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Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1897, p. 6

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- A0Mon 8have, Talegrapis oparators araenuallUy rami iaient fellowsansd tbe veterans. Moit tisent delight iu telling their exparience 'OfQocurse, soeteof their ertes rnay be tUlSe exagg.rated, but Lhey get5eh~lly Po mu 8At toasti oue unique feature-they ai based on sontething that happenad oea Istretch et vira pet-Lips 100 et- 200 mi in length. Occasioely one reads off. eztraordinary adventuraetfan oparatot-i a amalsud lonely raiîvay station ot '%est, or et pet-lieus expariaucea in ve tintas, sud the impression has hacoir quite cent mou that telegraphere atatioe this aidaet the Rocky meuntains seldoi hava other than the muet cemmouplac routine axperience, vith nothing in itc met-e than passiag iiterest. As regard the upensterm for tailroad cempanies, Lb. supposition ta wrong. Wîthin 12 houre rida ut this city therea atq scores et rail road elegraph offices vbet-e an operato is employad day and nigbt ta Iook afte both the telograpb aud the station. 01 many of the roada iu Nev Euglaud thg nigbt stations are a dozen or itteen miii apari. and semaet thent are a quarter orà haIt of a mile tram the ulearesi. dwelink bouse. At these places a ntghi. operatai is on duty from seven in the es'euing til seven in nexi. mornîng. A Suri reportei chancad ta meet teceutly a vetera<î 'key tvîster' vho vas8tfor several years in tht employ ut a railroad runnîng tht-ough Maine and New Hampshire and up i the %Vhite mountains, Thîs operat(> somatimas tourid hîrîîselfîin a pretty tight box, sud hîs accouili.of the exlierience il- Justrates tLie close shave that t-sut-os telagraphera bava nov and thon. "Station H--, vhera 1 workfud, he said, "is s night sttioni on a sinzie trac1. rairoad iii Nev Hampshire. G -, the nearest uigbt telugraph station uorth of vas wu igbt miles away, aud N.--, the nearesi.oee out.h, vas 12. My duty in aummer vas soiely that ut opersar ; in vînter i aise looked atter the fit-es in tbe vaiting roonis. There wab seltlom much oearaî.iug to do ai. night, and'it vas ai- ways easy te keep avake until one oclock, vbeu 1 usually ste lunch. Even a: that heur the ime didu't pas& very slov'y in sommer, but on cold sud stormy nightâ in vinter, vben 1 had te stay constanily indoors, the greateat effort vas ueeded t, keep) front faliig asîeep. Afttr nine o*clock ail thba trains thati passed vert freigbta, and thara vere hait s dozeri north-bound and as many more sauth- beund in the course ot the nîgbt. It vai part et my duty to note the ima thai each of the trains puasd my station snd report iL aL once Lu beadquart.ers ai A-. The sanie rula applyiug to al! the operators on the lina. That. vas one et the customa vbîch made iL dangai-ouî for an operator te tail asieep, if ouly for five minutes, Anether thiug tihat aauoy. ad im, sud ottea made hint aveat-, vas thet-oll cal]. This cousisted in the tair, dispatcher At A- office (50 mile@sosutli ot H---, caliing each office on the tîne overy haîf heur, begiuning vith the one- -neareeit bis ovu. Thea station that talieel to anavar a t-el cali bad a black mari. piacad againat iL aL A-, with sat-ecord et the ime vhen the calvas given. At firtat hatroll eallmade al the beys look sharp and tee tha lino, but thay soon found a wsy Le cheat it. "The main virermunîng through H--- vas considet-ably met-e tlian 100 miles long ; and on s vire et that length iL i quita imposisible for an eperator ait ia Ler- minus te tell by the sound vhicb eoft Lv ojr more offices net moi-e than 25 miles spart is deing tIhe telegrsphing unleas the sending operater signa bis station eall. Kueving thi, severai et the 'ovîs' on the linea atrangad te taka turne vith each othter in auswet-iug thearoli- Eor axant astili ceminQ dowu set-y fast, vhile a high wind vas piliug iL in big dru ist& oas the track. Ou s nighliika that the incessant humming et the viras eutsi4a of the st.a- tien is nengh, oe t uself, te put s sentisuai toeslaep, sud that, couplad vit.h the bout-, 1.15, sud an office temperature et 80 de- grees, vas mot-e than my veat-y tramle could raisist. 