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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 5

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BARGAI NS-+ -IN- Electro +Platedý Ware. t B AR GAÀ1NS 1IN Spoons, Forks and Knives, -A T- JI S. Barnard's, «Om--ýWHITBYB i4ýt (f roniche. OmelalCouîrty Orgali. Largest CIrculil- boen of an.y local palier l a nada FLIDAY, NIARCIIl 19, 1897d. LOCAL LACONIOS. bý,-;t mc'd iî-' pitciis ni-w dress gooda to cti o in ait % G WiN1t ris T. ki ,iir wi~ifai iiiici thelamne fund t-il ) 11 Mi .i t ait vîle u r i (iha:il. MNo îînuafid rs Rtitile(ge have gone t0 r, î'îhai l'it ks"nt 1:1fFlorida. .New t-icikî iiirens mady made tweed ir ~ -,. s t: i4.$ at WW%atrs, \r I (Jt~ i. fr.iis relicving Ex- i Is ... ii----gî-r >rin, n.ctihie \Vhîtby- Si % -- Xsdhîî philo galler i t iii t'r-,nes Cir, ' d i, VI-idai' eIoîi-îAî-reî, )r . exp)ress niesscinger he - .irî.ii'1Northi lii. l ton Nloti- 1 I riili 5Pr liai iiig spiti lits bolI- M,- k 1wirt iescrill. Pilckerinîg during %e%( re 111i.m r li-ýsî i hi le was de,. dI 111iit'iw îî icatri .i lie 1cioka rin,,A i.' lias mauiv ycrs yet 10 live. i -,t.- nz ifthie stiueiiii cl the - ,. - iiii zi- assemblr hall (in Tuesdiî- iii . 'or thli purpluse 'if reorgatiiziig i >iii Bull tluh for ihe cîmming seasot, t'. rtI avey cccupied ihe chair and the - n u-.îîhiv- s-e re cicd lio n pies., 't uLýt i! ,lion sic, pires. tG5M Jvsoîen i '%'\ a 1).tI vire prea, (y Il tiuigauîiî, A (, l; Heiîtirsiuiî . sec ireas, i-l H calît, Fnc-ci hver-coinî, Fred R Rî, < oss, W C A rîîold, A %V Tay - ii "tpF \W ,haw. iA' .nîctdai, lirch i5th,î the wife - -u i is,în ol îwins, soir aîîd d.taghter. 3t ycle for Sale. ilttl icHlY>IoP. 72 mncl RRr. 24 incb Il 1)iîo<ci Tii vh,-ri *.ib puicha>td (CI - ~ iat bt-aaan and lwas riddrn no- mir %han lig. 1 I 'r l-. hiun tirai clas order, and cîd be - i ' ciîpa Appîv ai ihis ofic,- 0r'. fuir Manitobia and Gold Fields B. C. iîv. SIiýrcli 2,id, atnd ricr' Titcsday dunîng j \iiMru.f and' Apnil. (sulicient business oifer- ai spca coloiat train 14)r Canadiân A ve To)t ut 9 p. ni Coicinists wiîh or- 4, i-tari' baggage can aiso ieave Toronto al (,ce-)i Suriday) ai t 2.20 oot Colonial >.eeplng caon eahtrain iee tu ticket h'ildrra For îhrough tickets readtnK froun M',the, Braoklîn, Whiîbv, Pickering an To r' mli and every infarmnation appiy ta E. ii i'u>tefson, teiegrsph, express, general r îla-ay and ocean ticket office (opposite Hiatch Broal Whiîby. Baggage cliecked thrciuKh ta destination. The Mary Smith laquesL The Mar Smnith inqucat cas braaght ta a cioehr nTuesday. The jury aasembled un the basement ai the lace hall expectUing to hear the evidence ai -Mrs Thoa. Marrie Brantford, cha la allefged te have advise the deceased as ta chat ta take la procure au aliortion. àmr. Marris ha been expeet- îng au intcresting occurrence in ber faml.ly, and the inquest lias been mdjaurned from time ta turne ta, await ber cen¶eunience, but even the doctora cannet nec eàii5ate chen [Ve. the trouble ciii bc aver, and thse jury did nal feel like furtlier adjaurnmetits, se they buiît up the best verdict tliey could on chat eidence Iliere cas. Tise conclusion am- ~~1 4 rd at cas thal the girl came ta ber desîli d during childbirtb, cblch vas probably braagbî an prematurely by drugs used for T that purpese. The coM t thse cuty bas alread y reached $6o or $7a, snd thc jury wound the Ihing ap on Ceaaty Attarney - Pare well's advice ta save furtiser caste ai niotey. A Writfor seze Wbenever a persan sees a headlue stati that a cnit had been issucd for $10,000, bce ai once conciades tIsat muetW beiel suit bas been Issaied aalst a local paer, that