Ail Leaf Eating Insects. Churoh'8sot Powder iQo. per Tin and ini Bulk. FRESH ORUNOELLESORE. Fin6st FogIish Palis Gleent de E. WILLIS, CHEMIST & DRUGGIBT, MEDICAL ::HALL, BIROOE BT-, WHITBY, JULY WHITBY.1 16e 1897.1 mhort NotS. Impîril Fedîraioll and Preferentlal Trsde msy neyer cone te, anytbing la any other wsy, but wlîhal the beys have accurcd qulte a fe tiles inasdvocatlng ihent. «I Ifslavery iat wrong nothiigile vnong," vas the final argument ef Abrahamn Lincoln befone ignlag the imancipation proclama. tien. Tht argument bas quite as much force chia applilecite a country wch lIl- IIIItWWlSI W~fW 8ê d Ioe<t btl 6i7p«ss0iOT etitriticp 0 we Mry ittar Watt Stt , la3k fr r eaving. Tills is rétty -90041 antl1100t JIIi~ Alralejoueph 4elaby, 'acre recotumended. d&e ti *0 tato 4th-BBIibi 'th t"ît.smecGdet i Cty has sent tu, a 1 # clt V i0 ay O i , 8 bill for $i o t he MUic y t Ofc oboiïïtg o t a.ý MecCut' %41i9J11 Aahbyl, Ida tf t dývcs ,i d net perirn,,and there là hhkly joulot DWa orn u, Cloart11e(Pitolt e a law ettit oser thse dispute bctweeti Rae) oitwar Son, Jarencfluo, prtth tapc atis tise 4Grden X lu s lapi atr uîco Cityr vas obartered t tfe iTthse 4oth Batt. Pwar i )kingJWalr & p~-ly orrelftelsKt n t1 Cobourg on JUne 1tb, but Pt elk Mo wtJun tio e itel , Xtnilly I&M Un'ycisartered whicis arried tise top ohume Wiilis. XtbtluGodrin! rq n ptanda the servie bu ibeen paidfr.Tise Rose Taylor, Henry Re i.GaenCtno ntMyrEadne junior Il IoaSenior Il-AiiThOrudfike, Garden City î. paid ts tayer ayor can' Ela" Watsen, WiIford Snow, Alexander sic tise force cf the steambeat peplc's ar- IdePhersoit, josephl Pogeota. Senior Il tel junior [1.-Vera McClellSfl, gunient. Percy Goldiitg, Pearli nale u Miss Dartuiil bas genie te Mortlmîr's Lavina Seuthwell, George McCourt, Anffe Point, Musiioka; Wm Bryant, ar., te Barrie; Ashby, Sthîl Seutiwlvel, -Chales Stitis, Miss jeakinis andi Mfs B jenkins te tUnion- May Fsy. ville; Gordon Tamblyn te Guelph; Wesley Model bcbool. Saunders te NeYok; Rev Jno Abraham 1 sr. teI jr-N Brant. E Haeley, R Allin, iD Europe via Str Lake Winnipeg, of the A Nicholson, E Heulden, P Waugh, C Brt- Bcaver lacý; Mis H MacLaren, Ottawa, te ton, R Fraser, C Camphell, M Qulgley, G VancouvY, B C, and retutti te Ottawa; Cormacks, R Wolfenden, M Soutb vell. Il Mis G MacLarec and Mdiss G MacLaren, jr te Il r-K Sturgesat E Brown, F Bell, M Whitby, te Vancouver and return ; M r and johaston, 1 Allia, F Pniagle, E Coawortb, A Mrs W Gold te Kingston and return; Mrs Kean, E Sturgesa, F Cressweel, A Sleight- Motirner te Liverpool, Enz. . Miss Wilson, holm, W Bates, P Dewey. III fIte III sr- of O L C, te Hamiltoni. AI I tlcketed by Mr. E Ard, H Heeden, R Hyvland, R Hatch, F E. Stephenson, Whitby, up-iown ticket of- Hartrick, W May nard, lé Smith, M Piper fice. 111o etot IV jr-T Britton, R Walter&, M Thc Gasettee started a very disagrceable Coxwonth, A 11ailett, E Hailett, R Dîvereli, report as te the relations exîstlng betweea V Whiteiaw, G Hallett, E Clemitice, R the îubilec commitiee and the countv coun. Clemence. IV J r te TV ar-M Mussen, C cil, and aew smre other papes are keeping Bell, H Hyland, H