1 teil asiaep, knoving, et course, that G- vould, acerding te our- arrangement. look atter my roll calia. Aftier vhat seamed to me about Jika 20 minutes, but vbat vwas realiy met-e than tvo heurs, 1 vas avskened by the sharp clicking et the teiegrapb instrument near my haud. "'Qk 12,' vas being made vith grelal rapidity, tha calef my office precedino, iii. 1 knev iL vas the train dispatcer, the abbres'iatien maaning 'Quîck 1 va want yen te boid s train.' "I anmvared thba cal, sud the command came back quick sud sharp:1 641Hold No. 241 for ret-ats.'r 64 O.K..' said 1, sud* immadiat.ely bungr the preper signai, sat-ad lanimemu, outsideC the door.F "Then 1 came te my sensea sud looked at my vatch. "Tventy-fiva minutes putL hreo. Andt 1 had heard ne train in al-nesti Lhtee i heurs. Had No. 241 gel pust? I von- t dared. I found that it had lit N - at f 12.40, sud therun f ront N- to il- usually took about 50 minutes. I knev the stcrrn vould probabiy delay the train sontevhal, but tvo vhele heurs?7 iL -wasu-'î likaly. Then I beard No. 284 e. portedfret» P--, sud kuaw aha had received ordera té-iseet No. 241 aoma. 'where betveen B-. and 13-. "What if No. 241 had geL by me sud .wgs-tryig to reach 1-- for the dovu 'frigh a utisI~ h. tvo trns 9 ver. bound ,te crah tegathar iu the 0 sIe» ;tisra sa sO éip or it. My el-Cd inut won increased by the repeatedlit calof'the train dispatcher téask if No. I f21wu inisight. ta "T~ze nhrtyVa. sud stin I à- euntet oùeiîbeplatform lsud isead. 9 Iio a.oudcouldh. e ard abovetihat c. f the wiud, sud au engine's headlight a would'î have beau viaible ton roda avay. 1 weut bock, 'grounded' oeeo<f the 'e vires, sc as e eout ont A office, and called a G, hoping tu find whether No. 241 had s reached there. No answer. Then 1 me- i mambered that fromn three te five vas O's Lime Le 'bunk off,' and knew it vas use- t lemu trying to geL him. r "Tan minutes more, and the freight ehsd rot arrived. i "- Sure ut hasn't RoeeV'aakad tihe i train dispatcher, axcir.ediy, as tihougli doubting ima. f 'Sure,' aaid I. e 'For Gud a sake, don't let iL geL by you l' he urged. "Weil, four o'cleck cama, and my cour- age vas giving vay. 1 could sea Loy tvo bout-s or so might ha needed for a fraight to go 12 miles on such a night, but i.hree iheurs and over. So aloy a rua had neyeri been kuovri on theî road. -"What vas te ha dune ? To admit my uncertainty meani. the loas of my job, and to brave it oui. any Lûnger aeenied aimost criminal. In my despair 1 inally decided te tell the train dispaîchar the plain truth -that I had beau aaleep at my post., anu that No. 241 pirbably vent by more thar1 an hour ago. The fact vould ha knovni in a few houra, anyvay, I argued, aud 1 vouid theon bu arrested for causing deui.h, coîîvîcted of crtim:nal neguîgance and sent ta) prison. "It vas then 4.15. 1 drev a long breath and vent over to the ceiegraph desk. Haauquartere vas agaîn calling u. aik if the train had arnived, and I brokt1 in abruptly :1 "s'ou bnay as vail knov that-but the sentence vas nieyer finîshed. I heard s faint puffing and gratîng, and iookîng9 oui., sav the angine of tho belated train) opposite my office vîndov. My heart leaped up about a foot, aud taking s biri grasp on the key of my instrument, il îîouticed: -'No. '241 h-e-r-e!l' "Dejep saov, a terrifie vind and tht. P blovîng out of the cylînder head on tht. engine had aaused the delsy. ",Naybealal s veil i.hit endsavali, bu, that experience put an end then ana 12 thare te my practice of isleeping vhie of, i duty." c Are you a public Speaker?, If so yen mnnot Sud anyvbere a preparation ta equal OR. CRASE8 SflIIP 0F URSEED AMD TIJRPENTINE for thre throaî and respiratory