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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 6

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WMle I.a tleil> o odiaial? pe xbau thegrp Wythis look Jhaî'so5 abysmal? Pae thsiegrp; WbY ttis ucodng andt bis leiising, *hy ibs ongbing sud ibis smeeting, WbY ibis Cboking and ibis wbeeawng, Papa bau the grip. Wby ibis turinail and confusion? Mamuna bas the grip; 8h. knows welIl is no delusion. Msmrma bas the gip ; Back and bead and s.es are acbing. BraiD feels benvy, kneei. are shaking, Won't the bidren gel a raking. Mamma bas the grip. Why Ihis bowling snd ibis yelling ? Baby's gai the grip; Wben of ait bis woes hes îelling ? Baby's gat the gnp; >*WbY ibis squinruuind ibis kcking Just as lhough a pin were sticking i n bis lilîle sade, and pricking Baby's goî the grip. Oh. for Same relief tiff cti ve From ibis cursed grip; Oh, for sLame îîew fierce invective Ta descnbibe egrip. Wben You've lakea six or seven Q»-mniue plis. and need eleven Mare, îî MAkes you siRh for heaven, Wbert there is no grnp. Ramblin& Rerniniscencea. 'RITTEN F'OR TIIE CIIRO'ICLE. ofv ming dilLnily whh t the Mot bey knew w.s on)- temo- ary. Our happinesa dacanot dépend so rnuch upon our surrou.dings aa upon our own individual selven. Our diffi- culties and worrics are not so much in themmelves but ail depends on the way we look at them. There is a possibîi- ity of making otountains out of mole- hilîs, and an equal possibility of re- ducing ourmnountains to ruole-hills by exerciing the reason and common- sense which 18 given to aIL. The work of clearing the la.nd went on very fast. In the winter the woodnian's axe could be heard in every direction, be- fore whoae skill the "forest primeval' whichi has stood for centu ries unmolest- ed vielded ta the skilîful and wefl di- rected blows. Chopping wa.s honeet, healdthy work, coup!ed wit-h plain food which însured good digestion and sound sleep-priceless boona which the wealth of the millionaire cannot purchase. About an acre was consid- ered a fair week's work, and the great- er skill exerciuued in felling the treeni the less work loggiug andi burning off the next su mier. It niay be a surprise ta liuanv te tU(V 15Uyai m oKuir knowtha wutun he peset t ward to as eagérly as a school-boy knowtha wihinthepreentcenurydoés hie holiday. Thé preparation was bLack slaves were held as chattels on a busy one. The spiies were gaI ready theFarwel esateaI larnon, narin the eveuings previous. Scrubbing Oishawa. They were owned by Mr A and scalding the Iroughs and buckets Moody Farewell, faîher of the late for two 6ir îhree hundred trees meani Abrahanu Farewell, MPP. In bis no littie work. Al l i readiness twc will, dated 1803, hie devises 200 acres, set off ta the bush on the sleigh witlî lot No i1, tiret concession of Whitby, buckets, trougbs, spilés, tapping gouge, to hies&lave servant Simon, and his axe and auger. Thé work begins and heirs forev-er. To hie other black ser- cninus iîhltl esto u vant, John, 200 acres, Lot 17 in lhe fcontnubas weaher utl etnbutbe second conc>ssion of Whitby. An- -ri a ete nl1tebd e other clause in hie will provides that gin ta burst, which puIs an end ta the un consequeuice of the long and faith -sga-ang Afeltth eru fulserice ofhi$biak srvat, o-and iinegar were muade for thé use of fIna se r es f hie lavervant, Do- thé family for the next year. Thei rndahe r chldenesf