Wilson, H Priagle, D uý andi are ma ng a big yera euit ofi Brown, L Nicholson, B Gilpin, E Newport, The county counicil was la session bere jubi- E Barnes, M McGeary, V Barclay, F Pegan, lee week, a6id naturally the members felt A Hopper, j Tbompson, E Mowbray, C Col that the couniy shonld taire a hand inlathe will, B Campbell demeanstratiotl, se a grant of s5o was made Henry St Schoel.and t 1lji te I Sr-M Rosa, F Walk-er. C Hatch, R Lawler, A Lutte, V Necton, C Blanchard. I ur te Hl jr-L Kirkland, F Houghton, C Taylor, M Meldrum, L Gilpin. G Adams, F Calverley, A Walker, N Augustus. Il jr te il r-j Barclay, M Collins, j Camidge, M Grills, B Perria, E Hall, E Heard, B Jea- nings. Il sr te 111 fr-F jenkins, M Bruce, E Maihison, N Brya, F Woodrufi, C Cross- man, H Barnard, W Kirkland, L ChIna, R Underweod, j Mowst. 111 jr te 111 r-A Smuith, E Kelly, G Rogers, F Ellis, R Be, H Heard, M Hawkea, R Brya. 111 sr te, IV jr-H Gliber, M Stewart, H Draper, N Cresaman, M johaston. M Greencoed. Batrance and Public Sehool Leavlng Examin- aticai. These examlnaltisciir heid la the eelleg. iie institute on June 28. 29 and 30. Fer en- trance 77 candidates crete and 50 passed, Fer pblic chol leaing x7' rte and 5 pasud. Tie teen and county Scislansips arn awarded to,--town-Ruby Stephensoa 594 -,coufty- Editb Hueson 64,.Lily Oris 59a. Ella Bur- roughsi58Q. Thse followlag la the it of successful candi- dates : Whitby Town. Mr Brown. teicher. Hamr Bryan 4 4Robt Dec 477, Ernesi Deverell 424 Arhr;owden 4 acrince Kea 424~, las county council did net know but that the jubilee comniittee had made arrangçments for these ihings the 5oevas placeci at the disposaI of the commitiei. The conimittee had net erderedti he expeases la question, se the county authorities did fi and paid for it. It cas a ves y nice thing for the county council te apprepriate S,5e te the jubile ee- bratiea, and a slight mhisunderstaflding should net have been mnagnifieti laie a big roc. Tee or ibree Boanders for Homne comforts. MIISS Labunnuml Cottage, WhibY. MaY 27, :897-tf. A 0 U w Annusi Excursion. HAYWARD, Will taire place on Monday, tbe 26th Insi on the fine steamer Gandin City te SL Cathîrines. "Cut this oui and pot it ln your hot." Wanted. Salesmea, lnexperienced preferrei. -Posi- tion permanent., Salary paid eveny Satun- day. Nelson Bogue, Batavia Nurseries, Batavia, N.Y. VandailataiUxbridge. ceassaliquot- aelllrg. McArdei6, o .F"-.f. 'wa7 à . Uw Slncoicoatylaestblihig abose 0f , Bertha Hacise 464, JtbIEy 425. Sente tinte during tise nigbt of Tisursday Simce cunt inestbliainga bug iofeuie 1obaston45.a Mabel MeebraY 493, Edath lait, soete vil disposcd pinson cut doiva refuge en a basic that should solve the Rc 17. MaLa < 5.Ru Sepheson the biautiful burdeeka vhich stood ia front ONcfltise asyor's«resiince.