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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1897, p. 4

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r - crp ets ijl 1 Al l Woti tng lnsects. Ohuroh',q In8eot Powder loo. per Tin and in Bulk. FRESB GROONO HELLEBORE. Fin8st [nglisb ýParis Green. J. E. WIL LIS, CHEMI8T & DUUGGIST9 MEDICAL ::HALL, BROOK BT., WHv IITBYP WH-1TB Y ý J ULY 91 1897.1 Sot Notes. Sir Wilfrid Laurier lna a speech St Lon- dor, Eng., on Mdoday, edyucateti colonial rer«eatiîlo lu tise Itperlal Hanse of Dr. JC MittceoL Etniltlluenh le cLib- cral candidate ln West Durham» for tise local bouse. Hie oppocent wclibe. .W. H.Rid, the. orly Corsenvaive cicr elected lu Wet Durham» durtng tise reigu af Qucen Victoria. Mgr. Merny Del. Val. tise Pope,$ speciat envoy tg Canada hu gain ithe paticutars ai tise IMeetobs sciSol dispute, heu urittoua Arimehabp Langevin orderiaag tta blahopes todrop tise agitation untit tise Pope shall condr a declelon iratise matter. -Tis endm atis usnîster appears tu b. la sight. The Q.seeu's dlamond Jubiles bas brouagis ont a large crop of rumoru. Ou.sasys sc isà almst blind;#-another tisaI ber sealtisfa brokera; a third tisat ahe wîli St once abdl- cale ilu favor of tise Prince of Wales. 1Ter. ia no trutis lu any 0ai Uic..It ilaeuid îbhr Heu- Majesty '*11, n o 01g et attend sdate balla aud oliser liftesocial lunctianasuan. u could not but admire ber gooti sent-t elgisty years lu leaving thse Prince af Wates ta do tise rayai sct. £von ho Le a grand- latiser, and ut gbt very wisely paie the. lute. tien business docu atiother stop ha tthe Duke of Yonk. Sametlmes theno la a prospect ai eettllng the eseheru question, and sometimes there la every prospect of war-juat as bau been tihe case for fifty yeare. Turatey uaed ta bau to, everybody'. dictatian for (eui af bel"g suai lawed: but uau se' ees tisaItise poues Sean any move, and aise la dietatluog tatise.- A country that a s lloued ta marder 5.000o chritans tlst year do.. mot (ar monta te have [te oun eceet wlll tiis icar. - On tihe allier band. nations u@ich could ual unit. lai year Ina thc commôra course aofisumauitv to &top a wholeamîsbutcisery, bave motlunch -to drautise.» togeîben ou, sud thse cunnimg Turk aeesit ail, Néeot auare Seesat Casm The. Court af Appeal and thse Divialomal Court on Weiinesday, tise 31h June finally dispooecd aitise limoua Norths Ontario ra- caot cmansd Angus McLeod, thse defent- ed Cmnsrvative caladidate. bhs la botta canes iled. ad la ondoed to a py mlicaste. ibn thie appuai of Returaiag Officor Bruce agaimat tise iaJunctiodofa Justice Robertson on tise groumd Usai tise higis courtbas no juriedlctlan aven s a off aioftise liasse ai Couiose asta tie performance ai bit dut. les, tise coutitoa appuai heMlitat JstIce Robsertson isad mo juffindcsoua tagrant tis Injunction uhicis b. did to prevent judgc Dartneil (romt holg tb. recount n at îj go Feisrar-ytlst. or to a nae an aider tel' @training Roiumuing Offleer Bruce (roua at- tending cuitise ballots and making bisr.