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Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1897, p. 7

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Beaittul eYeua pow dull end dim Agi 1be *Witftyeara tcal away. Bva«iiful, wtllowy forme se llas Looie falrflei with every day. flut sili tili le queeu and bath charme to spare1 Wlho wcars youthas coronal -beautliut Preserve Your ilair and you preserve your youth. 4A woman ie as old as she lookse," Baye the world. No woman looke as old as she ie if her haIr has preserved ite nor;pal beauty. Tou can keep hair from ' allintg out, restoring its normal oolor, or restore the -normal color to gray or taded ijair, by the use of Ayer's flair Vigor. DISTRESSING RBIULTS FOLLOW. ING ýyAOOINÂTION. A Young Daughter aI David MoHlardy, ef Fergus, ibe Vitit-Ha Suffreti the Most Intense Agony-Doctorm Faiied tc, Hélp Ier. Froas the Fetjua New-Record. Met a d u eggs mon ducit rest1 webt are1 us ua walk uscd The col t race does has goo( wili wh c beai 0 peoI of tI sudý flot Mr we' piac Bui bac con of v intc but the ed, N eariy, evary pemon ib is section in tii aoquainted wit Ur. David McHardy, COC the popnhar leader of St. &u2drtêw's obuftebMo choir, P'ergom. 'Qur reporter toahie upý*, he Mr. Mellardy At bis homeIn l Upiper ma Niehol recoeaîi,' d from hm~dbshot estimable wife a taie af! terrible suffering fan wss efiitsd, sufforioglbaIrhbu broagbt a the olice exosptianaliy ssrong a100 heiby da' child te the verge of ibm grave. Thesub- wËi jectot e tetsob',»I 0AS 140erdit a by fourteen yeai cf gt, and ber pirsets a0 ahe lbas ntgrowusamy *Ince ber massa bouan omb two yeare sud a hait ago. Uer terrible suffering dates froni the tii». sue wad vaooi»atÏd in joue, ql894, and wh Nt se h uince uïdetgons bai aroused the deepit'sOympathy oai aWihêbfrawde of the samiy. la caaversatioû wb Mr. McHardy and bis wife, iafolowing facto were liçitod -TýV âe lst J une," mid the flifier, " lent vas vaa. cinated by a doctor in Fergus. Tih. atm waa very mremmd *Woiien ail smwiger, and becsmme Bs abldtha ithiwua all of @ores fîo e ibsoulder ta the elbihW. lua Ootober 1894 a imr4te,,lump appearesi opa ber baok, airer oe eof ber Itugi. ,Thé, dootor wba voluated lier, tri.itedhiet ail that siimmer, oallimg very ieqant.ly s but the muedichue ho gave ber diaD o good and ei fe vugMoiug weaker ana veaker. Wheu thé Juinpbrokb eout on bar bbk -anoth#%r doctor-wasocomulted, wvio$&id. elle vas i' lu iqy bd4' îtt4 c,bé!thý. Het coistituti4ab ppigede4 . beh, om- pieteiy undbiïnilïeanahot'appetit ba~ 0ompieteiy falied. The lit a dpor 041sd in gav.e §moneout» iwr pplI1wtSj6, an iancedtiiit îhrin butit 1 dhot givés the pithie Y tiy il iei i but eachbrokèe 'au4dti et ewn acoer«,9411.. bowver,, îo bfoUlowe by anothet. ThVis ld"býo1ý e puny su 1111*or e 6d w on kar stôwaçb. L4A, àli heowonld ià fairiy rave with the i'palmalub, *at ;,au4 back, and èont<e~que lp tfr aggràvmted by a ot ogi ofqie e uBlj 1 'th th. bemi of .tteiimlO b2'tOnoSY»,a aud liile va. lowly -v1bat ilulnft ,Friendst adviiged i- trestItit, ý*ît Dr,] 'X Willia~m' PFnk Pilla, Dt li Ml lSt.zott jtbey vere tilied To à~esw,*ec a~ > parents and frhes1L ê em ntô lm.- Tprove o on mter b.glaieg the tsêci then Pille. Uer appetiliei»bume4 b tu â ,troneer mu4 ber getieral, bholitn uob iwprovdd. Tht actes he6'!* Dot yetlIdt 64 ber baok suiarýuibu 1 poetIiýomi# boing sa éory macuh -IMMntiOunatr ht0 treatmsut i . llil' Pink PUsa that ber parents are looking firaom-lý thanit PhikPille for UiCs u eondition of thoit hqte tby av doue -ber more gool lb t il M of bottlem of dooloe'B ý,m*dWn!ol» 44 took. Dr. Willie Pluk-PilUt m*- Oý1»Icul in boxesebeartmg tisE a frm*ê Uti4t=l à hundredSind auy dsaler vit, etitutes in t foýlavaàle V you am«ý8hould bt avoldi4. 