Flfty Veste Ag.o Who could Imagine that tht.s heuld b. -The place wbere, la .tgbtem a tuety.Uire Tuhat white world.wouder of arch and douze Aihouid hdow tenaton. polychrotat... il e re ai the Pair wan the primse cenferred -on Ayer'U Pille, by the vorld preterr.d. chicago-like. they a record show, ,5iucc tucy started-o ya'5 ego. Ayer's Cathartc Pu1s have, from the time of theft preparatioea, bom~ a gontlniious isuocena with the ptibliô. 'And that meana that 43119%,PM111a aooonmplUuhwhat ita promiaed for them; they cure where otherg tai. It wua 4tlndi, therefore, that the world-wide popularfty aof the PlUS bot"la be reognised by the World'. Pair modal of 189s tat wloh tpsa~ he reord: 150 Vers of Cules. A MÂTTER 0F 3U8TWE. IS TEE WAY A YOUNG LADY 01 .NEW BRUNSWICK VIEWS IT. Suffored From Headaob, Pain ini thi Side and Heart Palpitaion*8bi Thinge Sirnilar Suferere Shoi Know Blow 8h. Fouad a Cure. Fromn the Fredericton Gléener. Mise Aima Millar, of Upper Southain» ton, N.B.. i. a daugbter cf Mr. Etri Millar, si vsaltby sud loficentlal farines and the yoong lady ie a general fiavrt arnong a wide oiraie of acquaintacoe ,wbo have had occasion ta congratulât ber upon ber comploes reatorat.ion ti liealîh, after a overe anu ryng illuis 'Wheu a correspondent of tbe Gleant called upon ber, and r.quemied tbat th feote mlgbî b. given for publication, th young lady, tbouilb not ailHaurions fo publioity, uecrtrhelese gave ber ousen in tbe hop@ ihât ber erperlenc os ii prove benéficial to moine cof tbe maný ynuug girls whoee condition of bealth very stiiar Le wbat ber*# wau previou to ier cure. Mis-% Millar stat.ed the ýWhou ber illuees began lier mother we unable to look asuer the affaira of th housebold aud the duties largely de volved upon lier. 8h. fett berseif grou ing weak aud easily tited, but felithi sh. muet keep op. Sbe says:. "Notwlti 8tandini my effirte 1 toua d myaéif gro,% i ng worse aud woree, My -appetite fttilet tuy complexion becanu. allow sud um ùye eun ken in my bead. I wae trouble witb dizzinoes. sortuesaof breath an palptation ot the beart until ai itunes J'dit a$ ibougli I wonld suff'>oâte, I wi ali moet constantly troubled wtth i pain i ti ha ide. and severe beadaches. Wb.u -went op «taire I1vau obliteil teO eut. Lil hail becomne almout gbord.Jland st lau t wa.s foroed ta giv .eu p snd keep my bec My frieudu teared I waée goa lui. Cou si] mption sud oeeremady iaff e motbM wae Lried witb me benefielal resot. net 1 was induced LRe, r.Dt. William.' Pist Pilla atrial. ILu ls.tian-tliree veekse was ibIs ,olesvoemy badd uo abo tihe honis, and the nuse of thé Pink P~il a m v te50miera lcre. Itn d tatà l à t [THLETE, e1GbARE )E88Y AN'd MLD GOLO In *9 un itoube Vpaie'~,nt4i M K t#. JamsnIW P.t. a ý'«upDér irutit Mr*.Theitonl, lud alughier, >ga'th A flie ood- Wütitwità r*1 . M. -Pbalen. bm ac ,aéýtittebisuteptiont i oe u ail bieh whiolz war pe$"&ty approlawd. te uboirhome ilu Boston. bli Whle #o bRatt fr@d iigIgh. 'l he ollowiug offcers vr lce o borrlug stw eat§ teudofl Ug ii trsw.tue ouidse quarter lu the 8.of 'T. W brnry esil hi. hors.lhfghad ?