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Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1897, p. 8

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Tîhe ,-Cheapest place in Canada to bu;you Hardware SupiesEtc NAILS, 2 cents per lb. BARIB WIRE, ,$2.25 per 100 lbe. BINDER TWINE, $5.25 per 100 Ibi.' PURE MIXIED PLAIN FENCE 4:- PAINT, $1.00 per gallon. WIRE, ý1,75 per 100 ibe. On AUll es-.ana Our Pr/ces GIN N Cash Hardware OSHAWA, JULY 2t 1897. OSIIAWA PAGE OSUÂWA- are 'the Lowest in Canada. AMON'S Store, Oshawa.1 Mr R O Law and fauiiy. Chikag0, apent lait week wlth Mrmand Mrs j Miekile. ,Thet Cnt band concert cf the seasca was held aetb tke eon Thursday of Metweek. i wâm talrly well paironised. je tg MineIL Kitiver, ef tht higb ocheol staff, bai esigned. Mise Lau, et Pickering vlslîed mlth Mis1 A Lam lut week. Miss B Cellins af Cannlngton, vlated miih Mise F Wrighit. MissJ Geyne, of Tornto, le vietiug lu toms ib relatives. Uri Wright, Brockville, le tht guet af ber mather, Mrs Jue Habbs. Mn E Irmîn, Toronto. mas tht guest of! Miss Fie Wilson lant week. Mns 8 Hem, eof Tarruto, is visitimg ber1 moherin-lam, Mm Kester. Miss Clama Tap lin, of Brcerdgt. le visitlng mii Mme E Moore. Tht Plane Woris ciemed Saturday nigbt fortlu e mats te taie stock. Mise Kate Talbot, of Si Hildale colloe, le spending ber vacation et home. Mr aud Mm. Will White, et Chicago, are thetofetMmi a WWhie, Brock et. Rev Dr McDirmld, et Whitby, was lu toma tmath ekhusting up aid frIends. Mrs Dancaster sndudiss E Wlson. et Oone, vitstad mihI Mm Wm Wilson Supdîy. Misse M Lansing sud B Wilson sud Mn 9 Wilson $opt es at Sunday it Scngog l. land. ise S McPhsii a graduate of Belevllet nesralhaepiîal, le vlulilng her frIend, Mis% Mm Alas WCDDail, Who hie beau a rei- dent ot the t id Sttes fon tht past twa yeare, la e on os sit. Miss Hawkeiby Loudes En uhé ha. beme ttandbg Cicago bible %titute' la the. guet of Miss Vlua Gouid. Mnli Johs Fulimrton, of tht Actes pubîleli. ltIg cou ny, of Toronto, spesi Satnrday anti Sun:Ly lth is frltud, R A J itit. The water aicais tht siore. ofLeeOnt. aie tii. jer ar stiret eet higher han lait 'Y«eameur levai end o#et elgitees Inch- esehigham thas It wma svear c go tiis tint. 00 thet'xtb 0e! Jul>' the,,meuibare et the Catillie churci are arrasng jte bold a pic- Tornto.: Ile prat aid a ge. otipro- grArnuteoftgameit aud sports ilIM ugvn Ut. J&Ci VIciery Wiho as item <et- flovet itht -pediar 4*ttAiRoôàtng Ce. nce' licommrencement, boea, blm stxar-tsry geedas OtretaIWàodvll. jack bais itpy warin rimnds ber-tho ite msbina every sineý cees lu île ventura. Hlm parest «,ý tewu thîs mtbte eside mihh lu., t Tii bx social held et Me Provans lest ThumYd8% iuVgt, iider tht auspice of tbo Chrîtian chu eis ttracted à aMrly arge cromd. Tht boxes old ta sgod pnite amd ail the malteez aekuowltdgedthey sescured, the mrtb oet he m monuy-a lboxaful Of dainties suds a irpartuer Io heu> mi&a* îbm. irbe $4th batt band itld ItsAret opt« air -oncernt ai e 11Ité e oubrsdy tlqbor lm mti4, Thetcmsformgedsa