Durham Region Newspapers banner

Whitby Chronicle, 21 May 1897, p. 4

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Th Hair was much lesai than most people cxpectcd. deep or Ail the nounders ad burmers sud îoughs back d( in the cilv are happy at last. The cry lion to againat thé pulpîl was very effective in win-Count. ring votes for Sundsy cars, sud upon the brought wbole the campaagtî was weli handled byfora tbc winners. thern tc dri !tan g Every man who takces an interest ira poli two o! tical topica ahouid read an article an tast Shakesi week's Harper' Weekhy. lt declares that ate mn - sucha c our legislative bodies unden representative rend ho governiment are corrupt, sud that they faîl laid ont fan shunt o! rcpreaen-ting the éducataon, reli- the pont gion, on morality o! the people. At ehection anti bloc limne the whoie cry as reform. Once tbc pnoceedi élect ion as over every bonest prnciple laid interviei down ia sharnelessiy abandoned. A egis- be donc, lator spends his aniole lime and devotes his rise as aboIe study lu 50 fixing things Ibat bis seat whicb will be permanent, and tu piacing all bis ahen thr relatives sud fieîds in at positions. The Robson common people appear to be hoodwinkcd ou the si every lime. WVhen a campaign ia on tbey row yeai become enthused istcnang t0 the false pro- spring. fessions sud promises o! candidates; but cussing !ro7m election limne 10 election lime bave the cow, was mortification of seeing that eveny word o! it corne.j waa iitended to bag their votes. t! a sup- Deputy posedly honest man is sent 10 parliameat be marcbed soon learnn the tricks o! bbc trade, sud bis as dcatb friends ar-e asîoîîîshed presentiy 10 find bow they be cuiining and corrupt he bas become. How the minarie long wîll Ibis sort o! îbîng ast ? closed oi Iftis 10 be lied abat at its lune session sud tbe the county counicil a il take up the mnatber they coul of a counay borne for the pour. Tbis would ul wonk give the counicîl a yoar sud s bal! 10 deal on in the law was witb the malter before uew members are îourîîîng elecîed. A committee couid be appointeil dunîng Ibis session to enquire into the niai ter thorougbly sud report neit lauuary If the report were favorable and met the vievs- of!councih, the commîtîce could be emîîow i cred 10 ethber go on with the work oit one<) the schemes suggested, or could be allowî-" until anoîber sessionî 10 subrnit final detais o! the specification. Thene woului stili b,, six montha belote this counicil berorncs di-, sol ved, sud bbc wonk could theai be finisfied. or nearhy so. The vote o! the pc<île of th,. county mav be Iakeîi-pnîfiahl'.wîll fat taken- beCore the scheme as carri-d out but there as rio use ana taking a vote upon a achemne o! wbich the peoîple kîîow nothing To submit the nîsîter in such a mainien mneans certain defeat. People have tii' much sense bo vote in avor o! a thina tIres ku.ow nothing about, and Ibis courîîy ha- n,- ides o! erecîîng an edmflce costing $5O>t-, $3o,ooo, as bas been donc an varîios oilt-n counities. Thero aiti neyer be such ai trai stitution here witb the consent o! Ihe peoîple unheas a cheaper scherne can be offercd Howeven, t la usetes 1 go inao detail',un tiI the county couricîl has made a nfaive of some sort. Promn the provîous course of Counîy Councilor Artbur Johnston an 11w. matter, we hardly extpected bim tir]et aa wbolc session pasa, as be bas donc, withoui niaking a move in the mnatter. Harriig doue su ae trust be may make amenda in J une. Town Counoil Met