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Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 8

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34.1 t ~ '-M wu*?la ton *verf, t new pu e~i Ysibatbe greatest .&, ~~$OH M 7 Th1eb*skatevs. are. mi tter- _____________________________ et-c lies. nighia. Owing 10 thé watet belng very10 1Inthe '. reek Ibis weekour~e~ ligUtý*re at*go- ing, and Our store lignts are vety diii. The New *York Sund*y World' elle in smre towna foi Io -m N-oucati .gel h ai LbtIie'a every Tuesday for seven cents. Ums-elle Smith andssnEthel ice are te Oshawva talent who will assisttIn «lte pro- èraoe to hé given ini aid 'of thei. ndia 4 ra1 wlldo weII b caf at M. E. fmifond, at Whbitt on Friday evening. '0_ r bn atdypnaa4e cloQUag. Oui- hockey pliyeis arealyswl om*wê .plesd 10 play wihport Hope. They deami 10 gel the best usage from this teani Signe of sptilngs-the school boys say that wbilc in Iheir îown, and hence they endeavqri L4ite [s gettîng Iifi a lage SUPPLY Of fishlug to show their esteem by, Iisinlg themi~~I lid nes. sinkers. ecI.- when they visât Us. 'r 1~rPomesbas~eurod fon iir~o;oto We ive seen a sam le of tise kinetoscope ~.r '~ ~*et Littlc's store. Il is the beal îhing we have Mine C, Fait, of Cleveland, ia visiting ber scen for somne lime. The on% wesaw ser- r ~ ~ - . sented MFtzsi ,aýions and Curbett havlug a m.isses À Gunn and G Annand spent Sun- set tb. It sho*s every motion of the twot day l ~iîn .men as natut-ai as if you were iookîng at ttt Mid& Blow, Whaîby, visited 'vth friendb originale. Itl sellingfor ioc. ifiut Wdnesay<T W Chapple, M. P. P. for Norh Ontario, ii~ls M iagmn, Bwms~îll, vîî *111 lb. tie most popular man in the pi-uv Dinuia, Bnwl*uill, isîed n nce among tih '-gable maidens, if he town~hls eek.succeeds ini hav~ijhs amenaient 10 Uice Mr T itchell'vlsited 'fis motiter, Mrs j 'lariage Act, dispensing wiîh their pi-es- .,XitcfýIi lrýcently. - cve when a marnage license la laken ouI, d Miâ -biýBlieiney vlsted la week wlth îrs beeotue law. Tke regulatîon lsaua absuid P W*l~. biîv.o0ne, Mnd should bc wipcd off the statuted book_ Watford Guide. If -Mr Chapple ri Misitîcu Bow'maaville, viied wiîb were only a singlie man now wbat a pick beclg f~jpdsove Suda à could bave -Oshawa Vindicator. Didut w r Mr ciad Mrs A Goynes let ]ist week for Mr Chapple pick out bis pt-eest wife lu H 'îl~46ie iiDrayton. Oshawa, and does tbe Vin. meau to uay tlitih xre oavi f Detîcit visited wîh M<i-. bc could do mach betîer if be had another ai r Sunay,.ivk,? The joke miaker for lb. Vin. should [a Row. ve Suda. eauto judge whetbcr or not bis joke 1v an ti e Orte Skemnse of Cobourg, is the ýinsul 10 severmi familles iu ton. o ~ie>f iss~ Bsie. ' On Wedacsday evening oflbst week while ni M lett,-wio bas been 'very low for some Mr. Thos. Hall was preparing for aequiet «, tlme, ilàlowly rccovrin. evcming with his pipe spd paper, lhe was i ><çwji belte, buekies, ytns, hait- dants, nets, uroused by "Sounds of rivelry by,,nigbL" H <"oml, pins, etc, ai Littie'.. H-is bouse was attark ed and in a few minutes Pl ?