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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1897, p. 1

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.i~ XLT. WHITBY,'ONTAIRIO, FRÙAY, JULY 169. 1897, FRESH GROUND )URE PA RIS GREEN. -o- Pure Inseot Powder. -e- 7hurohe's Inseot Po wder In BuIk and 10c. Tins, A. H. ALLIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, VEITET, ONTARIO. WINDMILLS -AND-- WIRE FENCE.1 Geo. -ll0- Belle the Genuino ÂER- MOTOB1 of Chicago, and the KetaloenWiro Fonce Iutending purcbasets siould examne thia ahI before pî aclng uheir onden. Do ual let an agent put au imitation on you viten you can gel tbe Genutue Asr'uator thoraugbiy gaivaialsed and varrateti, for ietsamono>'. Mare ai îÎ,es* mille soIt ln Canada ta-day liais aay chier maire. Tih. Aermotor Ca. dlaim is atione haif the sumiter af viud- Miliioutâtls oid in lie vaîlti, autih prosent lime- Ail styles off Wood and iron Pumps fot sale. An>' Information regardlng lieue ouîflîs *111 ho freel>' given by vnlting ta Fcb 7, îSgr-4mGta GRO. ALLIN, W>sTIY.1 WiSTERN BANK 0F CANADA.' Whitby, Ont. BOA RD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan Esq. President; Reubon S. HaolltlEsq.p vice-Pves.; W F Cowan, 'ik., . F. Allen, Esq., J. A. Gib- son, Esq, Robt MeIntoth, .D., Thos Palîevson. Esq. T H Mc'Millan. . .. ..Cahe Genersi Banklng Ruonne" tausaod. Drafts Isated, payable in ail paera Ca *de United States, and ou Londons Eng. Iena, payable In aU prts off te 3 àa 0cent. allcwed on Svings Banik posits adcredited haif yeely. Special attention to colletion of Farmera' sale notes. E. 1D. WARREN, Manater of Whlîby Branci. W "TEDI)-SEVERAL FAITUFUL 'Xea or Wonh o Ivavol for re. "bie estatlisbid bouse le Ontarlo 19lry $07=,payble $s3 we*klv sud ex. PItion per;mnet. Refeie. s'stàlio if.addressd stmped envelopo. Netol,. Star Building, Cblaqo.-t7-8. kt elhd 1849. d6stol 1h T78dy LOCAL NEWS LETERSO:I Mr% V Gîbson, Wbutby, apent a feu day& vili City frienda are boing entevtalned as tic guetta off MI n d Mn joseph earboot. Neavi>' ever>' one bas oomed iaying some rport a beavy ctop vilo otiens a veny ligit one. Mv snd Mr# Gleeson and <mmii>'off lb. North West ame speudlng a short time viii aid frienda lu tuis vieinit>'. W Penqzelly bas movedth le gras on lie f oot- bail grounds ai )est. No doubt but bis att viii be greatly appreciated by ailtic boys. Qune dey lait week oue off John Emntersonas cova haît the mietortune ta <et anc off ber legs ao badi>' broken h vwas deented neceasar>' ta lul bier. On Frlday lasi people came fron> far aud noir to acelstinluthe talalng off tbe new barn Artbur J ohusior.b habad erecied. Everytiing veni togeteer ila Brut clas aider. John Reed, off Fart William, omlled on bis aId trienda and assoclates the eanly part off tli eek. There have been so mmv changes bere since ho lefî o tonhe veut ho hardi>' mev the peopleoro place. The rai n on Sanda> vas great>' neded b>' tie cropsanmd vas graiefuilv received b>' evevy one. The crope lu ibis secuon ot the country mre look. lnx the bcat the.> have doue for a long go. The Formts are jubilant aven tis briglit pros. pecta off an abundant yield. If the nev Gavera ment causes the h ou als.fer grain as a good ian>' îiiuk tbey 1viii do, she farutera viii bave *a mue mon.