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Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jul 1897, p. 5

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J~D!LIE JEflL Stick Pins, B rooches, Medaif Bal sr(Il esigor for v'"e for Athletic ,,,itincs and schools. -A T- JSa Barnai OtKI caounIl Orgams-Las-gesî Circoula- taon 09 aDY local p*per La Cana"a FRII)AY, JULY 9, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. 1 l Saliîi, barriater, Ottawa, &peut Su'n la> Il iitosun. Mni; )ooitît-a Orr bas succeisfully passeti the couincili cam.1 Mlis Minnie Missen is with ber great. graindmoîher at Port Bruce, The cournty council of Simcoe bas dectded 10 ereci aàîbouset of refuge for the poor. MIrs. Roche, Newmarket, and Mtse Duo- dis. Toronîto, have been vtsltlng Mité. Jombua Richardsoni. O-ur Ice creant parlor wlll be open duîing tice season wllh the beet of ice cream. D. Matlàison.t. Mr Chas Stewart bas returned home aller having ftlnîshed hie cancer as a sailormlan on the Garden City. Mesprs Inspector McBrien, M L Nuttlsg, .Uxhrtdge, anti j H Gaie are presitilng ai tise deparimental examîîîatloui bers. T K fidey, B A, former ciassicul master herer, spetit a fcv laps in tovu test vetis 1lie istainq s post graduate course af tht-e v cars et Chicago uni versity. Mn Leo King, New Yorks peut Sunduy aI home. Ht bas been traveling for bis houa. on tht Paciflc lope for four niontiai and i vi spenti tht summer montha In the vestern Sta tes. Ho Ion Niagara FalIls on tht Garden City 11u1Y 14%h. Tht Whitby Highlandi club ii tutnlng tise excursion anti a grand time niay be looked (or, ht wili be the best t-lt thus year. 0FALT»kI1ND SAT, ~~ 8m ut he hliers ba e dpîeise amp for the: Toronto, i tsa iSatumerds. t'le uleg or.aihuurs lut tîvuout sioh boast. " om$ s edow.e on lia.excur* MIss ~ l»irsvbita F, EHoward (Toronto), mu Mr N Il MCGIIlilvray f ettou Moud tis veuiulg <or *Waiel.dQue., 10 $pend ter 1umter boldai-s. Ha4try -p.-Y, o Mc*Geary's bus. lins, bas been sslmmoned belote 'police Magistrae dges Harper ta show cause why ho isuocheti s wheel off Newpoi-týjq bacis attht boat Ftlday nigist. On tbe mOrulng ôt Dominions day tise ire alarm sounded ti B3 o'elocit. Tht boys hati Qbeen ceiebrutiug wlth a bougire on-the cross- Iig of arocisuant Dundeei untîl about 1Wa houri b.îfore the ire, sud muany . iso had heard the alarm feareti that cinders had set ome of tht bosiness places ablare. It turu- ed out otberwlse, ibe scene being a bouse lu L.ocktown, belonglug 10 Henry Canden, sud ail Ils, could be donc diti net save It (nom S burnnu. The ireon astseued Io the spot and laid their buse,i but, tish might botter have let It taise Its ýt 6otlsesuean the place up. Thome who flrst iaw the fine declare that It muai have been of ncediary origin, as tht blase vas bu"nsu up the ottslde of riy the clapboardm. us If ftom a pilieof fagots. The bouse wvÉno uolId one, but vas uuý occupled, anti lu aIlproabibliî vas fireti by somebody througb purs michi4ef. tuae Sba* ut Port Cred-it mio a Blance NIcholson tea*her t Leoe uti sd Mm "Hetis,oof Torntel gt -#v ring at Kr John Galels. Port WhIisl Mrss Hustoit snd Miss Aggis e cbien, of Tom-ato. areMaiiting