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Whitby Chronicle, 26 Mar 1897, p. 8

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~rnic1c. -OSHIAWÂ, MÂRCH 26e 18971 R A J Ltttl@ la toutinit àbandhme uine ofeprs «PMw*gons, carte# barrowse, etc. Tho sehoolcblidreu -of Oebawa sbd sur- rouadlag places.have engagod the park fo Jnly let. Mr WilI Haro, vbo bas been visltbng bis folks for smre tîme, left the other day for Toronto, whero hoe epects to take a posIion shorly in a Jewelry store. rpie compvlaqiifl mout vnttis flot gettng ______________________________cheaper. Set the $zoo '"Perýfect' * made by the Welland Vale Co, in LitttIe's window. This wheel ie betten than ever this year and Afl gyyy y yis seiling loi 876. MmL~iA S iN f iE 'BorM- UI~U I.IV LI rii U Il. In East Whitby. on Friday, r2th. the wile OSHJA WA PAGE o~ f Fred Copeiand of a son. In Oshawa on the i8th inst, the wife of A Moaînce of a daughter. In East Whitby un the i8th inst, the wjfe of Mr W Martin of a son. Dsed. O5HAWA.On Wednesday, Marcl< îoth, at the resi- Farmers will do well te caîl at M. E. denice of hem- son, x528 Wrightwood Avenue, Mmy's for boys' ready made clothing. Chicago, Mfrs Lewis Clevenburg, aged 77 years. In East Wliîy, on Tuesday Mardi Mdimajessie Dillion is visiting witb Toronto 23rd, A!bert John Beckett, youiîKest son of frienda.. John and Selens Beckett, aged 3o years and Mr IR Scales, of Toronto, is irn town visît- - rots ing bs moher.A number of our young people, friends of Mr- Hema, of Toronto, is the guest et his the R T of T lodge at Biooklin, dmove tu cousin, Msrs Hem-n. that tuwn on Frîday evenîng last te attend a Misa Em.na Morgan bas retum-ued froru concerti n the aid uf the ahove lodge. Ail1 ber- Toronto visit. returnied welI pleased with their 'zait, tiaving Mr F Brethour, Toronto, spent Sundav beeri eîîtemtaîîed in good style by bhe Brook- witb frienda hem-e. in people. Mrm Wm Dingle, ofRBelleville, i. the guest %Ve are îîleased to Ieam-n that iht Queen's of Mms W T Dingle. hî-dyi nîî efrgotten in Oshawa Miss Mary Cogeyfield bas gone to Torento Arranigements have been muade te have the for the sumumer months. grucer' clem-ks and drivers of Toronto wîthr Mm-FE Camsweil leaves this week on anth us that day. They will be joîned by some em- teniperance îectuming tour. of the socetis of thet own in a monsteî Mm- Will Wiggins, ofIDetm-oit, k the guest cTectizn te r mosdfor.hi s ot hi.s sster, Mms James H-astinigs.Tectzs r aoedfmthiuul Mm-sA EAnns. o Drden Ont, sentquiet occupations ont dat' last week by th, lesAwEek w t fDryadelaOtives 10 eon bell m-nging at eleven o'clock n the lastweekwithfrieds ad reativs. torenoion. Business men, iem-ks, bankers. Miss Mabel Halcît left on Tuesday for a, uffice men, etc., man peli-meil into the ireet month'a visit witb Toronto trieudb. îu .et whem-e the ire was. Woîuen in vai Miss Olive Robinson ha. metumned from toua paris of thetotwn timred up the ire an-i ber visît with Mrs Walder at PreSton. put on the potatoes, wonderinv where the Rev Father McEratee, of I.esieyville, visit. foreno:on had gone. What was the cause? cd this week witb Rev Father JeffCett. Fom-%oume unkîîown reason the ringer who Mm- Barnumu Chase left last week for has rung the bell correct io the minute for Chicago. His intentions are to reside thert. years got an botm- abead of tîme. Mm- Witt Martin lefi on Monday for Tom-- The Reformer and Vindicator vie with onto 10 try samd ecure work at the bamberng. eachi