Monday nigbî. A ettenwas rnad (rom D Ormaiston, soticizor, un behaif o! Mm, Gilmour, demanding f5oo damnages for in- juries she ncceivcd tbroiigh beang bhrowrî frnm hon buggy at Ormistou's corner réert- ly. Somne tones werc recentiy pIs ccd ahere to fill up a washout, sud Mrs Gaîrnouras hnrse is said lu bave been running away wben the accident occured. Cotin Smith read a report !rom the streevi commiîtee lu favor o! making tbc ollowiiw payments: John Bell, teaming, $8 55 s 1) Brown, clips for rond machine, $5 2o,- John Riley, work, $35 T COnors, work, $5.75 John Braveuci, îeaminc, $5.75; R Pîaske-ti, wonk, $1.88; John McCanl, work. $13 8,-. Wm Hopper, work, $13.88h; Fred Pogaton, $i.2s ; Hatcb & Brus sewcr pipe, sia14._5o The commitce aiso askcd for power to la',v an 8 inch pipe aeweir fnom the CHRoNo. a î office to the baptist ci -n ' , on Centre street- There was a long discussion ou this sewerj business, some c( uncilors being o! opin ion- that the wator on Centre streel shouîd t., cerried north to Dundas street. The report pasaed. Couti. Jackson read a report !rom the tire and water committee iu favor o! psying ti following items : Smith Campbehl, 'ixing hose for flac engine, Jos Baedl, cleanineIz hose, S. The report stated that the Elcctnic e Liet Company bas for a- monîb ncghecîed )n the welPlatfrrm and around th Joo r. Depuîy Scott wants no legisla regulate cowa, and neither he no Robsom wouhd support ani-thirl it Up by Re.eve Pringle, but the othe ho have' been in the compact wit ýobstruct business appeared 10 b away on this question, leaving ti thern "naked 10 their enemies," a ieare observes. Notbing but clespet asures on their part would auffice fo crisis, and when the reeve wenî on h( ow cows could have heavy darnage t hem, and howv thev couid ho sohd b, indiceeper in defauhî o! paymnent, flesi ad revoited againat the iniquity ofhtir ing. Deputy Scott rose and went i( w Caun. Robson as 10 whaî shoulc ýand they secretly devised a plan t( sone man and teave tbe roorn plan they presently put in executior he councilt ook a vote whilsî Coun. iwas making bis !ourth or fiRbh speecF ;ubjecî o! whether or not a cow la Car r a!ter ycar uratil sbe has !urtben o!f To be thus intenrupted whilt dis hearnedhy the gcneiology o! the as the hast stnaw. Their moment bai A period in histo-ry muat ho made Scott and Coun. Robson rose and d out of the chamber. Silence deep hprovailed as with moasurod stride e down upon the door. It was like tii he Cameron mon. As the dont n the two dougbîy councilors the heaved a sigh sugicesîive'ofo a gasp, Sother memrbers echoed it as soon as ld catch their breaîb. Thon the sw- So! legislating againat the cow went r absence o! ber frienda, and the by- ;passed speedîiy, the council ad- yat rnîdnight. rie5 la ig< e le as 7-a Jr t es0 y Tl h a e a: .0 d Id il a , S r- p f- t. s- ai d 1 PP :eA )rAS r e lere are rnanythings to be d l= Ve them f J0} huf Y ls. bought in ioad ýof ohtiesa scantllng from tom up sidealk toMrsStephen Coiley. Coun. Jackson saad the committee b.d agreed £0o %..1YZAY. gîve ber no more relief. Coun Noble sad abe came to hlm wltb aiiitder havlng Goulu. R INSÂNCE ackson'a came attached'thereto. (Laugh- ýR INSANCE er.) Coun Robeon sald the town lis pruln Mrs Rice sufficlent funde £0 keep ber ID lux- Ca id Cream, urv, with a constant supply of liquor. Coun. Hayward cast very great doubte on the Camph r le tory of Mlrs Ricels lqpor supply. He fur- - this matter up every chace he had, and C.amphor and that he (Hayward) underastands