>' îbey wout knov vai Ioda vith it. At a speclal meeting cf the. members off the sabbath school h via decidedtet, chanflthei bout off meetng froi lie îoming to, the afiet. noon. Some thmee moulu mago lie>' deoldedt h hoid il hofone citunoi la lte amngo During ttril tnhlere wua mark.d deaircue la lb. ai tendance tins the change bacir te, lieold bout W. are sorry ta hoar tint a couple of officer vere no oppamedio di eanging the bour <non> 9.3c 10, m 30 tbey bave left the cburci and Sadal Scitool for good. Lut Wedneaday vas olection ot ofilcer fai the beague. At the mame meeting lit wu decide to eoranle ad if passible <et uhinga lu hottei thapet n bave been. Neatlyfotty-84Met ther usnos on the roIl book as membens of hi icague The fololog afficera voeeelected fÃ" ihi&bsulng yesr:-Pent, W G Ward; Sec John Gevry: Trois., F Smith. Ma>' ilbe ti mastsauccesaful yrar the baguebu ovesbait i the wisi off ail ltà memnbera. Programmes as betng pnlned as qulckiy as possible. Everi on ia cori 'invitec so attend tie meetings wvie are held in the churci oves>' Wednesdsy ait o'clock. wmTEmvAL Mnm Hamilton lu la St.eufVille vwtlag rn Mv W G Gernv vswllnie cil>' stendinl lie (unevai of bis siaber on Frida>'. Mii A E Major bas returnet frai ber visi ta Detroit. Mils Nelle Thoîpsan lu baie ftom th clty toaspend ber hoiday... Misa Lillie Berna.. vi ael>'came hou, front Toronto, bas <on. ta PiParo t ai #pend s couple off veka. Tie Mise Lîttiejobnansd Turr.erlenviit M-rs John Tool, ai., for a fcv days. Mn Wm Albrigi't, ofTorntno, atd Mruai lira Engianti, off Park Hill, vas boe la veek attoadlag the. fnnemi ai Mrs Aibtigi, The abeep quaranlice bis aI lam been i maved (raom Pickerlig tovnship. Mn Wesley Wasch bau doc quit. a bus The sttifai ly u> v ver>' quite arou be, .la tact evo o albelleve liaitics.r au ovangemanu rnd bars. Roadmastet Peniiocir bua ulie ha b stand les-n dounansd made ima sievalir. Cbertyvood foot ball daiscasstp b* on Saturda>' ho plsay, but vent berirba< dtieae. For b ue ylsanti ciev ht bes~as>'gae t bernaplayeti bc forakm«lnghse. Mr David Turner badthte miafaitume los bis blood drIvet Ipet veet, The ssim got fait la aral(enSoe5d vwuisuri so t thit W eita bue kfilieti, llap!osto 1 ant offthelic est duliuis ilits sectiets, Ire SusaisAllbturla e i Aarçls Allrlt, d la*satsrtii>,'egs uen. asA 0 tib. lti tc Les metsalvays e 1.slodbaliea tion suai of bes- Iif~a4 Md hvu aohid b taut sas d isasdimglaiai o Ut 1s living lu dierM »etu uas 0 sIa, T funerai vilS toutpbamoTsei> N'illi M in ommum- connection wlth nome notes tha t le had idorsed whicb were not ln connection with le own aflairs. Hie finonde ai beileve be ide a minate ln going away, and ive hope e wll yet corne back and gel things shaped P. sbbe Scbodool R8aà-1atioam. Ir 111 ta St hI1-Maximum 66,1-4.5 Colwlin >7, Louis Sebevi 547, Violet Armstrong 5p, rneat Francia 572, Loule Biggs 497, John itsl- )p 496, Lauts Francla 44, Obu Cotton 492, Aitb Syvant 482. Effie Deion 433.Ada EBab- ock 424. St 111 10 Ir 1V-Miaximum 588--R WaY 498- Bessie Scott ý0,. HenrY HoakInge9 27, Lizzle Delong oJOue Craig 73 Pe t n osubjecta taken, ?%lk)James Kerr. Edtth .angford. Ir IV toirlV1--(lass worik-Eva ,011on, Qrnie Brlggs, Icimes Becket. Marin outiev Edith Francis. St II to Ir 111-Max. 72. 