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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1897, p. 4

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Ail Leaf Ea Churoh'8 Inseot 10c. per'Tin andj FR ESH eROURO HE F10851 [oglish Par J. E. W/LtL CBEMIST & MEDICAL : BROOK ST., WHITBY, JULY Short Netas. A ma n amed Hall et iser slept three years, except interi minuteu when h. la aroused te ishment. It la reported that tri future torls wil eaSy attend te affaira close retiremeat, and that the Princess ef Wales wlll b. at the social functions of the state. * %i ltm té:&dtt a W- ë W contry roati ovér * Sli ie ley O~r Tii. ocldoua e lot ofM-teikbig»'iout thse boua.eof lduery, but vh4.:dooê ai] '~ ameanI I. Marly of th* te mbeis secmreo voMtes tact januM7r by proni09ti t.1 Ou witb uch àa ce oe utd a piei t . the. couuty ralepayene abu n tal*d sQo . This vus ouly a devi e t eI«wd tingIi5c. and nov i.. ethe rs vnonwile deelaninî Iiey aure eronaiiy ted bol for t, are fl> Ilfl :Sdut tiit îey idtfrb a rOWu6I'a poPb hequestion for lie cake cf Votes. Tbuy bati better ado Pt Mr A Jonton'emd- sie'ad uo-bome sud resîga, sud let soe in Buk. rrsonb. elected w v i viinot seit bis liberty et action for tiie sake of the office of counilj ceuncilor. go farnsanInidcations go thic sys teinetofttng votes bis siielvedthet .qués- nn~r ten luefiaitoly, for eue migit as ucil b. a LIan.woode anincoucil an, te bbis poe o liesi andi bloond and uttle braina, andi yet net h. able le use any ef these attributcu or thc relietof dictress. It la unilkely thai is G1880 thon. viii b. suy borne fer lhe poor until lis reei dextenous candidates caune longer catch~ votes by declaring themselves personmlly la tîvor et mcci an institution lu erder le nope lu the. people vie vaut eue, and at bbc saune ine holding for i pleblicite te aeccre the support efthtose opposeti to ItL For several peins vilat Mn. Tho&s. Tre. learca vas neeve et Beaverton be besi.gcd DRUOGIST, tic county council lacessaatlinl favor of havlug tic Tonneau Land ystein of latnd HALL, titi.. and regisînation Introdureti lu Ibis contât.Mr. Treeaven uns many Urnes ne- WHITBY . buffed, but woulti pot devu. Tii. tih wus ohieurt, and bis conscience voomi give Firts ne rest. He kucu et very many people wbo could neyer b. certain ef ticir vestod rîglats In retS esîie util th.y iad Tornent titles. Kuoving this Mn. Trelcîvenaleipt on the acicute, uept ever lb la pnivate, ate and ci. drank sud madce ath upon il, aud usd have dieti for ih iad net lie council lu à mo- ment et ucaknutslistenedto ilm'. A tomn. - -mitýeetuatappeiated ho Sud eut hou tht Terreau syutem coalti b. stated bore and 2, 1897. aitioughîthecocmmttee nccornrended Ut.i counci I te bave neîiiing ho do wihi le.Tor- reîs nonuense, tic ativice vas net adopted. Very teolishly th. councîl lîstencti to thie persiutent Mn. Treléaven, sud nov bbe big , Midi., ban buis are con n for paymenb. The Ton- rens farce han ee on for oven a yeux, sud -vals of Ilfteen an'et neither Mn. Treluaven noer aay of tic recelve neur epFve y 0WouId net b. happy 1111 tbey got Shiave pplet for its gildetideeda. Se fan aan , b. accu lb ould have becnasan eli Queen Vlc- on better te have givon lMn. Treloaven t3oe re et state lu or U4oo te shut up aud go berne, sud net in. ePrince adm eati Otui etimi nuisance On ltictxpayera in ob ,,nt& etofthe couuty. A big agitation vas ralaed a feu ycmrs aie by rn;ny Canadien politicians agalnst ne- celilg ilet frem the. quean; but lu this yeur of jubiiecmai the big guns anc crmsy te beoe nugitea nd tiose vie bave beon everlooketi are nid viii dsamppointmnet. A poliicienlu Ibis age