Irlefide lu bovu. Our prices beat everythlng far an#td. near. Try bis sud pou vilI neer regret IL.'M W, Colline, Whltby. llaywarâ & Cols stock of, dry goods sud g rocenies vassold on Tuesduy by Aucilater Fairbankit 36)( cents an the doltar, toai muan canied Ertin, îrum a western tovu. The whole stock anututedti l a litîf e over The Whltby Highland Club wiii rmu an excursion to Niagara Faits by the palace steamser "Garden Cipy" on Wediacsdmy )Jufy 141h. Highland music and ail isinds of amusements aboatd. Watch for posters for pariculars. Those who predlcted that trees would not grow atI larbor Bar park wauld be sur- prised on vlmitlng the bar 10 find them lu s moat flourishlnit Blute. Very ew, If au/' of them woulti have died had tbay bees pro- perly protected. Strawberries Persoa desirous or recelvlng a supply of fresh strav bernies daloy cou do so by apply. ing to, T S Brant, Whitby. A. 0. Ul. W. AssualI Excursion. WIII taise place on Monday tise a6t Is nst n tie fine steamer Garden City to St. Catis l ies. '*Cul this out andi put inl your eat.' 1'-tlu. lo for Sea Breeves. Seo Stephensoan, Whiby, opposite H-atch Bros., (or ocean, ses aide, apper luises, and Ilusisoka tourits' tickets. Choice of rail- wapu, boutlifles and 10 ocean steahlp Unes. Rates aivrays guarantetd right. Btg- gage checke.l throsigh. Ctap tickets bo or fromi Eniglnd, lrelund, Scotlund, Manitoba, B.C., Califorula. ail U.S. sud Canadian points anywbere, everywhere. Ht tickets througih (rom Pickering, Myrtle, Brookîlu. Toronto or -Wbltbv --32-4la. Sale oi tIhe Msdd Pau This lurm, soo acats, lot 23, cou 7, Pîcisen ing, vas offereti for sale by auclion ai the Royal hotul lhtre on Wednesduy, but the blddlng vas so slow it was withdrawu. Sub- sequently It vas golt t Mr New.ricis Wilson for $2,ooo. The farm stands mortgagedti t Mrs Pailleter for 8a,ooo duriug ber liletime, she belng uow 6o peurs of sgt. Tht mont- gage bears lutereat au 6 per cent. payable hall yearly, andi the uucertaiuty o! tht length of Mms Pullster's days proveti a bu&- bear ta buyers. ABtg Excurts.r The excursion ta Guelphs ou Tuesday un- der auspices of S. O. Farmers' Institute vas a rouser. Eigbt cars passeti tht-ongh isere from tise north, asti three came Irom O.bswa. The day vai omevhst cooler tissu those Y rec-ding t those on tise excursion en- oye th tiip.Luntch vas uppiiet u thtie model (atm a:t t o'eloci ansd ugain before the excursion 1.11 t a so'clock. Tht motiel fut-m lois bemutifut, andi ailtis cropi anti surrountiiugs are mugnificent. Tht country éang the route oi tise excursion gives pro- mise af s big crop. Rpvorth League Convention. Tise annal convention of the Epvorth1 League of tb. Say of Quinte conférence viii bh inluconnection wiîfs the internsational , gatheriug of poung methisteIiin Toronto.i Tise couference Convention viii opens lu Sherbaune St. methotilat churci ou Tisura. day July i5th, 1897. ai to a. m. sharp. At the morulng session business viii be transe acteti andi officeta electeti. It is Umnras that ail the Methotilet YousisgPeople ç sud- eties shail h. representeti. Thee sal e - prcseutation belng ont officiai delegate for every 20 members or frautian thereof. A