~I~)ile urrnt eifou uesay or un.was o=cpied by about 6o>or 7o of Mr. Hall's ' rftidfl~.frlends. When they had catîered theinsel- tii iiwg here he inteuds iî"vies lhrough Uhc bouse and were commencàng bi LIt-. Franklacobi, Toronto visfîed4. in lown (0 maire Ihemacilves at home they wtecalled -11 t>Jý4ek. HIf was on his way te Ottawa. tu order ini the par-lot-, wheu YMrs. D)ickie th Sc&bertwas sîr'cken wîîh a sîroke rend an appropriate address 10 Mr. Hall aàd HI - Saîprdky uMd died*on Wednesday, Mardibtî the proper thune Mr. Hait wms prèsented wi zp~..wilh a handsome easy chair. The-tasm- wi 'The À*pm. of jadis lodge D o E wiil bled ftienda were then given to understand th4 PÉy iheir Wbitby sisters a visit 9u1 the 31st Of tlhat the bouse was thirs te use as tbey wlsh- CO' tits ioni.ed. Tic rest of the evcîîing was passed lu riI Mr.TomCu~n o Ne Yok i boo.,games, social chatting and tripphng tltp light di Tom ha en tikn f iew Yk n -etbore-lantaslle te music stipplieti by lMesrs. Ben- l'5 Tîml* ee i adinnkn es or--ett and Kyle.li 4Sobscdie fr tic ýfatly Herald and The. Oshawa strcet railway comtlsny lacl be laying otit for a big meuve aI tice1aNe i is WB - ~~~Star and Cai 1çLa îs Sec year. Prom aprinÏglofail the cars wM lbc ~qs~sm pitUtebl UIk~S 't-n, sud tice ccomtiodation , hua affasddT l~Wrp eft on Montinyfor Rossland ,'wiil cause a big i-un of paseger nrife" B C.. ffe is ny frkuds' lber.e wlsh ciii ail Ae a passenger railway Ibis wiIl no doubî hel auw h watvrbeudrts prove a !big bucceus, sud as la' beintg s con- dei *txýtJ Littlem ba slpen a large ot-ticifur veaience tbeie issau unspeakabie conlrast Pla 1~4ms b~êu~Ie, oitpis~id crnsbetwecn tUicomfot suci a lune and tie a t I"ct -lfr Puils, mli pnl e mbe , otd hollovg-sounding freezing busses. Ad- but lîlk1 ded t bthether beauties of thc sîreî rail. vea ýY'eh n & lbîdbp.k have fintrpbotograplus way isle'.hefact tliiils farces arcso 10w. Fa! of Chie~f of Police Hbtxver hinhteir wuadovi. Pive cent rides-cvn 10 lie lake-and swift esti Tibig top looka Weill in unifonni. and comfortabte aI liaI, makea lravcl se Il r ~ a*gagroat maay «- tou that everybody cma afor-o go as often si M'~AA$iO1-l8flpapra tls'eekowîn Ic ijaîebey please.,,Tben as tuofreighr i 1iscyth lerU&ttaNen luthe «ictit .1 ticÇ ic-Fitz- c!it Peopebtvig vadlolsts.auil uptipwn a c suions paint 0 vietlattiert < ~'> c If an " sraipetnatkg aI b refias te Ihejitcà .Tie bighest rate -suliç i 9t wBoa Wsùddeuff; l vmtgd p rcha lvr t a3 centa an a sencre ock equai te rom the juncUoadfrn iI out thal o( tilegx -TIb 054ftmieîer w :~lrt sfar- aicai. of Notîwthsanding new reguatsio, newte ltlnng laitinrrs mb the sidings of poiceman, etc., wc mtli tee k oxey wieeling man utacturies to bc loadeti or ua loaded is ir - s b'at erow clown the sidewatka ln front Oet otegeý~onvetiie. Jm Upon thc whole tiacbnaspt a"xhïspfOVep rL-ut ' aialsuc- anoa-4i 1kidOs awa W. wee laOsha.a tnt dtisapto the ownerg' oif îîétuue., t! loo in* OBrien & Stediarnts wln 0w. El.- .-s qito q'~p~Thsjsh>vinkcv loin pla'edamtc ~~ Ti~~,>, aftideÎ «fwthý,.Wb4)r y nd atioher on s V~4. b ~ w~ IMoiiday4uitih 't'Ope ii. iefil-at l-esulîlng ' 1 ý td-p";e 1 0 2,s'ait tihevonCDDJin the de- Li ben C&M ~--l*of >pwt;;Iàapcby 4trýt'-A'reportofîthe Wr, pt-e 1*bitih fitliy wfl' - fo n n but u ~ ~11 scia ~'lt- l, ayoe-j..Wbtb -g ê Tic match wiib Port Hope s' omçpe of Roaltas a Itaidn*,somc of tbe-Part Hope nça cou oi 4)ydai a'itlb ' Mis R'MaY being,. libtu~n ktr,-btnhircu Mody; gh 110< ery *oyble sffai.înadc'0 y îpîtci-ambiillil<)à. It wsa a m Thébpuc aa ornoiti.iy ilcd ud mue- .