- turnLa tise clerk af the crown u incisamery eg Ottawa. Tise dlvisional court lta sJàdg. ment of founteera cloeey type uriueispagau dismlaeed cuis caste the motion made by Angus à4cLood, tise deie*tod candIdat., j» have Dalton McCathy, Q C., sud retunaiug officer Bruce coumlued ta tise ommmo 94al for contempt af cort la dlsboeyig tise - tunjquatLonTise contîcx u «"alge M4r McCarthy eu a ucotselIbMý émigan sbéitit th ie diobetmoste odsuýd cas direct diaoW6bedta utisW*deM br i. duclug Lb. ballots befisrju4~d efat a thon maklgis tal eumiswr ir o(the crocuwncn cëc etyaî0twa. (a> Tle ouoft ised t Ma As m cLood b*d no u-t aiebr spcfnl~r rt1t ofeppbleaf reuM xbkis on t ho esté dols couutn la "te cotrs.te) b>ê* lite lcdt detarthicOfbtulid1X) u vice. r"»ba sWeeCal- Mauie itloi, b power nta tit " to etlue r. Nmoa N To, Chasser, bba , e> Atsmu TWs ley, Chas PtyH e osser, euh Naetd o 6 &k-ý*0U las N )t lièro, lo Jouesn, Juhn L 01enos, Wilf d adieRI-lua ver. o.4-Ã"I en, Frdb end, No7- Thass-Tou Cher, "I Clark, H SeeOsos , Mikrer, Lad.ott ostN c Illt, th Wilson. NoohwncB Builfe J C Bell. Uug Mes.chet, R1 L . Steve » non, JohA WhiteenMd W.» Sadesson. No 9q-R Wetb- eroit, A Thompo,Wl.l W JI Major. W 8 Major, Rt Milne., Job"n e.wS B Hagerman, John Burkisolder, W»m tert,W.» Bauton. Frt.ak PoattU and Unlaàa Percy. ro 10 -Thos 0 cAvov, W YJOes lusWîfso$,W p jones, Jas Cochrane# S joues. jr, Jobut A joues Roba A Bifreil. Samuel DlasleO Wil- son, Iýob. E Diamey, Geo A Scott, W.Coates and F ed Hwbron. No as-Tablas millieli, W.» Micheil David Bopper. John Gretg, W.» Scott Nicholas Burton and 1J1)Fonyth. No £î--*a Cowle Wm Burke». W.» aiiked. John Whitson, kobGraham, Robi Wbltson, A ýLspp and W.» Graha.. »sMWt tpOual- Council met Monday. Memabers ail Pr«ses. lTbete uer two communications read bearlug on the electric raiway tu Eut Whlîby. one f00.» j E Pas.swel, Q c, and onem » bb & Bard. b:anniters, Toronto. D> BMtlwms otepl00nlng of uaptemnt odors on toi 13, cOa» Wli MacKutiy, baniste, Toronto. tisietebe ita appeai the delio ftise court of Revialon on c >R sessmnent; IL K Murton. Ocissaw warawts te, csil $0 closu Palace aud hai streets lua the Village of Harnaoo. Mr 8Machs moved thm: tise reecto r0' hit order os tihe treuurer la lva i iasLenton for Stase. betng ommtitttsmon t MtUtteubaila ie ibuat oui rSt-Caied Mr Qui moued tisaithe reeve Ita hic aider on tise reasurer lu favor Of M4r CM ýQoodusafti,*~0 Su.m91hSbeiiig id veut Um yas constable ai Cea0 le for the yecr zSgy-carrled. Mn Stocks .moved tisat the reeve *nd irMiHeaxy be-sd ar e erby Sp polated a oo.mltte to,,mml.esquif! abolut the sittsofHanomy, of whlch Mr Murtý bis made tplhoam-merded. Ou motion of Mr Haur. C7 Nkumwu nmted tSsMus piot- leg ooSet. Mn Rosa gave notice tffl at thse MeM meeting of coud[ Mo lt l aod 4e,7b lac te tronke etas rtiMe or z8g% , Mr Stoclis toedtIsIU ob fie grânt bWider on tws lraee o e lloww cOukts -- digents lMin Bw»uvmn gui ss, MCettitie Jas John 'Ros m u i. X- Cou. 14. - -;-Ueo la"» ar, $ e 0Os«»" ion i tr 13;w; tIse=b OODld ="mIed ta mmscean*0ie set M day las Auguit ut ose bloCkp m u e Ntavas, Cleth. SAUnbN Dominion day was right loyally e=W brated lu oui Uittle twwn.OnStbh Rer R NAdams, pator. pftaCed In ohitronadkýAMI tise evestugta large congregutlos. DominionnDay services vetore mured ai 3. 