good programme viii be pra.videti. Tise raiivsy t-ste la single fare on the cirtiicate plan. - The International convention opens Thnt-stiy aternoun. Aisi futther Infor. mation cau lac had by applying to Rev C W Watcb, Brighton. A Conueof Jadge Daftea lu Harper's Magasine tiser. have appear. cd lu several caustctive numbens a stries of articles bv Puitauey Blgelov enlilleel 'the WbittoMan's, Africa"l' u isic intluer. esîlsjg accotants are given af the Englilisasd Dc c"Mmucities la tisat i «ut and j gaplic deseriptions gîven of ibeir atiôpe. uceanti cpabililtesor! seenest.T July sertes la devotedto W 'Natai<'.We rclip iberefrons several extrada. Tie Col r Oitrtueli bers ailudedttalua a tivo Cânad- r in# evig benborn 5làotoien, ntarlo, k wieeais s¶stiter vas tatiowd aas surgeais 1 of tiese tiRoyale. visesquartezod -la Ibis - ountry. île la a cousi ant aooiate o!ý bis boiserJu4»D"sls*01su in a tëllant r Ventral lIndus, dsui lb he umatin Si To Resi. Two comfortable reidences ai low rentaI t0 goond tenants, wltb s$mail familles. GondI loc*llty. Apply to J R PbIlip, Whltby. g April 27. 1897-tf. f Cainatlc Bruptions (mmm Blow.8 Tise veuiber came direct froms a wtt-mer t climute since out laut Whethler or not ve sisoulti have atideti a low e cmate in a anatter of opinion fbtorntur ruters to settle for thesasel ses. Moat of ihetu knov tht glace isavtng tise reputatian for varatis, utswetiser auly reatier bas bati experlenceE euou!is of thet place ta be alete recog-t nire.t atspeclal lin.eaofieat, ve know sot,à and ve hope sot. At Wisithy Beach. The Citlzen'i bandi vilI gîte a programme at tht barbor on Tuesday eveuiiag next, weutheir perlitttlng sud arrangements have been madie vitis both tht tovu bus lises ta carry passengers up anti îlpvufor 1 cents escis way. This la a capital Ides, anti originuaie tu tb. fertile bruin of Mr M W Collne. We hope to ste -a big crovd there la open tise seton< ant Iifso tisere viii be s repetîtion of the affaîr two or three times a weeis. Buck MurlRatReut-n. Bucks Murray returutti from KIingston penlîenîsnry on Frlday, aller spcndlng two yeare there. Pstay FoCtrty. Jo. Brady, anti aIH the oid chumas -met ta celebrate the quclens libenatios andi Buck,@s Jubile. bebldBtlly e Ares' shop. A bettle of lulger andi s keg ofbisisey vas served up ta teep thetiî naoving. Meut' mutuel expressions of love were indulged inluasd nevet, did tht 'bboys" love Bucis as on thls'-pcaslon. There iss *nîtural geniallty sboui4Murray wisich caused hlm to relut-n tiseir bmbraces with affection. t J. E Starr, who bas been cotinected wlth C, Gouldin,<c & Sous, Toronto. for tine vears has excepted a much more lucrative situe- tin th a Montreat firmt. Hi% felfow em- ployea nIo Gouldings presented hlm wlîh an all(resq and magnifflc ent dlamond ring. T li boys-And orne of the nien-celebrat- ed the eve of Dominion day fiere by a erles of botires, lastlng rom il p. nm . tîll about i oa ni next mornlnit. The evergre ii-ed in tie Jubilee decorati ýns furnlsbed ativ arietnt of fuel for the blaze, whlch ai îmneq rushed so hlgh thai Il pretty nearly hurrned a hinie in the aky. The nig Cloglng Sale Boots And shoe et hall prîce. Fohlow the crowd-lî uil psy you. But' your &sou Tiow Our prices are rlght. Be sure end (ail NI WColline. 