~ f w pes, 1siashea and individiai J>.i -mnent wau prçtvicied for ail, ruâlies, acmé of uhilci laitier were wvoudet- dl - " Tbe SonsoefT lperaîce have appolîteti follv -ast and brIll2ant 'Duriîlg thé'-6i-it Andrew Hall te mîtet.- Mayor1 Hare's commit-' hâli Osluawia ihade tht-ce goals t» nosie, and1- teodiscuta t' proem Oebationaàf->ite 1 te,,Raine tooked like a cÎnei 'but "on-the - - - ç of im. ebuaty.. "lu Rkevival services hav esl » osie lime aitlt. CbrisU&~W.a The sontv>rury seri met*e 5.9p :R -reti . luîuopulc aff - W Oa n1eyer wapeen clandi bu avyId~ ,w'ere hb -ositiocn d , Osizaa peple - lly eilpai The ugaapeït- eS ave Wý tisdr iiOmUi q beat, asi epe ia fels t1 c licenued e at pople ie Da ot Il persqalyagele to~l tbéIes The Cedar Dala Tragcdy.' A big excitement waa-siirreduon Setu day mi Ceda- Dale, -uhea lte e liaI te wlfe of Wra Hiarc, 5.8iM&er à ùi maileable workae, bad beeujn' où desd1 the kitchen of their-houge. lteHfares hi tiec boardîng fer imn, tJnat.a Fniday had movcd mb t 1ao a nd otae bousekeepig -agaîn. OWh si~u ls-es neai by, was helping ri e tic stove and ttiwo of thS .it u ufc beer. 'Soon tltey wct-e bQtidt&znk, an, FLare a8YS McGrail insulted'hj4îe. A îay rate tiov liad *&battie widtifaseabou îaif au bout- durlng ullicitItrail us icheti eut fit e sstr c,'ad h 10N rtt-ed home. (ir' ute royof ulia took place. laiici-el y t4reeU*n lrunkt mai, sithougitare .Wlils rathi teculiar statement maya bs itver3 lrunkt. Re says liat lis wifé- bad beci ccading a Jesse James boob tq ll~ nina P. -, wlicu Lhéy went bt bcd' aultaîked f wile about book Durit-k îbr'iigt UMn liare Ot oP andw.-ent Into tlic but ýep4'véry litti. attention, sud'téhlaslej tonçj f.v lie voke ai s uext',jorMing anc otd-she was net inlied. 03Jbi t be kitchen le feund h fl*Jd ylîî a thé foo-. Ho rushedeot!pt;avtsome eigiber women la, bpîltwas4ýlove-. Il ragibund -tiat everytbil*",W 25W Us a s n d4. greatest disprdeî,4i of mm. 1au-c was lyhug facrSuwt4a themise Mîtiy froncteet e n 'w o~y1IV" was mddeal of ice, sl tqSU~ plash Id ro4nd. Tic face, n i vt i >uiseti and boire a',lckt ii yn xony. Tic 61ev u wSc ua4ýfl*ese Any of he bruises mugit i-cier hcrç'P cIaios lou ohé dioti ne pçrson a»',ýtýIt et- ever riii b. able to tell, lb. up. 1 1 tedly Hare ras very cJwunk tic, Pre*usi i- t and ln e figit. Sic maY boy. fsred'bly. Oie uid -,believe sic Ios*',# iifr ýduriugtie ght betueteti.t"t%#U ârtlelnàtun- -emaed teads tt e ito tlI1talat-cïa sstory truc about lier iavhng becu hj bed for ua neP. He maya lier heU wms bralioti iac [ent a day o- two prcvioustfy , 1js Har- «. s confo-un.d opium ester, *-bsbbit--which ,e cwatrced from thé* preacri ufn a roue doctoir. The. Hais.u¶roami ed about ici ycca. Tlyyr~mat-t-ed tee and lier maiden name ine ele Ct-y- t-mati. TheY have reiddd In mais' acesi osaiandi iertb <of beioM anti se iad tard trne te mai19e aÀ - t~. oroner Co- i-n eSpaneleti a Jury oit ,SatUrday to la- utitemaltera, aid COtîuty. Attorney .ueweli took cierge of tic coroner's inter ag bat lt became apparent te tthe jury tiat' -a Harc'a deati was about- (héeuh' ypri-. bie end 10 mach a life as shé . àd.Ilvecj, and: ev recordeti a verdict statit' liti ae wa-e wnfirmed opium entcr aid prebably came' liii deati from tiàt habit m ad froua ex-, mut-e -:000- Oshaw ~ma .owfDIpOtay. - U. VIOKS1ir.barber. itimoe estrel OOK' IVpYSioc. sast"ortlb bitOLP, 141Wnae- ic.s - Pamam% ou eua At; Ofllar ,c1 ýIfo Asauraue ou- Agant.vante4-, cT,.l.u J. Dxâ-xm, Dominion anàd~t and eurvoyor. Civil Engineor, Box&'7 IMoa.HOTRL--J. C. Woon,eý ot-en hosalry, f051 sud iuippe.. M. Tor.