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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1897, p. 2

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,.~ -s a course cf yer's PIlathe. syatem la set in good working order and a man begins tt ee that Mlà.i worth living. Ile who ha& become the graduai prey of constipation, do., flot realize the friction under which lie labors, until the burden iis llfted trom hlm. '1rhen hi& mountainaslsnk Into mole-' hulis, hua morosenees givea place to jollity, he la ahappy man agin. If 1f. do«s fot aeem worth living ta o iYonYU may take a very difetrent view of It ater taking CORREBPONDSROI Ol*u8utmx Ruias FoP thla muebit mproyeri aud viii accu b.=round again. Mise L4ilieLoee of Pickering, la bore wltb ber tse' Mm. D. W. Kennedy. Misa Robinson, of Toronto, la vlub ber fleuri, Mia Anie Gculd, for a short, 'riait. unr. John W. ora.ansd Mary Ganailn u rivlh Flou falenda for a short Reubon Bawson sud vif, art lu the- City osIllug 1%on Lb. latsor'aa satr, tb. Missées ï@Fat'ne.- 11 James Waddlngten, et Toronlo, vue bore sud at Ashbumn durlug tepasU veel vlr. Ilris. John Rond, soutit cf boro ela luvéry poor bealtsmu- a s aau odiMau bis rooovery la unoortain. Nir. Kennedy and child retuuerihobe Tuoecsy Afer speudlng à fes risys sit ber pOePiclkering. B, P. alpper aud vifs are net expéct- ed baci bero July lOtit, tbey haviug de- oided La xeinritheir trip. Thos. Gibbons bas had bis leur sud f e.d aor porticésd off fron t ho grooory departSmocf bis establiiabusL. W V. .osper bas oomploted paitljthe nov rluak ext.rW&an d nov ho vil do vo, bis energies to beaui(lng b. lu. ide. The. 0. P. R. lifting gang bais orgeaod th. Brook roari sud aren ov orklug about a mutle sat of thé staion. In th. gang'titere are about sizty mon. Jas. 13. Jcbbtt sud Otiarlie lisouab wbeeled to Whftby on Tffldaday wose.te, prcoession andi celebratlon. ,Theaenio.r momber vas aorony equai W ithe àoca- sion. Thoro vwe a public sobool pliue ount* cu ou. ef UabîidPo, on Salurday am wbloh lte baud furulsbed utualo. The gatherie>g vau muob erjoyed by a&U vit An»-effort la heInt made b atart a foot- bal tmm.tTb* b a¶ hbas been proured, aud 'eue or tso meetings bave been NIt' E Ferguson bt aigau uurtd l*. qontort f«r oarrylng the*asl(sa u hmLa cnto Bieivater, vbieh alos. ltaIul coverlsmeul diii not anesl bis fOnnuo- ocutrieltu orderr w give -th Io*,Se. l on.e olis frmond, invua aontla«"po. ed. Tbo*sehool qnution le ajain tote front. lMr 0Rosels ouslviii» t tilit, ou. as#ug la bave the. ntove<l bw toh tohut ot th*loi, aasd the muer ho lanove i ae. Teu.e e pie laso siag l.o hmor. -If b. kad i* ong àWhiri~ea "king tg aiue bibhv om u b t ite ise* Was uoîlodltse re.JI emuamr go-~ r" huerooIlh# Jolis.1 upio a 1 by a a#*ber o<s.es pho Iooh.4 uaisi ttae t Im. joé.W. e . bMêmay 4*14 aseor.ubg neir 'uate. Igr I&i#~ Ma A br4 ugable ýgo but for a drFv. oobo. MiL B l ei home ou thé. ilol liai, but laeloeprc'vlng now and la able to b. out &gain. 1sle Mr -and ri s Thoï Phlipa die fiend8rin tbe ity ou MoDday, Tuesday andi Wednesy. F4ms W H Coltinan Il u p v-sitihg ber motber, as Miobeil, wbo la emiewbat un- der te watber. Charles Goidman of Toronto viaited bis aunt and oncle, lMr &cdl Urs Stephenson over udy A meeting cf tb. Temperante Alliance of Pickerng,will b. bold in teI'omper- suce bail, Brougham, July 8rd, as 2 p.m. AI! întested in the empenco cause are cordially îuvitod 10 ho preet. Oreen Zier,. à numbea, from t be.atLeuded tede. bate as Lccust Hill Monday oenin. W. amre vry- aorry to report thés Miss &uitDoten la in quit. poutr boaltb st Mrt'. Will Hoover, Wite bas been lr icusly ill vitit inflamumation for