tbat this la Moth CamaIl because Mrs Rice did not go to coula. Mat C mjhor. Robson'a place to indulge in this laxurlous living at the town'a expense. The mayor said Mrs Coffee is only supplied with such se and a number of loîlet prepatra- smaîl amnounts from thia corporation that the tiona, are right in season now and council should flot maire such a noise about it. The reeve said that the policy of the then there are a host of thinga council had been until this year to give re- that dlaim ail seasons for their lief without a long public discussion of the own and which we can supply mater. The report passed. On motion of Reeve Pringle the 6irst sit-t better than any other store in ting of the court of revision was dated for town. We night m~ention among lune îst. these On motion of Reeve Pringle the printing commitîee was ordered to advertise the sale r, Toothl, NaII Md Bath of aIl lande in the corporation whicb aret three years in arrears for taxes. Brushes, Tooth Powders, On motion of Coun Blow the committee Oombs SpogeaEtc. on town property was instrucîed 10 buy a Oombs SpogesEtc. new town fiag before May 24th.s 1<0W FOR THE FUN. t was 10.45 P M. when the reeve moved J; o read a by-law. Coun. Scott suspectedC E. W ILe Lyla18, onihe cow question, CHEMISI DRUGGIST, the by-law was read and turned ouI lobe a corker. The present town by-law £0 regu- PF MEDICAL HALL, late the running at large o( ive stock lis verv el defective, as we pointed out l-ast week, and Pl CK ST., . WHRITBY. the reeve has oevrli clause by clause I _________________________first was one 10 prevent more than one cow N - -rflnning from each family. The by-law said of ea~*ch resident mighî run one cow. The new r h-law made it read each resident house- âl ~ he Qt~nnî1c. holder. The next clause was 10 change the se trne for lettlng cows out in the morninig e. frorn 5 to 6 o'clock. Next il was proposed at to makre the owners of cows impounded atfo [TB , M Y 187.nigbt pay 50 cents to the part>' who drives a ITBY MA 121 187 thm t poitnd, as a-el as the So centsM ____Poundage fecs. Deputy Scott and Coun.r Robson had fought loud and long against fro Shor Noes.the other clauses, and had only been down Ca Shot ots.ed ait the point of the sword. But when Ibis Ki a pleasant occupation for rnany double fee was imposed each of them trîed an pper tomaie u an prnt ar-to have a fit, but failed. They stormed, they M& hoin ptpe 10 ma e n rnatar- gobstructed, they lalkred incessantly, no mat- îowîg te AnercanSente earngter who had Viei floor. It was only when the arbitratjon treaty with Britain and Coun. Smith relatod an ezciting batte he 1las g the flinders out of the door. Why had with R flock ofgeese at Ba". ide, in which Ma hey atm for peace, when millions of he wounded one of them with R shotgun, sou ns believe a great war would bring that the two warlike councilors could be tom ries. hushed for even a moment. Taking advan- har as expected, Toronto has voted in tage of the lull thus csused, Coun. Jackson ver tried 10 relate how the cnitter got into his Spe Sunday cars, by Soo majority, which hack yard and left evidences o! lits visit kneo, of1 ic .a'~:Ua ..oelan :, The Wbiîby Toanship's Sunday SchooI LSAssociation wilI bold a convention at AI- 1- mond's Churcb, West Whitby, on Tiiesday, t june tat. The Sunday Scbools o! Estansd è_%Vst Wbitby Townships, Oshawa sud Whitby bowns are interested. The !olowing progra mme hais been pnepared:-TUES DAY MYORNING- ii to t2-Devotinal, led by Rev Pency Fletcher, Oshawa. AFTER- NOON- 1.30 10 2-Minutes and reports o! olTîcers sud commîittees sud visitiag corps, appointîment o! a nomînating comnite sud sudibons, 2 10 2.3o-Addness o! welcomne, Rev M Gohd. Reply, J B David-,on, Esq., shburn. 