; 1t~4; ijmolu 4; jtily 9; tising june Session cf Co. Council and vacaricy ln Agricultural College, $3; Port Perry Observer, advr. of June Ses- si-m anti jubilce day in, echools:, 7; Cannington eleancr, adv.. itmnelisession of conneil, $2; S M Noaton, do., $2: Port Perry Standard, do., $2;- Uxbrldgc jlournal, adv Jan anti june seesione anti jutiileb day 'in echeols, $9>; Pickering News, adiv.san andune sessionsý ant aancy 1i~ cultût.al College, ' Shnderlad Standard, atir June sesson »: ;, tire C4ROWlCLUC, rdv jubilee day le schoole, $5. Tie report was passeti. $100 TO THE seAIRDEN. On niotiqe cf Mr Gerwose 10wua ordere t t ho paidth Ve Warden te cover bis dlisbursements for tie cur- nteyar., anti thet tic tianku of tic -èouncil b. -heby tendi!redti eChas. ing, Csq., for tie, able :andi Impartial mDasser len wbhhho bas duclgcd bie dutlpg as Warden et tic county. Mr Clcrk Faroeell put tic motion anti It wsma arniétunanimously.' 1 Tic Warden thanketi the counsil ta a very neat speech. :A i tis stage of tic proccedlnge un] Invittion seusreccived fItem Principal W 'h o, f tic Wbitby coleglat. insti-' ltè,l.ienjoy asii on Lake Ontadloiii As tics bonu'r* sda owing laîe the ceuncil accepte the i nirlat0A s"d abd journedti fr icday. TIIOPIIY FOR 34T«1 UATTALIox Mdr Gillespe saiti hé underst*Anti Major__Rutldtie atd'Cpt. Hendcrse *re reseta ôaddreu the oci e -~r -Xrigaftalrs of thre l and otoved %bu t liefbe IÃMd,- s i t 3 le dilsessing tic report'tic *an aid ho noticcal tiat 38 Prlsoners been Ini tic jail sInce january.1 eport shouiti shose shethor 1h07 m lcea eifor crime, for lusiac pauperlst>. Ho tid ncol ikc î<> b tho lIçfr4ntion procW1ai4brosd1 38 crimne bati been ccimmnted lu cou n:lib à five motithiSiknowing.1 m-c ai sud> is Deothei cae, Atter omc discusion St wua tba jr Coultiard btlng In a M later, dgo»ung seuhcdipri»9Ilr. cionfineti ýfor. Adjous'nodte diinet, met ai 2o'dock. Mr Chisltie broueit up the, fitm- oi thé comnikico on 409eacas Mr.c .111 bht la ube ast ptoth olloIfset1.Rwnsà 4 poot ).40Vdo yfui-Ct 1ini*et * e closed Oûtl ut th fmiai *c' ~~ iu-Iéthe te hô1e Ibà tâ1îoi am o âûtoîtm od pbp"s 1o doubt the Oficets will Pms tqsl e1 Bui il la hard tO keep 'riilU DA~1NOON' hab le& CSUP t6,the standa 'a. Cou0jncjIl get-at 1io oclock. <p>iw, In thé Brltlsh a A latter wus îead from Alex Bruce lof(icer le wealthy and, can afford ta .S1III tobe aldeigt pys alry P # ptnid large somas to keep up bis coin fute rom his pay on gccount of Wéhie a bnnequs's ed the bctase hei î. beleg off duty through lilness.Auacnqêcehe atllne Mr ebser eada ptiton f rom the obliged b ajpfroah publie bodies hav- town of Uxbrldge, fiskln~ a grant f rom ii f sato comieaz i andak for the county, 10 assist Lbuilding .a 1grafti. Halo 12l onilalw bridge across the pond on the line b.