140 marks vs qured 10 Pms. 886. Willie olwill 34o, Oyant dy 488, Pearl Reeson 482, aidte W lilteford 469$ Frank Rdman 443,Rosa W aring 4oi. Osasicl lson'34. « jr 11 t0 Sr 1 -Clara Cook, Minnie Cralg, Loufe Langfotd, lana Wilson, Maggle Cralg Clara Colton, Nel. le Spencer. St Pars Il to )r il-Ford WeIll> Clarence BicWe, Jerry Anderson, lennie Grass, Laura Fowlie, Elma Cheyne. Marv Cowle. Ir Part Il 10 Sr Part Il-Floste Bray, Beatvice Langlord, Frank Scott Cecîlla Fran klab, Parcy, )elosg. Preparator Part Il te Jr Pau l lý-W Bannet, Willie His?'op. Frank Colby, Wllile Pirle, Lluzie Plie. H igiestist 10 Part 1- Redman. Effie Reeson, Beatrvice Huseon, Mar. ia Britten, Pearl Spencer. Barn* burued Shortly alter noon on Sunday. a thunier storm passed over bore accompanied 'boy beavy vain. The lightning dldnot appeur 10 i. near, with the exception of one fliash, wblch wae close enough to b. satlng. Tt was felt by many that sometblng muet have been struck by the. boit and when a few moïý, ments later black cloude of sanoke were smen rlsing a short distance sà%ib.east off the vil-ý lage, aargo number hurtedlni tbat direc- tion, tin flnd, Mr John Morrtsoa'i barn Ano flames. The borse stable, conw stable# snd amali barn, whlch adjoled .each other, were quickiy consumned witb mont of the Scontents. Someo of the Implemouts wore guot out, but albout $200 wotth wero burnod, to- yetber with twenly-flve lads of bay, z5* bus peau and tbree pige. A boise and bull, wbich wore la tbe stables whea theO tr*otail. odu eto got cul all righl, but ul fot mhait a minute to spare. The lagebain hIdcrî' etood quito noir the.burt i 140%, *îu uninjured. The. heary foin bad glen 1h sucb a dveachiag liaI the gri-ent oitsed to bave no. elfect on iL Rad It dot beau for lie vain,,nothing cid bave saved- lWbé th ie *1startedthe *iud bleu lb. spéïks dlrectly, îcwlrds the. bouse, but -luÃŽa fe minutes the wind changod .a«udý- came drec- lly from tbe not th, snd- bis danger -wa avouîed. bMv Moroicri-led Inr no bh buildingsid Seonteats. rhh.km' ou tie buildings woold trobébi àtiiunt te, $1«» or uao b* onze inrs m re*(uad ta baewind mille pot où îbeïr brne43link1ng' kWi tréatinout and e"er attention by ktbd bandse i l1@vte ULYl but il was off nh avait abs grudUttalh m vw *mak. 'thI. v b-W McCamus vncently delivot- Hamtves 'lu iwbeat and tye "Illsoon com- e et ntûl ber deadi. SUàA. u a hrillal, e01ert- id à, ntrmhn on the longue from the text, mence bore. hMe id aut ffd fot ~ oSui 40715*8 a sUeIÙ !'DeatK anad lIte are ln the power of theo1The cool wave of Snnday evening was vi.ti be e *= obtýlà at lteuied m5keg. atongtte Il 'The.folçwing ave lbe principal cme b al y iesaglt oie ge8 u0y ail. pve eti laevvy s. uitooglad t t o s*Ohhasteai pobwirsoff spe.do- Mr Dovelle la cpendlng the cummer with bis pu tiburci *Wyý ovi ~rer rai m:âto the Ch01 iot te atkrus dut vords ln such a manner daughter, Mva Thos Puckviu. ceal1~ 88large ones s'owing _the tospent lnAas to offlfey te human beinga our sentiments J H Be. wheeled ta Toronto ou Snuruday web lb. fauclly la beld. Rev Mr MciDalrmild and ttîouibts. Hou caret u i w. sbould be af evening lust to visît bis father aud brolher. coaductsd the. service: the pail-batti ere tus God-gven facuity. tiihe= off speech. Mr Graham la very low as prescrit sud émail lo; Meurs S Austin, 8 Irving, W Hall, à Debari, ltlua o ueas y îhins for ce gond man hopea are eutertained off a much langer life. Ei J McGregot, A Jêfftey. 