or- garsa We have bundretis of testimontals tram public speakers, singer-s, muusters andi others. One rev. gentleman says: -' 1 neyer thîak et en:ering my pulpit vîthout Chases Syrup of Linseeti andi Turpeatîne at my side'" SucS la- dorsations tram thre ministry should give con- fidence in Dr. Chaset. Medicine. If you are t-oubled wîth tirai tickling sors thr-oit, se dmmon among speakers and sînger, ye ouwl Sud BOL CHASf.S SYRIIP 0F UNSEED AND TRIRPEINE s positive and per- manent cnrs. Teaspoonful dose, pnce 25 cents. Edmanson, Baies & Co., sole manufacturrs tur- Canada, 45 Lomard street, Toroento. Funny Things. "How long is t geing te take te get Lhrough with this case ?- asked the Client, who was under suspicion et euse-hreak ing. -Well." replied the yeung lawyer thoughtfuîly, ,it'Il take nie about twe weeks te geL :hrougb with it, but l'm att-aid ts going te t.ake yeu about tour years. Johnnie. vIe had been ou:te din- uer, came home and told bis mother they bad stewed putty blowers. Sut>- sequently t came out that :hey had m acaroni1. My mother. in-law must catch that train, driver !So hurry up. Driver-Count on nme. I shail drive as if she were niy own. "Miss johnsing. when yo' plays cro- quet yo' done make me t'ink of what de peet say. -What did he say, Mistah Snow- ball ?" -Her feet beneath ber petticoat. like hile mice. done. etcte in, ,a u s c t n ir ri t, d bi G M ai oi 8( ar t' di pK Gi R, eti tvi Pa fr( Ti foi tel ai( a1 ec, th, tel in Remark-able Snakre Story. ut- and five million dollars. The on- i-prising towus and tbriving villages long the proposed route are expec:ing material advance toward througb el- xtric raiiway communication during e coming sumnier. The *original in- ntion was te cômplete the roami eat-ly t 1898. "MENTHOL. U.Lu PLASTER: outh Africa. It je recorded in the * zr r Transvaal, published in Cape Town, as 'L cold fact. that in Sekukiniland a nat ive 1 ZILD.. M ran across a boa constrictor measuring 9* t 7 about 47 feet, which had just swallowed -&&o a young koodo buck all except the It CUrc homes, says the London Times The A" hcirns stuck eut on each side of the *p iS a reptile's iouth. The native recog- 250. ISt nized the horne as those of a buck he L e owned, and he ran and got sticks and pinned the serpent, which was dor- T M - miant, te the ground. Then he gotTouea, hoid of the horns and pulled and twisted. He got the buck out inch by mnch.__3etIl haif bis body zhow'ed, and A troublail then it came with a jerk. and the bo>y cOigh, the TOIF reli over on his back. Before he had anuoyiug but ime to think, the snake, relieved of liei. ani dot te load of mutten, was upon him, and aid cf other t seized his bead in ite rnouth ani in formula w&B ;hree minutes the native had. taken the years 119o, an place of the buck, only be was ail in- giraat vaine side thre as othng lft o bt PtMaof l0t 1id; hee asnotin ifttapu', ont <>à bal! Lven if a. rescuer bail corne along. and lbave it Hlaving swallowed the b)oy, the -boa de- ý*y ëdOn. liberarely swung its heail around and -I "lté gaegs?,a puaIbing its tait swallowied elght feet stirbâ plemitt >1ki. thon cIosingthe uiouthandtrt'gosiaoe Iown whicb the native had. 4isappeai-ed werr abont te ýt made escape absolutely impossible. -màlture mbo Ehe Transvaal vouciies for the truth, of taking "qs , he story. addad. P.erlb.d Me.ntboPlanter laa nember ursipe sume rnsUac pains s.ad Duch pleased vuiii.theffees su" Sloiel Ptm.fi. .Boston. 04u 01<Faiters asevl Cams Ybseaansti u4 in overcou bm«oeuntîuMd pftms r4kt 0iâUM ea ica mbago, on 'gins In Esck or BSue, or suar patss. &«Bs & lawraaa.Cao, Ld Sota Proprlstorsi, MeNTMagsIda *~Ib éb.