-Catere- for Balle. &sembl> tigg, Suppor, *e., etc. MWIsi . - owm-.Whitby-O»aa aè "aVe O81Savastý 8 a m and 2i bhitby stO1m'opli4 p m. u'u CEAXa, maniatur r« aSîcm artt, wagons, sad a&lkindo-of o aina, Itopan m-mpoandiiy, à6ý 2 liva pa cin cdecoraton,- sa mz.iaiv. doIezhlus. to >urAa Ido'ialargestcilke i CoalW sud, Jo 1* Xý. liauwi B. A. -Ba roe, tmyaboConvoyancer,'.e toi, 0ubavB mandci CO0000k oys, roady mxý eçme taI1 ef o of Our docto~ ev mur Mir rR j McN1liy intends, ;',-0 -k of Angue McLean going t'O ,ort Irry to live. MI'- Angus McLeaài laid a ylsit to ]Kirkfield, last week. Mir. Frank Hawkins, Osbawaý bas ý*aed-tIe Royal botel. M4rsEli-za ejohnston is visiting with Ret t3ew senia fw days iast wek jbf nei ooto. 1 8CsShe(to a returned to her Ë" k nManvers for a'few days.- anumber attended the party rrvp d~pungscitool last week wàs a gwrp& uCcas. Thc acw begin nez-s A IeC"huircfr set-vices> vas not well at- ttènded qiiiuaday, owing no doubt te a thIcý storm olithat day.- Mr Notti4 st-, But-keton, who broke * brh $nSs was but-led in the metho- rdiet -cemctci-y tast week. n tpesses have been oprtaig in eodt tv* siP for Mi-. Guy, of Oshawa. Th higitest prive paid is15$7.50 a ton. *1nW']Hoîrnes intentis working in Pthe Che'ns. factory titis summer. Mr- i S*iIman bas.been engageti as cheese -Whllp Miss Emma Hyland was at- teitng .e-funeral of bei broticu-in- la_ Ïhel'eu out-cf tbe calter, sprauniug ber antie.-' _tt :.prsonage on :Wednesday, Matç- i oth, ýMt-Geo Reynolds, Est Cutwi-ight vas maz-riedti t Miss Wii- tiawis, cf Coesatea. Mr- Steplien Hui-lbut while walking do"i oui- stu-cet thce ther day teck a igihneslu bis beati aid <cll Ibrough Mr- Patr& store vundQv. A numnbefi cf cr youflmen lefî here the bcgiuaaîg cf tus week, some of thcrngoiui t te nited tiSatès, w]iile othets vet te Manitoba. .While Mr and Mu-s Part- aid Miss M Cez-fietd vere veming borne fi-cm Port Peiry,'they had the misfortune cf bav- ung'tbeit-sicigh upset, threwing them ail out. Mrs Part- fell on ber riglit at-m anti bruised it badly. Rev R M Phalen rcceadly gave from the pulpit, rom tic genet-al report of tiL-eEFnnisk îien anti Cartwright pt-esby- teruda chut-ches these items for i1896: T«aI revenue, iicaiiy $i 500; repafre toi kcburch propet-ty 8300; contribuîed te sssnayschemres $r6o; additiens te uebshP 13; baptisms rý-j congre- 'eation out cf debt 'buzlook excellent. ' 4P IeB BVIRI? y» Bantgt TahIis year's2 aaîford'Reti Bird 11 Scycle bids fair i bc'even more populàr ?mb- thai arly of itl ptedevessou-s, aid bas a variety of strong:-'poiats Ihat wiil cern, ti- medi oteýperienc5ed rider. - Thc greater. wýdth of 'i-,bs -vili give 4t additionaIst-engU. Tic- large tubing used- aIl aronint ine. adds te the-'st-engtli anti rigidity, bc- &md sides beiug very pleasing 'in appea-.r- aice. T.d h. be -ns are-ý"absotely' dut proof. beitig pr.Potecteti bY.foui- differeuît Oemp-eectors etc., It ta fittedvwitb 'ihe- uew patent bàil un. oitez-s, the best oiig 'device ever useti' on on abicycle. 