eolie vorîti thinka nothlng et taling eo tn= andi doiug tic other sud people are. onn se tot suchIlncunssteucles thet titoy narvel net at auytiing. The greatest naval dlaplay' ever een van nide by a cominlation ef Britisht vmrshhps off Porsmouth ou Satas'day lit, tien bolung tvcuby 5v. nlet oflro4cimdelauthie show. Suci au aggrogaîlen of powernls simpiy ip- paiiing le anyoe v ie thle remoteal ides cf the destructivencss et lie modern armer- cd uhip. Some eft leeéabipé cool as higi as thnee andi a hait million dollarsansd the. repaire, lie coallng aud maning cf *Il tisese ship uen tanmiaucei se and asystem cof management lia Dire of Whlch la unhuard et and unknova. Tic Dominion pmliameutwusa prorogueti ou Tueaday. Previcua te lihe adjounarent Sir Oliver bleuit sud Sir bachenale Boveli pitcheti up a bargain tiat'lie Goverumont' ianet le go on viti lie deai ultihie Drum- moud Cenuay railvay, audthiat au investi- gation Inte tic bargain la te be beitidoret session. During thc discussion Sir Macken- zie Boveil dccimred itai he vas net vorklag ln conuectilcuvith thle Ct asenvative leaders lu the lieuse -of Comment lu Ibis metter, taI lie isi a ti' spoken te Sir Charles Tu ppur once mince lie session opuncti, anti bati net apeken le Mn Poster for oven a year. This satement createti a muigit sensation. The. fouse et Commentsud Sonate am nol agneedt tseudays..Tiers ire sntme rail- vay duais Su tise Province of Quebec viicb are veny suggestive et Mn Tarte, vioe naneatBie.@moleiseuhau n y chut Lii- cra l i te gstrtlsof thie Consenvatives. Tic Seate caset be Inducedtote atif y tise demis nti by luvectigatlon 1h cau bu ascer.. lainedi whtier ornaoî hhey ure Jobs anti thon. las adiock beîuee.n the vo boups. Tii. GlichetireaienedtheIbmSesaI. andti ti.ageti gentlemen oft laI ciamben bavs e ptd te chtallenge, as didthie house of Orslu EnglatuL ie heCommonc passeti a dis taiteftlHaroue i.biul hIhot t i consad. cnaîlon. Wilee S.curnty appeara tilapsut le strougly support théie bngoerumenti tiere là s gonoral expression oet 4wfotiooe ever thie dotestIng ofthtie Drutamouti oeuaîy nmiivay demi. County lCouuciior Gleudlaniug lanst«Mion Ccîces. 'Wanden Chis Kiug bau prusdtioertt yuar'u conucilt i grealefficiemcy »anti dg. niy. *Ou Tiumstay aternon tise coudliorsu cieni snd trèlScarer esjoyeti a caiti onLakte Ontario tu Principal Waqiu cs t. The stattuts cempêes tie ooumty cealt. l>.y <eut aet$oeooto is$tooFo f13.000 Il t esaby >IMBibmeuh y0«4 nie WardesaCt.ê«d Treuure« à0cu dioat&Uslsthe o 0Smly by 0etleg Mueisyiuela astaAM it oulibe doat tic igit lae 1% Tie unssuslaa ttIyear oil tbe mmy Beatty oo or 5 da - Tbis lm anae tlsa ye S *ltle à Iium ow forddup. Tiseru vote si 1uèaM.meet s l WkItb7 TevuLeaI The North Ont. Blco».. mcl.eod vs.Noble. On goingte opnes ve bave rcelved Dve tIsaItie application lu caci couyt ibu been dismet, vithbcote. Thea Trp of the.baises The. Whtby Hlgilazd Cub l rmu 1he excursiou .1 the. ssou te Niagira Falla on Wedmesdsy, July - 41h. That date ls th. beal lIme et lb. year for a mil on thc labo, and the <4ly highlanders bave nover yet kaiîle t w a*a cut te nythbng, uer to ententain the cti ieu lie y gel il. Tuoe. vieattend thoeauai smoking cou.