4 Bottes of Beer On Fridsty lest Lîcense Inspector Ferju. %oni and Hlfli Constable Calverley paie a Iratertnal visit to Gordon'& hotel, Pickering, t. samiple hi% merchandîse. They found a couple tif fellows taktng a schooner of beer e.,çh. but upon enquiry of the wlne clerk »a t. the horia fides of the màtter were Inlorns- ecd that the parties who drarik the beer bad t)rottght it with theni. Upon belng Inter- '.ewe( the dJrinkers ni the beverage denled huibo in the meantime a psrtv was scta ped up who volunteered 10 aay that bu 11-1 brougtht the heer there. Inapector Fer- ttuqon said cock and-hultonies would cul ci ie in the malter, for in the mentinse lu hol found four bottles of beer under the bar. %Ir Gordon in summnned to ppesr belone Plice Miagitrate Harper on Saturdsy after. 11-xon at3 o'clock, and if lhe be convlcted il rneans imptisonmient, for hie bas already hern convcted t0 psy fines the tatutory nunmber of times. Warniag to Bicyclistae Those who ride bicycles shotld(rend oui report of the town couicili proceedingeoua MondRy ptght, The members of cotuCi liave heurd maîav complainte, and (telthb. actinn si have 10 lie taken il more commot 1me is 1 not used In ridlng wheels. For ln 9tanceLit Saturday four or fîve girls of il Or 14 galloPe4 up and down the town ring ini their blcit and chaslug people In ail di rections. These lasses wlllhave to Jeani %oniething or eIse the bicycle wlill e drives int a corner, for thet own couscil Dow bal unlimited power. The lad ibattie Ceeue bas lsued a note of warning indicatuests the fathers Are lncllued to'he tas tentent s possible, end 10 bear wltteb1cbcycle ss o ii s sleé; but there leis limît 10 gaod i anrd patience. W. are ln lavor af thse bieyel being used on the streets andi waru botl The populations of thse town les massif scattered. sud there are s, sny miles aidewalkm that there s orofffora. eu Dt1 fIlcornes ta a qlleutio of Wehth ie vhs or tbe pubfle sbailf ave tIeo atts#. weabs bave. 10 vote agaisitb he hQ ,Thm .Ise tesson wby tbere abould e' assy troble, there la roona for- aIl, . o pems needi steP Off 1h. sldewtik b o w jv«bsa pas. lTe ceil uaaa #flatke las & maudlug a -bell. whilhsta&Mi,~ouo ttu he or mise causflas ecaýt*1i wboe front. Tise but wsy e545l*drkor dia Isîosay wt H.p abauu t~syis 101f. aea SIs.Wwmssse àaLu __ Town Cousei. Met Monday sîgist. Letter roms MadilI Bros., Lakefield, proprieters ê$( the Whltby Electrie Llgist works, acceptis 75 as offer. b! counicif tIn fuil settiement oldlsputed se- caunt, between thse town sud thse comupauy for luat yesr'slghting. IReeve Pringle tead a report frot tise ftssne conultîce sîris. Ing off tise interest cbitrged sginst smre poor people wbo are ps.ylnigpTmc taes, and aI lowiug sesalary Wo esutuIspector Calveily for the peut. lTe report *as ad.apted. Couc. Haiy wrd brougbt up tbe malter of reckiesa riding of bicycles on side wslks. lRe gaad tisere vert be0nisnnit b le numerous complainto about the ssucy and swift rtding cycliste. t(this continues, lbe (cil tisatIit would be oecSmmry to pasu a br law restricting and regulith e wheel. Several