1Tie finger vashers. with Ithivhit i l tiadjusted,. bcing mcd 'bensîîive to te ' touci, make an 'ideal means cf adjust- nient. SSoliti steel ceutuç'p h ilicus u-o gateti eide and aide ýplate s, lai L- aat-case tudr sîrengtta- by '20ce perýcenLI vil bc use&i.-The ýileirs 4ttbese'p4et roi. aWre lTocaed Î whut e 31i -rews, at are invisible toe i alaIo '~ ,r -. ~ ~ c s béem À /y.a UàÙ, i,.edlock, 1wek 'a~ rnany'fric ïrîâwi,hibi, £uc -Tý4 opet their ;honeymoon ttBv'*" e Mt, nd Ms Ë err1ýMr and Urè 13ehj Werry. raýâMrsT-R H4.à end )4r and M rs M A J & m %e1. e n>oyW. be ell known hospitaiityo)f Roèeeand.- valJ Monday evening. Mr A IH Christian was bere Monday receiving heartiest congratulation on bi$ recent mùarriage. Mr Geo Cowle wiIl be assistant forernan for Hom~ John Dryden this year. SP-EEJýAL BAR4A INS .28 LINESI MEN'8 FINE BOOTS, LADIES? FINE BOOTS8, LàADIEW FINE SHOES, MB'N'S LINED RUBBERS, LADIES' LINED BOMBBES, LADIES' FELT BOOTS, 180 or gaion. LADIES' FINE FELT TUE SOLE JULIETTES. Must 6e sold by Mar-. 291h, make room for ou,- JOHN BAL E, Simcoe Street. Repaining a SpetaIty. PELLOWS) adsee his Wrought Rteel Ded a4~d GAS BTOVES -.FR01- $5.ot$2.. '450.00. VOL. XJL. 's i OLD GuNDEIt Positive Guara5 ALLiN' DAEING We bit-e a space in titis paper and pay the printeloir puttig iuk on it. Tben 9 the in "strikes youz- eye, we bave accomplisheti'u- ob7*jçcl. The moi-e printer's Inik we get in -your.-eyë thc bettef for oui- business. You sSe îbe point. We wallt youto reati oui- ads., anti we wauî your trade. Gret cnt- prives, e at-e offcrig BARGAINS in al lines. Seceout- large assor-iment et RINGS iu ail styles, at ail prives, for al people. You are wantd by The Jewelor ,and To introduce this Raking package of Swi ** CAl vE.s FEFT (, ** for making Jeflie, ** given with every A. H. ALL CHEMIST & DRUGGI.. WHITBY, - - ON~ Eatablished 1849. Whitby Stedm MaîbI8 -and GîanitB WorS, Dundas St., WHI1TB Y. Chas. H. Smil (Forinerly Wolfenden Wr' porter and Dealer in MA lý GRANITE MONUMENT., the latest material and de- kinds of Cemetery work. guaranteed. ,;»SI&ND FOR DEsiGNs&ND WINDMIL Sefla the Genine j KING ST E T S À A N B.-Watch Our. WindQw.or Spap. Grand Trnnk iy Coloniat 8peoial Trains to Caina.- disa Nothwe8t Pis North Bay,, lommeuclug MARCH =4 oioaLeci Tues- day 'tlierafter d ing l. meute of A RC!H cnd WZRIL, SPCI44 TRAIMS viii b. t-un le 'le Çana- distinNertliwest vin Northt Bay. Cole- niiSleeping cars wuli bez-tiion abis. (t-suta, Bezths on wihici uli b. <t-cc, Train leaves Toronto at 9 P. nM. Tirougi tTickets van 'be bcd front Oshawa tb ail pais in tie na et. Bailgage ccheti lircugi ro Osias sttio. For all Information ccli on ot-4vrite îo Carte RCO 1 lb pack 1 Iuteîdiîg purciasers should ecx miii before ptacing their orcier. au agent put an imitation on you cati get lhe Genuine Aer'aotor, galsvautuxeti, anti uairantcd, for le Mot-e ol liese mitis soid la Cami liait any otier make. Tic Ae dlaim Iihey stil oie haîf tht numb miii etfitsolithe icwortd, at time. Mi-. Wiiliamsoa, of Orangesili outfits during tic past tht-ce yeai' AU styles of Wood ant irlt- Auy information regardiag tl wiii hé frecly given hy wrtinîg ta GEO. A] Pcb 71&)87-"u0. PôÉwu,Çowffl, Esq-,'redet ér Levui Vaa< Ii11n1d to Matait VS uç- nd g; ir annmaanc-' VOL. ~fl;-qq~ -t 1 ý &IBO ýOLD

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