other ini pmiiting dîrty paragraphs tr Miss M Cleruens, of Newcastle, and Miss support of Constable Hosi's entirel3 M Nott, ot Welcouae, are the guests of Mm-s uncalled for conduct in insultirig the edimor R McCaw. o f tht CHItONiCLE recentlv. Let the thîng bc ic -gb or wm-ung they rejoce t ogether Frank Hawkens moves Ibis week to Mîucîî as they bate each other thev hate th, Blacksîock bu taire charge. of the hotel in i-tRONîCI-Frwo-.e, and they toin-r in one that place. cbî'md ut re)oîcing because a public officiaý Mm-s J Hastingz,., wbo was in Toronto siolated bit, dutv to our disadmantage. N- attending the funtral of an uncle, ha. te constahle ever dared bu meddle with a news turne homepaper editor in Canada befure As.a matie, Fred Mobersili, Hast Toronto, was in o)f law no go iumnilist can blie niemfered wiu tovu ovem- Sunday the guest ut Mr- and Mm-sý undem- any circurntanceti uiles, hbclie fcund M'-uhersill .îctually, comnuing s crime. Tht Reforni Tht employets of Mcbaughlin carmiagr cm- and \îndicator, however, would fomfer cornpsny are going to organîze a mutual ailtblîtîr prolessional rights, and would fort benefit society ou Satum-day. go even theîm- maiîhood, to sec ami outrage g Mm- F 14 . Luire left on Wednesdav fom- Si triv sort perpeîm-ated ui>un tht edPom- of thi- Cathamines whem-e bc bas stcured a situation journal. Tlitir insane ea1ousý i. the cause. wtb the Welland Vaît Co. re hate the thîîught that peuple who warv Miss Jennie Knox left Ibis week for Tom- lu haore the neuts h"ne-stly pmesenied ft onto wbem-e she hias secum-ed wom-k wîth ber -h îîged 10 taite tht CHRONICLE, while the,. simber, Miss E Knox, as miîîinem-j-n nt e oiisec o dtîsm' Mm- Gus Bmaihwajte retum-udtd his veel, td exchangts. Their latile bitter squib- froru Westem- Ontam-xo sudwill b o nectdsti eer lie ahle to prevent us (romu beinj, BrmW traitaie ard ware st oeee. ruly qualifled 10 protect out rights. vith tht rihat adwr tr ee Golden Wedding. Mms W T Dingle bas pumchased tht Max well bouse on Sirucoe Street south. %wir As indicaitd in our last issue, Mrm- I1 Wickett bas purchaseil Mm Dingleas bouse Vtiherbill, ex-Warden of Ontam-io countv Mm-s Milrick, vbo bas been visiting hec,îtîd Mis Mothersill. crlebrated ibeîm- goldeî mother Mrs Wrn Diraten for tht la-sb bhmee aeddîng at their homne near Cedar Dale rnontbs, retum-ned 10 hem- Detroit home Au bout sixty guests assembied and tht tvtti .Saturday. ing was one long tu bc e -enmbem-ed hy thos. prescrnt. An address was îîresented Mr- ané Neit Sunday being the iast Sunday in the Mm-s Mthersill, and then followed tht gis montb Sirucot St methodist choir "1 i"v The sons anîd dau-4hlems presrnted Mt their usuai ong service which will bc gîvemi Mot hersili with ;a gold wvatch, and Mr-~ aiong with tht regular services. Mothersill i wh a gold bmon-ch. Mm- Mother Mr-, Williamsomi vas in Brantfor-d la.st sill, Ottawa. sent s gold jardmniem-e. Johi week ýttendiug the sunual meeting of the %Mohersîll and wife who stood up with tii- Supre-nie Cîrcle of the Canadiari Hoîuu b'-ide and groom fitv s-cars betore. preýseni Cirles. He was th3e representatîve of the cd each wiih a pair ofi etgiasses. Th, Osbawa circlt No, i i. tnephews and neices an upholstered chaim- h About 2o players vere present at the- each. Mm-s Thoruçson and Mm-s Mitchell i. lacrosse club meeting beld at tht Quten's iold bmooch. idr and Mm-s Wm King a golit - iast week. Mm- i Stedbarn was elected lined fruit spoon, and