novcity in this part af thse country. It worked hike a cbarm at thse town Une. Kickapoo Taylor started iu ta auction them off, tben Caut Henderson, ai tise coilegiate institute finished the job in fiue style. The baskets, t weuty anc in numuber. sud aIl very beautifully made sud filued with delicacies, including the name ai a lady lu each, soid up as hlgh as Si-tao Witb pantnera so allotted, the social feature ai the eutertainmeut ran aloug delightfully- until neanly miduigîs:. Llgbt refresbments lu paper bags were passed about and solo for five cents apiece. Altogether the me- ceipts tram admission ait 1, c, and sales of baskets, etc, amouuted ta $29, which, aiter paying expeusea, wiil leave about S2o. This sum will be used to buy a cyclopedia for tis chool. F. HOWARD ANN ES. Oreenwoo Paddy Ryau i. paying bie yearly visit to bis oId acquiintalices. N Lidgett ba3 eaigaged witb R Som mer- ville for the summer mouths. M White took a load ai appies ta Toronto iast weck, for wbich he rcceived s good price. Messrs White, Gee and Richardson each took a load ai pioduce ta the city markets on Monday. The freshets ai Tuesdav aud Wednesday hast caused some siight damage ta F L Greeu's milI ponds. For the past*week or iwo Wm Gee bas been coufined to the bouse througb the efiects oais faian the ice. Fred McDonald Spve a vcry successful bir-thday partv to a number of his young friends one night hast week. A mott enýoy- ;tble evcning wss speut by ahi there assem- It waa meponted here iast week thatFM Chapmau, at Audiey, was laid up wiîh an attack ai infiamatian. Mis many friends in ibhis hocality are plessed ta learu there ws no truibiuhncss in the report. 1 Vcs Gee, wbo for the pasi thiree monîbs lias been workîng in Toronto, reîurned home ]est week, As he prefers iarmiug 10 city liue hc intenda ta sîsv homie sud work the farm. GIad ta have you in aur midsî again, Wes. What bas happened the Foresters ? We neyer hear of tbemn holding any mneetings tiow. Their court is centaitivy not doing a venv rushing busins in securing new inembers for the order, unleas îhey are ver)- quit about what tht-y are doing. Spming is coming, the time when the young people bt-gin their pracrîce fur fooi- >all and other out ai door amusements. Il we are to have a club of any kînd tbis st- son it is high time seme movement in the ne ot organizing was commencing. The- liflement committees tht-n would have a hetter chanc-ta t maire their arrangements n due season. Dr Bateson, ai Brougham. conducted tht- league meeting hast week in a very satistac tov way. C Mackey, of Kirasale, was to have taken charge of it, but as he w-ms awav n bis honeymoon, he was unable îo attend -lis Greeîîwood frieruds, although dissa- poiuîed at not haviug bîrn present on tht- above occasion, extend tb him themr con- gratulations and best wishes for bis future a ppi neas. ESadon - Mr Nel.,on Hudson is home on a viait. Our young men are raking situations for bhe somumer. Mr Howard Rundie is teschiug schoot in Cartwright township at preseut- Mm john Rund-e bas mented Mm Samuel Soper's fsrm for s ter.u of yesrs. Mr Frank Bnimacombe is boton a visit. but inteuds meturning to Uxbriclte again. The Sisters of Charity, ""Grey Nuns," Guy atreet, Montreal, write: "Having made use of your 6Quickcure' in aur es- tablishment, we are happy t.o add our testimohy, also, in its favor." Nothing equals '"Qiâickcure" as a dressing for Burnas, Soalds, Cutia or wound,:. even Touthache need no maore be droaded. BOra GIORsiaD.-In EaS& Whiîby, Marcb 9th, the wile of Hiram Gifiord, aisa son. PîcguziY -in Darlington. Mareb xotb, the wlfe of Mr Dean Piekeil, of a son. STZiicKLu.