***. Winter's (Jlinging Oold. tome tibroat irritation or wuit of a vinter coid, in most it a home remedy vill ra eontimea curit itheut lithe medicinas. Tise follovlng given b ysphsysielan many1 ad hb eeun fouutd to beefi Taie neqp~rc -àa pl m .r U&ie *sud -Pour oï pla f-e ater; vcer iquaxter bf a poud -of pure 2. ~ ~ ~ ' (F.11or 0t1loe Thc proposed ulne of the Huroné Ontario* Raiir wuld give the Dc minion the di&tti00nof holding thq iccord in the building of electric rail ways. The company was incorpôo'tec by the Dominion Parliament to buils and operate a lineofe electric railwa) froni Port Perry westward te Lak( Huron. The fit-st regular meeting o the directors was held in Toronto lasi May, a: which Mr. M. McNaniara oi Walkerton was elected President. HJ Roistin of Shelburne Vice-President, McK. Cameron, Meaford, Secretary, and J M Roberts ot Dungannon Treas- urer. The second nieetilig was heida month later. T"he route of the pro posed road was consîdered, and ut was stated that negotiations had been en- tered into with Miller Bros of New York ta undertake the construction of the read. The. Canadian Electrical News has given a resume of the report et Mr A Brunel, C. E, on the proposed route. its probable cost and the amount of av'aiiable water power. Ac. cording ta this report the rnad wIl he 285 miles in length. The fit-st section, tram Port Ferry to Beaton 5 2 miles has no avaîlable water power and wîl; require a number of c ulverts and sev- cal small bridges. Froni Beaverton t, Flesherton is 64 miles, but the road jý' samewhat level aIl] the wav, and nc engineering dîfficulties are Iikely ta he encountered. The line crosses the Grand Trunk Railway three timnes. The first water power available Is sit- uated at Thonipsonvilie, seven mnilcý north of Beaton, which, wit h improve- ments, would gîve from 300 ta 40(' horse power. The dam, building antd flume are estimased ta cost $8,000 At Eugenia the Beaver River bas ai lescent of 64 feet iu a distanyce ef 2.00e- feet, where there are ai. present fout good water-powers. About îoao horst power could be dev'eloped, whîle th( faIls below wouîd pt-avide a correspond ng amount. l3elow the fails the river iropS 220 feet, whîch would fur»nish a large ameunt of power. The base ment et the Wilson factory could bu converted into a power bouse at à< mrail expense. In addition ta th(. :osi. of the electrîc plant the cost o; he work isgiv~en a: S6, 5oo. The third, secti>n is froni Flesherton ta Walker- ton. the distance beîng 37 miles. The nrîdgîng is heavv on thîs section. there >eîng sevfYtýê large bridges over the Sau geen RI%4e r. There is water-power on the Saugi>en River, two miles west of Durham. which would supply 5ac horse-power at a cesi. et $7,000. W~dlkerton te Tiverton, via Kincar. Jdue, is 37 miles, and the section wili require the construction ot a numbe -À smaîl bridges and culverts. Th( rading would net exceed the maxi- mîum of te per cent. ai. any point There are a large number et bridges. ricluding one ofiîoo feet span. N t -epor. is furnîshed by' the engîneer or ýhe waterpewer in this district. Be- ýween Walkerton and Goderich the ilstance is 55 miles. On this section. etween Formiosa and Teeswater. there ivauid be three 6o-fcet and two i 5-feei ridges. hesides ether culver-ts. The rand Trunk, Canadian Pacîfic, and W_. G. & B. division et the G.T.R. ire cressed ai. sarious peints. The laîtland river wîil be crossed bv a trge bridge et three spans et 145 feet acht. Abou 20 h- s-p-er1a b is more tbickly populated cthcr country in Europe. exception et Sweden and I t has few rivet-s and many huIs. Maroie of the former are navigable, and manv of the latter are fartified. fIs present boundry limits c'ere de- termined bY an arrangement among Great Brit.ain, France, Russia and Turkey, concluded a, Coiiîtantinaple on july 21, 1832. Only about 70,000 et the inhabîtants speak anv I anguage other than Greek, and anly'about 20,0oo profess any re- ligion other than the arthodox. The chief chdiracterjstjcs of the aver- âge (;reek are is înquiSitîveness, fond- ncss for excitement, love of disc*usion, desire for knoivIedge, an a ptitude for learning and aggressive patriotism. The climnate bas two striking peci.