- Its battalion $100 Pet a u1ntc :ween Uxb 'à e town and township. days' drill. NorthuruIlafld allows 25 Adoredo dinner. Cents per day for each *volunteer,, forune The deputation then withdrew. ArTsRNOON SESSION Mr Gillespie said he-was Much im- Met &t 2 oc1ock. pressed by the remna,'kS of the deputa- Mesors Harman and Foster appeared tion. Hie believes k would be a great as a deputat ion f rom the board 01, mistake to allow Our county militia educatlofl of the town of Uxbridge. force to go down. We are flot in lm. on motion of Mr DowaweC1 they minent danger ci war, but we cannot were heard, and adcressed the counicil' tell what the future may bring, and lt in favor of the grant askcd for in the would be weilite sce that OUr forces 01 re tton read at the (renoon session. defence are well organized at ail times. tey claimed that the woek cf build. He has feit highly pleased at the re- ing and maintainiflg the bridge ini ports published cf i h 3th battalion, question was Iegally a charge upon the, and ,noved that a trophy not exceed. county. ing $75 be purchased by the cou nty t< Mr Christie introduced and carried b. competed for In rifle praCice by thq through a bylaw te raise the nec-essary ditierent companles cf the battalion, money te deftay thec expenses of the the trophy to remain the property o county until thec miner municipalities thecocunty, but to be g#en teipor scnd in their rates in the fal. ily Into the Possesuiôn of the compan: Mr Webster gave notice that on to- lust winning it. ,morrow he *111l move for a coMnmItcc The motion was seconded by M to gather up information ward repiOtt Glendinniflg and carried. upon the advisability of establishiiig a ÇOJT al$TY. Ad > for tileporithis cofty. Mr Couithard broug i.the repos Adjourned loro theda.o c committac on county propert) FOURTIf DAY-FORENOON as folcws: Met at Io e'dlck. 1 orderig parniebtt of acemuta 0. lowi Mr at.nts Ruticdge, mayor cf Whit- ÀÎl Alio 00 e i;,R S Cormack, itatic byowbhl «Y h(chmb« (n aMJeiestS r ;Recmrttotis for coiwuhboa r h.tow, blui inthechaber onmo-at ubf«. 6 1; RBates repaire to court roe fiofMr, Chiieeho e wainvlte7d to #i,4; Grass & Grabhadware for-tou taiote, a st beide Uthe Warden, and ac1 bouse repil. $9 46; A C W118so11. paibtil cepte thehoeo' wkhthana, ounlii mont, $35u>; EJ osir carp the htici Puition chandelier for court roc MrChristié introduceti and carried 00 ~5; RE5 Cornat suples for Mr.lardal through a. bylaw tb râise money by way ofice, . 1...a. ahia$1.53to jude Dai of loau rl om 'the bank to defray the '0811[f« PoII8 0 showlestbattller tepo county's expenses until the rate cornes famaleis 6 ott~ ughablétobcaI, 35 oal d ln frous the mirior municipclities in thé 'The Sscot f kseplng thedi W atifitOh petrd9 fali. -4COnnnrliteeulS )ou ipsM - go oder, ê.d Adjourfled for dinner. c; 'n hthe4nlIl esld i., days' psy h. allow-dNtuney Deuce durlot tU ArrERNOON SESSION~. of Motes.. 6. Givnx «edut to camtakeruni for clamaandi ordtriy este eof court bouse a SECOND REPORT ON EDUCATION. preiiiiie.1. Ord*f1D8paytiuent of $za,, queeu' nl ntetfcr staIoneryto be ofSmà , Mr Gillespie read Uic second report sena Là anti Systemii, and $ $5o tw Bprt &Ri from the committee on Education, staticom 60 mÃ"800111t. " li1 dci staticg that Mr Watt, a member of Scot lien ho saîtafies c«Veri a h. su art orret. 