'1 W reame maiy- thiôgs te b bought in naR INSTANCE Cold Creani, Camphor 10e, Caniphor and JLoth Camphor. These and a nuinher of Toilet prepara- tions are right in season now and then there are a hast of things that dlaim ail seasons for their own and which we can supply better than any other store in town. We might mention among these ~4~ai~ ~ lvs~ t~t~b4spi*ë golld w nakers and cbeapjch dealers, thpe là nobody to, fight the battle of tie peo- pie but the local papers. Satturdy. Wight May b. workling i vain hI aaklg thast everv town and county council pitch into the Pro- vincial Leglalature ln favor of amendmnents to klw deak!g, wlth department stores; but the day Is soon comlng when Ifs efforts yl b. appreciated, and every day's delay iin thiIs matter makes the case worme. There must be legislation ln this matter. Whttby Town Locale Thank fortune Whitby town bas good cross- ings on its streets. Listen!1 Don't buy a stove until you sec Jake Mclntyre. Mr F Howard Annes ie in Toronto tbis week, holding down a reporter's chair in the press galiery. P B Waram has in stock 2ooo roIls oi beautiful American wail pRper, which will be sold cheaper tItan ever before, also a great number -of remnants which will be owu go» wI t ueab mlhenumbe. of t ur luusrwoaaded tbélr way eç bt 1ridget Mha 90aC14- tbg i'oeathobcrs Ma: Sijr VanatonZ-dm would go as.Pr tunat.ybo*s'Ég, Iby nnning ailtb. ware oft (roin bis pond bere, Mr Vanstone man- agea ta beep 1:tander conl, md by the i dne theextra vater frooe Hampton arnved, It was spent that Ih made scarcely any dif- férence bere.-Naw. Mrs P Barclay bas returned from Fordwich, Ont- Mrs.F Rogers is in H4amilton at Grand Council C 0 C Friends. Mr 0 L Byers is in Toronto in con- nection with the sale of his new pat- ent. Mrs FlRogers, Mrs Dr Mitchell and Miss Kennedy were in Toronto, this week. Dr Mitchell was ini Toronto Tuesday Examiner in Medicine at Trinity Uni- versity. Our nterris---rat ll htu Hai, Toth Nil nd athsod beiow cost. placed ten new maps in the school Brahes, Tooth Powders, jury Sittlngts-next week roorn supplying a much needed want. Qomba, a-.- Etc. ~The jury sittings of the hîgh court of jus- W ecm akM n r le Doba ponges, £e tice will be held here next week, omn- W wec ebakM adMsAln lng Monday at one o'clock p. m. Hayes who have tain settled on the Cheap Printing and Ciubblng. farm; Mr Ira Belknapp is also to the The CHRONICLit doea the cheapest print- fore. J, E W IL ISI ing and offers the lowest clubbing prices of< Visitors: Miss Herring, Taunton, at whnyuwaut newapapers or pritlting. CloIPic let IMsSGl CHEMLST & DRUGGIST, Pup ulcPic let tMsSGl MEDICAL : HALL, Ail kinds of pumps repaired. Chain ber's; Miss Knapp, Brooklin, at Mr C pumnps for sale. Wind-mills sold and re- Williams; Mrand Mrs Paul, Ops at BROOK IST., - 'HITBY. paired. i buy direct from the mnanufactur. Mr W M Wotons; M iss Swain, ers, flot fram second-hand dealers. W H Carsarea, guest of MissL Mills; Mr and ____________________Piper, Whitby. MsACAin rvdne usso - - EquaJ Rlghts Meeting Mr JAoCnAPn, Proidencare oges It was the intention -of the town P-quaiMrJh Py: is Mae Ror, Righters to have held a meeting on Exemp- Hampton. at her uncle's, Mr F Rogers. ~,t ions ai Hon J H Long's office Saturday Thé jack social at the E L C E was O Onight next, but a good many members could a niesces h on e ___ __ ____ fot be present, so the meeting is postponed pan en thre scac.The tony og ure - - - -- (~or s week. poe hi aai> o n> afr WIITBY M IRC 2, 197Snap Trial Trip. nish an excellent program but also a WIII BY, A.RC 26Y1897 For 5ocents. The CHRONICLE and Week- capital lunch independent of the ladies. ___________y Globe 3 muonths, and large 21128 picture They made capital waiters and with of Mer. Lauriers ministers iu 3 colora. The their white aprons and caps Iooked ACONSpicture alone is worth s dollar. being taken eysat in ed Whl alte The CHRONICLE starts the year wth a (rom special photographs. To yearîy su!