0, ceive. Th.y are, 41 1$»i makers hope to reap"&* tige fron theb àjk your 4sealer forer JThese PhWlaare- Dr Willirsie Me4~ -ville, Ontario,,s r t olaolyi provine with 4@y ciothIing, and te- îd w i6ýtown. none >the wore for Ir Jas Stariton, Muskoka ROad, jhas ik that, has gone Into tht freak *urn business. A aett.ing Q't. I mne b 'waa hatched out last --Thursay -ing, producing cigbt ordinatry :ihngs, and one stronger than t f. w'ithi four legs& and four perfità ,ed icet. fTe-'additionattnënbers sýtuated farther- back thani the ai pair and are a littie shorter. For, king purpoies oniy two legs arci d, but wlien mwlmming, ail four. two-headed caif and 1ive-ieggedý are net in it whcni t cornes toaa cwith a bird like this. If that duck uint thrive it wihi flot be because heý flot cvery opportunity to get a )d share of ail that's going. and kt 1be a nimbie f rog that escapes him en he is foraging for bis breakfast. ikt of Mr Alfred VIok. )n Thlursday evening the town- pie wcrc shocked to icarn that one heir principie mercilants had been deniy caiied home. Many wouid tbelieve the evil tidingo at first as Vîck had been seen onhy a few eks prcviousiy at bis accustomned c in the store on Misshssaga street. it it waCt oo tfuet For-morne time *k bis heaith hu. been faliing and ntinued iii hcalth brought on speiha asciancholia. when he wouidtake nc ýerest in anything going on. The z1iy physician reconmcended com. ete rest, which was taken at once, kt i appeared whcn the straîn o, eexention. ta do business was remov that heé grew graidualiy weaker, un, it wam thought better to give him i mpie change of -scene. He wus re oved ta the Guelph hospital, wherî dled on Thursday lait. The re ains were imniedîately brougit me-and intcrrcd on Saturday in th4 niiy vault. The funeri was anecc ý largest seen in Orîllia for man, tys, testifying tq the high esteecm 'i 6icb Mr Vick and his famiy arq bel the entire com munity. -Timres. The wm~u whw auaar. Moi cf cood health protecU amost &U thé ordinaryIlless troubles tbst »my-self. miwto lut ýun4ëtY. Mr Robert Trweedie had the mIefor.. tue ho- ave two 7catt4g killed on >tbq C P .tacl -lut TueîdÏa 'ýOn oft the animal& was tbrown over flity yard$*-, Lieut Hageiman with Button's tM~PJ of lghta~vury tedfor the cItY lait Tuetay ford uùty. Tisere was a private picnicfrom here to the laite on jubilec day. Mr 1-8"ç Turner ci Ltle Current la hero with friends. It bas been quite a whiic &Ince he' was last seen in titis section.Y1 .The Misses Roasch of Cherrywood- vIsI.ed at Mr Wm»'Major's hast Wed- nesday. Miss Fleming of Toronto University, la with her friend Miss Grace Wilson. *There bas been a large batch of vil- lage cattie lmpoundçd by éorne of the farmers here. There was only a wee bit of a lacket over k., A number attended the Scarboro union picnic beid at Victoria park laut week and repor; having a good tinie. Mev Mr Sipie and Mrs Samnuel Pen- nock attended the Baptist çonvention, at Port Perry 'iast week. Miss Grace Wilson bai been slightiy indhsposed the iast iew days. T here la said to be rye In t4is section 1fuliy joight feet hhgh. It *eeme ai though they wlit have a picnic cutting bit with the ordlnary binders. 1 A number attended the closhng ex-, eercises at the Pickenhe college lait Friday. eIG$çRETT DERD Y AND OLD GOtD Io otat IN rTabl Pet AMP 00990 lix D A Ili P1 ~UA~# ; ':p a ~, É -' o.4 Rpes,"9-57 SI No.14, Peteenîe " 8:08 Pm 1l.8 ltet I 6:17 p ris Mailt..........4:20 pm XIled Te Ltudsy.......:856pu KIed PieuLndisy...o...$.87 amn DOMI NIQ BANK. a Ott. Per Paipkage Cigarettes. eRETAIL EVERYWHERE~~,,, tôE.Go *3.00, ~j 5~l~; la Spslng TlIM* egt %ëBlo by usine .*. N6 ather rcmqdyLosme mc e. !cct cleamshmgt h hg ulyu pperties as BurdaocK lodBIte. lt nat oniy clemisses ihtcrsaly.btl heals, when appled enily, IU sorts nicers, bscesseemé,oflozsor blatches, eruptîans, etc., eahg h ia citais sud pure asb.e. Takçn ÙÏteraally it tares afl mobd effe or waate mutter from the mstea»,ý and ýthora'ughlyreguiîatea ts, eg.». oI Um ebody, restcr=ngthet 'stomac iver, bowehs and bod ta hç*#hy muane- m Smpliis, *1,500 00ê A "l~t succesaful tea meetini heid boe. luconnection wki t e c ian churcis on Monday -of' lt -On the i131h speclal services htl hee. es]~ aetth mpr"ached I thetuora1og-Reto v -j t t, Il iiý FAt BA' Ký ReIEst&ste Ooý 0Iwmnot ýSm&sime B ouse lapa lot, CoMhI. of 01114 rnstet~Ilh,~ IIb

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