8. That ti P th xbridge echool' board, hac! leit moi bose . 9That crpy or onicpal wc the coanty, and his place would tlius h. rdu'rsd for isacli enaber cf ooucty coui become vacant, and recommeiding le. ThaS churman Couthard an t L Cari» that another bc named in his place. blive pows? 50 to ted to court Ib ue repi The ortpao1h Mtise ntft coucl inesae0. Ter5p tpased. 1% t ja.n surgoon ho e qeestetito keep a suU Mr Gillespie lntroduced andi carrieti of meIlcines £1 )Ail Man%0l te isaue Prsa through av-ylaw appointin .bno lbùie,- t058. n Thaint suite of ciothSs epircl cf Uxbridge township, ta 911 Mr Wat's as onnds4t.soa. chetaIs wuirlof peaitiaf'.- dot nd15Ct55it~aowlng on *dWwhat chu posiion éd "edkoWbed t m atI dmfoio REPORT ON PRINTINO. âuleaesqmo 4 nestesi Mr' Dowswtlt4iad a report frons the fttd t wfs ig* t aWu Prestes lt iempt;à sulcide i'r. anucti ", s, psrjuy X, a Printingcommlttee orderiing payment 1 h ci f hur lIceusi sose , gahop " as foibirs: Oshawa Reformer, a ve>1. .,auplvng liquor toý ialan lcey Si Sb te S ly po lau, PBrUe, sV2!O P, liart,#pirtv 522 Isl 17; Oct.17 Pltty Vears Âge. ?btla i the stamp that the letter bore Whlcb carnied the story far and wide, 01 certain cure for the loathsome sore That bubbled up i rom the talnted tide 0f theblood below. AndtwaIvsAyera came And his sarsaparilla, that ail nov, know, 'Thot vas juat beginnlng Is fight af famne -Witb its cures oi 80 yeus &pg. ont ame, aou ofe1101, itedgsY B-ig covnnmwion. present plin. h biwt ~~o1 ~*, d:- 6 piy s e~tnt est 0o1, Ik Ofly I>, ro YI4WItiî ti; cOt 2O0 cènts eEh per <dey tukeep' the Inniates. 1% of opinion tirt a lIIim, oxey bonie "nY» biestabllshed bore -on a-~31.7 stili Jcmet lâborite and tes cost1ý plan. A, Word at t5h18 Urn e 5.ladies of Okmato Mr Johriston thought to very lmgtyOnaewy b.lé th motns of pnlting «leoi 8 ntet I the oor aA, hlpeicIt li. retîre nd ,¶o1îs tsrgmenti~ ecesaryto convlnce this ibesu on ehit so ii at council tfhat thîs les the Onily unthod of unoà sy rnaY n00 ba d. 4 - ieigtepoan eèêt.Ila réeaecertain deicrs and .toe. t>eo ib nc1iOtecesmi 1 te point out Instances cf koe crs ehome lire objolje the makïtig Tta BnI Ntr 3.i45 yo stavin peïbeto brbmisatrbe f rg profiS onleeery article Lhey A âiiel ta LAS55f fore the cuticitI . tà ,n îit e - Éve~, p licmUtlLtiOBYcr ~eltthat Thes daler§e rcnoe ndefvoriùz e. rm Otoer75l195 UctIefor s<to, liasarriv Bu oil SdUaitetMIan& iitatiO41 package £Ct ODBMOC UiCe itoîbe lasbButt ' dyca <o« the saoma pride au the hob s aUes in aur u-hibi bes hav eprntte acaler aks for 1h. reliable and Dnover- _________________A1i.INi, t tie norpbiabde aentte(iling Timnnd 1Draa.sc" 1barmt o , eü.tnyg In the matter Fie ladies bave tie Inclination ta çà (cbëéoséing a vôte or twc at elec- pu time or.mo)ney t eoxperîment wi t 50 ,on trne. Has attendeti a township, ciis nipioon nrdet n~ ~TUE RALEN single candidate had santi enough ai DtaMond Dyeu, If yen #mat gocd seork JINCa hin o ecar hniel o tisque&- yo(u muet use gôootidyes. Ytre cf Aitwrie t don. The courity council la reepeti- ough tetlng prýoolaim the fact Ibat DiaW zslrOonay O 1sible for every case of seat andi sufer- mond X)YeêtStGaid.te' strônigei, bliightost Oouut l Bose, Vwiby. sWoh ot W.