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Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jul 1897, p. 5

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Mr Dvid kPrs aw h.. sen4 a ibtuaiot MrtW T PTam*ivu Iot he gueto MrýIr tu Toronto IC tragg, fwi. vitei a f#j da: b atf holi4ày every Tteiday or "rdeyr alter- Perry thtftt wo#in Mr. Wb j. Greenwoo ,o hO.. a a I L*~'al lhi aToronito, an ezmnrl i ducaeno de- H AL Toronto this wïek. ~ ~ tw ahel Y~ 1? ii U ur prai. t$aui, Mr Dents. McCrohan 4Boston, for fiftyS a e f ~ ~i ~j y dayetmai. t W. G. Wlters)., > Ses a resdent of WtiùIy, a uere to spnd G reat Cieariu g S a e f r i 5 d y VU Il M Il artMn sa lrhardware o4îrk ai Goib e rilmsby Park with the Methodbst Sunday achool on Tuesday Aulg 3 Per Str. At uxbrtd e on Mondav, Uxbrklge defeat- Garden City. ed theMarka&ntlacrose tesamby ascore of 1,a black and, and colored ail wool W 30 placos ea eéte h im 9,a W.___._______' S i k P n ,of Torento at Toronto ofiSaurday lat bY '7 Mia. Suale Woodcock left tat week for Our Clearing Sale of Remnants bas been a great succesq. No thtR n at goals tae Banon Manitoba, where she wlI apend aeb v eue l u mrG oet B rooches, theatlle openbicycle ron ad raa a openon h îîtg 'înare ailgone Wehv rdu daiSmm rG dst motO -H f B o he ,asothe-ln paceon Tuesday Pn McDonald euwill be foollsh t go t oto we in order to mahe a dlean sweep of thin 1\I'~'~ 1san~~r~ujL%~c?î May Nicholeon rlght here. DIRL rli'n, late Hayward. M edals, ad Mr W JLawrencecatne t0 Whitby by The new*mrig c a oeit oc the. Garden Ciy on Saturday. waraeatbscrem oc R O S~ Stouivlle sèraseand hereater prospective brides will not b» flOn Saturday lait te tuilllirse required to appear when the licensie 520coo(fs B dte .team rneasured sticks wlth tbeTý' ecumnseba sued. 20c. Plain Grass Linens, 2e oe oos and succeeded in makins the rosul a tle. Mr T G Whitfieid having sold bis presefit Special dsigns forThe Garden City leaves ibis mortlufl¶ reaidence, Mns Whitfield wîli be at homê-to" Sale Price 14c.SlePie1 . 'aldesgnsforwbich la the luti ime thts her friends ai ber rnotber's reidence, Byroni 15.$icoraCiws Pie fo tlt Ab year t ai a ckange Wili be made front the sireet, on Thursdays alLer the iii of August. Sal iled,1c GrMlbur .5a-t-TeorM B cburc Qshof, heronbeoan-0. lckCttnCrpn tulles and sehools. itainat otten you get a chance te buy Greoy@Chu B A shawya, ldToroaan- tSl rc ic aePis5e graceries wbolesale Thitsta your golden -ual irnic ai Oshawa-on-the-iSke on Wed- 80c Blck Prtointsn opruniiy. Cause w117, we boughi cheap. naa Teootoprycnedwn by Sle Price 15c.SaePi 9 . -A T- A E3Urlin, late Hayward. the steamer Garden City.85.Nv an BlkSegs Mr Wrn Okes many friends In îown ex- During the big thunder storrn that passed - 5t.Nv an ]3ckSre, j750R dymd Tw dSug, tremely regret bis bereavement through the aver the norîh end of Whiiby township n aePie2 Cl V~~~ ] ~~ lois of ie isfe wha bas long been a sufl'erer Sunday, onc of the barns of Mr Jna Mrriion r* aePis2c ~~ K~3flfl')Vii and whose Invalld condition han rendered ai Braokiin was struCk by ightnlflg and de-HayWit otn S. B a jj<rjjj hie presetice necesaary ai aIl houre. siroyed, together witb the contete,îconstat-Salee