aemf t tia 1eP et thill c prmceddta the lake at Wck« Hunrédswon -d l tio tbe heautiful mu i ed the lupts, tw lit lbresee b*s. bl« ar We pratty l deed, w>tt tu rmin> coiometuti trlc 1iglta. Thi Rllowi qoffiers fthl.e uof Tita peramet uer-e eetsdMonday aigbe for Vu hext quarter - WP, »ro Wun RaudIe;-PW P. Sis Afile Hhbb ; Fità'erle, Sro A U Tnisa. BroW al - . D xw&Vîm l . Mr Ovens, succeimor ta HMrlloyd lu the ewelry business, han taies possesI0a of the hanse lateiy vacated by Mr Eby.< 1A committet, conaitlug ef Meure' Leo e O'Connor. Coleman Cmowley sud William IL Eraty, have been appointed te celiect lI Yiia for tha games ai S t Gregory'. picale,t lnly t,3th. ý Tht mernorl service held lu the praiby- tertan cburch Sunday evenlag mas very ln- terestiug. Mr S H Estman spake ln touching erme et tht Rev MrmcCulleugh and T nt Guy, recmutly deccaied. Tht Oshawa street ralmay cetpnpîy have brenght doms ibtîr raies agii to chlldt ent on excursions te tht Park. T bey (ound lt tht high rate would hurt thein as maIl -as the park. W. are glad the matter bus bien se weil .ttled. Rev Percy Fletcher le.1 on Manday fer a trip te Sas Francisco la attend tht cristian endeaver convention te nitet tbeft lu Juiy. Misa Tmuil, ef Orese o us gelmg os a visit te ber brother lu Caiolbmi went, but' under bie care. Tht Duun Avenue Sunday Sciieci excur- sien (rom Toronto per Gardes City on Set- urday mas oeeoe the largeit picnlce whlch his visited PopetPark tia sr. tan teck ail the carsteettaIc aiiway pessess te bring them up tram tht lake. fl>., had a Sooiýprogramnme of sports. -It was mitb glad heurts the rnajomly et oui. peole wieicmed tht newi that thé Ontario Maileable Iron Cc hed commemce& prepar,., sUions for mebuidlng their mcmi. heme The teundatloù la belng pmepsredad da lar ge mater tank 40X40 sud 8 tMet d~lae beln4 buli. Whes tht shope are lin d thora ml b. ne Suner ou the continent. At tht lait raular màeeting cf Court Heu toak02 No 3r ' Osama htid lait week, H à 5 melle C R as elected desg aie, snd W H Bonnet, P D C R. alternai,, ta tht hi aunuil meeting ef tht Sùffld«r>' bigh court of tbm A 0 F wbich metelu Owen Seqnd tu Auguat P S Rombougtb re preseuts the cetupaniens of tht Forimt whlch meetu et tht isanie dîne sud place.' DccoratloIDay wasobserved litreou Frida>' attemneen but passed off ver-yqnàWlIy. Hall ol the peuple did sot k»«uomit ade- coration day ewisg tue b tachiat It wue sot advmrtieed tht sanie as tu fonser-yue. Tht Cddftrileme beaded by tht baud leI4 their legt mr000aUSto4-30, Pud ps4had lu a bodyjtethe UnIcé cemettry, w tb.ý :g7rLed,. 