- ceron ti iclub. ndno tte br guarauîco etflthe lime tb.y viiihave. Ail abeard for Niagara on Wedmuda7, .lIy 141h, Aft Sehool aaualatMs Tii. reporta ton tise Provinclal examlnation la draulng anc out, and vo note lie totiou- nss -Whitby Coiegta-te Insttt, 78 pntntary course certlfcates, z2 adivanceti course certificates, 1 certiflcsîe la mecbanlcai course. rNbothen olegte maituto lu tho province mikes a better sioviug. Ontario Ladies Coliege takes :r primnantes, r ceitifi este lua atvaucetcourse and i pecilertifi cat. eaci ln valet coton, olu colon, and china LkMe sva 1c Before Police Magltrato Harper on Tues- day nigbt Henry B ichi e ar Brookcii u a chargeti by TioS Li&lie uitb ussault. Il vuaes arae a sgravaS pt. Geo Lititie ouns tise at: m cpietby ichie,anti W.e given Gac Eligit, mati overseer purMlao*. bo go tolcki.'s mmd laul Crsel Ir;m a pSt on lise tari. Etgit vent tfere uitb hb$smms, butl athle b.d cRtaid orklnge t the Dhkr e aus ulong andti d h gxe He tso procedetgo0 «d«rtiensail ofltiepiace, igtavase, tsret ~mley vllh Bickie, U1*0< im is tisa le uile'. penmlsslot a» bie SgOer liaI as sai o vereeS tup bai e oies rtgbt te take grave! f(mmt any urie, sMdtbat if »Y daimagi"versdom. tie tousuIa4 ouitihave t eNIl. Diabl, c& ati itIwwult m o Hie w»acm sglnto il.lo t of danuega lo bedom MdsU tienIvo go to lavte colet . ut veut ltat' pt e uat tif mon omet, mui1tdeslLdite tbere Ws procee tiet ue . rat. Itl eb bue. eatet Cbat tilu Is l ed sbet.eeaa dou, ast! l kiasutiMW*lghtud Mrgue the malter oMaIand sul.W* . it - di e st boIsasse thse pie udse, vier.l. e"d becs Ieoselsp "tii ge !.. - wai lit uve01MSM d claîta t. ing ethéii r«4 bu t Liti .jenietloes, bapou ï&ichitit huionca thlie mc1 ulg mar k b vi wusa«ciM 'visible uthe tis 5.. See0<bt tiser W4i lilotila Dkkie'eoye. andt abc h vld met talc00tise ige, eutu l;1* 00Il tvO ÙM 181V 16 PUni 1.54e wMaup n eppe In tise l no lu Persoe < ot aumof BkWeprmbuGlllI S«raytou doétLddW.be e 1~, 3t8, t~ï tire e rnulI b.,ition eery y nsarliy w eenca 'i the*Wiiand ouwif W#ter eeaactiy be. InteedO L M oo bitser alostlbe a ftýe ttaeIp *1thesud $ni bt o'are f.lot s ba ttt et i im e W eIlarlyweBey. d b ung, nmon , Iis wer x1 t là 10 theren ore liianditaluton the oer i.o Ïf theotaécis te Mgoaly e but facre c ca ln and sei e t Ibis at ire cf thriîste iuad ofonSte terside as l e. lt, or ca el tt. I l dretly abovt.ii.su te l. seîdg post i n er ot utioôt laone ecou ei M Ses tir. ie ta oficbcusetof gt ide icous pad es on. ts ftect aide as o- thé emeb. lauy people, boethout t t.now b., et te u herehuanae t aee ýwben there wiii b. at change ln the moon, iand tien look for a change lnt the voilier 1 at thait 11.. A ubttie Investigation viii show !that there la no0 sîmosphenie connectlen b.. btwecn carth and moon, and besies hbese eplànets kecp tb theur respective courses. If the mnSs course casses It te be beve tii. horizon *ben the su" sets, lhe nev moun wiii hoid water ; 1itat çiter -aide St wili net 1bold vater. Tii. old fallacy-ls îiaat on. or fthe. other muant nain, and ve forget vicb, There le, heo#ever, ene tblug about the moon whSelu vives us au iusigbt lfote e weather for a day or twe., A new moon là usuilly tiret seen near lte western herison ln the sveuing. People are carefful net te se. t even Ibeir left siloulder at Ibis stage, 1lest îbey may bave bad luch tir a mouth. Il te atunosphere la bauv lhe ucu mocu rnay ho red, as the iau often lSa; If the air le clean seo wiii the mcci b..The. ibidte dit upon the moon in by aelng ilt trougli tic attuos- plier., lie moon beiug alwayu thesanme celer or ratber baving no more coier Su kt than the earth bas, except uhen reflectlng th. suc's raya. But the. simul caut upea tthe meon by seeing Stt hrocgh ay atisosphere, enables those vie are observant ltonnrmaun, idea ef the weatiier fer perhaps a week ln advu4pce. But l itheti. ffeo he i.atinospher. upen the. meon. net tie eftect ef the moi upon the atmosphere. The very smre 8111e ef affairaecalitas regards tie sun. &iier thc !»n or moon er carti chiher go.. forth or touthoe t S eorbit, oc îfIls