the guesîs comnbineé president. The club yl bold anoti presented a magrîificent ser service of' meeting next Tnesday for the- election of piecr-s. Messrs jem-eîxfah Lick, J O Gu% tht other officers, aud vili lose tno lime in and Mms W R Sîoî.e gave açdmesses of con getting at practîce. gratulation. Mr- J C Carmicbael was direci Tht social gî vert by smre of our popular or of ceremionies, and also made a nesi hachelors at .0lmr ES Deam-bumn's last Friday speech expressing tht bigh regard lu whicl' xight was fam- ahead of nomue of our young the bride and groom were btld in the gcom t ladies' socials. Thtir programme was wel munity. Tea was s'--ved (romu 8 until ta îendem-ed, the tollowing talcîng parti Rev P ' ht son-; waiting on the table. Mm- and Mnr- e Fletcher, Mm- Fletcher, Toronto, tIr F Foley Moihem-ilI have speut ail their lises in Esisi t and Geo Stepliens. igaple î;zove, Niessrs , \hiîby, and by their îndustry and frugaiity Luke. Peamt and Geo Phillîpb. We hope have urmounded therusel ses. witb thecom tbey yull son igîve another. forts of lite.0 How is it that thteVu bitby people are Tht Town Contablo's Escapades.C abead of Oshawa in getting ut> s concert bu he ewl appointed town constable has, riefonda fur tht India famine ? Pmobably Thle i eso f a n uyt ol as Oshawa is so tam- ahead of Wbitby tu iaplid is es onte o la mim dyhavmeI ruany things our people think they cati take ins e ciied nt of t ope-n that thtn hv a back seat for once. There is the talent rece on foe eelion t hce-e 1 gisoe a grand concert mndmdiwe do not several. and ont proruitent cx-tuesoben cf see'why it eau 't be doue. Surely we cauo' counicil feit se, outageousîy insulted that 13e labor for a better cause than to belp tbose meturned alter- sleeping on tht mzatter aud P étaringpeoleandevey lttl beps. thm-aened to asmoîlt Constable E[ooftn. sutrvîg popl, ad ver litîthelm. Many others have suffered froru thte S»'s If the editur of tht Reformer doesn ' t stop special bustling, snd thene ia a hovi of dis- w svaiiowiuç fîsh tonies we are afraid Otie satisfaction, lb ba claimed in Hcovoe 1e- in viii stick ti bis thmoat ont of these day. baîf that 13e is only carryiug out ordersbut and choke bum, and of course we wouldn't thteruayor informis us that Hoover'oedWyr <disagreeable as bc is) like to set hiru corne ver to 0enfonce thet ovn'a by-lave, aud tire to au uuîirneiy endl b1 sncb fouI rutans. tovu by-law says that bu cases vhene 'rnug M Ont cf our young barbera was insited t0 s oit MORE PERSON1s are asserubled together, countrly vood bet a couple of weeks ago sud ARtE SLOCKtNG UP THE SIDEWALX se as W snd took a day and a haIt off sud vet.L o hiuder other pedestrians firu pasaing Some wicked boys who ouzib' bu havé aîoug, thte rnay b.dispemstd. Tht by.livv knovo better ruade Bio Mundy believe bc maya notbing about ont or tvo peraos, and 1 hmd gone to, be marnied, and tht father vas does not permit tht constableto1 intenfèet0C giving mn aid fahioned vood bec 10, celle- with any number of persos-sav fifty or bntc the event. Wben tht Reformer carne ont butidrtd-meg long as tbey are not'block. oui tht barber nesrly had a stroke aàs bis iug the vay. We doubt if Hoover has beer ie eyo caoghb tht annooncement of bis ved- vithin tht 1mw in eue case ont of twenîy ding. where he bas hustied people. l is pain- Ti Mna Sehert, an old residient of thetgîwn, fully obvions that be knows little or uothing passsed away ta hem- leavenly home 'on of bts duty Tht