1 t1 , id OIe-sU texauhtisaleu .1Tdaltrokal legeýtudantela out, sud Odm*asutdts L R Hains »ad Miss iate Taibot bave, excuptienuly goed standing. luti- wre tlvef iee. iss Talbet t bhoorîl îelyandmawuel1U a landing l e f Ilaluas grtht elutamioMhph mathesiatice snd toomtr*clae setmudtu-ln claseicmand diuinit>',ReHtod se=odl bis year. I A hmily 04 pneseot adopted a b0ls ciild but meu belng atiwedvlbM bey e declddtoeedharbac>t* eIe Bu Watcb fmm w hoes tt>' ud uauemd ber. leasteed d01ud»à& r-be.Mr Watcbes boit la Brilghton %brht,>dedber bce ,t. Ou- a. -CliMMooévar to* bitabis b»s*dlg1 boIuse At lMreTbeam e r mss. bq as1 I sid>' esr, r anti uestMotn«wIss 1sht vau sat beck t. Srigbtoq. Tb$ Uliais r 1,11imaswui>'Iv.jueffl ci I VanNest hav e soId bômss re ýMr anci Mými <ýonAshtouni itnsot Colm us, vi ct t a . ý Mr and Mre A Hogart.h and their American visitors vlsited Whi:by triends Saturda>'. Solina division noir officersý for tie current haif year are,: 'W -P. Edimn Reynolds; W A, Mise E JP"ace; ,R S, j A Werry; A R S Mis$sRose Ashton; Treas, E G Pascoe.; F S L, 't Paccoe; Chap, Miss Laura Hogarth,: Con, j T Rundle; A Con, Miss jennie Leaek; 1 Sentinel, Mns E G Passa.; 0 Sent, Thos Dober; P W P. Charles Werry:- Organist, Mme Gea Reid. A happy company met at W Werry's Saturday night ta ecognize in tangible form the many good offices pemfommed by bis recently marled daughter, Mis R J Luke, in the cooemunity. A. vemy apprecietive and comprehensive addres iras read by Mm Thos Baker, Mrs Bak- er and Miss E j Pasco. on behai f o Division of Sons of Tempemance and other residents presented -ber wkth a beautifui iianging lump and silver din- uer cruet - as sllght tokeue of regard." The vemy mati>' kind rords spoktn af Mns Luke could naL fail ta convince ber of the tfact thât hem services in chumch, schcool and othemwlse have bee n -thoroughiy appreclatedi-- Vie are pleas ed toi ses by the Globe tht otbem day t at Mon Mr ltapatmkck bore thi. excellent testltnony tù, a West Durbam bu) n eetinnwlth tht mrécent investigation lnto matters relatlug tg Kingston eneten- ltary , ttKeeper W S Hughes tli fot be tletuQtbedb au ho le a faithfui and efficient officer.1" Tis.la a1w words but luit whai tue ahould expect to be said ef a son of eut wortby friend, Mr John Hughes, of Black. stock. A 1mw iage fiotted lu tht breeze ln Dow. nnillie on jubiles day,~ but there wae se total absence otbermise of anythlng worth * of se auspiIons an occasion. This tomu lS midir ln need cfa mn atAle hed who wml; 1ueaçIre cltiseus te action mien the interesta, atnT houer oîoiat.towu demnd Il. W. art fast degeuerating te a levai mltb a, eeuntr% village for lack -o(,pbltc,,ipîrttsud enter- prise on the part o!thomem o-sbould take the. lead lu kaepi'ng 1t to etht Iront W. shculd hbave had abig celebraion in, town te keep mci ttletit'bêre 'and miii. sncb a national day utemorable lu the àanal of tus corpemtlon. The miayor and counci;ý are certaiuly rep~réhenuible for tits Inanition ute of ttiligi. Rev j j Rat, the mew pister of tht metho dist chumch lu this tom. n, âered- upon. hif duies Suudiay lait preachiug tmG er suit able, excellent and mucb appreciated set- uons.rlut 1b mmungIbis îétestwsssud Cci. 4-. H ia eaeu1,gdiaceumsé *% ani able effort, exoeelnglY apprliate. and well dellvéred, ;ýbis tont bg, witat tlik- =ofe Chlat? The atétuce vwu Urge ai «Mmt sevcsand the, choir mas out bI ood force, lu the, afiemnon headdre*4 tthe sabbath echool. ad ircuthe goodWn1li of youcg and *Id. Mr Rat baimadea wey rlvorbe b«lnuing and Item hi.spoplsly la fariner charges me pmedict for thlm a eue- ceu n Miss Ethel Ha, ll 'siting ber tâster, Mme S S Brooks.1l .Mmi Walîer Tyrorte, vlsited ber dU"w.Mm -A Wybors Mr ïd Mai Match, of White".le are guettof IdMv Lvi Minis. M hi C B Littiejhus viuted Solina sud Foiey friiends-lest wek.7 Mr A Fftouidle spent the 'wad .ai 'X ejssTu 1 l .townline- Whitby.. -Mdmand Mme Geo S Mrroir viuke aiMt j 8 AU1inIs.Oshua. ýon Szday- Mrs Ira, Tmuli and B R1çumrdë pent tlu .S*twt" *i t ArU-p fl. .itÉ,,hmi ond 1ir#ftdshori n route b Iy es to rontgo ,OuriVillag aevidnc nesl' patrioïic feeling lu their dlsplay 61 bunit- log on lune uendê' lInthe early rmcm- lue wheft délPgs welr rn up al the. belle stearu whltles, etc., were set goiug as aaccompaninient ta the boom of Mr Vitwesctannon ' which was repeatedly Viektors ': Mise: Worden, Mr F Bow- en, NewcastIe. guest of Jas Pye; Wmn Hayes, jr., Joie Hayes, Mr and Mrs 3 Heard, Mr Heard, W H Hayes. Prince Albert, guest of N Byers -,M rs Deacon Peterboro, guet of siater, Mis C WiIl- iaxns- Miss Aima and Mr C Tamblyn, Orono, _guest of H j Werry; Mr Wes- ley Clarke, Cadrnus, guest of j Virtue - LLzie Swilth guest of hem brother J J Smith. The. annual Pascoe picnlc iras held at the reeldence of Mr Richard Pascoe on Saturday, jume îgth, mien a vemy enjoyable afternoon was âpent b y relat- ives and aild friends lu sparts of foot- ball, basebal, croquet, etc., and music by the. popular Efleld baud. Amoug those present were:. Mr Thos Pascce, reeve of Darfington, and famnly, Mr E G Paecoe and famil Mr W, N and Miss ID J Pascoe, Mr HGPascoe. Mr A L Pascoe and farnily, Misses A M and L HoarhMr AIE Hogarth, and (ami)>', M r Stephen Hogarth, Mrn C Stuc.>', Mr C Lawr, Mr and Mis W Wermy, Mr and Mme John Van Nest, jr, Mr W and Miss A VanNest, Solina; Mr John Pascoe and famil>'. Mr Jas Heatiie and famil>', Mr S Souch and, family. Mr C W and Miss E Souch, Mr H Tink, Miss Edua Rosa, Misses K and E Argue, Mr and Mns G Milison, Mt Vernon: Mr H L Pascoe and famuly, Mr A Shott and famil>', Miss .Arnot, Tauinton; Mranud Mn EBd.,Piscce, Messns Edgar and Oliver faâscoe, Whitb>y; MrA ABowerman. andlfamiiy, Port Perry; Mr and Mme A J Reynalds. Scarbora; Mr J aud Mies R Elford, Feneicu. Falls;, Mm John. Miss Clara and Mns J Littiejohus, Courtice; Mr and Mns J Osborne,' Messrs C and E Osbarne, Mesure A S, W J and Mis Edîîh Gôamd, Mr and Mns M A James, Bowmanville;,Mm Eli Osborne aud fani- il>', Mr W aud Mme C W Osborne, Mr W and Mvs C WOsborne, Mr RE9Os- borne and famil, Ebenezer; Mr C and Miss Wordeu, Mapie Grave;-,Mr 'T Short and family. Foley; Mr and Mmt C Mackey., Misses L and F Mackey, Kinsale; -Mme Hurd and MnsBoothroyi Detroit, Mich., Miss B CoWle, Toron- ta; Messrs Fraftk and' AlbeÏt Moome, Mr C W, Sîcinen, Misses Moore anc BrimacoMbe, Haydon; Messrs E anc Normn -Rose, Mt Vernon; UMm.SS Mis Irene and Master George, gray, Mme T. Mesure E and F Bradley, Mri W Tapp. Mr Jas and Mise Ashton. Mi CÇampbell, Mise E'Wi»g Mr and Mti