other counsciiors tipake warmly on tise eubjeet, some beisg ai opinion isaI thse bicycle sbould b4 is*btolf tbée alise. Afrer soute furtisér 151k isowever, Ih vsdecided to give the cycilsisont more chaste. and the followins motion of Reete Pringie vas adopted - Thot theg towu clerk b. In- struoled ta inserl a notice lhb te"ov î nevrspap e x a itc lales tisaI grester cure mua et te*ervlaed lu ridit11mb viseels, and thsaIthe mutnet i de ai a rupid puce ait goy sldelk ilulavIsand umust svold rlding ou lb. vaihas la the bosai ne"s Perls of thse lavaait a imes. Otier. *loissby-4aw yUl b*j= uas4pobWa cyclise gomintw itnthse slàîewulk* tba &UCycisab * l igv* popet * t*Is by beillor <othervlsewbe» &rPilf mm pedesîrias. Ou uaotioés of ive 9109W. the mayor w*' luuitMd to bave thie base- teed repaied snd 10 b"a a a4for eurrling 1 tise tavo 3gallon .ià" extbguiem suShb e equently Cousi. lisyvutil as *ppoia-ttd to ediscisarge tise datite ofehlrmnar tieeand voter dgrliug the tom~oar shacice o Cialma Jcisàs A os aldlscusioo et ook place on thea sbje«t o to"i ae 1diturea.Thea t«nrate viii bc .bOimt24$ taIl eTise counieil tisen adJoarsed. Cbas.sgeà*- Leas sLaw A numbeiraof ebauta u l b. ouail. I ceuste setmadeil thse latt eWOIS O utMi I!Misiature, Camse loo k ford Ult. It the case *If tiquor sisopu, the &- Pu mit* tise sale of bal! 4L plisteadoff r hatYpltu*be t i4s4it 1 Su t Sbraim es akage 0 tpeouol 1 IPd the promuises elbais aiutsis* to bh opeued be(oS 6 a». e. w viiinu Mxtoe - latinlelîttoe. vetiser SId*8t - a s I.. t, n s Il Lt s g if t, I.. d 011 ~!&U ~Yû Saturday, @J~VV. Reffi"nants GO July RIGILAI i Othp 1897, WALTE RS'é Remuants of PRINTS, COTTONS, SHIIRTINGS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VEILLNGS, TOWELLINGS, LACES, FRILLINGS, RIBBONS, ETC. ODD ODD READY-MADE SUIISIO PA.NTSS ODD PR. LACE CURTAINS ODD PR. 1105E, ODD CAPES, ODD PRS. 0F GLOVES, ODO TIES, ODD MEN'S SHIRTS, ODD VESTS, ODD COAT8, ODO QUILTS. AlRmat wiU b. offerod At One-Haif R.gu1ar Price OuIa aturdýay, July lOth, a ý -wnu. f0 Go. Thea Tramp Nuisance Oshava Vindicator:. A tramp about 18 ycars of age uuderîoois b Intimidatdiffer- out women ou Tbursday by bis brave toit. but belor'. beobuti proceedeti fat-Cie( Hoover had gatbe-et i m ini. He ordereti visait lic auteti, sud vbeu tai&atores vere resenteti cslled fauitalnmes. Ht vasteti lelicucles ant i bs orders vert that tise housevîfe hbisuis kquick lu gettlng vhs fhe waitteti. Wheu taises before P- j Morton on Friday hso pleadeti guiîy toas charge of vRgraucy snd vas seulta Whlîby 1cr ivo monti. Tht chief lbai given Instructions 10 8il of the fraîerniîp thai show theusseiveop u tovn ta gîve thc place a go by or ihey vilI gXel luta trouble. There art mare t-amp# Mbis vear tissu ever belore, andth ie hans usage ttsey gel doci al tseena 10 rolaru thena or lotion tise populinity of their cahling. The t-amp probena le becoming a, proMen of out socialai 1f. ibutParliament mutsIdeul vîts. Out- publie rati neeti permanent Inaprovement, andti Iis Itile srmy of able botiieti men are snpported by tise public vwithout tou, sud go long as tisaI lu the case so long viii tise linprovident Pnid the ablît- les vo are seeklng