nonseuse te talk about the meon being e far orth tiSa mestb, or etir meuth theo udt menti. The. meen keepa gtoing round and round tic eartb once every 28 deys, aud lie eartb keeps moving round the smu once every 365U~ days, Tins t cau b. a...thaI liey never reîsa ite smre position tbc oiir for any eagîii of lime-net even tir a second. Noue ef them can change a baira'breadti fremi ït courue, or orbit, whethor thc weather bc bad or gond. Latete b.jusW.ddluga On. of tb. pretticat Jueweddlngs.er celebrated lu Wiiilby was abat' on Wcdnes- day morntng lu Ail Salutd churcb, vien Mn William Georgo Ml1tcb.II, of Toronto, vas marfild le Miss Minnie May, only dmughaler of Mr ndmiMn WmTill, of thus tom a. ppc.ing on the Imat day of the monthr of w.ddings, june, th. sun burst tire' tthe stores clouda ut as lie bride' steppodetrom tb. deer et ber herne and vith ber fa*t tar ted for lhe cbunt a Sitle ater eleven.o"clock, andtihua tie veather cierk and fithen tisse vere lai a ouesplracy te mareth. conditions as suspicions--ls pos- sible. Tih. cbaci bad been beêu<Ifuly de- coraîud by the, ladies of tie oengrégétiou. Tof tii. spiritcd mumic of a saleC#=on frein Lohengrin, ithe bridai party eaaif l aite. uhere tii. groom vwih i isb au Mr Hhvant 13Cernes, et Pontirerrý ahiat- ed by Mr. Anhbuw TîIi, of Itotooto, rclb. of tiibnide, voe élà- wdIUng ~Tue brides- naaid..vene tdeafty prolly, hblionde sud brunew beeuty -artistlcaýIl>e potrastint. Tiiey vere Miss Dottie IAn, O f Tor"n- te, mmdUita 0Olve Rs n t, aof the bride;,of New York. Mr W =Itaaotflo- routos acled as usber lu movteg gues t hbeir tais la lIe bticb. IHe"n Mo vau eaug vil e i rial prt yemtred.Rev. .5 bald, 1 uaub en Al# S-Oak*, pet. fomdt ceeuony. Wboo tise beautiful seris vwas doue and tic regisaralottmode lu hb*esuy theorgan pealedott le oyfut] strasof Mendebuobn!s weddgMs tch as as- --deA- s__ ul -" A mat ---oA- ç~petse. JfhLIU JE !EL RT jýPatterns to- Select Fromn, 1 Notoher One Half the Assorti + A Il the Newest Designs.*i'- South Ontario will ShowY ment That We Are Showiflg t1 We bave the Newest Patternsein ALL WOOL CARPETS, UNION CARPETS, TAPE STRY CARPETS, B1~U8SELS CARPETS, TAPE STRY and BRU SSELS BORDERING, TAPESTRY STAIR CARPETS,' HEMP STAIR CARPETS, ALL WOOL STAIR CARPETS, and CAIIPET LIMINGS.i A18o a Fine Auortment of LACE CURTAINS. 0ur Tailoring Departent MMO We have secured the services of Mr. Wm. Skitch, a gentlemn uwho bas had large experience in Port Hope and Belleville and- who je favorably and well-known as a Firet-clase Cutter. He je now in charge of our Tailoring Department, and we Guarantee every garment to please or no sole. L veyour ordeir with us for a Suit at $10, $11, $12, $13, $14 or $15. ANDREw Fancy China. A Large Stock of7"8"W Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chtamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Alway8 G roceries. 0.0. Relable. AT GIBSONS LASI so' Days. DAYSO 80 Days.1 îT'at means you bave only 30 days more to buy goods from, ~~ ~ W D ROS S.ë t' .-.~Aeu t t bie sek vilie aid eubloc *a e rate en Use dolla.- Dwaang -,tise _- days 1 willi oeU -Dry Gootiu, Clothiug. eut.. regadiee o! cea, as - tier for CASa~ OomeoigSaturd&y'NexJuly, Srd.1 iquote pric a A tS10:-ttbl5 ki*d 18<3801088as wtEbouedi t o-,U ai corn I hvoih u<~oL tok ! wshg~dsluWlaltbY., PtdailCrupols, lMuiust bïrudeucý' Bïïlantloom,' /A=uSiks, uc. -ail siev ox t or lIDM lTaIMMED, MATS AT HALF.PIICL- 1 t..m à1r jhàa..e.- m t WL u ga in Here I's a Good Thing. Varicty the Largei! Qualiiy the Choic&it I Prices the Lowegt. iare the three points which lesd the FURNITUEE trade. 'Re-upholtering doe on shorteet notie E.J.. JOHINSON, Brock St.