2.3010 2.5--"A Model Suporn- trodant." Mass Cors DeLong. Brooklu 50 10 3 15-"Horne Department." Juo. )avis, Esq - F'oley. 3.15 lu 4.-«S-me o! lie best methoda to get seihior members lu 'Orne better prepared wlth the lessons." S Barnard, Esq Whiîby. 4 te 4.45-' Chil- iren's Mass Meeting," addreased by Miss I-ambîy, Brookt'iu. 4.4lu5-Closing praise anad prayer. Led b1r tat Vice-Presîdent. Collection. EvENpING SESSION-7 to 7.30- Devotional, lo be led by Miss Ruwe, Whiîby. -30 t0 8-Minutes, reports and ehections. iitro>ducing the new President. "A bettor Jay as conîing."- 8 tO 8.30-'How best bo bo- .ome acquaiuîed witb individual wats o! -ach child." Rev. A McCauley, Pickering. S 30 tu 6-"Hua best lu secure the consent -,)f senior scholar as substitute teachers." W. A. Holliday, Esq., Brookhin. 9 bu 9 30- Question Drawer. Rcv J B McLaren Colum. bua. 9.45 Collection andi closing. The executive cali attention 10, the !act tbat the scholars are only asked 10 give but once a year lu aid o! the association, and that la througl-.tise township's convention. Eacb sch(ooî o! hesa Iarau o pupils la asked for $i thiose over ioo, i cent for eacb pupil. ANNUAL MEETING -0F THE- The annual meeting ofCthe South Ontario Farmers' Institute alîl convene in the Ma- 3,oaitc Hall, Brooklin, on TUESDAY, JUNE 1îst, 1897, at one o'clock p. r. PRoGRAmmE. -Presidets report, Discussion thereon, Re- port o! the executive, preseuted in writing t b> tbe Secretary, Treasurer's report pro- se nted ira ariting, Auditor's report presenteci ru writing, Suggestion o! points ai which to' hold reguhar meetings, Suggestion of!pointe at which 10 hold supplementary meetings, Election o! officers, directors snd auditora, Suggestions as to boa the Institute can be improveci or made more useful, Addresses, etc. Your presence ai the meeting is re- spectfuly requested. R. W. GasuaisoN, President. ~=Hostilities kev Dr Lmoby, Drookîle, preacbed ln the methooWut tabernacle Suuday evenlng. MrOBie ul ben the Whibr>oto a a.Ore ft~edhaim, photograhere.P Mr. Jno. McCsl lough bas completeci bis studies at the Ontario Butiness College, Bellevilie, and bas been awarded a diploma. Congratuations, john. The Wbîtby Choral Society will give its second concert on Wednesday evenlng May I 26th in the town hall. Parts of the pro- gram given at the hast concert will be re- peatoci together wlîh new numbers spec. iahly prepared. The admission bas been " fP ttr ' fixed at the popular price o! 15 cents and -wéP tens t S le acrowdod house should be the resulî o! Ibis part of the society 10 popularize part singing In the town. ~" " N o other $25 sfr$. The CHRONICLE (si), the Weekly Globe One Haif ($i), andi large picture of Liberal Cabinet, (5oc)-all for si 10 new subscribers. Mr M Colline, sen., has been lt for some We hav time, and on àMonday went to the generai hospital, Toronto, for treatinent.CA P Yesterday'a probabilities promised show.CA P ors, but it was a flood that materialized. A The evidence o! Mr Wm iSmaith, M. P. inTA E the Dryden-Smith stander suit will bARP found on another page.CA P Lake Ontario as rising and will be higher than for years.CA P Snap for $1 The CHRot'.IcLE and Weekly Globe 10 Jan t, 1898, and large picture ot Laurier's , Cabinet, ail for $r to new subscribers. A 1,8~o a -Fine