-Tint64 question cnerywiserc. Thse trouble is usually 5, e seil.aoTthe buli «a, m Km 464imes toeconnince sente of tise northeru muai- Brougham. I W Ceanor, tesciier-Elijah up ciaiista hycaunnt support tiscir Bodeil 1,54. Normtan Morion 446.Pit ciplltic isa tieyAudley. F Cbapman, teacher-Walter Fcley AIl kinds et pumps repaireci. Chain poor e ai el ithout s home of tis sort. lu a. pumps for sale. Wind-mills solci and re- Simcoe, eacb mniiciplty le te pay la pro- Whitby Separute Sciseol. Miss Cronin. pairid. I buy direct from the manufactur. porIon te the use It niaies of thse bouse cf tescbr-jobn Foley as Minule MclaiYre 458 ers, net fremn seond-baudà dealers. W H ruge.iiThe original cou la tht oaly thiug Whftby Duffirin irt4*Jne Gale, teache- Piper, Whitby. that w11 be levled upoc aIl according te Wm GcIdolne t4», Fred Gale 437, Win Mc- their assasmeats. Aller that tise district Ciellan 447, Win McC&c 482. JuBes Offer ciîc sonde ten por people te be taken Greawoed. Me Wszd. teache-ObCai John- We welîl smd the CRROZhîcLE tilI Jan. isi, care of, wiii have te pay ten tintes se mucb aiea U3 Mamie Moran p& :89, for 25 cents te any friend If aay isub- ai tise district which sends ouly eue te be Picirn<. Mr Munker, tece F aciber chose subscnlpslen la pald te that bouaed. .ulnes 444 date. Nqwcornte on, or send the cbIini and SentnelSta maa im tua- Brock Rosd 8 8 No 6, Pickering. Mr Petty. natp fyurfiecs The Cobourgni e-trBy tetw-techen-Mge Niîzpatnlck pi, 1 ne Koox423. fà »s0 orfins ship of Darlington la trylng te secede front W. KSuox mHlghan Club Trip to Niagrs, the unlîed ýcounties cf Northumsberlantd and SSNla e a ruiit43. Rb twatah About 15o peple tok the Garden City Durhamt, and cîshià tcs t iin o with Oit- LrhaHn y48 i ~ trip te Nagara on Wednesday. The day sS NO 4-, Ha ikt uOg- M" ceY, s fine, and thc lake la godconditieon for tarte county. The Sittînel-Stair, bovmever, teache. Edns Bome 467. siig u h epewl o i oNa very klndly wsina Darlington that Ontaflo Boýkii-E R Eddy, inamher-Egahslig bttcpol lintg eNa MayFoc 6. ate r 7Nt gara or any place ese as long ac tbey ca county bas s Ooaing debtInlatise banks cf g t Trotofo S6cnt e.h 40, ooo te $3c,ooo. lts sisare o( wisty-luMaiiTieR.Q.T.RarR.o lingien votîld huve to psy. Ontario bas R_ý.T RMRae net acent et feelIng deht fit lebanks. tl e ss c v. on Wntty-'l W The gneat se mile National bandicap hI- bas about St 2000 of a debeoture debi, no tuh-Nn*ieCarrubene487, Giongle <kdd cycle road race ciii take place on S aiurday part of ehIch Darlnttinto w d bave tu Pa -,-19=buOr524,Sqeomb e Roy8at 'lOCanedia n"ielur bi if Ji flaed ibis coeuty. W. are *u cç6&AtuRo 4 36 eto fteRylCwluB eCu ai the Star ntsklng sucb a fais. etatemnt ofc Dry",&n'e. le Holhdy, male. Else ef Toronto. Tis tart andi finish Caes place th. matter. *t thei came tinte ce tnîghIttdd u>,.je 4 SP«y, » 455 on tise WoodbuLne.Firat cliii prizes anc tiat ce do net sec any ativantage «or diet- Bah1,ChSOal edl 5. « W S fee Set veittage to be gainsti by Ontario ceutiy 'n 4i admllting Dartilgtoo. That t»Wshp easy ts Net. P mg..Jeo LA% tu*«.