>. ver smatinde ted, WhilenaIl-her scribers to the Weekly Globe snd CHRON-prga wsgodthesyonCa- goodly increase in ils lists, and so far osiri cels we wilI add the picture at a subscrip- acter Building" b>' Mr R H Stephens renewals have been satisfactory. Thtis week tdon price of $1.50. deserves the highest rraise. The Jilis we send out renewal notices t0 as mnany a.-,The Waba.sh Railroad. will have 10 look ali1ve if their program we could manage, and hope for a prompt re- If you are contemplating a trip ta the Grold two weeîcs fram neat Friday will equal turn. It costs money to write out ail these Mining Country, please consider the mnerit.- this. The missionar>' camrnttee are of the Waha.sh Railroad, the short snd true accounts, sud we wish ail ta understand thai route via Detroit, Chicago and St Paul, to framning a good programme for next our object is to secure immediate and fulli ail points iu the Kootenay District. pas- Friday. remittances. Each person concerned will sengers lesaving Whitby, sud points west b> Thorutonua Cornes early moruing train, reach St Paul next day pleased note this, as we do ual do business at tilbn, where direct connections is made We are glad ta -eport Mr Geo Hy- for our health. for ail points in lte GoldJ Fields. Quickest - -4ýý -and best route to Hot Springs, Ark., Old land's health impraving. Short Notes. Moexico, Calfot-nia and ail western pointa. A disease of some kind has carried Tickets sud time-tables of this great railway off rine of Mr Harry Cockerham's The powers-or rather the weaknesses- (rom any R. R. agent, or 1. A. Richardson, of Europe are having a great lime juat now Canadian Passenger Agent, N. E corner sheep. supriîeniu afigî hic i sarîngupKing and Vonge streets, Toronto. Mrs Dr Howe has spent the winter suerntndnga igt ch i sttnepower are afr-aid that if the littie ones gel at it they utay have La takte a hand iu it themacives. *The death af " Citizen" - Wm Tbompsou, of East Wbitby, makres suother gap in the list of tItis cou nty's true pioneers. For a utonth past the deceased bad sufiered (rom inflammation, beiug ustialiy calm sud su!>- missive ta the will of God, wlîich was quite apparent (rom the ir-st. For forty ycars lte deceased has been s proutinent (armer ai East Wbitbv, and Itsd a circie of acquaint- suce extcndiug into many uîunicipalities. His vigor was great and Iastiaîg, being' scarcely impaired by sdvanciug age until he reached nearly 8o years. The argument for contempt of court against Returning Officer G. F. Bruce in counectian with tht North Ontario election, was heard in Toronto on Mouday sud Tries- day. Mr. Aylesworth for McLeod argues that Bruce sbould bave obeycd the injunc- lion aofLMr. Justice Rober-tson whether it was witblu that judge's power ta grant it or not. sud tbst sbowing the injunction ta bave becuillegal does ual purge Bruce of con- tempt. Mr. Macdonald for Mr. Bruce argued that bis client beiug an election officer could not be interfered with by the courts iu carry- ing out lte elect on law as he understood it. à he decision of lte court of appeal is re- served. No) event of recent years appears ta have engrossed the minds of bath sexes, aid sud young, Bite the great fighî asat week between Corbett snd Fitzsimmans. Thte preseuce of womcn at the rngside mnade il have a more or lecs social aspect, the evil eudency made ht a sublect for puipit declamation, the dan- ,gerous nature of the wurk iuterested te scieutists, te skill aof te bruisers held every gportamuansa attention. Evet y cItild that can sp.ak