ute last ve is (eimprov'lng. Mr. and Mt'i. Mullard ipentte Jubiles with te lter.s parentis, lit'. and Mn. Speuce, bore. dr. and Uns. (Dr.) Hepkits&, cf Picker-. ing, vieited th. former% parents, Mrt. snd Mmra Hopkins. V. B., ber. Mrt. sud Mrs. Hloplina and Miss Mina, attondoâ the Whitby saud Lindeay Aise- custion bold lu Port Ferry lai. vel. Mrt. sud lirm J. B. Wurts, cf Stouif. ville, viaited tltraisparents Sondqy, and slira. Wartla in l raîlier poor bealub 4e loienda oamuping oui &long the river vhen th.evoater la fie. l i tvhps hopeo, but s rme ee ef deepair *reca5ts the c omn Of amde of dot. ton Muy thai Consumptlon lain umble. Thomsnda, oft oimaump-0tve beleve thé trouble aud that Ibere la e. ueed tebotiier vlth-uteidsle."ERoth are wrong. ýCo.mmiptl la the mest 4,al ef diseuses bat It la "Betu tly combe". t h«as Iale.tien, liha ail other vatngdis. ease. luin sorders et the digestve otîgu.,ý and te firat step towards Its cure mua ib. the relief cf these disordera Niuety.eight pet'cent. ef aU cas e o. sumptionanare vded by.Dr. Plerce's Golden- Mell-Discowety. ThoautA'dn ris - cou. umptives bave testfied te thefr eoneplete sud permanent recovery thro na4 i'a suter they Weie given op by theb. ail hope wusrune. It corecsil disordeip cf tht digestion, makes assimIlation =eact filae tht blood vlthe Uiceiïgee .that bulld vp, mew, am and beaelh sesm, su "tgdlrectly upon lt. lunga dives eut all disesse-germi. IL la a eOeeSe o ai tingerlng, bïouchial, throat sud laug toi ha" .beceLrteUd 'ltI t*dW«"skm "d d wlites 00eoH.9fmater., uqi, oetvat-s rd t Mm" te lest twe'Mlt auth Ifle th eu reietl bave Mu*o.ch troubie. àbave rnoe S1emed 'r- I. I nk <om 'i 4* I11t~~% £11 IIIu~v is the buying of 'Tires your bicycle- dOllals t for that you think you ýsave when you buy hferior tires that you have ver-y grave doubts about-good..horse Sense that you- display'when you pay the additioflal difference in first-cost and get- Electric Tires with the herring bone tread. A pleasînîg feature In con n ection 'with'Electric Tires is that the longer you ride , thern the better you likethemr for besides being strong, resflirnt anddurable they neither sflp nor throw mud, OnR wete greasy roads or pavements. Che rider rode 8,8oo miles Iast season on a pair of- Elidtrîc Tires, and ini the end shy howed but slight ,eviden Meof wear.e C#djK -a t'M or@I**cb1lthw (N ouxvejkAwie"&,Ibl csa»dae4 u bLh Isqrost. '490 atampe wnthbueradreaafor .ead by rétc alI li.sld I'ne1*121M The oothétlb.ater lu Lak. Simece la Match.blghortan t. levol of Georglan itl pt e byaformàtion aci thie wook- lhè 1lie ceuiri be-lowered aev eol, fout Ono or tvo foot wouldm-uale tauda are4, 0mnd. bouasni fmorts of ia~ u Wiutt ' limbr cutr b e - mtod. RingauriNevauarkolScoils disoueser ti emater on Frday. wvio Is Wb# dodd ohii elr6ulate petitdela nau ts.e to*ieo foi signainrea praimgups iii. On"*a ** Gnqnuenttoi berut water. Tbopotpilo0ne are o be rosou.d at the e e t of t tie Ontario Lois ons Saurday ham a telephonoss e tut r.e#tà4, onalbe QlliM ntea 4- Tb*oak u» or' chi ie Of CuI4 K.o.aue B.. wrIt.sr UL.eII.Aeke, Vesee.Aehea.1585 l'iuium, ?#uaisfeWeISa, p,~iu ta 55* 5t4s, et.. FIOlatipI ~OW~4 054 ~We4 ~ Tue "o. & L." Mèi~thoI Plaster w,',,, T he c ere ot passas. B U G g~$ S<UZ<ilvg Im beu t dical book ever publisabt& tu H P @ P 1Wn Wi». pler c otase ca .I~8~~#8Yé t*18 book bave bEc eod #for $ipsbM*- >It Tt ttout'treaeute< e1 be a4,'h Mteu taupsa ot l>,oD 31uury McdIoetAesodatlen sno N. -T., to tle et ef custeut ad u;ai" "IV. -if______ lu lmt"b ladbn a dslrcd @=4d3p ome. cen Itsi .