10 cotitrqi bistlongue, The. longue bots 10 be Mra Lawrence, accompanied by Ira, apent aco POALT pEEE waïched bourly, aà no malter how piloue you few daya calfttg on frienda ln the northeru vil. Br betoin* you need to vaich and bridle it. lages.4 Mrs Chas Rase leaai Ibis writlug critically Thon It in off great Importance, as fi1le aof on Ili. suci gresî; Power ; wlth it vo cause lit tu W H 1Guthvie and F M Cbapman wero tbe Mils s la Noît off Toronto, la home for ber sink tan into despair ; uc muet flot do delqgates Irointbere 10 o ranto conventions ibis holldays..hara with our longue. There le no doubt veek. gdtoruwcce l i-Ro but W teela flot au adult buman being Wm 'M.dili's gdfrwaseniouvl Edwin Rundie of Oshawa la homne for bis la tuas audience but whaî lbas ai sometîme lage ioeley. He came dowu 10 look atter bisd holidays. hurt sohleontfs feelings by bis on ber lot bere.. Mv and Mra Rîce off W'itby ave guests longue. No Initier or mother will tel bol- Mr W H- Bray loc: a valuable horse lately. lis ~ tbf. woek off MisaMoahure. lh a ci tesoridle, curveut gosslp at Iheir wîudplpe beiug broken îbnaugb corne accident- Mrs Robinson, off Victoria B C. la visil- hable. Matiy a poor belng lni been helped by apoke.c Iag botrniother, Mvre Dlesflk. -* up by tlii longue and speech.» We are told Seveval from heore ateuded Pickering on Sun li Th frenn av rrngd for the, int ta 4ictil*te falso tonies or faIse reporta. day evenlng and liîtened tb a fine sermon frontc annu ie exrin b10eTorono abc r A gusi cîan ff. aise winess, hence ho hales a Rev MýAuIey.L i7th. Monr v. d ltvn l nn i Mayn. bas just taken lu one off the Ihe owî- Ã"Go'u wraîb on y'ou thon do not be- beaviesi fields off hav we h~ave ceeu. Jna Colby Mise Anale Roberts, opertln ttcl*ornaIailitadoer or taie bearer. Thevare are omne h o t piene office, le confined te tie bouse wilht u bh U vs beau nuiaed la busheesoby lluea«. landersand It lu sàîl lihat a large pere W.- vue pacdtuatinlnearn ii Bd Mç8nd liasP Mise Llbbio Pearse left on Tuesday for a age of secb allures have been tnaoed to wecured atitfation lu he csy. W.knuv be - 1*0 weekir vieil te friende lu Markiam and landets and faie reporta. 'lot ill Sd vi iestsato brvnh es 3 Toronto. scandai mangers lu the. chunch ; the bolier a Trustee. of No. 5 have not yet engoage r Sandy McDou gaîl of Toronto bas been chnlstlan the. one slaiudeted the botter h teacher tonr te liii. Many applicarlons, are iu, vleitlug old friends ln Iowa and vîcînîîy this suite lie slandover, and what la the resuil ? vo helieve, and no doubt a chie vii aon b. apaut week.. Tho"e peopie *111 say, lier. la your chuvch moade. Mesvs îvi sd Rvletwlt thirfor yod. Don't youv owu chilîdren err once Sontaoff tie finest steeva ln tifs county may I: Meur Itwn en Rolett wit h Ir n a vile, and wbat do you do ? Throw ho seen lu Hood'a posture ta the eat. Abouty familles, off Tovodtt a action, are camping lient *t, 'ho, you ielp them by klnd advice 4o off tie sleek anImaài oni about the 50 acresi on the Scugog shore near ibis tovit. end Wbrds off lovlng encouragement. A ln perfect enloymntn. J. Docorallon services take place ibis, Fr1- whispéfev Ie a secret senuderer, Il couard; Rev 1 Thomi met witi s sllght accident witi i