- liarities-the heat in sumnmer and the cold in winter are far more intense than those for any other country in the WI)rid rving in the same latitude. Gel! once remnarked that in travelling through the Norea in March he found' summer in Messenia. spring in Laconia and winter in Arcadia. wvithout having moved beyond a radius of fifty miles. Pain-Killeir. A Pxîre and Sa?, Remedy In ever case Pal n-K 1e r.: 1This ig a true gtatement and it ean't be j made t.oo atrong or too emphatic. It ls a simple, aie and quick cure for CraMpa, Cougis, Rheumatim, Colle. Colda, Neuralgia, ]DIarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES. 23c. and 30c- For the Home Woman. To remave the -,r-ell of fresb paint lay a bunch of hay in the rooîn an(' sprinkle ut with a littie chlaride ai lime. Close the roomn for sev.eraý haut-s and when ut is again apened the smell af paint wilI ail be gane. 1: is better for house plants if the seul be loosened about the reets once a week. This alloivs the air ta, reach the roots. and assisi. the evaperatiani of the excessive maisture when they have had tee much wei.ting .Always have the water at ieast as wai m as the temperature et the roorni when using it upon the plants. Perfumed flannels in dainty celors come now for laying in the bottom et drawers, and are particularly nice in drawers wbere bedding and table linen are kep.. Tbey have the appearance et erdinary flannel and are seid by the yard and cut te fit the drawers, the edges being hui.:onholed or' bound. The fiannel emits a delicate perfumne, and will scant every article in a drawer where iL je kept. The pertunie is said te ho far more enduring than any et the sachets cenimeniy in use. In Sprlng Time get Pure Blood by umlng B.B.B No other remedy possesses such per- fect cleansing, heal ing and urify ing preperties as Burdock BI 5Bttr. it ne t enîy cleanses internally, but it heals, vhen appiied extemnally, al seres silcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, bletches, eruptions, etc., ieaviug the skin dlean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it emoves ail morbid offete or vaste matter front the system, and thomroughly regulates ail tIre organe cf thse body, restoriug the stomacis, liver, boweis and bicod to bealthy actoL -FOR SALE BYI- J. Mi -WILLiISp Chemiet and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. To Freshen a Oarpt. - Wheu a carpet comes te b. laid att-esh, tise colons are apt te J.ck somovitatdiugy, sud -crtainly noiseo btigb't..sewp eXP'eot' ad. Te reuedyttis us ie as palulfoo varm vatarýn aiiing tvaw or titra tabIespoeunfùia ef hoieold ammonia %ud.. seftfiannel sud ltwo*fosoboiàs ~f« rubbiug the carpet d.8fj tl îflas 'boa11 svwiaodW tjl.l fi el a ndê Information About GreoeS. It has a population of 2,187,208. It is called "Houlas" by its people. The mean tempei-ature et Greece je 64 degrees Fahrenhei. Nô part et Greece ije oty miles treni the sea or ten freni the bille. About ane-baîf et the porulation at-e agriculturisits and shepherds. 1: je the only country in the ,worid whose at-mies are provided with the Gras Guns and paper-cevered cari.- ridges. The Greek flag is a white cross on a blue graund-the Bavarian colors and the Greek cross. JoHN E. FAICEW1.LL, 4. C., Barrister, Counny Crcwn Attorney, and Couiity Solicitor. Office-South iVing af Court Hanse, s4 hîtby. JAMUES RUTLEUt, Barriater, etc. Office forxnerly occupied by Farewell & Rutledge, next Itoyai Hotel, llrock St.., Wbitby. D)AVID OICMIMTON, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor iu Chancery, ,.auveyancer, etc. Office - In the Oiffice îouth af the Post Office, in McMillan'is Block, Brock Street, Whii.by. G~. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., 13arrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. lIsner Df Marriage Licensea. Office - Smith'b Block, South ai Market, B' ock St., Whitby, DOW & Mct,;ILLIVItAY, Hiarristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & Hswken'e ne* black [3rock St., %,hitby, south af Ontaria bank. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. <ounty Snrveyer sud Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. Drs, Warren ~Moore, J1. J. Moore, M. D. F. Warren, M. D. Office heurs 9. a. mu. Office heurs Il &m te Il s.m. te 2 p.m. egrPrivaie Telephorve Cosemunicao. D. P. BOGART, M.D., L.D.9. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office and Reaideuce nezt te Al gaint's Cburch, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in aIl its branches promrtly atteuded te. W. A DAMS, Ce3NDENTIST. Rootus over John Femgusen'a clething store Reeldence-No. i, Thre Terrace, Byron St Whitby. Jan. sc9th, 1896. Whitby. Dr. H. Wightman DENTZST. Over GroasJ% Orangers.., Whtby. 3:e' Open every Batarday night WANTED Men snd Women wbo eau woirk bard talldng and writing six bours daily. for six days a week, and wol be content wxtb ten dollar weekly. AddressaN IDEAS CO., Bantford. Ont. LIFE INSURANCE. M&nut&oturOTB' Life & Accident Insurance o., Tor'onto. Largfeut Capital stock Lif e rkurane 00. on th.e@otineaL Niuety per cent. 0o aU aoiWUlcfS isurplus iàaune h polioy holdaru. 11A i lae 'ara pald without dalay or discousnt on prootof -f deatb or -maturity ci ,udowmeut J. B. POWELL, Peb. lot, 99. Agent Whlt'bY. vWe*iuig (IUruÎIt 1b cf,2 - C. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For thre next Ilirea menthe I amn giving aspecial attention te patients f rom a dis- tance. Am etaLO making plates in rnbber, $8, oelluloid $10. Goid sud ailver flliuîg vork crowning by firat-clasa operatorsata tIre moat reasonable rates in tIre oity. When in the city callunsad let me examu- iue- your teeth. I make ne extra charge. C. H. BIO.GS, Deutiat, sentIr eaat cernes King and Yonge Sta., Toronto. N ov. Sth, 1892. Wu K. WARNERS, DEALER IN GOAL, LATH, -. LUMBER, B. SHGLESP - ORDWOOD, SLÂ.BS, ETO. AGENT For the PEOPLE'S GOAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. Losing Flesh You naturally lose flesh in the stimmer and runntng down Is so easy. You get a littie weaker each day without hard- ly notlcing it. There is loss of appetite, headache, weakness of the muscles, disturbed sleep, weakness of memory, and these are the beginning of nervous prostration. Iron and tonics and bitters may afford some temporary relief, but what you need Is a food for body, braln anid nerves. of Cod-liver Cil with the Hy- pophosphites, furnishes just the nourishment needed for those who are run down and pale and thin and weak. If you lose flesh ln summer take Scott's Emul- sion now. Don't wait tili fal or wînter before beginning. Far sale ai. soc. and O..cu by ail drugs" g SCOTT & b4oVý NiL, B..k-vk, Oie. 8fUn i c vfii ourts. VOUST'y 0o IqAIO1 W u m ' Y - .M a d o flali W h tb y , î r Jau.3; Peb. 8; Marcb8, Ami' 5 si June 2: JuIy 7 Sep. ; .2; Nvv.8; Deo. il. OSNÂvWA-D. C. àacdoIill, Whitby, Clrk; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Mdarc b4, pril 8; Mday 4 June; JIybs-sep. 3; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 8, BouaouÀm - il. Gleeon , Greenwood, Cierk.-Jan 6; MarohS); iay b; Juy 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 6. PORT FrI Sy - J W . . ur rham , Port Perry, Clerk-Ji&" 29; Maroki 9; May 15 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UXBaDO8ZJooePh B. Gould, Umbrdge, Clerk-J5f. 8; sich 24; May 9t; July 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CANNfl4ToN -George Smith, Canniigt0TPI Jan, 81; March 2b; hdy 20; July lb, Oet. 15; Dec. 17. BEAtVziToerg-Geo. F. B3ruce, Beverton, lerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. 