30 p 1chientacapital progietume9 wus renderod, Rev R N14Adauns, p'rA tant' made a sflosdld chatrrao.'Tt secetq, 1S Ruoule,tiadthbe te- port sh6wlng So scluàosn thse roll; average atiedatcS 45. -_There are six teuchers, e ritndeilibadulan sd secrotary. £ xpeusdture $6.g bal- vas ai sm uWthtie tom susaeti lg the death cdo oo!ittaesdserm-.Mr A Soper. Tihe addrems of vekome va given by ManierJohn G<rabatM andi re Citations veto sice-Iygivm5bj Facla Couly., Lesa Siomon. ,Gti 4M Thereon Moisntoy., Viola Qldersand Ver teimms.Rev j J R&A gostunan- ville, gae.as lntereetlog *adtipuacl addrese to tise children chkicwu cas mua ecated b i Stit W Siemos an orgnist, wus Iteesper.. ceé during the puogamme. A *pIeun didtu wea as Iurnsined by tise ladies to visicli aU iddiSmpe JustIce A bse., bâti match wuasdla .the auhernoon *teen-ProvWtdeado tio boys re. nutlg ufay«oth~ie homse tests b7se 1cref3 îo6 % 11lied o .0-t Vilenoe sieiveir4r jun tuc Mr Nor nB-9lllogý and tdauîghwtt- mot, wés t lutoue a few-tdays lat *eeftvisit elt ('Brien ';IIIh. là thse Whttby pboto rle7#evei7y PrtY i4day and Sat ur- y Y, O'Bren qeýhàýj- hotographetë. A mumbtir ofthtie yourag people ttbe town r it àapleaatit aftttnSronatCorbette on W.dttisdây enjùylng.. the cool lake breemes. Mwiés s llLawler,IôonsIlophils Uaitet- élty, Batimore, la home for bar boîîdays. ishe le m-uch pleaned with ber kisosen voca- tdon. "iMe.A, J. Gibson, who fias beera at the Golden Tissue gold mine, Ralnty Riv#er, for thse past six morahhs, la bomne witb 'bis wife for a leu eteeka. MIt. A. G. Hlendersora, ubo la ah Uxbidge presldingag t departinenhal examnlnalons, *enit borne a 3 pothd speckled trout on Wed. uesday, thse fi 3b being of bis ovin catcbirag. Mu-. Hickngbottomn entenhalraed a few of her frienda on Konday evpulng, ha celebrate tbe baptism, of ber HIte grandchlld, daugh. tel of Mr. nradlis. A.J. Gibson. The Rev. Jno. Abraham oftlclattd, A recet t atmber of "lolya and Ployer&" cives tu extefided tilushrated sketch of Miss Mav Irwin, an ex-Whitby girl wbo la nec tise most popular lady enteutaitaer lua Amer- tes. Bbc struck out for herself tant jear, and cleauedspearly s2S.oo. Her pîsys are writ- ten expfemaly (ou- er production. The Whitby Highland Club le preparng ta have a gala outlug on Its excursion to Niagana on Wednesday neat. Tiser. ciii b. orchestra umusc, and piplng, sud Scotch dancing, and other thinga, (and chuskrey, lni ail probabllity.) There wiii b. a big tirne, no doubt of tisat. People ciso understand hou to do It can now se. ahl the sights on both aides of the fails for about .5o cents e x- tra. Crowded Ont Correspondenve (rom Greenbank and part of Port Perry