%uo » AsprgUUs oit Toat. .aa tinbo"e*ni m To cook asparagus pare thse rut of ts the Us, s*UisweI an lûýbvadltwa, Isdeailom ay.,, lte bundIes lu a ocucqisubutea =lsyaongtoder WUIof " o 01 asa eoas n têbthelwau« bouet. IHat a pem, sl~m l bo& vkh eco e vit tisa Isparas range it onoib. w %j ~A (Coup«y Coutcil Cmnhd.> Part oatm that. th4*f Mr. Johneton believes titan anI edu. eumed by ta ctional campaign hould be gone into alwayu oppeff on titis question, and if we do flot get tion oftti nw information how are wC ta go into tuiiied elear another camainwlthout anything Mr Geroi further to=iybfre the people. concluded t Mr Warden King said there is much very great q Infomation that should be obtained lie (Gerowj Upon this question, but he does not step now ble Bee why a large sumn, or any sum, of casion o p Iony should be spent in obtainifg question sol enoughl information to convince every- it a fine roi body that we should have a house of venience. refuge. Belicves that if ratepayers away such *ere mnade aware how the poor are -hundîred de eglected, the vote of the people it up. At zould be in favor of a home for the this noadi oor V e should have a cormittee there is no0 appointed to work at ibis question, and j ury done rkeep it in agitation until such ure as w ho teari we conclude to have such an institu-_ they ray tion. he road w Mr Webster said he would be m-il- pi it to ling to amend is motion so as to ne edi it.. limit the expense. The cou Mr Christie said a very harmless this view. motion had been passed tree years ago appointing a committee in the same wa y aE is proposed now, ançi it Mr. WC had cost $5 or $6o ta get out of it. no motiol -Hedoes not believe there has been bring up, much change in people's minds since but woul 1895, and will flot support this motion with the if the work of the comniittee is ta cost has notic a cent. levied fo Mr Johnston-How -are we to edu- toalierai4 tate the people on the question ? pectatior Mr Christie-Go througb the county county on a speech-maklig campaigfl. legisiatti Mr Webster put a rider on his mo- wereth tion declaring that the conlrfittee would ci shal make no expense. tur. Mr Coulthard saici le bas alwaYs ing uli suppotted the scherne of --aving a certain1, Shome for the poor. His expel'ieflce as vagençe a ailer and in other public poiins Mr has erabied him to forai stIrOng opkn- tb m ions on this question. lié belleves we (financi could establish a home for the poor wa I here sufficient for ail purposes for less Làa ty, than Sîooo. Hie eaw sucit an institu- than w tion in Ottawa, as would suit bere. ward There was a ten acre farn ij'connec- $1.0oo tion witb it where vegetables and me flowers are growrn and it wolks well. -makie The mistake other counties bave made last ye is in experidiiig, normous sufis taOty make buildings, ýw1rch cost big suins urer annually for repaire. and require men Mr. at big salaries to maniage them. Hie observation leade irlmto believe that tiC thie bigger salary you give a man the 824,0 lese he will do. It wOuld take tw been servante to wait upon a man who drew Mr.i a $,000 alorY. cil d< Mr Gîllespie saye tbat since the re- solution bas been sa amend cd as taOyr permit of no expense it would be well dm0't .to paso the io ;ionl, and let the coin-C niittee secure al the intorniation Pos-1 time sible to lay before the council at theco Januay sesion If s$cieit iform ation cati be secured to conVtfce the council of the necessity of a bouse of tiis refuge -a good work will bé done. eo The motion was then paseed. of1 ROADs AND BRIDGES. - Mr Gerow tead the report o! the commttt e n roads and bridges, as fo1low&S.of O* s te H VomieScoomtsskmer, orr .< ýt ,iîfvsood ai Ta-M..OL.UNe! biC.R

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