day, evenlng, starttng froin the tovu hall ai tbese scandai mongena viii speak low. bis bicycle hore anc day at veek. Being a o6 p.m. for tie Pine Grave cemeiery- Oflea lts uaid vhen people are wbzupering, vew-y bot day bis appoarance liftrn alllng la the Palabera bave made groat Imiprovemenîs oh, tiey are scandai aaongorsesnd back- dust vastaier diffloult than usat. e on the exheriov cf the bousmsoff N Real, G Hi bitera. backiiuiers viilmake Innocent peo. Tiere vas @onte litil. fusae boe. ovor beep lm- ,a Walib, A J Davis, Dr Mellow, and Peahali ple vrîtie under Ibeir siandovab n luita-pouned recentl y, but fi bas blowa over nov. r- block. lions and lnucndde. God con save us frou> No damages couid ho clalmed by the Injursd(? 0 J F MeMllaa, of thie Western bauk. lefi ocu i l-,ongues as weîl as rani tie tangues pariy tbrousth Improper motbode for impouading 9 ou Tueda>y for a trip ta tb. old country off otie, Au aild writet is sald tit the$* same. vlklling th: proulnent citles la Englaad a nu via tellii t e s aîl lier eue b$tonite Our 8.8. are having'e special senmon p hsb atien>,' utould bis buanz dttetohe. 5toncted£ bo-vllnfer Scottand. tnu nIleoie > i 85 <telugston itahen up m. and a pen tlrisvii p lin and Mrs Roand Fox of Ciief Lake, no tale-beaner-luves, ettîfe ceaies ; th ic v given next ve. Be sure ta came and aid tise r Mchigan, vho arc on ther wedding trip, bas mati> servants ; tic sîmudever le llkcued 11.S for sanov libîavy. ave Ibis veek vialîl gMr n Sd liraChas tinte, àa evpunl, île longue iq sbarp and )r Rose, grandpanenta o Mrs Fox.' poisc>noub. . If a îuil-fiodged siandoror gels Sorne on m r attended tise ralilg off Mr il A large number off ont chtoxns Indudiug et you,,4-or th. W111 maire you (boel uncont- Arthur Jolrnstou'a si trenwood lutIveek. rt the membera af the Truc Blue ladge sud a tartablee- 'Yau w*111 bout a persan mi>',fil Ouri vati> count> cauclaor keesalmproving bi s property. W. boltoto ha goes to ?sle dfcw Orngenten celebnated tie battl ooff tbé don't ses why peôple'talk -about me, yI1f.am bttl>' ta set as Judge. ie Baync La Uxbrldge on tie z2tb. A 1ev <tomnetual b. ppI s 1 once-wus, do ont ot c l f Dr bote venu la Bowmaaville. ai>'mn lbuo510181e,' and Iltestalcauaod Why not gcî up a pieute t etairea, _yousg rý The onl>' case liaI came belote Judgc by the sutodrcr's taongue. Tb.se peole de.- folks? ic ueigbbcarbood la ver>'doi ibis leDartuel lu the division, court held bere on sîro>' ho:de utro- b sInss onit-orsaou ercsi mêbae aote ecdfoIlle if hi e lu Tuesday vas Spencer va Hayes, vilci vas Peace ai 'laid, and ac>' tiei 'ncigb off 1mu ailehavbud coatedfrt i h u tea cliri fon graftlng fruittees ; action dis- GouaipeM , dam , ta bo Innocent, hieydon'tofltwe acntiud 2e mised, Tic oni>' othar case called vas laid mean to d0or sas ywvong. Peope wbola", Hebert Iteland bas at lest -obtaiued sn en-~ over uni neit court. goaiipeim.1Ikd tOhve vit-h froni sach par- triauce lis ta ilov barraii, andtso agoaodiugiy 8sons.,ÃŽitbeylike 10 boitttlo bits c *I aP i« il<.>e doined hi l aig iN-oca; Tie Royal Tempiars bad a yevy pîcasaut amilng jýmIIles Antd neigibors. Gas,- i .eandsuerted foi'that poliai',-Herbert iaàantpii. lava perty onthue apcous lava ai Mîu C J Gtola, hesik sra trsi gOsg i ani voW"iiblito au, Pearte, lie îttectdacc vus large; lhe h > i eîiu edr e. istvavb.e>,tý t le ttin sud rfuae nts Ao 1 toet,(h e itieigod%'e.