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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1897, p. 3

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an *u Mis La'k l, o ,taliforiia, I, at prMent -wlth Jôhn t*.rkln. -Mr Ler.1 kini wau present &t thec Cotbott-FIttlm. Farmeris are busy tbese doyi cuttiB be.Theo rops are- vey. 'lait aroujé V The Revd# Siple and Oke ýattended1 the. te.mpcrunce alliances meeting at Hroughanm on Saturday -last. SMr S 8 Lyondc bas returned home firom Ottawa. He was there during thle last session of )Parliament. Ou 0r teachers Mr Hawkey and Miss Richardison have gone to their homes 1ln Tyrone and Fergus respectxvély, 'Mr and Mrs j osephi Evans, of Clore- mont, was at Thos Beare's on Sunday. Mr Metcal(e, of Markham, andi Mr end Mns Dobson, of Epsom, were visit- Îhg at James Thornton's last week. Mrs A E Major accompanieci by her mother leaves next. week for a visit among triencis at Detroit, Farmers are much alarnied at the damage wrought by a worm that has arniveci In meiads in sorne sections of the country.' lits destructive work, is most apparent on maple and apple trees.. The worms commence at the top ofthei tree and work downward devouring the leaves as they go ad Ieaving the tree bore. The worm in many respects resembles the common apple tree worm but on close inspec- tion will bc found :.o be different. They arc longer more siender, lesu hairy and instead of the ,white streak down the bock, have white spots the uize of a pin heaci. Mr and Mrs Mao spent part of the week in Whlîby,aOshiawa andi Darling- __ton with friencis and relatives. Mr ,Major purchased a new buggy while a Vay. Rot)t Vardon has again solci his driv. er andi las bought another ont. Mayor Rose has lots of new potatoes of no. 'One quality. Hie says it keeps hirn busy watching the cussed tatot bugs. Miss Laura Pugh is with her sister Rt Port Union. Miss Lillie Major entertained a few of her friends on Thursday evening Iast. Q uite A number attended the excur- sion to Guelph and were highly pleased with the trip. Our town was rather quiet on July Some of ýhe politically inclined at- tended thé conservative meeting at Brougham this week, A school mistress in this township iras teachîng her pupils how to walk straiglis and after walking tht crack of a floor she asked them how di shei waîk it, when ont young lad answeredi 1 bow-legged."1 1 Jtn Liscombe a wayward lass f rom this township was sent to tht Mercer rtformatory for six months for vag- rancy by Police Magistrase Kingsford in Torono last week. A number attended the uffalo Bill show andi were delighted with what thýsaw. The baptist ladies mission circle met at Mrs Jacob Turner's on Tuesday af- ternoora. Thos White hue sent his luttle girl to the hospital to have an operation per- formed upon her eye. Mrs Moth, of Toronto, was at ber sisters. Mrs Joseph Wilson, last week. Mr ênd Mrs Laughlin. -of Cherry- wood, ývere with fiends hert on Sun- Sday. Miss Ella WVhite was with friends in thc city last week. Six persons recelveci the right hanci of fellowship and were duly lnssalled as members of the baptist church on Sun- çlay last. We congratulate Miss Grace Wilson in passing with such h igli honore ett se school of Pedagogy.j It keeps corne of tht villagers quite busy these days watching their cherries frorn the village kids. L H Graham our former teacher has l5ucceeded la passlng bis 3rd year as ie University. Congratulations. 