crowded out this weck. Wautda. Salesmen, lnexperienced preferred. Posi- tion permanent. Salary paid every Satur- day. . Nelson Bogue, Batavia Nurseries, Batavia, N.Y. Wanted, Two or three Boardera for tise summer. Houie comsforta. MISS HAVWARD, L.buroum Cottage, Wbltby. May 27, î8gW-tf. PMp" Ail kînde of pumpe rcpaired. Chsain puns for sale. Wtnd-mltls sold and ne- palred. I buy direct fo.» the manufactur. ers, mot fromn second-baud <dealera. W H Piper, Witby. jabilseGifr W. cl %end tise CHaoNIOcLz tnLaU J lot, 1898, (or 13 cents toa ay friend 1( aray sub- aciber chose subscrlpuiom is peld to tisat date. Now corne on, or send tise chink sud names of your frieuds. janme Miller, Darria«e. desd.- Yteshoday'sToronto papers repart Lawycu- jas Milter, ton af Mn Ino Miller, Brouagham», 'w havirag died on Wedmesday at tise gen. oral hospîtai, Toronto, lRe bas long iseera idlimg of nmre maiady suggestive of Indiges- tion. Kagiatrate'aCases. lTe case af Liddle vs. Bickte (rona Brook- ils, ulicb cas to b. décideii by P. M. Har- per ona Tuesday nIgbt, labu m "pobtponed antior uek, to furtiser loc loto tise tac. lu tise case 61 Mn,Tiso. Broca,, Atqley, cberged citis sllpplsg plants ai .Jo ue-- .rM. tise defondami pls*ded g i ad d t0 puy #x and cos. A eensatlotal affale lu Cndinsportlnt. tircles ba on ga cins 111nfor xwekiPasM Tise Tonntos defeatedthe faus nOttaus Capitale uat lacross on Domialan uy by 7 gols tansd thse OttawaaiduagMt ail once fo d'excuse Loçts adefcmtby ds4rglng four ofi l ipayers, Devine, 'urtphyBssae. sud Câilon, utis iavlug seau tueur "Me. tbey wer. eptly expelled citlhout bl siloîtd à ring or doutailua -»Yfrl. Tise four # ptaert lu questin bave Ieced esn fudnen e6il, asud tse pnhilk , quite ft tobelevetb in, luie cuout ofla tes, tise gtssorci lpreu elo n ug -#Mt thse tiosa vliam 0( Itas . Lamtyser Ocaca sycliets ue *Ostwe4d tes ride Onifaflnu tbut t"seb"0-0» s- -*Patter~ us Io Select Front.A4. Ail the Newest, Design.*-< No other House in South Ontario wi11 Show You~ One Haif the Assortneflt That We Are Showiflg 1!ï We have the Newest Patterns in~ ALL WOOL CARIPETSt UNION dlA I1X"LIrr (t A :llplp,Ç1 rpPPÇTRY C~ARPETS9 BRUSSELS TAPESTRY and BRUSSELS BORDIERING§ TAPESTIRY STAIR # - ' Y fo'?'A T?. OARPETS, HEMP STAIR JA.RPETSI ALL CARPETS, an4i CARPET%-LININGB. Al18o a Fine Asisortment of LA CE C UR TAINS. Oui Tailoring Dopartindn t We have secured the services of Mr. Win. Skitoh, a gentleman wbO fias had large exiperiencle in Port Hlope and Belleville a.nd wbo is faqorabIy and well-known as a First-cla8s Cutter. Ho ja now in charge of our Taioring DPIrtment, and 'we Guarantee every garment. ho please or no sae. [ieave your order with us for a Suit at $10, $11, $12, $13p $14 or $15. ANDREW Fancy ,China. A Large Stock of7fflm Dinner. Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, ,Pull Line of Fresh Always G roceries. Rý - eliable. AT G1IBSQN'S C LAST DAYS.O 30 Da ys 3Q0 s ly ore to buyg" f5SUSU That eans you have onI 30 daYs oe Iny olsf -Tho th ni.ttock wïl -b. mlii en bloc aet «ate.