-Ho for Su Bru"s' suit Itieli. Bertha 0 a-và IMO5i590.MsSe.Stephensone, Whtby, opposte Hatcb FWM ravn-As A u, u- ros., for oins, ses ide, uppin lakes, ad Ont balf tise t7ited States people FâUsaOum$, UsrmSat 6a; Muskoka touristetickesît. CioSelo(etrail- tisouiit tise electietl of McKinley eould en- w.,....plthusng 6fLam Clrke, W&*rtoutUnetan tueg- sure tise tetut ef preseilty : tise other huit Dubm l iEth sesolbûýa 3 ns itsawl u!uwrsI tisougisi that it would bringgcod tim« uest Tiu bo muid «»m ou sidligt. pg cbecw ttbromgb Cheap twoeu Io or elet lsa h eyr ocurd a tthr adeAbsaà Bron. Andki :Mies ICair .No 4. n tiaad, irelauatScoudnt. NMeltobe, elet ry» i ceeroSuedtu lter id 1West P"Ieinlq; W i, No S. Pithar .C., Cali*foaanlU.S. »dtiCanadien tisat ladividuil propeity 01317 folloce la. tg: Elma su ~.E au lkdg Vnpit ubére eveyche. ne tk*4sts dinidual effort. Tht ide tisat tise policy of Ihata. No: mssa.datd.tbogb;sPckedoi. Myrte, Eroobin. apemMett cUl m.e people riea la i.-No e FA d o. t e ledo.; riom SddlerloT«S oïp4D diaulous Vet tisent le serfülkiciu; be- No t4W WbittsL. St,**Nu& Dnbsgta1s cause McKinley hu» bien preet fur 1K.imTari yrtle; Editis Whist, I. sel UtJ9111u SPeisue, Tertotive»dt"t - - A . udth I. At ue, have Dot been PbSjiolg Assis Spmso. No 1. WOU Whbftby- terdayo011hbu 'aY w * Pi ,at, visit kt rteu.tu «ue c tât -aetît- abollhet. Tise frme-uilwenltms ciitisteir unllnittd lunge are nslsig a terrible bavi, anti even John Wsunmkei, thisere.te¶m Kiley baubecs trieti as Ù' lie "EeuW o%*kédoeseDmt&> pean te bi Willng te sUcer tise ecKile C fty to pam liwsestabllshing their tarit fbre be wiia tem li thtie balance and flatta tisent cslp. This ehoca chat tolly- le conceineti chia people's heada bicorne filet eitstise Idea that they mout banc a certain pafty ln povet ln eider ta ha sure of guet crps, go",i prices, sud go"d cages Tise Beaverton Hapreseluasautile tros- grainiti because thse CnSoJEScLtu o ei come scoudeise iEs-RaieflTmdeves.. ci Dieaviniou, s the mile aliat t ie costiy su-d utterly unusedt Tares Symme of Land Traiter cbkh bas benset uap lu this county. W. soce*dt tait rTrelse snemrlet op on bthiea. »M lmlly tbt oS»ty ceil tismesetIotebis tais sd or tire t tie *yst osu piw* lset tt syl oeofca aonuntteaUr Trslà suue' ca cas <bat senly hait be Ulepti eo> vestoncas rebountmi, &"t tIn t b.y«MM nM e qulubstsuduter tptpaemm!t upans t4 dinde. Tbti To#meusla cstatst7 iWIU a» dbuto tet*." damy bnm ttrà $Pît" but Imn.0( dm uewt*sle srmt n Mn. W.. Drysleb os a ttp t lUT'. Flu eocanWod»aesdasgisi Md O Mm Hall et Napsue t e gise t Ici ra m Docue>'. Ur. Gardon Tasblyn eisla bisb vacuet Guslpb. sache Caishe u sc sl SWg os tht ttmisGardes C ty. Aâceutlo. te tbo CagOmusicLf. yss *&It everboti>'to mi h, 'U r J»meW ug tsa( - b . oullegi ai.I t t u la (u Tor89sim, aU xmser ai4tt eoduset la amta s'meclbe aost lepmr SI the art slsopuble sMbWniesru S A, 4C u.bIont Siis em b.d baon« tudtMi tAshr4o.bisgtbý.It limse. A. moomw # b t, ob ttWk thiehe. . tti si a otie in fo <baiestla tei ahvse cein to b«Mab» iiw of tea *vimt. epi6lai b obu s m p us iietties. o o o O O NDREW C , CI Fancy Alarge Stock of-" Dinner Tea S Cham Full Line of Always Reliable AT ANOTHER NEW 4SSQRTMFNT me là tstLaltso for fali e ROS 0F L~JDIES' BtaO~S~8 NewOrgandies in colors. Al so tg black. Spot Muslin .s in white@ dé . in colored. Madras SateenS, dark & light Gallatea Stripes. Hats and Lustre Coats. a new range of Tweeds and shades. Stra-w Trower- se biina. Here 18 a Good Thing. Variety Mhe Largesi!1 Quaîity tMe Choicesi! S etts, Prices Mhe Lowest. À. I.. are the three points which lead ber Setts, Re-upholstering dn FreshGroceies.on shortest notice. 