1 ~Mr and Mr& Connors.. of Brougham, cre the guesteocf Mr Siple on Satur- day. fie - 6 ame fwu Sl UI* su.m sailso u ppd swaaso ho liad a good .iarê ' Guder bit thébWI bard1, mxi* g n use.bornerocr b0 r$gbt field feoe," PDunla mbbY frrniDl tàoy-ýan oôud ceuw-111 be dadgbtd-id i.èru this ble a omlug0lux e fb"rout. À mlolug ciase hau lùeu hold of1111. reuidenu of North Vlcto*~, làpd if tme. tblue valuaie Atri bot diaeoured itl l b. bfa.Atdom, not oxiotthebre. Mr, J. Carnoe, M.P. P. for Piat ViotOvIa, stSe that h would b. dijflh oul tdfnd aàsttler*e house luthe. nomh country whleh do.. Dot 0outai. mineral samplos of on. sort sud another. Io bd-.s 1 oipe of the womsnu folk-ar. oracking awiy at the rocks and mma.hlopstcou t 10Me If thora ie not smanegola or silver in thoma. Coniderable bIllnguî le îlec, b. imgi dous. Out piftmre thI"ýY samples of rock recslved by Ms, G....McHugib, M.' P., Wbills KtOta&Wa, onl oaslot wab fonnd Upou enalymki. 5 o tau aay ustal. namely, silver, and that lu snob licatted quantifies as to be of, »o liommesclal value. Prof. Hofmau, of th. e oloial departmsnt, states that 1h53 bave -bad *etperts tbrough Victoria, .onaty and theso could fiid Do e*ideuce of theeotil- eues of prulous mmtli. se ny extent wbatever. lu5. e tftu OtO the dvlpeet the Narland1 iM Kinmount miînes wiU b. watobed with mach interet. It would b. s gondlhing foir this sption if sooneeblng rich vas etruck.-Watcôhian. This Bot Weather YOU ARE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY EXHAUSTEDI Paino's O.b.r Ooap ouud la the Grea se iÎ ' ansd Recuperator. As. s nil. thon is Do pain following ph7slcal and mental exhauslon and de- biihty.1 Yen knew you ire wmsk, faint, languid, have le.. cf memovy, depression cf spirite, vithi s vasting et fieb. Your troubles proeeed simpl>' from nervoe ex baustiom, sud tbougb you a0eDoct Suffar- ing painsadd sgony, b. ussared joui con- dItion is sxtremsly perions, sud demande immediai. attentilon, That vooderful su'eau% <the blond) thet ruae 10 evevy part ef lhe body, sop- plying the Mest minut* nerves and lis. eues, le foul snd poisoned. In your pre. sont oondition yuur blopd us DeS s tifs mream ; ic i.sà stagnant pool cf tissas. sud destb. The healtby, hale aud etrong, tt ha ér Up dnviug tih otteet neatber, sud thet mne blessd viti dlean, pure blond sud steady? mrves, are the people vbc saab. useof oPaine'& Celer>' cempound, th. only wsdieiue that revitalies tbm blocnd, $hat fortifies the nervous &aetem, Ihal ýýgve erfect digestive power, sou..) slpep, ma.) anov lssu ef life to thote sdvaneed lu yeare. Painse% Colery Conipou.)i inîruly the gvoit modern elixir of lîf., and) ne von. der that dectore approve of la sud sasoug- 17 vooommend la. Why go on lu vretohodnu sd mlueu'y hen u snoba Medîne preises lbeelhb, viser and ccv lifo? %0e rCommen.) yeuno netried vemedy. Evcry houle-f Paine'@ olory Copound îs warmaled te do lb. work h promises. Thom. la bemalth asud ef.ina vevy drap. Mine Highup-It'a p.vfectly scandal oe 1 Di.) yenir about Mise De Pink P, Idiss Tiptop-No. Wb"I bas eh. doue 1 'Oh, the mcmi immodut t hïsga u- agfinabbo. Sie's leS taldms. ovld uo*# ab@ in craay te go: married by gels; su d jeining a oooking sohool." "lShe Was allogether oomsiaelet lu ber revoit agaixiet ii". onveuûoual dutise of ber %'ex.' ,*Y@& ' 64Oh. -vo. 8h. brokc ber a«m once, and tho ne voul]'ui cuit-.. Myr-That MissHernmepou on a go -d deal ofestyle viien se. gooto tise opéra. btinnie-Well, goo.) raeioue Ilise vo-- mous gelt Io pel on someito; I1 Mr Wst-I don'& m . by vee"oe' as, iueenteid au yva>'. Mr$ Watt-If it verDof«eforle weather thon éa s eodmanu e» vis iroul.) nol surs e biey. beaveuvurd -at Il. Toc B.ad £&anO1v".