becante familiar with the names of te principais. lu anc division of a Toronto itchool 1h. lady teacher gave the pupils as part af their homne wark ta copy any picture srouud their homes or elsewhere. Neit morning every boy but twa brougbt lte sanie drawing, taken irc m an evening paper. bcing te knockout blow sdministered ta Corbett by Flîzsimmons. Among te pecul-i liar wsgets made about te milI was anc at Trenton, NJ., where lte laser was to est s stufled cal, wbich Ite did iunte preseuce ai about a Itandred sports. As if to cap the climax ai aIl the excitement cames the an- nouncenient that Fitzsimmons wilI neyer more enter the pt-ie ring, sud we may look for hlm ta ake the ral ai Saum Joues, and prcach malvation te those who were intenselv interested ln pugiliam but preteuded they werenL There ln a great lot aifItypocrisy lu tItis world, sud a blunt, outspoken pugililet likte Fitzalmmons could flot see 111e or preac it iL n any alter ligItu. He has ac- cadentaliy kiIicd two men lunlsis-cet- ai mwfulIitting, but many who stand lighin l te eyes of te world on accaunt ai their great pretended piety have ruined faq mare people --ad allawed theu tot live on lu wretcbeduess where deatb wouid be a relief. Lest week's Toronto Saturday Nigitî made ariother sweeplng attack ou Lb. de- partineutal stores, sbowlug that tbey bad broken up met-chants te the exteut ai 83,- 5ws,ooo lu Lb. city of Torontoi alone. Ofi course th. buildings lu which ail these closed businesses were carrled on are vacat- cd and readered net only valueless, but a burden of axation upon theowuers. Equal- y s mauy resîdences have b..» rendered teoantles. Dear kuews what happencd tb. merchant.s ad their clerksud tiseir tamil- les, as' lu aimost every instance te depart- ant stores bite young meu sud yug lad- ieS Sfrm i ( t1 5 per we.k. SaLut-day Night msimates tisai values lu land around Withrand a&U sucis owus have been lower- ed Imm iota-o eptacre by thissame %g.cy. (tarryng their moue y ail ta te 'iy hurtte t oi, Md hrtugLietowu king tb. farmer'saustiset. Thus white tbe (armerbb o &U d ilgist ta doIse iii tl 'l Troato tuas ndecrea- t caib f is $6YI,00ooOr$40M. 'rw.,!s.ka ago Lite lcs.u estimatedý tissêttis, décres.., la value~s lu Toronto ani outis*sIR ubsd bkdepr»Ient stores -vouiti anuuç %to" e undred t104IOM s(*!0=O0t ooo>sMd mebave »Inomeato chsmii iii. The, To=ota MRPUpyerata" e sassecoutrse tu tl4m mattes' as in thecaeaI lgdinlgrgprojette tiiy Pis>' tathcir w doçkte. t.ysema. %awftd iav11-- MKANCRSTEJR Mr W H Haves à e quite sick. Mir D F Hagerman ias in Toronta this utei ou business. Mr Jas McClintock bas returued borne from Trnity, haviug fiahed his firbt year's work. Mr Wm Pearson is quite sick at present. Far some lime he has not been wlli, snd tItis atege tnay go hard wit hihm. We hope be may soon recaser. r 0Our st deputy-reeve, W M Weir, leaves tif' week for Manitoba. Who wîi take bis place ai the cauncil board 1? lu al probabiliy there ul have to he an electian. The Tennysonesatate use sold bers nSatur- day afternoon. Mr Thawl Tennyson bld iu the (sien, and aterwards "od ouIta the eldest brother, Alonzo, of Udora. Mr lennysantil lîkely mave Itere. MrilHagerman's dog, Bruno, is dead. Thte poor aid fellow merite recognition here. as he was a most fatbfui servant. Auyoue baving a atood watch dog fai sale wonld do udt ta se Mr Haget man, as he wisbes ta get anc. Mucgi dissatisfaetion sa shown here when thc Toronto Worid failed ta pSin: u a appear. suce the next day afrer the fight. We have saune sports hte, suad tises wtt-e auxiaus to ser tht report. Thtis is n«t the first time the World bas beau uan iug. but en previaus occsions, wb-en moat aought for, in uouid orne a day laite. The Worti is a good moraing paper, sud fast