's E. J. JOHINSON, GIIBSON'S. Brock St., -Whitby. Special Notice. aigpurchaeed the Stock of E~ .B. Hayward at 56 i/4c. on the S we are too busy marking dlow goods to write bîg advts. We are, howcver, open for busi- ness and you can secure some big Ai a will b. sold ator l4en low- who lécoBt-. Nover wassnob aï cha. S or big cattic or boeni ttbe tilt cf lOt *3, 3Td Con. cession, Whitby Township. Plenty of Made and tuanng water, AppIy to JB. Dow, Solicitor, Wbittf. Str. Garden Cityl 'tIIMB TABLE VSOR WIIITDY. Frlday tripe tg Torouto L.e'Ves8.45 8dn. RÎetùtnrl ts TOtorot mi5 p. m.,urri' vIng et Wbitby att7.15 p.m1. On, Smirdeyet l es lToronto et for ex rmion -téWbltby, Osb.wat Bowman- F*aL.-Wbitby to Toronto and retuff 5Centsi. Tao&mAW art# « Sale. s- 4 j! wELa Stick Pins, Brooches, -Medals, Badý Special designs for prizes for Athletîcf garnes and schools. J.a S. Barnar( OMficai ounty OrgaxL-L-argOUt tien o1 any local paper l a LOCAL LÂCONI Mr R D Rice, Barrie, is spcn day here. Mr Geo Hillary, Wakefield, Q tewn this weeis. Miss Watson, Toronto, ia visitin Watsonataithe bsy. 25c tics ail nec patterns sale pri for 50V ai W. G. Watters'. $i colorcd front shirts littie prîce 30c Si W. G. Waliers'. Reserve Tuesday Aug 3 for triP by Park pet Str. Garden Ciy. Odd sizes in boots and abois at te get nid of thent. A. D. Urlia, ward. Mr. Fred Joncs bas inoved op thi premises lately uccupieci by Calverley. Our ici cream parler wcul be ïthe, season euth the best of ici mathison-tf. Mr jas GaliowSy V S, cf Port la teen on Wednesday and f CHRoN1ILE weh a Cal Mr AcimKing. Ne Vnri, s ai homne. Heis1 now weil esta prespeiOU' Irusnesai n the big ci Mr. Albert Sturgias has retu Pickcring eheni he bas beca but Mr. Wm. Vanstone. Mr. Va thse business. Mn Franks Richardsonl ef the staft cent cf lb the Sunderland bridge on the i 2tb ef 1uly. l'hi ef that teen cire celebrititig t the Boyni. By an errer la cur lautissue, lit amendaliata te the license lavus îtCLE stsied t tht he ur for ln îo*ns le in p. nm. Insîcaciof il latter heur là thecforect oune. a cepy of tIeti mendmnents in momnt, and clipped the ar what e cnsiderid a reliable iag te T S Brant, Wbiby.- IBlcyc» Pe« t aiLbzdsa- Tise firsi Ofa& clets Of biyc tise milai'd end estera dustni cili taise place at 141"d"'a' '0 Ji t.0,cr $250 it priais -for thie aftceoti' raclzag, ebil great dsy'oscpot- Fred MrWola babo. ,ifr WiasiteviilSOt, fXII tbreîlgb Brooklit on thie kese awn h thi borse hi cas tý- cas restm ean Myrtle, la Sqlutre 1tcTN ,lt seat »0V ,tri,andltt mu -a5a 1"a otifg moin frot 1'0 <t10meb ete on ttucîr cay ta i -tnIp nortI onM Otta P9,b -attndombicyicle, 30Cf O -id the distance- O a-8 mitai etysud Wbitby lit 40 mi te itartiet est attb tthe et ciel btok#Ywhia t»ýV cet. to" ati th", loch a -U mttofront sd# 1015tE misaih«aver«. ths bolderout, ,ths .idf buîd vs i.- for present use and 'a Il 0 -A T- e 9 It e e tô Assortrnent inLys, in the j&7 - Tito$.. 0.1 JACX$Otft Trafft Moag«..- meds and Boysý A " qvý - - r also for fall wear. ïte (týronltlt* LIQ-