rmsver eraslf lsî seasons were wheii the snow lusv provides for the support of Dorinda on the ground pretty nearly through and ei hilrentha th sui ~the sugar-making. One' spring earlv twelve hundred pounde currcnc be inthe forties the snow was so deer, 'y eMr Matbcwson shoveled a rond tu placed in soîîue secure fund, sud theévevtre interest accruing froin thé saine l'e pd ta bier and hier children annually Logging and burning off the fallen fores-er. lie also gives thé black ser- tinu ler meant bard, bot, grinmy work vant men their freedoin, Fuller de- StilI throughi the b'inding snioke lue- lails can be found on page 7 inutî odst th olo i ruuîo i li.storical Atlas of the Cou nty of Or, the golden grain wavirsg over the tario. lroad anud fertile acres which would The settipment of thse Whiîbys aîîuply repay hum for ail his hnrd work made littie headway north of theéit and privations. After the tinuier wa, and secon(d concessions until the lie- hurned off the ashes were careftullv giuning of the Ihirtiés. Then in a gathered and packed mb oleeches, and rnarvellouslv short lime the ]and in teakl -nof hnbîe mt bath townships was laken up. Land po 'tasb, or black, and sold at a fair was then two dollars an acre, incre&,s- price, which was a heipful factor in ing about two dollars ini price each payung for the lanid. yéar after Ihat. Saine of thé îest The first work done in the new- landtini eitheur of thé Whitbiés w" cou ntry was cutîing out the roadus an-d bought for hhat price. Wben the set- trackiuug foot-paths, blazing the trées tier received hie papessrom the sa that thé traveller would not los,(- ('rown hée sélected a spot, chopped bis way. The Brack Road bétweén down trees and built a shanty, which the sevent'h and eighth concessions ws ta lie thé home until hie saw lis was cleared by Mr Paxton and Ms- way to huild a héLIer one. Although Jas Dryden (father of aur worthy tbey were rude iii construction, gener- -Miiist.er of Agriculture). Mr Drydenu ally one room anly, théy answeréd settled on bis haine very arly on the ,every purpase. A few of the eas-ly seventh concession, and was one of th- setlers brought money with theuru. stand-bys of bis day. His strengtb of StiI te reut rujorty canue emipîy character and progressive spirit tte hianded, cansequently they were thrown huni to be an important facas- in the upon their o-n resaurces; but their advancernenl of thé new countryj ingenuity generally found the way to He was flot afraid ta put his shoulde- meet the need and answer the present ta the viséel in mny way that occutsuof pu rpose. We have heard of babies called for, which was the secret of tl héing cradied in sap-ti-oughs, but this progress made in transforming t! the writer never saw. They cultivat- howliîîg wildeînéss inte this broý ed lhe bappy faculty of confining Iheis- and fertile Canada of ours. He w wants la the necessities whicb wére also a warm-earted man and ne% easily satistiéd. turned a deaf car to a friend in d This was long before thé advent af tress. cooktng slaves, and thé coaking was doue ovés- thé open tire. Thé frying- pan held an important placé in pre- paring thé meals. In frying thé bacon il wàs indispensable, as well as in making thé déliciaus pan-cake, whicb was turned by giviug thé pan a dexterous basa, réquiring na uitIle skill ta prevént ils falling in tise fis-e. Who would refusé ta accept an invitation to sharé a meal wiîb the éarly sttîlér wben thé bill of fare consisted of pan- cakes mund ambrossialnuaplé syrup?7 Tise bread was bakéd in thé Dut.cb oven, alse in tise bake-ketiîle wibb a tight-fitting caver set in a bed of coals. Thse lid was aise covered weil 'with coals, ormonetimes in thé sun- maer takea out and set intoabed of ceai. in tiseburning log pile. Test et this tinue wae an axpensive bcveragc, but thse early settier found .a pleamaut beverage by infusing thc arnaîl twigm of bernlock or peppermint -.