Vindicator faim-I7 reveis bu Tbunsday last. Thcy were Germns and the deiigbîs af humtling, aud aya people are to) could only speak tbeir native longue, but beccming lavingly reccncile d ta it. If tht fouand plenty of employmeuî. Tht warthy people of Oshawa and vicinity vere al sucb tih husbmnd died in 1869, I&ssing tht deceaàcd iickspittles as tht Vindicator man thty sud a large family of children ta truggle niîght have need of absolute mvay, and ve s against the womld. Tht mother faced tht have uathing but eympthy for a people many dllficulties wîtb s courage that wonwh, viii put up with iL. Sucb a comomunity et thtadmratonof vemyboyandvhih ouid deserve nothing tise. But thene' I. vg ay o bemratloe.-Sfevehadafiyandwi bY ti eeve a vm iicuo h oF es. PIELT BPfos - Watehme.&er and Jevele Dealers in vatches.. docks, lcweley, miii wirs etlsetc Engraving. gold a merp atigsd 1nId gold rings ruade ai Pli...' wtclh, cgiucksud jeweleny reparin, apectaity. d JoEN R Bwlm, painter and deomrator. Deaier in waflP&.ers. ceiling dcotonpeints, 011,Tarnwn«.brUehles, wintiow ebades, etc. JâMIussPUL-Low, dealer bn etoves, fflinaces, tin.- w&rs etc. Large s5tock kept constmUuy ou bsand. Jobbing a speeiaty. elmcestmreet nomt. L. K. Iluwroq, B.A- Barristîer, Soliciior, NouLry Public, Oot'eyaccer, &c. Muney to tend. Ornle. over Dominion Bank, Siracoù Street, Omtiaws.. Di. E. MAr.-Dealer tu Orocenies. PaveoChmne, Crockem-y, Tin vare, and Fancy God. *Pure Tees aud (3offeee. Boys' nady made . s a pecialty-vea-y cheai,.1 ILI ve )r w lit k nI le >a 1 t( c à 'n ni it. ai le Codar DuS. Mm- F W Brethour. Toronto, sper Sunday witb friends hem-t. Miss Olive Robins is home from visit to hem- sister Mm-s Walder, Prestoi Fred Mothers iii, of Yor-k, was dow to the golden wedding last Frida>'. Ed Baker bas rented Mm- Conani farm east of Whitby and wîli lai Mm-s S Bedlow who has been visitim ber sister Mm-s Tem-ry, Toronto, bas m- -urned bomne. Mm-s A Stapleton froni near Montrei who bas been visiting Mm-s Stapletor famul>' hem-t, bas metumned home, Pat Sheam-an ha. sold bis propet-ty i Mm-s Gailager and moved jnto Mm- M Lean's bouse near tht Cedar Da] works. It is meported tht bouses tbat foru env mented for $6 are now mented fc $2. 50 and $8 bouses for $3. This the result of tht remnoval of tht vork frorniibis place. j O Henry made bis last sbipmei of apples 10 England on Satum-day lasi Tht shipruent consisted of eight ca loads. Tht balance of the stock in th varehouse wiii go to tht Cbicag market. Mm- Corytls bousekeeper, wbo ha been with bim for several y sÇ diti sudceniy on Saturday. She had beci ailing for some lime but was aIl rigli at 43o a mand at 7 amn vas foun( (lead. Tht remâins wem-e taken t Orono on Monda>' for interment.. About 25 yeans ago the late A Whiting set out a numober of cottoi wood trees along tht base line moad bi the cm-tek at Cedar Dale. Tht vateri have wasbed tht seeds of these îmee: down tht creek and they are gmovine densel>' on tht flats below. So A Whiting was a benefactor. Ont of the sigisîs of tht year wa the ,miil" established by a number ei youthfil sports near Kenney & Son- elevator. There wem-e kids f rom i r to 2o years of age boxing and tht Car- -on City bout vas enacted over and otm- again unîial had had enough. O~ne young chap fmom tht country i ge' t sharp upper cut under tht chin visich laid him out for about ten minutes. Caum1e Mm- S Brooks and wife visiteci at S G Pickeis on Sunday. Tise mmny frcnds of Mr Tis