being thbe amouat ai danages nsaly sauglît. In' I-the preseut Instance 19 cr11 for glander bas bec isoucd by Hou John Dryden aga.inst Mr Wtn Sit, ex-M. P., thse cha<ge being the statenient mnade by Mr Smith àt tIse Ceu- servative argmnixatic" Meeting bere, rmid about chich bas been se much talk. Be'one Ha taking action Mr Dryden croIe Mm Smith, suîn i bebad made the statements pubi- klbe n tepaes Mn Sniith's aswer ibs cas asiaollac;: Wbitby, '<sncb 8tb, 1897. Dear Sr,-l arnin receipt of yours of the iusi îouI., concerniig newspapcr reports ai mv address at the Conservmîlve meeting beld în Wbitb'y an 27th Febmuary uIt. [n reply I be astale thal chile 1 assume na respan- )sîbîity for the accu racy afi necapaper re- mIrs, chich in this instance are net ver- aim1 ami in possession ai evideace Ibat ch Ontario regisirY Office cas netorlausly uscd as a prospective recard fer party pol- tîcal services, and ini connectiion therowith aoney cas uscd le accore my deicat. It is in yaur pocer ta grant a commitîce of tbe k.tet nngt heaiteadi O Rememb e ôëioIlk ing in baptist éliureh PFF&, pr4 a Specil l*ueta Mrs. Sebert, Ouhaw1114 éb"er o! '<Oera Louis and Oliver Sebert, la dead. iletr fn. eral will takte pluce et OilW thia a.fer f000. Burns & Ca. have' apened out afine dis- play of new Sprhng boots and a4>es, <><e door not th or Hottch & Bras., Brack ntt, Whitby. et Ail the Cernisbmnen in the town were in esctacies on Wedneaday over ltitzsitmoesls victory, There were Very few Corbett mcli around here. Our heart' (uest sympatby gareout ta Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Westlake in the death ai tht-îr thirieen-Vear-ald daughter Lotta, wha dîed on Wednesdav Of scarlet lever. The deceased was ail right on Monday, but was taken suddenlv, aud the heart action iwas ai- most lost ic ail means af detectjan from the firsi. She wiis a bright, laving, clever girl, a student at the collegiate institute, and very drar to every person w'plIaknew her, lier death is a most trvung event to ber parents, makîng a wound in their hearta that will neyer be healed in this world. The papils of the collegîie tuirned out in mass and ac- companied the remaina tbrough tbe îawn. Auctian Sale Mr. Jcia Watson, of Greebank, affers for gale on Thursaiy, March 25, 24 head of firat c.ass cactie. Sec adv. in anutber Ca urnn. Pumpi At fkinds orf oîst,,,,-n%àr pompa" for sale Wund-miîls %old end re. GetTatn et paired. 1 huv direct from the manufactur. Whitby has joined what is knawn as the e-rs. flot fromn second-haud dealers. W H Eastern Ontario trotting circuit, anîdilis ser- pver, %Vhitby. les of meetings witl most lîkely be opened Snap Trial Trip. liere. The meet will last two or three days. For 0 cets he CRONILR nd Wek-and piirses will be gîven worth comrpetîng Fo Gloent TeCHRN* t adWek or. Such an event should create a greât cVilobe 3. nitha, and large 2ix28 picture deal af exciternent here. îîîîd vill nîo doubt o f.Lauriers mnisters ini 3 colora. The drsw a big crowd. The particulars will be îîîcture alone is worth a dollar. being taken printed in good uirne. frcim special photographa To yearly sub- mig çcriers e th Weetly lobeand HRON iE we ahi add the Picture at a subscrîp- Tebb. formerly of N-ew York 1.