--l'M moutb is lAUiinlu9s puckér sino. tai. 1*50 olives," ae. sa), a s'înrned ber %er boaeecfeO poa bia. Ana b. euot-lal 1h.tiseyaueg ffl wb vo oulI.)nos gp tis ufflesii of sbe staiu Mot ulsvd-"It'sjaser th"aye "El. faIOwbaleoe m o s qwe. luCi0 4~. WT Tbst 000=8mskLtke a Veyu! Uml sd ÂbsOrdQuo,' AU. PME TESTMN à1l the- Test.,sud the Thousads bcf Absolute and Unquestioned Cures That have been Made by Munyon in Canada. Mr John Morruaon, No 152 Enolid Ave Toronto, Canada, saym-,-For several yeass I vas sroubled with a sets fortu of kldney disetate. and for the paut year with rheuthiasmacs. Af 1er trying a number of other thingus ad not boing bouefited. 1 wus indnoed tw tae.Mun- yon's Rhsumatism and Kidney Cures. Ohé boule of the. former ýnd two bottie oQf the .later remedies ontirely- oured mie and 1 amn now, as well as ever. 1 oam h.arily recoormend the. Munyon's Rom- edies and amn doing so dai)y 50 my friends aud relatives. lilkuyo'sRhemuîlem curs seldona f1il e lieve in oa &t Ires heurs, and ou n-*u f.w dayt..-Prie. 25e. M unyon'. Dyspepsie, Cnrs poaltively cures ail forme of Indigestion and utom ali trouble. Prios, 26o. Muuyon's Cold Ours prevents pneu. monisansd brcaks up a oold in a few houm.- Pries, 26e. htunyon's Oonah Cure stops&oougbs, net sweats, aIlays soresos, and speed ily hoat# ch. lun4a. Prie., tic. Muayon's Lidn.y Cure speodfly cures rainselinbthebsokloins or groins and aIl <ovIs f kdue duses'Prim., 26o. Munype 9s IgeiiduchàOurs stops head- ache lu ilire4 mie"- .Pt!.., 250. Monyoults Pils Olsmant teley Muaou' BlodCure oradjoatos &Il lmpyies of the blon>d. Prie., 25c. m uuyouWs Female Roed»a are a boon to mIl vomen.' M" iyoh's &ftina Rerneâlas reliev. in 8 minutes and ours percuanently. Prie., Unvons o atarnb Remedies nover fail. The i.Um srCune7-priçe 25o.--er*ffioates the dusses fvom lheie*tm, aud the OCa. trrh, Tablets-prios 25.-lese sud munyon's Nerve Cure le s vouderful serve ioule. Price, 26c. duDyntusVîtalizer restorso lotI vigor Perïonal lettons to Prof. Munycu, il sud 18 Albert et., Toronto, answered witb f'ree medical advice for any dius. Thon bas been, mapeaking generaîl>', throghous iii. ouantr>',a vol and emre. vhat cold spring. sud witb hélie peclug cf warter veat.bor, whicli assot b. loug d.layed, veovi orne on Very> radly. With a gpest rnuy of 1h., muet trou blesome *".dm. ol vestheri OSrin th. ea"on lf quite favorable toe their deselopsuent. The roots gel a- chance te morea4, aid whlI. bey do Dot make 8o mucbà top provtb, perbait., they beconie lboronghly prepsred 10 m. e-t' s. oon as ch. gonveahhter et. sinlu earuest. It Is. iherefors, a Matter of iu*-"; portaoucetbmhle.fermier ogels aftor lb. vw.ds iib at rU*eotpo'sIble uiôueut., Tii. harrow- sud, oulvùabonid, b. at w4rk vhcuevev tihe groupa vin! peroec.ý If 1» ea .doucesn bxlghl vava-ay somob lbhe te. for &bon lbey vi .111 ibswm' of- "èbi o'IIM aI 1>0 palmeno vJli b. taoc poat to- lakoeo hborouikly dean is.I t thé is Whou tbey have eue. boqu el.aned, lbe tut of "olutlmIo '10 noto d1IO344 but if th#e veede ýélto obasiug i s « i ie t h*b.furmer ob*Mtu tie veodeas ondbti.oesis Io o» of <vet tel# Ah-.sn Croug.q .e ulM e ime. an,.f po ml ee d > ï a iqt s ft e *,s aosble vill ieoilea. u dospsloeils wsptabl. taulIr smaI et Mae lime luoressea th*s.war*MtIloca- Wlfila ma#« of<1Do lîtti hupplo s Chtat rowing, condliiie msy lie morul in pun 4 besees.