Harris vil be glani to hear that h. luid mprov- Unihulth as fmas ca0 b.expect- .Mr Frcderick Couriiice bnci îwo heep Icillen by doga andi several vounded visicis may die-_ Misses I.otbe and Situla Richlards isitedt isir nunat Mrs Wm Durrant ini )shawa this week. Mr- Jares Rundie is visitirig bis iser Mus S Penfounti. Mr- jas Brancis is moving onto Mi S revins farm jus: north of bore. Mr jas Wilcoz bas gone 10 Oshawa creside bnving secureti a situation in he malleabie vorks. Mr Wm Stncy fdloff aloadoflcorn talks on bis henni so, ho mays, but thpe liher man says he lit on bis feet. We roulti like to know' which isrigis:. Horace Frank. eldest son of Mss Gý mank, Kingston Rond, starten for lanitoba las: v-tek. H. intende pcndirig thse summer there. Messrs Arthsur Larigmaci andi Hnrr my took- a business trip to Toro at week. Arthsur., ne doubt viii kccp ace with is i nds. The furierai of' Frankie Riars ouuges: daugister of R F and-'g~e achards, on Sundny afternoba -*as rgeiy , tt*tided. Ailahougi. but .. ê ears of age elle wu.eanconstant Mffére" )r oves Utc «years. Thc fanaily bua c ,SYMPRtbY OI tbc cuti-e, commuaity r t<r beieàvme= > The» tcn tt«â 1 ;e ic le oris trasteca by -the way) rather tn have their boys comnply wfth thc rues,- be- Zan to decry their teacher and even went so far as to say he wouid be shov-1 cd off at midoummer. Mr Hancock, bowever, bas tiken the initiative and sent in bis resignationi. CASA"EA Present appearances would seem te indicate an carl>' spring. The wood bee at jas Rowan's was *T.VIOIET, b4rbec. Sinistr t VU. EOLPe, harcnse ùwmat Sooe. mlast . r-. B. MIOTKEE8ILL, baicier, King Bs., W.si, Dis, P&n'aedow Donties; omosoveaniméoes' sMort. A. J. 8veLens»-Domin ftPiano. and organe, Slmoo street. W. E. Dnua, Genoral Agent ontaeto Mullu&i Lits Assurunt-a Co. Agents wanted. Wu.mu J. DEANSa, Dominion and Ontari o Laud $urv.yor, CivfilEngineer, Bo« 7,0Osh- awa. COoxtxu& R OTEL,-J. C. Woon, pronUitor. Modern hostalry, neat and comlortabiy equipped. 1). Ml. To). -Caterer for Bails, Asemblias, Wed. ding, uppers, etc., etc% Alec ail kinds cf igowers. bms. Hovxam, - Whity-Ouhaws otage lino. Leave. O*hswa sta a rand 2 p rm, and Whltby at 10 a mu and 4 p m. JomapE CnAI., manuie.eturer of fine carniages caita. wagons, and &U lkinds of cuttere aud eieigbe, Repairiug a apecnaity. The ice harvest has been extensive; apparently a bot summer may be ex- pected. We are sorry to hear that Miss C Bruce is very sick with inflammation of the lungs. The snow is ail] gne except a little around the fences and secluded places. Consequently the ronds are very 'nuddy Stephen Hurbumi formerly of Black- stock, has moved into the building late- ly occupied b>' Wm. Stevens, of Ennis. killen. Welcome Stephen. The faîl wheat in this vicinity looks pretty well bleached, though we hope not killed, as there was more than the SPEEJAL BARGAINS 28 LUNES, INCLUDING~, MEN'S FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE SHOES, MEN'S LINED RUBBERS, lXbIES' LINED RJBBEP.S, LADIES' FELT SLIPPERS, LADIES' FELT BOOTS, laced or, gaiters. LADIES' FINE FELT TUIRN SOLE JULIETTES. Mfusi 6e sold 6y Mar. 291h, Io make roorn /or our Sprzng Stock. JOHN BAL E, Simcoe Street. Repairing a Specialty. Cali at PELLOWS) and see hi Wrought Steel B>AEfrzrc3 -Ems -AT- Also hia GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FrROM- $p5.50 to Î$25-00. IThis Man-ý for those vbo wished to become memii- enu of the. presb)iteian cburch, 'and also baptlsed Master Davie Clarke after which the Sacrament was served to a goodly number of presbyterians and method-ists. Mr P Murdock, Mr James Beith and Mr John McCleilan of town were present. wans to belger tbeir positions.