-Doctor of Ion pieo iSi Refraction ini Optîca, and inventor of the prî Jce ailbs5t 50 . famous Recherche Optometer. the latest Spnn Jacy Clbs miUgsand moat împroî-ed instrument known to The Ontario Jocky Club, Toronto and the modern science for pointing out every de Hamilton have Issued a combined pîogram fect and disease of the eye and sight. Curel Ofl their spring meetings. The Toronto granulation and in flammiation of the lid%, Jockev Clubs meeting wifl open an Satur- headache, and straightens cross-eye, &c, day May 22nd, and wiii last for seven days, without medicine or operation. A cure cloaîng Saturdav, May 29th. There wiul be guaranteed in every case or mnoney refund- firîv-îwo races dunîng the seven days nmeet. e-d. Treatise on the eye an d sight free. Ehe Queens olie 15 te be coftested on Sat. Wiil be at Allin'a drug store, March 2-th urday, May 22nd and is estimated as being 0111!. worth S13oo. There wiIl be 42 races and the Those on the Travel. great purses and cups are ail repeaîed, and Mr E Stephenson has issued ihrough ticý there ia ta be an immense auni of rnoney ini kets te the folluîwîng parties -Isaac Wray, the purses The H-amilton Jockey Cluh jr. anîd Wm Baxter, Thoriton's Corners, 10 meeting will he opened Tuesdav, lune 'si Alcesiter, Matl.i , isa lmer sý ho ha een and wili wind up Tutsday June 5th. sisiting her sîster, Mrs E J Joihnson,) 10 (Chi- Wedded cago , Mr and Mis Rotît Redgeon and Bar- A large and happv conr1qnv af people ker Colley, Brooklin. to Soturis, Man ' John mtathhm of Wm Kemp on the e Kcrr, jr,, and D C Bowles, Brooklin, to Car- shoe, at the ortesdy eo. A te n aît, Man , Wrn Miller, Piontypo)Il, 10 Alex- toshor n Wdniesdyiatteoo. A omen ander, 'dan , Alhert jenningsîb, to tou hor lai rricd ii he ise if1W0Boh%%ell , C F Sîewàrt, Whiîhy, te Mont- vrîîng people Mr Jahn Iftaper and Mi.ýsI real G Mlîiewsgin, As.hburn, to Portage la Marion Kernip cere about 10 be îîntted in P rairie. Mr and %Ira Janmes Ruilcdge, WVhit the liolv bonds ol'mstrîmany, which is an h%, te Jacksoninslle, FIa ;Rîîb>ert M0iller, jr. hinorahîc astate, nottici be eîîîered tipon hi, lPickering, ici iidian Head, Assin , Ms uini utîadvîsedIN. The happy et-ml vas l)avev, \Vhithv. iii New York; G Y -S mith, perforrned promptly at the hour of half pasi 'W W Tit,, îî and Mr R Mlowbray. Wli- four. Then folowei the weddîng olitîner, h%- to Brantford , Rev J S Brouizh.l, Peter %ocial chat and a merry eve-ning. With the 1br I llet ikrnt HYte, goal wtshes oî a hast of friends these îwîîori. rM1ei îceîg oH¶ny' t-aimahle young people begin tlîeir married Man. lift, which al lîio know thjeni ilI wîaîî 10 St Patrickid Day. he a most happy and prosperous one. The 17(h c I Mîrch, so dear 10 the treart col cev troc b<îrn risihni tii, passed offi quietiY ToIstoi the Russian Genlus. ~ali iiîîcrrsî btiiig cen:,red in Carsont The first lecture of the seasn in the City' where the big sluggiîtg match was ici course, bs- profe*sors of Toronto UnivmrqitytvItke'place. In the evenîng Father Jeffcoti at the Ont-rio Ladies' Collcge on Fridaviddl'ressed~ a large audince in St John's par- cveningr was about Taisto thie Ruqsaan 1,1i churcui onti rel;.ndJ's Patrîon Saint and gt nius whose booaks have been epocb mnak. Irelanils Pairioub - For fuily ain hour ers in the literary world of this end Of the F.îtier jeficott nlertaiaîed his audience with century. Prof Milner miade a moitio'-iter-- « d-,cr:Pticin oill ifthI, cbaracter and work eqting biographical study of thîs famous il Si Pa.rîck and cif ihe patriotirni and writer R-v Mr Manning who was chair- man guoted at length frotn meruory Toîsto's heroic death iof Robert Ernrett, chose narne description ai his aaving hirm-self from is orie of the briethest trn ihe anuîsîs of iash suicide. The chairman's remarks were in ptit l h oreo i ere n lieu of a forfuial motion of thanks (rom the instructive address the speaker referred ici audience. Two musical ntîmbers by ynung the "Detnon of tiscord thai centuries ago ladiet at the start and finish were much was introduced iito Ireland and which