- --Whitby. Good Pasture to Lot. Tle undteigued ha& good posture for cattleor boises Ou tii. tear Of lot 23, Y3d CO%- cession, Wiiitby Township.- Plenty of Mode aud runing waîer. A l y to J7. B.- D039 Soliekor, wbltby. Str. Gadoncit Friday tripe bt to Lueva fi' rn imi ROuu tWip ô*50 cepts. on Saturdays lhaveé Torotoât »I P.W. for xcuaIm o N 1 bbyi, ew4oi8wManm vIll an aaNefwcuAâfl.. FA.tr.wWbitb7 b ,Toronto «adreotuna 30 ents. T~caags Stick- Pins, Brooches, Medals, Badges. ISpecia1 designs for prizes for Athietie games and schools. -T- J.S. -Barnard's, afl-'WHITBY. OMotal County Orgau.-Largest Circula- lion of any local piper in Canada FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1897. Sale of remrnauts ni hait price at W G Waiuers', Saturday JUlY 3. Mn Jarvis, et Detroit. is in Whitby spend- ing her holidasawith her mnouer, Mrs Luire. Neal Wedneaday the Mcdii property, near Claremnout, wili bc soid aitih Royal betel bore. 0ur ice crearn parior wilho open -duning the season uith bie best et ice creant. D. Mathison-if. Pst Geeban uho is 50 veli Icuevu about toua bas rcturued from the vest uhore he -bas beca ince liai fait. Toronto had a deficit et $1000 frotm us jiiie. Tic city gave a cheque for lb, but Ia orden te make a clearance 0f al nom- î'hoeS nanti ve bave naniced tien do oa btnoti pnice for Saiurday, Juiy 3 ai W G Wmltors'. tmul The. motiedist Scnday sclsool viii net carri bold thein excursion 10 Grimsby on uluy 12. egi "the date bas-been ciauged ho Tcetdsy Aug rnn :3rd. Strai Maister Roy Harper, sou ot Mn Irvel Wàk Harper, ot Lansing, M iciiS ber. on a visit là -t b is grandiparents, Mn and Mlra Major listIt H4ar>er. blet MnJuno H Lavis bas madie an asigumneat Hej -for thi.benefit et bis creitors te Aui ouy 'louman Esq.-aud h.19 effecte wlil b. offeret alo -for sileone Frld»y, July 2ud. ton welc A meeting of tho Liberai.Cousenvatives f« -of Pickerng tewnship vili be hoid tia ha.l Broughiam on Smtrday, Juiy 3rid ah 2 p. m. con Th8 meeting viii be addnessed by Mesurs. clu IL Smîth;, Wm Smith, ox-M.P., P Chriîstie, Tl-. I Jua Bnigii sud Cbas Calder. p Sergt Lawrence Bogart, son et Dr Bogart cou -cis ta lwis, bas ccessully passeti bis cua -fi:î1 ezaminalleonataItle.Royal lililmry fort ý,-C llcge4 -ICingaton. Ho stood feurt ntl v oi dr of merit ou total Martciug. lu take naaitias andi mechanics, heooaleeti à lu ', . cfonificaîlon atsdmrilllary engine- e, -, hird ; lu milihary topognmphy ardlt clïvii snrvoyloagscetsd -,lu physica, third; ch ilÉ ciemislny, Ibinti; sud in freeimnd sud ce The tiSSeront foin oxantInations ef tIi, -CoVegiate Insîitute viiib. ýbod as flles;- Forer zuly2_dt;.Foras 2July 5-. Formse anti 4 J uly,7. '-For âany'luifrmaton Inquire «t ,oftb. prlcpal,, Mt Jon Waugh#i.i -Bzcu s wtc o 0 uepb. 3tmg ; ,taýatiercotumu aur,,resders vili fiuitihm lb. tmnad table and ;tares for au excurfsion l9M ýxbe *,det Parm noxî Tucïday, uInder the . û ýaUsaplecuorf lb. Farinte'. nsttute. Thse -ai are *cry l*',thc fare oGuelph beiusg !oWer by far tien' holiday rates frein tlie- ý.ýiÏôtb tToont. e à t > . ed tat-jon «_Lsvs.yuag fau' Mr» visitti The. ces w atloDu Mr1 en Stu of Mr, Mr gallerj day. Mmu and Fi ers ati ing ex Ho mlv this y To Ro T v t0 geec Idcaliti April1 Jubileu we scribel date.4 narnes The lexcuri jsteami ~partic On' hoatC His nu the ce sonet The reside carpl pickoi had Oue r a pac fon thi Thg anran Fanai cali a Fuily mnatie Au A soi trocs te lui insec did b iugly miss Tu et dui su c g il nu 1< i. n 8 15 I b House in CARPETS, CARPETS? TAPESTRY Le neau 01 ail 1 j BRUSSELS CARPETSY me

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