FHlunlbut, Mesure John and Fre Bru>'. MessrsJ Dyem,- L -Tordifi, A Niddery und IN Nlddemy, Enfleld. r ~ ia8.te $1, Estima. Oyd Camereu~ Âshbnra, itabla te Neveouta Wua Souiervlii's. sud prepont>' cf Âle~ ,~~~.fruin ht. oui ,_MtDýOnt* 4i Jo6h 11111 OSHAWA, :ONT., OLOVIR M=u;8 tho, mProvOd amd supply prtand îrp&l alma- chines tmade stt vboeephHaill Mfg Co., Mau OnC., and I)ingleI Estate ,hâving bought all their pattertis, forme, etc. Koop hIStook 1 Knives aud sections for most an>' make, moirer or reaper, Iran Pipe, Steamn Fittingel, (brase or iran.) Ruber Belting, Packi'ng, (rubber, garlock or nope) Thresher Teeti, most aIl kindi. Renar Bicycles,-and auppi>' parts fr 8mre. Engînes Énd Boilers repuired,' (any make.) Repair Machiner>', an>' descrip> tion.. Machiner>' Steel, aiso Ouet Steel of varions ale for tools. Pea Harvesters, R. Woou & Co. Apiar>' Suplies, Beehives, Sec- tinCoMb Foundatian, etc. Re. WCION ý& iCO. Boat~ Rail GALL or Ocean, ON W. p. 5STERICKER, Oshawa RY. CO'sOfie OSHAWA. R.C. Carter, ',Agt. EJ. JOHINSON, I.EADIG UNDEIRTAKEIR, BROOKci STREET#' - WHITBYK Mon or Women tn rvol for re- spoibléeo.tàbllsîbed boum-s lu Ontario. Saar*y $18Oi rayabie $q; weekjv andex penses. posi n pernïllt Roference. Ense selddteiWe tampegd envolope. The Nýational, Star Building, CbICago-z748. We Yare' Ready To supply the. wauts of the inhabitants of Oshawa and surrounding country with a ful stock of ne«' aid seasonable goode.. Our stok Hrudware, TiZ Ud& raitewar ai, u, etc-, is now complet. i'i allimes with attractive Poi t attractive prices Rernember we wifl not be Under8yold, And tint- we. bronght the. prices down. W. out them in -fwo' Ef«Ore .Toriw Qam Out. singe then we havé- aâd Sre c0'il- ing youtb benefits of amy and ail tariff. changes, and with' yc>, support we are bound to Keep the.,Prices Downe'., VOL XLI.' '1D FRESH GROUND PURE PA RIS GREEN#, Pure Inseot Powder. ChurChe'8 Inseot Powder In BuIk and loc. Tins A. H.@ ALLIN, CHEMIST & DRUpxGIST, WHITBT, - oNTArIo.1 Wl NDMILLS WIRE . W. are net eelling goode 1*e*oeil, but mvle . ltâtia " nible penny in botter thun a slow shilling," coneeqnently Our mnotte lu: Farmers, -do uethizg bout U, CRIDE WIE nutil yeunse. the »rai grades and pricqï thuwt me have ; le mii pMy I ou the o Whîu yo ue u omcrn l sd e u, enar elcomo ,whether you buy or net. BATHWAITE. .BsROSib. JAS. PELLOW stili uso id stand. se. bhîl-about, Your àg -aed CGene raI Jobbing FENCE. --010- Geos li ... Selle the Gentune maR MOTOR, cf Ohicalgo an th. e lemanW re Pence Miii baera pisclug theli order. Do flot let -4u agent put an .imitaticu os yenu hen- yen cau pt the Geauu tAttinoton,- ihoroukhly, .,eý#tlxed a mratted,r 'lu me>'. elu, hiey sell ont hait tht mumber wn m l tut nîsoled lu the monid, ai tht presenut -~~~~~~ I.l tl.e edm rou Pumpe for- sale. -..Aït"Information mtgaÏdlsg these outîits mill be. Intel>' given by mmlîing ta -Peb 7. 1897-6mo. GRO. ALLt&, 4TENIBAIKOF Cil EoOP ?DIREBCToRS. ah; ~ mwmmmmý t'tt (t onitle.

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