ày. 5umups Ail kinds o! pumps repaired. Chain -umps for sale. Wînd-milis .sold and re- paired. t buy direct from the manufactur. ers, not fromu second-hand dealers. W H 'iper, Whitby. Our T alori iia lihe Wabash Ra.ilroad. r a i i u t! you are conîemrpîating a trip 10 the GoId Nining Country, please consider the merits ebv Cf the Wahash Railroad, the short and trueWehv Jute via Detroit, Chicago and St Paul, to- experience ll points in the Kootenay District. Pas- rs-li Snenr teaving Whithy, and points west by Fîrtla arhv moarning train, reach St Paul next daYGarne it noon, where direct connections as made or ail points in the Goid Fields. Quickesî orode ih u id best route to Hot Springs, Ark., 01d Leaveyu r rwih s 'exico, California and ail western points. 'ickets and timne-tabîes of this great rai lway ro any R. R. agerît, or 1. A. Richardson, snadian Passenger Agent, N. E corner ing and Yonge stnet-ts, Toronto.A N fay Day Festivaj A large number of visitors assemhtled ini e gymnasium of the coliegiate inistitute st Friday to wibness the crowning o! the lay Queen. Ail the mnembers o! the staff, me of the trustees and ministers of the nd, in force. The room was fuît and a F a n c ýry pleasant and interesting bour was cnt. Miss Florence Ross had the honor "being chosen Queen, and Mr. Walter aw bad the equal honor of being eiected )ux" by lb eir $ellowgup ils. Mr, Waugh, A ýprincipal, peiUgaacefutiy and effi, A Large Stock ently. made a few suitable întroductory marks, and then called upon Mr Tamb- i to addnetsthe meeting. ACter Mr. imblyn had expressed bis approvai ot ar- D n )r day and May Queen celebrations, the esure be had bad in tbcm, in past years. id had wished success to the coiieg-iate ina- tute, the Queen, thc Dux, and their at- T ea idants marched in. Miss Bertha L. Lmblyn, the Quecu of iS96, had the honor placinz the crown on Miss Rosa' bead. ien addresses were rmade 10 the Queen h d the Dux by other pupils. The Quecra d ber girl attendants. were very prettiiy essed snd acquitted themacîvea very weii .eed. Then followed addrcssos by Fulil iU ne cssrs. Abrahamu, McAlpine, Manning,* ith, Burns, King, Perguson, Brown, inglc and Aunais. The proccedingas were >7 terapersed witb vocal and instrumental l a s- ei sic, anud readirags, and ended with the inting o! thc Irce by Miss Rosa. Mr. F. ne represcuited the ex-Dux, Mr. R. Stew- ýThe assistants wcre Misses McTag. t, Mowbray, Greenwood, Corycli, sud A T rues, and Messrs. Bradley, Adams, Rosa, gers and Stephenson, representirag the ;pectivo forma. Warden King, Reeve inghc, Ex-Mayor Sixith, Principal Brown, satees Ferguson nnd Buns, and Messrs. ries and B. Davcy wcrc present. aH s 'dia.ar fias A ssortm ent of LACE CURTAINS. Departfflnt NO=I se cured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitch, a gentleman who has had large ýe in Port Hope and Belleville and who is favorably and well-known as a s Cutter. le is now ini charge of our Tailoring Department, and we ýe every garrnent to please or no sale. ifor a Suit at REW Chna ner Setts, 1Setts, Lmber Setts, ble. GIBSON'S. $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. M. ROSs. Broken Outl Declared At---e Terrible Siaugliter of ail Dry Gaada on Saturday Next, May 22nd, :ýs- 'Tis true we have been selling goods very cheap, but now cornes the tug- of-war. The rnarter is if we don't seIl the goods some other fellow will. Prices mnust go 'down lower and lower until we are sold out. Bicycle Tweeds for ladies, 54-in, ail wool, $i to $1.25, for 