ia applauded. These were an organ solo by >,et kept alive by a leuv high in authorlty ta Miss Gertie Ro-qs and a vacal solo by Miss prevent Eiîglarid grantiîîg ta lreland that Arn! Wilson. The second lecture is on fui] itîcrease of politîcal freedarn which the Priday. April 2nd, by Profeqssr Keys an demnocratic spirit of the age calta. A pleas- Thackeray. This course af lectures is a ing feature of the eveningas exercises bath very practical realizntiati of the university before and ater the address wasa the excel- extension idea for Whitby. lent music furnished by the chair. The Famine oet The Concert Ta-migbî To-night, Friday,. the great concert far the We understand that the cammittees ap- benefit af the starving people of India wili ponted te maire arrangements for the muai- corme off in ei music hall here. That th, cal and literary parts of the entertainmienîta qîueclbéa dgllrbn au osle given in trie town bail this, Fnîday, even- wthout savtng. There shoud snd will lie ifg, ini beliall af tbe India relief fond, bave sucb a bouse as neyer cas seen ia the town. campleted their talions and witl be able ta Sefise people argue that sie have poar enaugh present a moat interesting and enjoyable of aur aca ta ieed, and no daubi ce have programmfle. The committee will funniah a mray îrying cases. We would nat re-aom- programme se varted in character as ta pre- mend aay persan wli bas starviîxg neighbara vent maonotany, and have secured the ser- ta send moi*y away te a foreign country. vice ai se matiy, williag ta assisi, as teabai- [n ail cases belp a neiglibor f&st ; bat if yau saluteiy farbid ainy encores. Addresses are are nat lielping anybody and can apare a ta be gtven by Rev Father Jeffcott, Osbawa, quare jtaegtebi concert and l1ear and Mr Waugh, ai the collegiate instittte; a gaidpralmm The maney wiii assiat Mm.isa Hawden, and Miss McKce, ai the 0.L. lu maiking up a big fund chîcli is needed ta C, will give recitations ; Mrs W A Jahnstan, feed the millons ai starving Asiatics wbn Misa Beatuice Daitnell, Misses Taylor and have no allie means af living until anaîher Hill ai the O.L.C., Miss Rice and Mr Puu- crap grecs. Fullv r,~Aç have already shart, af Oshawa. Mrs G A Rase, and Messrs starved la Indis jihin a (e months Tbey Asbury and Richardson cull furniaht vocal bave caten every living animal ad every selectiOts; Miss Clara Warren cill cantIn- paiand of rice and grain in their country, and bute a vialin solo. The WVhitby orchestra are whally at. icenîercy ai the world. Na have kîndly cansented ta give theirservices country lia any guaranece against famine during the evening. [t is earaestly hoped and plague. We alil have ta, rely on the that ail cho svmpathize euthe starving mercy aof God, mucliOai hich ce do net de- millions in India wilIlibe present and show serve as mach as% these starviag people need that Whitby is net behind in charitabl< a - ai obi:. . -et everv livinz net-son uhn cerk.' bas a conscience fully and prayerfnîly con- aider tis malter. Hockey. Honora are easy Ibis lime. Oshawa laves still. And thhy rejaice that, îhey got aut oait i eh Iliir ives. WeIl, ce didn'î abut Oshaca out accord-1 ing la specificatien, but ce rame cîthin 2 ai It., The carst ai it la that tbey came cithin 2èf sisattkig Whitby out. Goed gamel make the beat aiffriends ansang bonest sports, no malter hec bot the contesta mmv be. A (e more sncb gaines and ail the iaood an the oeeee betceen Whit- by and Oshaca clii be clped eut. Oshawa bas daue chat neo tiser lub bas bien able ta de. It bas played Whtby te a druwt Icce eut of tîhree gaLine. and cas ottly. beaten once. We de net belleve any ether club in