(biS >1 Ing in this county. This le a very ser- andi moet economiqai; Lhey are ithe o111Y pobslble'establi»b_______ Ionsmottr, - t1Snibeïbf thîs dyes in the seoritithat aR"eceisliy War JESI.TLRUE S $,$0psiio rW letthen' o ore nt rsinan Insar fllseti sui g4e saiaaoor B ulie, tc Ofic Ër1s eî.ndý ,y, board dtare nt vote for a bouse f r- rantsd. Eaob péeket, seben tie direct- by ISWSII hOooup e NatlliSî 81 rJet men corne here sehotdare vote their anu sotà ii "idtes.BroStWhtY consciences. Ho felîs -vMr warm on BokS. hSy this question and i muet eay sebat be DAVID oIIMITg>t4 B. A., believes te be truceboma.S.LW Solictotr1l1 OancoTyb CQ. E . t, Mr Gillespie says hcdae net se Onvyaete. Otce h imof0ice Ythat the resolutioii ordere the erection SOIsth ai the posIllfico, luhigMM»bD Oe opoor h ,,,~bu-t k dcci ,pormit of Block, Brook Street, Wbiby. cor. gn e~expendilng allarge sum i fmoney-$200 ,YVGBTE.1.E. iete $300 --4r1findlng out how rmuch e ON uII."qa' Frte t mn other houses ef refuge cost and how * toM.rrag Lcnsl.Ofie m1b' pecal oattiliQUO ort hwng BWe . Boteadi ihave reiocksi., Wiby. tance. Arn stU pn hwng that in other counities it is >lu1 ý 1 m, osts fraie - 89-cente to $î,2o per week teMs q9 ptpepeInJanuai.19 aer , etc. m OOW & inIthé,EACity II w a pieblecite smalCakn In many pansK&IH Barwtk, aoui bock lu . ei Selb le i tie. county on tho questinad BOb. M in sollators .wke'a nse lo as. only fout mudiicipdlîties Weu then In IIB.M t BokS, hyoih@Onnlbak.Kug1doû à favor of it. Sotie took ncote,, but RQET ail seent eginet it. We kn<"secnougb jIy@4CfCfteg. W. 19. IWOÃD9 ».LS. _____ aS curv feys! andi Drn»PBgnei et ofthis question te enable thiâ councit Tike wmlIy,It Cure a.W I non te decitie sebether or not se Wsant a ad Pafn lin the 'Pr eoOt »I boume af-refuge, anti do not 'nee to e ~ 8. et udnOla 10atnd $00te find out more about it. Coughs, -et&, u Tic facttle tathepo' tcnt ok Used £xtemsliy, It Cure@ Mrt anxioueiy forseard ta £hbone cf refuge. Cuba, Snsja% Dms $WCead, 8praIns, L*U Beliovesý. theporate, faliy vellfed -Too;thuhPa»in ath Fats, Nauu'ogia, r. .....~. takngRhsEritt#fiFuoated Fat. lie aed fo, 'uhIA "à .. m.aohrvote. ini nuarY. 