-Bmeo $0, aea; on W k-Bter rap-awy IOWî Iarug uu~tesîterMabel rUzce; Chap-Bro B M Philos; valk or, botroA rea ia '.«it obu it Sse asme. a- right sud reporta ne dani'th excep Y a Fr s t~erlaud Mo-tre*Leslie oeey l brk tîemrap. *à &1% stelîs Bobies,; Cou-Bro Thoetsrawberry suon, lma&st4rted lierb Prui;, À Cen-Sisier Virie agiain d tbey are repôrted te be a big Il oe; I 8-Bro Bert Brue; A 8 oropse iOA loi t 9Piekbe s ill u.d te be Brdtlarry Kelly-; Oranis-tiro Oscar euiployed. Fai; P W P-Siaiter Minuie Marlow, Ou, sebeel tesehers bars gene bomne 8 Y P.-Sis±r Lizais Parkes.C for thel, holiday.. W. wish they eqjoy 03 thein. Oare cf Tari Roaddue. Mr'. J.n~. 'r<>aâ, of Bï»oolivîîe, wllb- hlm bride, "ls viiilg aibisà parents. Ou Much of the attractîveness of counl- thé aeeung126 lauded, frein ihe train be try scenery, and with it the farina sud vas greeteit wtb a ocharirari. country places it incliides, depends on Borne et the poplls fin mthe day scoel having good roadusud well-cared-for trisit the siltaue luit veek and they roadsides. 'This subject is gettlng leekeit raýher gluin. more tbougbt froin farmers than it used R 'Qur Orangé lodge are uiakteg p repars, te do. Hecause the readsides do not tdons for their auuzuat sermon oh rsunday, have te be tilled it is often theught they July lîth. They will aIso e b.aiîe.de* are the fair receptacie ef Whatever menstraticnAu Ùbdge ou tbe î9ih. stumps. stoles or other material la un- Wluat;is the initier wltb our foot bal velcome elsewhcre. Whene-ver a farin clubP Why don%î tb.y arrange ak match bas te be soid whose owner takes this wiîb soinse aler team ? vlew ef thinge hç is apt te discover biis Mr. L. Rel1inhaY vas risitwng ai Mu'. mistake A row ef maple trees far A. Haines on Sonday. enougb from the roadside fence te aI- Mr'. Irupin vas oauig ou Mu'. W. Btew. lev a footpath i3 a paying investment art on 8unday. fer any fariner te, make. If he lives A nutber trom tiI viciuity autendsd, ten or fifteen years these trees -may be Mr'. T. Bennueî' barunralieg ie Pioker. tapped and baving pleruty of sunlightý inglaut Baturitay. tbey will yield more and better sap than Mis. . &rusîroa etsoi frei Tor- he could get frein trees eofeejual size in F' ente lait week. the woode. Ror. Oe.A E p wsor et &Il 8Wiuis o:burcb, Cannington, sud St. Paul$s le maino tsxveeka. H'lof ill 4 reaeh lu $ * dmruing for Q.ebed vbere' h. v iii r.. Trieitychurcli, oetbtat eity,wv bile ibere. Roy. Ir. Pt.uuis, of Toroeto, wlll have charge ef Canningien sud Bearerton eobh duriug bit aseue.8 1 S Mu'. W. H.Besyl.ela rushlsg Lb. work 5lodge. I.O.O.Y'., purposre moriug luto.r outeÀvbi ha esflDr s, tw day tao b. recoered matai esllina fg di«c Vt yq "ý. Lesu a onime vbicb Messrs. F. Biek & plifr.cai=Ibc tak= u "caiY In LO Bous an p.tlug lu place ibis week The 4 carpet Is bain# apeialîy nmade. Wheu sismelr a" In wit<t. Unlike the 1u' ersiythiug i. complet@ Peueetul Dov. le bodge vil hbave the Buesi hall enlaidiet lino t là pawâb1 a.nd tu. e Toronto. hypohoaphftcathat à « li Il