~-" ve.g v"%Ilbe'tdAlallLP< ievsl'1ntngrageme wbale!off Mr Tics Franklià bas bees speudiag i g gamm vs vndred voui tangue, ibut uae'it go&iel> À AJoka feu timyset bomne. Acculeat r[ziplac, but nover a jest, ao is arinful hi On Mouds>' Ikrenoon vbile sanie ofte f l usati ludridualsy - tacIh it aîngla lra R G Little cf Toronto, la vislilng at banda lu C L Whlîby's tallorîng sbap werc wvong. 'Silence lu <aies, eOur tang-Uas M ohn M rison's. ~ vpaiinglieawaagsant lusois s>' ly, don't avali 'vepref.HoliaIvo MssAlt l iver b e« an jolng aàhu» veeraislngthe Ion itime vies Georgc buireti a ma, If da n lukmdos, lu right. venir.vislît i ( M eAt is mîtco, ne Collai i, to tp over it and wtv brUso>n' îLet us commnt! ad v er w va n; dôn'î is Lef Otof areu>laluvieillot a- LObteakisg tirso boues ln bis rgil i4. Il louve ail yauî rmindyards ntif il la ucces- sng botereoila frian»ds tÙi6",tek. tu viii la> him op for a moti ut icut. ary ta repeatîbe vords "dust ta dtu tc;» To do 'va>' viti, lb. bai-fly,_use Pies- et theoapeaiýgM, , t la pleasant to t ýt A feu <lays ega vile bancal GeorgeCaàm. smiI cokumw nca. Tulirt. ls pl:nty:of yia andti fiai-ailFPr salab>'oilda>' Bro1, eronof Torata, vio, lni camps> ih i s room 1191:16 êwork in -the maseris casa. meuseWilson a sou of Wwby ara ah ad cOmu are camping At nDmveya u sout cjaod conversation lua afine #IRtee~~vi msmnn l.Pebtra iic M rl agit a bg ilunge and stoi up you cultiv.l le Il, t but so liUisvar ln b=a -wdraw lbit is cacha ad ivas polcy'esakée &loue. (otbolp l& as t, iridl Mr.CisaileAudewionofiliaslugir luB$>td' «MstcOOdig vies 0,ad, besld, eogeou tose; God fu'fow s i ekW beve vith bis iter, unS -e te, te* a ieeter sud îoparettu ent aller ils bird fo« avonlt a do algt, màe iii love 1'F id,, fieh aisd tihe sst asr ttib& ns balaisd et nmoite. lovlag aoutGoti sud biorlng ' wuaConerdtmcud Mis Latnbl àara iiadé- si. anoinai ur brother man. legato (ramthlez 1or c IE'W bi col: la. J.«»ot4c . venUes noMW meeting l'1TorontO Th. Il« WS Mulot*, Pssase ea- Mit* 84coisl5f Syr*cm, ari-ibat iar d«W sagetoth og a P 1eslat w.qk li$Mdseid iasusuoer ,it b«ba oral, vo as a ulo a Tl cuga f lemeparets, pMjur nd MrisA Roberts. adweek sud enjoye b iessir ogeain, To Net SandayRevs R Wbittu0a0of Por-t Hd lw a uccemefel, sud 1.11 berefôrBrok-perry wvIJI oduc he eic Je ,tise Pro- date Troutt PSa m V s i Uznîtgo tasmure c yt acitrcit l t ntonsal boa. bri $00110 SpiCiOt rout. Ilera -hulng be. "ti problej» olverd.People art, ?ha Roi Dr lanubi>'bus bês tasnt '1 61Y catleti on a usiner of Our cilion nlove. iottt f w tibb isî a f%,dey*a- .i the nt wiai MM or là Tihe bon. istuiser viedelligied *111, aur td otbeW l ert beautifuti tou ittand k nt esasasudal-Oîé- s * 150% ScI pisupeti vils y. <, agi ng'ftoe a atap sakI. muibt pItasisas han icI tithm j lsitoie a ot tukth 'Wklgr à W IarwdoctP0(onVP" p*c pluîm tui- M 1 ava >' Io- oohms m«.n, és bo ass e t b> vPal"reaTis tifAd uh ln g>Poêw WM.tbfg ois1sti moir> mai He« Milinlair veay»affubl'Idd anenti>' eu Dr ieés. orop, * ~w;A.H. -Ima "'5w-e FS -A un (Rg) amRaisvhllb.gbarmeh MCWluus. ituas msWluia b.>',,, M eu vtcibidrg « 4., 'Ès NOe 33 eimns mat,cgim ýiu Uja %tuck,sud amomu 1 qdý

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