ibis part of tihe country eau do h. - Whitby club went to Oshawa an Satardoy nigbt w th about z3o matera te yell. - Thome cas a big crocd, mini arattling geond gaine. Referce E. Percy Brown, ef Upper Canada Callege, egaîn llned the boys up, but cti- trary ta precedent thbe Oshaca kýfeieca tcph the firat goal. This loaked ornise,, a sanie a Hatle iîk&irful, as joeliîi Aes,éi i aya; but aiter a tiine tise Wl4itby-dtt> took anc aud made it even. 1BeWoe baWll imeibe Oshacas 100k etiothtisi asidrtqg W«MIW- alan t-le Whlîtbvchabs bad tber' oi knoclng tbat t]-y'w«e Th&e pay 'bsd baep ve«Y h coud baif th pIle5 m .' I Ilves, and pla enauh, scared air su by playe nlavta lsg-,ê- d à Sch.,ne -if etrenchtnut 'rawý ncil bas ander canaldematien a si-ateniCfar atualgamating snie aifctecuw offices, dispenslng citb sonie afficlals, sud cutting docnth ie salaries of aiL la thee 5nat place il le praeosed te dispense cuIs Uie ser- vices ai a teen soicitar. This dli effect a saving ai $5o, but is a more thon doubtfut expedieut. I111e said that the mtas cha la bis awn lawver bas a fool fer his cdieut, and the application mejy unclade' corporations as cdll as men. lu regard ta legal mattens t-bis town bas been qaite lncky, sud possibly Tows Solicitor Farewell bas earaed tise sinal siary b. receives. We te! Certain: tisat 85o per aunais eaiual have p-tld t-be toacu' a sbill for thc past Ilire jeans. XNo by-iaw ebeai! be passed cfthffle firet mak. » ing a lawyer respausible, fer the iegalltyof ils provisions. Howe .ver,ý a yeat cii uaisiel thse towa ta jage ai t-be ueed ofis lawyer.' As't-o 'ctting docu t-he tacs clerk aud tteas- Uree'ssalry tram #5a0400 . M ,it--do", agit Deoe.sarily jimpair t-le service. altiSogl I la propoeed ta have t-be clice eof-ba"t-offcia evp'yday until 3a oock, mt-ee houïbeoere thse batiks -cloue.a--Cqetiker I* e aimiany l ina6.e11» t- $60 Yean,. wblzb we sppose b. woId-rat-ber stand t!ý*ae b.retire! (frofi his posillan. This ~oiad be. he' aelay. of6s liie W«G. WALTERS, ODDFE-LLOWS'Y BLOCK, WHITBNL.ma Sti.-J'ohu BâiroÙr, Tor,ôbtô &peust yete. Prinjle & Ce are rusbiùgt the claver ie8 tlmôthy besunesa lst novr. New chiui le , 10,igO new silks, ~e r Waitera'. afOet. tW0 tCOUM nt onney Fare#ieil spent Saturday and Moinday învestigating the Cedar Dale tragedy. The follawung peroses were tickreted vis C P Ry by E R Blow, agent, Whitby, for past week :-Mrs Thas McCormack, Braugham, 1a Defiance, Ohio. U S; Gea Ciujnmer, 1 roaklin, ta Boissevain, Man; Albert Med- land. Braakluin, ta Brandon, M a; Albert Jackson, Brac.klin, ta Floliand, Man; Gea Marriett, Isaac Marriett, Charles Marriett, Whitby, ta Larder, Man; John Saunders, Geo Saunders, Audley, ta Dryden, Ont ; Win Routley, Brooklin, ta Westminster, B C; Mrs S A Raiviins and family (sister af Jas White, town clerk,) ta Sacramento, Cali- fomnis; David Wilson, Gea lJnderwood, jas FParsythe, Wblthy, ta Niniga, Man; Walton Ratitley, Brooklin, ta Portage la Prairie, Man; Wm Silver, wite and Iamilv, Kinsale. ta Dryden. Ont; Christopher Stenrcker and wile, and Nathan Richardson, wile and lam- ily, Kinisale. ta Oxdrift, leave an Tuesday, March 22nd, HaYwardm Locala. Great barg tins in dress goads Saturday. 1500o ards lactory caîton worth 7c for 5c Saturday. Special sale new prints, shirtings and flan- nelettes, ail at cost on Saturday. No matter when you came you'il always find something new. Daily arrivais help to swell the immense assort-- ment of Navelties in Dress Gooda, Trinimings, etc. These departments are particularly attractive just now, with the choicest styles and latest patterns for the present seasan. Our commiand of ready cash and the ability to buy ini large quantities gives us the cream of what the Canadian and European markets have to affer. Buying for Cash ini immense quantities naturally reduces the eost, -and selling as we buy yau ncap the benefit in sncb values as these Choice new colore in 48 in Henriettas, only .. 