-In Est Wbiîby, Mardi 3 rd, the wife af Mr I *mes D Stricklarid, af a ES. KaLWow.-ln Oshawa, Match zatb, tba wife af U.r John Kellow, ofasn MoFFsAT-a[Darlington, Mardi and, the wile ad Mr David Mafias of a daugbtcr. GAG»Avxa-AI the parsonage, Black- stock, Mardi 3rd, by Rev N D Dircw, Mr ChLas. MNforoe Gage ai Oshawa, and Miss Elfiabetb Gillatd Avery. af Haydon. Cow.s-In Cartwuight. ecu 7. an March 7th, Robert Cowan, aged Si years. NOSWoiRY-lis tBowmanvlhe, Match 13, Lydia Hamey, rebact of the laie J C Noswartby, metchant. WOTrON-A, Columbus, Match z4th. Eliz. abeth Thons.., remft he iste Thomtas Wal- ton, aged 7S _yeus, othez of Mu Wesley Wot- tan, merchant, EnislleU, AUCTION. SALE. Earlv Cows, MHigh Grade anmd lhort HOM:&J urham Oat- tie, tii. property of, Joseph W1ataon, Qè'onha-nk, ont, consstug eofre dry cava ud ta-bigli grade shortbors : tow ,belfr* ud vouug> bulis. ,WUill bc ,old ou lWt9,'CSu ro< Tmv-- shlp of Reacb, iii miles *ýWus&oGréeebisk, Pedigrees furulsbed onday ôof d, Tbîmrê are a ougaber o<- god eb ow astJùs.in51 b.7 y7 o cuit ',lIe te ozh May be necessary when yon are dealing with people whom you C.nuOt trust, but we have entitled ourselves to yôur iitmost COnfidence, Bad if You corne ta lus with your. Eyes Bhut we would treat yOU ju-6t the same as though they were Wide Open. It is thiff knowledge which makes us believe that you stiil have strong faith in Our ability to please you. TJihe House-cleaning Season is now near at hand and with that object in view we have puroh&sed an excellent as8ortrnent of UNION CARPETS,' ranging in price frorn 30c. Per yard. Also a fine range of ALL WOOL CARPETS, in both 2 ply and 3 ply. We a~re showing a new assortmeflt of TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS CARPETS, with Borders ta Match, and dlaim to have the best assortment of these goode in the county. We also show CARPET BORDERING and CARPET LINING. Also a Fine Âssortment of- '.lWp Whit e Be ar7d Cream Lace Curta irs. Sure and See Our Range Before Purchasing. ANDREW Fancy me China, A Large Stock of-ý Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Aiways G roce ries. .Reliab le. AT GI1B S ON'S The Great Wonder. ,ss.ssuss.m.m..s..ss....msam IAYWARD 's UNRESERVED, GIVING UP BUSINESS 0F ENTIRE STOCK 0F SALE1 Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, -Etc.,, Going On$ Big Cro wd8. Big Bargains. That's Right.1 50 Men's azu(Boys' Ulsters and Overcoats. Men's Heavy Fr"ez Ulaters, wool lined, $4, regular $7.50. Men's Extra 4" ci tg $6, regular 812. Men'a Overcoats, velvet callar, " $2.50, regulea- Bgoys' Frieze Ulsters, 94 83.75, reguko. *7.Sti. BOYS' 0Overcoata si $2.50, regular $5. Men'a SesJette caps 60c, regular $1. Men'a and Boys' Curly Oaps..35o, regular 75c. Men's Shirts sud Drswers 25c, reg 40c. Do., ail voal, Scotch finish, 40c, regular 60c. z WONDERFUL BARGAINS8, IN DRBS G OODB.ý- 54-im Al Wool Tweeds, 55c, reg si.4"'-i n Ail- WDO-î-Tweeds é ,reg- 45e., 44-i Al Wool Tweeds. 20ce , eg 4Oé, $ovges 2o i 2n, e 20,2f,30r. Lamdie' AU W, oM -1aê8c~, 2 pair 35cr. pelliat ftibb.d Ail Wool Jiôs Isge 2Pe*8e Cidàl rotto 0 ROSSO JO SU IS 10 D1LI[YE -0..- Cal -..o WM. TILL and be convinced that an Elegaut lhue ai FURNI TUBE -AN&- UPtIOLSTERED 00008 is being soid at away dovai prices ta keep iu touch with the HARD TIMES. Antique Oak Leather Seat Cahier Rocker ..