gaîng ground itere. but if it niakes msny more such mistakes ils cake ilil bc dough. A sciieme le on foot te have a sidewalk hutl between Manchester and Cawket-. corner. A waik te mach uoeded, especi*Uis'a:ttis lime af tht vear. 0f oout-se tht waek cannot be dont without funds aud vo hope oui ciizens, sud reideuts aiong thteUe. ul casulbua.teiY ibane. It le not golng ta casa mch and evers' Pftrt il l be put forth ta make is a maccesa. A list of tht coutrihuters sud arwnuius receive i yl be acknauiedged lu these columns (nom lime ta urne. A commission. consistlng cf MesmrsW&'r Lamb. Piles sud Yarnold. met ailthe Sink Hale. ou 2ud concession, onuMonday, te sec uitat nas ta be doue towards keeping te bridge on top. Mr Yai-nold gave as bis apiniuicu thsaï: daiuiug off the vater se the only altenaîtive. But te next thîng le, itou rau it be draincti? For yesrs large sums ai mauey have been spent on uork doue there. sud thse ouly wsy ut sec aut of it le to do as Oea Stepheuson. the great Englisi pianeer. said, 1,Kecp at it. " P C GatAnAss. PRINCE ALlIER?. Mfr J Roberts bas moved inta-the t-cal- dence lately occupied by Mm Rs ayes. Miss Lillian Y Bond ban gone te Brooklil la regain ber beaitis afler an altack of tise la grappe. A large namber. from ber. attended Ut-s j Heard'a retital at Mancitester Ftidsy even- ing. W. congratulate Misses Wilson. Mc Cullach, Hleard and Glide on their succeas of rnderiug thein parts se eili in tise pro- gramme, aise MesIeceler sud Laug. Last Weduesday eveuing ailtise members ai thse epwortis braga. asaembled at Misa j Medds to pt-cucul Miss pJome wit a pin an a token aifLieir afectin tg) ber. IL- is wit mucis t-gr-et lhey l10e.à Mssjoues ah, beiug au earnest worker iunte league for a numbèr af years. Pire seems la b. a contagions diseas,.iu aur vicinity lately. Last Tisursday eveuiug A D Wheelet- vas out ftedlng bis stock aud by seme meaits or other tise auteru vas tiDnd ove. [ustautly everytbiug vas iva1; daned. f ea ca~me tise bar was oome. Th anial vere anl saved except a n umberof hieus viick, vere buiat. Mauday marning at 1z-1,5 oclok tise fiue brick reideuce of Mr M DunuvWs tetafly destroyed l>y fi.e.Beciaigtiahowr o! tié uigst visen mli had retltretisai-w» sot: maly to witues.tishe e of disaster.Ift vas With useles effts CTteytrled ta ocave it sait vWs tee far gone wben bélp -srxted. It i. ualt kuovu isov tte e oria*ied Mr. PAobt. ,Lawds ie s.ho sme dms ao welit f -1Dernir o bsJeatlaIoeach, wor- t i bebrJ S~1f o uday ni-,>. - betp15go bringlLimIbe, , . The Dne*morulug Aft&thes scckdëat, '10 wicbMr. asu d Uts.Pret-ad. ,J eIr wiîn ner orotners James and George Hyhand. Mn Gea Watt sold a team af four yean old mares the other days at aver- age pnices. Mr Levi Palmer and wife ai Prince Edward county bave been visiting Mn and Mrs Geo Walt. Mn E E Cooper sold one of his young maie thoî-ough-bred short har-ns to Mn John Bell ai East Whitby. We uuderstand that quite a numbet- af aur residents have joined a mutual insurance compan>' kuown as the Chosen Fniends. A large number of young folks took possession of Oliver Pascoe's house hast Thursday evening. and spent the night in rmusic and dancing. We are glad to welcome Mn John Langmaid and wife back 10 our section Mr- Langmaid having given up farmiug and is nowliving with hîs son-iu-law Mr H T Gilbert. Mr John McMillan sud family who have for a long lime been residents ai aur section have removed ta, Picker-ing. John vasa good neighbor and ve at-e to loue them. John Elliott is getting up wood for next year on the fat-m he bought (rom Mn Chas Elliott. John takes pos&ess- ion next fl anad we wisit hlm succes in his uudertakiug as he is a decent, industa-lous feliow. Vroomaat.a Mise Eliza Rynard, lu visiîing at Mn Jas