--good, wbclesome ubtitutesi whicb were net adultes-ated. Reading matter was net so plentiful au- nov*, conmiting princ-rpally of books whieh tthe early mrtIerso had brought with them. SubI as a ruile tise books -vte tram good anthorm, and mauy, profitable eveaiuigm vase spent in thc -witer vus ne other ligisit ihu thse -fro. When 9,newspaper arrb,-d-rm, thse old country it was careBfully t*aa-. ured sud, read by tise cutise-c mole- suelt.' This islped to break hmn -otony of theis- hives. Gandies were a ,uuuy, and-if tiser. Vaa nothing spoc. i afier tise suppôt via tiver - tkey1 wer blown oui and the cas-efiti ho ',- wif. plicd ber knitting peedies by tiej ligisu ',of the fireplce, whîlw-lis -theougius wanderéd 'b" - 4 >tbi-e oar . -one left beisind. iseadoubtful cven U '4tso' morit mplacaand iuxnrie",,,f Uare-a 4f-luppierisemo. no* thM, w t4 t "wde. bornie of- thé -pIoiaer. t'lair0 ikupos, itit-ran su ymnaho *aeý tud hope poL .tée Il h f pepeot bdforeilium .ethetu tue a iÂwet content v u n4pired a c0w$b ourage té in abe thbest t' w too, Y«uwr ueo trgii o1 lecm, oided with apologie m the 1 guid wife," «4If  had kent y. were cummin' A wad ha. had sme- thing bettber." A. S. (To be Continaied.) CL&aBMoN T Mrm Mix packéd ber stock and lef t for the city on Tuemday. R Ciénîlé, of Toroînto, iâ here %ith fruenda for a few days. Ira Bayer has gone ta Lhe city with hi& driver whîch he us desirausa ofsslling. Msm Henderban ret'irned fs-om the cti' on Monday, wheme ahe lbas been wti, fric nds. Tean Brown visited ut Geo Mackam's, 6,h con., Whitchurcb, over Saturday auW' Suîuday. Wn A uderman bas taken possesion of the resuidetice seceitly puschased fs-ocu the &nrdrew Luitton estate. Fred Duwswell left hère for Rat Port- age on Tuesday nornung. He will b-ý accounpanied by Davud MeFarlane, (if Toron to. Miss Rebeca Linton hais rétumned to Clarernunt anîd opened out ber new stock of n llunery in the aid stand. W. w iah lu s repos-ted Ihat Joshua Bundy hie saine notion of gouig ta Toronto ta reside This repart is enturely without foundatioui as be bas&flot thé slrghtest ides af change- ing bislocation. Robert Graham shIpped anoîhér cas-- load of heavy borses ta Moîîtreal oit Tuesday afternoon. They were a splen- did lot and sbou]d commind a good figure withouL hesutatuon upaii reachung Eng- lanud. Thémem bers of the methadist choir spent a very pleasanut lune Fruday éveti- iîug witb Mr and Ms-s James Underbull. A few other fruende wèrt, preseut a nd en- joyed tbe exercuses 'f the eveing. d Dy action .f nota Md' uiît tuea ii- Ih su. C E.mlsion Ismad u of the most essetW elemntstha goto nouris1h the body. Wherc the appetite Is varying or lckig., ih in- crcascs it4 and where digestion Is weak, it aids It to perfornS Its function ln a mort vigorou way. It enraWie the blood, makes healthfYIesh and cures chronic couglis and colds b-y xnaking it possible for the body to resist disease. Our friends tel us "UJj WOPM