'Up TEBGBORvs- lhrs. P. Hart, UCpterpove Clerk,'...March 27; May !n2; ly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. By arder, J. . FAREWELL, Clark uothe Peace. October 7th 1895. S' The Bst Popîlar A GENTS Lie of Her a$Y 1 have eer seen," wries U:rd Lorne,abu "Queen Victoria." Sales unrpecedeited. Easy ia make fie dollars daly. Big commIission. Outfi ree to canvasserS. TEIE BRADLEY GARRETSON CO., Toronto. WX ANTED-SEVERAL FAITHFI.L YYMen or Women to travel for re- spohsible established bouse in Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 wekly sd ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose selfaddressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building. Chicago.-17-8. w-w~ Ayer's Cathartic have, from the time preparation, been a corj sucOOsa with the pub! that means that Ayei accomplish what ji p for them; they cuiý others f aiL It was therefore, that the woî popUlMrity of these pilli b. reoognized by the pair modal of 1893 whioh emphasizee the 50 Vears of Cui HARD STUDY IN SC ]BRINGS ON A SEVERE A-i ST. VITUS DÂNi A Young Girl's Lîfe for a - Miserable-Could Not Use and Foand it, DiffiýutiI Healtb Restored. Frooe the Napana. Ex pres. Nervousness i8 the freqn@,' mnch misery and suffenug effecta of this breskîngc up ofi particuwarly araDng yonnp~ cliorea or St. Vitus daîîc, pondent lella of a y6nnig W Who wua badly aflicted with t He gays :-"I neyer sa ç ans iog go badiy before from ni-r der.. 8h. wa.s violently jyi twitching ail the ime, and cul ber .right band at ai An v would try to pick up wîtb. atantly fail. Wben Shle %or] to walk, ber limbs wouid îwi the ankie often doublîn2 dowri ing ber. Lately I beard tha% been eured but doubîed the -, etaternont and went ont to sc stageinens proved quite tue, A8K YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPARTICA, mmE NZWWITGPÂ, TAKE NO, OTHER.- AUM ugui 111893. F/o werfng BuIb8 and 8eeda8. A full lineocf the latest varieties of Sweet Peas in 12 separate kinda. Named Tuber- Oua Begoni" , in aIl colore from PureWh4 to Dark, Pink, Or ange, etc. grandbuej Lilies, Tuberoses, Caladînnes, etc,lrW bulbe. GEO. BURCHETT, Florlst April 8, 1897. Wbitby. ICHiA S. SCOTT, AUCTIONEER, WITBY, ONT. The uuderalgued bega te announo that-he bas taken, out a licore for aucticues-gsu v Irii bela ill Oeifer ortht cla=of bitai. les.ra bock vs» be kept at 1. -B. Lenga. office, vhere all lufoarimaa tyb. obtalned. Wbitby. Nov., ,94 C.«SCOTT JNOé NOBL-E, ing tuit aracicaàl cf tIre tactst - vcld -b. cf advantage te ou.om xuight -b. uimilarly eufferunsr, Ij miasien go mais. the m ku.o, readiIy graned. Tbe yeung sa HM.Gourou, a genarai ta-or t'Pr aoquintances, sud it is tbî baer trouble, as is nsot Janre.qa <Me, vaa brought on by han: achool." mise Gonycu gave L Iug elatemeat :-"Aiàl thmongb 1894 I1had beau feeling unvi nfospeaisto ayone about it, goiUlt toacshodi sud vas afrai 4"Uytb Ï bout it tLe wy par 'would keep me at home' I kei vc'oi>e-ani aitIluit grev se ner Ioauld Dot * boid My pencil. 1e! WUe sffected-most, thongli t r em04 to go rogmywl .LIJiu"a I wuaso 0bad ihai 4iSeontin;Je goinwte ec hool, s oustà0tly- growing vere.1 =,Ya mu auds, becausa I1v<>uid thiug dhop. -and frE queutly wh .tit to walk, I wouîd t-oOr bad been aiiing f,ýr a iidwathon using Dr. Wilii P~! dgettiug boîter, sû 1 ti lby er. hapiug bit» 80 m Wouj4 W'Sagood medicina fer the lb first box vas doua I vi uaorbOtten, and miter uaing eijjig for -about a metsth, mv h ,1IOl1Y Wstared. lh us nov moi sYnft -;oI dùitnned thet ells, mand -Iî bave ithad the 1Ir&oe of tise *Maay uioco. 1 <f6d it. u2am,4'Piuk Pillas M51 ie cf iDisery, aud M~5gy 'ommend tisen fori x7luS Pille are ig the firm's cr, ijntein red ink r., WiIiams' Pinks Ïd-or by the i sy denirwhv it 'oru la trying tc b. avided. Ti qv.~ 4.~ ~%. r L_- r FIfty Years Ago. Who could Imagine that ihis sh j The place vhere, lM e i.gh tr f-n Ir 'What white vorld-woder cf doms 'i ould sh dow th e n at in ,...pani ]Ite st the Fair was th, priz- ()0 Ayer5 PIl. by tht world ,Chici.goelike. they e reco)r 1t siace tbcy 5taited-50 Yomsa~ r 'lVý 'IL Itl IVL 'qýý on 'qýý Illý 'le: 'lIiý 'lý '1ý-1 h 1 1 Greece than anv with the Prussia. DENTIST. Brooklin. 1

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