Glcatdinning's. Mrs Sisulman suprised ber husband flot long ago b>' a bounicing baby bey. Whatisu wroug wiîh eut- Mayor that h. îs not laoking aftereut- sidewalks. Mr R H Glendiuniri eft last week for Brandon, Man, He bas lte best wishes of all. Mr Chas Johnson had the misfér- lune of spraiig itis back eue day last week by failing off a laad of straw. Thc pie social iu couuectiou wiîbte E.pwott League of the Methodist chut-ch boere, vas held on Tuesday] ulghtî ai last wvei.. lim - Sainuel Rundle bas besvlsitlng friends near Solua. Titere vas a lare Party at Mr C Trull's, last Tacsdy velug. Mr George Alin bas a large qusutity of seed pesa te dispose OC~ A large Bock e! vilti geese Ia frequestly sesu sOariug arouud ber.. Mr Wm Pearce lad i ms ete,. afNew- cash., have becs vîahlug MaLI.eate afisses Vida and Edua vanCamp ste ae- 10g suhsct-*pdtauafor Lbe Illausonary Les&#e Misses Adabel . Wltherdge sud Wlusl, Poversbavebeeucollecdng toceylfor tis bible scey miss Nacy Vau Cammwturied-haineý aftes- a proloengeti vssk vitisfrieuds in- Ca* wrlght0asti vas.- A gootl servant gIriîltWtn ttr. e-M > Also Be GCAUTIÃ"N Mybe neoessary when you are dealing with people whom you Cânnot trust, but we have entitled ourselves te your utmost confideflcet -and if You corne to us l4îth your Eyes Shut we weuld treat yeu just the samelas though tjýey were Wide Open. It is thîs knowledge which makes us believe that you stili bave strong faith in Ouir ability te please yon. ' The Housemcleaning Season is now near at hand and with that object in view we have pttrohased an excellent assortrnent of UNION CARPETS, ranging ifl price frorn 30c. Per yard. Aise a fine range of ALL W9OL CARPETS, ii both 2 ply and 3 ply. We are showing a new assortmeflt of TAPESTRY and BRtJSSELS CARPETS, with Borders te, Match, and claim te have the best assortment cf these gooda in the county. We aise show CKRPET BA RGAI1NSI Electro + 1) Wa re. Spoonls, 1' and KIiîiv -AT- J. S. Barnai BORDERIING and CARPET LINING. a Fine Âssortment White Sure and See anid Crea m Lace Curtains, O ur Range Before Purchasing. ANDREW Faney China* A. Large Stock of Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Always Groceries. Reliable. AT GIBSON'S. The Great Wonder, UNRESERVED, GIVINO UP BUSINESS SALE 0F ENTIRE STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc., Going On. B ig Crowd8. B/g Bar4gain8. 50 Meu's sudý Boys' Ulaters a.nd Overcoau. Men's Heavy Frieze Ulsteru, vool lined, $4, regular e.'.50. Me'. Extra tg" d si $6, regular $12. Men's Overcoats, velvet collai,,I $2.50, regular $7. %oYs' Prieze Ulsteratg $3.75, regular $7.50. Boys'Overcoats "4 62.ô0, reguIas $5. Men's Sealette Caps 60c, regular $1. Men's sud Bo' O urly Caps 35c, regular 75c. Men'e Shirts aud Dra.wers 25c~, reg 40c, Do., &Hl wool, Scotch finish, 40è,, regular 60c. WONDERFUL BARGÂINS IN DBR8S GOODS. 64-im AU Woel Tweeds, 65co, reg $1. 44- inMl Wool Twfeeds 25e, reg 45c. 44-in AilWool Tweeds20ereg 40. Serges I2ïc, 15C.,Gc reg 20e, 25e, 30., Là adies' AMlIWooI HoS. 18o,12 pair Sio,5p0. b in8 Ribbed AUl Wo"lHose, large size1 204reg 85eC. lieU '..mproporin Good8 at AtiMUM Prio% tvoY Day. IPecialBargai». ai4 GROOERIZ&-Goed, - F é suad <Jeap. Butter and XKgls 1seeb*aNtefor -goo48 -84-rig9ý ic. E. . . EYWRD,- ULBY, St m.O ROsa JO[E SE[JO Bu[LI[V[ Cali0-n~ WM. TILL sud be convinced that au Elegant lite of FURNI TURE -AND- UPHOL8TERED 00008 is beiug soid at mway down prices ta keep in toucb with lte HARD TIMES. SA TURDA Y-BARBA/N DAY. Woven uit-e Spring Beda, with aide wires, worth $2, for ez,5. Mixed Mat- tresses, Wort $3 50, for $2.75. Gents' uphoistered easy Chairs. warth 84 50, fan $3.75. Oak Parlor Sets, 5 pieces. for *z6. worth 82ûa. Faucy Pariai Tables, wartit s1, for 75C. AU oatier gaods