sWONDES P but wc never like to over-state the merits of our remedy even when it b," been testcd and tried for over twerty.fve ya If Vou wilask fur t, we will secd yocs a book telling yau more about the subject tan wc ca.n put ln a kew words. Go to your druggst for &cotts Hamel aie. Twouu, 50 cts, sand $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNEý BeauvitU., OaS. BREAD'ANO BAKINC@ The Staff of LiI'o and the Igen Who Mako it. ROT WORK AND LONG HOURS. Practical bakers ar-e sa exposed ta exts-emes of tempe-ature thatit us not sursprsung that they often suifer fi-om kidney arnd othei- trou- hles, I many cases ilseur work at night con- fines them un a heated atmosphere for boni-s. fson -h.ch they satty forth throngh thse cold nighî ais- to thon-r weli-eam-ed i-est. Ms-. G-orge Robers, baker for Mrs. S. Rariahan, 2-7 Dundas street, givés us tise following facts: --1 have suifes-éd sa, much for tue past fouris-vn years wit~h kudney disease thatiut gives ne picasure 10 tel! of mny changed condition for the bette-. 1 had feas-iul pain in the back and night ide; the urine was mcd in color wîtb a reddush stucky sedumeni. with brick dust depout. At lunes sevea-e pain lu thc region af the- b!addér ' causung me gréat suffering and disconfori. Appetute ves-y-poor, anid much troubled i wuh s!eeplessness ai nugbu. 1 fel ti-ed and worn out ait the turne. Work bécane a drudgeu-v; t was an effort ta do any- thung. I was low spi-uîed and discouraged Heas-ung af Doans Pulls I wenîta oMs-. W. T: Sti-ong's drug store, London, Ont., and gai anc box. From tise fis-st dose I cons- menced ta umpravé. sud naw my hack sud side are ail rigisi; thse urine is natus-al lu colos-; thse sediment bas dsappeas-ed; 1 bave no pain of any kind; s-est well; appetite bas retus-néd; I arn su-Ongeu-and bettes- iu evés-y way ; for the fis-t lime in nany years 1 now feel tisai hie is wos-ti living. Doans Kidney Pilis bave eus-ad me aofniy long standing compiaint. and 1 amn f leasedi to acknowledge whai lisey have donc or e.I hvenottaen more tisan twa boxem cf the plus sud thse resitis as 1 bave stated. Previously la ibis 1 bad tricd néarly evcry kidn= rmdy. but usail I *took Domans Pilla cxpneucd= e. the slighest relief. J. Em. w ILLIS, Cbemist and Ds-uggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. araveR lautiem Ka4ar Used R7irite Boxes of Doddls Kidue PI&a -lThe Ste.i Dissold aud Reineved-. KEm i fOtisers uroi. biednkoein100e11Y a Wou ata sud sar a ~9it lsSuoIu hm*sU*,IRI& a 0We ave," sad ti siOnary. rather tougis, P 661 suppose," uaid 1 Pboo, &'&at there as mrve teLiseznsiouary. Ecrsemen an e Nlnning to mlis. tisai e good roadite, of an aceepted type, pro- perly broken sud bitted, le wotth more chan, a pour tracis performer-in fac&, tbbat*snob animaIs are very eare and that their owners mayaask and receive Sbeir own prices tor themn. There la abondance of thbe very bout material iu the Ainerican trotter <rom whieh th. ides.! roadater coulil be bred. Wbat is wautied is au animal that cau travel right along on the road -pulling any vehiclo from the light buggy or rad wagon ta, a raundabout or surrey. He sbonld b. aile ta do a tam ait a the minute gait when required, show style and action witbout wcight or other artifi. ciii deviceoi, sbouid possess a true, open Rai without bootiug of any sort, and lait, bat nat leaaî, ho ahoulil 4e even tempred, love! headed and properly bit. ied. There are not many sncb . horses ta b. bad, and therein lies the. breeder'. op portuoity. purveyor fa £où. the potentat. ai, nothiug ta do but Barrister, etc. ,-Maney ta Loan. Issuer ai Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South af Market, B, ock St., Whitby. DOW & NcGILLIVRAY, Bîrristors, Solicitors lu Chancery, etc. Office iu Mathisn & awken's new block Brock St., Whitby, sonth af Ontario bank. onnty Sur~ver a dbitiIuae ngieer, Part P...