0 cents per yd. Silk and Wool Farîcy Figures, chaice new designs, new calarings, 44-in. wide, Single Dress Ends, special at 750. Plain and Shot Effect, Lustres, Catîvass Cloths, Armure Serges, Sicilians, etc., in ail colora, at lowest prime., Men's Ready made Navy Serge Suits, good linimg. ..ONLY $3.50. Men's Al Woal Canadian Tweed Suits, Farmer's Satin lining .... O)NLY $5.00. Children'à Special Line Ali Woot Canadian Tweed Suits, ta fit ages 5 ta 11 years, special, at. ...$1-95. ~.LA. CE O R/1.A1 Lace Curtauns at 25C. Lace Curtains at 75C. Lace Curtains at $1.25. Lace Curtauns at 35c- Lace Curtains at 90e. Lace Curtains at $150. Special Bargainis For' Saturday..Imm&~ Men's Ail Wool Socks 10c., worth 18c. Serge Shirts, lace fronts, 25c, worth 50c. W. Go Electric Tires Cost More Than Other Tires, but First Cost is Last Cost. 0- EIec tric Tire A dva.ntages. The adjusting of the Electric Detachable Tire is a matter of the utmost simnplicity, They can be and are satisfactorily used on single piece iight rims. Fitting perfectly true on the rima they cannot roll, and it is im- possible to blow them off. They are very easily deflated and detached - They are so coristructed that when fitted to the rim ail the resilience is thrown into the tire and none lost in aîtachment. It takes less than three minutes to defiate, detach, repair puncture and replace ready for use. Being an incorporated tire it is iighter than a cement madle tire and the rubber is less hiable to corne loose from canvas. ht also wears longer and retains a'r just as long as any double tube tire. The special pebbled thread prevents slipping and renders them much less hiable to wèar than a sniooth cover. The tubes are specially manufactured and are af a velvet finish. They are round and perfectly air tight. Being made af pte gum they are aiways the same In ail degrees af temperature. Two years of experimenting with a perfect tire as the abject point has given us a tire in aur Electric Single Tube that we believe to be as near perfectionas it is possible ta make it. Ih possesses the resilience, appearance and wearing qualities ai the Double Tube. The world's fastet %C-rnile cas macle on this tire by Angus McLeod at Sarnia. When submitted ta actual test on the tire testing machine, the best makes of other single tube tires mun but 700 miles, Electric Single Tubes over 3,000 miles; other makes af double twbe tires, 900 miles, Ei&ctric Double Tube Tires over 3,000. Our tires are ail guaranteed by the moat liberal guarantee and should there be a defect, no irne is iast in making it gaod. Insist u pon havung you r '97 mau nt fitted with Electric Tires.- Tbey coatmore maney but they will give you perfect satisfaction every, day yen ride them. THE BRAN TFORD BICYCLE 8UPPLY CO.#0.D, BRANTFORD, FiSII. ONTARIO.- Lace Curtains at 50C. Lace Curtains at $1.00. Lace Curtains at $1.50 ta $7-50- Men's White Shirts, nnlaundried, worth 50c., for 39c. WALTERS. I Notice, ofy Coins ea Canadi i7Pusi I aiTf ,city, me t-bat-1 t les ses iwCossu -HTEPIml, SALMON TROUT, PIGFBL [CLOSE PRICES -FO- £ enten ~D=9 ESS o a-oois~, HEeads of Families WHO- Study ::Economy wiIl find it to their interests tg buy Groceries -AND- Provisions -FROM- W. B. PRINGLE - & Co. E. J. JOHNSONy LIADNG UNDEA BROOK 8TREET, - WHITDYo LOUR . s m s - .- . 1 G-OOIDS.

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