-on thsedollar - clemr for CASH. amenciMSaturday Next, amen inwdsselWeI IV bounti to seit at smnt si Crepoos, - Muslfmc. ýw goods, at ycur ovo- me ROS se. Here Ï8 a Good Thing. Variety the Largmesi I Quality the Choicesi I Prices the Lowest are the three points which lead the FURNITUBE- trade. Re-.upholstering done on shorteet notice. E. J, JOHNSON Brock St., - Whitby. Good Pasture to Let. Thse undensaei bas, god penture7 for cattî or borse on thse rea Of lot 23, 3fd Con- cession, Wbuîby Towosbip.i Plenty cfebade aud ruffaing uster. "A nta ., DOWSqlctor, Wbitby. Str ,Bar.e~Ct TIMU -TASt* FOU W«ttT Frlday tripe to Torouito L.se #e. I«« ort s'am,âri-ý x ifl IL!! Brt sui Stick Pins, T. (T Medals, Badge - Special des'igns for i prizes for Athietie ai games and schools. in -A T- J. S. Barnard's, h th oc Ai OMotal County OrganL-Largent Cireulak CI 510» of 8By 1008 paper in Canaa c FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1897. fc LOCAL LACONIOS. ei j j Smith, barrister, Ottawa, spent Sun- 1 day ina town. a Mrs Dorotheat Orr has successfully passedA the council examn. ai Miss Minnte Mussen is with ber great- graudmother at Port Bruce. The county council ofýSimeoce bas decjded ta, crect a bouse of refuge for the pont. Mrs. Roche, Newmarket, and Miss Duc- das, Toronto, have been vlslting Mrà. Joshuac ,Richardson. t Our Ion ceea.» parlor wlIi be ôpen during the seagion with'tbe béat of ice crea.». D. Mr Chas Stewart bas returned home alterP 'having finished hie career as a sailorman ony the Gardlen City.a Messrs Inspector McBrien, M L Nutttng, il U xbridge, and j* H Gale are prelding at thb.* departmentai examinations here. 0 t K Sidey, B A, former ciassical master a bere, spent a few çlaya in town last week. He lu taking a post graduate course of tbree vears at Chicago unlversity. Mr Leo King, New York. spent Sunday at borne. He hag been traveling for bi% bouse on the Pacifie alope-for fouir niontha and will1 spend the summer montbs ina the western states. *Ho for Niagara Falls on the Garden City :July 141h. The Wbitby Highland club is running the excursion and a grand tiare this year. E E Starr, who bas been connected with eG Goulding & Sons, Toronto. for rine veine ,hasexcepted a mucb more lucrative situa-~ ,tion wltb a Montréal fSrm. Hlm fcllow em- ployeSof Gouldflgo presenited hlm -with an àddressand magnficicnt dlamond ring. e The. boysand some af the men--celebrat- cii the eve'of Dominion day ber. by a series *o~ bnfirslulng ron xi p. n., tili about ,30A. w. neaxt mornlnit. The evergrecns 'ýused ln: he jubile. decoratl" ne furolshdâ 'nyBO itt of fuel for the blaze, whicti a: fîms rshdbsthghtihlt it pretyuy oriy2, burnd abol luthse asy. -'Thé B14 Cthasiiale gélâts n4 cocste islîprice. Folwthi '~c~4.'4twiUpay ypu,. Buî your aliosi, '00w. Ouï prices, arc niglit. Bo sure 50f cral. M. W. Colline. 4 séwSS 0 8M.f 'Uc' visa Istbe*5e lOSlitWJS~S, CA.RF.E'.Ube WOOL b-1-Al U

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