>,, Ont. Ors. Warren & )Moore. J. J. M oor e, M.*D, P. Warren, M. D. to Il SM. ta 2 p.m. ;M Private Telephose Communicafto. D. P. BOGART, .,LDS Phyia, Surgeon md Accocher etc. Office s.d Residence next ta Ai] gait'a Chusch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail is bs-mnches promlptly Dr. H. Wightman DENTIS T. Over Gros! & Granger's. Whitby. IZý' Open every Saturday night. WR. CALVERLEY, Hs.iqirns MAXIM, WBIT3Y.I avmng moved into our new prmises, wo a r rpred ta extnd the range ai business. Ail wr pertaining ta the harnes-making and saddier business ili b. doue to, satis- faction. Colars a specialty. Ciii sd see rny shap aud stock. W. CALVEBLEY, Second door west ai aid shopr. Dundas Street, Whltby (35'DENTIST. Roois over John Ferguson's clothing store. Residece-N. i, The Terrace, Byron Si Wbitby. Jan. 29th, j&)6. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:-- Manuacturera' Lfe. & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. Larget Capital Stock Lif e nurace Co. on the continent. Ninety par cent. o al acuuulations ot srplus is retined ta tho poicy bolders.Ai l aims are paid ithoni delay or discount on- proot ut deatb or atrity of endowmnt J. B. POWIELL, Feb. lot, 98. Ageni, Whitby. 01 Per auz&m la dVano.,, o*buWIs * 01 20.ï bl" «On. 1 epubltshb ri Aoa no ffe b t Whiv t- A e SittJngso! The Divis oin ts. Wumr-D. C. Macdene!l, Whitby Oleris Jasn. a; Feb. 3; larch 3; à prl 2; à &y 2 ; June 2. JJy 7 Sep. 2; Oct. 2; Nvv. 8; Osidwà-D. C. Macdonell, Whiby, Clak ; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Marcb 4; àpril 8; Mday 4 ; Juno 3; jnly 8; sep. 8; oct. 8; Nov. 4 ; Dec. 8. Biaulolu - M. Glooson, Qreenwood, Clerk.-Jan 6; MarOh 6;MaY 5; JulY 9; sep. 4; Nov. 6. PORT PFRW - J. W. Burnham, Peti Perr, Clerk-Jafl. 29; Mardi 9; bLsy 1é Jnly 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Y UXBI&rDOU-JOBePh BE. Gould, Uxbrldge, Clerk-Jiii. 30; March 24; May i9th; .luly 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CA»fl2OTON-GeOrge Smitb, Canniugton, Jan. 81; March 2b; May 20; JuIy 15; Oct. 16; Dec. 17. BEAvXaTON- Gea. F. Brnce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18, UPTEnaGBOVR-11O5. P. Hart, UptergTove Clerk,-March 27; May 22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. 1 Otoorder,195 1hNw Liveîy and Sale Stables JUIN 4B. FARZWELL, Q. C., Barrister, Ooauty Crcwn Attorney-, ad Caunty Solicitor. Office- South Wsng a, Court flouse, W hitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Barrister, etc. Office farmerly- oconpied by Farewell & Rutledge, next Roysal Hotei, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID OIRMSTON, B. A., Attorney-at.Law, Solicitor in ChAncerY, Oonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south ai the Post Office, in McMilan's Block, Brack Street, Whitby. Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men iibersily dealt wlth Teaming doue ai reasanable prie.. Frelgitsu ad Baggage hauled at reaso-- If yonr child i8 attacked by Crou p, a Plaster nmade with "Quickeure" sIlpread with a warm kuife blade on canton flan- nel, linon or cottan, will give more prompt relief, from croup or any inflamn- muation, ths.n camphorated ail, or mus tard. la sovere cases, doctora tell Yeu ta apply hot applications also, over tise 'Quuckeure' plaster, oovering thm chest gsad ueçk Weil. SaOUDA Loyal Crusaders have entered inta a !îvely literary cuntest. Election of uflicers at Division this week. MNi W N Pascoe is gradaally getting w eaker, Wood bées are boomîng. Mr and Mrs John Van Nest, jr., vîsit- ed at FoIey lately. Mr John Vice'& youngest child has been serioualy 111 but us recovering. Mrmand Mrs Frank Wi!bar, of Tyrone, have heen visiting ut aur genial blacut- sruith's, Mr WV A TOM. Our village drover, Mr John Reynolds is doing a tremeudou@ trade. Mr John Bray. Enfieldvisjted his son-in lmw Mr John Van Nest jr. Westlake Bra have firisned a large contract of cutting wood for Mr Milîson. t AGENT For the PEOPLE'B COAL CO,~ TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Wbitby, Oct. 25th, 1804. A8K VOUR S8TA TIONER SPÂRTICA, TIE >11w WMMO ?AMÂPI, T4KENO OTHER CHAS. -~ AUc!flhiMEWI SOOTT, abaonido the t r. Wtlstn'P 'Tnhe 'do io Services atgether ?h. Pik PiliteaieniWu continucd s *Od alelougis thm progrestowarda sos.Iîh @ u trngt waa ýneemsarîly sl, it waa 'DODO tise las certain, sud it was con- edntu elle is as. eli sud mrong as r¶~er to day, and I unm thankful to ba ooccason -for redieal matnopomiesi;amn s. trona believer -lithOe'uay ai Dr. Williams Pink Pilla for ~k ad- dhost ebjdren, -andl I1 fi lyblevt, ilwau tisa aedicin tiasai L DWRflams I'nk PilJm are ald anly MunL -hu rade pu>. S Mover $ou" subulk orbytise àdoazor Wsi lwudwe,d,ami, hteuh fesm. stitutu-ig thie or afy ing a liea Meu -o~hO d b . av odd. Thé publie W l, mre aisoe auMoed againat au. otitesmswt *alted Wo4b*iMpaj ueêio 1anq inêups eiis 2M.la s-iteuadite de- uakersbope te r.ap a peiar> avas Dr Wllaus'Pink Pla, s I~~h~ ~uetu!'by . 01I'l DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the nefi ihzee months I a&= giviu-g special attention ta patients tram a dis- tance. Arn stili making plates lu rnbber, $8, celluloïd $10. Golfd md silver filling work crawniug by first-ciaso operators at the most reasouabie rates lu the city. When in the cityr cal!lunsud let me exama- ine yor teeth. 1 rnake- no extra charge. C. H. IGGS, Deutiat, santh east corner King and Yonge Bts., Torauto. N ov. 8th, 189M. W. H. WARN ER. DEÂALER IN GOAL, *. CORDWOOD, At tisat time -if tise travellés- bu penéd ta hé coming bore né uthé nigoli eithes- fs-onlingéring iike -Ta O$bSantér" 100 long vils his bo- companions or waa unavoidably d-- taîned, hé was almost certain toe h éscos-t.d by an orchestra of wolvea, whicb naL genéraIly appréciated. GOne thing certain if thèee as any cessa, lion in.thé éntértaininént Ihéy ver. * névés- greeted vush an encore. lu a very fév years a mas-vllions change took place iu thé appearance of thé country. Thé land firat cboppedB off was being cléas-éd of ' stumnps, thé rads improvéd, béibuar fénces built, ~gmg pg~ smailloorchards planted, and li n mny Crsa loDsaa,*~a places bbc log bouses werc baking tise p,,.M tï tae wu cr place of tise shanty. If thé bogs vere hewn on thé inside and built viîh care tise7 wpre no méan structures cubher Wo are in reeeipt Of g an in appearauce, daraàbiity or confort..earnuuaiiuàon =&iWa