55c and 75C. 44-in, all WOOI, 40C. to 50c, for-30c. and 35C. 44-in, all WOOl, 30C. to 35c., for 2oc and 25c. Tweeds for ladies' and children's Capes, $i to $ 1.20, for 6oc to 8oc. Ail wool Cashmere Serges 50C to 30c, for î8c and 2oC. Blue Serges, 27-rn. i 5c, for ioc. Heavy for chiidren's suits 30c, for 20C. Flannelettes, yd wide, 8c for 5c. English do., i 5c for ioc. Heavy do. Shirting 15c, for ioc. Fine Twilled do. ioc, for 7c. New Prints, clark colors, ioc, for 7. Nice light do. 8c. for Sc. Cotton Shirtings, ioc to 12C, for SC. 1:!34 do. for ioc. Gingharns 8c, for 5c. White andGe Cottons, and ail New Spring Goods included. d re ALL WINTER GOODS at 5o cents on the 5 Buy from no one until you see our Bargains. We wilI flot be undersold. Butter and Eggs wanted in exchange for goods at regular prices. E. IR. B. HAYWARD,- WHITBY. County of Ontarlo 1 TS HEREBY GIVEN TO WIT 1JL.1 that the Court of General Sessoas of the Peace, and the Contiy Court, in and for the Joffi SINCLAIR, Secretary.1 NOTICE I Furet dase bull for service.Ternis tcash, T. S. BRANT. Whitby April 29, ,7- Genô1'ai Servant Wanted. Apply ta KIRS. J, E, FAREWELL. May 2o, :97-n ia. Auction Sale of Valuable Farm P rop erty . Jo n . ux o , - o The undersignedJhn Pro, shedlffo the counîy o! Ontario.,avn acqufred by Deed the interest of Mus. PARMELIA TIOOLE, for. meriv Mms Parmeia Turner, in the landshberein., afler describecl. snd being thse Assiqnee for the benefit of the creditors o! Mms Charlotte B. Lit. tiejohna snd Miss Martisa B. Turner the oasly childien of, and devise«s under the WiUof tise laie George W. Turner, in bis iifetise of te township of Pickemig, lu tise couaty of 0utsa4& Farmer, hIn offer for sale by publiec- -ction at Gerow's hotel in tise village of Bropgham.- i the sat township o! Pickerng,on TUESDAYi thse lst day cf 1IUNE, r897, at the hour of two o'cloçk lu tise attmruon, isthtie tht- emiedfla h lm u ii , f o th ep r p rt ', - lt V Ir : - b sowbt bal!o! theuptis al!Mlot, Muix 9r 4 in tise &îh concession of tiaw nsP iiio.!Pkeiug Ti. fprywflol Idd tc taeberved bld. T em s- T C U p e r ce u L o! p u r cisse ltm oaa e t, Ume of sale. nd the bim t*,tos gth cîday of Jue, 1897. For futise 5*151, plyto Meum D4,D, Streem s Toroateoor tq he sk é jb F. Ptsut bis Off oe 1 a the Oasis Io Here is a Good Thing, Variely the Larges! Quality Ille C;izicesi Prces tie Lowest. are the three points -which lead the FURNITIIRE trade. Re-upholstering done on shorteat notice. E.J. JOHNSON> Bicycles Ride the Be£t, and ouly the HighQoracle The MlaSSeY-Haruis is in in the Firat rank, ad is fitt- ed with all the latest inr- provexuenta; is strictly High Grade, and Guaranteed. Cheaper Grades DUke Mnd Duchelis, and Prince and Princeu. Guaranteeri. Wood FraMe. Beebe,4 Special Grade and Gtiaranted.- Iceao LwrTh=an ny. J.W. BRANT, -WHRITBY., ONT. JustRjyu One CAR LOAD fine, pure WINDSOR SALT. i car load Mammotb SoutheruSwqeet Ensilage SEED CORN. 1 car load SUGAR of tise tmest quai- l'aSunothIs ng Red ahsgoîd.Glaht Tel. low- Iotermedste a. Mgod,,Norbiton Gist M aagold âsud S r B 5 èe al guamanted neW ar f Beeet quality. Steel ltrlgg Seed C' aaaastrain of Short-,Wite .artSeipoue enormoýus crope. -çe e » lW1 ie ty u ad b. **s mwWhltba ,lîetbe Su.at ever swa4 lu, Congo Carpets, Carpets* it7 751i gt From. . All the Newest Designs.