Price $6.280 S Eugene McCrobafl won the toe yard open Ing ai about 5o ions of hay, 200 busheis a aePie fof8 iee rs ooe l e race and 2nd place In the hop, 1sîep and peas, four pige and sorne agriculturtil irnmdc.tus sasonwort -~ '., ump ai the C M B A spotsai Oshawa on piernents. Loss about $2500, partiy insured. pcial Ladies' 50.Csmr rm40.t 0.pry. 40 1-- IM1 ILD E Wedln esday, aise fi ret in ico yards open and Thete han been considerabie commotion i Hose, onl.y 4 doz., third in Ihgh jurnp at Si Gregorys& sparts. arnang the butchers this week, awin gta the Sale Price 29e. iJSl1Pis2e Mr G Herbert Danînell, eldeai son of action ai the board oi heaith in proflibitiflg _____ Judge l)artueli, ha. been appotnted ta the ihsrn (rom further killîng in the siaughter managershlp of the Fenelan Palls branci af house on the Rey nolds property, near the the T oronto Financial Corporation. We railway track, santhwesi aifthe coliege. iii t fYtIfAIJ congratulate otlr yauiig frtend upanhies Many compainte have been madie about the Gonte Early. Firsi choice will be the bett1u rm Wei terted advancemeti. place hfi question. i-ealth Inspecter Cal- (. Reeve Mowbray, as chairman af the local veriey t00k a force oi men on Monday and Board ai Health, ha. becn notified by the disin tecîed the place as much as possible. officia: ~~~~~ ~ -puy M i fA ricûlture, thiat con. The butchers concernied are Mesrs Colwili, 91,~ ( ~ . L "~ L ,-' 7 i t y tio o ay oci apr a cnaa agou dsesesnologe eise0inPlcker- Soniey, and Beall, who have ail been using L ESa 9 - nig township, and the quarantine regula- the sanie place. They admit the necesslty toihaebeen retnoved. This message of the boards& action, and are lookiug for FRIAYJU I w 187. was conveyed îhnougb Major Lloyd, V S, of sultabie locations inioiated places. Newrnarket, who was the government in- Trip to St Catharines. __ - specior for the district. We would like tae i xusint tCtaie know iram the Depnty Minîsiet ai Ag, eA 0 nUyWtexcsiome ieC aethe LOCALL .ÂOONIOS. ricultute, or Mr Lloyd, or even Lb. Minister os opar te 26hurs o ~ie sen gvn ________the_______ Mr R L) Rce, Barrie, ts spendiug a hoju hinsel(, where a single case ai sbeep sca a fine sali p thbe Well and canai ihrougb Children's tweed pante lined, ies 22 ta Notice te Praditora day liere. was ever reported in thetownship. the locks and landing close ta the city park.- 32 ai 50c ta 65c at W. -G. W aiters'. W U A B L ' Mir (eo Hlîlary, Wakefield, Que, sn n Burthithc prince ai picnic grounds. Faire only A number ai tbe young people ai the In the malter of the ellate o VM town thîs weck. HERsIIII-On the îsth July, at Masaey, 75 cents. methodli churcb beld a prlvaie picnic at- THOMPSON, laie of the towns/tiP O Nli% WatonToronto, ta visiting Mr John ont., a son ta Dr and MIds Hershey. Pickpockets on thm Toronto trip. obt'MndyEatWlyithCuptofOar, Wlaîson ai the bay. CAMrII1LL-At Wbitby,-on July i2tb, the People gong ta Toronto by boai iboulti Tic abawer on Sunday wam strang ai Lie om ,deasd 25c ies ail new patterrt alame price l9V Or 3 wife of Mr anti Mii Mai Campbell, ai a son. beware ai pickpockets When gong on and bey. and far worse ai Brokln, but olya Yemn casd toi ,Oc ai