Beavez Stovea werc thon beginning ta b. in visius (armes s o aamil ahol général use. Âmong, tise rtt was thé seed o - ing t -in rilleged, desira "Busr" wbich coe4 sixty dollar, tise Plant b7 tise laie spsing-ikteY Ther wa geeraly etem'o"she fNocnaim e wuaitachei ta tiser Tiss- va gnerll p embray k Od ur farmet rosiers ehogul co' buit for the steve iýer s'tisecoking, rap reporta bdeor, aecç4gtî wasbing and ireining *u*a &rýne, wviié of aur oorr.apudeuî of i>naioe. left tise large livinüg leoin for ding- Tis e ovd*wyug eenpuy jua room sud parlos-. isodi iiTisora" arcea"king for> te* Thia was before îhêduyoofch-MOe, tho rei»c ieni sout portieres, brie-a-c MW s » butldigl eb rs u o~ thé t.ateful h)usevife di&d net .low Meet Mdracolmei Nute, hua iag to gev.rum«WJptuand ud her ho1i-ete b. deâ tituuc d pe 1. lf decQnutor- se' Itmouin the vay cf Colifa-o1 usutueu. Tise valla weoo.vlitewasbod - te»- . Tessdgëra Îît t b.ad"~ partona, sud floors ere aerubbd. ,?nbr,'*ar r B eair 'heashands Q'Id -m~. 4Oin epas#M eiitmoa Tise hearth vas ldwê road flsg -a h8t> o a.Cne atones, viioli tes eingwsshed voe s %IVe being Ttlàý Ou -ýnýMond&y of Ils-, tasteAlyru)be îwiUar ed, hMh .wl4ch ite. iingate athoniwauite 140r- Fu-r ornaienlta thse atiper4u us tuuiit 'ladY'ýwbo waa a a,-hM #nav peliàed to i btlliancy .hut John Fnaànla, Tiseah Islatid, u plat ao t seusaa re r-foer r-(rom &wrisepuffl io afaini nged t"utefülly on tise--vali. T*sOedIbg1Ypatfal n~r~ ssjv g.tise fiisixg -teucis tihueu5 fabr , h". isÃ" Je# RLetuk Ici AVER Cojor to t. 1. idreas W.fi F bti nfa J;i t the iir inl tlti I.F. I1>ENI;l( K, ;,YŽ. Of lHa lit, ai 111%' iifair. 's hi h jr aVaIetjrprt tuel'lltrsitj "ltcu f-ar 1 stîi te 1ýI)<rua)erît]ba .Auutsix tiortihs a, nli- a. IblOlri-îit honw ,ta !n'ttlé,- rfA r llilîr ViZor,' anîd Ih4gan at criu-e 1 tise pit. Ina short tîrnp ne - 1ha: i'-gan to appf'ar. anm tljere ,(is ('r p rospect , t yfa.s t !j (.k nûw < J'71 1r as13 )(1f o rf- T 1 V ih - Mr.A. Vnr.Ioluja-.,S' <-)rleanls,La ~AYE'S IAIR sVIGOR IPREPAED 5y DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., Ui S. A. -tver'gr PiS curTe Sick Heada-che. SAVED HRER LIFE. TUE NAIIROW ESCAPE OF A FLÃŽ GUS MERCHIANTS' DAUGITLR. Had Been Weak and ickly From lr, fancy-Neuther Doctor Nor I ruicil Tboaght she Would hurvîve..1îr Willilam8' Piluk Pis Saved Uler Lîtý -Advice to Paren-is. F'roin Lb.Fergus News-Rlecord. Mr. C. M. Post, fruit and cobfecrjoner 6ealer, St. Andrew street; 1,erg, a week related tLb a represen atuve of îic News-Record the. Sad sbory of the f-rrii- 8uffering and eickue8ss of fl lii ti 1i._ ter Ella, bie on!y chuil, no)w a stront ui healthY litUle maidec of Len years ùîatf At tie. ime of the child's iines Mr Poet wis a resident of Hamniltuiuii li aîory i. snb8auntiaîîy as folloWs .-ý daughîer had been very dllcatj fron.; clxildhood util about Lbiee yéars ago, and the muouey it cast me for docidjr biLb- muade mne poor as iii was Beldoin she wai. il withont a doctar's cire, and aIttu ýe8 we have badl as mauy as îbree doctors iin at-, tendance and hope of saving Ùbpr deppair .d of. Tbe doctoars-ceded ln keeping lier aiii, but Bihe wa.s gradually rbn Worse and we ail thb(u gbr abe whagoîng. ta die. Our regular pbysicuau liad given ' n oaf msving 1ber- fean_ rmake1 J. B. PARE WELL, r- 'Y Ï.S y g 0 - 1 Oflâce houri; 9. a. m. Office houro Il am 1 1 -FOR SALE BY- -FOR-

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