1, 8, .but Xq, CM «« &U&t Dr& Wf Moorri igie sel oppose appointitig a ceycotn- ', t«kmq ltestinsu7Se or flas t 1h.mu> ko if lietL W*la a n ùb fsa sfu'ý» la bs'n t be at-mittet aI preicli -miuà .wI ru.Cl<u. JJMoore$ M». Da$ P areM > ppMr- GlendînningwSeolti aise favor <: cip tkn cuqty pébiscite. ,But seoultiaaif O11eher .a964=fiehou i . "suggest having mcuriq explick iinf»é»haa- tion n beéfore tklga*eý r4fwflet igea When theleu t v6te vas oud#I aget " ie7'0o IO1~O ' IPODCownsa.AU t 1:- 'envoc aant it ùndéthe -1llef - s," mo e r should b.bte rnfraon5,. e 'D nk Esmi Phi calot rblim eOiOS i l rChrsl asti cdnOuo Daras Street, Whliby* - q.tB,. fi dcibefôre this-cOuDcti farf fitèe ytar4..,Sic Finally 'AttministerOti a Remedy, Dntlbugey5 alIl n -S".l5gpmtIy ~UtW iaire anti he dees- ne<otpider it bas en ihu-itX4î1eadedad tebl ( SVery seell handîcti. Thiecounycu. fhu i nwcg, ni ______________ __cil pot the décision *f-thâe matter ttCriHi.A ALf _ ___ o etthelr -antii by takinga4--VoteOf Uc &o,. theSsuls tdnoe 1L..~1.T.J Y'ao people, -n e cannot n0wgl ito h âo'.oa 3 srI t A8K.Y1 :i~~~~axpp matot e uýon aand. aIy noble. big.haNTa îhiet Ins o etld 'lbwt trub. ojýt1thon b&uesase Vi tetà oatIon we haveiroulti wel o. to hnsR daen T theoto üïdrink. --4i.lO iaw*stt Of' ioneoyr.We kve. ailthre I 7N~P htb, lau. ut, A ib4bmiWlut -G eomgptl le avs'fi He iw la S .?z:lu x w W W IW bodbu çntotsupport lipi ~oto - W- dosa oS biav~N lilsekeý.a. 'uid' mêoè s a*hsaug .VIEN~-" w Liiil ond ly ai bet,« in ai -in the original isarsaparilla. It Th b..e behlnd it a record for cures tn umequulled by any blood purl. ,l fylng eomnpound. It à the. only the sansaparilla honored b? a a medal at the World's Pair aof a 1808. Others imitate the remedy; taiey oan't imitate the 1h0 record:1 fan unt F'UT TU THE TEST. TUE MOST CON VINCING ANDI ÂB- SOLUTE PROOF GiVEN. to iD That Dr Williamns' Pink Pille Ctue Whou UX Other Medicines Fail-Wbat Ticy 1 Uiave Doue for Otier Tiey Will Do De for Yen. V Ne tern-ot>cf modern limes ha. effer-. edi more, oi sîronger proof of ita sterling M menit tien bau Dr 'William's I'ink ilis. 44 Tic cures are net tiose cf people ini for. lai eign lande, but from &R ailrtseof ournt' oa cocutryand the etaiemenimatie arech eaaily verifleti by everycue in the vioinity In in whici tic cure& nep orteti occur. WMon snob prôof as ibis à offenbti doâbi ' ansi ceas., anti theéaedicine inuet, b. aseard te palm of superiority over aIl£! * otiers. Bvery mnail bringu betters frein boi grateful Ieeple in ail parts cf Canada, -60 sewho-hav e bon curiet by the use of Dr 24, Williams, Pink Puis, sornotirnos ai ter Of - yesrs of ilas.. anti after other modicines th liedfaalod,- andi k is t-h e Wkof e ti lai tude s4pok4n, by muffeirestins reitoreti te* 'â he.lth tih. biscreatieti e eoÃŽÃ ios cd- ý inacdti ti. tedicine basi. Tic fellowmng - boter l'10but ' ataIr ià tnp1e of hubdiWds' lâontAntMybeiprec0ivedi;.c -Thé D""Il)ueà s Mdicine Co. , Dauii ae1.-I have great pîcaînro in 70 -betrluikwmimony, othéîbemeinal !filne Po' 1cf Dr -Wdliimrn' ,Pink P i& abloud 4>of -purifierar nd htaltb restorer. lorton yotre I was a vtiLm te.complcation of irotibles, beglnni ng, slti quiny andti-l. 1Jewéovd 'by rbouiaallanianti broneillist * -My -pluyalia&n tolti -te itrouble hati 2 WARNER8 GOAL, i~U~EL OOE1~WOQZ~ SLAE8. ETC. I Yrd ustEast of.: OURSTTO4 -uAL AITIIFUL trttvl for re - ted bouse e Oitrex- givililce bhree a@ih a i