W. G. Waters'. To Rent. leaving the boat. Lasi Fritimy a lady of few drops fell icre. Natice lambereby given pursuant toute Re- this town found ibat she had bad lier pocket A mani cati wheel 12 miles w ith lesifatigue vised Statut"s of Ontario, Chaia - 11tiat ail - Si calored front shirts ltile oled, sale Two comiortable residences at low rental plcked and ten dollars taken. Que ai the ta ect akto u b iipieo redîtora and others mvng aimis VUIWIVI price oc a t W . G . W l e s .t o d t n n s i h s i i a ii s r o s e e s w bo w ent up on the boat w as tw be es b a r su td ii o m paut t i v p e one- ct e ta e of W ni T ham paon, la e of he tp. Reserve Tuesday Aug 3for trip ta Grima- Iocality. Apply ta J R Phiiip, Wbiiby. no ce wîtlqhieh na lady apocket siîlcted use of the icycle, garadyr-ee Esi tbyaniecunyoOtio whe onthedoc inheelî have been ield at $too whfle m Ilthe yeoman. deccamed, are hereby required te:RHWET by lPark per Sir. (;àrdet' Ciy. APrit r2w7, onibe7dck IToronto, but the crowtiH aAADA O)dd sizes in boots and shoes at any pprce By riae.wam se great ihat be gai mway before h os rgds beigto vdne i h ule a ensn ypspead, o rbefoie tic tsi îo gel rid of tbemu. A. D). Urîju, lte Hay - The boys' brigades In connection wlth St ceulti be pprehended. able ta gel g oea ta show that tic wheei et day of AUG., 1&)7, to tic undersignedGo gigJue 911Juy6b w ard. John'& and Ail Saini's unday schools wekit Two Vîews of Things up and ready for tic market daea not cent ezecutors of the sald-esiate, ther narnes and adJW 0h 87 rtr iii NIr. Fred Jones has niaveti up street t0 ta Balmy Beach, Totonto, on bonday ta Wben a mani irom near this tawfl went oS 8$2e. Of course it tosts aornething te market sunnarnea, addrcsmes and descripion, the u.2,Sp. ,adSp 9 elle premisea lately uccupieti by Mr. Wam. spendt wo weeks Ini drillilng. Tic camp la wiîb anoîber wamnan îbree weekm mgo leav thttm, but the CeS a unot cnougb te warrant full partictlari of tudr cdai and statement Calverley. carrieti on much the sarne as a brigade ing bis wiie unprovlded for the Gazette saldth Le iremendotis figure that wieels have bceti of thii accountts, and thc nature of tiche oDran.Ruon Etvn Our ice cream parlor will b. open during camp ai voiuntecra. Tic parents pay tic be bati gone on a trip. Wien a batel keep- sold au. Higi grade wheels are now being curlty,.l( any, ield be îbcm. And furtien t1le season wiîh the besi ofi ce creani. 1). expetise. er ai Pickering sella ale aur coten. insista offered In the United Statea for 82,5, and mn notice la given tiai after lie sald iii. day ocisatMosmn api 2 Maiîon-ti. Ba-nd Concert at the La-k. thai be be put In Jail, and brawbemta te In- Enlilsi irm bai startled tic bicycle world- Aug., 2897, tic executos will dceed TiRln.Mosjw or:n 3 Mr jas Gmiiaway V S, ai Port IHope, was About 300 People toak la tic band concert apector end magist1rate bv a bowling as- b y cutti4t pricea In haitl.heti signae i- 4istribiite thceaamie of tic sal dec in town on Wednestiuy and favoreti the ai the lakte on Tuesday nlght and enjayeti sumpilan ibat they Intencltto ailde round dlcmie that the bigi prive for whecim le at an âmonget tie parties cntltied thereto, bavlingT rneAIet ag