~ss p nu , 0W Wrlw e a b"bWa» mm.la lffl be UamPtt Bov G W Devey oundu*4s "he,"few üôoùonr#i*lo e i.Mathitt oub oh o Suay this bolng his farevell addroot ccew ttn iasr be. ing Priset im' Sauâdfokaotd sud tbor place.. Mr Dewey lesat(olié _1fr l Ili atatloied for thei. nex j.avon th Qusenaville circuit, Pl.aInhthé ove :0sph0. Wiiuretets died Thursday, evensng June 17th. Mr Wlnter#telo vas borne là thé to*bo« f Wbïtehusoh l 1818, bélug hherefore l li hi. ehy fous'lb built a boeu efor hunseda adfmy p dun sont"aud Ivo daughtercwith ee fl wv i Mtm D- Oook of - h*l loweo e,h. rsded dulàg tb.laies eau Of1 bi 1f., sud visbe opasnd Mefully &Wa. y Re W84 qtàietnd uuoblwaslvqtu bis de muoïe, la na a' KonOlis a 1W , mih. bor, a4 jans belw bobia lb membry of a Irue ezasple 01 bonuiy sud upvgbî noms of ebavater, IEMAXKÀRLE CASES Chroato luvalites ma..d trou Iheéir OLU" Boes ftr tr l#vt.g Up Nope. Led nOt.-4enry R. Xle4iolls, 178 RetorY street, estairl -r.eovid. 1> Chas.'. eatar cuve*. Msrkdal,-Gmuo. Coescii~l.hi ee.ema, cured.' Sobase s Qntraeut.' Truro, NA8-B.. H. Sutherland. travel- ter, Pileo-very bad catse; ured; Cbate'. 0lntmeut. 600. Luean-Wrn. $rantonL p geer, plu worm; ail gene. Chaue mPia. L'Amabe-Peter Van Âllan, seseina lor three yeairs. Cured. Cis' julul Gower Poiit-Robano Bartard, dread- lui itch1niz piles, 80 years. 'Weil agin; ChaseèOunpMut,., Mey*ersburg-Nelson WBmmouo, Itchuits piles : lured. Chas.'.Oiaîmeut Maîons-Go.Richardson#,. Sidney oand livIee O ufférer; botter. onte box cihUsp'@ Pîuài. Z, *t Chesley-H WILl' o.clpe rbeuimatlsm and ulerlng front diabefétîs completely reeovered. Chaseis P1ins. Mathard Towushlp-PqOtie' à Ilôs, 11-e ney trouble, 40 yeffm; .urï4d. Cba'm Pilik. 2504e. M Tin-Wm I euttls Detaney, 14 Crawford street, subjeet cg perpOtuô! colde. L'lred bi ~Chose'. gyrnp oiL!Lu-- eed snd Turpent!ae. 25 Couta. Dr. Chas'* remille. ire sol.! by ail. desîcra. Edmansoï, Baa'& Co., ma"i- facturera, Toronto. Par a Ovesner. ý The commksee apPointed by the. E »v SFermera' Institut. bhave reporte.) lav- #.% -orably on tis salsment Of acretm- obi e, n)Prof Robertson, of1 tise0u w Exeimeutal tarrn, vil b.e aked 10 ad« oet1 dress the, lastftute on -the subjec-t. --beI Catepilersa.reongan mm'nsei*il Catepillrs ae 4oag a im n amount of damage ail oVerthconr.Sa Negligeàce 10 *eut off tise uets sud hu'm tibemn a fecvveeks-ap, h as ressu > MaSter E leliu, tise boy p<>-te PMaO, of Torou hsl , beeeordeie'6y li h iior to e.se aingtog in ptbliPlQ-W, b A lb. prescat. 1 As sa #1>01 rsoprlns? R£d-g il not it la mai.. appear,,agn beô 1COOO ienor."lu- tise evoluitcin *lo- s a voicc, a sopranoisoolcla. vf -ifaai#u* C-u UUOYa and- Uau %UUOi Naooduse.! 4rg.ued fuit fIIIÂSEDI -JisuGaa* h a,âoasdsal clerk At th 2ee sibu àba aounde- ulîy li t h pe 'f sW;agw md. taai. vl~oa&aîà* '*4it.abolasi bot tf-wmîevaud arige 8 te ya"Whas 00 the be&ltb_ fo more tàl«, s n u dayIgh cfti a1meeed a-b o hel cf tis, laI Ge*ae o clo- dnote Ibm anebhbIsu leiad lb. rsu àt'o elièlis ov 9 yb-,. g. dr bîp nil mentb. vs l. piînvocf eb o p Vu in pisssw.mâsmssmssssss.e.ùes.mssm.smssssm, a E -- - - - S IAK s e S w * -¶ w e, s i M * S S i THE ORIENTAL i I - a t REMEDY..,~- E * S S- S jThe NOv, 8ai~ sud Lure Oar.~ E foi »ruukis*ess. .~ S S * * S TRATmJI'nT i bemvv dose ns neccsila.e ftle lt euïtav0m., It '"Q be adi ,enêd wiaiout %t* e ' li'-îs b.ale wili isfndsd'dàlk 1 1 1-1.2 0

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