Wha "Oeuington airain houoedt: Tis lime &gc m nd ti>thes"Mo ime tom 1't by Miss Mahal Edvards, daugbter et Mu'. Ssud Mm'. Richard'Edvards, eft Ibi tovu. up the systean ýy At ibe oloslug exîminations, oethie le Brantford Youug Ladies' Collet@, beld Fcr "slck dlcaUeCbIl.rCsia "list veek. Misa Edvards *on Lhe silver frtoswcclsg r fetd as moedal iu the senior lutermedlate ysr ie mui . W join witb Miss Edwara It s' il a mistake to kave it pff inth may yens in eongratttiug ber on aber suoes.-Gleansr. su1Eamu Mn"thLThe dmse=yebc h On Monday last about 2 pin, Mr S WcrCotuesomat84 R'Hoover of lot 25, cou 8, Markham1 di bad twe boises kilcd by afrelgbî train c3PCCIà UIY for twnU U , aiS4.o 'Y on the Midlaud Railvay which ,croSS«s i af fîo ý à % id bis farin. Ih l not knovu boy ithe id herses get.on the track s thegaies quift&. It sol .kp n&C were observed te be closcd by the â F ftg Mec pei tien bo5 in ot.iy -,JVMAÇ -e S It le surmised a tramp opened thie gae l'or =1 &U ild m 440t: "sOfd. te ge a drinkatthepuputc 41 SWiIdý01 Sand left it open. d. W Tiiieman, superlto'tndent of:"tb.éSAU il!' Economist Monday that the,- week fouadsac lbnbr tpcet iPrtviOut't coat QOtPf $ lW4 I5CIiuit.di enrma finm n cw*as1ê 'ETAIL EVERYWHERE, W., COLII, "mu# om D aIvU - W5' qal Waq n:. jâ hpsud uoek. W. OALVElIY Ll-Z Per Package Ra%à ilw&y TAVI IImo Abl ET T E S. 8.1 No 2 Express Ddily Mail .....54 60 a m , No.? Local, exospi -Bunday .... 8:50 a M, itLo. lé,Paenr ..98p No. 1, Express, 19ail daily . 5:00 p la No. 6 Exprets.dallyt except Sun .. 8.6:04us. No. 4 Express, 0:8~7 a l. No. 14, ?mseu - @r 8:08 v No, 8. Locaf, 8" :17 p Nio, 2, Expres, Mail. daily... 10:06pu Per Package DL D DIVIBION Mail........ ...... .08Pm c5rarettes. ie To Lludsay.......085p m Mixait Prom Lindsay ...........:87 as. 4ail..............l:46ps. Mai............9 P m * DOMINION BANK.ý SOLE, FGbI OR QWÇKGtJRKu A$R4Uhl*M £1. ~iAgu&~, vi too sic#. Wbtby AgeL~ ter teo use .waejuii hvd audFAIRBANKI8 Real E8stteC4plu LOI Iu34S-ob. sId, adr *A uot&, _____________ yrd. ROUGH CAST ROU$£-OqM0utin,~ nortb:yard, vill be acld chqap. etitutes in tblis tom la ttylog to defîai you sud shoulit b. avoi4sd. The pibl are aIse cautlened aalttalois' ealed blood bolder.sud ne* ttetol put up iu sinilar torm iat«ed4 i.d eoive. Tbey are aIl imitailou wIi makers lippe te reap a Pffl'ulai7 ..4i taire frein tbe wouoeosl "putatu achieved by Dr. Wîtllsms' Pink PI Ask your dealer for tbem. These P11llaraes wunu W be~ 1y Dr Wi'taz's ILedIe%*. Company I ,ville, Ontario, aud éeheu.eisdy4 N.11 sud ana sold ouly in -box«.J>0bEI*R b Irm's traite wou* and *mapr1~ ,ents V.' box, or fox bW ' m1.yuay b alt~s wIbSeuî1yMail o 4eýofPd"~ r.Wllisoes' Pink PlIi *Ab of *11 drugg-s*Ior du Dr.iUm VK&iirn - He ~'Ãe use 1t, because Its il ~ pays bI"b upa v 1ald**,b forth road a few weeks no., T KX91à 4 të«à «,In our et Tbe Cout'à y mm IF, Reesm Mr me] spected tbe -Rouge, ffl"td>eu lié betwecn Mukbam *M Aù con on,ýýWedbqoqý,- IM' and' the air M*em#oo ok- ture on, mid brIde at'à iW".' T-t autiewsbouw bw à «44,0 Owl, cii 6