CII"u.NICLII wtîh a cati sweet music and the delightfully cool aimas- ibeun respective respansibllltlea. A mani end and that next year good wleels wiil be 'regard te tiec daims of wblcb notice simlThedDe.Edotn Mr Adam i Kng, New Y'ork, apent Sunday phere or lake Ontario. Some promenadeti wha leaves bis wîfe te siarve or become a wiin tic reachi f evenyonc wbo wanis a have been giveit as required ; and the aid at home. le linaw well establîahed tin a on the dock w hile otheru oat anound or pro- wmmerwonati white be betrayi a iaollsh girl moutit and that Il will only be a abort dIme ezecutois will not b. hiable for tie said asFo i ttosl aaa np buinssinib bg ii. cureti boais, from Mn. Chans. Penny, wbose and livea a lifetime of lawless shame wltb belore ahi tic world will be awicel. pceo or c pr ho ons iwis daim ord oamnat prosperu bsnesiaie i ct.bahue ta always wcl supplied wib Ctret ler, a man wba viola-ici every principle of es opronofw s lam r ai Mr. Abert Sturgiss haa returneti fronum s eupet. depnecdbd- religion, moraliiy a ho eo na noiaimaaiPRIY io tIi tice s0f sunitdisvrIbin GreomeeeeraeGide, icktsan ran owqip n ib clmndl it wat terst.And e r w!" inoiataofsie hdisrorution Ilîckering w here be has been buîchering for i t r bi . A o h r h 11t id n h 1 Id, rla o Mn. Wni. Vanatone. Mn. VansLotie bas soiti orrthe ba and laite. li would be WeiliIf muet be sent on .trip tu ai *M ne O LL ÙuulVE8t ,101f-19 Joasuu As. Tbor4Psot, WX. PÂ&TTI-H-alIfrainf the business. same arrangements could Ine made wberebi scribes for tic boilê plate Gazette, and bas , ON Tsompsol<, ezectitora, Ragtlan Pu O0 Mr Frank Richardson ai the CliRONICLE tbe hanti concert would become a weekly mf-i influentlal relativei",who do ticesa-me :the SESSION 1897-8. F M YAamoLD, solicitor for eatate. staft went witb the Sunderlandi bandi to Uz- fair. ailier doean't nead bolier plate. Dated june 3otb, :897-5:-ta.E. l br idge on the 12th ai luly. The Truc Blues Dca-il of Uri J Worfolk. Reault of a-Litlei. EterPrili. Tic curriculum comptines Coureu lau ______________ ~ nWibOtC . of ibat îawn wcro celebrattig tue batile aif tilucb stunpatby la fiait for Mn James Wor- Wben Mn. T. G. Whitfield bought tic old the Boyne. fl nteýaho i ie hc n Leavenanropcniy on Atial street neanly aIl AÇTS iJcluding the DONALDA Rhu asm& ypesaO rsCo, p IAoLeu fie By an enronr in aur lait issue, in dlscussing event occured on Tuesday mornlng. Tic the knowig ones la îowa wanted hils saIty Coulait OR WoMEN), Ai'lLICID SCIENCE, hu i in o q laCr amendmenlts te the liceome lawsib e CHitRON deceaset lad y bas long been a suffener (nom looked into. Thene are nonia-ny croakens MEDICINE, LÂw, end V"TERINÂRY Sci- 2CLE îîtated thai ihe bour for closinq hbauds consumptlon, and sougit te mia-y is progresa in ibis îown wbo art bound te spin out themrac.Mtiuaio, Ehbto n in towns lu to p,. i. intesti o 1 p ni._ The îbrec yeans mgo by bavintI one îeg amputât- lives undcr a sort of icîplema spehl tiat tioseEN . MatCuall, Eiblo -dl' wrr m Ti sr u ra laterhou I iie orec an. . atino cdaith thgb Hn mffri~ olyceaa-d bo av ahitleenerpis ar gaeall Sioa-ihl ER-mnSEPT.;tl beied - 51 T.P&TIC ST, IIY 31,i 18JI. a iih nbat a h fra re bwve.Dana îemaib