- - $2 25 Antique Oak Plush Racketr -3 00 Gents large upbaistered Easy Chair - 4 50 Parlor Sets, Oak, Pinusi & Tapestry x8 oo Sidehoards, Plate Mirror - Bedmoom Seta, 3 piccea s Dining Table, 4 leaves - - - Childrcn's Rockers- - - 50 00 50 Ail other goods pro- -portionatty cheap! Everything anitable, useful and ornamental. RLepasring, Uphoister- ing and Undertaking. WM. Ti LLP WHITBY. Here 18 a Good Thinge Varie/y thse Largestl Quality thse C/sùest Prices t/he Lowzest . are the three points which lead 'the FURNITUBE trade. Be-uphorstering done on- shortest notice. l,3rsck 8t., hty t' BARGAI NS-4 -IN1- Electro + Plai WTare. 'BARQGAIN S Spoons, Foi and Knives -A T- j.- S. Barnard omew iCounty Orgaa.-LarKO« C «O051 MManyloal papeTlM Cana FIDAY, MARCH 19, 18 LOCAL LACONIOS . Just mcc'd 15o pieces new dress gc select from at w' G Waltcrs' - Taire your who1 fimily to the tamîtl concert tanight aIth~ music hall. Mayor snd Mrs Rurledge bave q spend a moutis at Jacksonvilte. to New stock cbîtdrens ready mnal- suits at Si. 2, 51.95, $2 t104, at %V îG Mr Robt Wamd, Toronto, is reîieý.t press Messenger Straîn, on the- Mianilla run. O'Brien & Stedbarn's photo ga' open for business every Tut--sd.. and Sstumday. Mr Geo Ayres, jr., express rnsc'i îweeu l'orunto and North Bay, left day for Torouto. suter havtng sptîr days with Mm Gea Bannes. Mm. Robert Devenilh, Pickering 'abuse rotcnt severe ilhuess hîs lite w p-tircd ai, was in town yesttrday. fi like a man who bas many years yet A meeting ai the stude-tits of n - was heid in the assemblv hall ou T' at 3-30 p.m.,fom the- purpose of reure th-- foot-hall club for the- coming Mr F-red Davey occu pied tht- chair follawing officers we.re elecied Il1- M1ajor Fartewtl; -on vice pre-, (, pies, John Wauzh; vice pres, G Il L< mnanager, A G Hetft-no; sec treë;, Richsardson , apt, Fretd Dsvev , c-' Baruett, G R Rosa, W C Arnold, A ]or; junior capt, F W Shaw. Bimth. At Wbithy, Mlondav, Mamch i5th. oflIsaac Ellison ai twîns, son anmd J. Sicyole for Sala- Higis grade MyslOP. 72 inch ct-ar, trsame, 96 model This ah.-el %A.s - late ls s ason. sud was mîdden no- m r 150mies. ta in firsi cLas omritr, sud sodceap. Apply ai 'bis mf-ic'- Oh for- Manitoba and Gold Fields S. C -Match 2nd, and evemv Tursday Marchs sud April. (sufficient busines-, ing,) a speciai coionist tratti tom C.- Northwest via North Bay and C P leave Torouto at 9 p. -m Colonist-s v dtuaory baggage cau also leave Tomant <except Suuday) -ai ~I2o noon.) C sleeping cars an cach train firce Lu holders. For througb tickets readin Myrtle, Brooklu, Wbitbv, Pickering »toansd evety information appîr Stepheson. telegi-apis, express. 1 irallway snd acean ticket office (oh, Hatch Bras),- Whitby. Baggage di tbrough ta destination. Tb. Mary Smilth lquSst The MarrgSssth inquest was brougi -clse bore oit Tuesday. Thein ay asse in the baseasent ai the town hait exp tp ear the evidenSe iof s ias ýrBmtford, 'wbo is alleged tahve a tii. deceSed asto vhst ta taketaP aabortion- mas.Morris lis ee ID Uitetfltiilg occurrence in hem and thée Inquest bas been adjourn Il .tue o Urne te avait ber conveniez *imtbe Goctora cannas now esiuatf 6 the trouble iviii lie over, sudl the jui uso1t'féel 11ke fbrtber edjonrumeits. -i bult up the beet verdict they could ou èv douce tireo as. Tihe conclusion edt wu tbat,.the girl came ta ber tixlg childburith, vblch vsP broght on preiaturely by dmngs thsat àitpuxpose. The ceaita the coun . àeh eabd e or $M anfd tb v ud<<thüuaip ons Cannty:A C P~rou'eU' advice ta gave furtiier Wbsvra poison secsa beadlues ltatwrsit b.d bees imsed for sio-o st onSc eowtudé <at enoter lhel se - e --7 1i Drdo :~èaat~P5ltJ0ud t forSsitbettu - Sef5t1*OtDliSad<on5meetingbée -. bOl3liïhic»5booteesu, much talk. lWir Dryieesviote Mr- 31eldade the. sstaentai Sjr wiwt'Slp of oursof t - -b au ntlu Mill 1

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