~ and wouîd 130 C05 tent for a year witll $600 and expenses. Write us, with discription and occupation, and we wil Malte a Proposition for now or the future. Also needed, reliable men for Australia, Write to- day, for we are in a hurry. THE MANAGER, 49 Ricbmnond St. West, Toronto, bot. Ras a Dose of PRINTER'5 INK In HUS Eye. We hire a space in this paper andi pay the printer for putting ink an et. Then if the ink strikes your eye, we have accomplished our object. The more printer's nk we get in your eye the better for our business. You sec the point. We want you to read ocw ads., and we want your trade. Getour prices, we are offering BARGAINS in ail lines. See our large assortment of RINGS in ail styles, at ail prices, We ail people. You are wanted by The Jewelea1~ Watoh specialiM& KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch our Window for Snaps. Grand Trunk fly. Colonist Special Train8 to Canae- dian Northwe8t Via North Say, ver r't nt n tu Je 'n- ni hg ait ai fo t ai 1h ~ Là e il'o re St pBfr .- n i hoý vr Ca pla Pi er re Ph M-v A nuxnber of purchases were made at he sale of Wm J Holmes last week by citizens of this place. Thos Swain seems te be ver>' popular as an auc- uioneer. Owing 10 tht sudden risc of water in lhe pond of S. Ferguson last Friday night. the mili was in danger of being wept away, tht vater flowing over the ýp of tht dam. BLACKSTOCKL Mm- L P Werry is some better. Mm- s John Beacock bas gonc to Tom- nto on a visit. Mm-s Corfleld and fainily are leaving cm-e, ta reside in Toronto. Signs of spring. Tht robins have uade their appearaice. We are giad to set Mr- David G;a]- maith able 10 be out again. Tht surprise part>' at Mr J Wmight's, ,as the success of the season. Miss Ethel Williams, of Scugog ls- and, is visiting with Mrs Jas McHoul. Messrs Tnompson, Tannçrand Rich- ds have returned 10 Altoona, Penn, .ai n.- Mm- and Mrs Wm Sbortm-idge intend noving into Mrs Eliza Johnston's 2>0 se Dr Fish bas secured the services of r Robert Aym-es, in tht capacit>' of room for a year. Messrs F Marlow and H Prust, Trin- vy Medîcal College. Toronto, are home r their Easter vacation. Miss Mar-tha Jobnston bas returned Toronto, after a lengthy visit with er mother, Mm-s C Jobnston. Mm- joseph Beifour wiii use bis agri- altural abilities in the interest of Mm- ratford Swain, this sommer. Mr John Marl-w bas returned froni antford. where he bas Iseen attend- i tht grand lodge, S 0 E B S. A numnber of farmers passed tbrough m-re wîîh loads of pmessed hay, wbich iey are shipping froni Burketon. - Mrs Jane Com-field, of tht Royal ýtel, is recoverîng frcim tht injuries ceived from a brutal ruffian la.st week. Mr- Samuel Beacock bas sold bis nous Scottie for tht surin0f SioS. id purchased a fine ba>' from Mm- W J )lmes. Mm- W J Holmes, whose sale took ace on Friday last, întends meving o tht house lateîy vacated by Mm- ueph Taylor and famil>'. Mapie Greve. Nf is Gem-tic Folet' bas been laid up vith a ry bad ubroat. Mr Jno Sm-owden is sisiting bei sister at àava, Mm-a Stevens. The suov Tueuîday momning ruade tht ds in a bad condition. Ir R Adams bas moved int Captain awforcj's bouse, baving renteci tht farru. Ur Wilson Adamus bas meved intoMm- m-k Tyler's bouse, Mr Tyler having yod ta Bovmanvîlle rr Watts, af Zio, bas movtd loto Mm- ip Tylem-'s bouse, and bam ergageci vitb Tyler for the sommer. ilEW RAV3IN. 4Mr. S Wood bas had la grippe. lus John Menicaif bas hani pleuris>'. Mr andi Mn. Herbert Powers visited atives at Oshsawa.. Mus Mai-vin Burk gave a party on :dnesday eveniog List Wiss Minuit Tisompson bits been :ig Mrs C Stewar.Esasçifu dme James Buttervort, 3Mosfield, dsiting ber son. Ur John Menicaff. 