ra xecua aî1lfclLa- ~« mDC4à2v% SP.;A.OTAAJL-3,186 OTTU i "5 Two v uccidn men (rom Toronto paised pf se ffmi l in e dry Pe plc w h.ni> hebic k... onof iii isiforlot e.ePon triai.md w îrhcon Satirday wîtsaver*c by ele wobv o i vlle . i iam r le a ,subiq<~ ~d A .C R O L ~ thrau gh hene an thein way ta the city lrom àanaremore or les preuitid& ga-it oet raota-t ai ssIai*th esUpof 4 16 Eti t orit ium. "' er t eooderltoolapick up the ,ao=Ulgitmlou " tnp north <on Monday. Thcy wcrc rldtng a- and pornefa-ily hate theon, eei it essOut; but on arrivaIit ai b tbyof 1110 WS'dRtC V» tane iyl, n l-neti to bave coven- (rom ignoranlce or envy. Thcy mre ail p aiett dsjarni ioulaib.e "àtfdt.i«"d*4o cd the distance oi 18 Miles bten otwatcîlng for smie qdy be r t> n»«bbUe M o 64 8*dl Wib n îb y ta teibgi > P rtM u il ts t e oure b ofthei a- il u Of o t i l . t - % b~ * 4 êw i n îbc fok ave ibe oti w selfibilute law a-snloscd 10 <oniaiu thile es-lie. I tw01it? At sai. 5Wl5UMW C5S A.*ad Penny anti Wbiby in 40 mnuersI ue a-emru$0t0001 brokc wien îbev wcro bal a miIle vemI Of bave a prelîY goo ld«w o « s7an ve e folf ld M tUieu'E 4 $a00U uown, and îbey took a- fearfu l oa-don. The visa tbeClisaoNlcL. rsferned lo the four Or t.th oat vasja-masai. tisalliefS Mbe ffrd «MMbPt manI rotsal ong te aeuund so fa-r lveyoung la-ssem vie lisecv5iWb>dV 09r hornenuder * the utpnuhsl"ltba t . * d r l i, e 2 pvtwu ' fixoy *0W 4.de Mbaninbfworte csboiidcr out of bis sweater. tiebe iet. I me seor twocf tissu -ns lP gI a outt gw« or i a &«0 The ide ai bishbc a imswcîd aiîat . Tiey cluier do ulr a r iy All httebït ntç looked 1ke as if halated by ar1ndb asnmi >uo ~ ~ ~ B d leta-tbigboa-t vwu &Wt uth badly burt In ma-ny ways. The ma-n on the tssl~and ail the ";%ssa-od she g ctsvauas dlooitd. 'ZI" hlnd mca-i tippeiea aePni o e enl~ope short, oa aiviioge vcry mmu, If thcY r. estaas roti. ie tademfoilawlt)g suit. a-nd wbhti do not mindaivat îbeY arec about." csatti i.ag a ei Hh r-e. o a-S not badly burt, aadmTiceoltovitiglu bis reuhi ai ti cxa-iuID- 35p10tomiers essi have bo thbru e. is o a-de back îo Dr Warren for tlons beîd in pril 1ai aitti h by cotgk m S pmopie o b v sfu hetan for Toronto on glate insttue: to sid-, .dIlbTts Ileea ui& 21c~iddS tu Temd y O too ,tai erg.O- johnotoniMary Smith, Ch» asa v&,-Ar ap-t>OuOr>Sobotes Torodal o Qîbe Mis tdi-#M&mayaC rc,1RmBor li1t5 .Dev4t a-qtt repa To Tbey îo k"titmtri tith Taylor,,R4w-teowde Noru *111CO alocuittinTmacbe.w. U 1.aai 15 ) AI a lu e STobe B asbMn ap M -yR 5d O5,N li,, a les -#s , les ls Abe~yi4 pI T oro 0ioa a Il o-Ma î,viowa ak go ià%xtortui aalgtc~r ne pnd ber Ho0"ldsy,11%]w *,#M W- fý e - ' le t Aiyma-culle ta ytetan son. elIMayrthaiU4lllniLs bmvuM duiîca vau tc*oeiiiiof icooflgreta la-sj Septtubr. imaMara-Yt. n&peIeeaai ullceMydsessoe. 5 sia-I cuClcturintesbtrii <ontS aes i1l a sef10bca-doell> orvlae 6.11, cia-a-- t1 enCII i rt i-er pia- bilan Kec-«4s K isonsiOù Mllcadudoronfto, prand fte'ru S S Ne, Stt . Vm Wflr.32î»Smfl 4*wmuç- duie *mite f aii' * îotittil uiaoAsiseva AIUA ie . ?hoi aIo ex5- ?Àalu d posîîl IÀapseilve-u visEeeAlicMuéfffqar an rmaflolS# MimR Iolius a Provi beW** Ma-as V

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