pt-o- portianailly cbeap! liverytbiug suitable, usefulland oruamentai. - Re-pairiug, Uptoister- ing and Uudertakiug. WM. TILL9 WHITBY. NO0TIC0E. Covnts' of Ontario, ITS HEREBY GIVEN TO WIT: ) JL tat te Court ai Assite, Niai Prias, Over sud Terminer sud Geucral Gaol ;elivery wl b. holden lu sud for tise -COUNTY 0F ONTAR109 at Lb. COURT HOUSE, in tte'towu of Wiby, on- MONDÂYr M"013E 29tbs 1897, at the ur ef Ou.e tock, lufi teaflernoan, o! whicit aU coroners, Justices aof eace, and all otherscoucerued. viii take notice sud goveru tiseuselves accordiugiy. Shelfls ffie, J. F.- PAXTON~ SeW i, th~ Sheriff a.ont. floe l y1. thew 7largtl9 QP>s 1wCk#et t'hécF s N k Lowsg ar tq b~~ oui -tne . 4<4? Offteiai County Ortan -Largest Clou of any local papor in Ci F'RIDAY, MARCH 2tl LOCAL LACONIC- Buy your foot wr-ar at Burns store. Wes Morris, lately of Pteterbo, Io t'wn. Jim Wilson has secured a situa::. stove foundry, (>-hawa. Bargains every dav at Burns store, north of Hatch Bros. Wiîh Ibis issue the CeNr ces its twelfth year unidtr :s prietons. Geo White, of Port \hîvh Owen Sound where hi- 'itas securr, tion on one of the C P R boats. it is a long lime since thte :oad- bçLd between Wbitby and ()sb.xA weather this week is the harde-et r.ad. The regular meeting of the c-'lez at-y society will he held this, Fria noon, at 3.3o. A cordial invetat,).i tended tbahl. The city of Chicago has pas-eol nance requîring a lîcenise fer of S every retailer of cigarette-s and t- the goods sold are ail subjrct lu ii to sec that they are pure. On accaunt of illness, Rev Mir Bai he -bîiged to withdrauv (rom hi ment to lecture at tbm collrge on th dîma of Life," Friday rvenirig, Mai. The union meeting of the Chris-tan i Societies will therefore be pobtpourti' If there is to bib neithmr çricket nor nor basebali here this sumrnier we %% vise the town counicil tb plw 'hf- groundsansd let pouor people gfflw there. Huudreds of ýushels of pot t other vegetables cou'd be growrn commons and unusmd streets of t The resideuts of Dunlop street J S Rroughal's residruce wmrr Ire Wednesday night to an old lime c] couaisting of xnusic sweet, shrili a fron bot-ns, tin pans and cracked' the occasion being the marriagt Maggie Draper to a N\lr Parrot bMajor. Tbe Oshawa Vindicator in-inua there are poker dens in hy the CHRoNICLE keeps a clôsed eve There is no truth about the insi The Vin. knows Oshawa îs ies poker dens, sud i t certaînlv wînks t theut. It dare not pretend ignoray- fact, but brazenly trie 10 bide ils expose theut by a (aise attemupt ta like conduct to tItis journal. Biethi At TownU Lne. Whitby. ou Mnri 2end, the wife ofMr Albert W Ric ofa daughte-. Died the saute-day. Sale of thse Whftby Foundry. Mr Wm Br-own bas sold bis fon ucsscre to a Mr Frazer, a retir of Mount Fot-est, wbo bas two son ,necbanics. The business wiii lunderîatand, be pusbed ta its utma ily, which wil prove a good tisin tovu. Chut-ch Notes A social sud platforîn meeting b inl the Baptist Chat-ch on Fni 2nd. Tes servttl tram 6 t08. Au programme may expccted.. Sa ,ducits by bliss Bertha C Huyck, of servatory of Music, snd Messrs licAlpine, addresscs by Hou J and t-cident ministers aof te town "datons byMr Vichst-t of MfcMaste slty. Ail are welcome. Admission 7&alae-Fond Concert- Tiser. was a great crowd at ti: f»& concert in itemusi ba miÈat -Tise towu h1d een by ladies witis tickets foir se pennuesvemm asbd proven * ÃŽabut-euty4ive per cent of fipl t(ou eu.to thse iow. elesmes lutovu udPrcpa ths ogae k ià stituze took tke and, as tbmserweno-prae it wsattrst*fettWattie rw ~eaeuIto-. gau4 avaache of tootis hi asd-maiuoed tisa tbepdallaula sudt tmâmsent -ise pogfraumep g oo e, and v s ho ou isme *'wltisloid applauise. Thse MTm ilor M qudNit w 1- -MI à - IlIV- c: That's Rights