ta geltitongstise vorîdti is slitto taca-tlats as Posaibis laîl lot tht ranss to ivell bthe number. , So long us present condition% preval go long vil tiseý uninisacontinu* ttr Iserease. Thes <uses muat be giveavans. >Tise stâte owes it ta the public 10 gise protection to sadletï (romnth tia. enacing c vii. There linoôpubi e service asisdîvtlu neeti af conapetet oer isight s sthe construction of our lpublic tbortgf*re.H Isauonho c<ttdown sud soada tqviciled, up. A moud fotnaîdtlou tiust bc laid for toudvals ta support te top dressing or tise gravel Miil unS mb tiste mod and tise diriveways vili never be sutlsfater. Enougs noney lu wasted every yeur lu Ina- prper roid cotacîou, tqia> notisng ai thb.fret lving ifit r4napsaget fort'ht-su- lpta iseep tibet 1ai vrs t ii fbenelil tipublic, Wth reinuneratýoii f«r tiss isbor lst ee*slîfor petty thsslewg *111 b. removet and tise coutiri-will be tua* aometblng lu, Ite extra empoisse It le punt et lua thse Prosecullon o!'lise ctîmiussla oCl'bt ~~~1 MORTGAGE SALE OP VALUBLEFAR# PRO. lu tieTve9wo Pcui WAT ERS', Notice to C.'edltom' An Me natér of thée eUaté of A r2WOMPSON, lmie o!ftme tow*shi> .Of East iVhiEty, in the County of Ontr0gj Yeoman, deeeased. Notice le bereby given purIfiant tothe.fe- viae Statutes of Ontario, Cbap., zio, that mli credîtors and others baving clams ag luet the estate of Wm Thomp" ofte of tbe tp. of Est Wbttby, ln îli, cctanty of Ontarlo, Yeoman, de«U~ed, are berby eqirdto *end by post, prepsid, on or bfort the ýRt day of AUÃ"., 1&97,W lbthnderilged rexeCutors of the lsaidealatet helr peinssend surnames, addrcses end frscrIptIon, lb. fuall particulats of thef r laimas and sttment of theit accounts, snd the. nature of the se- curity, Il any, bofd 4by thens., And ftbtW noicela given Ibat, alter the osd mut-dal, of Au£ Ï897, the exeCutOrs *I11proceed ta dlstrfbutiq the saist a atec Idécéaied amonget the parties îentitled tbereto. biawlng regard to the daims, ofwhieb notiée a& bave been gîven *8 requtred ; snd the said executors wiIi flot b fiable for tbe mud asn. lsets or -any part tberMt *a5 distribted 10 any petéan or persons of wbaau deaim or dcaims notice -bai not have been received et the' lotion JAS. Tâogso<, Wu 1 pAàtnrna- -sNTitoMI'5N, executom, Raglan P. 0.; F M YAanoLni solîcitor for es:. Dated June 3«bh, 189i-3t.4ina. t hualm&Gyppl us 571 ST, PATRICK ST., OTTAWé. JULv 3x, îlse. 7Z, i» ýPkmûlùs*Madu Co., ." dL O n , tQu i. v« c 17tba * e w * e -TC Tlft- CANADIAN. ý: NOAT1IWE8T. Good going jISISO te. July 6tls, and Juiy 201h, t,897; roture Uiitt Aug. 28, Sept. 4- and Sept 19. To Deloraine, Reston. tpvani 'Blnscartb. Mooaomin, Da9uphi-n $28S To Regina, MeJao, Yorkton. 3 To Prince Albert. Calgary...-.1 4 S To Red Deer,- Edmsonton. from ail stations la Canadà, Oap losg, Sailsi te Marie, Wsndaôr and- East Get Homéseekers' Guides,' Tkketsýa:d aUi nformatio rum A oeWbitbyl çat., ý C. P. Ry c,.Tepapb an4 oqILnISmé 1o 1 w nnoxîca~fk TO SEE i TO IEUEVE I Il r b ul 'ceno!84W . itm setier vis selbosi, andi a e- 0s«. & ib Zrois sex, une 1 labtet loba&$ isinois e psa. ai ci at Whitbye a 1 le r. It y y sr Rt - 1 1 ýl . 1

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