'b. C E itendhaigsoalie 4-- Diamond Dyes, Turlsh Dyeff, Eclipse D3 The latter at 2 cts. a packË Moth Camplior, Gum Camplior, Household AÂi Large Bottie 10c., full strT A. H,.ALLI CHEMIIST & DRUGGIST,. Established 1849. whitby Steam Maîble and Granite W orks, Dundas St., WHITBY. Chas. HR. Smithi (Formeriy Wolfenden Works, portei and Dealer in MARBL GRANITE MONUMENTS, 1 tht latest material-and de'<ign k-inda of Ceinetery work. Ou giiaranteed. ~~SznFoR DEsiGNS AND r WINDMILI --010- Geo. Allin ... Selis the Genuine AERMOTOB,ý of Chi; Intending purcIhasers should exam mnili before placing their orcier. Do an agent put an imitation on you wh, cao get the Genuine Aeî 'notor, thor galvaiîized, and warranted, for less r More ot these milîs sold in Canada than any other make. The Aermo claimé lbey sou crie haîf the number o miii outflts sold in the wvend, it thé tine. Mr. Williasnson, of Orangevifle, outflts during the past three yeara. Ail styles of Wood and iron Ppr sale. Any information regasdïng these vil 13e freely given by-writing to BOA"OrDRECTORS. -T. H.ÇwAr~ PkeLLsidu fluUu~$. aAl t Eq ace- -- lu Barts totloib tiseycaro,tawUte la sa j ndontovu of Osmwmh; 'i4ýta-" t"" sbueb"ic. memberslalp sdtt lb-"~Mmmi; te aae la iSpo gtlb41 çoranectlop wtb olsdo organIýatIon p&U belle£ X4 1jt whaf - for te o niio club, andtbeos fri stéb ic >aan uagua ot ite'al[ 10fia wagnoumm moi il A number of persn this vicinity are suffering f rom severe couglis and R. C.'MWCarera A LITTLE PAINT will inake an oid faim wagon look Jure nov. - If yots keep pour faim Implemients and tools, wetI painted tbey wilt lam twice as long as if Uiey were novez toucbed miter tue7 bit tho shop. Tolt SHERWIM.ýWfLLIANS PliffTs I aemade for every purpose. A paint fSr boum,~ n tlher for floors, another for bains, stiliaoio fortlurniture and decorative work A-pnt k boggies. for shelves, for cupboards, o .u y tfools, for bath tubs-eacb oxactly suited for tii. purposcintended and nothingoCse. A paint that às recommended as good for everytbing as prob. a bly good for Dotbilag. No two articles to-bt. painted are exatly alike. Upotnoeyoiuay desea glossy vmroisb surface, oa.anodino an cil finish that cam b. WasheL. i. macle foi ibars, and faonors iy- It dues 4qckly. -tit je aade tet waUt on, .a àto stand'bein'vslked-on& Our bookiet. -'PWàa Polas." tole ?Inayvhiablo thin abozi too& pdot ntsd bad pait, bhow. tepaintt*îb«: taPauatSind tc day ior aift CO"y, asa l Wwm ldo. Foi boolk,, adiross4St. Amsi"ohtjMpraj 1 1 VOL. XIL1, Spring Timi Camrnencing MARCH 2ud sud eacb Tues- day thereaften during the nxonths of 16ARCH and APRIL, Sl-ECIAL TRAINS wyl e ute the Cana- dian Northvest via North Bey. Colo- niet Sleeping cars Wii 1e mun on Ibis train, Berths cn wbicb ivili b. fre. Train leaves Toronto at 9 p. m. Tbm-augh Tickets cari b. bad irons Oshawa te ail points in tht North- weat. Baggage checkrd thnough frets Oshava station. -For aIl information cati an or write te OSHAWA, ONTA ALLJý^j YOU WILL WA Bici: ci aim ý WHITBY,

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