$-<- House in South Ontario wîll Show You the Assortmnent That We Are Shoxvifg i1r ve the Newest Patterns in ALL WOOL CARPETS, UNION ETS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, BIRUSSELS CARPETS, STRY and BRUSSELS BORDERINO, TAPESTRY STAIR ETS, HEMP STAIR CARPETS, ALL WOOL BlAIR ETS, and CAIRPET LININGS. AEW -A T- J.S.Barnail S1. a-0. Cilj' ANI&. t- c SILVER MflUNTLI BROC Mofficia ointy Organ-I.argest tion Of &ELY local paper in Ca FRIDAY, A? i - LOCAL LACNiicý Mra. Britton, of Toronti. s a gî.- Ida Hatcb. Mn. Wrn. Pile, o! Port Perr', s on Saturday. Ho Cor Toronto. Wq it f-jr t.he City, - Frîday May 2s:ný Don't miss the Chora, Soçîety wcdnosda 'v evening nex,. ,A.\imlss, Mr Ed. McBien s in -,,,,%n spe. holidays. He as now statîuîîr-d in Ont. Gardea stuf i s beîng p;anted V Ibis spring. Many people have ni, ed their eanly potatoos yet. - The Rev. WV.Ni. Rochester B. Dunu Ave. Prydesterian Church will conduct the services nri St churcb, Whiaby, rnorning 11 evenr Sabbatb. We have roceived a copy -bC the Jubilee" H>rnn o! Canada, cumT jules Norm-an o! Montreal. A sar be sent lu any address by sendang bu Jules Norman, 223n. - Carrieriai Montreal. The case againal Mirs. Hatrris, Mrs. Byera, for aîtefmpted suicider on Wennesdav r.grr tîfort P. I Shbe pleaded guîlîy an~d was remn sentence. Sfic will prooaudý.y be se Mercer reformatory. Don't forget the fact. You can save money by buying ' wearait Bu na new cash store. MaY s.sth Big days sportst Oshawa. Main Iieb's.demonstration at Bus mranvi, e. Garden City will take you I rom v. oîWt) port and returfi for 25C.- 'Sprts. We are înstructed by one o! th- sports of the place to tip Fendiiuai. 'Queen's plate to-morrow at the WVo Oshawa de!eated the Tononto Re,, itigsait basebaîl on Friday, and I ville beat Varsity on Satunday. Oui neigbbors are balliats. G T R Cbeap Tickets- For Queen's birtbday bolîdat Stephrenson, up-town.ticktet. te3eg r express office, Wlhitby, for single 1- ets to ail stations in Canada and ai ation. Tickets good going 22nd to returu titi endi 25th o! May. Ciriket meeting. A meeting o! the-crickeîers took the Royal hotel on Tuesday night Ia following officers were elocted : H His Honor Judge DanIneli; Pros.1 thew Gold , vice pres. Mn. D McKîf treas, Mr j T Matheson, capt, Mr Hay ; comruittee, Messrs Geo Rb -Willis, W Geldc. The <rease willI shape at once, and all anrangemen to start practice with as little dela. sible. Excursion to Niagara Flais. The Ladies' Aid o! the pros churcb, Oshawa, will rua an excun! the palace Steamer Gardon City, bo1 t ary camp at Niagara and Niagara1 Tuesday, jue 5th. The steamer - S-passengers frous Newcastle, Bown Ohwa, ad Wbltby, ait a ainifonf $i to the military -camp, and $iî.z Faits. whlch latter price includes th, trip on the Niagara electric rail way. A Wbitby Gvir abroadi 1Word bus been recelved that Miss Montgomery, youaitest danghter o! Montgomery, of tbls town, bas beeni eci superintendent sud matron o! hospital, Canton city. Ohio, the -which President McK.inley resides. ilq a trainlng school for nurses ia cou with tais hospîtal, and soure cIe, from heme wil be taken if they app congratulate Mise Montgomery on cognition ber fine talents have ri Wbîtby girls, a* weil as Wbltby boyi their mark abroad. Omalbus Troubles. The keen competition between t bus tien bas frequently assumed a cc last, begd er, th d mrrahai a race. WH] It s Amenîca tuons ai up the s weepin shouid t Arn ri ca good tanr As wi favor o! f z" c., -i '-t qýM ï,, Cal Of se Grocerles. Brock St., - Whitby. D'unaay bchool Convention. ;nm ýT Assortment LACE CURTAINS. iýt' Qý ronic me ROS China, of Fresh -U :ID 1897.1

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